paddatrapper | Good morning everyone | 05:45 |
thatgraemeguy | mornings | 05:55 |
anton_may | good morning all | 05:57 |
paddatrapper | hey anton_may | 05:58 |
anton_may | morning paddatrapper | 05:59 |
paddatrapper | How things? | 06:00 |
anton_may | i thought I was 20 again and party like it was '99 over the weekend and suffering this morning. | 06:00 |
paddatrapper | Ouch | 06:02 |
paddatrapper | But that's what the weekend's for after all! | 06:02 |
anton_may | urg yes, but now I need a weekend to recover from the weekend | 06:02 |
thatgraemeguy | Hallo Oom | 06:05 |
anton_may | good morning Kilos | 06:05 |
Kilos | morning thatgraemeguy anton_may and everyone else | 06:05 |
paddatrapper | Morning Kilos | 06:05 |
Kilos | hi there paddatrapper | 06:06 |
Kilos | haha thatgraemeguy you also doing the oom thing | 06:06 |
Kilos | sjoe | 06:06 |
Kilos | hi gremble inetpro MaNI theblazehen | 06:07 |
thatgraemeguy | :D | 06:07 |
gremble | Good morning Kilos paddatrapper anton_may and thatgraemeguy | 06:08 |
Kilos | im sure its a conspiracy to make me feel older | 06:08 |
anton_may | morning gremble | 06:08 |
Kilos | winter does that enough | 06:08 |
Kilos | power gone wbb | 06:08 |
chesedo | morning paddatrapper thatgraemeguy anton_may Kilos gremble and others | 06:08 |
anton_may | morning chesedo | 06:08 |
anton_may | at least you know your limits Kilos, was just saying to paddatrapper I partied like I was a 20 year old again over the weekend and now I'm suffering today | 06:09 |
paddatrapper | morning gremble | 06:10 |
paddatrapper | and chesedo | 06:10 |
gremble | How is everyone doing | 06:10 |
paddatrapper | Alright thanks. Regular Monday so far. You> | 06:11 |
paddatrapper | ? | 06:11 |
gremble | Not bad. Tried to get to campus, but the roads are completely bogged down where I live. So I turned back and came back home. | 06:12 |
anton_may | like this --> | 06:12 |
theblazehen | hi ki | 06:16 |
theblazehen | hmm | 06:16 |
gremble | Good morning theblazehen | 06:18 |
gremble | Kilos is probably trying to fix his mobile data thing :P | 06:18 |
chesedo | [08:08:36] <Kilos> power gone wbb | 06:19 |
gremble | Oh. That's what you get for not reading | 06:21 |
theblazehen | hey gremble | 06:21 |
chesedo | lol, well it's sometimes to easy to miss the small messages | 06:22 |
chesedo | s/to/too/ | 06:23 |
chesedo | hmm, anyone know who Yenrabbit was? | 06:23 |
gremble | Yes, well it is a shitty habit that I have. I realised it last night when I was doing optimisation problems in calculus. I just sort of "skip" over information and then multiply incorrectly -_- | 06:25 |
chesedo | yeah, and then 5 hours later - having gone over the problem for the dozenth time - you realise that you missed a minus and a minus that should be a positive... | 06:30 |
paddatrapper | chesedo: Yeah he is a friend of mine | 06:35 |
gremble | Or realise that 4x4 is not 8 | 06:38 |
theblazehen | gremble: I've done that before.. | 06:38 |
gremble | So have I. For someone that studies mathematics, I am _really_ shit at arithmetic XD | 06:39 |
paddatrapper | I've done that way too many times to count... that and x^2 + x^2 = x^4 because I'm simply not reading | 06:43 |
urbanslug | gremble: :) | 06:47 |
gremble | Hey urbanslug | 06:50 |
urbanslug | gremble: I wish I knew more math | 06:53 |
gremble | You don't have to wish for it. There are quite a lot of resources available to learn more. Or at least deepen your knowledge of the parts you already know :P | 06:54 |
chesedo | paddatrapper: great, i see that some did chat to him yesterday... so hope he feels welcome | 06:55 |
gremble | Like finding out how many natural numbers there are or how many primes there are | 06:55 |
* chesedo thinks that people who does math (more manually) are harder on themselves when making mistakes | 06:56 | |
gremble | I don't have to be hard on myself. My lecturer does that for me. | 06:57 |
