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clivejocant get activities to work not at all00:04
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> On YY?00:09
valoriehi folks, back from mother's day activities -- wanted to report a successful upgrade to YY on my other "old" laptop00:22
valorie16.04 is working like a dream on this one (the new new laptop)00:22
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soee_!info plasma-desktop xenial09:51
ubottuplasma-desktop (source: plasma-desktop): Tools and widgets for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.5.5-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1575 kB, installed size 7751 kB09:51
ahoneybunsoee_ what time is it for you?09:54
soee_almost midday - 12:0009:54
ahoneybunalmost 6am here09:55
* ahoneybun should try XCOM 09:56
soee_hihi :)09:59
soee_Plasma 5.6.4 tomorrow i think -.-09:59
soee_and probably new Frameworks this week10:00
ahoneybunthe thing with plasma is I would take stable over the newest10:00
soee_5.6.3 is stable 10:00
ahoneybunit is tagged as it but is it really10:00
soee_for me is :)10:01
ahoneybunpeople are reporting mulit monitor issues in 5.5.5 but say it is fixed in 5.610:04
soee_still the same issue with TV connected via HDMI is blinking all the time :/10:07
ahoneybunI don't see that in 5.5.510:07
soee_maybe it is somehow related to hybrid graphics10:08
ahoneybunalways something related to that10:08
clivejoI think Plasma 5.6.3 boots faster than 5.5.510:20
ahoneybunsoee_ mm XCOM has crap framerate as well10:57
ahoneybunplayable but not the same as on Windows10:58
ahoneybunclivejo 5.5.5 has gotten slow on my SSD for some reason11:04
ahoneybunI think it is the Ubuntu SDK11:04
BluesKajHi folks11:39
soee_Hi BluesKaj11:44
soee_wanna test Plasma 5.6.3 on Xenial ?11:44
BluesKajhi soee_ , on Yakkety atm11:44
soee_oh, so you can test it there to :)11:45
BluesKajok , ppa?11:45
soee_BluesKaj: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-plasma 11:45
soee_it contains both Plasma and Frameworks11:46
BluesKajright, that's good 11:46
soee_BluesKaj: there is also optional plymouth theme if you want to try11:47
soee_the package is called: plymouth-theme-breeze11:47
BluesKajok , 250 some upgrades ...this should be interesting11:49
soee_BluesKaj: one thing to check after upgrade on YY it to see if Activities works for you, clivejo mentioned that this is broken for  him on YY11:52
soee_but works fine for me on XX11:52
soee_interesting entry from minutes plasma meeting: jens is working on  "design for kube mail"12:01
soee_so the new mail client in planed ?12:01
yofelas long as it's better than this "Mail"app in win10 I'm happy12:12
BluesKajok soee_ i haven't rebooted yet, but the activities manager is blank alltho the control module is fine and my activities do switch ok. I have them tied to their own fav apps in the special applications settings as well as the system settings>desktop behavior>acivities settings12:13
soee_clivejo: ^12:13
soee_yofel: will we put 5.6.3 in backports or wait for 5.6.4 ?12:14
yofelbackport when done12:14
soee_yofel: so we only have problem with this labguage file right?12:19
soee_and it should be ready for backports ?12:19
clivejoyofel: kwayland is 4:5.6.3 in plasma and is due to be moved to frameworks in 5.22, can we get rid of the epoch?12:20
yofelonly be rename12:20
yofellike source and all binaries12:20
yofelsoee_: dunno, clive is the expert there12:21
clivejoso it becomes 4:5.22?12:21
* clivejo chokes12:22
* clivejo is NO expert!12:22
soee_you are! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg12:22
clivejomy expert advice is to use English :P12:23
BluesKajok , activities are all back to normal here after installing frameworks and plasma 5.63, and plymouth-theme-breeze ...all seems fine so far. BTW I do like the new splash screen, the old one was becoming boring. soee_ :-012:24
soee_say THANK YOU to clivejo12:25
soee_an expert!12:25
BluesKajthanks clivejo!  :-)12:25
yofelclivejo is Dr. Williamson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7MIJP90biM12:26
soee_clivejo: so for BluesKaj activities work on YY12:32
soee_you must have something broken a bit, can you check on fresh account ?12:33
