
ahoneybunwell that did not go well00:06
ahoneybunfollowing that gave me a black screen00:06
bregmaahoneybun, I would not recommend adding the stable phone overlay PPA to any kind of desktop; it isn't supported and hasn't been tested02:32
ahoneybunbregma it was a fresh install on a testing system so no worries02:32
ahoneybunI'll just format it02:32
bregmais your black screen after logging in to Unity 8 or before?02:33
ahoneybunbefore I never got lightdm02:33
bregmathat would have nothing do do with Unity 8 or the stable phone overlay, then02:33
ahoneybunstartx would bring a wallpaper with a X curser02:33
ahoneybunit was find before02:33
ahoneybunmm maybe should have upgraded, rebooted then added the ppa02:34
ahoneybunoh wall02:34
bregmajust don't add the PPA, it may contain an incompatible version of the X server or lightdm perhaps02:34
ahoneybunyea I could fix it by removing it02:35
bregmathe way Unity 8 works on the desktop is LightDM comes up on X exactly the same way it does for Unity 7 (or any other variant), but if you choose Unity 8 as your session, it will stop X and start Mir02:35
ahoneybunyea I thought so02:36
bregmaso there should be nothing special and no difference until you select Unity 8 at the LightDM prompy and then log in02:36
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AhmadIm new here03:57
Ahmadanyone here using A7000+ ?03:58
arioBarzannexus 4 is the only phone fully supporting convergence, because neither BQ nor Meizu support HDMI-out on their phones, right? (set aside Aquaris M10 by BQ which is not a tablet)06:47
arioBarzan*I meant M10 tablet which is not a phone06:48
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arioBarzanIs it possible to install qemu on my ubuntu-touch phone/tablet?10:33
popeyarioBarzan: if you make the device rw, sure.10:36
popeywonder how badly qemu running x86 code would run on an armhf device :)10:36
arioBarzanI'm not sure if qemu requires X server? In that case I was thinking one way perhaps would be to install libertine and xmir, in order to get qemu running10:37
arioBarzananybody knows whether qemu runs on mir itself, or I should use xmir instead?10:38
popeyqemu has a headless mode10:43
popeywhat is the goal? what do you want to run in qemu?10:43
popey(It will run badly)10:43
popeymore efficient to run in a chroot IMO10:49
arioBarzanDoes ssh X forwarding works on ubuntu-touch?11:00
arioBarzanto be more specific, could a client on ubuntu-touch do ssh -X to a server like a headless-qemu?11:02
popeywe don't have x so that wont work arioBarzan11:16
arioBarzanpopey: even within a libertine-container ?11:22
lotuspsychjearioBarzan: whats your endgoal with all this exactly?11:23
popeyarioBarzan: no, i mean on the phone default image (ouside any containers)11:25
arioBarzanlotuspsychje: I needed to know if one could run qt-creator on ubuntu-touch device itself.11:28
arioBarzanlotuspsychje: I thought since ut is currently restricts users to click packages (which are mir-compatible), one solution would be to run another instance of ubuntu in a headless-qemu on the touch device.11:28
ahoneybunyay camera rotation is fixed11:30
arioBarzanit would have been nice though, if one could run ubuntu SDK on ubuntu-touch.11:30
popeypretty sure the sdk guys have demo'ed running the sdk on the tablet11:32
popeyzbenjamin: ^ ?11:32
ahoneybunI saw a picture of that somewhere podbay11:33
lotuspsychjearioBarzan: perhaps unity8 on a windows based tablet can get you more solutions11:38
zbenjaminpopey: yes, bzoltan had some version running on it12:03
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mterrytedg, I'm testing your polkit fix to see if it makes that bug in the wizard go away12:58
mterrythanks for the quick fix!12:58
pmcgowanmterry, tedg we are discussing reverting the addition of that package since it doesn't seem it was intended for the phone images ?12:59
pmcgowanand there are other issues12:59
pmcgowanalecu, ^12:59
mterrypmcgowan, if there wasn't an urgent reason to add it in the first place, holding it off until we fix regressions makes sense13:00
pmcgowanmterry, no one is quite sure why it landed13:00
tedgmterry: Thanks!13:19
tedgpmcgowan: The reason was because we figured it was going to be needed for multi-user eventually and it was kinda a no-op. But it's turning into something other than a no-op.13:20
