
harlowjaklibc might not be a good name though00:10
harlowjaperhaps just kernel00:10
harlowjaor cmdline ?00:10
rharperhrm,  was klibc ever exposed other than the name of the parser ?00:15
harlowjaseems like stages.py uses it00:15
rharperlooks like it's a real package00:15
harlowjaya, its really cmdline.py00:15
harlowjashould just name it that, lol00:15
harlowjathe main function it exposes is read_kernel_cmdline_config00:16
rharperbut maybe that's just ancient cruft00:16
rharperI'd be happy with cmdline, but smoser would know more history00:16
harlowjaidk what klibc is doing there, but there are like '_klibc_to_config_entry' and such in it00:16
harlowjawhich i didn't understand, and therefore just picked klibc, lol00:16
harlowja*didn't understand the reference to00:16
rharperalso, we need smoser to go head and import bzr branch into code.launchpad.net/curtin/+git00:17
harlowjathat's gonna support more than debian right ;)00:17
rharpergit repo, yeah, just git hosted at lp00:18
=== rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb
SpCombI'm experimenting with systemd-nspawn, and trying to use the ubuntu cloud-iamges as systemd-nspawn containers. Wondering if there's any sane way to use cloud-init to configure them15:01
smoserSpComb, you want to seed /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud/15:01
smoserwith a user-data and meta-data15:01
smoserlxd does this (you should try lxd, it really is quite smooth)15:02
SpCombsmoser: thanks15:10
cpaelzersmoser: if I put something in cloud_init like the doc/examples/cloud-config.txt: source: "ppa:smoser/ppa"15:20
cpaelzersmoser: that should get translated into the right thing right?15:20
cpaelzersmoser: e.g. what apt-add-repository would make from it, due to aa_repo_match matching and then calling it15:21
smosercpaelzer, yeah. that will match the ADD_APT_REPO_MATCH15:21
smoserand be passed to apt-add-repository15:21
smosererr... add-apt-repository15:21
cpaelzersmoser: hmm - it didn't (I started creating all kind of apt_source tests)15:21
cpaelzerok, just wanted to make sure it "should" will ping you again as soon as I have more data, a real question or a fix15:22
cpaelzersmoser: FYI - you mail was a good starting point and I look into it - which is why I started creating apt_sources tests15:22
cpaelzersmoser: I don't want to hack on the "key without sources" without any verification that the old works as it did before15:23
cpaelzersmoser: is there any vmtest (planned) or is the unit test framework all we have atm?15:23
smoserthere is some vmtest that rharper started15:25
smoserlet me find15:25
cpaelzerbut still in a separate MP somewhere?15:25
cpaelzersmoser: thanks, not sure if I will use it, but worth a look15:25
smosercpaelzer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16347019/15:28
smoserthat works for me wrt ppa source15:28
cpaelzersmoser: oh it works now as well, I found that the matcher is by default not provided since I call add_source directly15:28
cpaelzersmoser: fixed now15:29
cpaelzersmoser: but that pastebin is a nice test example - I like that15:29
smosercpaelzer, so if you're looking at vmtest, we do want to get something better in place.15:30
smosergenerally speaking for test we have15:31
smoser(or should have)15:31
smosera.) unit tests15:31
smoserb.) datasource tests15:31
smoserc.) system boot tests15:31
smoser'b' is a pain, requiring mock-like datasources (or testing on the real thing). so those can delay for sure.15:32
smoserboth b and c require an os image and an ability to patch in trunk cloud-init into it.15:32
smoseralthough we'd want it to allow for other hypervisors, i'd think for most things i'd like to use lxd15:33
smoserfor 'c'15:33
smoserfor anything that was not environment specific (such as apt config)15:34
smosercpaelzer, sorry i missed your ping in server earlier15:34
cpaelzersmoser: thank, thats a good overview to start with15:38
cpaelzersmoser: and never mind about the lost ping, that delay was worth 4 working tests already :-)15:38
cpaelzersmoser: whenever the day is over I'll link a bzr branch (no MP yet) just to check if I head in the right direction before doing that for more time15:39
smoseryou saw my comments in mp ?15:40
smoseryeah, you did.15:41
harlowjarharper looks like i'll need to add rhel6 support, so i think sysconfig stuff is still needed (vs just networkd)16:47
harlowjarharper are u doing the networkd stuff currently?16:47
rharperharlowja: ok, so wondering if we want to do the networking backends via the type (eni, sysconfig, networkd, network-manager) ?16:47
rharperversus distro ?16:47
