
=== nameless is now known as Guest81349
popeyhello - does anyone recognise this person from the Kubuntu commnuity? https://launchpad.net/~k-abraham ?08:53
valoriepopey: looks brand new -- they have not checked in here that I know of09:09
popeythanks valorie 09:09
valoriedevels -- Notes finally got fixed, so I grabbed our packaging notes and began to massage them into something at https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Packaging#Getting_Started09:10
valorielooks like crap, and half of it will have to be moved elsewhere or just removed09:10
valoriebut it's started09:10
mparilloNew Plasma and Frameworks are available in staging (not landing), correct? sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging-plasma09:23
mparilloAnd that is for YY or XX?09:23
soeemparillo: yes09:39
mparilloas well as yes to both yy and xx?09:40
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soeemparillo: yes09:43
clivejowhat is Qt5TextToSpeech and where can I get it?09:47
soeeit is mentioned in this old post http://www.aegiap.eu/kdeblog/2015/08/kdepim-5-0/09:51
soeeKDE pim 5.0 - Add support for texttospeech based on Qt5TextToSpeech (which is not release yet).09:52
soeeclivejo: [11:53] <Riddell> soee: something that hasn't been released yet I think09:53
yofelthere are components that've optionally required that for the last 2 years or so09:54
yofelbut nobody ever makes a release for it09:54
soee[11:54] <Riddell> https://wiki.qt.io/QtSpeech09:54
yofelso, /ignore IMO09:54
yofelor feel free to package a snapshot if you think it's useful09:54
clivejoseems to be for notifications, just thought it would be handy is they could be spoken!09:56
soeerather spooky :D09:57
clivejocould be useful for some people09:57
soeeand is some cases retardet when it would read the same text 3 times :D 09:57
* soee needs to file a bug ..09:57
clivejoits your language soee!!09:57
soeeclivejo: i see F 5.22 almost ready :)09:58
clivejomaybe its like certain Iriish accents where you repeat yourself09:58
clivejoto be sure, be sure, be sure09:58
soeei asked about it on #plasma but had not response, so i better file a bug09:58
clivejoyofel: did you see my question about networkmanager-qt last night?09:59
* clivejo is getting a bit sick of FW10:00
clivejolots of merge marker left in stuff for some reason10:00
clivejoand no i386 support10:00
clivejois there any way to put KCI into an interactive mode where it will build my packages first?10:05
clivejoI dont see the point in building packages that are going to fail :/10:06
soeethat i do not know :/10:06
yofelno, and now's lunch, bbl10:11
yofelI see it in the log, just didn't read it10:11
clivejoneed to grab kwallet v5.22.0-rc2 from depot 10:12
clivejoyofel: do I call the package the same ie 5.22.0-rc2 ?10:13
yofelclivejo: you call it 5.22.0a10:45
clivejocant find it anyways10:45
yofelor I guess +rc2 would work, but 'a' is what we usually did10:45
yofelsucks as the scripts can't handle that10:45
* yofel sees symbol failures in plasma-framework10:46
yofelI don't want to do this anymore -.-10:47
clivejoyofel: Ive just fixed those in yakkety_archive10:49
yofelthey're ok to remove?10:49
* yofel didn't really look at them10:50
clivejoit was merged with debian and full of merge markers10:50
yofelhow did that cause missing symbols?10:50
clivejosorry, maybe we talking about something different10:51
clivejoIm working on FW5.2210:51
yofelI'm talking about the MISSING symbols10:51
clivejowhy am I getting emails about " Alessia's birthday"10:53
clivejoseems like a full blown conversation10:54
clivejo this coming Wednesday (May 11th) will be Alessia’s birthday and she would love to bring to school some muffins to celebrate with her classmates.10:54
clivejoIs it possible? Do you prefer Alessia will bring the sweets by herself or could I come to take some pictures too?10:54
clivejo…and at what time should I come?10:54
yofelah, symbols are fine, o k10:54
clivejoisnt this the girl that asked for stickers?10:54
yofeloh right, there was that10:55
clivejoIm gonna delete it10:55
clivejoIve no interest in cupcakes!10:55
clivejoyofel: can you scan over http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/frameworks/build_status_5.22.0_yakkety.html10:57
yofellooks green?10:57
clivejokwayland is still messing about, and Im trying to fix it10:57
clivejobut are the orange ok to ignore10:57
yofelkfilemetadata and kwayland need fixing10:59
yofeland kactivities needs paying attention10:59
yofelthe rest is ~ok10:59
yofelthe manpage stuff should maybe be looked at11:00
yofelas in: where to file bugs11:00
clivejokwayland and kfilemetadata should be fixed when the pakages build11:04
clivejowhats wrong with kactivities?11:04
clivejoIm seeing Cmake warnings, but dunno how I can fix them11:05
clivejobut it seems to be building and installing ok11:06
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yofelclivejo: it's the big warning that updating just kactivities frameworks will certainly break your activities11:15
yofelso we have yet another frameworks release that's not backwards comatible11:16
yofelI don't want to do this anymore11:16
soeethy are not ?11:18
yofelsoee: well, you do remember how your activities worked when you installed frameworksk for the first time?11:34
soeeyofel: i do not ;/11:38
