
OerHeksWe love to do your homework, k1l is silly!00:03
* OerHeks grinds coffeebeans00:03
Bashing-omBut for a refreshing once, there was an honest response that it is homework .00:05
OerHeksYes, that is why i appreciate it.00:05
daftykinsdid someone come in asking for their school work to be done? :D00:15
OerHeksyes, "someone told me to run this command" yaba yaba00:17
OerHeksDrabber wants to sleep, so i have to go to bed too ..00:22
daftykinsg'night \o00:22
OerHekshave fun!00:23
BluesKajHi folks11:39
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lotuspsychjegood afternoon to all14:37
lotuspsychjerilleh: http://mixing.dj/2016/livesets/adam-beyer-drumcode-301-live-swg3-glasgow-06-05-2016/14:37
rillehI'll give it a listen14:37
lotuspsychjecrazy set14:38
lotuspsychjetonyt: welcome14:43
BluesKajhi lotuspsychje, rilleh15:00
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj15:00
lotuspsychjep4nama papers go online in 3 hours15:04
juseranyone here?15:35
lotuspsychjejuser: hi15:35
juserah, someone is alive15:35
juserI been sitting here for a while and the channel has been dead.15:35
lotuspsychjejuser: we have users from all over the world15:35
lotuspsychjejuser: other times can be more crowdy15:36
juserI just started using ubuntu a few days ago.15:36
lotuspsychjewelcome to the community!15:36
juserI got fed up with windows update problems and installed ubuntu.15:37
lotuspsychjegreat choice15:37
lotuspsychjejuser: wich version did you install?15:37
juserI used slackware years ago when it first came out.15:38
juserI installed latest one  16.4 ?15:38
juserdual boot with win 715:38
lotuspsychjeim also on it15:39
juserI need to keep windows around because there are a few things I can't do in linux15:39
lotuspsychjewich are?15:39
juserripping DVDs,  photoshop stuff like that.15:39
lotuspsychje!info handbrake | juser15:40
ubot5juser: handbrake (source: handbrake): versatile DVD ripper and video transcoder (GTK+ GUI). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2+ds1-2build1 (xenial), package size 5449 kB, installed size 10491 kB (Only available for any-amd64; any-i386; powerpc)15:40
juserI've used it.15:40
lotuspsychjejuser: for photoshop alternative: krita & gimp15:40
jusernever used krita15:41
lotuspsychjejuser: some version of photoshop can be run from wine or playonlinux15:41
lotuspsychjejuser: krita is very pro stuff15:41
lotuspsychje!info krita | juser15:41
ubot5juser: krita (source: calligra): pixel-based image manipulation program for the Calligra Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.9.7-0ubuntu12 (xenial), package size 7975 kB, installed size 31997 kB15:41
juserfor the rare occation I need photoshop, I'll just boot windows.   not a big deal.15:42
juserI looks like a lot of people do dual boot.15:43
lotuspsychjejuser: another big part single boot ubuntu aswell15:43
lotuspsychjei dont use win for years now15:43
juserubuntu does almost everything I need to do.  I just do surfing, watch movies, email and play around.15:44
lotuspsychjejuser: glad you like it!15:46
lotuspsychjemany handy packages out there for ubuntu, to make your life easy15:46
juserI'll see how it goes.15:46
juseryes, I didn't expect ubuntu to be so well developed.15:47
lotuspsychjejuser: many stuff changed over the years15:47
juserI have used other using systems at work.  solaris and freebsd15:47
juserother unix systems15:48
jusera lot of VMS15:48
juserpdp-11 and VAX15:48
lotuspsychjehggdh: good evening15:51
hggdhlotuspsychje: good morning :-)15:52
juserwhat is the best irc client?  I'm using HexChat.15:58
daxhexchat for GUI, weechat for terminal15:58
juserok thanks15:59
juser2trying weechat16:09
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lotuspsychjehi baizon & pauljw16:18
lotuspsychjerilleh: one from my country http://mixing.dj/2015/livesets/adam-beyer-drumcode-281-live-fuse-brussels-18-12-2015/16:21
baizonho ho ho lotuspsychje :D16:22
juser2can I get rid of timestamps in weechat?  I searched the docs and no luck.16:23
lotuspsychjejuser2: the #weechat channel might know?16:24
juser2ok thanks16:24
juser2sorry, this was a bad place to ask.16:25
pauljwhi lotuspsychje, everyone.16:26
lotuspsychjedax: would it be handy to add ubuntu version and hardware chipset to !details ?16:56
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ubot5Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)17:42
ubot5details is <alias> elaborate - added by LjL on 2008-11-06 23:26:49 - last edited by knome on 2014-03-19 19:47:3817:42
ubot5elaborate aliases: error, details - added by somerville32 on 2006-12-14 20:17:34 - last edited by rww on 2014-03-19 19:48:0817:42
dax./msg ubottu !no, elaborate is <reply> Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.17:43
daxnot a huge fan of that factoid, but voila ^17:44
OerHeksdax, oke, so if we have strong suggestions for factoids, you can help us out?18:04
daxYep, or issuing edit commands to ubottu as a non-admin sends the suggestion to -ops. Either works.18:05
rillehWoops, sorry18:45
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