
phillwlynorian: GNOME actually got me out of my nightmare.... My head was messed with 2 X LTS's and point releases and the standard releases ..... Throwing LXQt onto the new wiki system saves so many bloody nightmares!!!!00:17
phillwwxl: As lubuntu moves to Qt and this needs testing as it is not officially adopted the proposal is that the new wiki area for LXQt goes into MediaWiki which is what Ubuntu are aiming for.02:41
phillwwxl: is that too geeky?02:41
phillwwxl: tsimonq2 is this okay to send as a poll?02:48
phillwAs lubuntu is moving from GTK to Qt, the wiki area needs a massive overhaul, The proposal is that the new wiki area for LXQt goes into MediaWiki which is also what Ubuntu wiki team are aiming for.02:48
phillw+1  = use MediaWiki02:48
phillw-1  = use Moin and await transfer to MediaWiki.02:48
tsimonq2phillw: ML is the best way to reach us right now02:53
tsimonq2or via email02:53
tsimonq2FWIW I'm writing a paper that's due tomorrow02:53
phillwtsimonq2: wxl asked for moodle02:53
lynorianI personally don't like moin but am not that sure if media wiki is that much better02:53
lynorianheh might motivate me to do an early server testcase of yakkety02:54
tsimonq2phillw: I know, but while we are discussing details, ask these kind of questions over email02:54
tsimonq2let's keep one consistent communication format02:54
phillwI follow orders, Walter wanted a poll not just on Fb - I hae to obey02:55
tsimonq2I know that02:56
tsimonq2I realize that02:56
tsimonq2but this is still planning02:56
tsimonq2so use email like we have been thus far02:56
=== ianorlin is now known as lynorian
phillwinteresting results overnight... walter and simon vote for moin, EVERYBODY else votes MediaWiki.... Hmm, this may indicate a trend... But voting is still open, there may be  late swing to the moin camp in the closing hours...... It's great fun, the 1st time I've ever run a poll.</end breaking news> please note that there is a 0 for those who are agnostic11:19
* tsimonq2 nods11:36
phillwtsimonq2: contact JasonO he and you will have great fun putting in the multi-site MediaWiki instance onto virt7 and offering that service to other teams.11:50
phillwtsimonq2: you will find he lurks on this channel....11:59
phillwvirt7 will be fun... 1st 16.04 ubuntu server in the family :)11:59
=== ianorlin is now known as lynorian
phillwwxl: tsimonq2 at which point should I close http://doodle.com/poll/ga6h8kde3sy85qgc down? I reckon they have made a decision and I'd like to move on to engage people with that choice.22:38
wxlphillw: i'd give it until the end of the week. not everyone sits there at the ready for every email/facebook post22:40
phillwwxl: as you wish, JasonO should be about out of his finals by then and tsimonq2 and he can chat about setting up virt7 as a multi site MediaWiki server. I reckon it will be great. I've long wanted us to move to MeidiaWiki and the impoliteness of them to Rafael over linuxpadawan still causes me anger. That is offset with Canonical looking to leave that area and use a truly F/oss area and not paid for support.22:44
wxlphillw: i'm not sure tsimonq2 signed up for putting together the server.22:45
tsimonq2wxl, phillw: I signed up to see what's going on, I didn't promise to help :)22:46
wxlphillw: ultimately, it's up to you to find your own resources in the community to create/maintain this server. that's what my whole point was.22:46
phillwwxl: tsimonq2 actually ventured into #phillw looking for JasonO .... I'd take that as a mark of intent... It will look far better on his c.v. than on my 53 year old ones!!!22:47
wxllet's try to be more explicit then22:47
wxltsimonq2: are you going to take part in the creation and/or maintainence of this server?22:47
tsimonq2no, I just am interested in what he does to set it up22:48
wxlokie dokie, so there you have it, phillw. i also have no intent on helping either.22:48
phillwwxl: that's fine... However LXQt wiki will be on MediaWiki. I follow the votes and thus U can go find people to learn and support. All that you have is "NO" No supporters and no people to help.22:50
wxlyep and the rest of the wiki will be on mediawiki, too.22:51
tsimonq2^ yep phillw, the Ubuntu wiki will be on MediaWiki22:52
tsimonq2phillw: you are creating extra work for Jason and yourself22:52
tsimonq2wxl: don't you think so?22:53
wxltsimonq2: well, there's no question of that. clearly, he has no problem with the extra work. he's made it clear that he considers it trivial.22:54
phillwtsimonq2: your VM is totally safe, I did hope you'd want to get involved with setting up virt7 as a multi site mediawiki area with JasonO on creating a brand new area with totally new content and even pulling in Rafael for theming.... But, we carry on as the new wiki system is the future just as LXQt is.22:54
phillwwxl: you are living in the past22:54
tsimonq2phillw: but this is just extra work that could be allocated to LXQt22:55
phillwtsimonq2: what extra work?22:55
tsimonq2creating the MediaWiki wiki22:55
tsimonq2and maintaining it22:55
phillwtsimonq2: that takes a few minutes. protecting it takes a while longer and I do have someone to do that already..... what wxl offers is an ancient dinosour with so many  security holes in it that even Canonical want to drop it. But, do choose.... MediaWiki is what will happen and I have NO intention of wasting volunteers time learning moin syntax.22:59
phillwtsimonq2: wxl oh, we have to actually type in the words of the wiki along side setting up a structure / index for it.... I'm in favour of maintaining the devs area and community areas separate, but we can have a chat / poll on that in the future when Canonical ditches moin.... What is more important is how do we set up LXQt under MediaWiki? Whilst I love input from our users, I'm minded that we maintain a dev area and a community one. I do23:10
phillwwxl: However, our sub teams have gotten out of sync with what is the reality. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/SubTeams teams #1 and #2 are already merged, having the wiki show that would be nice?23:12
wxlphillw: there's no 1 or 2 on that page.23:12
phillwContentsWhat is a TeamSub-TeamsDevelopers TeamQuality Assurance TeamCommunications TeamDocumentation TeamArtwork TeamIRC TeamGlobal Team23:13
wxlphillw: how about your just speak what you mean?23:13
phillwwxl: you browser is not showing the index code23:14
wxlphillw: ok, well, if you want to be explicit and clear, let me know. otherwise, i'm going to head back to work.23:14
phillwwxl: let me take a screen shot.... After all, a picture paints a thousand words and your browser cannot render moin wiki (which is a bug you should report)23:15
wxlphillw: great. i'm going back to work. thanks.23:15
phillwwxl: http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=90f5fc223:18
phillwwxl: for FFS, will you grant me the time to get the wiki page, capture the screen post and upload it?23:19
phillw#1 and #2 should be merged23:20
phillwwxl: and I'm going back to #phillw and laugh at the voting figures that you still deny. We should actually be making the new MediaWiki area with or without tsimonq2 , but you have insisted that we wait another week... I'm going to install virt7 as a 16.04 server and then await JasonO to install the MediaWiki multi site onto it. This way, I cannot be seen to pre-determine the out come of the vote.23:27
phillwwxl: tsimonq2 you will see that I've not actually voted, to do so could appear to show bias...23:28

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