
bdmurraypitti: Could you have a look at bug 1579949? (fwiw I can't assign apport project bugs to you)00:01
ubottubug 1579949 in Apport "add_gdb_info hides OSErrors when running gdb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157994900:01
TJ-cjwatson: thank-you, I'll do that :)00:02
cjwatson(there's a SetState method that you want to look at too)00:02
mwhudsonhas something changed in the last week or so in the area of autopkgtest infra and proxies?00:03
rlaagercjwatson: Are you saying you no longer maintain GRUB in Ubuntu and cyphermox does?02:27
Unit193Likely part of his stepping back, and moving to LP things.02:28
cjwatsonrlaager: I still maintain the Debian package, but as Unit193 says I now spend most of my time on Launchpad development, so things I don't have time for include spending lots of time tracking down GRUB bugs in Ubuntu.02:31
rlaagerI'm just trying to figure out who might be able to accept: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/1527727/comments/3102:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1527727 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-probe for zfs assumes all devices prefix with /dev, ignoring /dev/disk/..." [Medium,In progress]02:31
rlaagerI know we missed Xenial on that, and I'm not necessarily even intending to propose an SRU, but it'd be nice to get into yakkety, so we have the correct fix, rather than the current workaround.02:31
Unit193cjwatson: Oh, any update on being able to re-generate PPA gpg signing keys?02:31
cjwatsonUnit193: As opposed to just re-signing with current digests?  No, we haven't done any work on that, sorry.02:33
Unit193OK, thanks.  Sorry for buggin'02:33
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cyphermoxrlaager: hello02:48
rlaagercyphermox: Hi! I'm someone interested in ZFS in Ubuntu, and I'm trying to help out with packaging work to that end.02:49
sarnolds/trying to help/helping/  :)02:50
cyphermoxrlaager: ah, that's where I remember your name from then02:52
cyphermoxrlaager: I'm not in the right frame of mind to do grub changes now (and I have to fill in the Canada census), but I can look at the grub bugs for ZFS and shepherd things along tomorrow morning02:53
rlaagerI want two things: 1) To get changes into Ubuntu. 2) To know what I'm doing wrong or could do better to accomplish #1. :) So I'm still trying to learn the procedures here.02:53
cyphermoxrlaager: my morning would be in some 8-9 hours, would you still be around then or should I just comment on the bugs?02:54
sarnoldcanadians really take this census seriously :) you're the fourth or fifth person I've heard talk about it :)02:54
cyphermoxsarnold: it's either that or multiple hours of community service, or potentially other punitive methods.02:55
sarnoldcyphermox: yikes02:55
cyphermoxI'm really stretching it given that the deadline is in about 1 hour 5 minutes in theory ;)02:55
sarnoldis that "local midnight" or a specific midnight? :)02:56
cyphermoxlocal midnight02:57
cyphermoxTBH I have no idea02:57
cyphermoxusually "by May 10" should parse as before; but for government it may actually mean on May 10 at the latest02:57
rlaagercyphermox: I'm in US/Central. This week, I'm at a work (telecom) conference followed by a Rotary conference in a different city. So my availability on IRC will be limited. So commenting on the bugs is probably best.02:58
cyphermoxand then I guess the TZ for that might be Ottawa's, but who knows ;)02:58
cyphermoxrlaager: will do02:58
sarnoldlong form or short form? :)02:59
cyphermoxrlaager: I kind of also wanted to know how cjwatson felt about some of these, so we could get Ubuntu and Debian back in sync (which means I need to apply some other changes in the Debian vcs too02:59
cyphermoxsarnold: I don't know; I think it might be long form? we haven't had a census in a while02:59
cyphermoxI don't remember ever filling one02:59
sarnoldother friends who got the short form lamented they couldn't put 'jedi' in an official govt document. heh.03:00
cyphermoxsarnold: yeah, neither can you identify as anything but male or female.03:01
sarnoldmaybe next decade..03:02
cyphermoxwell they have the concept of marriage down ok, it seems03:03
cyphermoxand apparently, copyright attribution of census data!?03:04
sarnoldno kidding? :)03:05
cyphermoxno kidding.03:05
cyphermox"do you accept that the census data from 2016 be accessible in 2108? (92 years after the census)"03:05
rlaagerIs that even a question? You can't actually say "no" can you?03:06
cyphermoxyou can actually say not03:06
cyphermoxI have no idea what that would change.03:06
rlaagerhmm. Everything's better in Canada I guess.03:07
cyphermoxI'm mildly curious, would look up census data from 92 years ago, if only my curiosity was higher than my laziness.03:07
cyphermoxsarnold: I suppose it had to be the short form, there weren't many questions03:07
sarnolddone with 53 minutes to spare? :) go-getter!03:08
sarnoldthe last .us census I did, I was selected for in-person interviews too, with another ~45 minutes of questions. The only question I remember now is how lop-sided their view of marijuana is: "Everyone should try marijuana" "strongly disagree", "disagree", "neutral", "agree". They left off "strongly agree" from that one... wonder why.03:09
