
=== careless is now known as manacit
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Haunt_Housethanks, de-facto it kinda works now00:11
de-factonice congratz :)00:11
milismanhow can handle a protocol in a file manager00:14
milisman like smb://,it handles with smbclient00:15
milismani want to handle toxfs:// with my toxclient daemon00:15
wyoungmilisman: that is nautalus / gvfs I suspect00:15
milismane.g toxfs://milisman/fileA00:15
wyoungSome one correct me if I am wrong00:15
milismanwith gvfs how?00:17
milismani will write e.g toxfs://milisman/fileA and f.m will show file via toxfs client00:18
blissfulI cannot get irssi to disable join/leave notices...00:19
Rhorseblissful: may want to try #irssi00:20
blissfulalthough maybe I spoke too soon? /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS00:20
blissfulseems to have worked00:20
Bashing-omblissful: Yeah command ' /ignore #channel JOINS QUITS ' .00:21
de-factomilisman depends on which file manager you want to use, for gnome nautilus is the most common one which is integrated with gvfs (for handling file system protocols abstraction layer in the background). if you want to use that you probably should ask the #gnome developers about how to integrate your protocol in there00:21
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milismanok thanks de-facto00:21
ShaRoseWow. sudo apt-get install r8168-dkms really helped a lot.00:23
ShaRoseI was suspecting it was a hardware failure :V00:23
ShaRose(my nic was getting ~80 mbps in and 60 mbps out even with iperf3)00:23
velushello i have this conf file for my testing server im creating a site on http://pastebin.com/v387mpLc when i go to pagansocial.local/signup (which is setup in the site correctly) it comes up with a page not found, yet if i go to pagansocial.local it shows the home page if i add /home it says page not found (yet home is the home page) can someone please help me and point out where i have gone wrong please00:24
blissfuldate | awk -F00:30
tgm4883velus: output of "/var/www/pagansocial/html" ?00:36
tgm4883velus: output of "ls /var/www/pagansocial/html" ?00:36
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
jalechi everyone! I have a question. Still fairly new to linux in general...i tried out several distros and decided for now that ubuntu is the best fit. I did however really like the apt frontend on sparkylinux (APTus) so thought i'd try to install it on ubuntu. i managed to do it but now my ubuntu is calling itself SparkyLinux Desktop and is running noticeably slower....How can I fix this? I haven't even run APTus yet...I think in a system00:53
beverlyHELP plz.00:53
beverlyIts Beverly in NYC00:53
cfhowlettjalec, remove aptus00:54
beverlyIt keeps saying Password for DELL in Terminal Window - how do i clear the CAHE or UNINSTALL all Java plz. ??00:54
jalecwhen i try to do that in synaptic, it says its also going to remove a ton of programs00:55
beverlyHow do i get Password for DELL ?00:55
beverlywhat is GRUB Menu?00:56
cfhowlettjalec, proceed then sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop     will get you back to normal uubuntu00:56
coupehello there00:56
beverlyBEVERLY needs your Help in getting a password for tewrminal Window00:56
cfhowlett!patience | beverly,00:56
ubottubeverly,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:56
jalecok, going to try it, cfhowlett. thanks for the help00:57
cfhowletthappy2help! jalec00:58
beverly...Can anybody give me a TELEPHONE # i can call to get UBUNTU assistance for my Desktop & retrieve a password or NEW 1 ?00:58
beverly>>>>>I am in NYC00:59
cfhowlettbeverly, knock it off.00:59
jaleccfhowlett, mark for removal or complete removal? i'm guessing complete...01:00
cfhowlettthis is a volunteer channel.  if yo need INSTANT answers, considering purchasing a support package from canonical. otherwise, be patient and wait your turn like everyone else.01:00
cfhowlettjalec, aptus should be removed then, DO NOT shutdown or logout, immediately install ubuntu-desktop01:01
squintybeverly,  you need to state exactly what you are trying to do or exactly what is not happening etc.  if you are trying to type in your user password in a terminal, you won't see anything displayed for security reasons.  just blindly type your password and then press the Enter key01:02
jalecokay. done. should i restart now? do I need to do anything else?01:03
beverly....I dont have ANY PASSWORD - how doo i make a NEW 1 ??01:04
tgm4883beverly: you can make one in recovery01:04
tgm4883!recovery | beverly01:04
ubottubeverly: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode01:04
beverlyI dont know how - GRUB Menu ?01:04
beverlyit ays F-12 when it does BIOS ?01:04
tgm4883beverly: looking at the backlog, you aren't patient enough for me to want to help you01:05
beverlyit says BOOT menu F-12 - is that GRUB ? or BIOS ??01:05
antiPoPhi, ubuntu ask for password too ofter, for example when I change the desktop wallpaper. how can I fix that?01:05
tgm4883beverly: bios01:05
squintybeverly,  try holding down the shift key immediately after your computer splash screen has been shown01:05
beverlyok - it wnet to Utility01:06
Hierro59 update of ubuntu studio 14 to 16 and can not find my files. Where they can be?01:06
beverlyis F-12 the GRUB menu in Ubuntu 13.3 desktop ?01:06
jaleccfhowlett, should I reboot after reinstall ubuntu-desktop? just want to make sure01:06
squintyHierro59, #ubuntu-studio01:07
cfhowlettjalec, yes, after reinstall01:07
beverly...Ideally i am trying to CLEAN the CACHE & remove JAVA01:07
cfhowlettsquinty he belongs here01:07
jaleccool. thanks much!!01:07
Hierro59squinty I have referred to this chat01:07
squintybeverly,  there is no ubuntu 13.03 and even if there was it would be eol (in other words dead)01:07
ShaRosebeverly bit of a silly question, but is the computer you are trying to reset the password on yours?01:08
beverlyok - what i type in COMMAND to see what System i am Using PLZ> ?01:08
squintybeverly, lose the caps please01:08
cfhowlettbeverly, 13.* has been dead and unsupported for some time now.  install a supported ubuntu01:08
beverly....Plz. tell me what to yppe in Command Line ?01:09
tgm4883beverly: 'lsb_release -a'01:09
de-factocat /etc/lsb-release01:09
beverlyit sayd Dell DV051 -$01:09
beverlyyrusty ZORIN OS 901:10
squintyno supported here01:10
cfhowlettthere it is.  OK, beverly.  we do not support zorin here.  at all.  no, not even a little.01:10
beverlywhats that mean ZORIN ? i saw 13.3 before01:10
cfhowlettfor zorin support, go to the zorin channels.01:10
beverlyi saw Ubuntu 3.13.301:11
cfhowlettbeverly, zorin is a NOT-ubuntu operating system.  go to zorinos.com for assistance01:11
tgm4883beverly: support for your OS is in #ZorinOS01:12
beverlyWOW - thanks i had thought i had UBUNTU 13.301:12
tgm4883beverly: your welcome01:12
beverlyHe sold me this DESKTOP from CRAIGSLIST for $50 & said it was a LINUX OS01:12
squintylose the caps01:13
beverly& my JAVA never loads01:13
cfhowlettzorin is a linux os.  it is not an ubuntu oOS.  for for $50 you did OK01:13
tgm4883beverly: still the wrong channel for support01:13
jaleccfhowlett, did everything you said, and upon reboot it is still displaying as sparkylinux desktop in the top lefthand corner of the screen. it looks like the ubuntu desktop and all but....01:14
squintybeverly,  or grab a ubuntu iso and install that01:14
tgm4883oh geez that is a sad channel01:14
beverlyNo way am i Installing any OTHER oper. system - it should be ONE per desktop -no ?01:14
squintybeverly,  lose the caps   they are not needed.  and you can install whatever you want01:15
cfhowlettbeverly, your choice.  at any rate, please take it up with #zorinos.  not here.01:15
cfhowlettjalec, could be hthat your system was renamed to sparklylinux.01:15
FManTropyx#ZorinOS has 3 people on it01:15
beverlyso type in # Zorinat what .Com ?01:16
tgm4883beverly type  /join #zorinos01:16
squintygood reason to install ubuntu or some other well supported os then01:16
cfhowlettjalec, see: http://askubuntu.com/questions/523731/change-computer-name-after-installing-ubuntu-14-0401:16
tgm4883squinty: +101:16
Zennhello guys was wondering if you guys can help me out Im trying to run the following android Application01:17
FManTropyxthere is also a brand new 16.04 out :)01:17
Zennbut it does not work :( on genymotion01:17
Zennbluestacks only support windows01:17
envyi clicked "X" in the top corner to close rhythmbox, but songs keep playing, how do i properly close it without killing it via terminal? (found it does this by design. facepalm.)01:17
jalecyeah that could be it i guess....i just remember during a system update after installing aptus the terminal said something about replacing sparkylinux #.##.## over ubuntu #.##.## like I said, still learning so everything might be fine....i'll look at that link01:17
tgm4883Zenn: that sounds like a question for genymotion01:18
squintyenvy,  iirc  File -> close01:19
envysquinty: but i can't click File for the rhythmbox window now that it is "hidden".01:20
squintyenvy,  right click on your speaker icon   you maybe able to do it from there too01:20
jalecif i decide to just reinstall ubuntu, which flavor do you guys think is the most friendly for people still learning linux systems? i heard MATE is pretty good. I'm just using regular ubuntu right now01:21
squintyenvy,  don't have any music files on this box right now, so am relying on memory.  maybe someone else can chime in if those suggestions don't work01:21
envysquinty: thanks! was able to "open" rhythmbox again and file->quit.01:22
squintyenvy,  good to hear. :)01:22
cfhowlettjalec, truly want to experience deep learning of linux?  ubuntu-server.  no gui.01:22
tgm4883cfhowlett: that's brutal for a new user01:23
jalecmaybe as an install on an external HD, but I want something pretty easy for my main install01:23
cfhowletttgm4883, :)01:23
cfhowlettjalec, try this: install the official ubuntu of your choice.  maintain the system via the command line.01:24
envystrangest feature. X should be close. it's the international symbol for closing something completely. it's like someone screaming and waving wih their arms out at sea, he/she/it needs help.01:24
jalecso it's better to update that way, rather than using system update from the application menu?01:25
cfhowlettjalec, you will learn more from the command line.  the gui hides stuff from you for ease of users01:25
tgm4883not better, differen01:26
guest55055is apparmor the module that provides file permissions(ie read-write allowed by user/group etc)?01:26
aidrocsidtrying to install ubuntu on my other machine with PXE, able to boot into it but it freezes as soon as i hit install01:26
aidrocsidjust sitting there on the menu01:26
jalecand that's sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade, right?01:26
cfhowlettsudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade01:26
virtuosojanyone here running Wine on Ubuntu? should I go for stable or development version?01:26
tgm4883guest55055: no01:27
guest55055so removing apparmor wont remove that feature?01:27
Bashing-omjalec: Bed time reading material: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html#_debian_package_management_prerequisites .01:27
tgm4883guest55055: no, but that begs the questions. Why do you want to remove file permissions?01:28
jaleccool, thanks bashing01:28
guest55055i dont want to, just doing research into acl01:28
tgm4883this sounds like homework01:29
Bashing-omjalec: Get beyond the point and click .. it is a facinating world .01:29
cfhowlettthis ^^!01:29
tgm4883It's a world with job opportunities!01:31
guest55055tgm4883, the file permissions are set by acl right?01:31
tgm4883guest55055: you can set file permissions by acl if you install it01:31
guest55055so without it any user can change any file properties, right?01:32
tgm4883guest55055: what is your end goal here?01:32
guest55055dont know yet01:33
guest55055yes/no ?01:33
tgm4883guest55055: well figure it out, then come ask questions01:33
jaleccool, this will make for good reading material. thanks again! any other resources that you would recommend?01:33
tgm4883guest55055: https://www.linux.com/learn/understanding-linux-file-permissions01:33
Rhorsehi, is 16.04 set up to mount android phones automagically when plugged in?01:34
cfhowlettjalec, http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20090405061458383/20oftheBestFreeLinuxBooks-Part1.html01:34
guest55055yes, but what enables/activates all those permissions?01:34
buuWhy does pavucontrol think my GK107 HDMI Audio Controller is unplugged when I'm watching video through that exact hdmi connection?01:35
Piggybear87Anyone know why my girlfriend can play offline, but not online?01:36
jalecalright, thanks guys. this was very helpful.01:36
cfhowlettshe has no skillz?01:36
Piggybear87I mean "Red Eclipse has encountered a problem".01:36
tgm4883guest55055: is this for a class?01:37
Piggybear87Oh, for some reason... I'm on the wrong channel... Lol.01:37
guest55055its for understanding01:37
guest55055just say yes or no01:37
Bashing-omjalec: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty .01:37
guest55055tgm4883, is the package acl what enables all those permissions?01:38
jalecbashing, would you recommend trusty over xenial?01:38
tgm4883guest55055: no01:38
Bashing-omguest55055: Linux .. there is no yes or no .. only options .01:38
cfhowlettjalec, they are both LTS.  I will remain on trusty until 16.04.1 comes out.01:39
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andy__i'm using lubuntu 14.04.  my download speed is around 7 mbps on the 1st floor. i have a wifi extender already.  my normal speed is 60 mpbs01:40
andy__i want to make sure that my wifi driver is the best version01:40
andy__how do i check please01:40
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JanCbuu: is audio enabled in that HDMI display?01:45
velustgm4883, sorry i wnt to fix somethign for a mate and one sec i will do the ls now01:49
velusindex.php and app (folder for the site application)01:49
tgm4883velus: so there is no "home"?01:50
velushome page is in app/views/pages/main/index.php (which is the main page of the site) the index page collects what is after the domain i.e /home then will check the db then get the file name and catagory i.e index.php then will load the file from /app/views/pages/{catagory}/{file} and load that. it worked on my windows system ok (when i started building it) but now it wont work01:52
virtuosojI accidentally typed this into terminal: "sudo dpkg --add-architecture 1386 "01:52
virtuosojinstead of i386. How do I reverse that command and remove the architecture?01:52
OerHeksvirtuosoj, awesome .. if that command did not return an error01:55
tgm4883virtuosoj: man dpkg01:55
gshmuwhere can i set apt to using proxy, /etc/apt/apt.conf not work at Ubuntu 16.0401:57
Zennis this true that microsoft is spying on us o.o\01:59
velustgm4883, can you help please01:59
jadenpeteAnyone know of some free, addicting games for Linux?02:00
cfhowlett!games | jadenpete02:00
ubottujadenpete: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/02:00
tgm4883velus: I'd restate your question and wait for others to chime in02:01
OerHeksgshmu, apt + proxy, "System Settings/Networking/network proxy" handles that, choose manual configuration; this updates "/etc/apt/apt.conf"02:01
gshmuOerHeks, I edit the file, and I don't want set system proxy02:02
OerHeksZenn, mail them to read our sourcecode02:02
OerHekswell, networkmanager handles that, AFAIK, so that might bite.02:04
gshmuOerHeks, thanks you, I find testing "select best server" do not using this conf02:05
aidrocsidpxe install just finished up now it's just sitting there after a reboot saying "lvmetad is not active yet, using direct activation during sysinit" x2 and then "/dev/mapper/NAME--vg-root: clean, 54880/30236672 files/ 2193605/120926208 blocks"02:05
aidrocsidany advice?02:05
iulianmaybe  in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and there add <Directory /home> so that apache knows it is OK to access the area02:05
Kuroganehey guys, how i can check what php version and modules i have installed?02:05
andy__do lubuntu use the wifi driver like ubuntu?02:06
andy__do lubuntu use the wifi driver like ubuntu?02:06
lunarmagewhich package contains the Python module pynotify (Ubuntu 16.04)02:09
velushello i have this conf file for my testing server im creating a site on http://pastebin.com/v387mpLc when i go to pagansocial.local/signup (which is setup in the site correctly) it comes up with a page not found, yet if i go to pagansocial.local it shows the home page if i add /home it says page not found (yet home is the home page) can someone please help me and point out where i have gone wrong please02:10
OerHekslunarmage, http://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/python-notify/filelist02:11
lunarmageOerHeks: oh, I was using python-notify202:12
de-factoKurogane  you can create a file in your webroot like "echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" > info.php and open that with your browser (through your webserver). note you might get better support in ##php and #httpd02:13
Kuroganede-facto, thanks but i find better solution with dpkg -l thanks.02:15
iulianvelus, look in /etc/apache2/.conf  and there add <Directory /home>02:15
velusi dont get what you mean?02:15
de-factovelus support in ##php and #httpd02:16
velusi have asked in there but there is no reply all day02:16
veluswell not to me02:16
de-factovelus this is not really ubuntu specific, but you might find more info to hint you to a solution if you look in the log files (i guess in /var/log/apache2/*)02:18
gshmuwhy `apt-get upgrade`  3 not upgraded of kernel02:19
zykotick9gshmu: try "apt upgrade" or "apt-get dist-upgrade"02:20
gshmuzykotick9, thanks it's working02:22
iulianjust add line  <Directory /home> something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/16270958/02:23
velusin the access it says its not found, and in error.log nothing02:24
bynarieso i have 2 text files that contain various different words, some duplicate words in each file. whats a good way to merge the 2 text files into 1 text file while stripping duplicates???02:29
OerHeksbynarie, diff "File_1.txt" "File_2.txt" ( or install a graphical app like meld)02:31
OerHeks!info meld02:31
ubottumeld (source: meld): graphical tool to diff and merge files. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.14.2-1 (xenial), package size 445 kB, installed size 2895 kB02:31
bynariei have meld, but im not quite sure how to "merge"02:32
de-factobynarie are the words each on one line separately?02:32
bynariejust spaced02:32
aidrocsidso like ubuntu should be installed here but all i see is /dev/sda1: clean, #/# files, #/# blocks02:33
de-factoyou could replace all spaces with newlines, then "cat file1 file2 | sort -n | uniq > file3" then replace all newlines with spaces02:33
de-factobynarie ^^02:33
aidrocsidblinking cursor, nothing else02:33
bynariede-facto, thank you02:33
aidrocsidwhat's up with that02:34
de-factoaidrocsid i guess we would need more info to help you02:36
aidrocsidokay so i did a pxe install and after the reset it just says /dev/sda1 clean02:36
aidrocsidand then numbers/numbers files, numbers/numbers blocks02:36
aidrocsidseems to just hang on the cursor forever after that02:37
aidrocsidsecond time i've done the PXE install and it's done it both times02:37
de-factoaidrocsid well how did you install it? which version of ubuntu? did you install a gui? what do you expect to happen?02:38
aidrocsidI installed ubuntu 16 LTS over PXE, command line install02:38
aidrocsidi expect that after it says to reset because the install is complete that i can boot into the drive and it will be installed02:39
aidrocsidinstead it apparently tells me that the drive is clean and then sits there02:39
de-factoaidrocsid hmm so did you install a gui or just text mode headless (like a server version)? anyways you should end up at a login screen of some type i guess02:40
aidrocsidi installed the standard ubuntu LTS, not server edition02:41
aidrocsidyeah, it's just hanging at a blank cursor02:41
de-factoaidrocsid why did you install in text mode? did you test the gui with a livecd on that box?02:42
buufuck computers forever02:42
aidrocsidbecause i'm installing it over PXE and it was taking forever to load the full installer02:42
kajoHi. I'm trying to use a monitor, but the EDID seems to be no good, so it won't connect. I've tried following instructions on google to edit xorg.conf and use an online edid, but no dice. Can anyone help me? It's to use a Shimian QH270 27" 1440p monitor, if you know about it (bit of a following)02:42
aidrocsidshouldn't really make a difference, the text installer for ubuntu works fine02:42
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de-factoaidrocsid can you switch to tty1 with ctrl + alt + f1  and login there?02:44
aidrocsidhey there we go02:44
aidrocsidokay i have a command line02:45
de-factolook for some log files which indicate what went wrong02:45
aidrocsiddid i maybe not actually get the wm?02:45
de-factoalso check dmesg, journald and systemctl02:45
de-factowell normally you can restart it via "sudo systemctl restart lightdm" i guess02:46
de-factoif it did not fail way before that02:46
aidrocsidlightdm.service: unit lightdm.service not found02:46
de-factoaidrocsid but you expect to have installed the gui version, right?02:47
de-factonot sure what you did in the installer02:47
aidrocsidwell i just downloaded the version that the pxe tutorial directed me to02:47
Bashing-omaidrocsid: Desktop ? Anything ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' ?02:47
aidrocsidit could be a version with no GUI for all i know i suppose02:47
aidrocsidis that all one command02:48
Bashing-omaidrocsid: Opps bad paste : both -> echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP02:49
Bashing-omenv | grep XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP02:49
aidrocsidlol i typed what you said before and now it's just on a blinking cursor again02:49
aidrocsidshould i reset or is there a way to get out of that02:50
joe__Hi. I have a problem with MATE 1.12.1The screen just goes blank on occasion. I am unable to do anything at that point except reboot. I am running on HP Pavilion. Any ideas what I can look at to correct this?02:50
kajo(If it's not taboo, I'll repost every once in a while looking for help... will try to make sure it's been long enough to fall off the screen) ---> I'm trying to use a monitor, but the EDID seems to be no good, so it won't connect. I've tried following instructions on google to edit xorg.conf and use an online edid, but no dice. Can anyone help me?02:50
kajoIt's to use a Shimian QH270 27" 1440p monitor, if you know about it (bit of a following)02:50
aidrocsidthere we go02:51
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aidrocsidi'm gonna install lxde02:53
Bashing-omaidrocsid: My 1st paste is correct ... sysop@1404mini:~$ echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP >> xfce   XFCE .02:53
aidrocsidi guess i should install lightdm too if it isn't there yet02:55
de-factoaidrocsid there are meta packages which install a full gui desktop and require also the login managers as depencency02:56
Bashing-omaidrocsid: Might see if the X layer is installable / What returns ' dpkg -l xorg ' ?02:56
aidrocsidwill lxde requrie all that? it had like 1000 dependencies to install02:56
aidrocsidwell right now it's busily installing lxde02:56
de-factoi guess it requires all it needs to start into a gui DE02:57
aidrocsidso like what's the difference between something like peppermint and a minimal ubuntu build with lxde?02:58
aidrocsidis it even worth it to then juggle partitions to get peppermint on there?02:58
de-factoaidrocsid not sure what you mean by peppermint, but linux-mint is not supported here if you meant that02:59
aidrocsidpeppermint is some variety of ubuntu that runs lxde02:59
aidrocsidbut i think they put some stuff that's usually packaged with mint in there too03:00
de-factoah ok but not an official ubuntu flavor i guess03:00
aidrocsidyeah i'm just wondering like system wise what the difference with something like that even is03:00
aidrocsidif it's ubuntu-based does that just mean it's ubuntu with a different WM and a different selection of programs?03:00
buuHow do I tell if my video card is outputting hdcp2.2?03:00
OerHeksaidrocsid, the difference is great support.03:01
jsiwhat happened ubuntus software center03:01
jsiit sucks now03:01
jsiI cant even locate wine03:01
aidrocsidwell if that's the *only* difference aside from WM and programs that's kind of a no-brainer03:02
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elkyaidrocsid: the official ubuntu lxde offering is called lubuntu and has a channel at #lubuntu. we have no control over and can't answer for changes made by other derivatives.03:05
jsiwhy are there so many programs not showing in the ubuntu software center, like wine?03:06
OerHeksjsi check if you have univers repo enabled in sources03:07
OerHeks!info wine03:07
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)03:07
OerHekspackage size 0kb.03:07
OerHeksinstalled size 6 kb .. magic03:08
jsiOerHeks: well when I type sudo apt-get download wine it gives an error03:08
jsibefore it would install in the previous versions of ubuntu03:09
OerHeksapt-get install wine .. or just apt install wine03:09
aidrocsidyeah i don't expect you to elky i just am wondering what the actual difference is03:09
jsiReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package wine03:09
elkyaidrocsid: i can't answer that because i know nothing of peppermint.03:10
OerHeksjsi again: check if you have univers repo enabled in sources03:10
Ph1LZhey! quick question regarding 16.04: I'm changing my /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init.cfg from dhcp to static IP but I'm losing my changes at each reboot. Can someone help me please? ( 16.04 server on EC2 )03:10
dax(maybe the peppermint folks would know better?)03:10
daxPh1LZ: if you don't get an answer here, #ubuntu-server might be helpful03:10
aidrocsidyeah the peppermint channel is dead, i thought maybe you guys might know about variation distros in general03:10
Ph1LZoops.. you're right! thank dax03:11
aidrocsidlike whether they're just WMs and programs or if there's some fundamental real difference like changes to the operating system itself03:11
DubdotcalmJsl - http://www.ubuntumaniac.com/2016/01/install-wine-190-on-ubuntu-linux-mint.html?m=103:11
elkyaidrocsid: well if the channel is dead, then one difference is that the #lubuntu channel is not, and can thus actually support you :)03:11
aidrocsidthat's true they might know more about it03:11
OerHeksDubdotcalm, really? mint help pages in ubuntu channel03:11
=== cv is now known as Guest97755
kajoHey anyone who can help with xorg.conf and EDID stuff, having trouble getting a monitor properly interfacing with ubuntu 14.04. Thanks.03:11
elkyaidrocsid: yeah someone there is likely to have poked at peppermint at some point03:11
DubdotcalmOops. Wrong clipboard. My bad03:12
aidrocsidhave you used other variant distros though elky?03:12
gbit86I have ran into some sort of keymapping glitch on 16.04 that affects both xmodmap and xkbcomp, the first time my autostart "keyboard.desktop" file kicks off my shell script it works fine until I suspend my computer and wake it back up. My keys will then revert back, but if I logout and log back in it is fine, and going into suspend and waking back up also03:12
