=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest61380 | ||
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
phillw | present :) | 10:00 |
phillw | #startmeeting | 10:00 |
meetingology | Meeting started Sun May 8 10:00:22 2016 UTC. The chair is phillw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 10:00 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 10:00 |
LinDol | hi :) | 10:00 |
phillw | #topic discussion about GNOME | 10:00 |
phillw | this will be a bit odd, as the meeting is on a google hangout, but they hope to minute things here for future reference | 10:02 |
darkxst | we are just looking at some screenshares of tello and others | 10:16 |
jback | o/~ | 10:17 |
darkxst | #accepted try trello | 10:20 |
darkxst | #chair darkxst | 10:21 |
darkxst | phillw, meetingology is not listening to me! | 10:22 |
phillw | darkxst: it is, just it is silent | 10:26 |
darkxst | #subtopic website | 10:27 |
darkxst | grvrulz, has a working prototype of the website | 10:34 |
darkxst | still needs to do the popups, downloads page | 10:34 |
darkxst | #action eliasps to create new launchpad teams | 10:44 |
meetingology | ACTION: eliasps to create new launchpad teams | 10:44 |
darkxst | #agreed on new team structure, look at using ubuntugnome-wiki for wiki access | 10:49 |
darkxst | phillw, did you want to talk about the wiki stuff here on IRC, I think most are in here | 10:50 |
phillw | darkxst: I mentioned my thoughts on https://docs.google.com/document/d/13941LvvPxjdeCF_dMUH8FoATVIkwziTzj0kn5qBunnw under the wiki section | 10:52 |
phillw | using the 2 areas correctly is the logical choice. | 10:52 |
darkxst | phillw, what about moving to a more modern wiki, ahead of ubuntu? | 11:06 |
darkxst | your thoughts on that? | 11:06 |
darkxst | dokuwiki and mediawiki both have proper localisation support and WYSIWYG editors, which will help greatly from the people that fear Moin Moin | 11:07 |
phillw | I'm in favour of mediawiki, but as there is discussion of it and another system to replace moin for Ubuntu, I'd suggest getting involved in that discussion. | 11:07 |
darkxst | phillw, its not likely to happen soon, the migration will be a nightmare | 11:08 |
phillw | darkxst: well, fedora did it, and posted the script up. As to being a nightmare, quite probably!!! | 11:08 |
darkxst | phillw, can you host a mediawiki site? | 11:17 |
phillw | yes. | 11:17 |
phillw | virt11 (hosting WP such as lubuntu.me) also has mediawiki installed | 11:17 |
jback | (If needed, I can provide a VM for Ubuntu Gnome on my colocation server which is with a hosting asociation, Coloclue) | 11:18 |
phillw | jback: having additional VM's are always good, excellent to back up each other on :) | 11:20 |
jback | I can provide for it with root access if needed. | 11:20 |
phillw | jback: I provide them, give them root access and then re-install when they blow them up! But, that's an important part of learning about servers and much better they learn on their VM than on a production machine :) | 11:22 |
jback | Hah, that's exactly how things go indeed :) | 11:22 |
phillw | jback: you have an invite | 11:22 |
jback | phillw: hum? | 11:23 |
phillw | DragonEyes should have sent you an invite (it's for #phillw) not really scary :) | 11:24 |
darkxst | #meeting hijacked by the website discussions | 11:24 |
phillw | darkxst: trying to control web developers is as much a lost cause as trying to herd cats. | 11:25 |
phillw | have them set up a channel / chat and let them get on with it. Throw in the odd coffee and some do-nuts until they have a site up and running. | 11:26 |
darkxst | phillw, its the designers | 11:30 |
phillw | darkxst: yup... those are the ones to feed coffee and do-nuts to :) ... They are much more productive that way :) | 11:30 |
darkxst | phillw, they already have a channel | 11:31 |
darkxst | #action phillw to look at hosting us a mediawiki instance | 11:32 |
meetingology | ACTION: phillw to look at hosting us a mediawiki instance | 11:32 |
darkxst | if we are going to change now is the time | 11:32 |
phillw | as good as any!!! | 11:32 |
darkxst | and it should offer proper translation support among other things | 11:33 |
aldomann_ | and membership management or something | 11:33 |
aldomann_ | to keep trolls away | 11:33 |
darkxst | #action grvrulz to look at theming | 11:33 |
meetingology | ACTION: grvrulz to look at theming | 11:33 |
darkxst | (of mediawiki) | 11:34 |
phillw | darkxst: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Wiki_family | 11:35 |
phillw | the answer is yes. | 11:35 |
phillw | darkxst: share http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty to the group, it has the links for a pdf manual and all the translations as part of it. | 11:38 |
phillw | and, we can use their code !! | 11:39 |
darkxst | sure | 11:40 |
jback | I can translate Dutch if we have a proper translation system in place. | 11:46 |
phillw | #chair darkxst | 11:56 |
meetingology | Current chairs: darkxst phillw | 11:56 |
darkxst | #endmeeting | 12:10 |
meetingology | Meeting ended Sun May 8 12:10:23 2016 UTC. | 12:10 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-gnome/2016/ubuntu-gnome.2016-05-08-10.00.moin.txt | 12:10 |
ozbrk | hi guys I have a mint to migrate ubuntu gnome from ubuntu whats your opinion is it stable? | 18:57 |
ozbrk | are you happy with the ubuntu gnome | 18:57 |
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