pmcgowantedg, fair enough, so lets defer it so we can shake it out13:20
tedgpmcgowan: +113:21
pmcgowantedg, can you make a silo to revert it?13:21
tedgProbably too late for this OTA, but we should land something that produces a recoverable error on PK request. It's really weird that we have some many.13:22
tedgso many13:22
tedgpmcgowan: Actually, I can't, sil2100 controls the seeds.13:22
sil2100What's up?13:22
tedgsil2100: We'd like to unseed policykit-unity813:22
tedgsil2100: It's causing a bunch of unexpected issues and isn't needed for this OTA13:23
sil2100hm, ok, for this OTA still?13:23
sil2100On it then13:23
tedgsil2100: Thank you!13:23
tedgSaviq: Can you translate the prompt text in those screenshots?13:23
mterrytedg, hrm the fix didn't fix the wizard issue13:24
tedgmterry: Bummer, so perhaps fallback doesn't work as expected.13:25
tedgmterry: Is there an error in the USS log?13:25
mterrytedg, yeah maybe it's not so dynamic as we hoped13:25
mterrytedg, no just the same error in unity8.log during the wizard bit13:26
tedgOh, wait, they're from mzanetti. Sorry Saviq13:26
tedgmzanetti: Can you translate the text in the screenshots on bug 1580086 please?13:26
ubot5bug 1580086 in Canonical System Image "Random password prompt popping up" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158008613:27
tedgmterry: That's not helpful :-/13:27
mterrytedg, yeah just needs more investigation13:27
mterrytedg, but probs not worth it right this second if we are dropping the package for now13:28
tedgmterry: Now that we're not targetting this OTA, do you want to go the seeding the PW route?13:28
mterrytedg, sorry what?13:28
tedgmterry: Where USS would send it to the agent.13:28
mterrytedg, oh via an api to the agent?13:28
mterrytedg, right that would let us drop the custom agent so I'm on board13:29
Saviqmzanetti, they're asking about "changing your private data"13:29
Saviqtedg, rather ↑13:30
mterrytedg, so I guess the idea is that there's some API that we can say to the agent "if this provided password is correct, cache admin auth for this user for the usual timeout" -- right?  Is there a good way to pass password info over dbus or do we need another transport?13:30
Saviqtedg, bug #151200213:30
ubot5bug 1512002 in accountsservice "Annoying dialog "Authentication is required to change your own user data"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151200213:30
tedgSaviq: Ah, that doesnt' tell us much about who's doing it.13:30
seb128usually indicator-messages13:31
seb128but on touch could be more things syncing things to a-s13:31
seb128mterry added a bunch of those13:31
seb128like ringtones, maybe sound settings13:31
Saviqtedg, in any case, do we need policykit-unity8 on the phone today?13:31
mterrySaviq, no the short term plan is dropping it13:32
tedgI bet it was listening to music, and the current track. That's explain the "every 5 minutes"13:32
Saviqmterry, ack13:32
tedgseb128: So can we put that in vivid?13:34
seb128tedg, you do whatever you want with vivid13:34
tedgGuessing the phone hacked login isn't setting it as the active session for some reason.13:34
seb128from my perspective that's an unsupported non existant serie :p13:34
tedgseb128: ;-)13:35
tedgseb128: If you believed that vivid still exists, would you think it was wise to put it in vivid? ;-)13:35
seb128tedg, yes, we landed those changes in xenial13:35
seb128what is good enough for a LTS should be fine for weirdos as well ;-)13:36
tedgmterry: Thinking about this, we're just talking about password mode, right? That's just the UI being shown. Not sure we need to make that a PK verification.13:41
tedgmterry: Especially if we're allowing changing the other AS data.13:41
mterrytedg, well it's covered under the rubric of the "change own user data" pk auth13:42
mterrytedg, I think it's reasonable to require pk auth, but I could be convinced it's overblown13:42
tedgmterry: So with bug 1512002 it changes that for change own user data.13:43
ubot5bug 1512002 in accountsservice "Annoying dialog "Authentication is required to change your own user data"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151200213:43
tedgIt's seeming like if we landed that patch we'd fix all the issues :-)13:44
mterrytedg, I'm a little confused by that bug -- did they just change all perms for change-own-user-data to "yes"?13:46
