
sakrecoerautumna: the new latest version of font-manager works fine. It does hang on CFF fonts (first time i hear of the filetype, there are about 8 of them, i believe its noto for japanese)06:06
cubsakrecoer zequence Ubuntu Studio and the new Project Lead got a mention in the Ubuntu Podcast episode 9, think it was around 26:10 something08:49
zequencecub: Think you're getting IRC rights. Someone poked me about it.08:57
zequencesakrecoer: YOu as well?08:57
zequenceThe guy who poked me said we can just contact them directly when we want to add/remove people, since our channels are so small08:58
cubyup got the email this morning08:59
cubIt must have been a long time ago we filed that request? I didn't even remember at first08:59
zequenceA few months, I believe08:59
sakrecoerbut i was poked too, about cub's application. obviously only answered good good and honest things.09:26
cubI heard that Unit193 was elected to the IRCC as well. 09:41
OvenWerkscub: I think unit193 would be a renewal. he has done things for us in the past.13:04
cubOvenWerks maybe, I understood it as it was new elections to the council, but might be re-election though13:14
DalekSecOvenWerks: Nope, elected not renewal.20:03

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