
theShirbinymorning everyone :D01:49
Kiloshellooo africa06:52
=== josue is now known as josuebrunel
=== daimonos is now known as urbanslug
ongolaBoyhi.can someone know why some pages on wiki.ubuntu.com are read-only ? for instance i can only read my own profile page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WillyManga :(16:21
KilosongolaBoy tere has been much spamming on our wiki pages16:23
Kilosso wiki is locked fown16:23
Kiloswe have even been attacked of launchpad16:23
Kilosyes bad news16:24
Na3iLYep it's a massive DDOS on wiki.ubuntu.com servers either for LP16:24
Kilosthe guys are working o movind all our wiki stuff away16:24
Na3iLTo where Kilos, to another server?16:25
Kilossome even got in by joining brazil groups and then spamming from there16:25
Kilosi havent taken much notice because its way above my head Na3iL16:26
Kilosbut totally away from existing wiki16:26
Kilosthey just working out how to do it and not lose anything16:26
Na3iLAh, may the --force be with them16:27
Kilosatm ubuntu members only can get permission to edit wiki pages and i think they said something about doing it from etherpads16:27
Na3iLI was wondering now why I can modify my own wiki page16:28
Kilosill try take more notice and feed back16:28
Na3iLIf there's anything to help with, let me know Kilos16:29
Kilosi have even had mails via launchpad from strangers asking to be approved as  ubuntu members16:29
Kiloswill do ty Na3iL16:30
KilosNa3iL can i ask those working on it to fill you in?16:45
Kilosand do you have time16:45
Na3iLSure Kilos16:48
Kilosok ill do it in #ubuntu-community-team16:51
Na3iLokay am already there16:56
Kilosi go eat dinner16:59
KilosNa3iL there you go17:28
Kiloscheck that channel17:28
KilosNa3iL ping17:48
Na3iLSorry Kilos I was eating too :D17:49
Na3iLhahaha :D17:52
Kilosok so you are in17:53
Kilosim happy17:53

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