soee_BluesKaj: btw. i noticed yetserday then when shutting down for a moment teh blue plymouth is also visible12:34
soee_do you have the same ?12:34
BluesKajsoee_, sorry i didn't notice , went to the kitchen to get a cofffee when I rebooted12:35
BluesKajI'll check 12:35
soee_yofel: btw12:36
soee_[11:48] <soee_> was there some bug in Folder View widget where the widget was rendered to small and not even 1 icon was fully visible ?12:36
soee_[11:49] <Sho_> i think before 5.5 there was a temporary regression with the default size12:36
soee_[11:49] <Sho_> not aware of other problems12:36
yofelstill there in 5.512:36
soee_we shoudl check YY daily when 5.6 lands in archive12:37
yofelwe should, but don't hold your breath12:37
soee_someone knows hwo to resize vda partition from command line12:39
BluesKajsoee_, no plymouth visiable here at all upon shut down , althon reboot grub has a new look , and the white plasma progress bar appears on a blue screen for a few secs , then after login the new splash screen appears 12:40
BluesKajthose are the changes that I see12:41
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mamarleysoee: Regarding your screen blinking, I think it might not be a KDE issue: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1547619.14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1547619 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "Intermittent screen blinking with 4k external mini display port with 4.4 kernels" [Medium,In progress]14:29
mamarleyOh wait, he's not here.14:29
acheron88plasma 5.6.3 in staging is at least testable now I assume?14:59
mamarleyI am running it right now.15:00
acheron88great :) I assume Xenial or Yakkety are both at the same status for that. 15:02
BluesKajyup ,it's running nicely so far 15:02
BluesKajon yakkety here15:02
clivejoyofel: ping15:03
acheron88still on Xenial here, but it looks complete in the ppa15:03
yofelclivejo: hm?15:03
clivejo5.22 is available in depot, would it be ok to have a go at staging it?15:03
yofelgo ahead, I made a change for the default changelog entry to add the version to it (like maxy does it) so I would be curious if that works15:07
clivejoIve moved kwayland-dev over to frameworks in KA and bumped the version to 5.22 locally15:08
clivejocan I push that to KA ?15:08
yofelwithout plasma fully done there's no point in upload fw, so might as well do 5.2215:24
clivejotodays the first day its been over 20C here and Im sweating like its some kind of heat wave!15:45
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> mamarley so the problem with b15:47
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> linking screen has source in kernel and I thought maybe 4.6 will fix it but seems not15:47
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> :/15:48
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> @Cliff are you staging 5.22?15:50
clivejoI am15:51
clivejoand trying to fix some KCI stuff15:51
clivejoyippeee sonnets fixed15:51
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> What is wrong with KCI?15:53
clivejonothing, Scarlett has done a great job in patching it up15:54
clivejobut the software coming from KDE is constantly changing and we need to package that15:54
clivejoif we can keep up with those changes as they happen, packaging should be as simple as running a script15:57
clivejohi slhk15:58
ovidiuflorinhello world15:59
clivejohi ovidiuflorin15:59
clivejodont often see you on IRC these days!15:59
ovidiuflorinclivejo: there's a bug in plasma-nm that blocks me from using any VPN. it's uspposed to be fixed in 5.21 or 5.2215:59
ovidiuflorinhow can I help to get that in xenial faster?16:00
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Use staging ppa :)16:00
ovidiuflorinframeworks 5.2116:00
clivejoyou can try the plasma-staging PPA16:00
clivejoits got FW5.21 and Plasma5.6.316:00
* ovidiuflorin is affraid to use staging on work computer16:00
clivejooh, then hold off!16:01
clivejoonly for testing!16:01
ovidiuflorinwhat's the next step in order to get it into backports?16:01
ovidiuflorinjust testing?16:01
ovidiuflorinthen I'll start a VM16:01
ovidiuflorinor a dualboot16:01
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> I'm using it on the work machine :)16:01
