
* phillw sweeps carpet and sprays air freshener so that people do not wander in and immediately leave :)00:25
timmoWhy does my mouse keep freezing :(03:05
r3_anybody know of a good GPS module for the raspberry pi?03:11
diplomathi guys) I have extremely silly question08:36
gordonjcpdiplomat: don't ask to ask :-)08:37
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diplomatI was playing around with appearance preferences -> font, how I can reset them to defaults?08:38
diplomatI occasionally clicked on particular rendering methods, before it looked like all for methods were selected despite it's a single choice menu lol))08:40
guest-GXYvhEcome va?08:45
diplomatI guess not that easy question)08:54
rev_Is there anyone here who uses either the compiz regular or static application switcher and has gotten the "Set background color" and "Background color" options to actually take effect?08:55
rev_Two separate installs on two different systems and I can't seem to get that one single option to actually work.08:55
jpbauddhhi fnd10:25
jpbauddhi want to download youtube videos. please tell me any downloader??10:26
Alexosomebody online?11:21
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webmaster3Hello. Good afternoon from Italy.13:36
webmaster3I'd like to know how to get rid of the "Welcome Panel" on a guest-session, meaning that it does not appear at all when someone connects to a guest-session. I have already copied a user file from a temp. account into etc/skel/...13:39
Nosophorushello, guys16:57
ouroumovhi Nosophorus17:00
ouroumovHolly Crap17:23
ouroumovflexiondotorg, you're gonna have to do some "exclusive interactive video conferences" now17:25
ouroumovcongrats x)17:25
ouroumov( Patreon is @ 1,007$ )17:26
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=== z4ki is now known as pavlushka
kidtwistedHello, I have a question about "Intel Graphics Installer for Linux" - when I run it17:58
kidtwistedit complains "Distribution not supported"17:58
ouroumovkidtwisted, did you try the automatic driver install from the Welcome Splash screen?17:58
kidtwistedno not yet17:59
ouroumovYou should start with that I think17:59
ouroumovIt's in Welcome -> Getting Started17:59
AkuliUbuntu mate has a welcome screen junk?17:59
* Akuli moves to devuan17:59
ouroumovbye Akuli =)17:59
tgm4883Is there any way to tell that mate's running on a raspberry pi rather than another arm device?18:05
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ouroumovtgm4883, I suppose output of the "lshw" command must be rather unique on a rpi18:09
AkuliI'm amazed, my example code passed flake8 :D18:35
Akulioops wrong channel :)18:35
hid|ninjaflake8 =18:46
gordonjcp^ transit of Mercury18:46
gordonjcphttp://gjcp.net/~gordonjcp/science.jpg <- "hello I would like to science too please"18:47
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=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest85065
macdadohello! i'm trying Ubuntu MATE in VMware on a Mac, thinking of installing alongside Win 10 on my wife's Lenovo pc. are there know complications, I don't know, with EFI boot or stuff like that?21:35
MordocI just did the same thing on a older Mac Mini with no issues. Apple doesn't make it too hard to boot from USB and then install another OS. Are you thinking to dual boot or take the full meal deal?21:36
macdadosorry, i confused things a little21:45
macdadoi am testing it in vmware, looks and works great21:45
macdadoeven though sometimes it stalls, but i guess it could be due to being live in a vm21:45
macdadoi'll try to actually install it in vm21:46
macdadobut i want to install it on a lenovo pc with dual boot with win 1021:46
SonikkuAmericamacdado: You can always give the Live session a spin21:48
macdadoyeah, my doubt is just because last time i installed with dual boot was a bit messy, but it was a while ago21:50
macdadoi think it was early EFI days (yes, that was a while ago)21:50
nomicyou disable EUFI21:51
nomicback up your stuff before you do it21:51
nomicon windows21:51
nomicor from windows21:51
nomicdual boot install of windows/ubuntu was never a problem21:52
nomicyou have a boot manager (grub)21:52
nomicif you run into problems, this place isn't that busy all the time -- go to forums21:52
nomicor #ubuntu21:52
nomiccos that place has 1800 people in it21:52
nomichttp://ubuntuforums.org/  <- also very busy and the place for support21:52
macdadoif i'll need i'll do it ;)21:54
nomicim not even sure - don't recall - what UEfi does to interrupt things21:55
nomicbut I do remember disabling it on new laptop21:55
macdadoi also remember there being something to take care21:55
macdadookay one good question for this channel: the *only* difference between MATE and Xubuntu is MATE vs Xcfe?21:56
nomicwindows .. the normal course of blowing away a brand new copy of windows -- I wrote to dell once for a refund (no reply)21:56
SonikkuAmericamacdado: Yeah, that's about it.21:56
SonikkuAmericaOne is MATE, the other is XFCE.21:56
nomicis mate desktop something like LXDE?21:56
nomicgnome2 something21:56
SonikkuAmericaMATE's a fork of GNOME 2.21:56
SonikkuAmericaAnd we renamed the apps.21:56
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macdadook, cause at work i installed xubuntu on a old laptop, i wonder if it's worthwhile to switch to MATE21:58
macdadoit's mainly doing stuff like VNC, accessing local network21:58
nomicim really happy with mate . .weeks after getting it (pi3s), pi3 replaced my old humungous hp workstations -- I ran the upgrade to 16.04 while continuing to work (try that with windows) .. it all continues to run with 16.0421:58
nomicthey are rock solid -- an xubuntu user here -- I expect nothing to fail .. nothing does with mate21:58
nomic& everything is where I expect it to be21:58
* nomic has a lower electricity bill, permanent NFS (am no longer losing files) .. and HD playback21:59
nomicis good being able to just flick on a monitor and the desktop is there , in a different position21:59
nomicbeautiful -- the OS not being an issue ie. the PC22:00
nomicsomeone said the PC will turn into a lump on the HDMI cable - its close to that .. these things are small22:00
* nomic uses x2x to drift mouse cursor across from laptop (xubuntu)22:01
SonikkuAmerica<< Also an Xubuntu user, but on Ubuntu MATE's social media and QA teams.22:01
macdadookay so xubuntu it's equally good, it's just a matter of desktop enviroment22:02
nomici've left it on my laptop (main thing I type on) -- I could replace it with mate22:02
SonikkuAmericaWell, in that vein, so is Unity, GNOME, KDE, LXDE... :P22:02
macdadoof course22:02
* nomic has been an xubuntu user since 10.0422:02
macdadoI was trying some other distros in VMware22:03
macdadoGNOME... is a bit weird22:03
macdadolooks nice22:03
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=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmeric
=== SonikkuAmeric is now known as SonikkuAmerica
pilnemust say... absolutely loving mate still23:51
pilnejust trying to find a way to re-order the stuff on my bottom panel using "ubuntu mate" panel layout23:51
pilnelike, right now it is good, but if i launch steam after i launch my browser, the tab thing for steam is always to the right of firefox windows23:52
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
rev_Drag and drop reordering works for me.23:53
ouroumovyES IT WORKS23:54
SonikkuAmericaoH NOES, CAPS LICK IS ON [sic]23:55
pilneohhhhh it has a tiny indicator that it will work23:55
pilnei gotta be a bit more exact than the windoze at work, but i'm ok with that :)23:55
pilnei was beeing sloppy and they'd snap back lol23:57

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