slee | hi, is there a setting or app i'm unaware of that you can use to have it remember your last window size positions of apps? | 01:15 |
flocculant | slee: I've used devilspie for that - there is a gui to set the confs up - gdevlispie, then just set it to start with sessions | 01:16 |
slee | yes, i've tried DP, it's ok on some apps, but some it doesn't work well on, and i had an issue with it opening all windows/floaters of same app all to the same size | 01:17 |
flocculant | about all I have left now with my confs is clementine starting on second desktop | 01:17 |
slee | thanks anyways | 01:18 |
flocculant | slee: issues with things like thunderbird - eg warnings same size? | 01:18 |
flocculant | I dealt with that somehow ... aah yes - don't have one for it lol | 01:19 |
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest61380 | ||
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica | ||
=== linxon is now known as lin|aw | ||
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon | ||
xubuntu26w | hi | 10:54 |
arno | hello I would like to know how to customize my wacom tablet on xubuntu 16.04 : there is no control panel options like ubuntu. May somebody help me ? THANKS. | 11:34 |
beowulf_ | arno, haw you tried menu -> look and feel | 11:40 |
arno | The only way to access my tablett is in the panel "Mouse and Tablett" | 11:44 |
beowulf1 | .. | 11:46 |
arno | there is just couples of things allowing me to change | 11:47 |
arno | I can not map my express keys and so on | 11:47 |
arno | thank you beowulf but after searching the web I founded this : there is no control panel option to customize a wacom tablet at all ! | 12:09 |
beowulf_ | my keyboard changed to en_us after update/reboot. Now its impossible to type my password... | 13:56 |
beowulf_ | oh wait - it started working again. (still claims en_us kb) | 13:57 |
=== lin|aw is now known as linxon | ||
beowulf_ | text terminals stopped working (just black screen). | 14:37 |
nairwolf | Hi, I would like to know which photo manager do you use ? | 15:15 |
iSlayWyverns | beowulf_, did u solve it? | 15:35 |
iSlayWyverns | nairwolf, found any? | 15:36 |
beowulf_ | yup, as always. nomodeset is a must. | 16:04 |
beowulf_ | meaning, if stuff doesn't work. Try nomodeset. | 16:05 |
hhee | guys. how i can maximize window in xubuntu? alt + f10 not working | 16:31 |
zombienerd | 16.04 has no default set. Go to Settings Manager, then WIndow Manager, click on Keyboard, find "Maximize Window" and Edit. | 16:44 |
zombienerd | hhee | 16:44 |
hhee | got it thx | 16:45 |
zombienerd | No problem | 16:46 |
dreamon | hello. is there a good dark theme out there? | 18:05 |
zombienerd | I've always done a custom setup. Dark grays. | 18:06 |
zombienerd | I use elementary Xfce Dark icons, Xubuntu Studio style. | 18:07 |
zombienerd | | 18:09 |
dreamon | nice! | 18:10 |
zombienerd | It's easy to setup. Open settings, go into Appearance. Under Style, select XubuntuStudio. Under icons, select elementary Xfce Dark. | 18:11 |
zombienerd | Then, back in Settings, click Theme Configuration, and pick the grays or darks you like. | 18:11 |
dreamon | think have to install xubuntustudio theme? there is no. | 18:14 |
zombienerd | Perhaps. I think it shipped with 12.04. I've been using Xubuntu for a long time :) | 18:15 |
dreamon | zombienerd, today I made a new install 16.04 .. I love xfce.. think a dark theme is best. I found a gray one. but windows head caption.. is written so unsharp .. i hate it | 18:19 |
plz_help | hellu | 18:21 |
plz_help | i'm trying to install xubuntu 16.04 with an encrypted LUKS / LVM | 18:21 |
plz_help | everything works fine so far with the default settings | 18:21 |
plz_help | but I can't get it to work having a btrfs root partition instead of the default ext4 partition | 18:22 |
plz_help | anyone already done this? | 18:22 |
plz_help | in previous version I could have started the installation process again an use the given default partion table setup and just change the format from ext4 to btrfs | 18:22 |
plz_help | but with 16.04 this seems no longer possible? | 18:23 |
zombienerd | dreamon - I uploaded my XubuntuStudio folder from .themes You should be able to download and put it into your .themes directory and it should work. | 18:23 |
plz_help | :/ | 18:24 |
zombienerd | plz_help - I've never used btrfs. Can't help there. | 18:24 |
plz_help | ok | 18:25 |
plz_help | may be i need to install 15.04 to get this work and just update the system to 16.04 | 18:25 |
plz_help | for me it's to complicated to mount the root partition and use btrfs-convert | 18:26 |
zombienerd | It would have to be 14.04 or 15.10 | 18:26 |
plz_help | ok 14.04 then | 18:26 |
plz_help | thx | 18:26 |
dreamon | zombienerd, Its really fine. But same bad readable caption | 18:27 |
plz_help | but im not sure if in 14.04 there was already btrfs support in installer | 18:27 |