clivejobut you like to live dangeriously!!16:02
ovidiuflorinexperience has taught me not to do that anymore16:02
ovidiuflorinespecially when something breaks, and there's nothing I can do to fix it in 5 minutes and the boss is screaming16:02
ovidiuflorinso I'm only gonna play on my personal computer16:03
clivejovery wise16:03
ovidiuflorinand after weeks of testing, I'll upgrade the work computer16:03
ovidiuflorinstill on wily at work16:03
clivejothats the problem with shiney and new!16:03
ovidiuflorinwhere the damn VPN works....16:03
ovidiuflorinso, can I help in any way to get that in backports?16:04
ovidiuflorinfor xenial?16:04
clivejoif VPN is broken in xenial we need to look into that16:04
ovidiuflorinlink to bug in one moment16:04
clivejoxenial is our flagship!16:04
clivejoif you can cherry pick the fix so it can be added into xenial16:05
ubottuKDE bug 362847 in general "Cannot create any VPN connection" [Grave,Resolved: duplicate]16:05
ovidiuflorinactually https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36214116:05
ubottuKDE bug 362141 in general "Can not fully create or edit Connection" [Major,Resolved: fixed]16:05
ovidiuflorinI've asked about the version16:05
ovidiuflorinand they said 5.21 or 5.2216:06
ovidiuflorinI'm not sure about the cherry picking16:06
ovidiuflorinbecause I'm affraid of code dependencies...16:06
ovidiuflorinI've tried 3 different VPN connection types16:06
ovidiuflorinall fail with the same error16:06
ubottuKDE bug 362141 in general "Can not fully create or edit Connection" [Major,Resolved: fixed]16:07
ovidiuflorinand from what they say, it's all over the place16:07
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clivejoovidiuflorin: https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=networkmanager-qt.git&a=commitdiff&h=93faf9ec94826c5d753aa090313472800ee41b8616:09
clivejoif thats the fix, theres not much to it!16:09
ovidiuflorinyou've beaten me to it16:09
ovidiuflorinseems to fit the description16:09
ovidiuflorinhow does the cherry picking work then?16:10
clivejomake a patch with that diff and test it16:10
clivejowell that is cherry picking16:10
ovidiufloringetting the patch I know how to do16:10
clivejothat piece of code is the cherry that will hopefully fix the code16:10
ovidiuflorinthe rest is what puzzles me16:10
clivejoadd it into the debian packaging and rebuild it16:11
clivejoyofel: would that warrant an SRU?16:11
ovidiuflorinI have to set-up my packagng env again... new system16:12
yofelif someone can write up a testcase, yes16:12
clivejowell need to see if the patch works first I guess16:12
yofelshould be fairly easy as I think I suffer from that as well16:13
* ovidiuflorin is lost again...16:13
* ovidiuflorin heads over to https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging16:14
* yofel wonders if we covered patching in there16:14
* ovidiuflorin is presented with a 502 bad gateway...16:14
clivejopatching is another can of worms16:15
yofelit should really just be a git-format-patch for the source commit, then a quilt import into the package16:15
yofelthe SRU procedure would be the bulk of the work16:15
* yofel remembers that clivejo wanted to do SRUs lately ^^16:15
clivejoare you remembering corrently?!?16:17
yofelof couuurrsseeeeee....16:17
* ovidiuflorin is going nuts....16:18
clivejoIm stuck16:18
clivejoUploading oxygen-icons5_5.22.0.orig.tar.xz: 227800k/227801k16:18
clivejofor like 5 mins16:18
yofelyeah, that likes to happen16:18
yofelofc. it happens with oxygen16:19
clivejothis happened will calligra and I had to use sftp16:19
yofelovidiuflorin: need help...?16:19
sgclarkty yofel16:19
clivejohow do I force sftp16:19
clivejohi sgclark16:20
ovidiuflorinthe notes site is down16:20
yofelsgclark: thanks for all the work you do16:20
ovidiuflorinI don't know how to setup my system and what to do16:20
ovidiuflorindo you guys have a setting up script?16:20
clivejofor what?16:21
yofelwasn't that supposed to be docker?16:21
yofelBut I get a gateway error too16:21
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Thinks ovidiuflorin wasn't listening in the last packaging party when quilt and patches was discussed!16:24
ovidiuflorinno I wasn't 16:25