cyphermoxfifth? :)03:10
cyphermoxor whatever amendment to not incriminate yourself03:10
Unit193That does not sound fun.03:10
cyphermoxUnit193: I don't know, aside from having to go somewhere, it might be fun03:12
sarnoldfunny enough there's some rules about how the results of census can't be used against you in court.03:12
sarnoldthey came to the house!03:12
cyphermoxfor example, how badly can you mess up the data while giving truthful answers.03:13
mwhudsonpitti: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/scripts/britney-indexes-ppa needs updating for bz2 -> xz :-)03:15
mwhudsonsigh http://paste.ubuntu.com/16336342/03:30
sarnoldkind of hard to tell what error needs fixing..03:31
sarnoldcan you reach your amqp server from that machine?03:32
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mwhudsoni don't have an amqp server03:46
mwhudsonoh i see that's actually required03:46
mwhudsoni mis-read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/LocalSetup03:46
mwhudsonsarnold: "I: [Tue May 10 15:50:39 2016] - data/yakkety-proposed/autopkgtest/results.cache does not exist, re-downloading all results from swift" is also a pretty implausible line03:50
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sarnoldmwhudson: hopefully that means your local swift :)05:26
Unit193So 1562358 is "fixed" then, but not in the LTS...05:37
sarnoldit's got a 'xenial' 'new' task -- did you just add that?05:39
Unit193I have no superpowers, may have missed that.05:41
sarnoldI can't recall seeing it hte first time I viewed the bug but it was there after I viewed the main lpsrc page. it's either poor memory or someone added the task in the middle. :)05:42
Unit193I didn't get an email.05:48
cpaelzergood morning05:49
dokonacc, Trying easy from autohinter: php-zend-stdlib/3.0.1-1 php-zend-hydrator/2.2.1-107:44
doko    * amd64: php-zend-search07:45
dokoDepends: php-zend-stdlib (>= 2.3.4-2~), php-common, php-zend-stdlib (<< 3~~)07:45
mwhudsonnow britney is segfaulting for me07:46
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ginggshi, How can I get dolfin into xenial as an SRU?  It was removed along with python-scientific (LP: #1542928). The lastest upload of dolfin drops the dependency on python-scientific.11:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1542928 in python-scientific (Ubuntu) "python-scientific should be removed" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154292811:33
mdeslaur@pilot in11:46
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
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sidiIs there a document somewhere that describes the security checks done on packages in the Ubuntu repositories? And specifically, is there any difference in how main and community packages are checked/validated?12:25
shadeslayerchrisccoulson: poke12:27
shadeslayerchrisccoulson: I wanted to talk to you about firefox/thunderbird12:28
shadeslayerchrisccoulson: for some reason dpkg-buildpackage on my CI on the ff package makes it always error out on the configure step12:28
chrisccoulsonshadeslayer, I don't really do anything with firefox or thunderbird these days, other than the minimum of work to provide updates12:30
chrisccoulsonI'm pretty busy with other stuff12:30
shadeslayerOh .. ok ...12:30
shadeslayerguess I'll need to try and figure it out by myself12:30
shadeslayer( it's weird because it builds fine in sbuild , but apparently not with docker )12:30
bigonhi I posted that on #ubuntu-server, not sure it was the correct place so I'm trying here again12:43
bigon13:29 < bigon> are there any objections if I'm hijacking the "selinux" package name in debian?12:43
bigon13:29 < bigon> ATM we have a selinux-basics package in debian an I was thinking about renaming it12:44
bigon13:30 < bigon> in ubuntu I see that there are some upstart scripts there12:44
bigon13:30 < bigon> do you actually care?12:44
bigon13:31 < bigon> last upload of that package is 2012, so...12:44
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mdeslaurbigon: I don't think anyone cares, I doubt selinux is in a working state in Ubuntu right now. Go ahead.12:49
mdeslaurbigon: thanks for asking12:49
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Laney@pilot in13:18
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur, Laney
Laney94 :(13:18
mdeslaurLaney: I'm currently doing openldap, so don't take that one :P13:18
Laneyprobably wouldn't have been my first choice :-)13:19
* dholbach hugs Laney and mdeslaur 13:20
* mdeslaur hugs dholbach13:21
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rbasakinfinity: with mvo out, could you take a look at bug 1571174 please?13:44
ubottubug 1571174 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "package squid3 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving triggers unprocessed" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157117413:44
rbasakI'm not sure if this is an apt bug, or maybe fallout from the dpkg conffile renaming hacking going on in there.13:44
jamespageslangasek, good morning13:45
jamespageslangasek, I have net-tools on my merge list which we deferred from Xenial due to the large amount of changes the new snapshot from debian makes to output13:45