gbit86works fine.03:12
aidrocsiddo you know what they tend to be?03:12
elkyaidrocsid: not in a while03:12
OerHeksDubdotcalm, he just needs to check universe03:12
Guest97755I need some guidance on troubleshooting usb wifi. SOmetimes when I boot, its not there, if I restart network manager, it sometimes appears. I need it to appear every time03:12
DubdotcalmYeah, I googled and copied from Mint deriv by mistake.03:13
Guest97755this is the output of lsusb http://pastebin.com/FGTJfNwp03:13
DubdotcalmRealistically should have just linked Google lol03:13
Guest97755im on 16.0403:14
OerHeksgbit86, debian answer, could not find an ubuntu eq. >> http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/59623/custom-keyboard-layout-is-reset-to-default-after-standby-or-reboot03:20
OerHeksor maybe i am totally wrong03:21
gbit86Ah, thanks OerHeks. I saw a similar thread, and I have tried some of the suggestions, but one of the commenters mentioned a few things I have not read yet.03:22
gbit86It is still a very odd bug to me, because while re-issuing the command every time coming out of sleep may fix it, it is also something that is not issue if you login, logout and log back in a second time and that is what bothers me. To know that this behavior is only repeatable on the 1st login, it feels like a type of glitch, not something that fails by03:24
gshmuI'm setting the apt using proxy, but this seeming some bug03:24
gbit86not an* issue if you (etc.)03:24
OerHekswell, ~/.xsession is not read after suspend/sleep03:25
gbit86I think I may find a way to skip it altogether. I'd rather set it in a more permanent way and not worry about maintaining it via scripts at all.03:25
gshmuapt update and select best server, no connection with proxy03:25
gbit86right but the second comment mentions "/etc/pm/sleep.d"03:26
gbit86this also has some plausible solutions as well http://askubuntu.com/questions/661715/make-a-script-start-after-suspend-in-ubuntu-15-04-systemd03:26
meridelHello there03:26
meridelAnyone has any problem with jar executable files ? Looks like my java crashes...03:27
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
Kuroganehow i can get this promt again? http://pastie.org/private/ozjbcamn3pjb4bbkmzgwsa04:02
Bashing-omKurogane: ' sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package> ' maybe ?04:06
=== nefarious is now known as Guest48492
mattwj2002hi guys04:12
mattwj2002could I get invited to #ubuntu-social please?04:12
YokoBRhi folks04:14
YokoBRhmmmm, anybody unsing docker + php + mongodb + ubuntu 16.04?04:14
mattwj2002can someone tell me more about these ubuntu tablets/04:15
mattwj2002does it run full ubuntu?04:15
YokoBRguys please04:34
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
Ghost_r00thello sirs;04:34
YokoBRhow to i install mongo driver on ubuntu 16.04 with php5?04:34
Ghost_r00ttell me how to set -variant switch for one of this layout in setxkbmap? **setxkbmap -layout "us,ru" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle"**04:36
Ghost_r00tor any other way that one could issue the setxkbmap command04:36
Bashing-omGhost_r00t: To add a keyboard layout using LXDE (change "jp" for your default, and "ch(fr)" for your second layout): setxkbmap -layout "jp,ch(fr)" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" .04:43
Ghost_r00tBashing-om, thank you mate; just a set of "()"04:47
Ghost_r00treally !!!!!04:47
Bashing-omGhost_r00t: If that works for ya, to make it permanent , add the command at the end of your /home/user/.bashrc file .04:50
Ghost_r00tBashing-om, yup. It did04:50
Bashing-omGhost_r00t: Good deal . :)05:03
administradorHola. Tengo Lubuntu 14.04 64bits. Acabo de instalar el driver amdgpu-pro_16.15.2-277429 y Vulkna, di reboot, pero no se como accesar una GUI para modificar la resolucion de mi monitor05:07
lotuspsychje!es | administrador05:08
ubottuadministrador: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:08
administradorI thought I was in Lubuntu-es XP05:08
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Guest1835#join szdiy05:09
Guest1835fast type05:09
administradorsorry... But you might help. I am using Lubuntu 14.04 64bits. I have installed the amdgpu-pro_16.15.2-277429 driver and  Vulkan, rebooted but I do not know how to access a GUI to change my monitor resolution05:10
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Ghost_r00tBashing-om, I read that it is also possible to put it in X11 xorg config file too. YES?!!??05:14
Ghost_r00tBashing-om, not the command per say but as xml directives.05:15
omkar__can I upgrade kubuntu 12.04 to kubuntu16.0405:15
dchapman!kubuntu | omkar05:15
ubottuomkar: Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde05:15
lotuspsychjeomkar__: first upgrade to 14.04,then wait until 16.04.1 comes out05:17
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | omkar__05:17
ubottuomkar__: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.05:17
Ghost_r00tomkar__, the version bump is a bit problematic. you may encounter miss matches and things not working. but if you are able to troubleshoot, you would be fine.05:18
Ghost_r00tjust change your source.lst and do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:18
Ghost_r00tgoof luck omkar__05:19
omkar__so the suggested way could be to upgrade 14.04 first05:19
omkar__and then may be upgrade that to 16.0405:19
omkar__coz earlier i have upgraded machines from 12.04 to 14.0405:20
omkar__using digitalocean article and it went fine05:20
Ghost_r00tomkar__, bit better I guess. but too much stuff to download. depends of your time05:20
Bashing-omGhost_r00t: Maybe, I have never been there or given it any thought ., I do not see how playing around in the X layer would have the desired effect .05:20
Ghost_r00t*/depends of/depends on05:20
Ghost_r00tBashing-om, so you suggesting the bash part?05:22
Ghost_r00tnow tell me this How to enforce that setxkbmap command to execute per window?05:22
Ghost_r00tthat is another issue that eluded me so far05:23
Bashing-omGhost_r00t: just add the command - setxkbmap -layout "jp,ch(fr)" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" - to the end of your /home/user/.bashrc file. log out and back in for it to take effect .05:26
Ghost_r00tBashing-om, no way to tell setxkbmap to enforce the layout change per window?05:27
Bashing-omGhost_r00t: I would ecpect it to be global within your user session .. no ?05:28
=== Drac0 is now known as Guest1603
rajiv1I am using "geary" as my  email client. Whenever i delete a mail from the inbox, geary crashed. I don't know why this is happening. i am using ubuntu-mate 16.04 lts. Any body please help me.05:31
omkar__one of the programmer in my offices uses ubuntu but the problem she is not able to load emails in thunderbird cause the email server is on windows exchange server05:34
administradorHello. I am using Lubuntu 14.04 64bits. I have installed the amdgpu-pro_16.15.2-277429 driver and  Vulkan, rebooted but I do not know how to access a GUI to change my monitor resolution05:39
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=== Darek is now known as Guest98213
Ghost_r00tBashing-om, it is global I want it to be per-window05:58
Bashing-omGhost_r00t: I can not think of a way to give each window a separate instance . But there should be a way .06:02
Ghost_r00tBashing-om, there is a program in sourceforge with a name perwindow....something06:03
Ghost_r00tbut I want to know how xfce and such (WM/DE)s do this job?06:04
craZZterVagrant image for 16.04... Anyone know user/pass? First guess was vagrant/vagrant but no... Seems to use "ubuntu" as username but no obvious password seems to work06:04
Bashing-omGhost_r00t: The is the channel #xfce with some mighty smart folks .06:07
danjahanyone here?06:10
wafflejockdanjah, hello06:12
wafflejockdanjah, do you have an ubuntu support question?06:12
danjahhi, sorry, yes i do have one06:17
danjahi've googled quite a bit on this one, no avail so far. recently converted to ubuntu from win 10. wondering why my cursor seems to "slip off the edge" of the right hand side of my screen. i have "sticky edges" disabled, and there's no obvious display bugs. my updates are uptodate, i check i have active settings for nvidia graphics card, seems i do.06:19
danjahany ideas?06:19
danjah@wafflejock i guess using @* will bing you06:21
danjahmaybe not06:21
cfhowlettdanjah, posting the nick is sufficient to ping06:21
danjahgotchya, thanks cfhowlett06:21
danjahim not in a hurry to solve my query, but this seems to be just one UX thing that's bugging the heck out of me. scrollbars are typically right-aligned, and so when my cursor takes some extra milliseconds to get into place to scroll... well it's irritating06:23
Maohelp needed :) my launcher and panel is gone all i see is walpaper and i was able to open terminal and wright pidgin :)06:23
danjahim on ubuntu 16 LTS, which i understand is the latest and quite recent, but subsequent installs i've tried in my journeysinclude ubuntu 12 and 14 and had the same thing annoy me06:24
Maomy launcher and panel is gone all i see is walpaper and i was able to open terminal and wright pidgin06:26
=== craZZter_ is now known as craZZter
Kirkland_Signatui memed06:31
cfhowlettKirkland_Signatu, this is ubuntu support.  check your channel or stay on topic please.  thank you.06:32
CedaraMorning, for Ubuntu 16.04, is there another tool besides sysinfo to get out the system info? I liked it because it's graphical but it crashes repeatedly.06:34
SeveasCedara: lshw06:35
CedaraIs that Hardware Lister in the software center?06:36
Kirkland_Signatube quiet gay Cedara06:36
cfhowlett!ops | Kirkland_Signatu06:36
ubottuKirkland_Signatu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:36
SeveasCedara: no, it's a terminal command that's installed by default.06:37
Cedaracan do that06:37
Kirkland_Signatuubottu wew06:38
Cedarathanks, Seveas06:38
craZZterCedara: Quite often it's enough to take a look under /proc/*06:38
craZZterLike /proc/cpuinfo06:39
Kirkland_SignatuNIGGER ROFL06:40
Kirkland_SignatuBLAC PEOPLE ROFL06:43
danjahkk no answers here06:50
travis_Hi guys I'm currently getting very poor preformance running Ubuntu 16.04 on a HP 2000-210US laptop, I believe its the graphic driver. I installed the propritary one via additional drivers but it didnt seem to have any affect even after rebooting. Previously it was running Windows 7 without issue. Basically anything I do causes the computer to bogg down. Is there anyone who knows how I can solve this? My HP DV6 with NVidia with the06:54
travis_same ram doesnt have this issue with 16.04.06:54
travis_Gothjymz- Thanks!07:01
Gothjymzwelcome ^^07:05
travis_The installer looks like it's working. If it does work I'll let you know.. If not, then something went wrong :)07:20
ux2mahfiaz: how are you07:23
mahfiazI'm fine, how are you? any problems with ubuntu?07:24
ux2Not yet07:24
mahfiazgood for you :)07:24
travis_Awesome. My graphics issues are fixed! :) Thanks again!07:29
^MikeWhen you set up a VPN connection in network manager, where is that data stored? I'm trying to recover that file from a backup, but I don't know where it is07:32
CarlenWhiteWeird. I was pinged.07:35
CarlenWhiteI saw that baizon.07:35
baizonCarlenWhite: windows 10 :/07:35
CarlenWhiteYeah I know. I'm trash for using Windows etc etc.07:36
CarlenWhiteBut I have a Ubuntu file server and a Ubuntu home server so shush.07:36
CarlenWhiteLater I'll be using a Ubuntu Server to serve SSH sessions to small computers, probably Raspberry Pis, for a inventory management system.07:38
ducasse^Mike: /etc/NetworkManager/VPN/07:43
Abe_aaaahhh I shouldn't have done this :( now i needed to reinstall... and then i needed to go back to 14.04.. cuz 16.04 isn't even half done yet with it's 1000 bugs..07:43
Abe_sorry 10000000 bugs07:43
Abe_at least 14.04 is kinda stable.. doesn't matter i wanted to make a fresh install anyway...07:44
Mao is it save to install cinnamon desktop 3.20 on ubuntu 16.04 ?07:46
ducasseMao: it is safe to install the version in the repos, anything else is unsupported here.07:47
Maoducasse: what exactly you mean ?07:48
ducasseMao: if it's not the version in the repos then we won't help you if you get problems.07:48
Maook thx07:49
Abe_Mao: I wouldn't even use 16.04 yet.. the screen locker freezes, apt-get update gave me an Metadata broken error,The driver Manager is broken, I need to type in 10000 times my wifi password before it even tries to connect.. so weird some thing's in there. after 14.04 support runs out I'm switching to a different distro. not sure which one, but i will07:50
Abe_sorry wasn't even your question xD07:50
ducasseAbe_: xenial works perfectly for me.07:51
MaoAbe_: np mate07:51
xntht_thanks for the heads up. I was doubtion to upgrade to 16 lts. on 15.1007:51
Abe_ducasse: which DE are U using ??07:51
xntht_Abe_: thanks07:51
ducasseAbe_: none, I use i3.07:52
Abe_It's probably just KDE07:52
ducasseAbe_: ?07:52
Abe_I'm using KDE don't upgrade yet it's still to buggy wen't back to 14.0407:52
ducasseAbe_: oh, yes, that's possible. I tried Plasma a while back and it was horrible.07:53
Abe_The new KDE desktop is very buggy, not even ready yet07:53
xntht_so what about Unity?07:53
Abe_I don't know only tried the live CD, but I would stay with 14.04 as long as possible07:54
auronandacexntht_: i've had no problems with unity on 16.0407:54
Abe_Yes maybe Unity is more stable but the new KDE D-:07:55
thirdwhlAll, in upstart how can you set up a program to run under a tty you can Ctrl+Fn to see?  It's easy to do under sysvinit by editing the /etc/inittab but I don't see how to do this in upstart07:55
Abe_I wrote down all the bugs I encountered, and reportet them all07:56
Abe_but went back to 14.04 after that07:56
Abe_I also cannot boot the 16.04 live CD anymore?? first times it bootet up with no problems, Now it won't boot the Live CD... It's completely unlogical to me...and somehow even impossible?07:58
Abe_cuz I'm using the same "DVD" sorry07:58
xntht_auronandace: cool :)07:58
baizonAbe_: windows did block it07:58
Abe_I don't have windows07:58
Abe_I don't use it since XP ran out :D07:59
baizonAbe_: im just kidding, sorry07:59
Abe_no need to apologize ?07:59
ducasseAbe_: UEFI or Legacy BIOS?08:00
Abe_UEFI but it bootet up with no prob.08:01
Abe_Now it doesn't ?08:01
Abe_well It says "Start Kubuntu" and it loads and just leaves me with a blank screen.08:02
Abe_first times it bootet up ?08:02
ducasseAbe_: what GPU?08:02
Abe_completly impossible somehow08:02
Abe_processor type? I308:03
ducasseAbe_: no, graphics.08:03
Abe_oh sorry08:03
Abe_need to look wait08:03
ducasseAbe_: GPU = graphics, CPU = processor.08:04
Abe_yeah sorry xD08:04
Abe_Geforce GT 730M08:04
Abe_2gb memory08:04
Abe_ah have a question08:06
Abe_when I was in 16.04.. when it still bootet08:06
Abe_it gave me the driver option via terminal cuz additional driver wouldn't load in the gui... nvidia-36108:07
Abe_in 14.04 i only get nvidia-35208:07
rubiksmomoAny idea why I get a blank error dialog when trying to select nvidia/performance in prime settings?08:08
Abe_could I install the nvidia-361 in 14.04 anyway? even though it isn't in my recommended list?08:08
xnththow can one make sound work properly on Skype (ubuntu 14 lts)?08:08
ux2xntht: tried preferences ?08:08
xnthtI can hear the other person but my voice just echoes and doesn't reach the other end08:09
Abe_skype preferences, or sound preferences.. after that do a skype test call08:09
xnthtux2:tried everything08:09
craZZterShould anyone by any chance use Vagrant for Ubuntu16.04 - and happen to know the credentials for the official basebox? They don't seem to be vagrant/vagrant as is the most common08:09
rubiksmomoxntht, Do you have the same issue with Skype closed?08:09
xnthtand I'm not even a n00b. I never had this problem before08:09
ducasseAbe_: no idea, but if the proprietary driver has problems why don't you try nouveau?08:10
xnthtI tried that too08:10
Abe_ducasse: The proprietary driver works fine. but in 16.04 I get a newer driver recommended08:10
rubiksmomoAbe_, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa ; sudo apt-get update08:10
rubiksmomoxntht, And? Does the sound echo without Skype?08:11
xnthtIt's my girfriend's old notebook which was painfully slow on Wİndows so we decided to put peppermint 6 (which is basically 14lts)08:11
Abe_rubiksmomo: thank's I will try.. cuz I want the nvidia-361 now :D08:11
cfhowlettxntht, peppermint is NOT ubuntu OS and is not supported here.  sorry.  go to the peppermint site for your support options08:11
rubiksmomoAbe_, good luck ^_^08:12
Abe_even if it f* up my system... need to start here from scratch anyway08:12
xnthtoh. ok08:12
rubiksmomoAbe_, You could ctrl+alt+f1 to open tty1 and fix it. Or hold left shift at startup and choose recovery.08:13
Abe_yes I know tty thx I would do sudo apt-get remove nvidia-361... sudo apt-get install nvidia-35208:14
rubiksmomoAbe_, sounds like a plan :)08:15
Abe_uuuu it even recommend's me nvidia-364 wow08:15
minas114Hello! Let's say I have two deb packages installed, P1 and P2, both depend on package C. If I uninstall P1, C will not get removed, right? i.e. apt-get will keep track of how many packages are using C.08:15
EriC^^minas114: true08:15
Seveasminas114: no08:16
minas114EriC^^, Thanks08:16
minas114I will remove aptitude then08:16
Seveasminas114: C will not get removed, but apt does not keep track of how many packages depend on it, jus that there's at least one remaining :)08:16
=== everton_ is now known as Guest55328
rubiksmomoAny idea why I get a blank error dialog when trying to select nvidia/performance in prime settings?08:17
Abe_but I hate how they release half made sh*t.. I once said already, it's like a permanent beta08:17
Abe_rubiksmomo: no but you could do08:18
Abe_sudo prime-select nvidia08:18
Abe_or sudo prime-select intel08:18
Abe_oh that wasn;t your question...08:19
Abe_i always have to do that08:19
EriC^^enter key.. rest in peace08:19
Abe_send a screen or something08:19
rubiksmomoAbe_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16273386/08:20
Abe_hmmm that should switch the graphic's chips08:20
Abe_let me google08:21
rubiksmomoI've had major issues with nvidia for weeks already. =P08:21
mr_sunshineHi all guys! I just updated to 16.04 and now I'm not able to set resolution for my display. In settings menu my display hangs in unknown state. I've AMD radeon HD5770 video chipset. My dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16273273/ and Xorg.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16273363/. I just checked here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver that my chipset is supported.08:23
mr_sunshineAny thoughts?08:23
mr_sunshineAny help would be really appreciable.08:23
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:24
Abe_rubiksmomo: so you're using your intel 3d chip right now. which driver version are you running?08:24
rubiksmomoAbe_, I think it's using intel now. I have 364 now, but I've tried many versions.08:24
Abe_rubiksmomo: did you install the driver using the nvidia installer?08:25
rubiksmomoAbe_, no, APT.08:25
rubiksmomoAbe_, I ran "sudo update-alternatives" and chose 0 (auto mode). Seems to select nvidia now. Not sure if it will work. :o08:25
Abe_hmm found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-drivers-common/+bug/131002308:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1310023 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Trusty) "14.04: Nvidia Prime is unable to switch to the Nvidia card" [High,Fix released]08:25
Abe_rubiksmomo: yes you need to log out and back in08:26
rubiksmomoAbe_, OK, I'll try. :S08:26
Abe_I have Prime to :/ still not perfect under linux. the Nvidia cards have always screen tearing. there just good for gaming08:27
Wiz_KeeDHi guys, I want to install wkhtmltopdf 12.1.2 on ubuntu 16.04 but I'm missing libhpeg62-turbo which seems to be missing in this distro08:28
Wiz_KeeDAny idea what is the proper course of action?08:28
rubiksmomoI selected nvidia on prime settings. But when I relog intel is selected again. Why isn't nvidia working? :<08:30
Abe_Wiz_KeeD: I don't know what wkhtmltopdf supposed to be. but did try an sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf? if it's in the repos08:31
Abe_wkhtmltopdf - Command line utility to convert html to pdf using WebKit08:31
Abe_Wiz_KeeD: sudo  apt-get install wkhtmltopdf08:31
Abe_one space too much08:31
Wiz_KeeDAbe_, yes but I don't want the distro version it's buggy08:31
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest96806
Abe_Wiz_KeeD: then you need the version you want and build from source I guess...08:32
Abe_Wiz_KeeD: maybe you find a .deb package somewhere08:33
mr_sunshineGuys. any chance that anyone heard any news about patches for AMD chipset in 16.04?08:33
rubiksmomoWhat's up with this? sudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found08:33
Abe_rubiksmomo: idk...08:34
Wiz_KeeDAbe_, I did, I have it here but when installing it with dpgk it complains about that missing library08:34
Wiz_KeeDE: Package 'libjpeg62-turbo' has no installation candidate08:34
Abe_Wiz_KeeD: can you find it in synaptic package manager? they mostly have everything you might need08:36
Abe_Wiz_KeeD: especially dependency problems are easy to fix with synaptic in my experience08:37
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
Abe_who send me that PPA again?08:38
Wiz_KeeDAbe_, that's true, the thing is this .deb package contains multiple things and I need just wkhtmltopdf not wkhtmltox08:38
fablab01SUCK MY DICK08:38
fablab01CI sono ragazze?08:39
Abe_rubiksmomo: thanks for the PPA :-D08:39
rubiksmomoAbe_, you are welcome ^_^08:39
ducasse!ops | fablab0108:39
ubottufablab01: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang08:39
Abe_Now I have a hole bunch of driver's to choose from08:39
Abe_I'm probably up all night working on my system now... just cuz of 16.04.. well I wanted it so badly.. it's my fault08:41
rubiksmomoAbe_, welcome to the club08:41
Abe_rubiksmomo: are you on 16.04... I'm not i'm building up my 14.04 system again08:43
rubiksmomoAbe_, 14.04.4 LTS 64bit08:43
Abe_rubiksmomo: yup did you also try 16.04 ?08:43
rubiksmomoAbe_, no, never. Should I? =P08:43
Abe_rubiksmomo: NO, don't deal with it08:44
Abe_it's funny, they release 16.04 and didn't even fix all the bugs in 14.0408:45
mr_sunshineguys, could anyone tell me please how to find which driver for graphical chipset I'm currently using? amdgpu or radeon?08:45
Abe_mr_sunshine: lspci08:45
Abe_oh driver08:46
k1l_mr_sunshine: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'08:46
mr_sunshineI just see only this: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Juniper XT [Radeon HD 5770]08:46
k1l_mr_sunshine: and my command?08:47
ducasseAbe_: well, bugs are discoverd all the time, so there will still be new bugs in 14.04, and some bugs are lower priority than others.08:47
mr_sunshinek1l_: nothing08:48
Abe_ducasse: but why doesn't it happen with Windows ? they maybe have minor things08:48
k1l_mr_sunshine: "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | nc termbin.com 9999" please show the url08:48
Wiz_KeeDIs it possible for one to install from a deb file just a certain package not all?08:48
EriC^^Wiz_KeeD: i dont think so08:49
mr_sunshinek1l_: http://termbin.com/dmmr08:49
Abe_Wiz_KeeD: that are probably dependenies08:49
k1l_mr_sunshine: radeo.08:49
EriC^^Wiz_KeeD: why what are you trying to do?08:49
ducasseAbe_: there are still bugs being discovered and fixed in win7.08:50
mr_sunshinek1l_: yes! thanks for help! Is it possible to configure somehow resolution from console?08:50
Wiz_KeeDEriC^^, trying to install http://nightly.odoo.com/extra/wkhtmltox- on Ubuntu 16.0408:50
Abe_ducasse: why can't they work on one distro until it's perfect? xD08:50
rubiksmomoWhat's up with this? sudo: nvidia-xconfig: command not found08:50
Wiz_KeeDIt's a good working version and the latest wkthtmltopdf are buggy08:50
Wiz_KeeDand problematic08:50
ducasseAbe_: it will never be perfect :)08:51
Wiz_KeeDand installing via dpkg says the library libjpeg62-turbo is missing08:51
Abe_rubiksmomo: where does it show up?08:51
Wiz_KeeDI guess it's outdated or something08:51
rubiksmomoAbe_, When I try to execute it to create xorg.conf08:51
Abe_ducasse: Well but releasing a version that is very unstable is also not very good.. I know they are working like clockwork, and they release on a specific date but why?08:52
MonkeyDustAbe_  discussion and opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic08:52
Wiz_KeeDEriC^^, any advice?08:53
Abe_MonkeyDust: sorry08:53
EriC^^!info wkhtmltox08:53
ubottuPackage wkhtmltox does not exist in xenial08:53
EriC^^!info wkhtmltox trusty08:53
ubottuPackage wkhtmltox does not exist in trusty08:54
EriC^^Wiz_KeeD: which ubuntu are you using?08:54
Wiz_KeeDEriC^^, latest, 16.0408:54
EriC^^!find libjpeg62-turbo08:54
* Abe_ need to restart08:54
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libjpeg62-turbo&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all08:54
EriC^^!info libjpeg62-turbo08:54
ubottuPackage libjpeg62-turbo does not exist in xenial08:54
EriC^^!info libjpeg62-turbo trusty08:54
ubottuPackage libjpeg62-turbo does not exist in trusty08:54
EriC^^Wiz_KeeD: hm maybe install that package?08:55
Wiz_KeeDEriC^^, but it does not exist :))08:55
EriC^^download it as the first one08:55
MonkeyDust!info wkhtmltopdf08:55
ubottuwkhtmltopdf (source: wkhtmltopdf): Command line utilities to convert html to pdf or image using WebKit. In component universe, is extra. Version (xenial), package size 191 kB, installed size 974 kB08:55
Wiz_KeeDas I said, it's a buggy version, only that cane be trusted for the particular framework I'm using08:56
Wiz_KeeDunexpected behavior08:56
EriC^^Wiz_KeeD: you got to download the .deb's yourself and satisfy the deps08:56
Wiz_KeeDyes, that's the problem, the dependencies08:57
Wiz_KeeDmore specifically that library08:57
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EriC^^google is your friend :)08:58
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rubiksmomoWhy does my xorg.conf get rename to xorg.conf.<date> and prime mode change back to intel on every login?09:04
Dromy "recent" is always changing without i open any file.. some file were accessed today and I didn't opened it.. what does that mean ? someone have access on my files?09:05
mraskerhello, i installed ubuntu 16.04 in my laptop and the battery life decreased from 6 hours with 14.04 to 4 hours with 16.0409:06
mraskeris there something i can do?09:06
MonkeyDustmrasker  there's something called TLP09:06
mraskerof course i installed tlp but it doesn't make so much09:07
mraskeri'm not sure if tlp does somthing with an ssd09:07
Abe_xD that nvidia driver didn't work, had to delete it in tty09:10
MonkeyDust!info laptop-mode-tools | mrasker09:10
ubottumrasker: laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.68-3ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 77 kB, installed size 354 kB09:10
tcorneliHi, can anyone tell me how to reinstall mysql server such that I can set a new root password?09:10
mihaijuliencan anyone here help me a bit with some newbie autopilot tests questions?09:11
MonkeyDust!info autopilot-desktop09:13
ubottuautopilot-desktop (source: autopilot): Autopilot support for the ubuntu Desktop platform. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1+16.04.20160412-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB09:13