yofelhm, might've been someone else then11:38
soeeyofel: but what Frameworsk version are you talking about - the very first or current ?11:40
soeeat first activities didn't work to well11:40
soeenow almost all works fine except the bug with switching them11:41
yofelright, but you're on plasma 5.6 too11:41
soeeyofel: but why this one is the problem [13:16] <yofel> so we have yet another frameworks release that's not backwards comatible ?11:43
yofelbecause technically, kde is marketing frameworks, plasma and apps as 3 distinct components, and we are packaging them like that11:44
yofelwhen in fact, there's cross-dependencies, side-effects and compatibility issues all over the place11:45
yofelwhich makes our life harder than it needs to be11:45
* yofel wants the KDE SC back11:45
yofelthat was EASY11:45
BluesKajHowdy folks11:57
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clivejoyofel:  was me had the activities stop working12:56
clivejokactivitymanagerd is now part of plasma, which I packaged in 5.6.313:00
clivejobut where is kactivities-workspace13:02
yofelyay, the wiki lost my developer application13:33
yofelI think I'll move back to tanglu development. Unlike ubuntu that's actually fun13:33
soeetanglu is so outdated with their packages it seems13:36
yofelyes, because ximion is working on appstream and whatever the limba successor is, and I'm working on kubuntu13:37
yofelit wouldn't be so outdated if someone would actually be doing something13:37
mamarleyFor what it is worth, I hope you stay.  Kubuntu is already short on people and I'm not sure it could survive without you.13:38
yofelI guess so, but doing stuff out of obligation is not particulary fun, esp. as I'm doing this for free. And holding the senior dev position here has mostly been a frustration loop lately13:40
yofelspending time on other things has improved my mood a bit, but any time I work here it goes down far faster then it goes up13:41
mamarleyI maintain 10 Kubuntu systems for myself and various other people, and I have no idea what I would do if Kubuntu wasn't a thing anymore.  The combination of recent KDE packages with recent under-the-hood stuff and plenty of PPAs to fill in the gaps is unmatched as far as I can tell.  I have evaluated several other KDE distros and none of them even come close.13:44
acheron88Tried other KDE distos here as well, and nothing else allows me to get what I want for a system with minimum hassle 13:45
acheron88If kubuntu started lagging behind I would be stuck13:47
mamarleyI mean, I would do fine with something like Arch, but that wouldn't be acceptable for the systems I maintain for other people.  I looked at Fedora, they have recent KDE packages, but either very out-of-date packages or no packages at all for other stuff I use.  I checked OpenSuSE, they have recent KDE packages but their base system is too out-of-date for some of the newer hardware I am supporting.13:47
mamarleyKubuntu is just the best KDE distro around.13:47
acheron88Yes, tried Arch and it's nicely up to date, but fragile13:49
acheron88With a kubuntu/ubuntu/debian system, I know how to bend it to my needs without breaking it13:50
mamarleyyofel: What are the problems that make you sad?  Maybe there is something we can do about them.13:50
* soee going for mile and cookies ... :)13:54
yofelnot sure if you can. Problem is that I'll have to make up my mind what I want to do here. I'm currently holding a position without actually having all the permissions that I would need to actually do the job, which means I spent lots of time with just "paperwork".13:58
yofelBut as I'm also the only experienced packager here, I'm spending most of my time explaining stuff to people, and running around attaching band-aids in a hundred different places which eats up all my time.13:58
yofelSo at the end of the day, kde devs make my life hard, which is exponentiated by me missing permissions, and me spending time on stuff that I actually don't have any time for if I wanted to fix the permission issue or improve out workflow13:58
yofelI would love to continue working on 16.04 because it's still buggy as hell, but that means that I will completely ignore yakkety and any new kde work until mid-august13:58
acheron88rock and hard place then13:59
mamarleyMight it be possible to use any of the work from the KDE Neon project to help out?14:00
yofelsure, we could also just sync frameworks 5.21 from debian experimental, but it looks like our packagers would much rather spend their time on working on it themselves.......14:00
acheron88not sure what the internal politics are, but I'm astounded you don't have permissions required14:01
yofelacheron88: well, I was always just a side contributor in the past, so I never applied to them. But to apply for them I would need an actual work record in the field - which I don't have because I spend time on other stuff14:01
mamarleyI'm sure anyone in here would be willing to vouch for you and all the work you did on Xenial.14:02
yofelso it's a bit of a chicken and egg problem14:02
acheron88I see. 14:02
mamarleyI definitely would, if my opinion counts for anything.14:02
yofelmamarley: the problem is: to appy for motu/core-dev, I would have to do motu/core-dev stuff that is URELATED to kubuntu14:03