gremble | "Oh, you used a right implications where you had to use a left implication to formulate the proof. 0" | 06:57 |
chesedo | lol, and reponse "[sigh] ok" | 06:59 |
gremble | Pretty much. | 07:04 |
superfly | gremble: I have an easier time understanding Greek than what you just said... | 07:04 |
superfly | ahoy Yenrabbit, urbanslug | 07:05 |
Yenrabbit | Ahoy! | 07:05 |
superfly | morning paddatrapper, gremble, chesedo, theblazehen, anton_may | 07:05 |
Yenrabbit | Morning all | 07:05 |
superfly | Maaz: tell Kilos You need to wind that hamster wheel some more. Or get a new hamster. | 07:05 |
Maaz | superfly: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode | 07:05 |
urbanslug | gremble: Are you around here often? I have a real problem getting proofs into my head :( | 07:06 |
gremble | superfly, The only reason that I understand is because I took extracurricular logic from one of the lecturers. Most of my class has no idea either. | 07:07 |
gremble | urbanslug, I try to be. | 07:08 |
theblazehen | hey superfly | 07:08 |
gremble | I am trying to find nice and simple physics examples for functions of two variables, it is harder than I had imagined. | 07:09 |
gremble | >.> | 07:09 |
gremble | It seems they have cleared up the shit on the road. According to google maps at least. I am going to try to get to campus again. Talk to you guys tonight | 07:15 |
chesedo | hi Yenrabbit and welcome | 07:21 |
Yenrabbit | Hi chesedo | 07:22 |
paddatrapper | gremble: what about SHM? | 07:22 |
chesedo | morning superfly, neither did i (too scared to ask)... but __think__ it means he used RHS to prove LHS where he should have used the other way around (who knows) | 07:24 |
paddatrapper | Maaz: tell gremble What about SHM motion for physics function of two variables? | 07:24 |
Maaz | paddatrapper: Got it, I'll tell gremble on freenode | 07:24 |
anton_may | morning superfly | 08:01 |
urbanslug | There was shit on the road that stopped someone from getting to campus? | 08:15 |
urbanslug | 0.o | 08:15 |
theblazehen | I don't like php.. Especially 10 year old php | 08:16 |
* urbanslug 's hipster ass types clojure :D | 08:24 | |
theblazehen | urbanslug: Haven't tried it. I like python | 08:24 |
theblazehen | Recently learned about list comprehensions <3 | 08:25 |
theblazehen | learned? learnt? | 08:25 |
urbanslug | theblazehen: Both are valid :) | 08:25 |
theblazehen | Ah, cool | 08:25 |
Squirm | Morning | 08:26 |
pavlushka | Morning every one, :) | 08:26 |
theblazehen | hi Squirm | 08:26 |
theblazehen | hi GnikLlort | 08:26 |
GnikLlort | supppp | 08:26 |
urbanslug | theblazehen: List comperehensions are cool. | 08:31 |
urbanslug | Do you use lambdas too? | 08:32 |
pavlushka | can anybody tell me how can I help further on this | 08:32 |
theblazehen | urbanslug: Nah. More on the admin side of stuff, do scripting when I need to | 08:32 |
chesedo | urbanslug: there was traffic on the road... | 08:33 |
urbanslug | theblazehen: Oh yeah, tis an ubintu channel after all. :) | 08:33 |
urbanslug | chesedo: hahah traffic == shit :D | 08:33 |
theblazehen | urbanslug: Yeah :) | 08:33 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: Got a tl;dr on it? | 08:33 |
theblazehen | Have you tried starting ntpd manually with a strace running on it? | 08:34 |
pavlushka | theblazehen: may be you can explain a bit, no idea on that, | 08:34 |
theblazehen | pavlushka: Logs all function calls / syscalls, that way we can get a trace of what was happening right before it crashes | 08:35 |
superfly | theblazehen: have you done dictionary comprehensions? | 08:42 |
theblazehen | superfly: Sounds like it could be usefull.. /me reads up | 08:42 |
superfly | theblazehen: basically the same thing | 08:43 |
superfly | d = {key: value for key, value in thing} | 08:44 |
theblazehen | Ah, cool | 08:44 |
superfly | but yes, very cool | 08:44 |
superfly | also, the zip() function is AWESOME | 08:44 |
