
a123Has anyone seen this error while running: juju status?  [11:33:27] $ juju status WARNING discarding API open error: connecting with cached addresses: unable to connect to API: websocket.Dial wss:// dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused ERROR connecting with bootstrap config: unable to connect to API: websocket.Dial wss://
cherylja123: is the controller still bootstrapped?00:26
redirsinzui: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4795/00:37
rediror anyone  else http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4795/00:39
* redir steps away for a minute00:40
* redir actually leaves now.00:48
menn0anastasiamac, cherylj, wallyworld: sorry... i'm getting major packet loss... trying to fix00:49
wallyworldmenn0: get a new hamster00:49
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest97922
a123yes, I believe so. juju show-controller returns with output, but juju show-model returns the same Warning.01:04
cherylja123: show-controller just inspects things in your cache.  It doesn't go to the controller.  Can you ssh into the machine directly?01:07
a123cherylj: yes. ssh to the machine works.01:09
cherylja123: at this point, you'd want to inspect /var/log/juju/machine-0.log to see if there's a problem with the controller01:10
a123cherylj: I see quite a few errors. Is there some way to restart some service which is listening on 17070?01:20
cherylja123: you can restart the jujud process on that machine01:20
a123cherylj: Here's one ERROR example: 2016-05-09 07:53:34 ERROR juju.rpc server.go:576 error writing response: write tcp> write: broken pipe01:20
cherylj(you can just use kill for the jujud process)01:21
a123cherylj: kill as in: kill -HUP <pid of jujud>?01:22
a123cherylj: Awesome. Thanks, restarting the service worked.01:27
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest47802
mupBug #1579976 opened: Charms cached for a model are not removed when the model is destroyed <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579976>02:04
mupBug #1579976 changed: Charms cached for a model are not removed when the model is destroyed <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579976>02:13
mupBug #1579976 opened: Charms cached for a model are not removed when the model is destroyed <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579976>02:19
natefinchaxw, thumper, wallyworld:  if you deploy a multi-series charm without specifying a series, and you have a default series in your model that matches one of the charm's series, shouldn't we default to that?  Right now the code defaults to the charm's preferred series (first listed).02:40
thumperall models have a default series02:40
thumperbut I think you are right02:40
thumperthat would be a better default IMO02:41
wallyworldnatefinch: the charm author recommends via the charm's preferred series what they wnt the charm on; well that was the thinking02:42
wallyworldi think that is better too perhaps02:42
natefinchwallyworld: sure, but we have to choose to listen to the charm author or the model admin... seems like the model admin wins, as long as the charm author says the series is ok02:42
wallyworldso long as the default-series attr is explicitly set02:43
natefinchwallyworld: yep, I'm assuming we only take it into consideration if it's explicitly set.02:43
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest50280
natefinchthumper, wallyworld: there's some code in here about deploying to the latest LTS series.... but I don't really understand when we'd ever actually get to that point.  It seems to be the case only if somehow the charm has no series defined, which I would expect would not be a valid charm.03:05
wallyworldnatefinch: charms are allowed not to define any series03:09
natefinchwallyworld: wow, really?  ok.03:09
wallyworldsure, legacy charms03:09
* thumper heads afk for a bit03:09
natefinchwallyworld: well, those have the series in the url03:09
thumpertaking something to do email03:09
wallyworldnatefinch: only if yu access using the url with the series03:10
wallyworldalso local charms03:10
natefinchwallyworld: I guess if you're deploying an old-style local charm03:10
wallyworldit's a corner case for sure03:10
wallyworldwe can tighten up the rules ar some point03:11
natefinchwallyworld: so if you deploy a charm with no series specified in it, do we ever need to use --force? i.e. do we accept any series for that charm?03:52
wallyworldnatefinch: i think it defaults to any series, but can't recall 100%03:54
wallyworld--force is normally just for when we override the series03:54
wallyworldforcing a trusty charm onto a xenial host for example03:55
natefinchwallyworld: ok.... I'd look at the code, but I'm trying to fix a bug in that code, so I don't trust it :)03:55
wallyworldthe issue being fixes wasn't accounted for in the first place afair03:56
wallyworldie it is behaving as designed, but the design is wrong03:56
natefinchwallyworld: well, the code is kinda borked as-is.  it'll never deploy to latest LTS, because it checks if the latest LTS exists in the supported series list, except we've already verified at that point that the supported series list is empty.04:01
wallyworldok, that check sounds wrong i think04:02
wallyworldbeen a while04:03
wallyworldsince i saw that code04:03
natefinchwallyworld: yeah, it's all a little messed up.  I'm reworking it to be a lot easier to follow logically, as well as fixing the bug.04:03
wallyworldthere should just be one method to change i think , charmSeries()04:04
natefinchwallyworld: yep.  That's part of the problem, honestly.  It's a lot clearer as more than one method.04:06
wallyworldnot sure i agree off hand - one place to do series resolution makes sense to me04:07
wallyworldinstesd of spreading the logic all over the place04:07
wallyworldas in - take these inputs, and tell me what series to use according to the buesiness rules04:08
natefinchwallyworld: sorry... it's still one function call at the point of request... it just splits out some logic into sub functions04:08
