
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest52984
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mike-zaljust out of the blue ubuntu starter hang during boot while: a start job is running to raise network interfaces13:37
mike-zaland it shows 5:07 time. after it takes so long, system boots but shows degraded state.13:37
mike-zalfew days ago system was bootjing just fine and I didn't do anything for many days and today there is this bug :(13:38
mike-zalah, I just recalled. in the last session when it was all fine, I upgraded system and then powered off and didn't boot until now. so I guess update did something.13:40
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dasjoemike-zal: it's probably no longer using ethX names for network interfaces14:07
mike-zalshould I edit etc/network/interfaces then?14:09
mike-zaldasjoe: ?14:12
dasjoeIf you want future reboots to be faster and your settings to actually apply, yes14:12
mike-zalbut it doesn't resolve the problem. I'm running server inside local wifi network and my address changed from 16 to 17 since last boot. maybe that's the reason?14:13
mike-zaltrying find out my currient eth name14:14
dasjoe"ip a" will show device names14:14
mike-zalok, it shows enp0s314:15
mike-zalhmm... the same is in interfaces14:16
mike-zalnot sure what to do now14:17
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eligiobzHi there, I'm running 14.04 with iReadMail (using nginx as my webserver) and there's people telneting on port 80 to probe other sites, how can I stop this?17:36
Slingeligiobz: stop what exactly?17:39
Slingif they don't provide a Host header they will land at the default vhost17:39
eligiobzpeople telneting on port 80 to prove sites17:39
Slingwhat do you mean with that?17:40
eligiobzmy logs report people using mod_proxy as follows17:40
eligiobzConnection attempts using mod_proxy: -> smtp.mail.yahoo.com:25: 5 Time(s)17:40
Slinghow did you configure mod_proxy?17:40
eligiobzit's the default configuration provided by iRedMail. I had a look at it and is being used to redirect to other services17:42
eligiobzproxy_set_header Host $http_host;17:43
eligiobzproxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;17:43
eligiobzproxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;17:43
eligiobzproxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;17:43
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wolflarson_hello, dumb question. php is not working on my new 16.04 server. I have apache and php installed and http pages work just fine but php files are returned as text in the page source instead of running with php21:00
wolflarson_is there something I need to do to apache to make this work again?21:00
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