theblazehen | superfly: Since you're familiar with python etc, mind telling me if that is the best way to solve what I was doing? | 08:44 |
superfly | you have 3 lists and you want to loop through them all at the same time? for a, b, c in zip(a_list, b_list, c_list): ... | 08:45 |
theblazehen | superfly: Hmm, that sounds nice | 08:45 |
superfly | theblazehen: I'm struggling to understand what your code is trying to achieve | 08:46 |
theblazehen | superfly: Basically I want to do x = functionCall(), but the function I'm calling doesn't just return the data, it only sends it out to a callback | 08:47 |
superfly | f(callback=g) ? | 08:48 |
theblazehen | So I use the runSync function to run that function, and then pause the main thread until the callback is called, then return the data that the callback received | 08:48 |
superfly | (btw, pep8 recommends words_with_underscores) | 08:49 |
theblazehen | ah, ty | 08:49 |
superfly | theblazehen: well, for one, your "runSync" method is not calling the function | 08:50 |
superfly | and the way your example in the README is defined, you're running the function and passing its return value into runSync | 08:52 |
superfly | theblazehen: did you catch my last two messages about your code? | 08:56 |
theblazehen | superfly: The pep8 and f(callback .. one? | 08:57 |
superfly | no | 08:58 |
superfly | <superfly> theblazehen: well, for one, your "runSync" method is not calling the function | 08:58 |
superfly | <superfly> and the way your example in the README is defined, you're running the function and passing its return value into runSync | 08:58 |
inetpro | good evening | 09:02 |
GnikLlort | good morning | 09:02 |
superfly | good evening inetpro | 09:03 |
superfly | hi GnikLlort | 09:03 |
superfly | Oom Kilos isn't here, so I've taken over his job as greeter bot :-P | 09:04 |
superfly | theblazehen: eish, your connection is struggling | 09:04 |
theblazehen | superfly: Damn.. :(It's on my dedicated server even | 09:04 |
superfly | theblazehen: where's your dedi? | 09:05 |
theblazehen | was, now it's on some other service | 09:05 |
theblazehen | No problems before now | 09:05 |
theblazehen_ | 2959 packets transmitted, 11 received, 99% packet loss, time 35602ms | 09:09 |
theblazehen_ | :( | 09:09 |
inetpro | oh my, someone please go donate alternative power sources to oom Kilos | 09:14 |
inetpro | we can't afford to have a channel without him here | 09:14 |
GnikLlort | Eskom again? | 09:14 |
theblazehen_ | Hmm | 09:15 |
theblazehen_ | Seemed temporary international internet issue | 09:15 |
theblazehen_ | US server -> EU server had 99% packet loss | 09:15 |
theblazehen_ | Then ssh connection ZA -> US dropped | 09:15 |
theblazehen_ | Google went real slow too | 09:15 |
theblazehen_ | Now it's working again | 09:15 |
theblazehen_ | US -> EU link too | 09:16 |
theblazehen_ | also had issue with ZA -> EU thats working now | 09:16 |
pavlushka | theblazehen_: ping | 10:09 |
mazal | Hi | 10:12 |
theblazehen_ | hey pavlushka mazal | 10:13 |
pavlushka | Hi mazal ! | 10:13 |
pavlushka | theblazehen_: can you recall the previous convo on ntp? | 10:13 |
theblazehen_ | pavlushka: Yeah, recommended running strace on it | 10:13 |
pavlushka | theblazehen_: how can I do that? | 10:14 |
pavlushka | oh, strace is a tracing tool, i see. | 10:15 |
theblazehen_ | yeah | 10:16 |
pavlushka | thanks theblazehen_ :) | 10:20 |
theblazehen_ | np pavlushka | 10:20 |
theblazehen_ | tcp is magic | 10:23 |
Kilos | hahahahaha clever superfly | 10:47 |
Kilos | did everyone see that | 10:47 |
Kilos | hee hee | 10:48 |
Kilos | superfly on freenode told me "tell Kilos You need to wind that hamster wheel some more. Or get a new hamster." 3 hours, 40 minutes and 56 seconds ago | 10:48 |
Kilos | pta power peeps need more hamsters | 10:48 |
Kilos | worked hard all the time on bath with leaking outlet thats been bricked in place 50 years agon | 10:49 |
