
popeyjcastro: (cc pleia2) I have been looking at the migration of the wiki this weekend, and it seems the dump IS provided us was done by "moin export dump" which provides flat html files, which is no good for the migration tools. So I've created a new RT (referencing your previous one) to ask for a 'full' dump of the wiki rather than an export.13:01
popey(rt. 91380)13:01
popeyWill follow up when they're at work tomorrow.13:01
hggdhthe idea of relying on a LP team like etherpad is still, I think, not bad. The problem, as popey pointed out, is that some of teams allowed in etherpad are not restricted17:56
hggdhfor example, I am seeing some new requests to join bugsquad; these requests are coming from people that just joined LP, and are getting in a LOT of teams17:57
hggdh(ergo, in etherpad as well)17:57
hggdh(what has blocked these new users from joining bugsquad is that we _still_ require CoC. None of these new candidates have it signed17:58
hggdhso, interestingly, requiring signing the CoC was good here17:59
pleia2well, there's still the problem of 100s of emails in my inbox, it's a massive waste of my limited volunteer time18:03
popeyYeah, they're attempting many many teams18:03
pleia2time I spent battling this means there's no UWN this week18:04
pleia2so next week will be a double issue, but it still sucks18:04
svijthey're also spamming by trying to join LoCoTeams…18:04
popeyHow do other linux distros deal with this?18:05
popeyBasically every distro runs mediawiki18:05
pleia2mediawiki has lots of good anti-spam tools18:05
popeyThat's good to hear.18:05
pleia2(openstack's doesn't because we haven't upgraded in 100 years)18:06
pleia2part of $day_job over the next several months will be moving openstack off the wiki so we can retire it in 2017, so I'll be sure to share the wisdom I gather from this exercise18:07
pleia2what teams will be using instead, etc18:07
popeyI'm going to CLS next week. I'll be interested to know what other projects do.18:10
pleia2nice, have a good time :)18:10
pleia2Austin twice in the same month was a bit much for me18:11
popeyI've never been to Austin.18:13
pleia2you should definitely check out Cooper's BBQ, just a couple blocks from the convention center (I went twice during the openstack summit)18:14
popeyExcellent. Thanks18:14
popeyHope dholbach doesn't waste away while we're there. Being veggie n' all18:15
pleia2it's gonna be tough for him ;)18:15
pleia2there are lots of tacos though, and often veggie options18:16
pleia2and he should beware of surprise bacon, americans randomly put it in everything (oh good, potato salad! what?!)18:17
pleia2(I don't eat pork, so boo)18:17
pleia2o/ Kilos18:18
Kiloshi pleia2 that was so funny18:18
Kilosi dont eat pork either18:18
svijpleia2: "suprise bacon" and I had to think about a jono bacon jumping out of a big birthday cake as a suprise…18:20
pleia2svij: hahah, that's just scary :)18:22
svijyeah :D18:23
popeymmmmmm bacon18:35

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