yofelbut I'm spending all my time on kubuntu to not let it fall apart, so there's no time for that14:03
mamarleyThat's dumb.14:03
yofelI guess I could apply for motu and at least get enough recommendations for that14:04
yofelexcept that I could still not be a release manager because that requires core-dev14:04
yofelbut for that I would have to do stuff in 'main'14:04
mamarleyIt is a start, I guess.14:04
acheron88It makes sense for a ubuntu flavour that is well resourced14:04
marco-parillosoee: Thanks for the tip. I picked an XX vm, and I added staging-plasma. Software Updates running now.14:17
BluesKajwell soee, plasma 5.6.3 eventually broke my setup and made it unusable. I'm on my fallback Xenail and after akernel upgrade it's acting up now as well , not having a good day ;/14:23
marco-parilloI think I successfully upgraded to Plasma 5.6.3, but I got two errors:  trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/libdiscover.mo', which is also in package libdiscovercommon 5.5.4-0ubuntu1  14:39
marco-parilloAnd trying to overwrite '/etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.muon.repo.conf', which is also in package libdiscovercommon 5.5.4-0ubuntu1  14:39
yofelplease paste the full errors, that doesn't say *what* tried to overwrite them14:45
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> clivejo this one? ppa:clivejo/xenial14:50
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> is clivejo around?14:52
yofelat least his bouncer is, he was here earlier14:55
marco-parilloThis is my konsole session trying to update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16346597/ As I said, kinfocenter says I am on 5.6.3, and it looks different and seems to work fine (no immediate problems).14:57
soeemarco-parillo: what language are you using in the system ?14:58
BluesKajactivities working ok, marco-parillo?14:58
clivejoovidiuflorin I am now :)14:59
marco-parillosoee: en_US15:01
marco-parilloBluesKaj: I can create a new activity, and switch to it using the hamburger. However, there are no activity templates.15:05
clivejoko = korean?15:09
clivejowhy are KDE install all lanuages alongside the packages?15:09
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> clivejo is this the one? ppa:clivejo/xenial?15:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> but it has other stuff in there15:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> ok...15:16
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> I'll add it and test only that one15:17
BluesKajmarco-parillo:  right , my actiities were locked and wouldn't launch the linked apps15:17
clivejoonly install the networkmanager-qt package from it15:17
clivejothen disable it15:17
marco-parilloBluesKaj: I also was able to switch between activities using meta tab.15:17
BluesKajclivejo:  I tried to , disabling didn't help 15:18
clivejoyofel: will plasma-nm need rebuilt?15:18
yofelis there a reason for it?15:19
clivejoI dont know how that stack works15:19
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> clivejo: no such package networkmanager-qt15:20
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> .....15:20
yofeland I don't have time to look at it, sorry15:20
ovidiuflorinI see it in the ppa on LP15:20
ovidiuflorinbut apt refuses to locate it15:20
clivejoovidiuflorin: that package would be libkf5networkmanagerqt615:20
ovidiuflorinrestarting netowrk manager15:21
ovidiuflorinok, back15:22
ovidiuflorinclivejo: it works15:25
ovidiuflorinthank you15:25
clivejoovidiuflorin: can you open a LP bug for this15:25
clivejowe need to get it SRU15:25
clivejothere are a lot of papercuts in Xenial need attention15:26
ovidiuflorinok, what should I say in the bug?15:26
ovidiuflorinopen the bug on this package?15:26
clivejosay what the problem is15:26
clivejoIve never seen the bug, so I have no idea15:27
clivejosomething about connecting to VPNS15:27
ovidiuflorinto VPN15:27
ovidiuflorinany VPN15:27
clivejoyeah, well you know more about that side of it15:27
clivejomaybe link to the KDE bug, detailing the fix15:28
clivejoand Ill attact the patch15:28
clivejoIll then try and get some of the release team guys to help me get the patch into the archive15:29
clivejoyofel: did you experience this bug too, with the VPN's?15:29
yofelvpns? no. It might solve a different issue I had though15:30
clivejocould you try it?15:30
yofelnot for another 2 hours15:30
clivejono prob15:30
clivejoI gotta go do a few things 15:30
clivejoovidiuflorin: please post the LP bug in here and ping me when you do15:31
clivejoIll look at it later15:31
ovidiuflorinclivejo: ping15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1580229 in networkmanager-qt (Ubuntu) "VPN is broken in Xenial" [Undecided,New]15:31
clivejogreat, thanks :)15:31
clivejoovidiuflorin: would you like to follow this path with me?15:32
clivejoie learn how a SRU works and how to do it?15:32
ovidiuflorincan we use BBB?15:32
clivejoovidiuflorin: heres a bit of info for a start - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:33
clivejoand I catch up with you later15:33
marco-parilloDoes anybody running Plasma 5.6.3 auto-hide the panel? I thought it was working, and I was playing with Activities, and now it looks as if the windows think it is auto-hidden, but the panel is always on top, because the bottom of the windows are hidden..16:08