Kilos | tired now | 10:49 |
theblazehen | I must be *really* unlucky .. | 10:53 |
Kilos | why | 10:53 |
theblazehen | Broadcast storm took down office network, *and* my bouncers internet connection is flaky for past while | 10:53 |
Kilos | ai! | 10:53 |
theblazehen | Was getting 90% loss from even USA server -> EU server | 10:54 |
theblazehen | ai | 10:55 |
Kilos | ouch | 10:55 |
theblazehen | 93% packet loss on dedicated server.. | 10:55 |
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper | ||
theblazehen | Luckily I have a gigabit line on it so it's stilll fast enough to do irc :) | 10:55 |
Kilos | sjoe | 10:56 |
theblazehen | Oh weird, hmm | 10:56 |
theblazehen | usa server has 90% loss to eu server. 0% from the office | 10:56 |
mazal | Shees what a Monday | 10:57 |
theblazehen | mazal: You're telling me.. | 10:58 |
mazal | Everything broken here from screens to fibers | 10:58 |
theblazehen | mazal: Ouch | 10:58 |
theblazehen | Oh. usa -> eu works now | 10:58 |
mazal | and me thinks the rats is too blame for the fiber | 10:59 |
mazal | is there a Kubuntu 16.04 user willing to test something for me ? | 11:00 |
* pavlushka counting the stars in the daylight | 11:06 | |
mazal | l8tr all , have a good afternoon | 12:30 |
=== pavlushka is now known as pavlushka2 | ||
=== pavlushka2 is now known as pavlushka | ||
=== pavlushka is now known as z3ki | ||
magespawn | good afternoon | 12:55 |
=== z3ki is now known as pavlushka | ||
Wolfeyes | hey magespawn | 13:22 |
Wolfeyes | afternoon everyone | 13:22 |
anton_may | cheers all see ya ll tomororw | 13:59 |
Kilos | cheers anton_may | 13:59 |
Kilos | hmm... | 15:05 |
magespawn | thinking again Kilos ? | 15:19 |
Kilos | yeah | 15:21 |
magespawn | home time for me, chat later | 15:42 |
paddatrapper | Hey spinza | 17:14 |
Kilos | evening fellas | 17:24 |
Kilos | ohi superfly | 17:24 |
=== pavlushka is now known as z4ki | ||
Kilos | lol | 17:28 |
=== z4ki is now known as pavlushka | ||
locodir-user | Hi, anyone knows of any supplier / distributor / shop / online shop / company that sells Ubuntu-preinstalled PC's, laptops, etc? | 17:42 |
Kilos | hi locodir-user | 17:43 |
Kilos | just hang out here for a while someone will answer you | 17:44 |
Kilos | there were a few but i didnt keep track of who they were | 17:44 |
Kilos | and welcome to ubuntu-za | 17:44 |
locodir-user | Can't we list them on a wiki somewhere? | 17:44 |
locodir-user | I am sick and tired of MS BS | 17:45 |
locodir-user | Just getting rid of silly upgrade nag bars took 2 hours of my life this morning | 17:45 |
locodir-user | on office 365 | 17:45 |
Kilos | we are having many spam attacks on wiki pages atm so edit is a problem | 17:45 |
locodir-user | Libreoffice is superior | 17:45 |
Kilos | but someone here will remember | 17:45 |
locodir-user | for the last 3 "off the beaten track" functions I needed | 17:45 |
Kilos | ouch | 17:46 |
locodir-user | Hmmm... simple email verification not good enough? | 17:46 |
locodir-user | email verification + human verification? | 17:46 |
locodir-user | email verification + human verification + moderator approval? | 17:46 |
locodir-user | Where are you based? I'm in CPT | 17:47 |
locodir-user | Hi :-) | 17:47 |
Kilos | yeah the guys are working on improving and tightening up security | 17:47 |
Kilos | i am in pta but we have quite a few guys down there | 17:47 |
Kilos | im the greeter bot here | 17:48 |
locodir-user | Lol | 17:48 |
locodir-user | I was just going to ask if you're a bot :-p | 17:48 |
Kilos | hahaha | 17:48 |
locodir-user | And don't get me started on Ubuntu either. 16.04 they thought they'll get smart and only install drivers for the installation platform with ubuntu server - so good luck installing on one machine for another *ugh* | 17:49 |
Kilos | we have had the question of preinstalled ubuntu laptops a few times but i have faulty ram so dont remember things well | 17:49 |
