
darkxsthere is a summary of the meeting https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dFwOEAyjhZa0KvKzleaMg_fM_i61YcVEwL8wi3ZxMxQ/edit?usp=sharing01:17
gingitsuneSo I'm running the 16.04LTS and gnome ir restarting everyonce in a while and I can't quite figure out why would that be?12:24
gingitsuneThe only thing I'm running is Chromium and terminal \w tmux, vi, irssi12:24
fleetfoxnothing in syslog?13:27
fleetfoxare you sure it's os restarting and not your hardware13:27
phillwgingitsune: from the top of my head?.... over heating.14:17
mozgiiiHello, I think I've found a bug in gnome-terminal @ 16.04, what to do?14:22
ubot5Gnome bug 706927 in general "terminal-nautilus doesn't set the correct directory for custom commands" [Normal,New]14:45
troifHi there. Maybe silly question, but: Is it possible to make 2 seperate menuentries in rEFInd to boot into Ubuntu GNOME (option 1: with nouveau driver and option 2: proprietary nvidia driver), just by setting different boot options?14:45
troifIs this the wrong place to ask such a question? If so, could someone gently point me to the right direction?14:50
troifThank you.14:50
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest85065
conthyHello everyone. I just installed Ubuntu Gnome for the first time after 16.04 came out and it is almost certainly the best distro I've ever used. I want to help contribute so I came here to introduce myself and find out what the team needs the most.20:22
numbersHey, I don't know how report a bug, but it ubuntu site said it could be mentioned here?22:32
SonikkuAmericanumbers: If it's particularly against Ubuntu GNOME it can be posted here22:39
numbersok cool. I downloaded 16.04 -64bit 3 times by torrent. hashtags didn't match up for 3 tries. Downloaded iso through regular download link and that one matched up though.22:41
numbersFigured I should mention it somewhere so other people don't accidently get a bad version of the iso...22:42
SonikkuAmericaWell, torrenting the images can usually be fixed by zsync22:43
numbersI didn't wanna try them with md5's and sha incorrect... Wondered if a corrupted version is in the torrent pool linked to the ubuntugnome.org site22:45
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmeric
=== SonikkuAmeric is now known as SonikkuAmerica
SonikkuAmericanumbers: I would install zsync, then cd to the directory your ISO is in and run [ zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/16.04/release/ubuntu-gnome-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync ]23:25
SonikkuAmericato repair the image you torrented.23:25
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica

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