MonkeyDustmihaijulien  what's autopilot?09:13
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mr_sunshineGuys could anyone suggest any channel or portal where I can try to get some help for my ubuntu 16.04 radeon problem?09:14
MonkeyDustmr_sunshine  start with describing the problem09:15
mr_sunshineMonkeyDust:  0 down vote favorite   I just recently updated to 16.04 and now I'm not able to set resolution for my display. In settings menu my display hangs in unknown state. I've AMD radeon HD5770 video chipset. My dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16273273/ . I just checked here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver that my chipset is supported.09:15
mraskerthank you, i'll try :)09:16
mraskerdo you recommend me to try lptop-mode-tools with tlp?09:17
rubiksmomoWhy does my xorg.conf get rename to xorg.conf.<date> and prime mode change back to intel on every login?09:17
mr_sunshineMonkeyDust: I just really want to set resolution to some normal values. And it would be okay for me. But i don't how:(09:18
MonkeyDustmr_sunshine  intel here ... in a terminal, type   xrandr09:19
Gothjymzmr_sunshine just install compiz and compiz config setting manager09:19
Abe_rubiksmomo: your PPA almost screwed up my system xD.. I fixed it in tty.. the recommended driver nvidia-364 doesn't work... tried the nvidia-361, that fixed it...puhh09:19
rubiksmomoAbe_, great ^_^09:20
MonkeyDustAbe_  rubiksmomo yes, careful with ppa's, try to avoid them as much as possible09:20
mr_sunshineMonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274299/09:20
mr_sunshineGothjymz: ok, will try it.09:20
Abe_rubiksmomo: MonkeyDust yea I'm still using one from the ppa... before I was only able to get the nvidia-35209:21
mr_sunshineGothjymz: Could you please give me a point how to use it?09:22
Abe_rubiksmomo: it doesn't stay on nvidia after restart ?09:23
Gothjymzopen compizconfig setting manager, search for display setting (guess in general option), change the output09:23
rubiksmomoAbe_, Nope. Renames my xorg.conf and resets to intel.09:24
rajiv1how do i see my modem details in ubuntu 16.04 lts? I am using "huawei powerfi e8231"09:24
Gothjymzmr_sunshine: change the output like : 1440x900+0+0, or set the overlapping output handling to smart mode09:24
Abe_rubiksmomo: hmm I google for you, hope i find anything useful... idk why it does that on yours09:25
mr_sunshineGothjymz: How to apply them? Do I need to restart something&09:25
Gothjymzmr_sunshine: yep09:26
CedaraAnyone have a suggestion for me why Corebird has hiccups? Meaning, the window closes itself without error message?09:28
Abe_rubiksmomo: didn't you have this problem also?09:28
Abe_rubiksmomo: http://askubuntu.com/questions/450154/nvidia-331-nvidia-settings-prime-profile-switching-error09:28
CedaraI mean, where can I look?09:28
Abe_where it just shows blank09:28
MonkeyDust!info corebird09:29
ubottucorebird (source: corebird): Native Gtk+ Twitter client for the Linux desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (xenial), package size 486 kB, installed size 1508 kB09:29
abhigenie92hi guys09:29
Abe_hi abhigenie9209:30
abhigenie92i am getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274522/09:30
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abhigenie92I have tried sudo apt-get install -f ;sudo apt-get autoremove;  sudo apt-get autoclean09:31
rajiv1Is /boot partition is needed during the installation of ubuntu-mate 16.04 lts?09:31
abhigenie92but still it persists. :/09:31
abhigenie92any suggestions folks?09:32
Abe_abhigenie92: seems like dependency problems09:32
Jordan_Urajiv1: No, you don't need a separate /boot/ partition. If you're installing for UEFI then you need an EFI System Partition, which is different. I would recommend just using automatic partitioning.09:32
Abe_go synaptic and search for libpython-dev09:33
abhigenie92I tried apt-get but this also gives error http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274586/09:33
abhigenie92Abe_: anyway to solve this http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274586/09:33
Abe_abhigenie92 yes I see09:35
rubiksmomoAbe_, Yeah, I had the blank error. After changing the driver or changing the alternatives, I no longer get the blank error.09:35
Abe_but It want's python-dev : Depends: libpython-dev (= 2.7.4-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed09:35
MonkeyDustabhigenie92  put a short description of tht problem in your question, so we don't have to open al the links09:35
abhigenie92This is the question http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274586/ . The error is E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?09:36
abhigenie92MonkeyDust: thanks for suggestion. Please check above :)09:36
Abe_abhigenie92: don't you have to install "Depends: libpython-dev" ?09:36
rajiv1jordan_U: i have installed ubuntu-mate 16.04 with the following partitions: /root/60gb, /home/100gb, /boot/1gb, /swap/4gb. Are these partitionsgood for installing ubuntu-mate 16.04?09:37
EriC^^abhigenie92: which ubuntu version are you using?09:37
abhigenie92Abe_: I found that the package wasn't available via pip. I wish to this issue only E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?09:37
mr_sunshineGuys I just realize that somehow I lost after upgrade my max resolution available value. I mean I ran this: sudo hwinfo --framebuffer and got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274650/. But I'm sure that I have used 1920x108009:37
Abe_abhigenie92: seems those packages are not available09:38
Jordan_Urajiv1: I would recommend only having root and swap.09:38
abhigenie92EriC^^: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS09:38
Abe_abhigenie92: but idk :(09:38
abhigenie92Abe_: oh, anyway to fix this. Are you saying the devs of the package removed them from repo?09:39
EriC^^abhigenie92: why do you have a raring repo there?09:39
Jordan_Umr_sunshine: hwinfo --framebuffer only refers to VESA resolutions, not the resolutions you can achieve with native graphics drivers.09:39
abhigenie92EriC^^: where?09:39
EriC^^in your sources, old-releases .... /raring09:39
Jordan_Uabhigenie92: Please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list as well as the contents of any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ .09:40
Abe_abhigenie92: The following packages have unmet dependencies: Depends: libpython-dev "try finding the dependecies in Synaptic"09:40
Abe_install libpython-dev and do again09:40
mr_sunshineJordan_U: got it. I just have a black frame around my available place on display. I don't know how to change it:(09:41
rubiksmomoWhy does my xorg.conf get renamed to xorg.conf.<date> and prime mode change back to intel on every login?09:41
Abe_abhigenie92: and to the other one seems like it's not there. shows error 50109:42
Jordan_Umr_sunshine: Please pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log .09:42
=== Poke95 is now known as Poketime
mr_sunshineJordan_U: Please see it here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274778/09:43
rajiv1jordan_U: thank you! I going to use only root and swap partitions from now on.09:43
Abe_maybe run apt-get update --fix-missing as suggested ?09:43
abhigenie92Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274801/09:44
GothjymzWhen you install/upgrade with apt-get upgrade or with apt-get install somepackage usually it tries to update dependencies. This means that maybe it finds that some packages need new or updated versions of existing packages, and so on in a cascade of dependencies. If some packages miss or fail the integrity check, it seems it suspends this package and wants you to go to handle the result following the handle method of the requiring package, if09:44
Gothjymzpossible. Often it stops the installation of the package.09:44
Wiz_KeeDHey guys I did sudo dpkg --unpack .deb. How do I revert this?09:44
Abe_rubiksmomo: :( no idea... i would recommend asking in a forum as well09:45
abhigenie92Abe_: I want to solve the other one only09:45
rubiksmomoAbe_, OK, I will09:45
Jordan_Uabhigenie92: The contents of ia32-libs-raring.list ?09:45
abhigenie92Information: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274586/ ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274801/09:45
de-factoWiz_KeeD https://gist.github.com/shamil/314055809:46
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abhigenie92Jordan_U: $ cat ia32-libs-raring.list deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring main restricted universe multiverse09:46
haris1hi guys i have installed ubuntu 16.04.  but when i tried to install nvidia. thera was getting error. i can't log in.09:46
Abe_abhigenie92: is the support of 12.04 still good ?09:47
Wiz_KeeDde-facto, I can use that to remove a unwated package yes?09:47
abhigenie92Abe_: no idea, I am using someone's computer.:p09:47
mr_sunshineJordan_U: Any thoughts?09:47
abhigenie92any suggestions on issue. :)09:47
Jordan_Uabhigenie92: That is your problem. Why do you have that? It's quite possible that just having that entry has irrevocably broken your installation.09:47
Abe_abhigenie92: are u using ubuntu only ?09:48
de-factoWiz_KeeD not sure what you mean by that, i assumed you wanted to unpack, modify and repack a .deb file09:48
Abe_abhigenie92: should still be supported hmm.09:48
Jordan_Umr_sunshine: You have ATI hardware and nomodeset in your kernel parameters. fglrx is no longer available in 16.04, and "nomodeset" is preventing the Free driver from being loaded.09:49
abhigenie92Jordan_U: should I delete that entry as in file or file contents?09:49
Jordan_Umr_sunshine: Edit /etc/default/grub and remove "nomodeset" from the list of kernel parameters, then run "sudo update-grub" and reboot. You should get full resolution.09:49
mr_sunshineJordan_U: but without nomodeset I see only black screen after grub09:49
abhigenie92Jordan_U: irrevocably scares me. :/09:50
rajiv1Am i needed some unallocated space in my hard drive to use virtualbox?09:50
de-factoWiz_KeeD also you might want to repack as root, e.g. sudo dpkg-deb -b <dir> <new.deb>     if i remember correctly09:50
Wiz_KeeDde-facto, that's also very helpful09:50
Wiz_KeeDbut I did unpack and it placed all the files in the respective folders09:51
Wiz_KeeDand now I have to delete them manually?09:51
Jordan_Uabhigenie92: 13.04 has newer package versions than 12.04. If at any point you recieved and installed updates while that entry was working it would have upgraded many but not all of your packages, leaving you with a system that is part 12.04 part 13.04 and all broken.09:51
mr_sunshineJordan_U: Any chance that I can fix it somehow?09:52
de-factoWiz_KeeD hmmm if they are in the exact locations the package itself would install them, maybe you can force a package install over them and then uninstall the package? not sure i never did that. why did you do it in first place manually?09:52
Jordan_Umr_sunshine: If such an accidental partial upgrade did occur, then you would need to re-install. If not, then you can just delete that file or comment out the entry. Again though, do you have any idea why it's there in the first place?09:53
de-factoah and afaik its usefull to do all the unpack, modify and repack as root because then permissions wont get messed up09:53
abhigenie92Jordan_U: any way to fix this. I just to install python-xlib09:53
de-factoowenership even09:54
Jordan_Uabhigenie92: If such an accidental partial upgrade did occur, then you would need to re-install. If not, then you can just delete that file or comment out the entry. Again though, do you have any idea why it's there in the first place?09:54
Jordan_Umr_sunshine: Ignore my last message to you :)09:54
de-factoWiz_KeeD id never spread files manually because you loose track of them if the package manager does not know about their places (e.g. for updates or uninstall), hence i also refuse to run "sudo make install"09:55
CodfectionGuys when I run apt get update I get this error09:55
Codfection3B068FB4789ABE4AEFA3BB491397BC53640DB551 uses weak digest algorithm (SH09:55
Codfectionkey error09:55
de-factoyes SHA1 is deprecated09:55
Codfectionso what to do09:56
Codfectionhow to fix it09:56
mr_sunshineJordan_U: Thank you for helping! So, any chance that I can somehow fix nomodeset behavior?09:56
CodfectionW: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg: Signature by key 4CCA1EAF950CEE4AB83976DCA040830F7FAC5991 uses weak digest algorithm09:56
Codfectionthis error while updating .. how to fix?09:57
de-factoCodfection contact the repo maintainers about this and tell them to upgrade to a secure digest algo. this is very common problem btw https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Apt/Sha1Removal09:57
CodfectionI am a new user on ubuntu and have no idea how to fix it.. how to contact?09:57
v4rp1ngwhy does mkfs.ext4 format my drive without the 64bit option? i've got a 64bit OS and in /etc/mkefs.conf auto_64-bit_support = 1 is enabled. now I've got the Problem that resize2fs can't grow my FS.09:57
de-factoCodfection its a problem of google repo maintainers, chrome is not supported in ubuntu (rather use chromium and pepperflash from the official ubuntu repos ;-)09:58
Wiz_KeeDI have no idea what I did, wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: libjpeg.so.62: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:58
Wiz_KeeDde-facto, that was my mistake in doing that09:58
Wiz_KeeDI assume I have to manually remove the files by looking at the extracted deb09:59
abhigenie92Jordan_U: I think upgrade did not occur. Which is a better option deleting the file or removing the entry?09:59
caribmaleHello all this is my first time here  and am kinda new to Ubuntu am trying to install Metasploit on ubuntu 14.04 i dowloaded the installer and i already have my key but i don't know what to do or how to install it i would be most greatful for any help on this thanks.09:59
de-factoWiz_KeeD if you open the deb in gdebi or such to see the files list or use "dpkg -c package_file.deb"10:00
Jordan_Uv4rp1ng: The architecture in use, 32 vs 64 bit CPU, has nothing to do with the -O 64bit option of mkfs.ext4.10:00
Jordan_Uv4rp1ng: You want to make your filesystem larger than 16 TiB?10:01
v4rp1ngJordan_U, yes.10:01
v4rp1ngtune2fs -l shows no 64bit flag10:01
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BluesKajHey all10:02
=== Aria22 is now known as Aria
de-factoCodfection  chromium-browser and pepperflashplugin-nonfree to be exact10:02
=== Aria is now known as Aria22
ubuntu870hi bro10:02
abhigenie92Jordan_U: I commented out that entry. Tried again and got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/16275194/10:02
abhigenie92these are the sources http://paste.ubuntu.com/16274801/10:03
Jordan_Uv4rp1ng: You have multiple not great options. 1: Split your installation into separate partitions, putting some data in one fileystem and some in another. 2: Copy your data off elsewhere and re-create your filesystem with -O 64bit 3: Convert in place from ext4 to btrfs (which is still an *experimental* filesystem) and then resize to whatever size you want.10:03
de-factoCodfection you need universe and multiverse enabled for those (id recommend to use synaptic to manage package installs)10:03
tylneshHello. Anybody knows of a good software for teaching and explaining code?10:03
mr_sunshineJordan_U: Seems that I've found similar issue here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/761149/how-to-set-display-resolution-while-having-to-use-nomodeset-on-boot10:04
caribmaleIs anyone seeing my messages just asking to make sure it is going through10:04
tylnesh@caribmale Yes10:04
Jordan_Uabhigenie92: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update".10:04
caribmaleDid you see my original post ?10:05
tylneshI have this piece of code, that I need to explain to some newbies.10:05
tylneshI'd like to highlight interesting lines, color code it etc.10:05
MonkeyDusttylnesh  what coding language? try the appropriate channel10:05
abhigenie92Jordan_U:  Please check here http://paste.ubuntu.com/16275264/10:05
tylneshJust simple javascript.10:05
v4rp1ngJordan_U: well thanks. I thought it would be a lot of work.. Why isn't it enabled automatically when creating a ext4 FS?10:06
MonkeyDusttylnesh  this is ubuntu support, try a javascript channel10:06
Jordan_Uv4rp1ng: Likely because of the lack of backwards compatability with older kernels.10:06
MonkeyDusttylnesh  1200+ people in ##javascript10:07
abhigenie92Reposting question to avoid confusion due to links: I stuck at this issue paste.ubuntu.com/16275194 Here are my sources paste.ubuntu.com/16274801 Here's the output of sudo apt-get update paste.ubuntu.com/1627526410:07
tylneshI don't need an IDE, all I want is a decent, easy to use text editor able to show notes and comments10:07
Jordan_Uabhigenie92: Try changing to a different apt mirror.10:07
abhigenie92Jordan_U: I didn't understand , can you explain more please10:08
tylneshAnd the language shouldn't matter. Nevermind. I'll do it manually.10:08
Jordan_Uabhigenie92: Unfortunately no, I need to leave now.10:08
Codfectionguys I am getting the following error while sudo apt update10:09
CodfectionW: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg: Signature by key 3B068FB4789ABE4AEFA3BB491397BC53640DB551 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)10:09
Codfectionany idea how to fix this?10:09
Jordan_UCodfection: Ask Google to fix their repository.10:09
abhigenie92Jordan_U: ohk, I unsure about the mirror thing. I am behind a proxy.10:10
CodfectionJordan_U, should I worry about that or continue using chrome for now?10:10
Jordan_UCodfection: What version of Ubuntu are you using?10:10
caribmaleAm trying to run  Metasploit on ubuntu 14.04 i have downloaded the installer i already have my license but i do't know or not sure to install it can someone help please10:11
Codfectionu have to use kali linux for it caribmale10:11
Codfectionso Jordan_U ??10:12
thirdwhlAll, in upstart how can you set up a program to run under a tty you can Alt+Fn to see?  It's easy to do under sysvinit by editing the /etc/inittab but I don't see how to do this in upstart10:13
abhigenie92I can't understand the issue. :/10:13
caribmalei tried that but when i do an upgrade for kali after running for a while i get a whit square at the bottom left of the terminal with 14 % and nothing esle happens10:13
caribmaleit has happen 3 times  and have no idea10:14
Codfectioncaribmale, why u using ubuntu for metasploit?10:14
caribmalewas just tring to see if it would work10:15
caribmaleam fed up with  windows 710:15
Codfectiondont you find linux difficult for the applications support10:15
Codfectionthat windows offer?10:15
caribmalei know a bit about about ubuntu  and i like10:16
caribmalei want to run kali in virtualbox with ubuntu as the host10:17
Codfectionyea u can do that10:17
caribmaleif i can get the kali upgrade probles solved10:17
Codfectionwhats ur laptop config. for running vm10:17
Codfectionyou need to check your repos and connection10:17
abhigenie92Hi guys!10:17
abhigenie92I stuck at this issue paste.ubuntu.com/16275194 Here are my sources paste.ubuntu.com/16274801 Here's the output of sudo apt-get update paste.ubuntu.com/1627526410:17
abhigenie92Can you tell how I can switch the mirror and if that is the problem.  Please also note I am behind a institute proxy.10:18
rubiksmomoWhy does my xorg.conf get renamed to xorg.conf.<date> and prime mode change back to intel on every login? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368710:19
caribmalewindows 7 64 bit 4gigs of ram 250 gig hdd amd processor10:19
caribmalei have the same problem if i run kali on vm or do a dual boot10:20
Codfectioncaribmale, where are you from?10:21
CodfectionI would suggest you a shop where you can get adapter10:21
caribmaleThe caribbean10:21
Codfectionalfa wireless adapter10:21
Codfectionlinus torvalds or richard stallman10:24
Codfectionwho would you support?10:24
caribmalewhy do i get the white square at the bottom left hand corner of my terminal window after kali has been upgrading for a while10:24
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caribmalehow would i correct that10:25
abhigenie92Guys I have posted a formal question here http://askubuntu.com/questions/768853/e-unable-to-fetch-some-archives-maybe-run-apt-get-update-or-try-with-fix-mis10:25
caribmaleAm gonna have to find my answer some place else take care all10:29
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rubiksmomoWhy does my xorg.conf get renamed to xorg.conf.<date> and prime mode change back to intel on every login? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368710:40
FredTheNoobHi there, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04... Is there any way to move this btns: close, minimize & maximize to the right side... thks10:43
Seveasyes, there is10:44
rubiksmomoFredTheNoob, I searched for you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/174292/how-can-i-move-all-the-window-controls-to-the-right-or-left10:44
FredTheNoobI did it too10:45
FredTheNoobbut not success10:45
FredTheNoobwith configurator editor, but everything is different10:46
FredTheNoobI've suppose that u know a different way..10:47
MonkeyDustFredTheNoob  maybe with !ccsm or with unity-tweak10:47
FredTheNoobyup had installed unity-tweak too10:48
MonkeyDustFredTheNoob  or gnome-tweak10:48
caribmalewhy do i get a white square at the bottom left of the terminal window after doing an upgrade to kali10:48
FredTheNoobI'll keep trying thks10:49
MonkeyDustcaribmale  ask the kali people, it's a different distro10:49
caribmaleok thanks10:49
fluxyI may have gone full retard here, but I've just installed ubuntu-mate for the first time and when I press shift+2 it should be an @ symbol, but that has been swapped with shift+', anyone know why?10:51
Seveasfluxy: looks like you got the wrong keyboard layout configured. I don't know mate so, I don't know where they hide that setting. Try finding keyboard settings and changing the layout.10:53
MonkeyDustfluxy  i use mate 16.04, works like a charm10:53
fluxySeveas: Yeah I figured I accidentally picked the wrong one, but don't know where to find it to change it :P10:54
de-factofluxy maybe in system settings region and language?10:58
fluxyyes, figured it out used "setxkbmap us" in terminal and switched it to US.10:58
de-factonot sure if that persists10:59
rubiksmomoWhy does my xorg.conf get renamed to xorg.conf.<date> and prime mode change back to intel on every login? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368710:59
ava_sinlairefluxy you can issue dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-layout if you want persistence11:00
fluxyde-facto: just to be safe I went into System > Preferences > Personal > Language Support and set my language and layout system wide.11:01
de-factoyeah im not used to mate, but that sounds about right i guess. on a tty you also can do     "sudo  dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" but i guess your option there to set it sytemwide is better11:02
fluxyyeah I tried that first but it didn't seem to take, gave me some error i don't remember now11:03
Abe_it takes such a long time to configure qtcurve11:04
ava_sinlairekeyboard-configuration it was , sorry hope you are fine now; greetings11:06
de-factobtw i never understood why such a setting is not under "keyboard" in system settings on gnome11:08
de-factoat least there i would look first11:08
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ava_sinlaireI once had a problem with keyboard layout, too. Logitech wireless Keyboard and on reboot it kept changing layout to US. If you have a complex password it can be a mess. In Keyboard seetings on xfce i added german layout and deleted the US layout systemwide as you said that did the trick. I don't use gnome anymore.11:11
ava_sinlaireusing awesome at the moment i love it11:13
harold-wrananyone else here ?11:13
auronandaceharold-wran: plenty11:14
rubiksmomoharold-wran, 1818 users on this channel11:14
harold-wrani see11:14
harold-wranim new here11:14
MonkeyDustharold-wran  type /topic11:15
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AscavasaionI have an ASUS T100TA tablet with a keyboard it docks into.  It comes preinstalled with windows 8, and I wanted to try a Live Boot of Ubuntu as I saw on http://www.jfwhome.com/2016/01/04/latest-steps-to-install-ubuntu-on-the-asus-t100ta/ that it seems to be able to run it with only suspend/resume, and bluetooth being tricky, both of which I can do without.  I have managed to get into the tablet's CMO11:15
AscavasaionS and tried to change the boot order to boot the USB (built into the keyboard), by firstly disabling the Secure Boot option, and then I move to Boot options and there is no list of devices like hard disk, USB, etc.  Only a Windows option (in the CMOS???).  Please can someone explain or help?11:15
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andgra~$ man fg11:19
andgraman: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct11:19
andgraNo manual entry for fg11:19
andgrahow do I fix this?11:19
rubiksmomoWhy does my xorg.conf get renamed to xorg.conf.<date> and prime mode change back to intel on every login? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368711:20
MonkeyDustandgra  fg means foreground and brings processes back ... what do you want to do or achieve?11:20
andgrai want the man page to work11:20
MonkeyDustandgra  manpage of what? are you sure there is one?11:21
MonkeyDustandgra  fg has no lan poage11:21
MonkeyDustandgra  fg has no man page11:21
MonkeyDustandgra  no need for one, i guess ... when you run a command and hit ctrl-z, you can bring it back with fg11:22
andgrai just wanted to know if there was any way to determine what process to bring back if i have multiple11:22
MonkeyDustandgra  with 'jobs'11:22
Abe_rubiksmomo: do you really think it depends on the kernel?11:23
andgrathat one doesn't have a man page either11:23
andgrais it a shell built in?11:24
Abe_I would really like to help out, but I don't know that much either11:24
MonkeyDustandgra  because there is no other syntax and has no options11:24
MonkeyDustandgra  yes, it's built in11:24
rubiksmomoAbe_, Yes, I got different results with different kernels.11:24
andgraI found the documentation in the documentation of my shell11:25
iulianrubiksmomo, have you looked there http://www.ubuntututorials.com/location-xorg-conf-ubuntu/11:26
MonkeyDustandgra  great ... 'jobs' for multiple suspended processes ... fg to bring them to the foreground11:26
rubiksmomoiulian, no :o11:26
ducasseandgra: doc for shell builtins is also available through 'help'11:28
Abe_rubiksmomo: try the nvidia-352, I think this one works good with prime... i was using this driver for a year or so. I also have prime11:28
Abe_this guy has the same nvidia http://askubuntu.com/questions/658040/ubuntu-14-04-nvidia-drivers-for-geforce-gtx-960m11:28
MonkeyDustandgra  what ducasse says: try    help fg11:28
andgrathanks, that was what i was looking for11:29
HomeSchoolDadGood morning - can anyone help me install epson wf-3640 drivers?11:29
Abe_rubiksmomo: try like that "sudo apt-get install nvidia-352 nvidia-prime"... might not be the newest one but it works good with prime11:30
iulianrubiksmomo, probably you have to move this file to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d11:30