Kilos | i am still on 14.04 kubuntu | 17:50 |
locodir-user | I'm almost ready to go on a big drive to make sure Pinnacle has pre-installed Ubuntu options | 17:50 |
locodir-user | I'm sick and tired of the MS scourge | 17:50 |
Kilos | lol only now? | 17:50 |
locodir-user | buying a laptop that is too slow to use out of the box | 17:51 |
locodir-user | Have you tried Win10 on a celeron? | 17:51 |
locodir-user | ridiculous | 17:51 |
Kilos | you can of course ubuntu laptops | 17:51 |
Kilos | import | 17:51 |
locodir-user | I predict the 2nd hand market will be flooded with cheap celerons soon | 17:51 |
locodir-user | or new Ubuntu initiates | 17:51 |
Kilos | system86 i think they are called | 17:52 |
locodir-user | soon as those poor souls get fast enough internet to update to Windows 10 | 17:52 |
Kilos | ouch | 17:52 |
Kilos | locodir-user have you tried buy a laptop without any system installed | 17:53 |
locodir-user | Never seen one of those from a bulk retailer or their suppliers | 17:53 |
Kilos | in 35 mins most of the guys finish having supper and family time then im sure we will have info | 17:55 |
Kilos | locodir-user your first time here? | 17:55 |
locodir-user | Cool, just got a new SSD for this shitty celeron laptop, I'll be out for 5 mins as I reboot. Yes... first time clicking on the installer slieshow links | 17:56 |
Kilos | ssd's rock | 17:56 |
Kilos | great speed improvement | 17:57 |
Kilos | celeron is single core cpu hey? | 17:57 |
locodir-user | And battery life improvement... I'm expecting it to double | 17:57 |
locodir-user | No I don't think you get single cores any more, they're all dual core but without hyper threading | 17:58 |
Kilos | dual core with 4gig ram works fine with ubuntu | 17:58 |
locodir-user | they're decent, I've been using Gentoo though, the additional 20-30% speed boost from having something compiled specifically for your CPU helps on a slow box | 17:58 |
Kilos | you can download ubuntu and install it yourself | 17:59 |
locodir-user | Yup, busy as we speak... logged in here from a live session busy installing | 17:59 |
Kilos | cool i hope you dont disappear once install is done | 17:59 |
locodir-user | Do you use mate or ubuntu, or ubuntu with mate after-installed? | 18:00 |
locodir-user | No, I'll come back :-) | 18:00 |
Kilos | i have used both | 18:00 |
locodir-user | I mean mint | 18:00 |
Kilos | mate is lighter than unity | 18:00 |
Kilos | you can get ubuntu mate desktop | 18:00 |
locodir-user | if you install ubuntu and then add mate it should be the same | 18:00 |
locodir-user | minus the mint addons | 18:01 |
Kilos | mate is in the u buntu repos now | 18:01 |
Kilos | i use kubuntu now and totally hooked on it | 18:01 |
Kilos | bit heavy on slow machines though | 18:01 |
locodir-user | its been there forever, yes. I love kde.... in fact, I honestly tried it on Gentoo for a few months, but it wouldn't remember my customizations grrrr.... so every time I rebooted my folder sizes would be messed up and I didn't have any time for that. | 18:02 |
Kilos | inetpro can you remember where one can buy ubuntu preinstalled lappies | 18:02 |
Kilos | lol | 18:03 |
Kilos | on ubuntu 14.04 it is rock solid | 18:03 |
locodir-user | Just about the most fun thing I've done with Ubuntu so far was to mirror the whole 280GB of the repo | 18:03 |
Kilos | whew | 18:03 |
locodir-user | and had a drive where I installed literally everything I could ever think of needing or wanting to check out | 18:04 |
Kilos | you dont use mobile data then | 18:04 |
locodir-user | and it took less than 150GB | 18:04 |
locodir-user | And ran just as fast as a brand new install | 18:04 |
locodir-user | no please no, mobile data is dead to me, even in CPT CBD | 18:05 |
Kilos | expensive too | 18:05 |
locodir-user | With "unlimited" or R25/GB. All these cell companies are going to look a lot different in 5 years time | 18:05 |