* sgclark runs applications16:09
soeemarco-parillo: i think i had similar issue and it was due to some configuration16:10
soeetest it on fresh account maybe16:10
soeesgclark: 16.04.1 16:10
sgclarksure I have already been working on 16.04.016:12
sgclarkand sorry about your frustrations yofel, I am afraid it will only get worse when my internship starts16:13
soeewill it work if not all 16.04 were packed yet ?16:13
soeecool :)16:13
yofeldepends. Less people working on packaging means my review-queue fills slower. So yes, you'll be missed - but not completely :P16:14
yofeland you concentrate on your internship. We can figure things out after that16:15
soeeso the status is: we have 16.04.x apps to finish + backport, Plasma 5.6.4 to finish and backport (5.6.3 already done) and Frameworks 5.22 to backport 16:20
soeewhat takes longer: fixing package or waiting till it build and check if it was fine ?16:23
yofelmost of the time16:24
yofelif you build locally, ccache helps. On LP you just have to wait16:25
soeecan't we have do it on some own nice VPS ?16:25
yofelunless you spend a lot of money on it, you're probably better of waiting for launchpad16:25
yofelI can provide containers for people that want it16:26
yofelbut not everyone likes working over ssh16:26
yofeland then there's ssh/gpg key access issues and whatnot16:26
soeewhat are good specs for uch VPS so the builds go fast?16:27
yofelthe launchpad builders are actually really powerful, so they beat any "cheap" VPS by far.16:28
yofelyou could probably beat launchpad with some 8 cores or so. 6 might do it already16:28
yofel4 if you repeatedly build the same thing and use ccache16:29
soeewell we have here in Poland pretty cheap one but they use OpenVZ so am not sure if we can manimulate system sas we want16:30
yofelI'm testing the somewhat new x86 machines from scaleway, they offer you a 6 CPU 8 GiB machine for ~10€/m16:31
soeeso 6 vcpu x 3.5GHz, 8GB ram, 60 GB sdd pcie 16:31
yofelthey work reasonably well, but they're still Atom server CPUs16:32
yofelwhich is ok for the price...16:32
soeewell i have for my one the one i mentioned and works fine :)16:33
soeealso having smaller one for gitlab16:33
yofelyeah, that's a pretty good server for most purposes16:34
soeeit is ~ 150.00 €/y16:35
soeebut if you have 2 items you have 10% discount on each16:35
soeeand  10+ 15%16:36
soeeafter 1 year also discount16:36
yofelsweet. I guess the only thing I don't like is OpenVZ. Yes, it does the job for most purposes, but I constantly run into situations where the system doesn't behave how I want. So I'm trying to stay away from that lately16:37
soee:) i have it for 2 months so far, i used debian on it and works fine16:37
soeelast month with 1 time payment ~ 72 € they increased my mid plan to the highest i mentioned but staing on the lower one pricing :)16:39
soeeso atm. it costs me ~ 75 €/y without discounts16:40
yofelFWIW. I would really like to see if we could replace LP with our own build system for KCI. Jenkins spends >50% of the job time just waiting on the launchpad publisher (that's why the bot always prints results in batches)16:41
yofeloh, now that's cheap. lucky you ;P16:41
soeehmm, after 1 year renew has 20% discount, 2 years 25%, 3 years 30% :)16:43
yofelthat makes sense as you probably won't get the hardware replaced. Otherwise you end up changing contracts to get a reasonable price again16:44
soeeso for example, you have 2 vps = 10% discount for each, after 1 year you have +20% discount and if you renew for next year + 20% 16:44
soee= 50% :)16:44
yofelwhich is a PITA16:44
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marco-parillosoee: I created a new user (for some reason creating one without a password did not work for me), and yes, the auto-hide panel does not seem to work.17:17
clivejoovidiuflorin: someone else reported that error "'gateway-ping-timeout' of type 'guint'" for something17:49
yofelclivejo: nmqt works, thanks18:19
yofelthat happens when editing any network connection, so you don't need a vpn for the testcase18:20
clivejoyofel: does this diff look ok to you - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/258690910/networkmanager-qt_5.18.0-0ubuntu2_5.18.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu16.04~ppa1.diff.gz18:24
clivejoshould I drop the ppa build info from the version number before I submit it?18:25
yofelthe version has to be ubuntu1.118:26
clivejowell I need to fill in the LP bug number anys18:26
yofelno, wait18:27
yofelyes, 1.118:27
yofelIn the changelog please add "Add" before "Upstream"18:28
yofelin the patch, remove lines 3-818:32
yofeland after you add the bug #, it should be fine18:32
ovidiuflorinclivejo: so my bug report is no good?18:33
yofelthe bug is ok in itself, just needs a description rewrite for the SRU18:34
yofelhm, lp 1577923 sounds like a dup18:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569674 in networkmanager-qt (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1577923 [Kubuntu] Fail to connect to wifi after a recent update" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156967418:39
yofelok, I didn't look that close :D18:40
yofelhm, that also complains about the guint value18:41