rubiksmomoiulian, Which file?11:30
HomeSchoolDadGood morning - can anyone help me install epson wf-3640 drivers?  I've tried several times and I keep getting errors.11:31
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ducasseandgra: 'help' docs are actually rather good, it also covers things like 'test', 'for', 'while' etc.11:32
iulianrubiksmomo this one wich is being renamed at every boot with mmyydd11:32
rubiksmomoiulian, OK, I'll try :o11:33
Abe_rubiksmomo: good luck11:33
rubiksmomothanks, I'll need it =D11:33
andgrainception: help help :D11:33
HomeSchoolDadGood morning - can anyone help me install epson wf-3640 drivers?  I've tried several times and I keep getting errors.  I've tried both terminal and app center.  Please help.11:34
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: we can't help you unless you pastebin the errors and give us the link.11:35
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HomeSchoolDadOK - noob here - can you give me that command?11:35
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: 'apt install pastebinit' first.11:36
HomeSchoolDad@ducasse i keep getting this : N: Ignoring file 'getdeb.list.bck' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension N: Ignoring file 'getdeb.list.bck' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).11:38
HomeSchoolDad@ Ducasse i used sudo apt-get pastebinit11:38
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: 'sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list.bck', then 'sudo apt-get -f install'11:39
HomeSchoolDad@ Ducasse i used sudo apt-get install pastebinit11:39
HomeSchoolDad@ Ducasse trying now11:39
HomeSchoolDad@ Ducasse done11:41
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: now try to install the driver you wanted.11:41
MonkeyDustHomeSchoolDad  no need forthe @ ... type hom and then hit tab to autocomplete11:42
HomeSchoolDadducasse: trying now11:44
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i get this in software center : (Reading database ... 207354 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.5-1lsb3.2_i386 (1).deb ... Unpacking epson-inkjet-printer-escpr (1.6.5-1lsb3.2) ... dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of epson-inkjet-printer-escpr:  epson-inkjet-printer-escpr depends on lsb (>= 3.2).  dpkg: error processing package epson-inkjet-p11:45
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i have installed lsb11:46
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: yes, known problem. open a terminal, go to the directory where you have the package, then type 'sudo apt install ./epson-inkjet-whatever.deb' - use tab to get the filename right.11:48
HomeSchoolDadducasse: got it - trying now11:49
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i get this: E: Unable to locate package epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.5-1lsb3.2_ E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.5-1lsb3.2_'11:51
HomeSchoolDadducasse: sudo apt install epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.5-1lsb3.2_11:52
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i may see the problem - hangon11:53
HomeSchoolDadhang on11:53
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: 'make sure to put in the ./ immediately before the filename.11:53
HomeSchoolDadducasse: ok11:53
eugenio_hello, I've finally decided to fully move on ubuntu11:54
MonkeyDusteugenio_  great11:54
eugenio_i'd like to optimize my laptop11:54
ducasseeugenio_: optimize how?11:54
eugenio_i asked a friend but ultimately he invite me here11:54
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i'm getting a lot of e: Release _____ not found11:55
eugenio_for instance i know that dsmeg give me some error about power management, usbhid and networks11:55
MonkeyDusteugenio_  install preload11:55
eugenio_ok jut a sec11:55
HomeSchoolDadducasse: sudo apt install ./epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.5-1lsb3.2_i386.deb11:56
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: ok, I need to see exactly what happens; 'apt install pastebinit'11:56
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: 'sudo apt install pastebinit', sorry.11:56
eugenio_back again sorry11:57
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: then 'sudo apt install ./epson-inkjet-printer-escpr_1.6.5-1lsb3.2_i386.deb | pastebinit'11:57
MonkeyDusteugenio_  open a terminal window and paste this ... sudo sed -i s/PRELINKING\=unknown/PRELINKING\=yes/g /etc/default/prelink; sudo /etc/cron.daily/prelink11:57
eugenio_preload installed11:57
HomeSchoolDadducasse: lindsey@lindsey-Satellite-C55-B:~/Downloads$ sudo apt install pastebinit Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  epson-inkjet-printer-escpr:i386 : Depends: lsb:i386 (>= 3.2) but it is not installable E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no 11:58
MonkeyDusteugenio_  that's one line11:58
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: ok, 'sudo apt-get -f install'11:58
eugenio_sed: can't read /etc/default/prelink: No such file or directory11:59
eugenio_sudo: /etc/cron.daily/prelink: command not found11:59
HomeSchoolDadducasse: sudo apt-get -f install pastebinit  ?11:59
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: no, just what I typed.11:59
HomeSchoolDadducasse: ok - done12:00
eugenio_sed: can't read /etc/default/prelink: No such file or directory12:00
eugenio_sudo: /etc/cron.daily/prelink: command not found12:00
eugenio_i receive this12:00
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: did it finish ok?12:00
HomeSchoolDadducasse: yes12:00
HomeSchoolDadducasse: it removed epson12:00
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: then the driver should be installed, try to configure your printer and it should find it.12:01
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: it removed epson - why?12:01
HomeSchoolDadducasse: trying12:01
eugenio_oh prelink was not installed12:01
eugenio_now it's running something12:01
MonkeyDusteugenio_  great, you're learning12:02
eugenio_so it's running something12:02
MonkeyDust!manual | eugenio_12:02
ubottueugenio_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/12:02
eugenio_but getting no output12:02
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: it won't work if it removed the package. are you sure this package is compatible with your version of ubuntu?12:02
eugenio_thank you for the manual tip12:03
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i found it on epson website.  under ubuntu12:03
eugenio_what's this:  [    0.140445] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_SUPPORT); disabling ASPM12:03
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: which ubuntu version is this - 16.04, I assume?12:04
HomeSchoolDadducasse: 14.0412:04
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i think you got it!!!!!!12:04
MonkeyDustHomeSchoolDad  works?12:05
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i just got the test page off the printer - it's a little light but it works.12:05
MonkeyDust!cookie | ducasse12:05
ubottuducasse: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:05
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: ok, good :) you can fine-tune colors in settings :)12:05
* ducasse eats a cookie :)12:06
denaliIs there a way to remove brltty without removing ubuntu-mate-core and ubuntu-mate-desktop?12:06
rubiksmomoBooted 4.5.3 kernel and logged in. Got 864x486 resolution and no other resolutions are available. From Nvidia settings I could see that it has changed back to Intel. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368712:06
HomeSchoolDadducasse: I'd be happy to use pastebinit.  any idea why that's not working?12:06
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: your apt database should be consistent now, so try to install it if you want.12:07
HomeSchoolDadducasse: sudo apt intall pastebinit  ?12:07
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: on 14.04 you should probably use apt-get instead of just apt, I haven't really tested that version of it.12:08
HomeSchoolDadducasse: sudo apt-get intall pastebinit  got it!12:09
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: there's another program you might want: gdebi - install that, then when you want to install a package later just right click it and choose 'install with gdebi'12:10
anoop16051981_hello guys, I came up with a new way of representing IPv6 addresses , http://techistan.blogspot.in/2016/05/anoops-method-representing-ipv6.html12:10
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: that will give you a nice graphical interface that sorts out dependencies for you :)12:10
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HomeSchoolDadducasse: trying now!12:10
HomeSchoolDadducasse: thanks - I'm pretty new to this stuff.12:11
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: you're very welcome, I hope gdebi will make things easier for you next time you want to install something you have downloaded.12:12
HomeSchoolDadducasse: me too!!!!12:12
HomeSchoolDadducasse: i really appreciate the help.  thanks!12:13
ducasseHomeSchoolDad: no problem :)12:13
Johnny_Linuxhomeschooldads are cool12:13
denaliIs there a way to remove brltty without removing ubuntu-mate-core and ubuntu-mate-desktop?12:14
ducassedenali: aren't those packages just metapackages?12:14
denaliI'm not sure?12:15
jellyafter a power loss on 16.04 laptop I lost unity menu, panel and key bindings.  Reenabling unity plugin in ccsm fixed the first two.  How do I reenable my custom keybidings that use Ctrl-Alt-cursors to switch between workspaces?  They're visible in unity-control-center -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Navigation -> Switch to Workspace Left etc, but just don't work12:15
skinuxWhat is the command to go through ProFTPd configuration again?12:15
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ducassedenali: they are on 16.04, shouldn't matter if you remove them.12:16
jellyxev shows the keypresses for Ctrl_L, Alt_L and Left, Right etc as expected12:17
ducasseskinux: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure proftpd' ?12:17
denaliducasse: So if I'm reading you right, removing the two ubuntu-mate-* packages won't gut my system, yes?12:17
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ducassedenali: those two packages are essentialy empty. if it wants to remove something you don't want it to remove, just use 'sudo apt-mark manual packagename' to mark it as manually installed.12:19
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NicoHoodI used luks and lvm to encrypt my ubuntu installation. I switched to a bigger ssd (with dd). Now i want to enlarge the luks. However I am unable to reside /dev/sda5 with fdisk, as it will use a wrong alignment. How can i resize the partition?12:20
denaliducasse: It says they were already set to manually installed.12:21
eugenio_hello, i apparently made prelink and preload working12:21
ducassedenali: I just removed the corresponding xubuntu package on my system, it doesn't want to remove anything else.12:21
eugenio_now i'd like to fix this fail: [    0.140460] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_SUPPORT); disabling ASPM12:22
eugenio_any help?12:22
eugenio_I understand that is something related to power management12:22
denaliducasse: o.O MATE shouldn't be different...12:22
ducassedenali: that was my point :)12:22
rubiksmomoWhen I install/purge drivers. Why does it only mention the newest kernel? "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.6.0-040600rc2-generic"12:23
denaliducasse: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16277789/12:25
ducassedenali: you didn't need to apt-mark that, you only do that with packages apt is trying to remove that you want it to keep. go ahead, it should be fine.12:26
MonkeyDustrubiksmomo  stop asking 'why' whenever you encounter something, in this channel, better ask 'how'12:26
skinuxAnyone have ProFTPd setup?12:27
rubiksmomoMonkeyDust, Right12:27
skinuxI just installed it, configured for localhost, created a new user, but can't connect.12:27
r_riosHello, all. What layout can I set to be able to type cedille in an US keyboard? I tried US international, but ' + c types out ć12:28
rubiksmomoWhen I install an nvidia driver, will it work with all kernels? It only mentions the newest kernel while installing: "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.6.0-040600rc2-generic".12:29
callipygousI'm having trouble getting a game to run, wondering if it's my video drivers.12:29
callipygousIs Gallium open source?12:30
ducasser_rios: configure a key as a Compose key12:30
ducasser_rios: I use caps lock.12:30
am_hi there12:30
am_very strange problem, after upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 my VLC shows video files with artefacts...12:31
am_I was tried to remove gstreamer-1.0.-bad иге тщерштп рфззуты12:31
am_but nothing happens12:31
am_video shows still buggy12:31
denaliducasse: It did it and nothing went poof.  Thank you!12:31
am_How can I solve this problem? And maybe someone allready solve the same?12:32
danielstnv /SET use_msgs_window ON12:32
twelveheadedSo, new 16.04 is fucking gay. Can i get binaries for Radeon installed other way?12:33
MonkeyDusttwelveheaded  no profanities here12:33
twelveheadedMonkeyDust: yeah, yeah, get to the point12:33
MonkeyDusttwelveheaded  tone it down, what brings you here12:34
twelveheadedOh, binaries are a profanity in Ubuntu irc?12:34
eugenio_what's your problem with gay people?12:34
twelveheadedI dont have problems with fgts, but they are a good insult generally.12:34
MonkeyDusttwelveheaded  stop12:34
twelveheadedMy problem is with binaries, how can i install them.12:34
eugenio_can someone kick off this troglodite?12:34
am_Somebody knows about this problem with buggy video stream displaying on ubuntu?12:35
callipygousso glxinfo says I have Gallium 0.4 on AMD KABINI.  Is there a closed source binary I can install ?12:35
twelveheadedam_: its because Ubuntu forced OSS drivers, got same problems with firefox.12:35
k1l_twelveheaded: amd stopped making fglrx. so there will be no fglrx since 16.0412:35
am_twelveheaded, my firefox was bugged too, but i disable GFX render and all ok12:35
am_twelveheaded, and how can I solve this problem?12:36
twelveheadedam_: i love killing a patient to cure him.12:36
k1l_twelveheaded: and there is no need to rant about ubuntu. the same issue will be on every new linux distribution that will be released this year.12:36
eugenio_good to know that this channel is homophobic12:36
r_riosducasse: You mean using Caps Lock + c to type the cedille?12:37
twelveheadedk1l_: yeah, no, todays cards will be up-to-date for another 2 years minimum, so i can have old fglrx doing what i want it to do.12:37
eugenio_* or at least that it allows homophobic people12:37
am_eugenio_, be calm12:37
twelveheadedIm looking for source on amd stopping fglrx.12:37
eugenio_i'm tired of people judging us12:37
ducasser_rios: no, if you configure caps lock as a compose key, you can use it to type unusual characters12:37
MonkeyDusteugenio_  you too, stop12:38
k1l_twelveheaded: no. amd doesnt make any more fglrx for the new xorg versions. you need to rant at amd for that decision. its a closed source driver. they only can compile it12:38
curlyearsMonkeyDust, hey12:38
twelveheadedk1l_: im gonna!12:38
ducasser_rios: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compose_key12:38
am_eugenio_, nobody cares12:38
curlyearshowdy, k1l_12:38
callipygousso glxinfo says I have Gallium 0.4 on AMD KABINI.  Is there a closed source binary I can install ?12:39
r_riosducasse: I'm not sure this would be a good solution to me. ç is not really unusual and my keyboard has no Caps Lock light, so I think this would confuse me sometimes12:39
eugenio_can someone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16277929/12:39
eugenio_I'd like to solve all possible issues12:39
am_twelveheaded, do you know how to solve this bug wtih video render?12:40
r_riosAnyway, I found out that I can do AltGr + comma, then c12:40
ducasser_rios: you don't have to use caps lock :)12:40
am_I can't find solution12:40
twelveheadedam_: yeah, im installing Slackware.12:40
am_twelveheaded, Slack is for geeks12:40
r_riosAh, right12:40
ducasseeugenio_: what problem?12:40
am_twelveheaded, I need the OS for usual working not for hard sex :)12:41
twelveheadedam_: its for people we dont appreciate being forced to work around problems they didnt invent themselves.12:41
ducasseeugenio_: none of those messages constitute a real problem, except maybe there's a problem with your TPM.12:41
eugenio_ducasse: eugenio@eugenio-NoThinkPad:~$ dmesg | grep failed >>> [    0.140460] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_SUPPORT); disabling ASPM12:41
twelveheadedStill cant find source on AMD stopping fglrx, can somebody point it to me?12:41
eugenio_ducasse: what is TMP?12:42
vervetam_: rofl12:42
am_Please, maybe somebody knows how to solve problem with video playing on Ubuntu? Artefacts and buggy collisions when playing...12:42
ducasseeugenio_: the first one is just a warning about something lacking ACPI support. TPM = Trusted Platform Module.12:43
am_vervet, ?12:43
k1l_twelveheaded: the news were full of the fact that amd stopped fglrx since xorg verison 1.1812:43
po./ignore * CTCPS12:43
vervetam_: that about the slackware comment12:43
skinuxk1l: Can you help with ProFTPd?12:43
am_vervet, :)12:44
callipygousso glxinfo says I have Gallium 0.4 on AMD KABINI.  Is there a closed source binary I can install ?12:44
eugenio_ducasse: ok, the battery is during very little and that's a new computer12:44
k1l_!ot | vervet am_ twelveheaded12:44
ubottuvervet am_ twelveheaded: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:44
eugenio_i think it might be related to this issue on the power management tweak12:44
ducasseeugenio_: try to install powertop, see what eats up the battery.12:44
twelveheadedcallipygous: sup nice butcheeks.12:44
eugenio_ducasse: ok let me try12:45
curlyearshow can one change the size (increase it) of the gnome cursor?12:46
skinuxCan anyone help with ProFTPd?12:46
twelveheadedSo it's only a spat between Canonical and AMD.12:46
eugenio_ducasse: ok installed and running, where should i look?12:46
twelveheadedNot AMD generally stopping fglrx.12:46
twelveheadedGG misinformation.12:47
k1l_twelveheaded: no12:47
k1l_twelveheaded: every other distribution shipping the latest xorg 1.18 will have the same issue.12:47
callipygousSo what other drivers can I try with my graphics card?12:47
ducasseeugenio_: google it and read the docs online. never used it, I hate laptops. just know it can help.12:47
callipygoussays it's and AMD KABINI12:48
eugenio_ducasse: ok tnx12:48
twelveheadedk1l_: well, not all other distros forces/sneaks in updates. So it's kinda your brand of problem.12:48
k1l_twelveheaded: "And installing the package from AMD doesn't help, as it doesn't support12:48
k1l_the xserver 1.18 video ABI"12:48
k1l_twelveheaded: please read the link you posted.12:48
twelveheadedYeah, gonna install Slackware back again, because my three years of coding doesn't work anymore on Ubuntu after upgrade.12:48
=== am_ is now known as i4
twelveheadedDude, i read it. I'm going to install 1.17 on Slackware. What's hard to understand?12:49
k1l_twelveheaded: gl for the slackware community for that attitude then.12:49
ducassetwelveheaded: then do that and stop whining.12:49
twelveheadedk1l_: when you got options you use them. When you are forced you can only cry to people who dont give a shit.12:49
curlyearshow can one change the size (increase it) of the gnome cursor??12:49
curlyearswell, I can get ignored in any channel.12:50
EriC^^#ubuntu is like siri of the iphone for google12:51
EriC^^(in some people's minds)12:51
FManTropyxgotta love people who demand a response in 1 minute12:51
i4Really? Nobody faced with this video bug poroblem? I don't beleave12:52
ducassei4: you haven't given us any useful info, how are we supposed to help you?12:53
cristian_cEriC^^: hello12:54
i4ducasse, I starting play the video in VLC player and video displaying is buggy12:54
ducassei4: video card and driver?12:55
i4Artefatcs, green noise and lined parts12:55
EriC^^cristian_c: hi12:55
i4nVidia GTX 96012:55
cristian_cEriC^^: I've tried and with rc.local it starts12:55
ducassei4: nouveau or nvidia?12:55
i4Ubuntu 16.0412:55
cristian_cEriC^^: if I launch the script from rc.local, it works. It doesn't work if it's launched by the systemd service, intead12:56
cristian_cEriC^^: unfortunately, with rc.local , startup is much slower12:57
cristian_cEriC^^: I don't know why the .service isn't working12:57
tester661Kto polak ?12:57
callipygousOkay , so I have a Radeon HD 833012:57
i4ducasse, nvidia driver, not nouveau12:57
callipygouswhat driver should I be using?12:57
EriC^^cristian_c: no idea12:57
tester661Moja lokacja: Nowa Świdnica, Polska12:59
tester661Moja lokacja: Nowa Świdnica, Polska12:59
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:59
ducassei4: in vlc, try tools - preferences - video - output: vdpau12:59
i4ducasse, ok13:02
ducassei4: then try playing a video to see if it's any better.13:02
cristian_cI've tried to start my own .service file, but when I use systemctl start myservice.service, I don't see my service in the task manager13:03
cristian_cI've also tried systemctl status myservice.service, but I can't figure out what is the issue13:03
cristian_cI've looked also at syslog, but I can't figure out what is the issue13:04
cristian_cAny ideas?13:04
i4ducasse, no affects13:04
ducassei4: then try the other three entries in that menu that have (XCB) after the name.13:05
cristian_cEriC^^_: ok, but I don't understand why you'vs asked to me to make the test13:05
callipygousWhat are my driver choices?13:07
callipygouscan I only use the open source radeon driver?13:07
callipygousIs it the only one?13:07
callipygousI can't get  a game to work, and I suspect something is wrong with the driver13:07
cristian_ccallipygous: what gpu?13:07
cristian_ccallipygous: what release?13:07
callipygoussays amd kabini radeon hd 833013:08
callipygousI'm runnign Ubuntu 16.0413:09
cristian_cI suppoe not gcn13:09
OerHekscallipygous, yes, see the releasenotes for 16.04, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#Graphics_and_Display13:09
OerHeksno fglrx13:09
callipygousI understand that the fglrx isn't available13:09
callipygousbut what is available that could work?13:09
cristian_ccallipygous: ubuntu auto-selects 'amdgpu' driver only for gcn gpus, I suppose13:09
OerHekscould work for what?13:10
cristian_ccallipygous: graphics core next13:10
callipygouscould work for DRI or whatever this game needs to launch13:10
callipygousso should I try amdgpu driver?13:11
cristian_cread carefully:13:11
cristian_ccallipygous: ubuntu auto-selects 'amdgpu' driver only for gcn gpus, I suppose13:11
rubiksmomoHow can I get the nvidia driver working? Nvidia installer cannot find my kernel headers... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368713:11
cristian_ccallipygous: if your gpu is not gcn, you'll probably have to accept 'radeon' driver13:11
skweekI updated to 16.04 and I've got blue bars at the top and bottom of the screen http://tinypic.com/r/vzagp1/913:11
i4ducasse, no lucky) artefacts and bugged video output anyway(13:12
yeatsrubiksmomo: install linux-headers for your kernel (probably linux-headers-generic)13:12
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yeatsrubiksmomo: but the nvidia modules are in the standard repos - no need for manual install13:12
OerHeksyeats, he has been here for days, no clue how to help him13:13
cristian_ccallipygous: 'admgpu' is better, but it's reserved for selected gpus13:13
rubiksmomoyeats, "linux-headers-generic is already the newest version.". I installed nvidia driver using apt, but I cannot select nvidia from prime. It just rolls back on login.13:13
string__Hello is anyone familar with bonding two usbinternet connections to one in order to get faster internet?13:14
callipygouscristian_c: how do I tell if my gpu is special?13:16
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callipygouserr, 'selected'13:16
ducassei4: in that case I would try a coupe of other players. if none work then you might need to switch to nouveau.13:16
cristian_ccallipygous: wait a moment13:16
cristian_ccallipygous: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_Core_Next13:17
callipygousGCN is also used in the AMD Accelerated Processing Units code-named "Temash", "Kabini"...13:18
callipygousmine is codenamed Kabini, so perhaps I'm in luck?13:18
callipygousthanks for the link cristian_c13:18
cristian_ccallipygous: vendor: 1002 ("Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]"), device: 9832 ("Kabini [Radeon HD 8330]") from: http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/DRM_AMDGPU.html13:20
cristian_ccallipygous: so, it's very strange13:20
callipygouswhat is strange?13:20
i4ducasse, ok, other players no affect :) i'll try to nouveau13:20
cristian_cfound in Linux kernels: 4.2–4.5, 4.6-rc+HEAD13:21
cristian_cmodules built: amdgpu13:21
cristian_ccallipygous: your gpu seems supported by amdgpu13:21
callipygoushow do I tell which one is enabled?13:21
cristian_ccallipygous: I think you should check your kernel configuration13:21
ducassei4: that's what I would do. I have no experience with nvidia, but I've had amd cards that only worked properly with the open source driver.13:21
EriC^^cristian_c: it was just a suggestion/joke13:22
EriC^^might as well use rc.local til you have it working from systemd13:22
ducassecallipygous: 'lcpci -k' will show you what kernel module is loaded now.13:23
EriC^^cristian_c: maybe try using systemd with different settings, like respawning it13:23
cristian_cEriC^^: 'jokeì .... -,-13:23
EriC^^i did say *cough* rc.local *cough*13:24
EriC^^it's cause rc.local is hated a lot13:24
i4ducasse, thank you!13:24
EriC^^but honestly in your case if you dont need systemd to respawn it and other features i dont see why somebody wouldn't use rc.local13:24
cristian_cEriC^^: ok, but shoukd I change the .service file contents?13:24
callipygousyeah, it's using the radeon driver, according tot hat13:24
ducassei4: no problem, hope you get it working. sorry i couldn't help more.13:24
callipygoushow do I switch drivers, though?13:24
cristian_cEriC^^: I noticed, as said, that startup is much slower13:25
ducassecristian_c: can you pastebin the .service unit so i can take a quick look?13:25
EriC^^cristian_c: put /path/to/script &13:25
GranoIs there a way to activate vsync in Ubontu Gnome?13:25
EriC^^not just /path/to/script13:25
GranoUbuntu* im using the iGPU on the i5 640013:25
cristian_cEriC^^: ah, ok, final ampersand (to execto= field)?13:26
cristian_cin the .service file13:26
EriC^^cristian_c: no, that was for the rc.local13:26
EriC^^so it backgrounds it and continues13:26
cristian_cEriC^^: ok13:26
cristian_cducasse: ok13:27
callipygousDoes anybody know how I can swich from using radeon driver, to using amdgpu driver?13:28
cristian_cducasse: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16279118/13:30
cristian_ccallipygous: I think you should check your kernel configuration13:31
rubiksmomoHow can I get the nvidia driver working? Nvidia installer cannot find my kernel headers, even "linux-headers-generic is already the newest version.". I installed nvidia driver using apt, but I cannot select nvidia from prime. It just rolls back to intel on login. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368713:32