Kilos | go to and join our mailing list there. the preinstalled lappy thing has come up often | 18:06 |
locodir-user | Their greed has really messed them up | 18:06 |
Kilos | yeah | 18:06 |
locodir-user | I don't know a single person who as not been screwed over by a telco | 18:06 |
Kilos | just drop a mail and hope the relevant guys answer before you get one here | 18:06 |
Kilos | i use telkom mobile, no cables on plots or farms | 18:07 |
Kilos | copper wires work better in melting pots | 18:07 |
Kilos | paddatrapper you in CT hey? | 18:09 |
Kilos | ya opposite fly | 18:10 |
Kilos | locodir-user look here so long | 18:16 |
locodir-user | I just sold a big share in my company. I'm going to go on a world tour and see how the PC components and laptop industry is glued together, and jab at it with a blowtorch to see what comes off | 18:19 |
Kilos | lol | 18:19 |
locodir-user | And I'm going to do so as publically as possible... so that if some MS agent tries to take me out everybody knows the score | 18:19 |
gremble | Good evening | 18:20 |
Kilos | hi gremble | 18:20 |
gremble | paddatrapper, I don't know what SHM is. I have not been doing much physics | 18:20 |
gremble | I am sort of just assuming that he can see | 18:21 |
gremble | How are you Kilos? | 18:21 |
Kilos | he will | 18:21 |
Kilos | im fine ty and you | 18:21 |
Kilos | will be better when it warms up | 18:22 |
gremble | I am well thank you. I just gave a statistics class and realise that I don't know as little as I think | 18:22 |
Kilos | zipper spoke about haskell today and i told him to keep an eye out for you | 18:22 |
Kilos | hahaha | 18:22 |
Kilos | you underestimated yourself | 18:23 |
gremble | I actually asked one of the writers of the new haskell textbook if I could have a copy since $59 is quite expensive for a lowly South African student. | 18:25 |
gremble | So he gave me one. | 18:26 |
gremble | People are really so nice sometimes. | 18:26 |
Kilos | nice | 18:28 |
Kilos | hardcopy? | 18:28 |
gremble | no. They havnt printed hardcopies yet | 18:43 |
Kilos | is it as big as your book is going to be? | 18:44 |
gremble | I get all the updates that they make to it. So yes | 18:45 |
Kilos | i mean your maths book | 18:45 |
Kilos | thinking to compare prices | 18:45 |
gremble | Oh, no much smaller. Their textbook is about 1108 pages, mine will probably only be about 180 pages | 18:46 |
Kilos | whew | 18:46 |
Kilos | so many pages | 18:46 |
Kilos | haskell is a programming language right? | 18:47 |
gremble | Yes | 18:47 |
paddatrapper | gremble: SHM is simple harmonic motion wrt to time and position | 18:48 |
gremble | One of the more fun ones that I have worked with. | 18:48 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: yeah I'm in CT | 18:48 |
gremble | paddatrapper, oh, those make nice differential equations. I am a bit apprehensive about using time as a variable though, since it is usually more useful as a parameter | 18:48 |
gremble | Like when you are doing space curves | 18:48 |
gremble | (particle position) | 18:48 |
Kilos | you missed that other CT guy paddatrapper i dunno now anymore who is genuine and who isnt | 18:48 |
Kilos | ubuntu being attacked all over by spammers | 18:49 |
gremble | Kilos, recently or just generally in life? | 18:49 |
paddatrapper | Eish | 18:49 |
Kilos | all the time the lat month | 18:49 |
gremble | That's weird | 18:50 |
Kilos | even wiki pages been locked down to try block them | 18:50 |
paddatrapper | The Ubuntu laptops, etc are sold by System76 | 18:50 |
Kilos | and yesterday they got into the etherpad stuff | 18:50 |
Kilos | nno there is dell or someone in za that preinstalls ubuntu as well | 18:51 |
gremble | You can get a dell pc preinstalled with ubuntu | 18:51 |
gremble | I am looking at the XPS range | 18:51 |
Kilos | tell maaz where gremble | 18:51 |
