
=== JanC is now known as Guest22660
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ssshvbin qt creator i try to use tutorials but it link to http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtcreator/creator-qml-application.html?view=split  and it is emprty06:38
zzarrubuntu sdk don't recognize my phone07:17
kalikianazzarr: Do you see it in adb? Like "adb devices"07:37
zzarrkalikiana, I'll have a look07:58
mcphailzzarr: do you have screen on and unlocked and developer mode enabled?08:01
zzarrand it says "Could not mount MX4 Ubuntu Edition", "Could not open MTP-device"08:01
zzarrit is unlocked and the phone is in developer mode08:01
zzarrso in short mcphail yes08:04
mcphailzzarr: Not sure then. I know a few people have had difficulties with adb on that phone, and there was some suspicion it was hardware related...08:24
zzarrmcphail, okey, that's sad08:30
zzarrmcphail, is it possible to connect a phone over ssh?08:51
t1mpzzarr: try different combinations of usb ports and cables to connect the phone08:54
zzarrt1mp, I have done that08:55
zzarrincluding different computers08:56
t1mpoh :( I don't know what else to try if adb cannot find the device08:57
zzarrI wonder if contacting Meizu is helpful08:59
zzarr(probably not)08:59
zzarrI have sent a question now09:12
mcphailzzarr: you should be able to connect over ssh09:17
zzarrhow do I do that?09:19
zzarrI mean, what username and password?09:19
mcphailzzarr: you need to use keys, and you'd need to get your public key onto your phone (e.g. email it to yourself, download with wget or something). There's a guide on the online bq book. I'd imagine the process would be similar on the meizu. Don't have the link handy, but you could ask in #ubuntu-touch09:21
zzarrokey mcphail, thanks09:22
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popeyi use ssh to connect to my phones all the time zzarr09:47
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mike00hi there, I can't run my app on my ubuntu phone anymore.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/16346428/14:44
mike00can somebody help me, please?14:44
zzarrholle popey, can you deploy to the phone too?14:56
mike00I don't understand...15:05
popeyzzarr: wat?15:15
zzarryou wrote "i use ssh to connect to my phones all the time zzarr"15:15
zzarrI can ssh in to my phone too now15:15
popeyi use ssh mostly, and have little shell scripts to copy click packages to devices, and scripts to get screenshots over ssh15:16
zzarrit was not hard to fix (did it without any documentation)15:16
zzarrpopey, is it possible to make a kit so that it auto installs and tests an app on the phone15:17
zzarrdoes Ubuntu Sdk/Qt Creator use adb to push a new click to the phone?15:18
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mike00can someone help me? I can't run an app on my phone anymore... http://paste.ubuntu.com/16346428/15:35
mike00that is the output in the "compile output" tab15:36
popeyzzarr: no idea15:42
zzarrpopey, okey15:45
mike00now I understand... qmlproject is no more supported.... why?15:46
zzarrpopey, do you have an idea who might have an idea?15:46
mike00can someone help me with qmake? I worked since now with qmlproject and it work perfect, but I have some problems with qmake...15:47
mike00it says: "Desktop file does not exist" but there is the correct link in the manifest file...15:50
mike00there are so many people in this channel, why nobody can helps me?15:52
dpmhi mike00, if there is anyone around that can help, they'll answer, but in the meantime, you can ask your question on AskUbuntu as an alternative: http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/application-development16:00
mike00ok thanks16:00
dpmmike00, if you can upload the code for your project somewhere so that people can reproduce your issue, and if you add some more info such as which version of Ubuntu you are using, it will also be easier for folks to try to help16:01
mike00I use Ubuntu 16.04 and I just create a new qmake project...16:01
dpmmike00, looking at your pastebin... if you run the command in line #4 manually on the terminal... what output does it give you?16:02
mike00that code was about a qmlproject app I found out it isn't supported anymore...16:03
mike00now I'm trying to create a qmake project...16:04
dpmmike00, without seeing your project it's a bit difficult to figure out the issue16:06
mike00but when I execute the qmake project on the phone I get an error in the "Issues" tab : ":ERROR: Could not find 'uTris.desktop'"16:07
dpmperhaps zbenjamin can help with this one? ^16:07
mike00I just create a new qmake project and, without editing anything, I execute it on the phone16:07
zbenjaminmike00: can you paste the build output somewhere?16:09
mike00this one? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16348296/16:29
mike00I put manually the .desktop file in the build-uTris-Ubuntu_Device_GCC_armhf_ubuntu_sdk_15_04_vivid-Debug directory...16:32
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mike00can someone tell me how to change from one qml file to another?17:02
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ahoneybunmhall119 calling it a day?19:06
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