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KU_newbiehello all03:20
KU_newbiedoes 16.04 not work properly in vbox VMs?03:20
user|97366how do I get my display driver to update04:18
user|97366I go to my driver manager and dont see any driver options04:19
user|74161Hi there, can someone tell me the system requirements for kubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, please?04:48
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prova Hi everyone! Could you suggest me how to install a minimal K desktop enviroment over a "mini.iso" xenial installation?07:40
hateballprova: plasma-desktop is probably the smallest meta-package07:42
hateballprova: whereas kubuntu-desktop is the full experience07:43
provaIs plasma-desktop the same as kde-plasma-desktop for previous releases?07:45
prova @hateball07:47
akikanybody tested installing unity in a kubuntu installation? it complains of account plugins for facebook and google coming from two different packages07:47
hateballprova: afaik yes07:55
provahateball, Thanks07:55
akikhere's a possible fix for my problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/621284/unmet-dependencies-when-trying-to-install-kde-plasma-5-3-on-ubuntu-15-04 it talks about removing the conflicting packages before installation of the other de07:58
valorie15.04 is no longer supported, akik07:59
akikvalorie: i just mentioned the solution for the current problem08:00
valorieright, and sometimes that works08:00
akikthe same in here http://askubuntu.com/questions/764542/help-installing-kubuntu-desktop-on-ubuntu-16-0408:00
valoriethere is usually a reason for the conflict however08:01
valorieand sometimes it means an error in packaging08:01
valorieyou are right though, that askubuntu page seems to have a reasonable discussion08:03
akiki'll test it in virtualbox08:09
akikother way round though, installing unity to under kubuntu08:11
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akiki was able to install ubuntu-desktop under unity but now there's only the desktop without any panels09:13
akiksorry ubuntu-desktop under kubuntu09:13
akikwhich package is providing the dash etc. ?09:13
soee_akik: i think this is not right channel for this question, jump to #ubuntu09:14
soee_hiho hazamonzo10:50
hazamonzosoee_: Hey there10:50
hazamonzoI think today is the day Im going to take up smoking again...10:50
soee_no ...10:55
hazamonzoSo im looking for the location of the sticky notes data in KDE11:08
hazamonzoIm told its in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc11:08
hazamonzoBut I don't have the plasma-appletsrc  in that directory11:09
hazamonzoAny other places to check?11:09
hateballit was, in KDE411:09
hateballit should be under ~/.local/ somewhere with plasma 5, not sure where exactly11:09
hateballif you know a phrase from a note you can grep for it11:09
hazamonzohateball: Good thinking11:11
hazamonzohateball: /.local/share/plasma_notes11:13
hazamonzoThanks mate11:13
hateballhazamonzo: :)11:17
yossarianukcan anyone say why I get the following in dsmeg when I setup a network bridge using network-manager (for bridge br0)11:25
yossarianuk[ 1271.540537] br0: port 1(enp3s0f1) received tcn bpdu11:25
yossarianuk [ 1271.540548] br0: topology change detected, propagating11:25
yossarianuk with stp enabled?11:25
yossarianuk however if I add the bridge just by editing /etc/network/interfaces (old ubuntu method) I do not see any messages11:25
yossarianuk i.e - if I use this method (and enable stp) I do not see the messages -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KvmWithBridge11:25
yossarianuk however I want to use network-manager do easily change netowrk profiles11:25
hazamonzoSo check this. I went to update kubuntu last night and it went terrible. Im getting a Kernal Panic - Unable to Mount file system. From what i've read it its either a case of a bad upgrade ot running out of diskspace?11:27
hazamonzoIts making for a fun Monday at the office! :)11:28
yossarianukhazamonzo: can you try a previous kernel ?11:28
hazamonzoAny pointers on figuring out why the file system couldn't be mounted before I start trying solutions I google?11:28
SmurphyAnyone knows a Tool I can use to anotate something on my screen ???11:28
hazamonzoyossarianuk: Good question11:29
hazamonzoyossarianuk: I haven't yet. Let me jump inot IRC on my mobile and reboot this laptop11:29
yossarianukyou can get to the grub menu by holding left shift during boot11:29
hazamonzoyossarianuk: Grub I can still get to11:29
yossarianukworth a go11:30
yossarianukif you can get it to boot at least you should be able to fix it.11:30
yossarianukif not use live cd11:30
yossarianukcheck things like grub menu boot devices, fstab , etc11:30
hazamonzoyossarianuk: Thats what im hoping! To be honest... i just installed a new version of Kubuntu alongside for the time being (which is what im on now)11:30
hazamonzoRight. be right back11:32
BluesKajHi folks11:39
haza123Hey blueskaj11:40
haza123Hey yossarianuk11:42
haza123Looks like I can get to the login screen.  Can login though.  Password is accepted but I get thrown back to the login screen after a login attempt11:43
haza123I can log in via a terminal though11:44
hateballhaza123: drop to tty1, login and make sure you're the owner of ~/.Xauthority11:44
haza123Checking now11:44
BluesKajhi haza12311:44
yossarianukhaza123: did you upgrade from an old version?11:45
haza123That's right11:45