Kilos | i forget where when peeps ask | 18:52 |
gremble | There are these | 18:53 |
gremble | They are kind of shitty though | 18:53 |
Kilos | Maaz ubuntu laptops is <reply> | 18:53 |
Maaz | Kilos: I'll remember that | 18:53 |
Kilos | shitty? | 18:53 |
Kilos | i read this today in canonical.sysadmin | 18:55 |
Kilos | some spammers managed to subscribe to teams which give access to ubuntu-etherpad, so over the weekend we had to remove edit access for ubuntu-etherpad. We're working on removing the abusive edits, and finding a way to manage access which wont allow this kind of trick | 18:55 |
gremble | these are the other ones that I know of. I haven't went through all of them | 18:56 |
Kilos | ty gremble | 18:56 |
gremble | That is surprising. That is a lot of effort for a spammer, to get on a team | 18:56 |
Kilos | Maaz forget ubuntu laptops | 18:56 |
Maaz | Kilos: Okay | 18:56 |
Kilos | Maaz ubuntu laptops is <reply> and | 18:57 |
Maaz | Kilos: One learns a new thing every day | 18:57 |
Kilos | cool next one that asks i can help | 18:57 |
paddatrapper | My Internet speed has reduced me to watching SABC3... | 18:58 |
Kilos | lol | 18:58 |
Kilos | run mtr and see where the hassle is | 18:58 |
Kilos | man mtr for switches or wait for inetpro to give the right command | 18:59 |
Kilos | paddatrapper mtr -nr -c20 -o "LSD NBAW X" | 18:59 |
gremble | SABC 3 was always interesting because it was the only channel that had like built-in grainy-ness | 18:59 |
Kilos | i managed to find one command i saved | 19:00 |
paddatrapper | Thanks. Running it now | 19:04 |
paddatrapper | Mind helping me translate what I got? | 19:05 |
Kilos | hahahahaha | 19:05 |
Kilos | you in the same boat as me | 19:06 |
Kilos | let me run it and see | 19:06 |
paddatrapper | Got 100% loss from ip ??? On the jump after my gateway | 19:06 |
paddatrapper | And then again later on | 19:06 |
paddatrapper | And of course I cannot connect to anywhere to post it... | 19:06 |
Kilos | i got same loss from ??? but no looses after that | 19:07 |
Kilos | all those ip's are the sites you go through to get to google i think | 19:08 |
paddatrapper | Interestingly I can get no problem | 19:08 |
Kilos | and the best last avg is ping speeds | 19:08 |
gremble | is google's DNS server | 19:09 |
Kilos | yes | 19:09 |
paddatrapper | Yeah | 19:09 |
Kilos | and 8844 i think | 19:09 |
gremble | That is all I know from that command :P | 19:09 |
paddatrapper | I can't even check my usage on Telkom's site | 19:10 |
Kilos | on my avg is 41 | 19:10 |
Kilos | number 11 here | 19:10 |
Kilos | other heavy losses are bad jumps | 19:10 |
Kilos | haha i think thats how you say it | 19:11 |
paddatrapper | Think they are called hops, but never been too sure! | 19:12 |
Kilos | im a greeter bot my i can say hello and welcome quite efficiently | 19:13 |
Kilos | other stuff is work | 19:13 |
paddatrapper | Lol | 19:13 |
Kilos | s/my/man | 19:13 |
Kilos | even gremble stayed here after i greeted and welcomed him so sweetly | 19:14 |
Kilos | and MaNI | 19:14 |
gremble | #trueStory | 19:14 |
paddatrapper | Looking at the DNS resolves it drops accessing the local Telkom exchange and when it leaves the Telkom network | 19:16 |
Kilos | there are many interestin tools one can use but best is fone your isp and complain | 19:17 |
paddatrapper | Interestingly Google has a server on Telkom's network, so the International jump doesn't happen and so I can access it | 19:17 |
Kilos | run by ookla and give your isp the results | 19:17 |
paddatrapper | I can't access :( | 19:18 |
Kilos | oh my | 19:18 |
Kilos | fone and complain | 19:18 |
paddatrapper | Never mind I spoke to soon! It works | 19:18 |
Kilos | you on mobile or adsl | 19:18 |
paddatrapper | IRC - mobile, - Telkom ADSL | 19:19 |
paddatrapper | Apparently I have 2mbps down and 0.5mbps up... | 19:20 |
Kilos | adsl it seems you wait inline for improvements , mobile takes 2 weeks | 19:20 |