rharperor I suppose the distro should import the backend writers16:47
rharpersince debian could support eni and networkd16:48
harlowjai think distro class should decide that :-P16:48
rharperbut we might move the backend writer out of the distro-class itself16:48
harlowjathen ya, i guess u are right16:49
harlowjamaybe net/kind/eni.py and ...16:49
harlowjaseem to make sense?16:49
harlowjai'll update the branch i have to do that16:55
smoserkind ?16:58
smoserdefinitely i think the distro object should know what it is going to render based on checking the system or config.16:58
harlowjaright, in https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/cloud-init-net-refactor/+merge/293957 i put in a _net_renderer in the distro17:01
harlowja(at least the debian distro)17:01
harlowjajust think cloudinit/net/<kind> would be better named in that folder17:02
rharperharlowja: sorry I missed part of your original question; re: networkd, I'm starting on  supporting network_config to write out networkd files (.link, .network, .netdev); so we'll have that as well18:20
harlowjaseems like godaddy (where i'm at) still needs rhel6/centos6 soo i guess i'll have to do sysconfig18:20
harlowjabut if u doing networkd, that should i think work for newer versions of rhel7/centos718:20
cpaelzersmoser: it gets late, but I think I'll gonna continue on the tests and then go for the "key without source"19:04
cpaelzersmoser: if you want to do an early check and mail me some feedback over my night feel free to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/cloud-init/test-apt-source/19:05
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
larskssmoser: have you heard of people seeing errors from growpart when running with LANG != en_US.utf8?20:10
smoserlarsks, it would seem plausible20:12
smoserbut current trunk does LANG=C anytime it invokes sfdisk20:12
larskstrunk for cloud-utils?  or for cloud-init?20:12
smosertrunk for cloud-utils20:12
larsksOooo, can we get a release? :)20:13
smoserprobably should, yeah.20:13
smoserbut if i were going to do that i'd like to know that it fixes your sisue first20:13
smoserrather than releasing something and then finding out still broken20:13
larsksI think that would almost certainly fix the issue, because the issue is clearly sfdisk returning localized text that doesn't parse correctly in response to --show-pt-geometry.20:14
larsksBut I will test.20:14
smoserwell, current trunk d oesnt use show-pt-geometry anymore either :)20:14
larsksSo many wins!20:15
smoserrevno 267 basically added support for sfdisk > 2.2620:16
smoserso i'm kind of surprised youd only fail with different locale20:16
larsksThis is sfdisk 2.23.2 (rhel 7)20:18
smoserah. ok.20:19
harlowjarharper  ok https://code.launchpad.net/~harlowja/cloud-init/cloud-init-net-refactor/+merge/293957 should have the new adjustments for folders/module names20:19
harlowjaonce we can get that in, then i can start on the sysconfig stuffs20:29
smoserharlowja, from cloudinit.net.renderers import eni20:38
smoserrenderers seems strange i think20:38
harlowjathey render network config -> blobs20:38
smoserwhere does the code that reads eni go ?20:38
smoserie, cloudinit.net.renderers.eni renders eni20:39
smosercloudinit.net.readers.eni reads it ?20:39
harlowjabetter name?20:39
smosercloudinit.net.netcfgsystems.eni has readers and writers for eni20:39
smoseridont knwo20:40
harlowja*cloudinit.net.kinds.eni ?20:40
smoserhm.. i'm not being clear i think20:40
harlowjabe clear man20:40
smoserlets use 'widget' for 'eni' above20:40
smoserthat make sense ?20:42
harlowjaseems to20:42
smoserdo you put readers together or <widgets> together20:42
smoseris what i'm asking20:42
harlowjai'm gonna go with widgets20:42
smoserer.. readers/renderers together.20:42
harlowjaya, let's go with together20:42
harlowjatweaking in progress20:46
harlowjasmoser would u be opposed to moving cloudinit/net --> cloudinit/distros/net ?20:47
harlowjaat least its in a similar module then20:47
smosersimilar module ?20:48
smoseri think i kind of want net/ standalone20:48
smoseras that is the thing that is shared with curtin20:49
harlowjanet stuff being about distros :-P20:49
harlowjaand distros/ being where distro stuff is, lol20:49
harlowjathats my only motivation for that20:49
harlowjaokie dokie, updated that merge with that21:19
harlowjaalso another question, on the 0.7.x stuff, has anyone been ensuring the py2.6 stuff continues to work?21:47
harlowjai'm thinking some of net stuff won't work on 2.6 (due to format() changes that afaik only work in 2.7)21:48

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