yofelovidiuflorin: mind if I fold your bug into the other one?18:48
ovidiuflorinnot at all18:48
* ovidiuflorin is drooling over http://www.amazon.com/SawStop-PCS31230-TGP252-Professional-Assembly-Extension/dp/B005HPWE5W?ie=UTF8&fpl=fresh&redirect=true&ref_=s9_simh_gw_g469_i5_r18:48
* yofel wouldn't have a use for it, but nice indeed18:49
yofelclivejo: please change the bug in the changelog to 156967418:49
yofelclivejo: I copied over the SRU description, updated the status and added the xenial task18:53
yofelcan you give me a debdiff for yakkety so I can get that uploaded?18:53
soeeclivejo: will you backport 5.22 ?18:53
yofelor you do the git tagging yourself, but that's a bit tricky18:53
tazzhello yofel long time no see. :) How are you?18:55
yofeltazz: well enough18:56
yofellong time no see indeed :)18:56
clivejosoee: Im reaching for my trout!19:02
clivejoyofel: isnt the patch in 5.22?19:02
yofelclivejo: no SRU before the fix isn't in yakkety-release, so 5.22 doesn't help19:03
yofelor well, it would help, if you find someone to upload it19:03
yofelI can't19:03
clivejoso it becomes ubuntu2 in YY?19:03
yofelso it's faster to just upload the same fix to both19:03
clivejobut 1.1 in a distro out the door19:03
clivejothat look better?19:04
yofels/Closes LP: #1569674/(LP: #1569674)/19:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569674 in networkmanager-qt (Ubuntu) "[Kubuntu] Fail to connect to wifi after a recent update" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156967419:05
yofeland you dropped the exended description from the patch, which was fine19:05
yofelinstead remove the '---'19:05
clivejoyou said to drop lines 3-8?19:06
yofelyou removed 2-719:06
clivejooh, that diff is different to the one I have locally19:10
yofeljust pastebin a debdiff19:10
clivejoI hate LP debdiff19:11
yofelman debdiff?19:11
clivejoits comparing it to a test upload I deleted19:11
yofelyes, just do it locally...19:11
* clivejo cries19:13
clivejowhy does KDE Paste always password protect my pastes19:13
clivejo3rd time lucky19:14
yofelclivejo: https://paste.kde.org/pbqzrzfwd19:19
clivejoline 7, should there be a leading space?19:20
yofeldoesn't need to be19:20
clivejoI removed it19:20
yofelah hm, c&p somehow added that19:21
clivejonano colours the diff, and it didnt look right :P19:21
clivejoyofel: is it always this difficult to make fixes?19:23
clivejojust seems so unreasonable difficult :/19:23
yofelnot if you get it right on the first try19:23
yofelbut the archive admins are rather pedantic, that's why I'm so nitpicky here19:24
yofelbut yes, the SRU procedure is a bit verbose regarding steps and paperwork. So that regressions are as unlikely as possible19:25
clivejobut surely the original bug is a regression :/19:26
yofelyes 'regression-release', 'regression-update' counts as worse19:26
clivejook I uploaded to a clean PPA - https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/frameworks/+packages19:27
clivejohopefully get a decent debdiff on that19:27
yofelreally, please pastebin me a debdiff yourself19:27
yofelso that you learn how to do that when someone else asks you for it19:27
yofeland I mean *without* launchpad19:28
clivejoI know how to do it, but its just should a LONG process!19:28
yofelrunning a command is a long process o.O?19:28
clivejohave to get the original source again19:29
yofelhuh, what did you start with in the first place?19:29
yofelthe original dsc should still be there, no?19:29
clivejoI dget the dsc file from xenial archive19:29
yofelright, so use that?19:30
clivejounpack the .orig and .debian19:30
clivejoIve deleted them since19:30
yofelwell, don't do that ^^19:30
yofeland did you unpack them by hand? dpkg-source does that19:30
clivejosee I do stuff the long and hard way19:30
clivejohow would you do it?19:31
yofellet me try19:31
clivejoshare your wisdom almighty yofel!19:31
yofel"pull-lp-source networkmanager-qt xenial"19:31
yofelthen would come updating the package, debuild -S, then debdiff old.dsc new.dsc and I have a debdiff19:32
yofelor I would work on git, but with uscan broken I would still do pull-lp-source inside build-area so gbp works19:33
* clivejo creates a new kate file19:33
clivejowhere is that script coming from?19:33
clivejothe pul-lp-source19:34
yofelthere's also a pull-ppa-source in kubuntu-dev-tools, which is also handy19:34
clivejook, so I used that and got the source and its unpacked it for me :)19:35
clivejolike magic19:35
yofelthat's the point :P19:36
yofelit really just downloads and run dpkg-source -x19:36
clivejobut me didnt know this!19:36
clivejoIve been doing it all manually19:36
clivejolike an idiot!19:36
yofelwell, good that we fixed that then19:36
clivejoso would you create two folders, orig and new?19:38
clivejoto keep them seperate?19:38
yofelno, I only use one unpacked source. You just have to be careful to not run debuild without changing the version19:38
yofeldebdiff only needs the dsc's and unpacks the relevant versions internally again19:39
clivejook I but the archive source into a folder called orig19:41
clivejorun debdiff on them https://paste.kde.org/pi9hns9xu19:41
clivejoBTW: regarding symbols, I wget the buildlogs, gzip -d them and run batchpatch19:42
yofelthe "Closes" is unnecessary (that's the debian syntax), but I can work with that19:43
