_stink_ | of belize? | 00:29 |
cmaloney | No, apparently he's back in the USA | 00:30 |
cmaloney | TIL | 00:30 |
cmaloney | Apparently he was running under the "Cyber Party" | 00:31 |
cmaloney | Which either sounds like what happens when you have a bunch of people trying to talk sexy, or what happens when the 1990s decide to have a political party. | 00:32 |
_stink_ | /join #cyberparty ? | 00:48 |
_stink_ | damn, no one there | 00:48 |
_stink_ | kind of disappointed | 00:48 |
rick_h_ | evening | 01:01 |
cmaloney | heh | 01:03 |
cmaloney | Evening rick_h_. Welcome back(?) | 01:03 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: ty, yes back friday night | 01:03 |
cmaloney | How was the away-time? | 01:04 |
rick_h_ | the hawaii time was good stuff, the sprint work week was ok...survived but running on empty | 01:05 |
cmaloney | I'll bet | 01:05 |
=== wolfger__ is now known as wolfger | ||
jrwren | i just sold my 2 - Focus 2001 keyboard with Alps Blue switches. So long old friends. | 14:16 |
cmaloney | later clickinator. | 14:19 |
cmaloney | ;) | 14:19 |
jrwren | lol | 14:19 |
cmaloney | I remember those were pretty awesome keyboards | 14:19 |
jrwren | i loved it, but never could get it working on USB :[ | 14:20 |
cmaloney | Like they were the keyboard you got when you didn't want to get the IBM ones | 14:20 |
jrwren | yup | 14:20 |
cmaloney | Dat J-shaped enter key though | 14:21 |
cmaloney | (shudder) | 14:21 |
jrwren | it was that KB and the shitty Keytronics | 14:21 |
jrwren | the J enter was fine. you'd never notice it. | 14:21 |
jrwren | oh, 'cept the \ in lower right... yeah, I guess you would notice. | 14:21 |
cmaloney | I had a J shaped enter | 14:21 |
cmaloney | that's where | goes | 14:21 |
cmaloney | Not a fan of that layout. :) | 14:21 |
jrwren | cmaloney: yeah, i lived on it for so long that going to a moved \ was difficult. | 14:22 |
jrwren | its not the shape of the return that bothered me, its the location of the \ | 14:22 |
cmaloney | Yeah, that's partly why I can't use a J enter anymore | 14:23 |
cmaloney | My fingers are too used to these keyboards | 14:23 |
cmaloney | like when I had the Atari 800 I had a hard time moving to keyboards that didn't have " on the 2 key | 14:24 |
jrwren | ha! | 14:24 |
jrwren | omg I forgot " was on teh 2 key | 14:24 |
jrwren | wasn't ? on the 1 key? | 14:24 |
cmaloney | No, I think ! was on the 1 key | 14:24 |
cmaloney | http://classiccmp.org/dunfield/atarixl/h/800xl.jpg | 14:25 |
jrwren | ah. maybe I'm thinking of a trs80 or something. | 14:25 |
cmaloney | Everything else was mostly standard | 14:25 |
cmaloney | http://www.oldcomputers.net/pics/pet2001-keyboard.jpg | 14:26 |
cmaloney | This one was "abandon all hope" | 14:26 |
jrwren | nope, I have no idea of wtf I am thinkin | 14:26 |
jrwren | hahaha | 14:26 |
cmaloney | And the fucking TI 99/4 a sucked with " on the P key | 14:26 |
jrwren | i thought maybe it was: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3a/Sharp_PC-1500_IMG_4255.jpg | 14:26 |
jrwren | cuz I used that thing a lot | 14:26 |
cmaloney | Hah, the "not Pocket Computer 1" ;) | 14:27 |
cmaloney | how the hell did anyone do any programming on that thing? | 14:28 |
jrwren | yup | 14:28 |
jrwren | I did. | 14:28 |
greg-g | hey, at least with http://www.oldcomputers.net/pics/pet2001-keyboard.jpg you can play a card game | 14:28 |
jrwren | i was a child, i had small fingers. :] | 14:28 |
cmaloney | jrwren: I meant the lack of symbols | 14:29 |
cmaloney | greg-g: Yeah, and those symbols got repurposed into ships and other assorted things. | 14:29 |
cmaloney | jrwren: I'm trying to find a computer with a ? on the 1 key. So far I'm drawing a blank | 14:33 |
cmaloney | Even the oddball machines followed the Atari keyboard layout (mostly) | 14:33 |
cmaloney | Checked OSI, Exidy, Intellevision, and even the APF Imagination | 14:35 |
jrwren | nope, i'm dreaming. | 14:35 |
cmaloney | Jealous of younger you that you had a Sharp 1500. ;) | 14:36 |
jrwren | cmaloney: well, my dad had it. I've I'd get antsy, he'd hand it to me and I'd write stupid programs | 14:37 |
jrwren | 10 PRINT "WAHT IS YOUR NAME?" | 14:37 |
jrwren | 20 INPUT X | 14:37 |
cmaloney | jrwren: Heh | 14:37 |
jrwren | 30 IF X = "JAY" PRINT "AWESOME!" ELSE PRINT "LAME!" | 14:38 |
jrwren | 6-7yo me was harsh. | 14:38 |
cmaloney | but fair | 14:38 |
jrwren | I don't think 6-7yr old me used "LAME!" at all, ever. | 14:39 |
cmaloney | best "programmable" toy I had (besides the Atari computer) was Parker Brothers' Merlin | 14:40 |
jrwren | never heard of it. | 14:41 |
jrwren | oh, is THAT what that thing was called. I'd see it around at other kids house. | 14:42 |
cmaloney | Yeah, that was many a trip companion | 14:53 |
cmaloney | unfortunately it met with some accidents | 14:54 |
cmaloney | It used 6 AA batteries | 14:55 |
cmaloney | and we tried converting it to use a single 9V battery | 14:55 |
cmaloney | not sure if my dad still has bits of it in his shop | 14:55 |
cmaloney | wouldn't surprise me if he did | 14:56 |
jrwren | did the 9V converstion not work? too much draw or something? | 15:01 |
cmaloney | http://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/ | 19:26 |
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