haza123Also I have rw access on xauthority11:45
yossarianukDo you see any updates if you do (from tty)  - sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?11:46
haza123Hmm, something about dpkg being interrupted11:47
yossarianuksounds like an incomplete upgrade11:47
yossarianukdo you have network ?11:47
haza123Just about to grab a cable. :-)11:48
yossarianukif you do you could try 'sudo apt-get -f install'11:49
yossarianuk I have made a forum post here about the bridging issue -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323900&p=13486188#post1348618811:49
yossarianukthis bug is ruining 16.04 for me ...  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/157853311:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1578533 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "network-manager - kubuntu 16.04, unable to change existing network interface : reason="connection.gateway-ping-timeout: can not set property: value "34163392" of type 'guint' is invalid or out of range for property 'gateway-ping-timeout' of type 'guint'"" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:50
haza123I had to run dpkg --configure -a before it allows me to -f install11:52
yossarianukcheck what its ssaying before you press y11:52
dmatthello guys on kubuntu 16.04, could anybody confirm that knetwalk game does not work? or is it just me?11:53
hateballdmatt: segfaults indeed11:54
hateballdmatt: seems to need qml-module-org-kde-games-core11:55
hateballdmatt: feel free to file a packaging bug against knetwalk11:56
dmatthateball: i test it now and file afterwards11:57
dmatthateball: yes it works now, i suppose bug should be filed on launchpad11:58
ubottuIf you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.11:58
haza123I'm not sure exactly what is happening but the dpkg configure command is doing alot. Looks like it's continuing the installation maybe?11:59
haza123Yossarianuk. Are you UK based?12:00
haza123Also, do I want to keep a modified sddm xsession file?12:02
hateballif you're not sure, I'd go with the packaged version over a modified one12:02
yossarianukhaza123: yes I am12:02
yossarianukI would let it overwtite12:03
yossarianukespically as previously you couldn't logi12:03
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hazamonzoOh my god.....12:08
hazamonzoyossarianuk: hateball... you guys just saved my day...12:09
hateballI dont think I did anything tho, but good that it is working :D12:09
hazamonzoI am seriously grateful!12:09
BluesKajok gotta reboot, testing plasma and frameworks 5.6.312:16
akikoh wow i installed ubuntu-desktop on top of kubuntu installation. now when logging into plasma i get both plasma and unity dash :P12:24
akikthe startup script i made into unity is activated also in plasma system settings/autostart12:25
akiki can't believe it. disabling the autostart script from plasma disables it also in unity12:34
hateballThe wonders of XDG12:34
akikso i have to make some check in the script to see which de is running12:35
hateballI'd think Unity would have somewhere to set the window manager, just like Plasma does12:36
hateballSo there would be no need to use startup scripts for that12:37
akiki don't think this scenario has been tested because there were dependency errors by default12:38
akiki have to run setsid unity in the script to start up the dash12:40
user|53765have forgotten my password  help12:41
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slhkHi, why doesn't org.debian.AptXapianIndex show up in qdbusviewer? does it have to be started somehow?12:58
yossarianukhazamonzo: glad it helped13:02
MichaelPAnyone know if there going to be any mainline kernels for 16.04 ?13:38
akikMichaelP: the normal kernel mainline 4.6.0 kernels work13:42
MichaelPakik: i think last 4.6 kernel i used in fedora had no hdmi audio13:43
akiki'll test video+audio13:47
akikaudio+video go to my tv with hdmi now13:54
akiki'm running 4.6.0 rc2 because after that the nvidia module was not compiling13:54
MichaelPWhats the difference in generic and lowlatency ?13:55
MichaelPi running ati13:55
akikrc7 is now available13:55
MichaelPI just downloaded it... releaesed yesterday13:56
* Smurphy is still not sure about upgrading to kubuntu 16.04 - will probably have to re-modify all my scripts etc.13:57
akikstill the error coming from nvidia dkms14:01
akiki wonder if i should install nvidia-364 instead of nvidia-36114:01
MichaelPrebooot into kernel 4.6-rc7 see what i get14:01
MichaelPakik: kernel 4.6-rc7 no hdmi audio14:15
akikMichaelP: how do you test?14:17
akiki'm playing a video through an onkyo amp14:18
MichaelP I played video thru vlc... mp3 thru amarok.... no sound... but switching to laptop speakers then there is sound14:19
MichaelPi going thru kenwood amp14:19
akikMichaelP: try installing pavucontrol and selecting your output device there14:19
MichaelPi did14:19
MichaelPeverything works on stock kernel14:20
akikthere could be another setting in pavucontrol that you need to change14:20
MichaelPreally plasma don't need pavucontrol14:21
akikstill working with nvidia-364 and kernel 4.6.0 rc7 *knock wood*14:25
akiklast page in pavucontrol shows all possible outputs14:25
BluesKajakik, hope you don't expect support here using a non default kernel14:26
BluesKajMichaelP, if you have intel-hda audio then yes14:27
akikintel audio doesn't use pulseaudio?14:27