clivejois there a magic way?19:43
yofelhm, there was this kubuntu-update-symbols script in kubuntu-dev-tools, but I believe that only works on the primary archive19:44
yofelI usually do it the same as you19:44
yofelclivejo: I'll upload the same thing to yakkety19:45
soeeyofel: hard hard it would be to have own infrastructure that builds stuff for us and than when it builds fine upload it to launchpad for final build ?19:48
yofelsomewhat tricky as you need a buildsystem. debile is fairly easy to use (runs buildd.tanglu.org) and aptly a pretty nice backend (used by neon)19:49
yofelbut LP does the job rather well and we get it for free19:49
yofelfor the CI it *might* make sense, but there we should see first if waiting for the publisher is really necessary19:50
=== soee changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly computing | Yakkety open, happy hacking | Plasma 5.5.5: X/archive, Plasma 5.6.3 Y+X/STAGING -- Apps 15.12.3: X/archive, Apps 16.04 Y/WIP -- FW 5.18: X/archive, FW 5.22 Y/WIP 5.21 /STAGING| https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Package Docs (WIP) https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-packaging
yofelbah, NM in yakkety seems to have lost wimax support20:03
yofelor maybe those are just lost private symbols..20:10
clivejosoee: thats not good !20:13
IrcsomeBotsgclark2 was removed by: sgclark220:13
clivejoso how would you apply a patch?20:19
clivejosay from a KDE diff20:19
* clivejo is having to find another one and copy it20:20
clivejoJonathan spoke of a way of importing a diff using quilt20:20
clivejobut at the time it was WAY over my head20:20
yofelkubuntu-update-symbols actually works, nice20:23
* yofel hasn't used that in years :D20:23
clivejokubuntu dev tools?20:23
clivejomust look into that20:24
yofeluseless for ppa's - though one could add that20:25
yofeldid you ever get your gpg-agent fixed?20:26
clivejohad to set the path manually20:27
clivejoI dunno what changed or happened it it20:27
clivejojust stopped working one day20:27
yofelwhich path?20:28
yofelI had probably the same thing happen to me, and it looks like the new agent only works with gpg220:28
clivejoGPG_AGENT_INFO was blank20:28
yofelah, set that to the socket in .gnugp?20:28
clivejoexport GPG_AGENT_INFO="/home/clivejo/.gnupg/S.gpg-agent:0:1"20:29
yofelneed to try that20:29
clivejothe agent was starting fine20:29
clivejobut debsign wasnt connecting to it20:29
yofelright, setting DEBSIGN_PROGRAM=gpg2 fixed it for me, but gbp seems to require 'gpg' for the tag signature which is annoying20:30
clivejoso added that line to my profile and its working again20:30
clivejoand Im strengthened my key and changed my email, so some good came of it all!20:31
clivejoregarding the SRU, whats the next step?20:32
yofelworks, thanks :)20:32
clivejoI think thats a bug somewhere20:32
clivejocause it used to work fine, then all of a sudden boom20:33
clivejodrove me insane for a couple of weeks!20:33
clivejothankfully someone here pasted me the contents of their GPG_AGENT_INFO and it clicked what was wrong20:33
clivejoeven managed to get my new key working in Kmail too :)20:35
yofelit's not a bug, it's deprecated behavior. A bit strange as a bunch of things still rely on gpg v120:36
clivejoif only I could send emails via kubuntu.org20:36
clivejowe should setup a Kolab server for kubuntu.org :P20:37
yofelclivejo: https://www.gnupg.org/faq/whats-new-in-2.1.html#autostart20:37
yofelthat depends whether your provider allows emails from different sender (IIRC gmail does, mine doesn't)20:37
yofelso my kubuntu.org address is mostly just a spam magnet20:38
clivejoabout birthdays and cupcakes!20:38
clivejoyofel: so this debdiff, will I attach it to the LP bug?20:39
yofelif you need a sponsor, yes. Then you subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug so it ends up in the sponsorship queue (linked in #ubuntu-motu topic)20:40
yofelin this case, I already uploaded it20:40
clivejoto xenial?20:40
clivejooh, you can do that?20:40
yofelwell, yakkety a second time already..20:40
yofelI can upload what's in the packageset, I cannot approve or accept SRU's20:41
yofelyou can see in #ubuntu-release that it was put into UNAPPROVED20:41
clivejowhere do you upload to?20:41
yofelI already nominated the bug for xenial (you would've had to ask a bugcontrol memeber or developer to do that - in this case: me)20:42
yofel'dput ubuntu ...'20:42
yofelwhat you still have to do, is fill out a working testcase, then subscribe ~ubuntu-sru to the bug20:43
clivejoId get a permission error?20:43
yofelyou would get an upload rejected mail20:43
yofelwhen are you applying for ~kubuntu-dev? ^^20:43
yofelwell ok, maybe not just yet20:43
clivejoI dont actually have a test case, ovidiuflorin and you are my guinea pigs :P20:44
soeeScarlett left for good ?20:44
yofelyou need one though20:44
yofelwe need a state that's reproducably known broken, and a state that's reproducably known good20:44
clivejoI can see this is going to be one of my downfalls20:44
yofelfor me, I got the error when editing the Manual IPv4 settings for a connection20:45
yofelyou *should* be able to do that20:45
* clivejo is terribly bad at writing thoughts and communicating ideas via text20:45
yofelno need for thoughts. Testcase is a step-by-step guide on how to verify that the bug is fixed20:46