ovidiuflorinI was working on the website16:25
* clivejo starts upload again with sftp16:31
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> :)16:34
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mamarleyFor some reason http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/frameworks/build_status_5.22.0_yakkety.html is showing a bunch of stuff red despite it having compiled successfully…17:58
mamarleyOh wait, those are 5.21 packages.  Hmm, why are they showing up at all then?17:59
clivejomamarley: because I havent uploaded the 5.22 version yet18:07
mamarleyAh, OK.18:07
mamarleyD'oh, I can see where it says that now.  Oops.18:07
clivejofailied due to merge markers in the change log I think18:07
clivejoyofel sgclark: the script thinks krunner is part of frameworks, was this moved?18:44
yofela part of it is in frameworks at least I think18:45
sgclarkafaik it has always een a framework18:45
clivejooh its in portingaids :/18:46
clivejohow does the script manage that?18:47
clivejokrunner: failed to fetch tarball from depot18:48
sick_rimmitKubuntu Dojo19:25
sick_rimmitI've proof read it 3 times, but I always make mistakes19:25
soeesick_rimmit: have you seen muon bug we reported yesterday?19:31
sick_rimmitNo soee not looked at Bugs since last week19:50
ronnocsick_rimmit: was great to read to read that post & it's a great idea19:51
sick_rimmitronnoc: Bless you thanks, I hope the punct and grammar was ok19:53
sick_rimmitnot my strong point19:53
ronnocyepp. only thing I see on 1st pass that could be cleaned up are the bullet points under "why it rocks" - some have periods after them and some don't :)19:54
ronnocbut the message and the fact that this is a real thing are far more important19:55
sick_rimmitI'll fix them now, I have it open in edit19:58
sick_rimmitOoo yes and we have the Kubuntu party 3 the Friday before20:06
sick_rimmitThey are fun :-D20:07
valoriesick_rimmit: when I click the dojo G+ link, it says I need an invitation, with a button: request an invitation20:37
valoriealso, reviewed and spiffed a bit the past two stories, the party and the dojo20:38
valoriethanks for writing them, Rick20:38
clivejoall the cool kids are doing it?!?20:44
clivejosuch lies!20:45
sick_rimmitOK, so we're getting a little older, that's more massaging the truth than outright lies20:46
clivejoI think Phil is the youngest !20:46
sick_rimmitvalorie: Oh thanks so much, I try my level best to do em good, but I am more of a talker than a writer20:47
* soee writes on the wall: 5.6.4 Bugfix Tue 2016-05-10 and hides20:48
soeeseems so https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_520:50
soeeand after this one month without updates :)20:51
clivejosoee: you should be bug manager!20:51
clivejoTesting and QA Manager20:52
soeeif the bugs total number will be < 10 than sure :D20:52
valoriethe cool kids and even the old ladies!20:52
soeemaybe ill jump to YY after we have this all backported to Xenial20:53
valorieI am always willing to edit stories, blog posts, etc.20:53
valorieany time20:53
clivejoI really want apps 16.0420:53
valoriemy YY upgrade went really smoothly20:53
clivejoI cant stand Kontact at the moment20:53
valorieI'm wondering if I should add the landing PPA to it and test that too20:53
clivejovalorie: theres not much has changes in YY KDE wise20:54
valorieI've not tried kmail/kontact again20:54
clivejobut if you can add staging plasma and test Plasma 5.6.3 that would be great20:54
valoriewhat is the ppa name?20:55
valorieppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-plasma ?20:55
clivejothe more people we can get on it and testing the better it should get20:55
valoriethat will get me the newest frameworks as well?20:56
soeeone red so far in Frameworks 5.22.020:56
valoriewooooo, that sounds great!20:56
clivejoI had to copy in FW5.21 to get Plasma 5.6.3 to build20:56
valorieso our re-do of the work process is ~nearly done?20:56
clivejobut really hammer and test it20:57
clivejoalso install the new breeze plymouth theme20:57
valoriewell, that means *using* that computer, and I so fancy my new one!20:57
valorieperhaps today I should move this one to YY as well20:57
valorieand test here20:58
valorieloving the high-dpi screen20:58
