
bluesabreflocculant: great, thanks!01:53
bluesabreUnit193: if all looks good, we can have ochosi push the fix if nothing else :)01:53
Unit193Hah, just because I don't like it doesn't mean we don't do it. :P01:54
Unit193Hey, I'm just happy this has less crashing.01:57
flocculantknome: why is it that text on our wiki all looks bold ?07:33
flocculantbluesabre Unit193 - I'm completely confused I think on which thunar patches we actually have now - and which bug they're supposed to deal with08:26
flocculantI've now got a pass where it ran for ~20 minutes08:26
flocculantand a fail where it managed to last for ~5 seconds before it went wrong 08:27
flocculantsigh - and after *that* failing - the manually renaming crash occurred almost immediately08:35
knomeflocculant, that's a good question09:38
flocculantmakes a change :p09:38
knomei believe it has again something to do with google fonts and how the webfonts are rendered09:39
knomelet me see if we use google fonts :P09:39
knomeactually nope09:39
knomeof course we don't09:39
knomewe don't use any09:39
knomeyou don't happen to have the font "open sans" installed, i guess09:39
knomethus, the site falls back to sans-serif09:40
flocculantnot looking like I do09:40
knomeand if that font doesn't support the weights we define, or there is some other problem with rendering (this happens)09:40
knomei need to run now09:40
knomeif you don't mind, please file a bug against xubuntu-website09:40
knomei'll get to it at latest monday09:40
flocculantyup of course09:41
knomeok, hurrying already ->09:41
flocculanthah - have a good one :p09:41
flocculantbug 157934309:48
ubottubug 1579343 in Xubuntu Website "http://wiki.xubuntu.org appears bold" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157934309:48
Unit193Yeah I had hit where it didn't refresh right, F5 fixed that.  So I suppose this isn't going quite as well as it should.15:21
flocculantUnit193: mmm16:09
flocculantknome: so - been thinking now we've got xubuntu wiki space - about qa doc stuff - not sure it's in the right place now we've got something we have some control over16:11
flocculanta chat at some point about that dear chap :)16:12
Unit193bluesabre: So new thunar is hit and miss it seems, if you look at results.18:20
bluesabreso I've read18:21
bluesabredisappointing :(18:21
Unit193However, seems to me like the thing I hit, doesn't always refresh so F5 fixes it?18:22
bluesabreI'm content with just not crashing myself18:24
Unit193Having to manually refresh seems better to me, but then again we're talking about a SRU.18:25
bluesabreSeems risky to be running 386 this far down the line19:58
Unit193I'm sure they'll still support 686 for a while yet, considering. :P19:59
Unit193Nice to have a fallback in case Ubuntu decides to be weird and drop it from the archive.20:00

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