
flocculantbluesabre: well - I can get thunar to crash pretty much at will 06:23
flocculantsigh - seems the wiki's locked up again ... 06:39
flocculantakxwi-dave: ack on thunar not crashing on you - thanks :)11:13
akxwi-daveanytime..... tried really hard to get it to...  12:03
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flocculantakxwi-dave: hilarious situation - trying to force a crash - and it doesn't :p13:10
davmor2flocculant: use a bigger hammerf13:11
flocculantknome: beginning to wonder whether we'd be better off moving the release wiki page(s) if w.u.c keeps being shut down - can't remember rationale for not doing that13:11
flocculantdavmor2: :)13:12
flocculantI can get it to crash without hammerf 13:12
davmor2Daves first rule of testing if at first it doesn't break use a bigger hammer13:12
* flocculant prefers the other way13:13
flocculantuse enormous hammer first and work backwards to the pin hammer13:13
akxwi-davehell yeah... if that don't work.. get the 20lb sledgehammer13:13
davmor2akxwi-dave: pffff you and your pathetic 20lb Sledge this is where you aim to get to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B6lnir if it survives that it ain't breakin and can be released :D13:17
knomeflocculant, includes from the main release notes being the main reason13:21
knomeflocculant, but i guess we can move them anyway13:22
knomeflocculant, did you see the discussion about some wiki pages being deleted from the community wiki by spammers?13:22
knomeflocculant, we might want to take action relatively soon to get our release notes into safety13:22
flocculantknome: yea some conversation re that somewhere 13:23
flocculantand the ticket13:23
flocculantknome: re existing pages - yup - was thinking about 13:23
knomeflocculant, i just read your proposal for the council with good thought the first time13:27
knomeit is actually one proposal, not 7 separate ones13:27
knomeam i right?13:27
flocculantit is really - s/proposal/points13:29
flocculantknome: got the raw text for currently supported releases now13:29
flocculantknome: given that we don't <include> currently, just [[link|blah]] then no reason to not move them13:30
knomeack, edited that in the wiki13:30
knome^ re: proposal/point13:31
flocculantonly pita for me is [[Bug:number]] from launchpad if we move13:31
flocculantyup okey doke13:31
flocculantknome: also want to have a chat at some point re cont.docs vs wiki now that we've got both under our control13:32
knomebasically i'm fine with whatever you want13:35
knomebut i think it's a good idea to have the contributor docs as is for the more technical and boring bit13:36
flocculantyea - was thinking of moving the user facing stuff to wiki - easier to get changes out there13:37
flocculantthe more tech qa 'team' stuff I wasn't going to touch13:37
knomewhat user facing stuff?13:39
knomeremember that our main outlet for user facing stuff is still website;)13:40
knomei guess you mean the "this is how you get started" kind of material?13:40
flocculantby user I'm talking about 'testers' rather than 'qa team' 13:40
flocculantknome: like chapter 4-6 http://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/13:41
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ochosievening all20:30
ochosiwhat's new?20:33
Unit193Lots of emails.20:36
ochosiwell i tried to stop it as soon as i saw it coming!20:38
flocculantevening ochosi Unit193 20:46
* ochosi is catching up on the pad20:48
flocculantbetter there than an everexpanding email :)20:50
flocculantassumption being people are in the pad team I guess20:54
ochosianyway, added some colors to the text now20:55
ochosifwiw, i prolonged my xpl team membership for 2 more months21:13
ochosiconsider this an interim action21:14
flocculantmakes sense21:14
flocculantwandering off - night all :)21:14
slickymasternight flocculant 21:18
ochosinight all21:21
Unit193krytarik: I removed a bunch of double spaces, you may catch a few I missed though.21:21
slickymasternight ochosi 21:23
bluesabreevening all21:44
Unit193Howdy, bluesabre.21:45
slickymasterhey bluesabre 21:45
bluesabrehey Unit193 slickymaster21:46
Unit193bluesabre: Ported anything to GTK3 today? ;)21:49
bluesabreUnit193: not today, might get started on that tonight, or fix some bugs somewhere21:50
Unit193Hah, just harassing you.  'Tis all good.21:50
bluesabrebut first21:50

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