ducassecristian_c: so, is this intended to run once on boot or does it start a daemon?13:34
bekksrubiksmomo: Whats the output of "uname -a"?13:34
rubiksmomobekks, Linux acidburn 4.5.3-040503-generic #201605041831 SMP Wed May 4 22:33:50 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:35
bekksrubiksmomo: And whats the output of "cat /etc/issue"?13:35
rubiksmomobekks, Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS \n \l13:36
cristian_cducasse: it should start a 'java' daemon13:36
bekksrubiksmomo: Weird kernel then.13:36
rubiksmomobekks, Installed it manually because of the issues.13:36
bekksrubiksmomo: Because of which issues?13:36
cristian_cducasse: if I launch the script, a 'java' process is located in the task manager13:36
ducassecristian_c: then you should probably use Type=forking.13:36
cristian_cducasse: ahhh, ok13:37
rubiksmomobekks, 10-30min delay until the login screen appeared when using nvidia driver.13:37
cristian_cducasse: an #upstart user has told me to use 'simple' Type, in the .service file13:37
cristian_cand not forking13:37
bekksrubiksmomo: And which nvidia chipset do you have?13:37
ducassecristian_c: otherwise systemd won't see the service as started until it exits with 0, aiui.13:37
rubiksmomobekks, GeForce GTX 960M + Intel13:38
ducassecristian_c: i could be wrong though, still learning systemd :)13:38
cristian_cducasse: ah, ok, I didn't know, thanks!13:38
cristian_cducasse: thank you very much! :)13:38
cristian_cI try immediately13:38
bekksrubiksmomo: And you were using nvidia-prime?13:38
ducassecristian_c: np, hope it helps.13:38
rubiksmomobekks, Yes. But it changes back to Intel when I login.13:38
bekksrubiksmomo: Which version of linux-headers do you have installed, currently?13:39
rubiksmomobekks, I'm not sure. How do I check?13:40
bekksrubiksmomo: apt-cache policy linux-headers13:40
ducasserubiksmomo: then why not have the system switch to nvidia on every login?13:41
Abe_rubiksmomo: didn't work? sorry was gone13:41
rubiksmomoAbe_, nope13:41
rubiksmomoducasse, how?13:41
ducasserubiksmomo: 16.04?13:42
bekksrubiksmomo: whats the output of "apt-cache policy linux-headers"?13:42
rubiksmomoUbuntu 14.04.4 LTS 64bit13:42
rubiksmomobekks, it says none13:42
Abe_rubiksmomo: :(13:42
Abe_rubiksmomo: did you try the 352 nvidia driver?13:43
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rubiksmomoAbe_, Yeah. It just uses Intel.13:43
simtexxcan anyone share a link on a guide to help me install my OpenVPN PIA please13:43
ducasserubiksmomo: then you could have a quick check in ~/.bash_profile that checks if you are on intel and switches to nvidia.13:43
bekksrubiksmomo: So you did not install any headers.13:43
ducassesimtexx: that is on the PIA site.13:43
rubiksmomobekks, I did.13:44
darth_vaderthere is  a problem i am facing, i was using 15 version, updated it and when shifted from unity to kde, the kernel won't start13:44
bekksrubiksmomo: You just configrmed for yourself, you didnt.13:44
EriC^^rubiksmomo: type dpkg -l linux-headers* | nc termbin.com 999913:44
dspnwbhelp huhuhu13:44
rubiksmomoEriC^^, type dpkg -l linux-headers* | nc termbin.com 999913:44
dspnwbmy screen goes black after nvidia driver install13:44
rubiksmomoEriC^^, http://termbin.com/fngf13:44
dspnwbhuhuhuhu help13:45
__ravenhow to fix broken apt/dpkg? every ccommand fails due to an old kernel which still is in any inventory but not installed any more 3.13.0-71-generic13:45
dspnwbmy screen goes black after boot when i install nvidia drivers13:46
GnomeKrisIf I write 14.04 to a disk and use it to downgrade from 16.04, what's the most effective way of saving my settings and such?13:46
Abe_dspnwb: which driver's are you using output of lspci would be useful13:46
bekksdspnwb: And which Ubuntu are you using? Which nvidia chipset do you have? Which driver version are you using? How did you install it?13:46
EriC^^__raven: purge it13:46
Abe_which driver*13:46
callipygousI cannot work out how to enable the amdgpu driver?13:46
callipygousHow do I enable it?  radeon isn't working for me13:46
Abe_dspnwb: people here need more details13:47
callipygousapparently it supports my graphics card, but radeon is the loaded driver13:47
bekksdspnwb: And the other three questions?13:47
dspnwbi installed  nvidia-352 which has my GM108M13:47
dspnwbafter boot is blackout but i hear login sound13:48
ducassecallipygous: just a guess, but you could blacklist radeon and have the system modprobe amdgpu?13:48
bekksdspnwb: Did you install nvidia-prime as well?13:48
Kira9204I have some trouble upgrading ubuntu 15.19 to ubuntu 16.0413:48
Kira9204Starting Apahce fails with "Failed to start apache2.service: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files"13:48
bekksdspnwb: You have a Optimus chipset, you need nvidia-prime13:48
callipygousI could give that a try, but I want to make sure ssytem boots13:48
Kira9204*ubuntu 15.1013:48
ducassecallipygous: that will go horribly wrong if amdgpu doesn't work, though.13:48
dspnwbi will try13:48
=== am_ is now known as i4
mraskeri installed 16.04 in my netbook and there is no sound although it works with headphones13:49
ducassecallipygous: install ubuntu to a usb drive, then experiment on that.13:49
callipygousworth a shot13:49
mraskerdo you know any solution?13:49
Abe_dspnwb: callipygous I hope you made backup's before doing upgrade13:49
i4try to set xrandr --newmode for nVidia geforce GTX96013:49
GnomeKrisKira9204, Don't upgrade yet.13:49
Abe_sorry just callipygous13:49
i4but have an error13:50
GnomeKrisIf you're happy with 15.10, keep it there. To many bugs in 16.04 IMO13:50
bekksGnomeKris: 16.04 is considered being stable.13:50
Abe_GnomeKris: Is right13:50
i4I try to set by this line: xrandr --newmode "3840x2160" 60 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 +hsync +vsync13:50
Kira9204GnomeKris, good thing i made a snapshot before then :)13:50
bekksGnomeKris: And support for 15.10 ends in about three months.13:50
i4and get this error: xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default13:50
Abe_bekks: It's everything but stable xD.. just ruined my system yesterday.. I'm back on 14.0413:51
Kira9204altho i thought it would be "stable enought" to update at this point13:51
bekksAbe_: 16.04 works fine for me.13:51
i4what I doing wrong13:51
GnomeKrisbekks, maybe in three months, some of the 16.04 bugs will be worked out...Until then, I'm rolling back to 14.0413:51
ducassei4: you may need to specify output13:51
i4ducasse, what do you mean?13:51
Abe_bekks: are u using Unity ? that might be more stable but KDE Plasma 5 is horrible13:51
ducassei4: 'man xrandr' - especially look at --output.13:52
Kira9204still tho, any clue as to why it suddenly broke?13:52
__ravenEriC^^: not possible it fails also13:52
GnomeKrisKira9204, I should have made a snapshot of my 14.04 install before upgrading. I have learned the hard way not to upgrade until ALL the kinks are worked out, and to always have a backup13:52
GnomeKrisWhat broke?13:52
bekksAbe_: Yes.13:52
Kira9204The Apache service13:52
Kira9204Failed to start apache2.service: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files13:52
Abe_bekks: yeah I tried Kubuntu :/ was not a good Idea... rebuilding my system the hole night now13:53
bekksAbe_: Rebuilding sounds like "I had no backup".13:53
GnomeKrisIt seems like everywhere I look, people are running into broken parts of 16.04...and everyone has something different that's broken after the upgrade.13:53
BluesKajGnomeKris, have you tried fixing your audio by purging pulsweaudio, some of it's settings in 16.04 are mucked up and wrong headed13:53
Kira9204so far i have not found the root cause, but it seems to be some permission somewhere that got messed up13:53
rubiksmomoAny idea how can I get the nvidia driver working? Nvidia installer cannot find my kernel headers, even "linux-headers-generic is already the newest version.". I also tried installing the nvidia driver using apt, but I cannot select nvidia from prime. It just rolls back to intel on login. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368713:53
dspnwbi already have nvidia-prime installed...13:53
bekksrubiksmomo: And which version of the linux headers is the installer searching for?13:54
Abe_bekks: yes I did make backup.... I'm not that dumb :-D.. but all my configuration's are screwed up...13:54
GnomeKrisI haven't tried to purge BluesKaj, but that's not gonna matter anyway. If I can't get my games to work right graphically, then there is no point in staying at 16.04 anyway.13:54
Abe_saved all my important files to my external harddrive13:54
bekksAbe_: So you did not make a backup. Having a backup means "no messed up configuration files". ;)13:54
rubiksmomobekks, linux-headers-4.5.3-040503-generic13:55
GnomeKrisHalf my steam games don't even open with the open source driver, the other half have missing or distorted bits everywhere.13:55
dspnwbi already have nvidia-prime installed....but still my GM108M, after boot the screen goes black....huhuhuhu13:55
bekksrubiksmomo: As you can see in your former dpkg -l output, that particular package isnt installed.13:55
Abe_well i saved all my files :(13:55
BluesKajGnomeKris, ok, amd/ati gpus are suffering a lack of linux support more and more as time goes on.13:55
Abe_i consider that a backup... after I formatted my HDD what else should i do?13:56
GnomeKrisI've noticed. It really sucks a big one too.13:56
bekksAbe_: Before you formatted it, you should have saved all files. That would have saved you a lot of time you are wasting for rebuilding currently.13:57
rubiksmomobekks, I think I ran: dpkg -i linux-headers-4.5.3-040503_4.5.3-040503.201605041831_all.deb13:57
rubiksmomobekks, Should I try it again?13:57
bekksrubiksmomo: No. Because "linux-headers-4.5.3-040503_4.5.3-040503.201605041831_all" isnt "linux-headers-4.5.3-040503-generic".13:57
rubiksmomobekks, oh13:58
gobelin789Hello! I've created some key pairs with different comments to organize them. If I add them to the agent with ssh-add and check the fingerprints with ssh-add -l it always says 'rsa w/o comment'. Shouldn't the comment appear here?13:59
rubiksmomobekks, How could I properly install v4.5 kernel? 4.6 is in login loop. And 4.2 has over 10min delay before login screen appears when using nvidia.13:59
dspnwb@bekks i will try deleting intel in xorg.conf13:59
Abe_bekks: I did save all my files on my HDD? I made a complete fresh install and formatted my HDD...how should I save if I format?13:59
i4ducasse, how can I check my video outputs?14:00
Abe_*external HDD14:00
i4monitor is on HDMI-014:00
i4but this output is not working when i try to point at cmd14:00
bekks!backup | Abe_14:00
ubottuAbe_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:00
ducassei4: what error do you get? "not working" is not informative.14:01
i4unrecognized option HDMI-014:02
nixoeenCan anyone login in https://wiki.ubuntu.com? Everytime I try to login, it takes either too long or I get a 500 Error.14:02
i4ducasse, this14:02
i4output HDMI-0 not found ignoring14:03
ducassei4: 'xrandr --output HDMI-0 ....'14:03
i4yep, I do this allready14:04
i4"output HDMI-0 not found ignoring"14:04
i4and old error too14:04
i4it's not help14:04
lyzei4: nvidia? … for me it works with HEAD-X … where X is the number of the display14:04
i4lyze, yep14:05
mraskerif i open a terminal and type: alsactl restore, then it shows an error but it works until i reboot14:05
i4This is command and output in cmd14:06
__ravenhow to fix broken package system? every command fails due to an old kernel which still is in any inventory but not installed any more 3.13.0-71-generic14:07
bekks__raven: whats the full output you get?14:07
arrrghhhhey there, does anyone have experience with LIRC?  I am trying to fumble my way through it, and seems like I need a later version then the Ubuntu repo's provide...14:08
arrrghhhI tried to find a ppa, but I haven't been able to get one for xenial specifically14:08
__ravenbekks: http://pastebin.com/GQYjKXmy14:09
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i4it sets14:09
=== kisb_ is now known as kisb
GnomeKrisIf I copy paste JUST my home directory to my secondary hdd, and tell the installer to use that for my home directory when downgrading to 14.04, how much data will I lose?14:12
ducasse__raven: 'sudo dpkg -r packagename'14:12
bekksGnomeKris: All data not stored in your home.14:12
GnomeKrisWhich is basically just installed apps right?14:12
=== c64 is now known as m82labs
GnomeKrisAnd settings14:13
bekksGnomeKris: OR other data you stored outside your home. All global configurations, etc.14:13
ducassearrrghhh: build a package yourself?14:13
i4ducasse, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8ade4123d262fa89625990c4af2b32f014:13
i4this's current output of xrandr after my manipulations14:13
i4but i can't see output HDMI-0 or something else14:14
arrrghhhducasse, I was really hoping for a ppa so I don't have to maintain it14:14
GnomeKrisI won't be losing anything super important that I can't get back then. I haven't had this installation for long enough to say I've got a ton of stuff stored outside of /home/14:14
ducassearrrghhh: well if there isn't one then you don't really have a lot of other options.14:15
__ravenducasse: same error14:15
i4When i try addmode with xrandr: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5504d95a602829f575d8712e3bc66cd414:15
arrrghhhducasse, hm ok.  I think I'll have to research this a bit more, I want to make sure this will work before I go down that route14:16
BluesKajGnomeKris, you can always just instll to / and just set the mountpoint for /home in the manaul partitioner/something else in ubiquity14:16
arrrghhhanyone have experience setting up LIRC?14:16
GnomeKrisBluesKaj, did you just speak yiddish?14:16
BluesKajGnomeKris, oh you mean gibberish ? :-)14:17
ducasse__raven: it would be really nice if you could paste your errors with an english locale, i remember very little german from school :)14:17
GnomeKrishaha, That too.14:17
GnomeKrisLaymen's terms?\14:17
mraskerany idea?14:18
__ravenducasse: how to set the locale?14:18
=== am_ is now known as i4
EriC^^__raven: LANG=C <command you want to run here>14:19
ducasse__raven: prefix your command with 'LC_ALL=C '14:19
raviin ubuntu after closing the lid of laptop, it is not suspending14:19
ducassesorry, LANG14:19
GnomeKrisI'm gonna have to sudo cp to move everything in my home directory aren't I?14:19
lyzeducasse, errors when managing linux-image-extrao-3.13.0-71.generic (--remove): Subprocess installed post-removal-script returned 1.14:20
lyzeducasse, Packages "linux-image-extrao-3.13.0-71-generic and linux-image-3.13.0-71-generic" errored14:20
ducasselyze: what is it that errors out, you can see it in the full output.14:21
ravi in ubuntu 16.04 after closing the lid of laptop, it is not suspending.14:21
BluesKajGnomeKris, http://askubuntu.com/questions/283060/how-do-i-use-my-home-directory-on-a-separate-partition14:21
arrrghhhravi, did you check the suspend settings?14:21
raviarrrghhh, yes i checked it is all right14:22
SchrodingersScatGnomeKris: I normally rsync my /home/ somewhere and pull down things I need as I go, to each their own though, you could rsync it one way and rsync the entire thing back, or like you said could make it a separate /home/ in the install.14:22
arrrghhhravi, can you put the laptop to sleep without closing the lid?14:22
lyzeducasse, it was the translation from __raven. I just translated the lines which were not in english. So the first message was: line 29, 30. and the second message was 39-4314:23
raviarrrghhh, yes14:23
ducasselyze: ok, sorry.14:23
SchrodingersScatGnomeKris: you need to consider if you changed anything in /etc/ manually that you can't reproduce, only you know how you use your computer.14:23
arrrghhhravi, settings for lid closure must not be set.  doublecheck14:23
lyzeJust tried to help ^v^14:23
\9GnomeKris: there isn't anything outside /home that's important that you wouldn't know of14:24
leachim6what's with all of the freenode hate spam in this channel?14:24
GnomeKrisSchrodingersScat, I have an ssd and an hdd installed in my pc. Was planning on using the hdd for /home/ and the ssd for the os (only because the hdd is larger). I did not change anything outside of /home though.14:24
leachim6is anyone else seeing this?14:24
bekksleachim6: Everyone else is just ignoring it :)14:25
GnomeKrisI just need to sudo cp in order to move some of the hidden files due to permissions.14:25
\9GnomeKris: then you should be ok14:25
\9leachim6: it's just that. spam.14:25
raviarrrghhh, yes I crosschecked but it is all right14:25
ducasse__raven: it looks like all/most files in those packages have been manually removed.14:25
arrrghhhravi, just put it to sleep manually then?14:25
i4please, how to setup resolution for 4k in ubuntu 16.04 for nvidia nouveau driver?14:25
__ravenEriC^^ ducasse bekks http://pastebin.com/dg2hT9nh14:25
i4I can't solve this task. And default display settigns shows only 800x600 o.O14:26
arrrghhhi4, the proprietary nvidia drivers usually work best14:26
i4arrrghhh, tell this to my video player that can't display video stream correctly(14:27
arrrghhhi4, huh?  I'm telling you from experience that the open source nvidia drivers are not so great14:27
arrrghhhuse the binaries directly from nvidia14:27
am_arrrghhh, dam...14:28
arrrghhham_, ?14:28
am_arrrghhh, i was tried to solve teh problem with VLC player that show all video with artefacts14:28
am_but no solution found14:29
arrrghhhI'm not following14:29
arrrghhhI'm guessing am_ = i414:29
arrrghhhbut still, did you try to download the drivers from nvidia?14:29
=== am_ is now known as i4_
arrrghhhand you installed them, rebooted etc?14:29
arrrghhhthat's going to be your best driver14:29
arrrghhhfor nvidia14:29
i4_I install xorg nouveau driver and reboot, but there is only 800x600 resolution14:30
zykotick9arrrghhh: downloading nvidia.com's driver is a terrible idea/suggestion...14:30
arrrghhhi4_, don't use the oss drivers14:30
arrrghhhzykotick9, always worked well for me14:30
SchrodingersScat!backups | GnomeKris14:30
ubottuGnomeKris: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:30
arrrghhhI guess if you have a better suggestion, make it :)14:30
i4_arrrghhh, what does it mean OSS driver?14:30
arrrghhhi4_, nouveau driver is open source14:30
i4_with this xorg nouveau nvidia driver video works correctly14:30
arrrghhhi4_, evidently it doesn't :)14:31
GnomeKrisOkay, theory time. First, I sudo cp my home directory to hdd. Second, I reboot to 14.04 installation media and begin install. During install, point it to new /home on hdd, but everything else goes to the ssd. Complete wipe of ssd during install will remove any remnants of old /home. Installer will automatically detect all things needed from hdd for /home (uuid and other such technical stuff). Lastly, once installation is completed, bo14:31
GnomeKrisot to newly installed 14.04, setup preferences and install apps....Enjoy!14:31
GnomeKrisIs this accurate?14:31
i4_arrrghhh, what doies it mean OSS driver?14:31
arrrghhhi4_, open source I said already14:32
i4_oh sorry14:32
zykotick9arrrghhh: i pasted #debian's "why nvidia installer sucks" factoid to http://paste.ubuntu.com/16280504/ <- same basically applies to ubuntu as well.  Use ubuntu's packages, would be my _strong_ suggestion.14:32
ducassearrrghhh: with nvidia's driver he can't play videos, so it doesn't work well for him.14:32
i4_and why you advice to don't use them?14:32
arrrghhhducasse, I think he's missing something14:32
arrrghhhbut I dunno I'm guessing that machine can't handle 4k14:32
i4_ducasse, thanks14:32
\9GnomeKris: sounds about right. before installing I'd double check on the live session to ensure that your new home dir is working fine14:33
snimaI have a repository on a machine but I do not know its version. How can I get the version?14:33
i4_arrrghhh, 4k is working perfectly before on 14.04\14:33
i4_on 60Hz14:33
bekkssnima: Ah repository of what?14:33
bekkssnima: *A14:33
arrrghhhi4_, use what works then14:33
i4_ufter upgrading to 16.04 video broken)14:33
\9GnomeKris: and for the sake of everything be 100% careful when pointing the device names! it can't be stressed enough how easy it is to accidentally wipe everything14:33
GnomeKris\9, good idea, thanks for the tip14:33
i4_arrrghhh, stupid solution)14:33
snimabekks: ubuntu packages repositiry14:33
arrrghhhi4_, ok14:33
bekkssnima: So you have you own PPA?14:34
GnomeKrisOh yea, I've made that mistake before too.14:34
fabio_how can I clean all unnoficial software sources and remove the packages that were installed by them?14:34
snimabekks: No, I think it is just a mirror of ubuntu oficial packages14:34
bekks!infp ppa-pure | fabio_14:34
bekks!infp ppa-purge | fabio_14:34
GnomeKrismy disks sizes aren't even close to similar, so it's pretty easy to tell them apart.14:34
bekksHmm, there used to be ppa-purge.14:35
i4_maybe someone knows how to setup resolution for nouveau xorg nvidia geforce gtx960 with xrandr? or something else? maybe link to howto?14:35
zykotick9bekks: !infP14:35
bekkszykotick9: D'oh :D14:35
bekks!info ppa-purge | fabio_14:35
ubottufabio_: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr63 (xenial), package size 6 kB, installed size 24 kB14:35
tim54hi, I put just my OpenPGP encryption key on a smart card and gpg --card edit shows all the information etc. but how can I set Thunderbird/Enigma to use the smart card (there's a category "Manage SMart Card" but I can just addit the date and cretate a new key-pair)?14:36
fabio_bekks, but i want all of them at the same time14:36
bekksfabio_: So use ppa-purge.14:37
zykotick9fabio_: as the poet Jagger wrote "you can't always get what you want..."14:37
\9GnomeKris: my usual approach is to manually mount the drive before specifying it so I can be sure of exactly what I'm specifying. disk sizes are a good indicator yeah but not good enough to satisfy my paranoia :P14:38
__ravenEriC^^ ducasse bekks could be possible. any time boot was out of space and upgrade crashed. how to fix that?14:38
fabio_zykotick9, :P14:38
AlexP11223I updated 15.10 to 16.04 and now it shows black screen with tty1 instead of desktop14:39
bekks__raven: give /boot more space, and remove old kernels more regular.14:39
ducasse__raven: you need to force removal of the package, try 'dpkg --force-help'14:40
GnomeKrisThe mount point for my hdd is /media/kristopher/Data/14:40
GnomeKrisThat's where I'll point my cp right?14:40
rubiksmomoAny idea how to get the nvidia driver working? If I select nvidia on prime settings it will be back to "Intel" on next login. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368714:44
ducasserubiksmomo: since nobody has been able to help you here, why don't you try somewhere else, like the ubuntu-users mailing list?14:48
Abe_why has ubuntu 16.04 still unity 7... not using it just seeing it, I thought they wanted to implement unity 814:48
BluesKaj!optimus | rubiksmomo14:48
ubotturubiksmomo: Ubuntu uses nvidia-prime to support optimus videocards.14:48
rubiksmomoBluesKaj, I have nvidia-prime14:48
Abe_It looks exactly like 14.0414:49
OerHeksAbe_, maybe after 16.1014:49
bekksrubiksmomo: And did you reboot to an official kernel?14:49
BluesKajrubiksmomo, i expected a more detailed suggestion from the bot14:49
rubiksmomobekks, They have a login loop I think. :<14:49
bekksrubiksmomo: So login using a terminal.14:50
rubiksmomobekks, And?14:50
bekksrubiksmomo: See what the issue actually is.14:50
ducasseAbe_: serious, what?14:50
rubiksmomobekks, How?14:51
bekksrubiksmomo: How what?14:51
Abe_little dissapointed in this build...14:51
OerHeksAbe_, lts versions are stable versions without big new features.14:51
OerHeksalways been, always will be14:51
rubiksmomobekks, How do I see what causes the login loop by using the terminal?14:52
ducasseAbe_: it has zfs, that's all i ever wanted :)14:52
bekksrubiksmomo: You need to investigate global issues like "enough free space", "correct permissions" and you have to investigate your log files.14:52
OerHeksrubiksmomo, i think i asked before, any turbo mode or overclock setting used in the bios? that would explain it.14:53
rubiksmomoOerHeks, No, I can't even find such options from BIOS14:53
OerHeksbut for now, you changed so many things, i think your ubuntuforumpost is out of date.14:53
John[Lisbeth]when I do do-release-upgrade, my machine has been saying for a long time that there is no upgrade available14:55
John[Lisbeth]I am on 15.1014:55
__ravenducasse: force remove options also do not help :(14:55
Abe_OerHeks: It's just unreal how long this is taking.14:56
OerHeksJohn[Lisbeth], try this first: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:56
ducasse__raven: then i doubt there is much that can be done, restore from last consistent backup.14:57
rick6860my vlc player does not show a video -plays the sound, but locks the machine up.14:58
ducasserick6860: try another player?14:58
Lopehttp://openjdk.java.net/install/index.html says `apt-get install openjdk-8-jre` but it's not in my apt-repos. Ubuntu 14.04. Any ideas?14:58
bekks__raven: you could edit the failing postrm, etc. scripts for exiting successfully, whatever happens.14:59
GnomeKrisdang, I should have told cp to --verbose (or whatever it's called), so I can tell where it is in it's process14:59
rick6860ducasse, recommendations for another player?14:59
lotuspsychjerick6860: smplayer works like a charm14:59
ducasserick6860: mplayer2, mpv, parole...15:00
rick6860lotuspsychje, got it15:00
SchrodingersScatrick6860: running vlc from command line might also show you some errors as well15:00
rick6860ducasse, what does one do when the computer locks up in ubuntu? ctr,alt,del does nothing15:00
OerHeksLope, correct15:00
OerHeks!info openjdk-8-jre trusty15:00
ubottuPackage openjdk-8-jre does not exist in trusty15:00
ducasserick6860: ctrl + alt + sysrq + r, e, i, s, u, b.15:01
arrrghhhrick6860, there's an alternate but it's a pain15:01
arrrghhhlol that's the one15:01
rick6860SchrodingersScat, vlc always worked well for me on windows side of things15:01
MonkeyDustrick6860  in what way does vlc lock your system? works like a charm here (16.04)15:02
OerHeksLope, this post says use a ppa, or upgrade > http://askubuntu.com/questions/464755/how-to-install-openjdk-8-on-14-04-lts15:02
craptalkhow to open any file by its default app from terminaL? like when i open *.mkv, what can i do?15:02
MonkeyDustcraptalk  with  xdg-open15:02
rick6860MonkeyDust, starts the sound, no video.I cannot X out of vlc or do anything with the mouse or keyboard. vlc just keeps playing the sound.15:02
craptalkMonkeyDust: can you gimme complete example?15:03
MonkeyDustcraptalk  xdg-open picture.jpg15:03
gour_p for printer15:03
OerHeksxdg-open /path/to/blablabla15:03
gour_how to install hplip in ubuntu 16.0415:03
=== gour_ is now known as Guest65567
craptalkand it is also working to all file formats?15:03
MonkeyDustcraptalk  yes15:03
craptalkMonkeyDust: Good to try15:04
rick6860SchrodingersScat, how do i run vlc from command line?15:04
bekksrick6860: vlc filename15:04
SchrodingersScatrick6860: ^ from a terminal15:04
rick6860SchrodingersScat, no errors15:05
Guest65567i downloaded hplip .run file but it is not installing15:05
lotuspsychjeGuest65567: sudo apt install hplip from terminal15:06