clivejotest case doesnt work, apply patch, it works20:46
yofellike: create a manual connection, set setting FOO, see error, install package from proposed, try setting it again, it works20:46
clivejoovidiuflorin: could you write that?20:46
clivejotell us how you found the bug20:46
clivejo1) Turn on my computer 2) Type in my Kubuntu login 3) Make a cup of coffee20:47
yofelit doesn't need to be long, see e.g. lp 1556540 20:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1556540 in kamera (Ubuntu Xenial) "System Settings->Digital Kamera Error occurred leaving orphaned control module" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/155654020:48
clivejoso how do you find out about these bugs?20:49
yofelI'm subscribed to our bug ML?20:49
clivejothis one was because ovidiuflorin was really upset and asked for help here20:49
yofelalthough I only really pay attention to the NEW messages. Too many mails20:49
yofelthe original bug was on the ML too, but nobody noticed it20:50
clivejocause reading that LP bug, its been going on a while20:50
yofelright, we would need some bug triagers that actually pay attention to it and filter it. But nobody does that, so what bugs get noticed depends on $developer_mood_of_the_day20:51
yofelor people throwing one into our face20:51
clivejolike ovidiuflorin did!20:51
yofelhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-bugs is the ML20:52
clivejohow long will it be before that patch gets into the archive then?20:52
yofeldunno, kamera has been sitting in unapproved for over a week already20:52
clivejoI thought LP was supposed to make this all easier20:53
yofelit makes managing it easier, this is a human resources issue20:53
clivejoie triagers poke the people who can fix it20:53
yofelsure, I would be fine with a triager assigning a valid bug to me20:53
yofelagain, nobody does that20:53
clivejotheres a comment on there #5 I think seems to suggest they go to gnome for support :/20:54
ovidiuflorindo I still need to write the test case?20:54
yofelheh, #ubuntu-bugs has been in a near-death state for years... *sigh*20:54
yofelovidiuflorin: yes20:55
clivejoovidiuflorin: yes please, you have first hand experience of the bug20:55
yofelclivejo: users will go for a workaround that works20:55
ovidiuflorinI'll make a notepad and ask you guys for feedback20:55
yofelmeh, now I get a merge conflict in the symbols -.-20:56
clivejosymbols for what?20:58
clivejoovidiuflorin: have you used open365.io?20:58
yofelyes, because I refreshed with 5.18 and you did with 5.2120:59
yofelwell, I fixed it anyway20:59
ovidiuflorinclivejo: I tried it20:59
clivejomine should be 5.2220:59
clivejoscarlett did 5.2120:59
ovidiuflorinclivejo: yofel ^20:59
yofelovidiuflorin: I think 'any connection' would do it, not only VPN - or does it only happen with vpn for you?21:00
ovidiuflorinname yourself 21:00
ovidiuflorinyofel: I'm typing that now21:00
yofelok, built fine with yakkety, so that's done21:02
clivejodo you have to reverse the git for yakkety?21:02
clivejoor just add the ubuntu2 changelog entry?21:02
yofelI create a branch from the last tag, commit and tag that, then merge it into archive21:03
ovidiuflorinis that good?21:03
yofelgood for me, thanks21:03
clivejocopy that into the bug?21:06
clivejoIm on wired connection and never hit that bug :/21:06
ovidiuflorinin the description or in a comment?21:07
clivejodescription under [testcase] tag21:07
ovidiuflorinhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanager-qt/+bug/1569674 21:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569674 in networkmanager-qt (Ubuntu) "[Kubuntu] Fail to connect to wifi after a recent update" [High,In progress]21:11
clivejothats why activities wouldnt work!21:12
yofelsomeone still needs to subscribe ~ubuntu-sru, don't forget that!21:15
yofelok, we're done for now21:18
clivejojust wait?21:21
yofelfor now yes. If there's no reaction, poke the sru folks after a couple days21:22
* clivejo hugs sgclark21:24
clivejoso somewhere along the line qml-module-org-kde-activities got removed from my YY+Plasma5.6.3 and thats why activities werent working21:43
clivejoinstalled them and its working again21:43
yofelyou might want to make sure something depends on it21:44
clivejoI think it was my fault21:44
clivejoI was doing tests!21:44
clivejoto see what packages pulled in stuff21:44
nomenhmm I just saw that post on planet kde http://scarlettgatelyclark.com/2016/kubuntu-farewell-my-friends/ what does this mean?21:44
sgclarkMy services are no longer required. I am moving on with life.21:58
clivejoanyone using Plasma 5.6.3 having problems connecting to KDE Connect?22:19
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Since 5.5.5 I thing I had to ping my device to get it connected22:22
clivejoI had to add it by IP22:22
clivejobut its not working22:22
clivejowondering if its a network issue22:22
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Strange22:23
clivejomy wifi seems to keep disconnecting at random too22:23
clivejomy laptop is on one subnet 192.168.1.* and phone is on the wifi network which is on 192.168.2.*22:24
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> With 5.6.3 and Frameworks 5.21 I had strange issue with steam when my desktop elements almost stops to response and there are often problems with windows and panel shadows.22:24