valorienice keyboard20:58
* clivejo is thinking of customising it to say Kubuntu 16.10 - Plasma 5.6.320:58
valorieSysinfo for 'valorie-GT60-2PC': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.5.5 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) powered by Linux 4.4.0-22-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4810MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz at 3052-3535/3800 MHz, RAM: 23839/24030 MB, Storage: 288/967 GB, 264 procs, 47.08h up20:58
valorieamazing machine really20:58
soeenice :)20:59
valorieson's "old" gaming laptop which I bought Saturday20:59
soeeyou can compile stuff on it so fast now :D20:59
clivejoyou bought it?20:59
valorieI think he paid almost 2K for it, I paid $35020:59
valoriequite a bargain20:59
sick_rimmitYes, nice machine21:00
clivejoLOL not only do I give my mother my old stuff I have to do customer support for it as well!21:00
valoriethe S key is a bit worn.....21:00
valoriethat's it21:00
sick_rimmitclivejo: rofl21:00
valoriehe's given me many a computer21:00
valoriebut right now he's unemployed21:00
* soee says again that Plasma 5.6 is soooo smooooth21:00
valorienew job perhaps starting soon, but I think his savings is a bit thinner than it was21:00
clivejobut do test 5.6.3 out21:01
clivejomore eyes on it the better :)21:01
soeeok i need some light on one thing21:01
mamarleysoee: I don't see any FTBFSs.  The only red thing is krunner, which is still at 5.21, indicating that 5.22 has not yet been uploaded.21:04
valorieok, yy upgrade underway21:06
valoriethis thing is so dang fast I can't believe it21:06
soeemamarley: ok21:06
clivejostop teasing!21:06
clivejomamarley: krunner doesnt seem to be on depot in the correct place21:07
soeemamarley: btw. you never had this screen blinking issue ?21:07
clivejoanyone know why this is failing - http://kci.pangea.pub/job/merger_kdelibs4support/13/consoleFull21:07
valorieand restarting21:08
mamarleysoee: Nope, I do not own or administrate any systems with Intel graphics and DisplayPort monitors.21:09
soeemamarley: i see21:09
clivejoany word on getting the wiki login loop fixed?21:26
clivejowe NEED documentation21:27
clivejono point in having it locked away on KDE notes21:28
shadeslayeranyone worked with filterdiff extensively?21:58
shadeslayerI need to figure out how to make it ignore new files21:59
shadeslayerthough I presume I'll have to patch filterdiff at this point really22:00
valoriehmmm, xenial was working with my setup, but YY is giving me a fit22:02
valorieI put the ISOs I'm seeding on a Data partition next to Win10, to give me some space on /home which is on the SSD22:03
valorienow ktorrent is warning that it isn't mounted22:03
valorieah, son is helping via telegram, sorry for the noise22:04
clivejovalorie: just upgrade xenial to yakkety22:08
clivejosed the source file22:08
valorieI did that22:08
valorieit's when I restarted I got the problem22:08
valoriebut I think I've fixed22:08
clivejowhat was the problem?22:08
valoriemy data partition is no longer auto-mounting22:10
valorieI think I fixed in /etc/fstab22:10
valorienow trying to mount it22:10
clivejosoee: you busy?22:11
clivejoovidiuflorin: ping22:13
valoriehad to restart though22:17
soeeclivejo: sup?22:20
clivejocan you find the LP bug for the VPN bug ovidiuflorin was talking about earlier22:27
valorieis sudo apt full-upgrade now working, or do we have to go back to dist-upgrade as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/U%2B1/common-problems says?22:29
soee!bug 36284722:30
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Launchpad for bug #362847 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/362847). The error has been logged22:30
valoriehmmm, 22:31
valorieThe following packages will be REMOVED:22:31
valorie  kactivities kde-spectacle libkf5screen6 libkwinglutils722:31
valorieI guess I can add them back.....22:31
ubottuError: kde bug 362847362847 not found22:31
ubottuKDE bug 362847 in general "Cannot create any VPN connection" [Grave,Resolved: duplicate]22:31
ubottuKDE bug 362141 in general "Can not fully create or edit Connection" [Major,Resolved: fixed]22:32
valorieok, it's upgrading22:32
* valorie goes to the hardware store22:32