craptalkMonkeyDust: well, it is working, if i want to change to another app, so i need to change the default app in the setting? cause xdg-open is kind of invoking default app?15:06
Guest65567i did it but no result15:06
JoseRubenalguien ha hecho funcionar wasap en pc?15:06
lotuspsychjeGuest65567: or sudo apt install hplip-gui for the gui15:06
MonkeyDustcraptalk  yes, in the system settings15:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:06
craptalkMonkeyDust: Thanks Dust15:06
lotuspsychjeGuest65567: ubuntu version?15:07
JoseRubensera para mi ? gracias...15:07
JoseRubenpara ubuntu15:07
lotuspsychje!english | JoseRuben15:07
ubottuJoseRuben: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:07
\9!es | JoseRuben15:08
ubottuJoseRuben: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:08
rick6860VLC player won't play WMV. I downloaded MPG and it played15:09
Guest65567.16.04 version15:09
JoseRubenes un aespecie de xeno phibia ?15:09
craptalki heard that windows can soon be able to use linux bash?15:09
craptalkis that true?15:09
JoseRubeno capricho?15:10
arrrghhhcraptalk, they are implementing cygwin by default AFAIK15:10
arrrghhhhttps://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/about < well not quite15:10
arrrghhhWindows is running Ubuntu user-mode binaries provided by Canonical. This means the command line utilities are the same as those that run within a native Ubuntu environment.15:10
arrrghhh!es | JoseRuben15:11
ubottuJoseRuben: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:11
arrrghhhoh someone did that already derp15:11
craptalkarrrghhh: thats lovely one15:11
lotuspsychjeGuest65567: what errors do you get?15:11
Guest65567how to install hplip in 16.0415:11
craptalkarrrghhh: dont have to download it separately15:12
arrrghhhcraptalk, I think the anniversary update to win10 gets it15:12
arrrghhhbut this is kind of #ot15:12
lotuspsychjeGuest65567: open a terminal==>sudo apt install hplip hplip-gui15:12
Guest65567error Reading package lists... Done15:12
Guest65567Building dependency tree15:12
Guest65567Reading state information... Done15:12
Guest65567hplip is already the newest version (3.16.3+repack0-1).15:12
Guest655670 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.15:12
craptalkarrrghhh: yeah, i gotta say sorry for it15:12
lotuspsychjeGuest65567: install hplip-gui also, you well get a new icon to manage your printer15:13
=== Emmanuel_Chanel_ is now known as Emmanuel_Chanel
lotuspsychjeGuest65567: the plugin your printer with usb, and add it in printers15:14
appleboyI’m having a slight issue with bluetooth connecting from command line. If I use bluetoothctl I can run “connect <mac>” and it works fine, but sometimes the connection drops so I want to script it to automatically reconnect. The problem is if I try using bt-device to do it I get “Error: GDBus.Error:org.bluez.Error.AlreadyExists: Already Exists” even though it’s not connected. any ideas how I can auto reconnect?15:15
__ravenducasse EriC^^ bekks http://pastebin.com/47XZR1yJ15:16
bekks__raven: You did not edit the postrm script(s) to exit successfully, whatever happens.15:18
LookingForStufffIm looking for encoding softwares.15:19
__ravenbekks: is there no way to remove the inventory entries??15:19
bekks__raven: that IS the way to remove them, cleanly.15:19
tats_hi everyone15:20
rubiksmomoLookingForStufff, What are you plannin on encoding?15:20
tats_what is the easiest and most reliable way to create a bootable Ubuntu drive with a set of specific pre-installed packages on it?15:21
LookingForStufffIm trying too encode a powershell injection for windows15:22
bekkstats_: Create a bootable drive, install your desired software, hand over your drive to whomever.15:22
tats_bekks, last time i tried this, whenever we restarted, the installed stuff was not there anymore15:22
LookingForStufffrubiksmomo you got anything for me?15:23
bekkstats_: Then you did not create a persistent installation.15:23
Annoyed Been having headaches w/ a Samba server for a few weeks now.. Starting when they did a patch for badlock? I think it was, I lost the ability to to write to shares. About a week later, a patch fixed that.. And now the recent patch to Version 4.3.9-Ubuntu broke it again.15:24
rubiksmomoLookingForStufff, We don't offer support for PowerShell or Windows here O_o15:24
GnomeKrisOkay, home directory cp is done. Wish me luck on this install.15:24
GnomeKrisBack later...I hope.15:24
AnnoyedAnyone know what is going on with that?15:24
LookingForStufffWell encoding softwares still?15:24
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: ubuntu version?15:25
tats_bekks, all right; are these instructions up to date: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:25
cristian_cducasse: you are right15:26
cristian_cducasse: it works, changing type from zimp,e to forking did the trick15:26
cristian_cducasse: thank you again15:26
AnnoyedStarted with 4.3.8, and now is 4.3.915:27
bekkstats_: They are. But I'd rather install Ubuntu onto an USB, instead of creating a LiveUSBPersistentWhatever.15:27
ducassecristian_c: good! you're welcome :)15:27
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: ubuntu version?15:27
ducassebekks: +115:27
Annoyedlotuspsychje: Started with 4.3.8, and now is 4.3.915:27
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: not samba version, wich ubuntu version are you on please?15:28
__ravenbekks: ok i will try to edit the scripts - where are they?15:28
bekks__raven: they are even named in your multiple pastebins.15:28
ducassecristian_c: the systemd unit type man pages are actually pretty good, if you have similar problems in the future.15:29
Annoyedlotuspsychje: same configuration I've used for years  |  Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS15:29
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: is your system up to date also?15:29
cristian_cducasse: I've read the manual and the systemd blog stories (psankar)15:30
AnnoyedYes, it's the server version, and is set to automatically update itself. As of 15 min. ago, it is current by a manual check; apt-get update / apt-get dist-upgrade, nothing available15:30
cristian_cducasse: but it didn't help me to understand how to write the .service file, in my case15:31
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: perhaps was related to this? http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2950-3/15:31
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: perhaps backup your config, purge and reinstall?15:31
yabba_hi if i have a process pid, how can i find more information about the process? name, when it was started, etc15:32
ioriayabba_, /proc/<pid>/15:32
ducassecristian_c: you can look at the distribution scripts if you need examples, but few are documented. but still, it works now, that's the main thing :)15:33
tats_bekks, Ok... how would I do that? do you mean to use this: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu?15:34
cristian_cducasse: ok15:35
tats_that's what I did last time but it did not preserve persistence15:35
tats_(sorry i mean it was not persistent)15:35
ducassetats_: just install to a usb stick instead of a hard drive15:35
tats_ducasse, ok, but this is exactly what i did last time: i installed ubuntu on a usb stick, then booted into it, then ran apt-get install for whatever softs I wanted15:36
Annoyedlotuspsychje: Looking at dpkg log shows the samba version installed to be the one recommended in that web page. 2:4.3.9+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.115:36
tats_but then when i rebooted none of my installed software was there15:36
tats_so i guess i need to create a "persistent" drive but i don't know how to do this15:37
tats_the instructions here (http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu) don't explain how to do that15:37
eloszhello, I've host machine as ubuntu and I am running 2 VM (both ubuntu). How can I ensure communication between 2 VM's? I want both of them to ping each other15:37
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: yes its the good version, but as for recent security flaws..perhaps reinstall could help?15:38
ducassetats_: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+install+persistence&t=canonical15:38
AnnoyedPerhaps. Did they make any changes that would require a change in config files?15:38
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: also the #samba channel might know what this is about?15:38
yabba_ioria, thanks15:39
OerHekstats_, that way you would have a persistent document folder, installed apps are not saved, just in memory. install to an usb device from that usb device (as a real install) and you can do whatever you want, lik15:39
ioriayabba_, you're welcome15:39
tats_ducasse, ok but bekks recommended NOT to use the "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent"15:39
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
Annoyedlotuspsychje: I'm in that channel now, and posted the same question. Only response was someone who apparently has problems too15:40
rubiksmomoAny ideas what else I could do to get my Nvidia driver working? It just switches back to Intel on login even if I select Nvidia from prime settings.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232368715:40
tats_OerHeks, "install to an usb device from that usb device (as a real install)": Ok that's probably what I want but I am confused on how I am supposed to do this?15:40
iorialotuspsychje, something weird really happed with samba ... the win share asks me for password when i set it without it ... but it works read/write15:40
ducassetats_: just run the installer and install to a usb stick, not a hard drive15:41
MonkeyDustelosz  virtualbox? it has its own channel15:42
curlyears*gads* this user interface is really strange...in hexchat)15:42
eloszMonkeyDust: yeah just found. I thought since all machines are ubuntu, maybe this channel could help15:43
lotuspsychjerubiksmomo: try 16.04 for newer gtx cards + nvidia-prime + latest 364 driver from ubuntu ppa15:43
lotuspsychjeioria: there some new security holes patched, perhaps related?15:43
iorialotuspsychje, i'm sure about it ;)15:44
curlyearssay, that reminds me, I have a 16.04 desktop LTS versino of the iso, but I am having difficulty bburnig it to a DVD15:44
curlyearsthe difficulties, of course, have nothing to do with it being 16.0415:44
naftilos76Hi everyone, is there a way to install a package and force skip configuring like mysql which in a terminal asks for a root password. Is there an option ?15:45
AnnoyedMine is set to allow access w/out passwords as well, as the only interface samba listens on is the inside interface. it can't be accessed from the internet15:45
ioriarubiksmomo, so, you can still try 2 things: reinstall without encryption or try (sig !) the nvidia installer and blacklist nouveau15:45
iulianrubiksmomo, i think you get it with nvidia-352 now problem is how to switch  http://askubuntu.com/questions/451335/cant-switch-anymore-from-intel-to-nvidia-gpu15:45
curlyearsI jave found "Brasero Disk Burner" on my system, and I've run it witha blank in the drive, but I can't seem to get it to actually burn the damned thing15:46
curlyearsodd question;  what happens if there are multiple .iso files on a DVD?  Does that break things?15:48
lotuspsychjecurlyears: you can burn multiple iso's to 1 usb with multisystem15:48
curlyearswhy does everyone refer to making .iso's into USBs/  Doesn't anyone use optical media anymore?15:49
AnnoyedUSB's install faster.15:49
k1l_the 90's called, they want their optical drives back ;p15:49
OerHeksnot everyone refer to that, why do you ask?15:49
AnnoyedAnd running off USB is faster than off an optical, too15:50
AzusAnnoyed, me i have no dvds15:50
k1l_curlyears: usb ist most common and not limited to odd small sizes like cd. and you can rewrite them quite often15:50
curlyearsand that reminds me, what do I select in my BIOS Setup for boot device?  USB hard drive, USB CDROM, USB floppy, etc.?15:50
k1l_+ most new laptops (ultrabooks) dont come with dvd drives anymore.15:50
OerHeksnot everyone has a coffeecupholder-tray15:51
ducassecurlyears: the bios usually has an entry for the optical drive15:51
curlyearsk1l_:  to me, that's odd.  Of course, I didn't like it much when thye stopped installing floppies by default, eithr15:52
Annoyedlotuspsychje Thanks for the info, I was hoping it's a known issue w/ a known fix.. I really can't afford to spend a lot of time tearing into it. Maybe I'll try purge/re-install, but I suspect there is a config file change which will take a long time to find.15:52
curlyearsducasse:  mine doesn't seem to15:52
ducassecurlyears: not under hard drives either?15:53
curlyearsbut again, how do I burn a DVD?15:53
lotuspsychjeAnnoyed: try a specific channel perhaps #samba or even #ubuntu-server they might have the same issues recently?15:53
MyFriendHi, I know it's somewhat of an unrelated question but I am on ubuntu after all and using linux compatible software, I need to change the password on my router and I remember someone helped me do that once from chrome, does anyone know I can do this? thanks15:53
ducassecurlyears: k3b is ok for burning, or xfburn if you want something small and lean15:54
AnnoyedI didn't get any response from #Samba, maybe I'll try #ubuntu-server later, but I gotta get going now. Thanks again15:54
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a40ntistosHello everyone,I've bought a Dell Inspiron with Ubuntu out of the box, If I will replace the hdd inside with an SSD will be an issue or I will have isues after?15:54
curlyearszMyFriend:  can you remember the old password?15:54
OerHeksMyFriend, read to router manual, or ask in ##hardware as it is not ubuntu related15:54
lotuspsychjea40ntistos: wich ssd did you choose?15:54
a40ntistoslotuspsychje: samsung 85015:55
lotuspsychjea40ntistos: good choice, make sure your bios is set from IDE to AHCI (if its not already)15:55
ducassea40ntistos: probably not, but my hp only detects drives with hp part numbers15:56
OerHeksif it had ubuntu on it, bios is set correct.15:56
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lotuspsychjea40ntistos: ubuntu 14.04 and higher has auto trim also15:56
a40ntistosSo I will replace the disk and then boot from a usb stick?15:56
curlyearswhy are there so many users with nicks like Guest#####?15:56
a40ntistosis that correct?15:56
lotuspsychjea40ntistos: yes15:57
Guest1700Apparently I weren't in time for the nickname. haha15:57
curlyearshow about Brasero?15:57
Guest1700I was trying to find a decent IRC chat. :/15:57
Guest1700Obviously this is for help.15:57
k1l_!ot | Guest170015:57
ducasselotuspsychje: isn't trim disabled on samsung 8xx?15:57
ubottuGuest1700: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:57
curlyearsGuest1700:   f9r help on what, from where?15:58
lotuspsychjeducasse: i dont think so, TRIM is from Os right15:58
ubottuMany Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.15:58
ducasselotuspsychje: no, the kernel disables trim on a number of blacklisted drives, among them samsung 8xx due to firmware problems.15:59
curlyearsI blew an opportunity to buy a 960GB SSD for $247 late lkast year  )-:15:59
lotuspsychjeducasse: in wich file should i find this, i have the 850 pro also?16:00
a40ntistoslotuspsychje: you think also that Samsung 850 was a good choice? Is not the pro version though16:00
ducasselotuspsychje: it's in the kernel source somewhere, there are plenty of references to the actual file online16:01
lotuspsychjea40ntistos: well lets not discuss that here mate, there is ##hardware if you like16:01
ducasselotuspsychje: there were problems with data loss or corruption on those drives when trim waas enabled, so the kernel blacklists it.16:02
lotuspsychjeducasse: lemme research that, tnx for the hint16:03
ducasselotuspsychje: np.16:03
IndustrialIs there a way to make a program for linux that while I have it running, when I press one key (say "`") it toggles a loop that every 100 milliseconds "presses" the 1 2 3 4 5 6 keys for me, until I press ` again and it's off?16:04
ducasseIndustrial: can you code?16:05
voozeWhen installing 16.04 I had secure boot on, I said It wont disable secure boot for some drivers and thats fine. But now, no mater what if I turn secure boot on or off in BIOS on my laptop. It says "insecure booting" how do I go back to manage it myself in bios ?16:05
voozeit would disable *16:05
Industrialducasse: Yes, but not C.16:05
lotuspsychjeducasse: my weekly cron is set to: /sbin/fstrim --all || true also hdparm shows Data Set Management TRIM supported (limit 8 blocks)16:06
ducasselotuspsychje: yes, but when you actually *run* fstrim, it returns really quickly, it doesn't actually perform the trim operations :)16:07
* ducasse has 850 evo16:07
bekkstats_: Boot the install CD, plugin an USB, install to the USB.16:08
lotuspsychjeducasse: lotuspsychje@RooTBooK:~$ sudo fstrim -v /16:09
lotuspsychjeducasse: ./: 76,4 GiB (82029690880 bytes) trimmed16:09
ducasselotuspsychje: the kernel doesn't actually do it, is what i'm saying (or trying to)16:10
ducasselotuspsychje: mine behaves just the same16:10
lotuspsychjeducasse: is this the same on all kernels?16:12
frostschutzducasse, it doesn't necessarily disable trim entirely, just NCQ (queued trim) which is problematic on some drives...16:13
frostschutz(unqueued) trim still works fine for these drives16:14
ducasselotuspsychje: https://linux.slashdot.org/story/15/06/16/201217/trim-and-linux-tread-cautiously-and-keep-backups-handy16:15
lotuspsychjeducasse: tnx lemme check16:15
ducassefrostschutz: that's not how the zfs people put it, i don't know enough to say one way or the other16:15
curlyears*whew*  I had to re-d/lthe 16.04 desktop iso, it seems to have disappeared offf my drive (stupid computer gremlins.  see if I leave THEM any cookies and milk!16:17
curlyearsI am trying hexchat, but there are someproblems.  I can't seem to find the output from my /whois commands, for example16:18
* bekks hands some cookies to curlyears' gremlins, right after midnight. :P16:19
curlyearsaw, bekks...I thought we were BUDDIES!!!!16:19
frostschutzducasse, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16283087/ relevant code from libata-core.c, the SupserSSpeed is blocked trim entire, the others just don't queue trim16:19
bekkscurlyears: You should be thankful I didnt pass you some Trebbles :P16:20
lotuspsychjefrostschutz: nice find16:21
bekkscurlyears: And why not seing your own /whois information problematic?16:21
LaserAllanhey, is there any altenrative to Winrar on Linux?16:24
LaserAllanOr could i run it in WINE?16:24
lotuspsychje!info rar | LaserAllan16:24
ubottuLaserAllan: rar (source: rar): Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:5.3.b2-1 (xenial), package size 546 kB, installed size 1451 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)16:24
OerHeks!info unrar16:24
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:5.3.2-1 (xenial), package size 128 kB, installed size 325 kB16:24
OerHeksavoid .rar16:24
LaserAllanSo I have to pay for those then?=)16:24
LaserAllanWell thanks anyway16:24
OerHeksnon-free means the source code is not available, it is a binairy blob16:25
k1l_LaserAllan: you dont need to pay. there is unrar support in the repos.16:26
LaserAllank1l_: So which do you suggest?=)16:26
xnthtanyone here tried the vocal podcast app on ubuntu?16:28
k1l_LaserAllan: one that works :) "unrar"16:28
LaserAllank1l_: Can it be downlaoded form the repo?, ill check anyway16:29
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OerHekssudo apt-get install unrar16:29
k1l_LaserAllan: you dont need to check. you just need to scroll back up. that was already answered :)16:30
lotuspsychjeLaserAllan: or p7zip16:30
OerHeksxntht, likely nobody who reads this, used it.16:32
OerHeksxntht, or repeat after some time.16:32
LaserAllanhmm for some reason it says that unrar is installed but i cant seem to find it when i try to point the rar fiels i have to unrar, i cant find it anywhere16:33
k1l_LaserAllan: using the gui? file roller?16:33
lotuspsychjeLaserAllan: rightmouse your archive==>unpack here16:33
sandahhowdy does anyone know how to completely remove the gui (x/unity) from 16.04? I had to install using the desktop installer since the server install wouldn't see my disk.16:33
LaserAllanlotuspsychje: The thing is that these are split into allot of files16:35
LaserAllanand noi dont have that option16:35
k1l_LaserAllan: open the .rar or .part1.rar file. that should see and open the rest if its in the same folder16:38
LaserAllank1l_: The thing is it says that there isn't a compatible software for it for some weird reason, ive never done these things on linux before16:38
k1l_LaserAllan: what ubuntu is that exactly?16:39
LaserAllank1l_: Ubuntu GNOME16:39
LaserAllan1404 LTS16:39
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k1l_LaserAllan: "sudo apt update && sudo apt install unrar" in terminal16:39
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LaserAllank1l_: It says that unrar is allready installed but i cannot find it anywhere16:40
k1l_LaserAllan: its not a own program16:40
k1l_you open the "file-roller" and with installing unrar that can open it16:40
LaserAllank1l_: FIleroller?, i am sorry i have never heard that term before:D16:42
JackJoneshey there16:42
k1l_its the gnome program to open packed archives. it combines all sorts of rar and zip etc.16:42
JackJonesI'm in need to install antivirus / malware remover16:42
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus16:42
JackJonesthere is a malware thats intercepting my bitcoin address copying and pasting and I already lost $300 because of this, and I fear it might have also done more damage16:43
ducassesandah: you would need to remove a *ton* of packages, would probably be less hassle to figure out why the server image won't work, or try the mini.iso16:43
JackJonesI copy-pasted my password for a website and now I have to change that too OerHeks16:43
JackJonesbut first I gotta remove this malware16:43
sandahOK thanks ducasse I thought there was something simple like remove ubuntu-desktop, but that doesn't seem to work.16:44
ducassesandah: no, that's just a meta-package16:44
OerHeksJackJones, is this on ubuntu?16:44
JackJonesOerHeks, xubuntu, yes.16:45
OerHeksJackJones, so change password first, according to your brief story someone knows your bitcoin wallet pass16:45
JackJonesso they're not seeing everything I copy paste?16:46
MorningDieshello, which file system should i use in a pen drive i want to use for both linux and windows? fat32?16:47
ralguem ai ?16:47
ducassesandah: you could try tasksel16:47
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Guest58792hey guys16:47
OerHeksJackJones, unlikely, but you can clean your browser history/cookies too , or maybe better remove the .config folder, that removes plugins too, maybe one of them is the culprit.16:47
OerHeksMorningDies, fat32 ( with 4gb file limit) or ntfs16:48
JackJonesno I wasn't using a web wallet I'm using electrum OerHeks16:48
JackJonesOerHeks,  and its changing whatever btc address I copy-paste into something else that has the same first 3 characters16:48
OerHeksJackJones, good, then i think you are fine with just the pass change. use clamav after that.16:48
MorningDiesOerHeks: i was told NTFS isn't supported by linux (?)16:49
LaserAllank1l_: Lemme see then16:49
LaserAllanoh you mean archive manager16:49
OerHeksMorningDies, it is, out of the box.16:49
OerHeksMorningDies, only the newer exfat needs some tools16:50
MorningDiesSo, any downsides of using NTFS everywhere?16:51
bekksMorningDies: There are no upsides.16:51
MorningDiesCan i safely format all my drives to NTFS?16:51
LaserAllank1l_: For some reason when i open it in the roller it is empty, I guess I'll have to use Windows afterall16:51
OerHekswell, if the drive gets errors in the filesystem, i wouldn't use linux tools to repair them.16:51
MorningDiesThanks for the answers, guys16:52
y014Hi, could someone point me in the right direction ? I have AMD CPU with built in graphics onto which I have connected 1st monitor over hdmi. I have also radeon 5 and second monitor is attached to it. Since I am using radeon drivers only second monitor is detected16:53
JackJonesok thanks OerHeks I changed my passwords for electrum and another forum I logged into16:55
JackJonesthe malware got in this past week I think and I restarted earlier16:55
rajiv1Whenever i turn my computer on and connect my modem to it, internet in not connected. To connect the internet i have to remove and then reconnect the modem again. This happens whenever i turn the computer on. I don't know what is the problem ,anybody please help. I am using huawei e8231.16:56
rajiv1 16:56
JackJoneseletrum was working fine until after the restart16:56
ducasseJackJones: see if your bitcoin wallet has two-factor auth16:56
rajiv1what is ntpd16:56
curlyearsOK...I found xfburn in my Software Center.  INstalled it, ra it.  It complained no driv3e was available.  I looked at the sidebar, and sure enough my optical drive was there listedas being held busy by xfburn. So I unmounted it, and ran xfburn again16:56
ducasserajiv1: network time protocol daemon16:57
bekksrajiv1: Network Time Protocol Daemon.16:57
curlyearsxfburn immediately complained no optical drive was available. I don't get i16:57
JackJoneswell I was receiving some coins when I got robbed by it but uhh yeah perhaps I should look into implementing two-factor auth16:57
ducassecurlyears: you might need to have a blank disk in the drive16:57
RyedDorkeenHi I am interest in buying a new 15" laptop from Amazon and loading Ubuntu on it. Something with 8gb of ram and 1tb of hd. Does anyone know of any laptops in the $450-$600 range?16:57
rajiv1bekks: whenever i turn my computer on ntpd crashes? why is this happening?16:58
RyedDorkeenOr where I can find a place that can make a good recommendation?16:58
bekksrajiv1: How am I supposed to know? You need to investigate your log files.16:58
ducasseJackJones: get a yubikey if they support that, i totally love mine.16:58
bekksrajiv1: :)16:58
rajiv1bekks: how do i investigate it?16:58
Johnny_LinuxRyedDorkeen:  check for maybe asus with intel + intel or nvidia graphics16:59
bekksrajiv1: By looking at the log files, under /var/log/16:59
curlyearsRyedDorkeen, I think yoou might want to check http://tigerdirect.com as well.   THey often have sweet deals at reasonable prices16:59
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:59
ducasseJohnny_Linux: +1 on as many intel parts as possible17:00
* curlyears prefers AMD procesors17:01
curlyearsRyedDorkeen, I think yoou might want to check http://tigerdirect.com as well.   THey often have sweet deals at reasonable prices17:02
bekkscurlyears: They have better avionic characteristics. For IT, I'd use Intel. :)17:02
beatmeatbekks: any reason why? or just blind loyalty.17:03
curlyearsbekks:  I am not i n "IT."  I am a retired software engineer, getting into 3D printing, and using my computer as a hobby17:03
RyedDorkeenI recently failed. Purchad a lenovo ideapad that does not even have expermental support for the broadcom wifi chipset. I just dont want to fail again, and anything newer seems to have a lack of reviews. Somethimes even a lack of exact model number.17:04
sharkbonjour des francais ?17:04
bekksbeatmeat: Experience. Weird crashes on AMD driven blades, which turned out to be some differences compared to Intel.17:04