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> I think steam does something strange here, though it worked fine on 5.522:25
* clivejo think one of the routers is playing up22:27
clivejoand my VOIP gateway is on that subnet too :/22:28
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> I'm out for tonight...22:47
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> My dog just had a seizure22:47
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> We're discussing...  The future...22:47
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> It's going to be a long night and day following22:48
clivejowhat age is the dog?22:48
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Sorry22:48
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Almost 222:48
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Almost 2 years22:48
clivejosorry to hear that :( 22:49
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> (Photo, 1280x856) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/aqZLQD06/file_16.jpg22:49
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> And he went blind... In the past 3 months22:50
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> He's always in panic22:50
clivejoIve seen you with him on cam22:50
clivejoany idea what happened?22:50
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> He's my kid...22:50
clivejoa stroke or something?22:51
clivejoyeah, my pup is my kid too!22:51
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Those f...ing breeders... Inbreeding22:51
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> That's the short story22:51
clivejoso sorry22:51
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> He also has a sensitive digestive system... Can barely eat something22:52
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> Just chicken without any spices and some sensitive dog food...22:53
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> The problem now is to keep the wife calm...22:54
clivejomy pup seems to eat everything!22:54
IrcsomeBot<ovidiuflorin> That's a normal dog22:54
clivejohes burst every football Ive got him within about an hour!22:54
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Clivejo will you stage 5.6.4?23:03
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Let us get fw5.22 finished first!23:13
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> They are not?23:13
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> What is missing?23:14
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Need tested23:15
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> I think my router is fecked23:16
mamarleyclivejo: I can install FW5.22 on my VM to test.23:19
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> What happened to router?  :/23:20
clivejobeen acting up recently23:26
clivejomamarley: please, if its not an install thats important to you#23:27
clivejojust to see if they install without errors23:27
mamarleyIt's a throwaway VM.  If it gets screwed up, I can just nuke it.23:27
clivejo@marcinsagol I have a large network to connect up the farm etc23:27
clivejothe router that provides wifi to my house is misbehaving23:28
mamarleyclivejo: It installs fine by the way.  I am about to reboot and see what happens.23:28
clivejomamarley: where from?23:28
mamarleyclivejo: Yes, staging-frameworks for Yakkety.23:29
mamarleyThis VM is crazy fast.  I think its hard disk must be cached in RAM.23:29
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> On your PC or what is it?23:30
mamarleyYes, it is a KVM VM running on my laptop.23:30
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> I see ;)23:31
mamarleyclivejo: Plasma starts and runs and dolphin, konsole, and Quassel all work. :)23:31
mamarley(I am chatting from Quassel in the VM right now. :)23:31
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Lol that doesn't fill me with much confidence23:31
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> I'll try to install YY in VB, maybe installer has been fixed in daily.23:32
mamarleyclivejo: It is just a VM, it is not equipped for my usual workflows.  If you backport it to Xenial, I can do more thorough testing. :)23:32
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> I think we can't much rest it - only frameworks.23:33
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> :p23:33
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Apps or Plasma use them and then it is wider space for tests.23:34
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Until we try building plasma on top and it breaks!23:34
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> And kills kittens23:34
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Nah :)23:34
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> But you are an expert :)23:34
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> You are confusing me with someone else!23:35
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> What tablets do you guys recommend this days?23:36
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Something to calm one down23:40

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