Kilos | i get 4.8 down and 2.5 up | 19:20 |
paddatrapper | Yup. I end up phoning them often.... The support is flaky... | 19:21 |
gremble | That is not bad | 19:21 |
paddatrapper | That's what I pay for, so I'd be happy if I could use it | 19:21 |
Kilos | 084 196 4466 | 19:22 |
Kilos | if you dont get satisfaction email their ceo or tweet telkomsa | 19:23 |
paddatrapper | Kilos: thanks | 19:23 |
Kilos | tweeting seems to work because its public | 19:23 |
paddatrapper | Reckon I should setup that bot that automatically tweets when my speed drops out | 19:24 |
Kilos | lol | 19:25 |
gremble | You'll probably spam the shit out of them | 19:25 |
gremble | :P | 19:25 |
Kilos | telkom adsl seems to suck in many areas | 19:25 |
gremble | Especially telecommunications | 19:26 |
paddatrapper | I so want to change, but the rest of the family are scared of Telkom and any new ISP just blaming each other for any problems | 19:27 |
Kilos | thats the modern way | 19:28 |
Kilos | pass the buck | 19:28 |
Kilos | i do it often' | 19:30 |
Kilos | im tired anf forgetful because fly and pro got me invilved in too much | 19:31 |
Kilos | involved | 19:31 |
Kilos | all their fault | 19:31 |
paddatrapper | Lol | 19:31 |
Kilos | oh, some medical news | 19:32 |
gremble | But it is good to be busy. It prevents your brain getting old | 19:32 |
Kilos | for warts pick a fig leaf | 19:32 |
Kilos | and put the milk that comes out on the wart | 19:32 |
gremble | And then freeze it off with liquid nitrogen? :P | 19:32 |
Kilos | when dry put bandage on | 19:33 |
Kilos | if bandae gets wet start again | 19:33 |
Kilos | warts will die | 19:33 |
gremble | That is interesting. Warts are caused by one of the Human Papilloma virusses | 19:35 |
gremble | And they are contagious | 19:35 |
paddatrapper | I like liquid nitrogen! | 19:35 |
Kilos | fig leaf milk has something in it that kill them | 19:35 |
Kilos | that remedy is twice as old as i am | 19:36 |
paddatrapper | It's also a very good one | 19:37 |
gremble | I have distrust in "naturism". I will just apply a statistically verified remedy, I am fine with that. | 19:38 |
Kilos | oh in place of bandage put plaster | 19:38 |
Kilos | lol | 19:38 |
Kilos | liquid nitrogen damages surrounding tissue as well so heling takes longer | 19:39 |
Kilos | healing | 19:39 |
gremble | That is only one of the remedies apparently. There are some other stuff that they use as topical antivirals | 19:40 |
gremble | Luckily I don't have warts, so it is fine | 19:40 |
gremble | :P | 19:40 |
Kilos | hahaha | 19:41 |
Kilos | oh my look at the time | 19:42 |
Kilos | and inetpro still hasnt logged in | 19:42 |
Kilos | hmm... | 19:42 |
inetpro | says who? | 19:43 |
Kilos | we really need to dig out the sjambok | 19:43 |
Kilos | hee hee gotcha | 19:43 |
Kilos | rofl | 19:43 |
inetpro | good mornings | 19:43 |
Kilos | hi inetpro | 19:43 |
Kilos | you leave me to sukkel alone hey | 19:43 |
Kilos | now i can sleep happy | 19:44 |
* inetpro has no idea what he is referring to | 19:44 | |
Kilos | you still alive man | 19:44 |
Kilos | so i can nag you tomorrow | 19:44 |
Kilos | dunno bout what yet but something will come up | 19:45 |
paddatrapper | inetpro: we are trying to diagnose my very poor Internet | 19:45 |
Kilos | yes inetpro fixit | 19:45 |
inetpro | paddatrapper: adsl? | 19:45 |
Kilos | hahaha | 19:45 |
Kilos | ohh lookit | 19:46 |
paddatrapper | inetpro: Yup, telkom... But seems to be fine now | 19:46 |
Kilos | | 19:47 |
Kilos | light weight browser | 19:47 |
Kilos | ty DalekSec | 19:47 |
paddatrapper | Pretty cool | 19:50 |
Kilos | night everyone | 19:52 |
Kilos | sleep tight | 19:52 |
Kilos | inetpro superfly that includes you | 19:53 |
inetpro | goeienag oom | 19:53 |
DalekSec | Sure, though it's in the repos, just built against gtk3. | 20:06 |
paddatrapper | Night everyone | 20:46 |
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