
infinitypitti: Awake yet?06:03
infinityRAOF: Oh, or you.  It's a work day still for you.06:05
RAOFWhat can I do you for?06:05
infinityRAOF: Need a review/accept of ubuntu-dev-tools in t/w/x, it's blocking some phoney people's Jenkins stuff.06:05
infinityRAOF: Well, not blocking, since they cowboyed my fix into production, but it's cowboyed on ephemeral slaves that might disappear at any moment. :P06:06
RAOFSo will be blocking at an indeterminate time in the future :)06:06
RAOFWhy do we still have lpia in there?06:07
infinityRaisins.  arm (not el or hf) is in there too.  Not removing cruft in an SRU, though.06:08
infinityI tore out arm in sid.  Missed killing lpia.06:08
infinityMany thanks.06:12
pittiinfinity: I am now06:25
infinitypitti: Too late, RAOF covered me.06:27
pittiinfinity: hah, sleeping a bit longer helps :)06:31
pittialthough, I had/have surprisingly little jetlag problems this time06:32
infinitySpeaking of jetlag, I should sleep.  Monday morning's going to be here far too soon.07:02
yofelwould someone be so kind to accept kamera in xenial unapproved? It's a one-line patch fixing an unusable package with a trivial test case11:50
phillwhi folks, is there someone about to help resolve a rather self inflecting error message regarding the mailing list?14:10
phillw    Hi,14:11
phillwIs being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.14:11
phillwThe reason it is being held:14:11
phillw    Post by non-member to a members-only list14:11
phillwWhich I then scratched my head and when I checked, it states14:12
phillwAn attempt was made to subscribe your address to the mailing list14:12
phillwubuntu-release@lists.ubuntu.com.  You are already subscribed to this mailing list.14:12
apwphillw, could you have used an alias for your address or something ?14:18
apwphillw, like fullname/nick14:19
cjwatsonMailman is a bit odd about its messages sometimes.  I think that can also mean something like "there's a specific whitelist that this address is not in"14:19
cjwatsonI've done a mod run14:19
phillwapw: my nick and SSO are the same as when I joined about 9.04 time )14:58
phillwcjwatson: ince again, thank you.14:58
phillwcjwatson: permission to PM?15:53
cjwatsonphillw: permission is not required16:01

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