zombienerd | I remember seeing it in the partition manager during install. Just never used it. | 18:27 |
plz_help | ok, will give it a try | 18:27 |
zombienerd | Best of luck! | 18:27 |
plz_help | really bad the format can't be selected during installation process (under some kind of advanced settings) | 18:28 |
dreamon | look here is window caption → | 18:28 |
plz_help | thx bye | 18:29 |
zombienerd | Hmm, let me see if I can find where that color setting is. | 18:29 |
zombienerd | Go into Settings, Window Manager, Style. Check what's set there. | 18:30 |
zombienerd | That's what controls the title bar presentation | 18:30 |
zombienerd | I use XubuntuStudio there as well. | 18:30 |
dreamon | yes thats it. I hade grey.. it horrorfull to read. | 18:31 |
zombienerd | Excellent :) | 18:31 |
dreamon | zombienerd, Thank you.. you saved my eyes ;) | 18:32 |
zombienerd | No problem! I hate light themes too! | 18:32 |
dreamon | zombienerd, lol.. now are window Icons on right position ;) | 18:40 |
xubuntu486 | hi every1 | 19:40 |
xubuntu486 | I'm using xubuntu14.04 LTS. | 19:41 |
xubuntu486 | And the 16.04 is already out. So when will the system update happened? | 19:44 |
krytarik | !ltsupgrade | xubuntu486 | 19:44 |
ubottu | xubuntu486: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. | 19:44 |
xubuntu486 | Ohh...Thank you. In July? I thought it's automatic after the released. I mean after 16.04. But it's ok. Thanks | 19:47 |
zombienerd | You can upgrade now, by doing 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' | 19:47 |
xubuntu486 | Alright, thanks | 19:48 |
zombienerd | Sorry, it's 'sudo update-manager -d' | 19:50 |
zombienerd | after you've done all the latest updates to 14.04 | 19:50 |
LazyUser69 | What is the library that uses gtk to render qt widgets? | 19:51 |
rat | Running 14.04 on a Bay Trail based laptop. Generally had few issues, upgraded to 16.04 and got hard freezes galore even when just web browsing. Reinstalled 14.04 and still occasionally getting hard freezes. Would like to try to capture logs and see what happens when the system locks up. Any suggestions for getting to the root of this? | 20:57 |
rat | there was no consistency in when the system locked up. I could go weeks without it happening and it could happen multiple times in a day. | 20:58 |
zombienerd | Would ctrl shift F2 bring you to a console? | 20:59 |
zombienerd | Or did even the background TTY's lock? | 20:59 |
rat | yeah, everything was hard locked. No mouse cursor, no consoles, nothing I could do but power off and reboot. | 21:00 |
rat | I grudgingly tolerated it because it was still infrequent and my sessions restored fine. but since I reinstalled 14.04, I basically confirmed it's happened across installs and not just a one time config glitch issue on my part. | 21:01 |
zombienerd | What are your temperatures like? The only time I've ever gotten a hard lock was due to overheating of the CPU | 21:02 |
rat | Hm. just happened again. And there's one constant now. I open a new tab and scroll down the page with the trackpad. Hard locked. | 21:02 |
zombienerd | You should install Psensors and keep an eye on the CPU temp | 21:02 |
rat | sitting at 120F right now. | 21:02 |
rat | Almost never goes above 138F | 21:03 |
rat | Yeah, temps was my first thought too but that doesn't seem to be going high enough to cause issues. I should hit throttling first since this system is passively cooled. | 21:03 |
zombienerd | Open your browser from the terminal. Try to reproduce the issue and see if the terminal spits anything out before locking. | 21:04 |
zombienerd | I'm not an expert, just a tech-level type :) Not sure where to dig beyond basic troubleshooting | 21:05 |
rat | Man, firefox is chatty. | 21:06 |
zombienerd | All apps are very verbose when started from a terminal :) | 21:06 |
rat | yeah, I'm pretty know how about this sort of thing but i'm more familiar with getting BSOD minidumps and don't quite know the equivalent in linux | 21:07 |
zombienerd | I know all the system logs live in /var/log but without knowing what is crashing, it could take some time to find. | 21:08 |
rat | that's the issue | 21:08 |
rat | I also had the same occasional hard lock on my other system, this is an Acer E11 BayTrail system, the other was an Acer C710 Chromebook, Sandy Bridge based Celeron system. | 21:09 |
rat | The hard locks are much more frequent on the Bay Trail machine though | 21:09 |
zombienerd | You could start all apps from the terminal, and have it output the text to a logfile (don't remember the command) and wait for the next crash to happen. HOpefully you'll catch something. | 21:09 |
zombienerd | Usually hard locks are caused by overheated CPU, bad RAM, or another hardware fault. I've personally never seen a software caused hard-lock on Xubuntu | 21:10 |
zombienerd | At least not one that couldn't be fixed with switching to tty2 and resetting the DM | 21:11 |