jamespageslangasek, I last touched to unblock a sru that was causing some openstack-y issues13:46
jamespageslangasek, would your team like to steal that from me?13:46
barrypitti: ping14:40
smoserbarry, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyflakes/+bug/1580214 is kind of painful.15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1560134 in pyflakes (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1580214 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'" [Critical,Confirmed]15:05
smosererr.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/pyflakes/+bug/156013415:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1560134 in pyflakes (Ubuntu) "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'" [Critical,Confirmed]15:05
barrysmoser: i saw the emails ;(15:05
smoserok. its enough for me to know you're on it.  i noticed when curtin FTBFS now.15:05
barrysmoser: yep.  i'll take a look asap15:06
caribouCould someone from the backport team help out with LP: #1335068 pls ?15:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1335068 in trusty-backports "Please backport apache2 2.4.10-1ubuntu1 (main) from Utopic" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133506815:13
Laneycaribou: yep, I'll look in 2 minutes15:15
caribouLaney: thanks to you ! This is the one we discussed previously15:15
* Laney remembers15:16
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naccdoko: will look15:26
mdeslaur@pilot out15:30
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
infinityrbasak: It's not your fault (not apt's), it's ufw's.  Or, more annoyingly, it's that we need to sort out how to upgrade ufw early.15:30
jdstrandinfinity: is this related to that trigger change you made?15:31
infinityjdstrand: Well, the trigger change was to get around it, but yes.15:31
infinityjdstrand: The trigger change was correct, but it doesn't entirely fix the world unless ufw upgrades before things that trigger it.15:31
jdstrandinfinity: fyi, I'm working with kees to get that change into Debian15:32
infinityI'll give it some thought.15:32
Laney@pilot out15:32
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
infinityrbasak: Fixing this specific case could be done by having squid Breaks << the new ufw, but that's a lie.  If the upgrades are happening in the right order, I can do the Breaks from dpkg, but that might not help wily->xenial.  I'll ponder a fix that will more globally be correct.15:33
rbasakinfinity: thanks15:36
hallynpitti: hey - i assume you're busy sprinting and can't, but it would be awesome if you could take a look at bug 157992215:40
ubottubug 1579922 in init-system-helpers (Ubuntu) "dh_systemd_enable fails due to 'preset' when service file is renamed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157992215:40
jderosecyphermox: FYI, "Download updates while installing" has no effect with the 16.04 ISOs - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/158023215:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1580232 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""Download updates while installing" does not download updates" [Undecided,New]15:47
infinitykees, mdeslaur, slangasek, stgraber: TB meeting?16:01
slangasekjamespage: we can probably swing that16:03
jamespageslangasek, awesome16:05
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infinityslangasek: Are you SRUing for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/1578006 as well?16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1578006 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Xenial minimal install: "W: plymouth: The plugin label.so is missing, the selected theme might not work as expected."" [Undecided,Fix released]16:47
infinityslangasek: Seems like the sort of cosmetic cleanup we'd want in an LTS.16:47
slangasekinfinity: it's on my "list"16:47
* infinity adds a series task.16:48
infinityslangasek: Kay.  I'm just reading through my apt-listchanges on my yakkety upgrade today and going "oh, that looks like it should be in xenial, ..." over and over again.16:49
infinityslangasek: The other one that jumped out was the Debian maintainer of bsd-mailx reverting the removal of -b (BCC), thinking "hey, that's something spammers^Wsysadmins probably expect to work".16:53
bigonis there a way of doing mass bug closing in lp?17:04
mitya57There is an API :P17:07
bigonbut there is no std tool for that?17:09
mitya57Not that I know of.17:10
* bigon says something about the mail interface of the debian bts17:11
cjwatsonbigon: LP has a mail interface too.17:11
cjwatsonYou just have to sign mails that involve status changes.17:11
cjwatsonThe normal API tends to be easier to use.17:11
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juliankLaney: seb128: Is just running AppStream even on (partial) apt update failure OK for you guys? This should fix the gnome-software issue mentioned in #156273318:12
juliankinfinity: What does it take for us to get apt 1.2.11 SRUed to xenial, and 1.2.12 once it's released and tested (changes for that being https://github.com/Debian/apt/compare/1.2.y...julian-klode:1.2.y?expand=1) - those are upstream micro releases with extensive test suite.19:01
