
mdeslaurhi infinity16:00
mdeslaurare you back home?16:01
infinityI think I am.16:01
* stgraber waves16:02
infinityWe seem to be keesless.  So far.16:02
* slangasek waves16:03
mdeslaurhe was online a few minutes ago16:03
infinitymdeslaur: Well, you're the backup chair.  I leave it to you to decide to find him to chair or to just start the meeting.16:04
infinityMe, I'm going to get lost in this giant coffee and imagine a better world.16:04
mdeslaurok, I'll chair16:04
mdeslaurah! speak of the devil16:05
infinity16:04 < mdeslaur> ok, I'll chair16:05
infinity16:04 -!- kees [~kees@ubuntu/member/keescook] has joined #ubuntu-meeting-216:05
keessorry I'm late!16:05
infinitykees: You're chairing, slacker.16:05
meetingologyMeeting started Tue May 10 16:05:36 2016 UTC.  The chair is kees. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:05
infinityWell, I say that, but I'm about to point out that all my actions are deferred.16:06
keesI'm sorry I'm late, infinity is sorry his actions are deferred. apologies topic done! :)16:06
kees#Action review16:06
meetingologyACTION: review16:06
keesI give up16:07
keesslangasek to document juju exception on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Special_Cases16:07
infinitykees: It's #topic foo bar, FWIW. :P16:07
kees#topic Action review16:07
keesdoesn't seem like it. :(16:07
infinityIt can't change the topic in this channel.16:07
slangasekso let's see, I spent a bit of time talking with the juju team about this16:08
slangasekyes, sure enough it's there https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Juju16:08
keeshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Juju says look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JujuUpdates but that doesn't exist...16:08
slangasekso if you want to keep me actioned to chase the juju team about creating it...16:08
keeslol okay16:08
infinityNote that things changed a bit at last week's sprint, too.16:09
kees#action slangasek to chase the juju team about creating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JujuUpdates16:09
meetingologyACTION: slangasek to chase the juju team about creating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JujuUpdates16:09
slangasekhmm, they did?16:09
infinityMark's trying to get juju/maas/lxd on more of a stable cadence and not breaking APIs in LTSes.16:09
slangasekthe juju team was not at last week's sprint16:09
kees#action infinity to follow up with maas SRU exception16:09
meetingologyACTION: infinity to follow up with maas SRU exception16:09
slangasekso I don't assume anything has changed yet :)16:09
infinityOne or two of them were there.16:09
kees#action infinity to document the new Docker SRU process16:09
meetingologyACTION: infinity to document the new Docker SRU process16:09
kees#action infinity to play with seed/maint-check changes on dogfood to build a new xenial release pocket for support length auditing16:09
meetingologyACTION: infinity to play with seed/maint-check changes on dogfood to build a new xenial release pocket for support length auditing16:09
keesmdeslaur to look into flavour CVE tracking16:10
mdeslaurI found our flavour tracking scripts16:10
mdeslaurthey generate output like this: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/edubuntu.html16:10
keesdelicious scripts16:10
infinitykees: All deferred, but see above for the maas bits, and I should pop the maint-check bit to the top of my stack.16:10
mdeslaurbut they are crusty and haven't been updated in a while, the seeds and stuff need to be updated16:10
keesaah, this table brings back memories. :)16:11
mdeslaurI'll look into that, but was waiting to see the outcome of infinity's seed research first16:11
keesokay, so, basically still open?16:12
* infinity side-eyes those socat CVEs.16:12
kees#action mdeslaur to look into flavour CVE tracking16:12
meetingologyACTION: mdeslaur to look into flavour CVE tracking16:12
kees#topic Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed16:12
infinityList is dead since the last meeting.16:12
infinityMore or less.16:12
keesyeah, there is literally no May archive file :P16:12
infinityYes there is. :P16:13
infinityNo there isn't.16:13
infinityWow, I need more of this coffee.16:13
* infinity stops typing for a bit.16:13
kees#topic Check up on community bugs16:13
keesnot that coffee, clearly. you need different coffee16:13
keeszarro boogs found16:14
kees#topic AOB16:14
slangaseknothing here :)16:15
mdeslaurseb128: you?16:15
seb128mdeslaur, nothing for me no ;-)16:15
kees#topic chair selection16:15
infinitymdeslaur, then slangasek.16:16
keesmdeslaur with slangasek?16:16
keesokay, thanks everyone! easy meeting :)16:16
slangasekthanks :)16:16
mdeslaurthanks kees, thanks everyone16:17
infinityWe'll be sure to make meeting+5 harder, just for you.16:17
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue May 10 16:17:17 2016 UTC.16:17
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2016/ubuntu-meeting-2.2016-05-10-16.05.moin.txt16:17
* kees falls asleep waiting for wiki16:18

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