rat | full load across all 4 cores... highest the CPU temp gets is 138f. which is 58c. | 21:11 |
zombienerd | Run full memory scan from GRUB? | 21:12 |
zombienerd | Do you have a temp sensor on the GPU? | 21:13 |
rat | gpu's integrated, Intel HD 2000 IIRC. | 21:14 |
zombienerd | Does it have a sensor? | 21:14 |
rat | Not aware if there's a separate temp sensor | 21:14 |
zombienerd | install psensor and it will list all the sensors in a nice GUI | 21:14 |
rat | cute. | 21:15 |
rat | all temps are generally within 1 or 2 degrees of each other. | 21:16 |
rat | core 0 through 3 plus two marked temp 1 | 21:16 |
rat | the temp 1 values seem to always be about 2 degrees lower than the highest core value. | 21:17 |
zombienerd | If you right click on "temp1"s and click preferences it will give you the sensor ID and generally let you know which thing you're looking at | 21:17 |
rat | soc_dts0, soc_dts1 for temp 1 (both of them) | 21:18 |
zombienerd | Then, keep it open, and run firefox, scroll around a bit and see if anything spikes. If there's a failing fan, or bad airflow, it can go from "perfect" to "oh crap" in about 0.5 seconds | 21:18 |
rat | so on package sensor. | 21:18 |
rat | no fans in this machine ;) | 21:18 |
rat | All passive. | 21:19 |
zombienerd | Ahhh. | 21:19 |
rat | One of the reasons I got it. Bay Trail Atom SOC. | 21:19 |
zombienerd | Gotcha. Not familiar with the family :P I run AMD processors nearly exclusively. | 21:19 |
rat | I used to, too. Just AMD hasn't been very competitive as of late ;( | 21:19 |
rat | Love my Athlon II x4 box | 21:20 |
rat | Built that almost 7 years ago and it's still more than what I need. | 21:20 |
zombienerd | I like the APU's, but not a fan of AMD graphics, so I got the Athlon X4 760k, which is their best APU with the GPU disabled. Run an Nvidia card on top of it. | 21:20 |
zombienerd | 80 bucks for the chip and runs everything I've thrown at it. Can't complain. | 21:21 |
zombienerd | But not relevant to this conversation, so I digress. | 21:21 |
rat | I put a Phenom II x6 in the same machine for a while. Didn't even come close to utilizing it. | 21:21 |
rat | heh yeah. | 21:21 |
zombienerd | I'd say to a RAM check next, boot up, hold shift to bring up grub, and run Memtest+ | 21:21 |
rat | what I said about scrolling to get a hard lock earlier... it's also generally the only thing I do on this laptop anyway, web browsing. I got a hard lock fast before but this time I'm not experincing that issue. | 21:22 |
rat | and yeah, I've run memtest. no issues ;( | 21:22 |
zombienerd | Check this out, maybe some good information to help with a panic log | 21:24 |
zombienerd | | 21:24 |
rat | Interesting. Just happened again. And I might know why. | 21:24 |
rat | phone buzzed. reached back to grab it. System locked. First time I took my hands off the machine since the last lock. | 21:25 |
rat | Grounding issue? | 21:25 |
zombienerd | Hmm.. Very possible it could be. | 21:25 |
zombienerd | ESD related? Is your power adapter grounded (3 prong) or not (2 prong) | 21:26 |
rat | two. | 21:26 |
rat | haven't felt any static buildup lately. | 21:26 |
rat | also doesn't explain why it was significantly worse (hard locks) on 16.04 | 21:26 |
zombienerd | Ture | 21:27 |
zombienerd | True* | 21:27 |
zombienerd | Anyway, check out that link, and see if the machine responds to the magic Sysreq commands the next time it locks. It should. Might help you flush some fail logs to disk | 21:27 |
zombienerd | I've gotta run, food time for the family. Good luck! | 21:28 |
SergioEDuran1 | Hi there | 23:31 |
SergioEDuran1 | pardon me but I have a little question for you | 23:32 |
SergioEDuran1 | well the problem is that my nm-aplet does not autostarts in the frst session login in each reboot, I need to execute nm-applet to get it working | 23:33 |
SergioEDuran1 | how can I solve this issue? | 23:33 |
zombienerd | add to autostart :) | 23:33 |
zombienerd | Settings, Session and Startup | 23:34 |
zombienerd | Application Autostart -> Add | 23:34 |
SergioEDuran1 | it is allteready in autostart | 23:37 |
zombienerd | If the autostart is correctly configured, it should work. Check for typos or such | 23:38 |
zombienerd | If everything is input correctly, try making a script to start it, and adding the script to autostart. | 23:41 |
SergioEDuran1 | | 23:42 |
SergioEDuran1 | I pasted my desktop file | 23:46 |
SergioEDuran1 | of nm-applet on autostart | 23:46 |
SergioEDuran1 | looks like the nm-applet is not the issue | 23:50 |
SergioEDuran1 | because after I start it in my first login after a reboot when I log out and log in again it starts | 23:51 |
SergioEDuran1 | the problem is: when I reboot the process starts again | 23:51 |
SergioEDuran1 | I mean the cicle of re-turning on it | 23:51 |
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