
pavlushkaMorning guys!02:36
pavlushkaQA coffee on02:36
* QA starts grinding coffee02:36
QACoffee's ready for pavlushka!02:40
pavlushkathanks QA02:40
pavlushkaQA thanks02:40
QAsure thing, pavlushka02:40
pavlushkaMorning Kilos 06:58
zakihey Kilos !12:57
zakipavlushka, 13:01
zakiwhat are you doing?13:04
zakithis nick is just registerd. :p13:04
pavlushkaSo, zaki, quickly register your this nick , gotta go say my prayer, bbl13:04
zakiwhen you will back?13:05
pavlushkawithin 2013:05
pavlushkaSo zaki.13:24
zakiyaap. :)13:28
zakihow your days going? 13:29
pavlushkagood, you know why?13:30
pavlushkacoz, guys like you and NaSb are around, :)13:31
zakireally? :D13:32
zaki<sasl> failed to login to zaki.  There have been 2 failed login attempts since your last successful login.13:32
zakiwhat is this13:32
zakiis someone trying? :D13:33
pavlushkait happens, if the freenode server or your connections has some issues.13:33
pavlushkaI faced this problem in the morning.13:34
zakinope i think someone trying to log in using same name.13:34
zakiset enforce on13:35
zaki-NickServ- The ENFORCE flag has been set for account zaki.13:35
zakiwhat is the use off this command?13:35
zakicz im allready loged in, why it will attempt to log in from my ip/connection13:36
zakiwhat do you think? is it a ssl/port problem with my connection with freenode?13:38
pavlushkayes, enforce command forces a nick to register must to use it, it s good you set it.13:39
zakisomeone says in reddit that its a ssl problem. and.13:40
zaki 1) Disable root login 2) Do not use passwords, use keys 3) Change port. IP whitelists if yoi are extra paranoid.13:40
zakithis is his solution.13:40
=== zaki is now known as Guest54637
pavlushkaz4ki: you have to use 2 emails for 2 nicks, what have you done?14:07
z4kiused 1 mail for 2 nick. :3 14:07
z4kinow what?14:07
pavlushkahave you verified the second in the same way?14:08
z4ki /ns set email password email@address repeatemail@address14:10
z4kiis this will work to change my mail address?14:10
pavlushkaand give your nick 24 hours, it will become stable, the server takes time to update its database, I faced that too.14:11
z4kiso how to proceed? which one will i change?14:12
pavlushkadont worry you have the keys, email and password.14:12
pavlushkachnage email of z4ki14:12
pavlushka* change14:12
z4kinot working.14:16
z4kihow to change? 14:16
z4kigive me an example!14:16
=== z4ki is now known as zaki
=== zaki is now known as z4ki
Kiloskeep zaki libve15:00
Kiloslive 15:00
Kilosand group it15:00
Kilos  /mg nickserv group zaki or z4hi or whatever15:01
zakidroped it than re registered it15:01
zakiwhy do i group? 15:01
Kilosits groups all your registered nicks15:01
zakinow my only registerd nick is zaki :)15:02
Kilosother one should also be15:03
zakiwith same mail id?15:04
Kilosmaybe thats why you need to group them i forget15:04
Kilosjust ask staff on #freenode15:04
zakihmm those peps are helpfull15:06
NaSbHello Kilos16:52
Kiloshi NaSb 16:53
NaSbHow was your day?16:54
Kilosbusy with farm work16:54
Kiloslots of manual labour16:54
Kilosand yours?16:54
NaSbbusy with class, listening lecture, searching programming resources :D17:02
NaSbBut i'm very happy with my works :) 17:03
Kilosi like seing people happy17:29
pavlushka-hello NaSb17:42
pavlushka-NaSb its been a while you were here17:44
pavlushka-but good to see you are back :)17:45
pavlushka-anyways my net is down, on a phone, see you tomorrow :)17:46
Kilossleep well lad17:46
pavlushka-night Kilos:)17:46
NaSbGood night all18:18
NaSbSleep tight Kilos ;)18:18
=== Rezwan is now known as Guest67397

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