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:04
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Johnny_LinuxRyedDorkeen:  atheros works pretty good17:04
curlyearshowdy raspberrypifan!17:08
curlyearsraspberrypifan, I just recieved my Pi3 two days ago17:08
curlyearsI need to get a ds card so I can put Noobs on it any play with it17:08
* Xark prefers micro-SD cards. :)17:10
curlyearsoops,  I actually meant SD, xarx.  Thanks for catching my error17:11
OerHeksrpi too, but this is getting offtopic17:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:11
curlyearsI had/have a64GB moicroSD somewhere, but I can't find the damned thing.  It's so damned small, it could easily have fallen on floor and gotten swept up.17:12
OerHekscurlyears, please, 99% off your comments are non support related17:12
curlyearsOerHeks:  You are reight, I do go off-topic too much, but 99% is a grss exaggeration17:13
XarkHello.  Is there a fix/workaround for the fact that the Ubuntu 16.04 grub loader scrambles my screen when selecting windows?  Like can I make grub not set graphics mode and just use text screen?17:13
curlyearsoerHeks:  may I PM you?17:13
Xarkcurlyears: You are aware of #raspberrypi?17:14
curlyearsXarx:   I am, thank you17:15
a40ntistosi've added the ssd on the laptop, on the installation type menu what option to choose? Erase disk and Install Ubuntu?17:15
ducassea40ntistos: yep17:15
OerHeksXark, with what GPU?17:15
curlyearsa40ntistos, my as well erase disk, just to vbe certain theres nothiung on ther17:16
XarkOerHeks: This is Skylake with Intel HD.  Windows is fine once it boots, but scrambled during the load (which can be a bit when unsuspending).17:16
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a40ntistoscurlyears: i've just added on the laptop so is empty17:16
XarkOerHeks: (Dell Inspiron 15)17:16
curlyearsOerHeks, may I PM you?17:17
curlyearsI don't like the hexchat client as much as I liked irssi17:18
OerHekscurlyears, no, i give support only.17:18
OerHeksXark,  so ubuntu boots fine, but windows messes up?17:18
curlyearsOerheks:   alright17:18
C0r3How to install vim on ubuntu 16.04 from the source code. I checked there website and it said to clone the repository and cd in vim/src and make. But that failed. It says 'You need to install a terminal library; for example ncurses'17:19
keonkim-hello, I am having a problem connecting my ubuntu 16.01 to a blutooth mouse. Setting up blutooth seems to work but I cannot control anything with the mouse. here is my log (http://paste.ubuntu.com/16284564/). It seems Blutooth breaks down on "Bluetooth: hci0: Waiting for firmware download to complete" step. Could someone please help me to fix this problem?17:19
OerHeksi found this post working for ubuntu / skylake, intel_pstate=no_hwp >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/723166/cant-install-ubuntu-on-new-skylake-ultrabook-thinkpad-yoga-260 not your hardware, but still..17:19
curlyearsc0r3;  then install ncurses and try again17:20
ducasseC0r3: you need to find out what the dependencies are and install them. might be documented in the github repo.17:20
nick_name_123451I am trying to build unity on ubuntu 14.04 and running remake-unity says I am still missing dependencies17:20
nedstarkC0r3,  you need to install the development environment,  sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libgnome2-dev libgnomeui-dev libgtk2.0-dev libatk1.0-dev libbonoboui2-dev libcairo2-dev libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxt-dev python-dev ruby-dev git17:21
keonkim-here is my dmesg | grep Bluetooth result > dmesg | grep Bluetooth17:22
keonkim-oops here > http://paste.ubuntu.com/16284642/17:22
curlyearslooks like you have some sort of security issue, keonkim17:23
andropovUbuntu 14.04 has been freezing on the login screen, and doesn't accept input from either the mouse or keyboard. In order to get it to work, I need to restart several times. What could be causing this?17:24
nedstarkkeonkim-, this may be related to an open bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10401117:24
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 104011 in Bluetooth "SMP Security check breaks formerly working bluetooth mouse connection" [Normal,New]17:24
curlyearswell, if restarting several times clears the probem, it sounds to me like you have uunstable hardware issues17:25
andropovSo I need to replace the mouse and keyboard?17:25
ducasseandropov: try running memtest overnight17:26
curlyearsandropov:  it could be mpouse or keyboard, it could be USB port, it could be a flakey RAN.  Hard to say from here17:26
ioriaandropov, how old is you hhd ?17:26
bekksandropov: Did you check mouse/kb on another computer?17:26
XarkOerHeks: Yes, just the "boot animation" so it is not critical, but it is annoying.17:27
ducasseandropov: could also be an unstable power supply17:27
keonkim-nedstark: thanks! but how do I solve this problem as stated here? I am a complete noob :(17:27
andropovI have used the mouse and keyboard sucessfully on another keyboard. Switching the USB port they are plugged in to does not help. I will try memtest.17:27
bekksandropov: Did you rule out mouse and kb are broken by testing them on another computer?17:28
curlyearsit cou;d be ;iterally anything in or connected to his computer17:28
andropovbekks: yes17:28
=== keonkim- is now known as keonkim
nedstarkkeonkim-, what kind of hardware are you using?17:28
ioriaandropov, dmesg | grep "SATA link down"17:29
keonkimnedstark: I am using lenovo U31 with microsoft bt mouse.17:30
nedstarkkeonkim, you might try using a bluetooth dongle instead of the built-in bt17:30
nedstarkthe bug is related to lenovo hardware17:30
andropovioria: I get no output what I enter that command17:31
nedstarkarch has a similar problem https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/4600617:31
ioriaandropov, oh, ok17:31
keonkimnedstark: damn :( but I have been using it very long time and suddenly doesnt work after I upgraded to ubuntu 16.0117:31
nedstarkkeonkim, yes, probably.  there are other things that broke too17:32
nedstark16.04.04 will make ubuntu great again17:32
keonkimoh I mean 16.0417:32
symm-hi, what irc client should I install on ubuntu?17:33
keonkimnedstark: damn lenovo... you are right, the symptoms are the same.17:33
keonkimnedstark: thanks for helping17:33
nedstarklenovo has more issues than normal with linux, and new distros always have issues17:33
andropovsymm: xchat17:34
keonkimnedstark: does these kind of problems usually get fixed?17:34
nedstarkyou really want to wait about 6 months after release to upgrade your system unless you want to help bug fix17:34
nedstarkyes eventually17:34
symm-andropov: thanks, will do that... but iirc there was a console-based client? I forget the name17:34
keonkimnedstark: got it.17:35
andropovsymm-: irssi might be what you are thinking of17:35
symm-ah, right right! that one, thanks17:35
keonkimnedstark: thanks for helping :)17:35
nedstarkyou're welcome17:35
ducassesymm-: weechat is really nice17:35
DJonessymm-: hexchat or irssi (for command line) Ignore suggestions for xchat, its not been updated for years and has been dropped from the ubunto repositories17:35
symm-I want to get a taste of "unixness" (windows user)17:35
symm-so.. command line :)17:35
ducassesymm-: weechat is command line, but has gui's available17:36
symm-hmm, I see17:36
andropovsymm-: if you want to do more stuff in the terminal, try lynx, a text based browser17:36
ubottumkt: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:36
Teguor links17:36
JackJonescan .exe files infect ubunut/linux ?17:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone17:37
ducassesymm-: recently switched to weechat running in tmux, it's the nicest client i know17:37
nedstarkJackJones, if you're using wine or another windows emulator17:37
JackJonesand if you're not?17:37
JackJonesthere's no way they can work, right?17:37
ducasseJackJones: no17:37
nedstarkJackJones, then it can only affect windows systems that touch those files17:37
symm-ducasse: thanks for the recommendation!17:37
nedstarklike if you're sharing the same hd between 2 os's17:38
dreamcat4hi i have a question about casper: why hasnt anybody improved it in ages? it could do with better options for persistence17:38
dreamcat4its stayed the same for years17:38
ducassesymm-: np. there are plenty of guides to getting started with it online, start at weechat.org17:38
JackJoneswell my virus scan only found a bad .exe file17:38
JackJonesdidn't find anything else17:38
JackJonesthis must be some sophisticated bitcoin stealer in my system17:39
JackJoneswow, but now that clamAv is running... the copy-pasting of wallet addresses is working normally17:43
fedoenHi, I just removed all I could find about bluetooth: bluez, bluetooth, blueman. What to install to get a2dp bluetooth headset working on 16.04?!? I've been strugling with this for quite a while now.17:45
MonkeyDustfedoen  guess you removed everything to make it work17:47
MonkeyDustor that can make it work17:48
UbuntuDudeIs it possible to make Esc button behave on ubuntu the same behavior in windows in terms of closing dialogs and popup windows?17:48
fedoenMonkeyDust:  I know, wich one should I bring back to make it work?17:48
MonkeyDustUbuntuDude  start here http://askubuntu.com/questions/254424/how-can-i-change-what-keys-on-my-keyboard-do-how-can-i-create-custom-keyboard17:49
MonkeyDustfedoen  try them one at a time17:49
fedoenMonkeyDust: I had blueman and bluetooth and bluez up and headset working until first disconnect, after that I coldn't get it back working again17:49
fedoenMonkeyDust: not sure where to dig, on bluetooth or pulseaudio17:50
fedoenMonkeyDust:  I had my share of fun with both, either working when selecting a2dp from blueman or from pulseaudio, either not working at all...17:51
MonkeyDustfedoen  what's a2dp?17:53
fedoenMonkeyDust: but this is bothering now, after 2 weeks on 16.04 I can't get my headset working on a daily basis, I had my share of trouble on 15.10, but once I got it working they would work "forever"17:53
JackJonescan someone who's a linux guru install a keylogger on your system in about 15-20 minutes... even though you locked the screen and have a strong password and walked away17:53
fedoenMonkeyDust: not really sure, it's a mode for headset - a2dp_sink17:54
JackJonesI haven't touched the root user since installing the OS... and it was disabled the last time I checked17:54
MonkeyDustJackJones  yes, root is disabled by default, in ubuntu17:54
bekksJackJones: Getting physical access is just one attack vector. One of a lot.17:54
JackJonessu should give me an error if root user is disabled17:55
ducassedo any of the quality gaming mice with many buttons work well with ubuntu? (work well as in send events that can be configured without windows software)17:55
bekksJackJones: Not necessarily.17:55
JackJonesI think last time it gave me an error17:55
JackJonesa month ago or so17:55
JackJonesomg... there's no way my friend would this, can you please help me, how do I check if root user is enabled or disabled17:56
MonkeyDustJackJones  if you havent enabled it, it's disabled17:57
JackJones<JackJones> can someone who's a linux guru install a keylogger on your system in about 15-20 minutes... even though you locked the screen and have a strong password and walked away17:57
ducasseJackJones: someone with physical access can do *anything*17:57
akikJackJones: sudo passwd -S root17:57
JackJonesare there other ways to obtain my electrum password without a keylogger?17:57
symm-if I installed zsh and used `chsh -s /bin/zsh`, will zsh now always run when I open a terminal?17:57
MonkeyDustsymm-  what happens when you try?17:58
akikJackJones: read the man page of passwd to see what that means17:58
symm-MonkeyDust: I can't tell what zsh looks like17:58
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MonkeyDustsymm-  type this   env | grep SHELL17:59
symm-it just gives me a prompt and a blinking cursor :)17:59
symm-ok, will do in a sec... on my other machine atm17:59
JackJonesso its locked I guess17:59
ubottumkt: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone18:01
JackJonesakik, inactivity period is -118:02
JackJoneswell I did change my eletrum password too18:03
fedoenMonkeyDust: a2dp_sink is a stereo mode for headset, it has another mode for phone headset wich is mono, that one connects sometimes to the computer too18:03
JackJonesI think that has to be what affected the malware18:03
JackJonesnot the clamAv18:03
MonkeyDustmalware? exciting!18:04
MonkeyDustJackJones  what kind of malware?18:04
ducasseJackJones: the odds of your ubuntu installation having malware are pretty low.18:04
JackJonesMonkeyDust, btc address changer18:04
JackJonesaka btc stealer18:04
MonkeyDustJackJones  source of it being malware?18:05
JackJonesducasse, then how were my copy-pasted addresses being magically manipulated and I got robbed18:05
arunangshuhi all18:05
ducasseJackJones: i don't know, malicious JS injected in your browser session, maybe.18:06
JackJonesit was happening from electrum to IRC and to pidgeon18:06
Ben64JackJones: what was happening exactly18:06
JackJoneswas getting payment and the thieves got the transaction, my partial salary those ****18:06
MonkeyDustJackJones  you lost me too, what was your initial question?18:07
JackJonesMonkeyDust, first and foremost I was trying to get an antivirus and anti-malware to remove whatever is in my system (the bitcoin stealer)18:07
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus18:08
ducasseJackJones: there isn't really any such thing for linux18:08
JackJoneswhenever I was copying an address from electrum and pasting it to IRC or anywhere else it was being changed except for the first 3 characters... and I usually triple check too but I was being rushed by my employer18:08
MonkeyDustJackJones  what's electrum?18:08
JackJonesa bitcoin wallet software18:08
JackJonesoerheks was helping me but he/she left18:09
JackJonestold me to first change my password because he/she thought someone had it, and then scan the system with clamAv18:09
JackJonesI did it in that order and now my copy-pasting is working normally again...18:09
tgm4883JackJones: ok, so then what is the question now?18:10
Ben64it's much more likely that you cimply copied the wrong address18:10
JackJonesbut still, even if someone had my electrum passwd how did they get it?18:10
mkt135qualcuno mi spiega come funziona ??18:10
JackJonesBen64, I tested it with multiple copy-pasting and yeah it was a btc stealer of some sort18:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:10
Ben64JackJones: doubt it18:11
JackJonesmaybe I'll try changing the passwd back to the old one and see what happens hahaha18:11
kolobytehow sweet is the 16.04 bg18:12
kolobytecompared to 14.0418:12
Ben64so theres a program that waits around for you to put a btc address into the clipboard, and modifies it, but it needs your password? no18:12
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tgm4883Ben64: crazy thought, but programs can do more than one thing. eg. monitoring your clipboard for address AND hoping to get a password so it can get into your BTC wallet18:14
fedoengoing to reboot, reinstalled blueman witch worked at some point18:14
tvtonightAnyone have any issues installing Virtualbox on Ubuntu Gnome 16.04. Getting kernel errors18:15
bekkstvtonight: Works fine here. Which errors do you get?18:15
JackJonesBen64 MonkeyDust ducasse, so finally, can a linux guru, very very proficient in it, and with physical access to your system, unlock your session even though you have it locked.18:16
tvtonightExit Code 1 Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)18:16
ducasseJackJones: we've answered that18:16
MonkeyDusttvtonight  paste this in a terminal, then try again ... sudo apt-get install dkms; sudo modprobe vboxdrv;sudo modprobe vboxnetflt18:17
JackJonesoh fuck18:17
JackJonesits back to doing that again18:17
MonkeyDustJackJones  language18:17
JackJonessorry for the foul language18:17
JackJonescan I record video of what I'm doing and show you, thats the only way you'll believe me18:18
MonkeyDustJackJones  with byzanz18:18
tvtonightMonkeyDust: dkms is already installed, both the modprobe commands return an error.  The "Required key is not available"18:19
ducassetvtonight: disable secure boot18:19
=== eric is now known as Guest21110
tvtonightI'm fairly certain I've already done that, at the install stage.  But I will try again.  I shall be back18:20
DerikAnyone got some .onion's?18:21
DerikMsg me if u do18:21
kolobytethat'll be 1btc18:22
JackJoneserr, sorry, this time it was a mistake from me because I'm on the edge a bit stressed out, my apologies friends.18:22
DerikWhats the bitcoin wallet address18:23
fedoenI reinstalled blueman, reconnected my headset on audiosink (got some errors there), than used pulseaudio volume control to connect to A2DP Sink, now I get HQ sound on my headset, I hope it lasts...18:24
vijaikumarwhy is ubuntu 16.04 failing to show applications that are installed using dpkg in dash ?18:24
guamaboysorry..didnt mean to send that18:25
guamaboySo.... does anyone know where i can find some free netflix accounts18:25
tgm4883guamaboy: go pay for one18:25
bytefirehey guys18:25
bytefirewhat's a good tool to recovera deleted file on ubuntu?18:26
DerikThe silk road m818:26
fedoenso for all of you that didn't get bluetooth heaset from Santa, try classic, corded headset18:26
tvtonightdisabling secure boot in bios worked.  Thankyou very much18:27
guamaboydo you know how to unlock a UEFI18:28
ducassetvtonight: no problem. you can also create certs/MOK's, install them and sign the modules yourself.18:28
stratumtvtonight, ubuntus grub is supposed to be compatible with secure boot as shim is signed with MSFTs key18:28
ducassestratum: that's not the problem here.18:29
stratumtvtonight, do look out for "intel rapid start" though18:29
stratumk, k18:29
beowulf1Having issues with gettings high resolutions via displayport on 16.04. (been googling and trying stuff for hours). Live-cd18:31
Kuroganehey guys i have a question, i just notice i have a problem with my official repo, previous i have ubuntu 12.04 now i have "ubuntu 14.04" lsb_release -sc say trusty but for long time i have using source.list repo from 12.04 :\ . My question is, only changing the repo url from trusty is will ok or i need to so something else?18:31
BluesKajKurogane, what do the deb lines in your sources.list show ? precise or trusty?18:34
nedstarkKurogane, https://www.linode.com/docs/security/upgrading/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-14-04-lts18:34
nedstarkthis one's better http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/04/upgrade-ubuntu-14-04-12-0418:35
nedstarkthe earlier 1 had extra crap in it18:35
BrAsS_mOnKeYSo i installed ubuntu on virtualbox but cannot seem to get wifi on wireshark18:36
BrAsS_mOnKeYmy host is win 1018:36
KuroganeBlue1, precise with ubuntu 14.04  :\18:36
BluesKajKurogane, then you have 14.04 Trusty LTS , update and upgrade then full-upgrade18:38
KuroganeBlue1, yes but i have sources.list of preciese!18:39
Ben64Kurogane: pastebin your sources.list18:39
BluesKajKurogane, I asked you what your sources.list said , which is it?18:40
MannyLNJwhy does ls show ls: reading directory .: Input/output error18:40
Ben64MannyLNJ: bad drive18:41
ducasseMannyLNJ: or you need to run fsck18:41
MannyLNJducasse, I have to unmount the drive first?  I believe it's formatted as NTFS18:42
ducasseMannyLNJ: then you need to run chkdsk in windows18:42
MannyLNJducasse, problem then. I converted my windows systesm to virtual ones under ubuntu18:43
BrAsS_mOnKeYMannyLNJ, do you use wireshark?18:44
Ben64BrAsS_mOnKeY: don't ask random people18:44
ducasseMannyLNJ: then unmount it and pass the drive through to the windows vm18:44
BluesKajKurogane, what does, lsb_release -a,  output?18:44
BrAsS_mOnKeYBen64, ok.18:44
MannyLNJBrAsS_mOnKeY, No I don't18:45
BrAsS_mOnKeYMannyLNJ, ok, thanks.18:45
BrAsS_mOnKeYanyone use wireshark?18:46
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: do you give the ubuntu vm direct access to the wifi adapter?18:46
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, and if someone does, what would be your support question?18:46
BrAsS_mOnKeYducasse, i think so.18:47
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: check. you need to.18:47
BrAsS_mOnKeYducasse, not sure if settings are correct.18:47
KuroganeBen64, http://pastie.org/private/uvsjovddmxheocvkcxtvxq18:47
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: usb wifi adapter?18:47
BrAsS_mOnKeYOerHeks, trying to use wireshark on ubuntu vm18:48
BrAsS_mOnKeYducasse, no, board.18:48
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: you need to pass it through to the vm, if vbox can do that, so ubuntu sees it as a pci device.18:49
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, "Whether you will be able to capture in monitor mode depends on the card and driver you're using. " https://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/WLAN#Linux18:49
OerHeksand from a VM .. goodluck18:49
zykotick9OerHeks: +118:50
beowulf116.04 doesnt seem to detect my displayport connection. xrandr output has one entry: screen 0. What am i doiing wrong?18:50
BrAsS_mOnKeYi have it as bridged on vbox network settings18:50
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: that will not work.18:50
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: i doubt you'll be able to get this working, but you're welcome to prove me wrong :)18:51
BrAsS_mOnKeYwell.. i thought that was the whole point of having wireshark through ubuntu vm18:52
BrAsS_mOnKeYbecause windows cant use wifi data18:52
BrAsS_mOnKeYbut linux can.18:52
ktbanbI need help with sound on my ubuntu 16.04 install.18:52
SchrodingersScat!sound | ktbanb18:52
ubottuktbanb: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:52
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: wireshark needs to access the driver on a very low level, it needs complete access to the device.18:53
BrAsS_mOnKeYdo i need to go to my host wlan card settings?18:54
BrAsS_mOnKeYi did notice one setting unchecked maybe it will help18:54
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: you should run ubuntu natively, that will be much easier.18:54
BrAsS_mOnKeYmicrosoft network multiplex protocol is unchecked18:55
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: doesn't matter.18:55
BrAsS_mOnKeYas well as LLDP protocol driver18:55
BrAsS_mOnKeYi think it might help to be a guest instead of a host on the ubuntu system18:56
BrAsS_mOnKeYducasse, the thing is, the omputer has to be windows.18:57
OerHeksi would check if the wifi adapter and driver is suitable for wireshark, if windows does not, m best guess is that linux does not too18:57
ducasseBrAsS_mOnKeY: then you are probably out of luck.18:57
BrAsS_mOnKeYthere are many topis on the subject18:57
BrAsS_mOnKeYso it must be able to work.18:58
KuroganeBluesKaj, http://pastie.org/private/uvsjovddmxheocvkcxtvxq http://pastie.org/private/z6joa5ksnilnurjnvnhjta18:58
buggybugis there any way to see old crash reports (>14 days old) that apport sent?18:58
BrAsS_mOnKeYanyway, i have to go18:58
BrAsS_mOnKeYthanks for your advice, people. :)18:58
ducassebuggybug: /var/log/apport.log* ?19:02
jamie_!Resistance Jason Arnopp - The Last Days of Jack Sparks (mobi).rar19:03
ubottujamie_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:03
jamie_!Resistance Jason Arnopp - The Last Days of Jack Sparks (mobi).rar19:03
OerHeksjamie_, this is not a filesharing network, stop that please19:03
buggybugducasse: I looked there but it only goes back a few weeks. on the wiki it says there's a page I can visit on the ubuntu website that shows all my crash reports, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker19:04
buggybugbut I don't see those settings in my menu19:05
ducassebuggybug: never looked into it, sorry. just guessing here.19:06
buggybugok. thanks anyway19:07
BingoI am reading about Sirius, but it is terminal based19:07
ioriabuggybug, systemsettings -> privacy & security > Show Previous Reports19:07
xanguaI'm laying in bed with my operated foot19:08
BingoAny other stuff for ubuntu that is like cort?19:08
ioriabuggybug, systemsettings -> privacy & security > Diagnostic -> Show Previous Reports19:08
buggybugioria: I just realized I'm not on the base ubuntu so that's why I'm missing system settings, I'm installing the package now so maybe it will work now19:09
ioria!info unity-control-center19:11
ubottuunity-control-center (source: unity-control-center): utilities to configure the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 15.04.0+16.04.20160413-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 868 kB, installed size 4572 kB19:11
est31why is the man page for snap so minimalistic19:12
est31it doesnt have a description section19:12
beowulf_having issues getting my displayport to run beyond low res to a DP UHD screen (using nvidia Ti 980). Help needed!19:13
OerHeksest31, it is in development, man pages are sparse, this is a start https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/19:15
OerHeksest31, there is a dedicated channel too, join #snappy19:16
BingoSo i got to freenode roomd for help about voice  assistants.. no one there19:17
est31I want to understand what this snappy stuff is... I just know what I read from technews, but thats very sparse19:17
bekksest31: It is another package management system.19:17
Bingoapi ubuntu .. go fetch19:17
est31bekks, yeah but for example how is updating managed19:18
est31apt has repositories19:18
bekksest31: By installing into a new directory.19:18
est31and ppas19:18
bekksest31: Repositories are needed for snap, too.19:18
est31are the repositories set system wide19:18
Bingoaps and programs will be seperate19:19
est31and will do-release-upgrade disable all repositories that are alien19:19
est31like its doing with ppas right now19:19
est31I have lots of questions you see :)19:19
Bingome 219:19
bekksBingo: What is the difference between apps and programs?19:20
Bingoaps are web stuff19:20
OerHeksest31, key is that snappy is host independant, good start http://www.unixmen.com/snappy-ubuntu-core-an-entirely-new-ubuntu-operating-system-for-clouds-and-devices/ and you better wait for responce in #snappy19:20
bekksBingo: So they are programs.19:21
Bingothe equivalent to activeX19:21
bekksBingo: ActiveX is something totally different ;)19:21
OerHeksThere is snappy-core and packages to make it more clear.19:21
Bingoaps in 10 could be on the desktop19:21
bekksBingo: "aps in 10"?19:22
Bingoxp had desktop active x19:22
OerHeksMark explained "Snappy-Core provides transactional updates with rigorous application isolation. This is the smallest, safest Ubuntu ever, on devices and on the cloud."19:23
bekksBingo: Do you know what activeX, actually? :)19:23
Bingoat that time there was a flurry of difficulties with activex19:23
Bingoprivacy & security19:23
OerHeksdot net is now opensource, no?19:23
bekksBingo: Those difficulties still exist today, with ActiveX, thats why MS ababonded it, in fact.19:23
Bingomah complaint wid them is that their aps are included with a list as software programs I installed19:24
est31OerHeks, only the core part that's required to run server apps with dotnet19:24
est31no gui :)19:24
est31MS doesnt want to hurt its position on the desktop market19:24
bekksBingo: They are included in the list of programs because they are programs.19:25
