
=== JanC is now known as Guest22660
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lotuspsychjegood morning to all08:01
lotuspsychjehey rilleh08:12
lotuspsychjerilleh: how did you like the newest set08:13
lotuspsychjemorning de-facto08:19
de-factoMorning guys... im here via bluetooth tethering over my mobile (works like a charm with network manager) because my ISP got his PPPoE server screwed up so badly that they are "working on it" for almost a day now :-/08:21
de-factoyup they are like "quadruplefacepalm" lol08:23
rillehlotuspsychje: Haven't had the time to listen through it yet08:26
lotuspsychjeno sweat mate08:26
rillehI've been afk since wednesday08:26
lotuspsychjeits a housy set :p08:26
rillehSo I'm about to listen to DCR300 now08:26
rilleh4 hours08:26
lotuspsychjerilleh: thats the set ive shared from mixing dj08:27
lotuspsychjerilleh: you found the full?08:27
de-factomaybe someone should suggest them using ubuntu lts server instead of whatever unreliable "server" they are using there right now hahaha08:28
rillehlotuspsychje: https://soundcloud.com/adambeyer/dcr300-adam-beyer-bart-skils-ida-engberg-paul-ritch-sam-paganini-live-from-awakenings-antwerp08:29
de-factoyay soundcloud rocks ;)08:30
lotuspsychjerilleh: tnx08:30
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^08:38
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje08:39
lotuspsychjeall ok?08:39
lotuspsychjerainy weather here08:39
EriC^^yeah all good thanks08:39
lotuspsychjefine here :p08:40
EriC^^sunny weather here08:40
EriC^^was a little chilly last week though08:40
EriC^^the weather is all over the place these days08:41
EriC^^ozone and shit08:41
EriC^^no surprise there :p08:42
lotuspsychjesudo apt $$$$08:42
lotuspsychjenow everyone has the free Win1008:43
de-factosudo apt-get $ms-contract # sell your soul08:44
lotuspsychjethey gotta start paying updates08:44
lotuspsychjegood news for the year of the linux desktop08:45
de-factowell actually the numbers of users in #ubuntu already raised with the release of xenial08:46
lotuspsychjeyeah before we dropped at 160008:46
lotuspsychjeseen the channel raise to 2000 lately08:46
de-factoyup seen that too, and still it works pretty well :)08:46
lotuspsychjelast 10 years have already been the years of the linux desktop :p08:48
lotuspsychjeall those lame articles spreading the web...saying otherwise08:49
de-factoactually i had dual boot for years, but just did not use windows anytime, so i was lazy to reinstall/update that and now i dont miss anything (especially when seeing all those w10 crazy-mess )08:52
lotuspsychjewhat you guys think about adding: ubuntu version and hardware chipset to !details?09:10
ubot5Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.09:10
lotuspsychjedax changed it already09:10
lotuspsychjenvm :p09:10
lotuspsychjedax: great work :p ^09:15
lotuspsychje!pastebinit | de-facto09:22
ubot5de-facto: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:22
lotuspsychjede-facto: or is the termbin method more handy?09:22
de-factoyeah thats also nice can it take stuff from a pipe?09:22
lotuspsychjeEriC^^ might know that09:23
EriC^^something | nc termbin.com 999909:23
EriC^^there's also sprunge which uses curl09:23
de-factonot sure but i guess something like "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" is kinda usefull09:23
EriC^^something |& curl -F "sprunge=<-" sprunge.us09:23
EriC^^quick and dirty pastebins09:23
EriC^^have they fixed the ubot5 vulnerability yet?09:25
ubot5<EriC^^> wants you to know: Package is-this-fixed-yet does not exist in xenial09:25
lotuspsychjenot yet09:25
EriC^^if the freenode flooder gets ahold of it09:26
EriC^^god help us all09:26
EriC^^better get it patched soon!09:26
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: remind them in #ops09:26
EriC^^who is the freenode flooder btw?09:27
lotuspsychjenot sure09:27
EriC^^i wonder what's the backstory on that09:29
EriC^^what a waste of a botnet :P09:29
EriC^^probably could makes lots of monies with ad revenue or something09:29
EriC^^and he's flooding #ubuntu smh09:29
EriC^^would be funny to remind them from outside the channel using ubot5 or ubottu09:31
EriC^^they'll be like what the..09:31
EriC^^to #ubuntu-ops09:31
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: yeah remind them09:31