tedgmterry: As long as you're authenticated as that user, yes.13:47
tedgmterry: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/257080357/accountsservice_0.6.40-2ubuntu10_0.6.40-2ubuntu11.diff.gz13:48
mterrytedg, interesting yup...  yeah that might fix it.  Let me test that patch13:48
seb128mterry, yes, we did13:53
mterryseb128, yeah figured it out eventually.  :)  just the two patches in the bug confused me13:53
seb128mterry, I discussed that with robert_ancell in Prague and that seemed to make sense, no reason to require an active session, that acl doesn't control sensitive datas13:53
seb128mterry, right, I did a first upload that allowed unactive sessions and then we went to allow non registered sessions as well (e.g vnc, ssh, etc)13:54
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mterrytedg, seb128: confirmed that backporting the AS allow_any patch fixes the issue with wizard and polkit-u8.  And presumably means we can drop the custom agent in USS completely14:29
tedgmterry: \o/14:30
seb128mterry, tedg, what is the agent for in uss?14:30
seb128mterry, tedg, the change-own-data doesn't cover passwords14:30
tedgseb128: Handling specifically that issue :-)14:30
seb128just user icon, etc14:30
tedgIn this case it was password display as keypad or keyboard14:30
mterryseb128, yeah.  The custom agent specifically was for changing user password mode (not password itself) before we had an agent14:31
seb128that's the hint?14:31
mterryseb128, yeah.  display hint14:31
seb128hint is under the same permission indeed14:31
tedgseb128: Could you copy accounts service into silo 57 then please?14:33
tedgseb128: Link: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-05714:34
seb128tedg, copy being a dput? sorry I didn't use silos for a while...14:34
tedgseb128: I don't know, I just asked kenvandine to do it, I don't know what he did :-)14:34
seb128good, if kenvandine does it that's even better!14:35
kenvandineseb128, i used copy-package14:35
kenvandinefrom the xenial archive to the ppa14:35
seb128vivid has 0.6.37-1ubuntu1014:35
seb128which ppa?14:35
seb128xenial has 0.6.4014:35
kenvandinewe deleted it14:35
seb128you guys want the full version upgrade?14:35
kenvandinetalking about somethign else14:36
kenvandinei copied whoopsie for tedg14:36
seb128well, I'm unsure we want to "copy" accountsservice14:36
seb128they are not the same versions14:36
seb128you guys probably want to backport the patch for that specific issue14:36
kenvandineupdating that would require lots of testing14:36
tedgAh, okay. How do we do a patch? dput?14:37
seb128I guess14:37
faenildo you guys have any info about coloured emojis?14:43
faenillike, what are we missing, what are we waiting for, etc?14:43
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JanCwhat type(s) of coloured emoji will UT support?14:50
sil2100pitti: hello!14:55
sil2100Ah, forgot, pitti is away today14:56
sil2100seb128: hey! You seem to have more experience with LP translations :) I'm wondering, recently pay-ui/pay-service got enabled for translations but I don't see it in the 15.04 translations14:57
sil2100https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/pay-service/use-langpacks/+merge/291422 <- this was the merge14:57
sil2100And, for instance, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+lang/es shows no pay-service or pay-ui14:57
sil2100(exports don't have those as well)14:57
sil2100seb128: do you know if there was some step missing?14:57
seb128sil2100, on first upload the template needs to be approved, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+source/pay-service/+imports?field.filter_status=all&field.filter_extension=pot15:07
seb128I just did that15:07
sil2100Oh my15:08
seb128it should get imported in a bit15:08
sil2100seb128: thanks!15:08
sil2100rvr: ^15:08
seb128enjoy the translating15:09
rvrLet's hope that fixes the problem15:09
seb128somebody should probably email the translators list telling them about the new domain15:09
rvrpay-service != pay-ui15:09
seb128rvr, well, look if the strings you see untranslated are listed there?15:10
rvrseb128: Yes15:10
rvrseb128: "Add credit/debit card" is in pay-service15:11
sil2100rvr: are those translated on LP at least?15:11
sil2100Or do we need emergency translator help?15:11
rvrThe project has translations15:12