BluesKajit does because pulse is defualt , that's the only reason , intel-hde can run fine without pulse. Most audio drivers can with the exception of webaudio which needs pulse on non intel chips14:31
BluesKajin other words, webaudio is the only drawback to running without pulse on most audio chips other than intel14:32
BluesKajand multiple simultaneous audio sources , but personally i don't listen to more than one source at atime anyway ;-)14:33
akiki just want to make the minimum amount of changes to the system14:34
BluesKajof coursse, but I just don't need an unecessary extra audio process going on between alsa and the audio output14:36
MichaelPguess try the old way for the hdmi audio.. at the end of the kernel line... radeon.audio=114:38
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yossarianukis anyone running 16.04 ok in vbox14:50
yossarianukI personally use KVM - but I have a windows using workmate who's trying to get guest additions to work - once he installs it and reboots the deskotp breaks14:51
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acheron88xenial in VBox is OK here14:57
BluesKajyossarianuk, I thought guest additons were written for VB not KVM14:58
acheron88think they're asking for a friend who DOES use VBox?14:58
BluesKajacheron88, oops, my mistake :-) ..not paying close attention again15:01
MichaelPHow do i uninstall the 4.6 rc7 kernel ? muon and synaptic not showing them15:03
geniiMichaelP: Depends how you installed it15:04
MichaelPgenii: downloaded clicked on them and guess QApt installed them15:05
BluesKajMichaelP, http://www.yourownlinux.com/2016/03/how-to-install-linux-kernel-4-5-rc7-in-linux.html15:07
acheron88'sudo apt-get purge' followed by the package names15:07
geniiIf it was a .deb file then the package manager whould still list it, just there will be no repository associated with it15:11
MichaelPsudo apt-get purge linux-headers-4.6.0-040600rc7_4.6.0-040600rc7.201605081830_all ... don't even find15:12
MichaelPshoting it to inux-headers-4.6.0 found it15:14
acheron88yes, package name != file name for apt/apt-get15:16
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micha__anyone alive?17:22
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Lildirtmicha__: If you have a question, usually the best thing to do is just ask it. If someone can help you, they'll hopefully chime in.17:28
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micha__Lildirt: Thanks for the tip. No specific question here, just finding my way through irc again... ;)17:29
LildirtAlrighty. :p17:30
goddardmy keyboard settings are messed up in some apps like Firefox17:45
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tiggoIs there anyone who could assist me with Synchronisation of contacts between KDE Kontact and my owncloud server?18:46
tiggoOr who has any hint on where the experts are?18:47
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keithzgtiggo: Not entirely sure, although my officemate has it set up and it *mostly* "Just Works".19:44
tiggoHi keithzg, Thanks for your answer. For me it also mostl just works.19:49
tiggoCurrently however I am a little bit stuck with an error message stating that a Contact entry could not be deleted from the server.19:50
tiggokeithzg: The ressource could not be deleted. (401).19:51
tiggoAny hint?19:51
keithzgtiggo: Hmm, I'm afraid not. Do you control the ownCloud server in question? I wonder if there'd be anything helpful in the actual logs.19:52
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tiggokeithzg: Yes, it's a raspi right next to me. With a fresh install of owncloud. Do you have any idea of owncloud log files, i.e. where to find them?19:53
tiggokeithzg: Owncloud 9 btw.19:54
keithzgtiggo: Depends on precisely where you have it installed to, but in the "data" folder there should be an owncloud.log file. Possibly (likely?) /var/www/owncloud/data19:56
keithzgYou might need to change teh loglevel to get much from that, not entirely sure what the default is; in my /var/www/owncloud/config/config.php I have it set to 'loglevel' => '2'19:58
tiggokeithzg: I just checked. It is /data/owncloud/data.20:02
tiggoAnd yes, there is a logfile, but that quite strange to read.20:02
keithzgYeah it's mostly JSON and such I believe20:03
tiggoIs there a way to make it readable?20:04
tiggo142): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Server->exec()\\n#12 \\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/appinfo\\\/v2\\\/remote.php(29): OCA\\\\DAV\\\\Server->exec()\\n#13 \\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/remote.php(138): require_once('\\\/var\\\/www\\\/ownclo...')\\n#14 {main}\",\"File20:04
tiggoThis is how it looks like in many lines....20:04
tiggoNot even a time stamp.20:04
tiggoAt https://forum.owncloud.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=3327420:05
tiggoI just read "...  after you have added 'debug' => true to your config/config.php."20:06
tiggoMaybe I check that, once my update completed.20:06
tiggokeithzg: Thanks for your hints. I have to leave now. Bye.20:16
DoyleWhy is it that linux network drivers for macbooks aren't included?20:47
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valorieDoyle: so few mac users23:55
valoriehowever, there are server images; so you can install from those ISOs and then sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop to get the equivalent23:56
valorieif you don't want unity, get one of the server images23:58

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