
kaisozHi there08:48
NeKitis it possible to load Ubuntu Touch for tablets in emulator?09:54
TempuseridRecomendations for a decent irc client for Ubuntu touch? The web client and the m10 browser don't play nicely if you switch away10:04
swalladgeTempuse have you tried an irc app? (I had xchat or something similar installed out of the box)10:59
swalladgeHaven't actually tried it yet though - i tested sshing into a server with weechat running in a tmux session which worked ok, but same prablom with internet cutting as soon as switched away11:00
swalladge(Although it kept the connection while in desktop mode whirhwas pretty cool) i hope they add settings to enable that in tablet/phone mode as well11:01
renee77hi is there a way to install g++ on tablet?11:13
renee77and vim only vi is availleble11:14
renee77someone here?11:16
renee77someone not enjoying sun here?11:35
renee77I really would like some help, I am on ubuntu tablet. I know I can use sudo, but I wont receive updates then. And I was wondering it should be possible to use vim and gcc/g++ without loosing updates?11:37
renee77By the way sdcard is only been seen in desktop mode11:38
brunch875I don't think you'll lose updates. At least it didn't happen to me when I started apt-getting stuff12:02
brunch875Man, thunderbird is a pretty great IM client. No wonder why empathy is gone now.13:53
brunch875I wonder if we'll get this on utouch13:53
brunch875cause I really like dekko :|13:53
Acou_Bassempathy is gone? since when13:53
brunch875It's not installed by default anymore13:53
Acou_Bassaww lame, i liked it hehe13:54
brunch875I like the online-accounts setup13:54
brunch875set stuff system-wide instead of on each application13:54
Acou_Bassi do hope ubuntu touch gets a good IM app13:54
Acou_Bassthats one thing i loved about sailfishOS, the messaging app supported so many protocols all right there in one app13:54
brunch875I'd rather have some sort of empathy in ubuntu too13:55
brunch875have telegram in there13:55
Acou_Bassthe telegram app/scope is great13:55
Acou_Basstrouble is, i dont use telegram and no one i know does either XD13:55
brunch875huhu! I use telegram a lot13:56
brunch875strongly dislike whatsapp13:56
Acou_Bassi dont know anyone who uses whatsapp either13:56
Acou_Bassall my friends use FB chat13:56
brunch875I hate fb chat since they closed down the apis13:56
brunch875I'd much rather have everyone using gtalk13:57
Acou_Bassweirdly, the new API is actually better for 3rd-party clients, it supports history/group chats far better than the old xmpp one13:57
brunch875there's a new api?13:57
Acou_Bassyeah, pidgin supports it as do a few others13:57
brunch875... :o13:57
brunch875I'm surprised!13:57
brunch875Thunderbird is lagging behind, then!13:57
brunch875No support for new facebook API13:57
Acou_Bassas i said its not XMPP, but it supports the group chats far better + actually has history13:57
brunch875And you say pidgin supports it?13:58
brunch875I stopped using pidgin with the introduction of empathy back then13:58
brunch875wanted to give it a try and I kinda sticked to it13:58
Acou_Bassahh maybe the facebook thing is still a plugin, but i imagine itll get merged into pidgin at some point if not already13:59
brunch875¿Do you use pidgin yourself?13:59
Acou_Bassnah i use bitlbee hehe13:59
Acou_Basswhich also has the plugin ;D13:59
NeKithow much is Ubuntu Tablet usable for things like simple code editing?13:59
brunch875I don't have the tablet, but it should be pretty decent13:59
brunch875I mean, it comes with vim core installed14:00
brunch875I remember using apt-get for a bunch of stuff14:00
NeKitI was trying to find some videos on YouTube, but at most seen GIMP running14:00
brunch875So probably you can also get some plugins like YCM14:00
NeKitit can probably run most of desktop apps, or?14:03
brunch875I'm strongly skeptical about that14:04
Acou_Bassive only used libertine (the XMir container thingy) on nexus 4, and it runs anything i throw at it14:04
Acou_Bassobvious things like steam or whatevre aside of course14:04
brunch875is it so?14:04
brunch875I must admit I am impressed then!14:04
Acou_Bassit doesnt run everything perfectly, and there are a few annoying bugs14:04
Acou_Basslike in libreoffice sometimes the menus up top dont work right14:05
brunch875Have you tried some coding platforms like eclipse?14:05
brunch875does that work?14:05
Acou_Bassdidnt try it, i dont code xD i did try emacs though14:05
Acou_Bassi couldnt figure out where emacs actually saves its configurations though14:05
Acou_Bassso didnt get too far with it14:05
brunch875I can't wait until it arrives on the uphone14:05
brunch875damn, now you're getting my hopes up14:06
brunch875I thought only about 40% the stuff would work14:06
NeKitI thought of getting Unity 8 running on mine x86 tablet, but desktop version doesn't seem to work even on laptop14:06
Acou_Basslike i sid its not perfect... dont expect miracles, but by the time it actually hits stable, i imagine it should be working pretty well xD14:06
brunch875I also hope that Qt gets stronger14:07
Acou_Bassremember youre basicaly just running the 'legacy' app in a container, the only bit thats a bit fiddly is the XMir compatability layer14:07
brunch875my biggest concern is the ARM architecture shutting down all old programs due to dependencies14:08
Acou_Bassso theres not much reason to assume things wont work unless theyre fairly heavy on the graphics and so the xmir thing messes it up14:08