rvrThere are a couple of new strings missing though15:13
seb128right, seems those strings are mostly know/had translations15:13
rvrBuy now and Allow requesting in-app purchases?15:13
seb128right, those aren't translated in french either15:13
rvrDo you know how projects are listed in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+ ?15:14
rvrAre they manually picked?15:15
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sil2100rvr: anyway, are we good enough with the pay-service translations right now? Are those good on your language? Asking since I could then request an export for a translation re-spin15:33
seb128rvr, I don't know but dpm probably does15:53
rvrsil2100: I translated to Spanish15:54
rvrsil2100: the two missing strings15:54
rvrsil2100: Those two will be missing for other languages15:54
rvrBut haven't heard of in app purchases yet, so the impact may be small15:55
rvrWhat I'm worried about is the domain, as pay-service is not pay-ui15:55
dpmrvr, seb128, they are put there if their package generates a .pot template, IIRC it's the same as for the main distro15:55
rvrHope the developers got it right15:55
seb128dpm, thanks15:56
seb128tedg, Saviq, it was mentioned on the bug that part of the polkit prompt issue is that unity8/touch doesn't have a proper logind session, if that's true do we have a bug about that? and if not can we get one? ;-)15:59
* Saviq not sure why we wouldn't have a "proper logind session", mterry do you?16:01
sil2100rvr: I'll request an export so we can check everything16:11
arioBarzanof the images listed in following link, which one I should download for testing ubuntu-touch? preinstalled-system(112MB) or preinstalled-touch(494MB)?16:25
popeyi wouldn't test any of those16:25
arioBarzanI guess you think I should "apt-get ubuntu-emulator" , right? or perhaps the sdk has emulator kit?16:29
arioBarzanwhat's the deal with "yakkety-preinstalled-touch-i386.custom.tar.gz"(27MB)? what "custom" stands for?16:31
dobeyrvr: pay-ui is part of pay-service now16:31
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arioBarzanpopey: why not any of those?17:03
popeyarioBarzan: because that's yakkety, the phone is currently vivid based, and will (I think) move to xenial soon.17:04
arioBarzanso this would be better?17:05
arioBarzanthen which one of them I should use? "vivid-preinstalled-touch-armhf.tar.gz" for running on a arhmf virtual machine?17:06
popeyI don't know about those images.17:08
arioBarzando you use any other solution like the official ubuntu-emulator ?17:08
popeypersonally, no17:10
popeythe emulator is too slow to be usable on armhf17:11
mterrySaviq, seb128: sorry was out for lunch.  We *should* have a proper logind session.  Last time I looked at it, we did.  What we don't have is a cached user authentication, since lightdm autologs the user in.  Which might be part of the polkit problem.  Or maybe we lost the status of "proper logind session" along the way and we didn't notice.  But I think other things would be broken if that were true17:24
seb128mterry, Saviq, k, maybe that statement was wrong and the issue is just when the phone is locked and the session inactive17:25
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rvrdobey: Ack17:46
mariogripwhy cannot i install framework-15.04.5 in the sdk?? the dropdown has only 15.04 (and down from that)18:16
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jgdxawe_, hey, you know if nm1.2 changes anything for hotspot on mako? Or does the problem lie elsewhere?19:12
awe_nope; I guess we need to add that to our asana backlog; hasn't really been on anyone's radar19:13
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tedgSaviq: The UAL change makes U8 not crash, but the media player says it can't connect to its backend. Is that normal?20:02
tedgSaviq: I think the bug is fixed... but want to make sure.20:02
Saviqtedg, "to its backend"? - lemme test the silo20:34
tedgSaviq: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/140120:36
tedgIt definitely doesn't crash U8 anymore. :-)20:36
Saviqtedg, yeah all works fine here20:40
tedgSaviq: Cool, wonder what's up with my N4 :-/20:41
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RippyD1ppyhey guys, how is ubuntu with the surface pro 322:18
RippyD1ppyobviously not that great22:24

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