natefinchto reuse a little code and make the logical progression easier to follow.04:08
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natefinchEOD for me.05:08
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=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
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=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
thumperjam: hey08:11
thumperjam: can we get a time to chat about networking?08:11
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voidspacedimitern: standup?09:02
dimiternvoidspace: omw09:02
fwereadedimitern, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4796/diff/09:33
dimiternfwereade: cheers, will have a look shortly09:33
rick_h_jam: ping10:15
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mupBug #1579051 opened: Race in juju/controller/destroy and TestDestroyCommandConfirmation <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <race-condition> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579051>13:33
mupBug #1580184 opened: Timeout in github.com/juju/juju/apiserver/service on windows <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580184>13:33
dimiternvoidspace, dooferlad, babbageclunk: any objections to dropping maas-spaces-multi-nic-containers-with-master branch from juju/juju ?13:34
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest28754
mupBug #1580186 opened: Race in github.com/juju/juju/worker/instancepoller/aggregate_test.go <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <race-condition> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580186>14:03
voidspacedimitern: no14:14
voidspacedimitern: no objections that is :-)14:14
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dimiternvoidspace: cheers14:46
=== Makyo|Vacay is now known as Makyo
katcoericsnow: standup time15:03
natefinchfwereade: if you juju deploy a local charm without series-in-metadata, so we don't know what series it supports... do we always require --force or never?  My preference would be for always, since we don't have any idea if it'll work on any particular series.15:04
fwereadenatefinch, yeah, I think you're right -- that should map well to the developing-the-charm case, I think, in which case adding the series is no hardship and what you're meant to do anyway15:06
fwereadenatefinch, so long as we're clear about why we're not deploying it ofc15:06
natefinchfwereade: cool, yep, I'll make sure it gives a clear reason why we're refusing to deploy without --force.  It's an edge case, but still want to make it clear for the user.15:07
fwereadenatefinch, +10015:08
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest54704
mupBug #1580221 opened: Failure to connect to API server causes worker.ErrTerminateAgent. <tech-debt> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580221>15:33
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest38353
redir_is the spelling yakkety or yakety?16:03
redir_for 16.10?16:03
mupBug #1580231 opened: Machine agent is uninstalled when it shouldn't be. <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580231>16:03
perrito666redir_: I spell it 16.10 :p16:04
mgzredir_: two ks16:04
redir_brb relocating16:32
dimiternfwereade: whew.. sorry it took so long, but you have a review16:43
dimitern(too much mail today)16:43
fwereadedimitern, tyvm16:45
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest8087
jogis Juju 2.0 supposed to register containers as a device now?17:06
jogwith MAAS17:06
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natefinchjog: no idea... the maas provider got revamped at the last second to work with maas 2, so anything is possible18:01
natefinchjog: thumper or jam would know18:02
jognatefinch, ok18:02
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest21410
natefinchkatco: are you here?18:52
alexisbjog, what are you looking for?  I missed the question18:58
jogalexisb, just wondering if I should see containers registered with MAAS 1.9 and Juju 2.018:59
alexisbjog, yes19:01
alexisblxd containers19:01
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest29652
mupBug #1580314 opened: MainSuite.TestFirstRun2xFrom1xOnUbuntu Exec function not called on windows <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580314>20:10
thumperjog: yes, containers get registered as devices20:28
jogthumper, I've deployed the openstack-base/42 bundle, which uses lxc. I don't see any devices registered with maas 1.9.2 but alexisb said they are only registered when lxd is used?20:31
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest74084
alexisbjog beta's do not yet treat lxc like lxd in bundles20:38
fwereadethumper, hey, is `loggo.Logger{}.Logf("whatever")` meant to work?20:54
thumperum... Logf isn't a function20:55
thumpernot with that signature20:55
thumperfwereade: but yes... generally20:55
fwereadethumper, oops20:56
fwereadethumper, anyway, it looks like it doesn't, we dereference a nil impl pointer in LogCallf20:57
thumperhmm... who is doing that?20:57
thumpernot the deref20:57
thumperbut using loggo.Logger{}20:58
fwereadethumper, I was passing a Logger{} into a worker and thinking the empty one'd work for the tests20:58
thumperI think it used to20:59
fwereadethumper, yeah, I had a vague expectation that it would work21:00
fwereadethumper, anyway nbd21:00
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest73492
* perrito666 is not loving mongo right now22:45
alexisbthumper, wallyworld if you guys have 5 minutes I could use some of your time22:47
thumperalexisb: ack22:48
alexisbthumper, lets jump onto the juju-core-leads HO22:48
wallyworldalexisb: otp, give me a minute22:48
alexisbwallyworld, cna join us when he is ready22:48
alexisbthumper, wallyworld: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/core-leads-call22:49
alexisbthat is a long  minute wallyworld ;)22:59
wallyworldalexisb: brt23:00
wallyworldanastasiamac: axw: redir: perrito666: in meeting, a minute late23:15
anastasiamacwallyworld: sure, ping when ready \o/23:15
wallyworldanastasiamac: there now23:26

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