Acou_Bassthat could be an issue i guess hehe, but i thought ubuntu had fairly good ARM support in its repos14:08
brunch875To be honest, as long as I can get opencv to work exactly the same as in my laptop, I'll be all set to go14:09
brunch875+ vim with plugins and crap like that14:09
brunch875open computer vision14:09
brunch875libraries for programming eyes on the pc :D14:09
Acou_Bassdoes vim run in libertine? or is it ntive14:09
brunch875what's libertine?14:10
Acou_Bassthe legacy app container thing14:10
brunch875eeeuh I suppose it'll work in both sides14:11
Acou_Basslike i said my main problem with libertine is i dont know where the config files get stored, so getting vim plugins working on it might be a bit fiddly14:11
Acou_Bassthats why i gave up on emacs withit14:11
brunch875it should all get put in /opt, right?14:11
brunch875either in /opt or at home14:11
Acou_Bassno the containers are stored in your /home14:11
brunch875that's where I'd look at14:11
Acou_Bassbut i dunnno if the containers mount /home/phablet as the homedir for the applications14:11
Acou_Bassor if it has its own /home dir inside it14:12
* brunch875 has no idea14:12
Acou_Bassim probably over-thinking this, but i have no idea either14:12
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hello_thereAnyone here? 😃18:09
brunch875Of course!18:12
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Acou_Bassheey folks, im trying to use sshfs to mount my ubuntu touch phone easily (my USB port is a bit flaky, so figured this would be easiest) however i keep getting connection reset by peer... anything i can do here?19:10
popeyAcou_Bass: does it reset when the phone locks and the cpu suspends?19:15
Acou_Bassnope it just says connection reset by peer instantly19:20
Acou_Bassahhh wait, its working now - it was a local known_hosts problem :) XD19:20
Acou_Bassi should probably go into town this week and find a dodgy dealer who will fix this USB port19:21
sebsebsebbat last in here on this tablet. Convergence!19:28
brunch875my utouch just died out of the blue20:55
brunch875won't power on20:55
brunch875no led when plugged in either20:55
brunch875sadface :c20:55
popeyhold power button longer than you think you need to20:56
brunch875but there's no charging led anymore either :S20:56
brunch875what the hell20:56
brunch875popey is the phone necromancer20:57
popeywhat charger you using?20:57
brunch875I tried multiple20:57
brunch875battery is full20:57
popeywhich device?20:57
brunch875it's back to normal now20:57
popeyholding power worked?20:58
k1lpopey is the phonewhisperer20:58
* popey makes a mark on his beadstead20:58
brunch875damn, you can't imagine how thankful I am for this20:58
brunch875I was setting up my alarm :P20:58
brunch875I thought it was properly dead since LED gets turned on when plugging whilst powered off20:59
k1lbut most smartphones do have a "hold power (+ vol up or down) for 30 seconds" firmware feature.20:59
brunch875I suppose it was just in a deep ubuntu slumber20:59
Acou_Bassat first i was worried you had the nexus 4 red light of death (which is usually an easy fix but one that everyone bricks it over)21:00
Acou_Bassbut then i realised you said no LED... ;021:01
brunch875yeah, I only now after a year realized uphone displays no lead while charging when awake :p21:01
brunch875lead = led21:01
Acou_Bassid be curious to see what the LED light actually does thats useful, the nexus one is apparently quite active under android21:02
popeyturns out you can poke the LED in /sys/ somewhere to make it do whatever you want21:02
brunch875that's pretty neat21:03
brunch875I'll play with that tomorrow21:03
popeyi wrote a script to send random values that makes it disco freakout :)21:03
Acou_BassXD epic21:03
jfmcarreiraheyyy guys21:14
jfmcarreirais it possible to flash ubuntu touch without ubuntu distro?21:14
Acou_Bassyeah i did it with arch21:15
Acou_Bassubuntu-device-flash is in the AUR (three times...) as is phablet-tools21:18
stakewinner00Acou_Bass, have you used the ubuntu sdk in arch too?21:18
Acou_Bassi havent21:18
stakewinner00i think will be interesting to port the sdk to other distros...21:18
Acou_Bassim not much of a coder myself so havent actually tried to do anything besides use the automagic scope builder thingy, which i ran in a chroot hehe21:19
jfmcarreiraAcou_Bass: what if those tools are not part of the pkg system?21:21
Acou_Basswell... i dunno what id do in that situation - luckily for me they were :P21:22
jfmcarreiraAcou_Bass: :)21:22
Acou_Bassbut surely a drastic solution such as a container would work? is it possible to pass adb over to a container?21:23
Acou_Basshm, quick curiosity question time - is there any way to tell ubuntu touch what to do when i press my bluetooth headset buttons? for some reason the back/forward buttons seem to turn volume up/down21:32
GostdogHi there22:08
Gostdogi've touch on my nexus 7 but there is no gimp or libreoffice installed. How do i do that?22:10
jfmcarreiraanyone here trying ubuntu touch with multi room?22:22
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swalladgeso if i turn on read/write system to use apt-get i have two questions: 1. can i temporarily disable it to get system/ota updates (or force the updates)? 2. if i break the entire system, is there an official image i can flash back on for factory default?23:27

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