juliank1.2.11 diff for the curious: https://github.com/Debian/apt/compare/1.2.10...1.2.11?expand=119:02
juliankI picked a commit that removes the annoying "There is no public key available for the following key ID" for 1.2.12, as that's really annoying now for the repos migrating from DSA to RSA (it only shows if one of the keys used to sign the repo is unknown, but the other sigs are valid)19:03
* juliank is trying to have an upstream 1.2 LTS series (for merging into xenial)19:07
juliankNot all future 1.2 releases would be in Debian, but they  be tagged, and run their test suite using APT's usual CI tools19:09
juliankOpinions welcome19:09
sarnoldany chance this gets rid of the "can't install package, package already installed" errors from dpkg? :)19:15
smoserinfinity, i've tested bug d-i kernels at bug 1568918 on i386, amd64 and ppc64el. what else would you want done before promotion to trusty-updates ?19:19
ubottubug 1568918 in maas-images "Add support for lts-xenial kernel flavours in trusty " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156891819:19
infinitysmoser: Test a xenial daily ISO too (any arch, don't care) and see if that's doing the right thing.19:22
infinitysmoser: Otherwise, I think we should be good.19:22
infinitysmoser: (d-i bits are used on the ISO, hence the connection)19:22
smoserinfinity, where do i get that ?19:22
smoserxenial daily ?19:23
smoseror trusty daily19:23
infinitysmoser: Err, trusty.  That one. :P19:23
smoserright ?19:23
infinitysmoser: Yep.19:24
infinityjuliank: If the 1.2 branch is bugfix only and all changes have extensive test coverage, that should fit our new and improved micro-release SRU process, so I'd be more than happy to let 'em in.19:24
juliankinfinity: I did not run coverage checks (but the test suite is huge!), most commits even add coverage, as they include regression tests. There are some exceptions that cannot really be tested like https://github.com/Debian/apt/commit/57f16d51f4158dce1a49f6d5f5f05f057125b871 (but this one includes error messages for unwanted failure cases!)19:31
infinityjuliank: Sure, sometimes a single commit just isn't feasibly testable, but in general, every change in a microrelease should be regression tested to the best of upstream's ability to fit the new policy, that's all.19:34
infinityjuliank: I think we're on the same page there.19:34
juliankThat's the plan for all APT bug fixes in general.19:34
infinityjuliank: And if this won't be going to unstable (because you're moving on to 1.3.x), an apt-maintainers PPA that you use for pre-release CI would be a good idea, so we can have a better look at the state of 1.2.x on xenial before accepting an upload.19:35
juliankinfinity: That's quite useful, yes. We also run CI on all pushes using travis19:36
infinityjuliank: But, yeah, I don't see any fundamental issues with a 1.2.x branch for the LTS.19:36
julianktravis runs on trusty IIRC19:36
infinityjuliank: The upshot of the PPA is we can get it building/testing on all arches with fairly minimal effort.19:37
infinityjuliank: Anyhow, we can hammer out details, but I'm happy to put a +2 (+1 from SRU team, +1 from TechBoard) on the idea.19:38
juliankThat's fine. I'd also like an recipe-built PPA like for master, but I don't think that's possible yet.19:38
infinityjuliank: git recipes are possible.19:38
juliankMaybe I should try playing with that19:38
infinityjuliank: I don't think we have automagic imports yet, though, so you'd have to run a local job to mirror git.d.o to git.lp.n19:39
infinityBut that's not too onerous.19:39
fo0bar_infinity: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi/RaspberryPi3#Bugs_filed updated with experimental -> yakkety merge request, and I've addressed your comment in MP: #293959 (and filed a corresponding bug for good measure).  that *should* be everything needed to get a working raspi3 target on yakkety20:40
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infinityfo0bar: Ta.20:46
infinitysmoser: d-i     passwd/user-password-crypted    password $6$.1eHH0iY$ArGzKX2YeQ3G6U.mlOO3A.NaL22Ewgz8Fi4qqz.Ns7EMKjEJRIW2Pm/TikDptZpuu7I92frytmk5YeL.9fRY4.20:49
infinitysmoser: ^-- Is that sha512 for "ubuntu"? :)20:49
smoseryou cracked my secret password20:50
infinitysmoser: I used to have a des crypt() NULL password string memorized (what a useless skill THAT is), but sha512 is a bit rougher.20:54
infinitysmoser: Do you still have that daily ISO sitting on your hard drive?20:56
smoserwell, on *a* hard drive20:56
infinitysmoser: I meant locally, so I can get you to do one more quick test (if not, I'll do it).20:57
infinitysmoser: Just wanted you to boot into the installer, hit a shell, and verify the booted installer kernel is also 4.4.020:57
smoseri have it booted to my install but i can do another isntall20:57
smoserah. yeah, i forgot.20:57
infinitysmoser: Which it should be.20:57
smoserinfinity, posted in bug21:01
infinitysmoser: Danke.  Will release to updates and fix up cdimage/netboot etc this afternoon.21:02
smoserk. i'm out now.21:02
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dokoginggs, next gdal transition? omg22:10

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