BingoK, like why cortana is such a personal info problem, they could just as well made an ap, or boxed it in vm19:25
ducasseBingo: an 'app' is just a program. but this is really ot.19:25
bekksBingo: Cortana is a program, or as it called nowadays - "an app".19:25
Bingoit is ot19:25
buggybugioria: it worked, problem solved, thanks!19:26
Bingoaps is on web.19:26
ginosalut les gas19:26
ioriabuggybug, good19:26
ducasseBingo: no, those are 'web apps'19:26
Bingogoogle docs a webap?19:27
bekksBingo: It is a program running in a browser. "App" is just a cool name for "program". And it is OT in here.19:28
Bingoeats pizza19:28
beowulf_im sorry but this "support" chat is ridiculous19:29
Bingothere is gnu for that project already, and google released their stuff to gnu19:31
ioria Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?19:31
Ali1a question... adding other distros repo is ok on ubuntu?19:32
Ali1and running apt update?19:32
OerHeksbeowulf_, not that many users here use displayport19:32
OerHeksAli1, other distro repos in ubuntu is very rare, basicly not oke.19:33
markahello world19:33
markaрусские есть?19:33
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BingoDo you have a display port in your usb3?19:34
Bingoa pluggable display port thing goes into usb3, and to the 4k tv19:35
mangixhello, i'm on 16.04 and cannot find this package: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pocl . anyone know where i can find it?19:35
setmohi, how can i run irssi on the terminal, background it, logout and restore the session when i login again?19:35
invisibleksetmo: run it in a tmux or screen session19:37
Stinky_Feetsetmo: man screen19:37
OerHekssetmo, sure, use bg %2 to store, and type fg %2 to bring that process back to foreground.19:37
maxbthat's not going to work across a logout/login. screen or tmux are the tools for this job19:38
squintymangix,  click on "Other versions of 'pocl' in untrusted archives." at the bottom of that page for ppa listing.   of course, add at your own risk  ;-)19:40
bekksBingo: DisplayPort is something totally different than USB3.19:40
Bingo 4K UHD (Ultra-High-Definition) Video Graphics Adapter for Multiple Monitors ... and DisplayPort (DP) cable19:41
bekksBingo: DisplayPort-Adapter, not USB3-Adapter.19:42
Bingoit goes inta usb19:42
bekksBingo: It goes into the DisplayPort, not USB3.19:42
BingoConnects to Windows PCs via USB 3.0 (5Gbps).19:43
bekksBingo: DP connects via DP, not USB3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DisplayPort vs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB3.19:43
mangixsquinty: deb command not found19:43
Bingooh, well. i bet if the nvidia driver could do it, like it can in windowsm then the 4k would work19:44
Bingomy info is on internet19:44
bekksBingo: I bet you are mixing up connectors.19:44
setmoinvisblek, stinky_feet, oerheks - thanks19:45
squintymangix,  looks like building from source time then :(19:48
Bingothe tv question is likely answered by the tv maker19:49
OerHeksBingo, or check the leftside of the latest macbook19:49
est31this apt command is new, isn't it?19:50
est31no more apt-get install, but apt install19:50
MonkeyDustest31  it replaces apt-get19:50
est31does it replace other apt tools too?19:51
est31like apt-cache show?19:51
mangixi'm supposed to use apt now?19:51
bekksmangix: Yes.19:51
ducasseest31: yes19:51
est31and apt-get dist-upgrade became apt full-upgrade ?19:52
Flannelest31: It's basically a front-end that "smartly" choose apt-get or apt-cache based on the command.19:52
est31according to the manpage it seems the same19:52
MonkeyDustapt policy abd apt show, too19:52
Flannelest31: So, apt-get and apt-cache still exist19:53
SeveasI've got over a decade of apt-get in my muscle memory. I keep forgetting apt even exists these days :)19:53
est31and they wont be removed if i read the manpage correctl19:53
Flannelest31: Correct19:54
est31I just updated to 16.04 and noticed that if you type an existing but not installed command it now suggests apt install instead of apt-get19:54
est31thats how i found out about this whole apt stuff19:54
MonkeyDustest31  yes, time to reconsider your life, now apt-get has been replaced with apt19:54
est31apt list may be interesting, its burdensome to type all this dpkg-whatever19:55
Seveasest31: you mean dpkg -l ?19:55
prestonthe fuck is up with ubuntu 16.04 not coming with unity8? i thought it would have it19:59
bekks!language | preston20:00
ubottupreston: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:00
ducassepreston: not ready yet. 17.04 at the earliest.20:00
OerHeksI think it is worth waiting20:01
=== sparklyballs_2 is now known as Sparklyballs
MonkeyDusttoo bad he's gone http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/ubuntu-16-04-unity-8-desktop-progress-video20:03
tme5uh, the wiki front page has gone20:07
OerHekstme5, hit F5 , works fine here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/20:07
tme5sorry i mean https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommunityHelpWiki20:08
tme5"This page does not exist yet"20:08
OerHeksdo you think it is gone, or never existed? i think the last20:09
tme5this is the homepage for the community wiki20:09
tme5it is linkedt to at the top of the page20:09
tme5click it, in the orange navbar20:09
lyzeIt was there at least20:10
tme5yeah, it's the main page!20:10
tme5revision history is empty too20:10
OerHekshmm CommunityHelpWiki (last edited 2016-03-03 18:20:28 by knome)20:11
tme5is that from the cache?20:11
OerHekstme5, you might want to report this in #ubuntu-website, or mail the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Contact20:12
OerHeksi think that last user delted it.20:12
beowulf_live cd crashes on launch lol.. ahh. ubuntu..20:12
OerHeksthanks for noticing anyway20:13
voozeHave anyone experienced a small lag in the animation when using minimize from dash? When I press on the minimize icon it's just fine.20:21
firmani just messing my dir "/usr/sbin/usb_modemswitch" do anyone have the script for 15.10?20:24
geirhafirman: just reinstall the package. Run ''dpkg -S /usr/sbin/usb_modemswitch'' to find the package that installed it20:25
firmangeirha: thx a lot20:26
clone3gI want my ubuntu to not startX by default. So a guide tells me to edit /etc/default/grub. Apparently, I don't have grub.20:28
Bashing-omclone3g: Cgeck again ,,, as no grub, no boot .20:30
clone3gListen brug, /etc/default/grub is empty. And my system boots20:32
bekksclone3g: So you might be using grub1.20:32
firmangeirha, its installed but inside the file is so terrible, so many character that unreaded20:33
clone3gwhy is the boot loader in charge of starting X?20:33
est31i doubt thats the case20:33
est31i mean thats what systemd is about isnt it20:34
est31or was about back when it was a pid 1 replacement20:34
tme5i would think clone3g that you have to disable your DM from starting20:35
tme5via systemd20:35
firmanhow to rebuilding "usb_modeswitch"?20:38
geirhafirman: apt-get install --reinstall "pkgname"20:40
clone3gtme5: thanks I'm getting somewhere20:40
kisukegot a weird one, got multiple instance of a process i dont recognize, anyway to determine what /proc/<PID>/exe links too?20:41
firmangeirha: "E: unable to locate package usb_modeswitch"20:41
geirhafirman: didn't you find the package name with the dpkg -S earlier?20:42
est31kisuke, do ls -l on the file20:42
est31it will show you where the symlink points to20:42
firmangeirha, yes i find it20:42
geirhafirman: ok, I searched it up at packages.ubuntu.com. Package name is usb-modeswitch20:43
tme5est31, it is not a symlink20:43
tme5or not a soft one anyway20:44
kisukeest31,  "cannot read symbolic link, no such file or directory" then it gives me the details of the link....20:44
firmangeirha, its worked, once again thx very much20:44
est31tme5, for me /proc/<pid>/exe are symlinks20:44
tme5kisuke, do it as root20:44
kisuketme5, thats what i did.20:44
kisukeone sec20:44
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:45
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:45
est31lol ubottu you should put your text onto a pastebin20:45
est31its so much speak20:45
gio_edit dreambox20:45
tme5kisuke, solved it?20:48
kisuketme5, no, just foundout the hardway that buntu doesnt alias ll20:50
kisukehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16289413/  is what i get and i still geta line about cannot read symlink.20:52
firmani have modem stick huawei E1730, when i type on terminal "lsusb" the modem is on modem mode but network manager cant detected, i cant found "connect to mobile broadband" in notification area? i've try all instructions that i see in askubuntu but null... please help me20:53
tme5kisuke, at the top do you still get "cannot read symlink"?20:53
tme5with sudo for sure?20:53
kisuketme5, afirmative. I can try it as root if you like20:54
kisukewould take a screenshot, but its on SSH on a TTY.20:54
tme5some of my /procs have this issue20:54
tme5it says no such file20:54
kisuketme5, same20:55
tme5idk then :\20:55
axisysI removed evolution and now my laptop does not show date/time on the top right corner.. how do I bring the date/time panel back?21:04
axisysbring back...21:04
tme5axisys, sounds like evolution provides that plugin21:06
Defiance_is/was your panel on the top?21:08
xanguaaxisys: install time date indicator21:09
axisysDefiance_: yes..21:13
axisysxangua: how?21:13
axisysxangua: thanks for the direction.. I were able to find it21:14
axisyswow indicator-datetime brought back evolution plugins.. odd21:16
axisysevolution-data-server-common, evolution-data-server and evolution-data-server-online-accounts21:17
axisysjust so I can see the date/time .. on 16.0421:17
xanguaaxisys: thank GNOME for that21:18
AlexP11223I updated 15.10 to 16.04 and now it shows black screen with tty1 instead of desktop. What should I do?21:18
AlexP11223startx opened something like desktop, but it was just a wallpaper with two not clickable shortcuts and cross instead of cursor21:18
=== Mob is now known as MobGod
franks2Hi, has anyone experienced that the mouse pointer in GNOME apps clicks by itself?21:29
rokoI am trying to install the nvidia drivers but its failing with this error http://pastebin.com/gX9NKAxe21:30
=== the is now known as Guest22344
callipygousDoes anybody know how I can force the amdgpu driver to load instead of radeon?21:32
axisysxangua, Defiance_ , tme5: thanks for your help!21:33
Bashing-omroko: Is " linux-headers-4.2.0-19-generic " installed on your system ?21:37
Bashing-omcallipygous: What release ? As FGLRX in 16.04 is non-existent .21:38
k1l_make that "is linux-generic installed"21:38
=== nefarious is now known as Guest39753
callipygousI'm trying to load amdgpu driver, not fglrx21:40
=== jarek is now known as Guest75952
Bashing-omcallipygous: See the release notes for 16.04 . AMD is devoting all resources to open source driver .21:41
Bashing-omcallipygous: What card ? as preently there are only 2 that take the amdgpu driver .21:42
callipygousKabini Radeon HD 833021:44
callipygousis supposed to be supported by amdgpu driver21:44
OerHeksyou cannot have fglrx driver installed on that 16.04, so what you see is the radeondriver i guess21:45
callipygousamdgpu != fglrx21:45
OerHekswhat is the output of sudo ubuntu-drivers list21:46
Bashing-omcallipygous: Yeah .. amdgpu is correct . .. what returns ' dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu ' ?21:48
callipygousii  xserver-xorg-v 1.1.0-1      amd64        X.Org X server -- AMDGPU display21:48
callipygousit's installed as far as I can tell.  It's not loading, however21:49
FredTheNoobhi guys, a device manager for ubuntu 16.04?21:50
bekksFredTheNoob: the terminal of your choice.21:50
Bashing-omcallipygous: Let's see what X thinks ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999 ' .21:51
FredTheNoobI mean, something with gui? lol21:51
FredTheNoobbuy indeed bekks, you're right21:52
bekksFredTheNoob: there is basically no need for it :) what is he actual issue?21:52
OerHekssudo apt-get install hardinfo http://askubuntu.com/questions/31618/how-can-i-find-my-hardware-details and some tricks21:52
FredTheNoobok thaks callipygous21:53
Bashing-omcallipygous: Erk. the system happily loaded 'radeon' instead of 'amdgpu' . I do not know what is not taking place . Homework time.21:58
FredTheNoobhi bekks, I don't remember command line to do that... do you have a reference?22:02
k1l_FredTheNoob: what do you want to do at all?22:02
FredTheNoobright now? I had finished my work, I mean I'm watching tv on my pc.. lol22:04
FredTheNoobbekks question is just to learn22:05
k1l_FredTheNoob: why do you ask for a device manager? because there is no such thing on linux. but if you have an issue we could find another way to solve that22:05
FredTheNoobkil_ do you a have a reference to manage devices by cli?22:06
k1l_FredTheNoob: "manage"?22:07
FredTheNoobI mean to work with22:07
k1l_that depends on what exact device you want to manage22:07
k1l_video cards have other programs than printers etc.22:08
FredTheNoobohh k22:08
FredTheNoobno ploblem22:09
=== Don is now known as Guest74729
=== mate is now known as Guest22033
squintyFredTheNoob,  might also want to check inxi (in the repo's)  Basic info on installing and using at http://www.unixmen.com/inxi-find-system-hardware-information-linux/     Sample displays and info at https://code.google.com/archive/p/inxi/22:11
Guest22033ciao a tutti, c'è qualche utente che parla italiano e che può aiutarmi?22:11
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:12
FredTheNoobgoodone awesome squinty22:12
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)22:13
Guest74729I have vista and ubuntu on laptop I messed up ubuntu trying to upgrade22:13
Guest74729can anyone do remote and help me thru this22:14
Guest74729I am very new do not understand commands ect22:15
Guest74729Is there any simpler sites to ask22:17
squintyGuest74729,  to get a clearer picture so that others may potentially help you, you need to provide more details.  what were you upgrading, what commands did you use etc.  if someone can help they will respond22:18
squintyGuest74729,  you could also check out ubuntu web sites like askubuntu.com22:19
pkhaxorzI have a weird issue22:19
pkhaxorzwhen I open up my downloads folder22:20
pkhaxorzit starts a memory leak22:20
pkhaxorzand all my ram gets omnomed by nautilus22:20
Guest74729I was upgrading from 14.0 to 16.4 it crashed.  No commands were used.  cannot delete it from windows vista.22:20
callipygousDoes anybody know how to force the amdgpu driver to load?  I have googled all night, and found nothing22:21
callipygousIt keeps loading radeon driver, which I don't want22:21
squintyGuest74729,  delete what exactly?  if you originally installed using wubi, then it would be better to reinstall with a dual boot system.  wubi installs are not recommended22:21
callipygousnor do I want fglrx22:21
callipygousI want to try the amdgpu driver, but it won't load...22:21
=== MobGod is now known as Mob
Bingoamdgpu open source driver?22:23
callipygousI think so22:23
callipygousI've just removed radeon driver, so I'm going to reboot and see if that forces amdgpu22:24
Bingothere is plainly a link for that gpu22:25
Bingoit is for 14.04 though22:26
callipygousso that didn't work, it still loads radeon22:29
Bingothe open source driver is for 14.0422:29
Bingotry to check your card and check what you have, with the link above22:29
Bingoxserver-xorg-video-ati package.22:31
Bashing-omcallipygous: Is " libdrm-amdgpu1 " installed .. and did you remove the old xorg.conf file ?22:32
pkhaxorzonce again22:32
pkhaxorzI try opening my downloads folder22:32
pkhaxorzand I get a massive freaking memory leak22:32
pkhaxorzthat omnoms all of my ram22:32
pkhaxorz_really quickly_22:33
Bingoin 16.04?22:33
pkhaxorzIf I don't kill it, it locks up the machine22:33
pkhaxorzbecause no ram22:33
Bingoit hmms, a long time22:33
callipygousBashing-om: yeah,it's installed22:33
callipygousBashing-om: don't know what you mean by 'removing old xorg file', as xorg rarely uses one these days22:34
Bingoxorg package has the ati22:34
Bingoxserver-xorg-video-ati package.22:35
Bashing-omcallipygous: Agreed, that it has been depreciated. But if there will be used . ls -al /etc/X11/Xorg.conf .22:35
callipygousyeah, doesn't exist22:35
Bingo16.04 enabled by default22:36
squintyaptitude show xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu   is this driver not applicable right now?  don't have radeon her so am not sure.........22:36
callipygouswell, that's the driver I'm trying to get to load22:36
Bingocheck if it is already loadered22:37
callipygousit's not22:37
callipygousthat's not going to work, Bingo22:38
callipygousnot on 16.0422:38
callipygousI'm going to reboot, brb22:39
squintycallipygous,  did that aptitude command show it as installed (it is actually install automatically even on this system here which doesn't have radeon in it)22:39
Bingowell u dont want fgrx. be sure it is not on your ubuntu22:39
Bingolaunchpad may have the listed bug for that driver22:40
squintyhe left22:41
=== nefarious is now known as Guest87952
Bingothere is another page . precise install22:43
squintyBingo,  he left22:44
OerHeksthere is one solution with a ppa with newer builds, but i wonder if he is chasing ghosts as he has the driver installed already,22:45
squintySuggests: firmware-amd-graphics   but   aptitude show firmware-amd-graphics No current or candidate version found for firmware-amd-graphics Package: firmware-amd-graphics State: not a real package22:47
squintykinda weird22:48
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ApteryxHi, my Evince document viewer cannot display some fonts. It seems it has to do with my LaTeX installation replacing some fonts like Helvetica by GyrosTex for example, which for some reason are not displayed in Evince. Any suggestion?22:48
Bingogtg, ya22:49
phucktankHey is there anyone out there that could try and help me with a problem?22:54
phucktankanyone in here?22:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:56
phucktankMy usb mouse and keyboard do not work when I boot up until I unplug and plug them back in a few times. They work in windows and in my bios. Any idea what could be causeing the issue?22:57
Guest20912Can I get support here?22:57
squinty!topic | Guest2091222:59
ubottuGuest20912: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic22:59
phucktankMy usb mouse and keyboard do not work when I boot up until I unplug and plug them back in a few times. They work in windows and in my bios. Any idea what could be causeing the issue?23:04
FreeOatsWow that's a lot of people23:05
FreeOatsAll AFK I bet23:06
squintyphucktank,  http://askubuntu.com/search?q=My+usb+mouse+and+keyboard+do+not+work+when+I+boot+up    might give you some ideas23:07
sim590I'm trying to boot from USB key. I have dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb. When I press f12 on my Acer v5 pc, I see the USB stick, but when I select, it just defautls back to windows, so I guess the image is not well written to disk, but why ?23:07
srulihi, does anyone have experience with letsencrypt? i am having trouble renewing my certs on my web server (expired today) "Type:   unauthorized ...   Detail: Correct zName not found for TLS SNI challenge. Found..."23:07
TJ-sruli: is that using the letsencrypt client?23:08
sruliTJ-: yes23:08
phucktankSim590 what did you use to put the ISO on the usb key?23:08
TJ-sruli: and are you using the file-in-my-web-server method of authentication?23:09
sruliTJ-: ./letsencrypt-auto certonly -a standalone -d domain.1 -d domain.2 ...23:09
sim590phucktank: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent23:09
sruliTJ-: i am not sure where it tries to put the file for authentication, i redirected prot 80 from my webserver to mail server and turned of http>https redirect23:10
TJ-sruli: that error, talking about SNI (server name indication) referes to HTTPS servers with multiple domains hosted on a single IP address; it looks like the wrong path is being used23:10
rhinoloverHas anybody used the ubuntu dist on aws?23:10
sim590phucktank: should I use minisio (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/16.04/) instead ?23:10
phucktanksim590 are you trying to install from USB or you installed  it on a usb drive?23:10
sruliTJ-: yes its multiple domains, wrong path for what23:11
sim590phucktank: I'm trying to boot from the USB key.23:11
sim590phucktank: it just won't boot, when I select the USB key in the menu.23:11
squintysim590,  might want to try adding "&& sync" after the dd commandline23:11
sim590FALSE ALERT.23:11
* sim590 is ashamed.23:12
sim590I took the wrong USB key23:12
phucktanksim590 lmao23:12
sim590I had two usb keys nearby...23:12
sim590wow, but now I get "failure reading sector" thing error, and then when I press enter, I see a kernel call trace.23:13
TJ-sruli: I forget precisely how now, but I think its the 'standlaone' mode of LE that puts an auth dir+file in the root of the domain's Directory23:13
sim590kernel pani error.23:13
anonymous_i have this error:23:13
anonymous_                                            ------------YOU HAVE BEEN HACKED------------------------23:14
anonymous_* #ubuntu Lista ban: Fri Apr 15 20:01:17 *!42b075c0@gateway/* weber.freenode.net23:14
anonymous_* #ubuntu Lista ban: Fri Apr 15 20:01:17 *!*yan@*.cg.shawcable.net weber.freenode.net23:14
anonymous_* #ubuntu Lista ban: Fri Apr 15 20:01:17 $a:HFSPLUS weber.freenode.net23:14
anonymous_* #ubuntu Lista ban: Fri Apr 15 20:01:17 *!*@1968.rt-barnaul-02.dianet.ru weber.freenode.net23:14
anonymous_* #ubuntu Lista ban: Fri Apr 15 20:01:17 *!*@ weber.freenode.net23:14
TJ-sruli: the idea being the LE client tells the LE server a secret, and the LE server makes a connection to the domain and requests a file containing a hash to verify the operator of the LE client has control of the domain23:14
sruliTJ-: how do i find which is the path for the www dir, using httpd? (this server is for mail and don't host sites on it)23:15
FreeOatsNever thought learning about all this crazy shit was as simple as observing an IRC channel23:15
TJ-sruli: so, if you've messed with the usual HTTP(S) server config maybe that's what is breaking it?23:15
sruliTJ-: while https is on have same error that why i turnbed it off23:16
TJ-sruli: the base dir by default is usually /var/www/ or /var/www/html/23:16
squinty!language | FreeOats23:16
ubottuFreeOats: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:16
squintyfamily channel :)23:16
FreeOatsWho'd bring their family to an Ubuntu IRC channel? I doubt the kids would play attention for long..23:17
squintyFreeOats, and now you are off topic23:17
beowulf_i rebooted and a resolution option has disappeared?!?23:18
Abe_how can I remove the "Menubar button from KDE?" http://www0.xup.in/exec/ximg.php?fid=51092251 "the button with the M" upper left corner of windows ?23:19
sruliTJ-: thanks, my httpd config seemed to suggest that dir is at /usr/share/httpd/noindex/... so i tried "./letsencrypt-auto certonly --webroot --webroot-path /usr/share/httpd/noindex/" i now changed that path to /var/www/html/ and it worked23:19
Abe_no nobody answers me in kubuntu23:19
Abe_like always23:19
squintybeowulf_, if new install check  Software and Updates -> Additional drivers to see if anything is offered23:19
nexusstarAnyone running HexChat on 16.04, I am facing dificulties installing it, on fresh install it just lack menu?23:20
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
Abe_using qtcurve23:20
beowulf_squinty, only difference is i enabled SLI via nvidia-xconfig23:20
squintynexusstar, no problems using it here.  are you installing from repo's and are your upgrades up to date?23:21
TJ-sruli: ignore me! "standalone" isn't the mode I was thinking of, I used the "webroot" mode last time23:21
sruliTJ-: i used that in my last command... why doesnt thunderbird auto get new cert?23:21
TJ-sruli: I used "XDG_DATA_HOME=/usr/local/share /usr/local/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto renew --webroot"23:22
sruliTJ-: i will make a note of it and try it next time23:23
nexusstarsquinty I have  it installed and configured before upgrade but after that it doest not show up23:23
TJ-sruli: glad you got it... I'm buried in fixing bugs with yubikey PAM authentication code here23:24
nexusstarsquinty: so I just remove and even purge it several times and fresh install23:24
sruliTJ-: thanks and good luck23:25
squintynexusstar, did you also delete  /home/USER/.config/hexchat  before reinstalling.  purging doesn't remove that directory23:26
nexusstarsquinty: no I know, but hope to use my old config again23:26
nexusstarsquinty, so whenever I installed it again it just pop ups connect with my nick and connects but without any menu23:27
squintynexusstar,  rename it and see if new config solves your problem.  you can then check the difference between the two directory (the new and the renamed old one)23:28
nexusstarsquinty, will try just that, thanks a lot23:28
squintynexusstar,  yw23:29
=== a10194 is now known as kampos
srulihow can i test my new cert on webserver? thunderbird doesnt see to get the new one i tried "openssl s_client -connect mail.mydomain.com:443" but it does not show expiry date23:30
ibrahimi am facing an issue with some apps i.e. gnome calendar that the corners of its menu bar ar white and edgy :/ and idont want to change the theme23:31
=== madagu is now known as MadAGu
ibrahimI am facing an issue with some apps i.e. gnome calendar that the corners of its menu bar ar white and edgy :/ and idont want to change the theme23:33
TheMariusubuntu gnomes with the theming23:35
TheMariusmy mate has theming error in synaptic23:35
ibrahimi run unity23:35
TheMariusmate is better, me thinks.. but thats me23:35
ibrahimisn't this a popular issue?23:36
TheMariussad to see linux still plagued by bugs and half done things, but i guess you have to expect it23:36
nexusstarsquinty: just mv(ed) ~/.config/hexchat and fresh install and all is the same will continue for now to use irssi and dig the problem with hexchat23:37
ibrahimit's not that much dude ... atleast better than M$ win23:37
=== obZen_ is now known as obZen
TheMariusthats up for debate but corporations do pump out some amazing software23:38
TheMariuslook at android and the video editing for gopro i just found, that runs on mobile phones23:38
ibrahimandroid is full of Google's crap23:39
TheMariushowever... open source is what i use for software since it does what i need23:39
squintynexusstar,  that is weird.  you all upgraded (sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade)23:39
TheMariusno frills, straight forward junk free open source software23:40
TheMariuswin or linux ... pretty much same software.. gimp, inkscape, hexchat, filezilla etc23:40
TheMariusbut ubuntu needs some polish to get out the bugs.. idk whats stopping them23:41
TheMariuscould be its hard to do... idk23:41
nexusstarsquinty: yes removed all traces of hexchat and reinstall23:42
squintynexusstar,  hmmm...nothing else springs to mind then other than it maybe theme related (if that is applicable for your situation).  maybe others here may have thoughts on the subject23:44
nexusstarsquinty: I just too run out of ideas so will go to sleep for now and toggle it some other time. Thanks again23:48
squintynexusstar,  yw   and good luck  :-)23:49

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