soeevalorie: kde-spectacle is fixed for xenial22:32
soeeyou are on YY ?22:32
soeeif so it will be working with apps 16.04 i think (kde-spectacle)22:32
soeeand kactivities were replaed by different package22:33
clivejosoee: is it not on LP?22:36
soeeprobably no22:36
clivejoovidiuflorin: ping22:44
clivejoyofel: ping22:48
clivejoovidiuflorin @ovidiuflorin yofel: I patched networkmanager-qt with that commit we talked about eariler and uploaded to my Xenial PPA ( https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/xenial/ )22:58
clivejoIm not sure it that will just work, maybe plasma-nm needs to be no change rebuild for it to work?22:59
clivejoif you guys can test it and let me know22:59
claydohin Plasma-discover, what is read or indexed to determine what programs show? quite a few things do not show via search23:02
clivejoclaydoh: I think it uses appstream23:02
claydohyeah but what is it using to filter out what it does NOT show?23:02
clivejoprobably if or if not the program has appstream data23:03
claydohkrita doesn't show, but is found using appstreamcli23:03
claydohfor one example23:04
claydohtho another, kmymoney does  not show in either discover or appstreamcli23:04
claydohso it is likely both missing data and bugs in discover (already reported)23:05
clivejosorry, I dont know23:07
claydohkonversation does not show up there either, even though it is installed23:07
clivejoI just heard yofel talking about packages missing appstream data so couldnt be found in discover23:08
* claydoh is seeing some feedback on this, originally thought it was just the normal non-gui stuff b eing filtered out23:08
clivejo<claydoh> soee_: the guy was looking for it, and it does not show up in either ubuntu's software center or in Discover23:09
clivejo<yofel> and if it doesn't show up that's missing appstream data23:09
clivejoIll have to learn it too23:10
clivejobut not tonight23:10
* clivejo kicks kio23:10
valorielooks like my upgrade went fine!23:32
clivejoyou sound surprised!23:33
valorieI guess I have to restart again to seem the new plasma23:33
valoriebut what was the new grub screen or so to test?23:33
valorieonly surprised because I wasn't here to watch it23:33
valorieI don't like doing upgrades unattended, but my husband was most insistent23:34
clivejoapt install plymouth-theme-breeze23:34
clivejoand reboot23:35
clivejoshould see the new theme23:35
valoriedone, rebooting23:35
* clivejo is sick of waiting on LP publisher23:35
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> ;)23:37
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Why not sleeping?23:37
clivejostupid flashing green cog23:37
clivejoI will23:37
clivejojust want to poke FW5.22 when kio gets published23:38
clivejolots of builds waiting on it23:38
clivejolooks like Ill have to build it again23:39
clivejonew symbols23:39
valoriethat lil plasma screen is lovely23:40
clivejobe nicer with Kubuntu 16.10 on it :)23:41
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> :)23:41
valorieand although this is the fastest-booting machine I've ever used, I think the newest plasma is even faster than 5.5.523:41
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> It is. It was much optimised.23:41
valoriewhen the backports to xenial is done, I'll update the travel laptop too23:41
valorieI have one XX now, and two YY23:42
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Wee nice. Places to test new stuff ;)23:42
valoriequestion is, should I remove plasma-staging now that I've upgraded?23:42
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Frameworks 5.22 and Plasma 5.6.4 are just around the corner.23:43
valorieI think I'll remove and re-add when I want to test again23:43
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> And Scarlett maybe will finish apps some time soon :)23:43
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> This combination of software will be epic in Kubuntu :)23:44
clivejoyes, always remove when done23:51
clivejowe sometime push test to those PPA's and you DO NOT want those!23:51
clivejoanyways, Im off to bed23:51
clivejokio is driving me nuts23:52
valorieniters clivejo23:58
valoriesweet dreams23:59

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