lotuspsychjeits your found :p09:31
ubot5Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.10:02
TJ-EriC^^: sat in a hotel with sruli right now; good job you've done helping him.. seen the chat log notes he's kept so he doesn't forget10:26
EriC^^thank you10:27
TJ-You'd love (not!) some of the many bugs/issues we've been tackling ... reall brain-teasers10:27
TJ-best one for comedic value so far ... take a look: bug 157431710:28
ubot5bug 1574317 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Prompt to decrypt LVM device is hidden behind (blank) splash screen" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157431710:28
TJ-also, seeing as you just mentioned holding down Shift for GRUB... best to see this bug report I've taken over since it is extremely relavent: bug 42597910:30
ubot5bug 425979 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "[UEFI boot only] Holding shift fails to display grub2 menu" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42597910:30
TJ-I shall be investigating if UEFI v2.4 does support modifier detection and if so will add patches for Ubuntu sometime in the next month. Was talking to Colin Watson about it last night10:31
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: gonna re-watch showdown little tokyo in a bit11:19
EriC^^what's that?11:19
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: movie from 9111:19
EriC^^never heard of it O.o11:19
EriC^^i know the actor11:19
EriC^^both actually, is that the guy from hmm11:19
EriC^^looks familiar first i thought he was the guy from honey i shrunk the kids11:20
EriC^^nah not him definitely, i've seen him though11:20
lotuspsychjelol that trailer looks old11:21
BluesKajHowdy folks11:57
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj11:58
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje12:01
EriC^^hi BluesKaj12:02
BluesKajHi EriC^^12:02
BluesKajback on Xenial, my adventure with plasma 5.6.3 on Yakkety yesterday ended in chaos, too much work to fix. Looks like I'll have to start over12:04
lotuspsychjeim sticking to xenial for few :p12:05
BluesKajXenial is my stable fallback12:05
rillehlotuspsychje: DCR300 is a real banger12:07
lotuspsychjerilleh: yeah12:07
rillehDid you attend Awakenings?12:07
lotuspsychjerilleh: go or listen?12:08
rillehWere you there?12:08
rillehAt the festival12:08
rillehToo bad12:08
lotuspsychjerilleh: the set from fuse, Brussels is also very neat12:08
lotuspsychjean older one12:08
rillehThe one you posted12:09
rillehI've heard it allready12:09
rillehBut I'll give it a listen again12:09
lotuspsychjerilleh: ive heard so many of them, hard to keep em apart sometimes12:09
de-factoAh there, my ISP finally managed to fix his stupid PPPoE "server", lol i dont understand why they dont have a replicated slave waiting for a hot swap on such central points :-/12:14
de-factobtw if you like that kind of music http://uzic.ch/ has got quite some nice sets sometimes and streamed without any adds :)12:20
lotuspsychjelets c12:21
de-factoalways depends on their dj currently online12:21
lotuspsychjecool, but im big fan of adam beyer :p12:22
lotuspsychjehard to beat12:22
rillehI think Ida is better when she's at her peak12:22
rillehHer Techno set in DCR300 is off the walls12:23
rillehSadly, she usually plays mostly Tech-House12:23
de-factoyou can see their artits list (and ratings) here http://uzic.ch/artists/12:25
lotuspsychjerilleh: i love the way adam adapts to his crowd/club-style12:26
rillehlotuspsychje: That's kinda in his job description :D12:31
rillehBut he's a good DJ, not arguing about that12:31
pauljwhi everyone13:20
lotuspsychjerilleh: the paul ritch part is amazing on dcr30014:50
lotuspsychjedax: can we have a !releasenotes for 16.04 please?16:20
ubot5Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes16:22
daxlol. k16:22
lotuspsychjetnx :p16:22
daxugh there's no variable to give the long-name with no spaces16:27
ubot5Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes16:28
lotuspsychjenice one16:28
lotuspsychjety dax16:29
lotuspsychjeand for the !details also :p16:29
lotuspsychjepretty handy16:29
rillehlotuspsychje: Indeed17:15
tsimonq2I actually just saw that, dax20:12
tsimonq2I'm getting a dual-boot setup ready now :D20:12
* tsimonq2 wants to try it as well20:18

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