
cmaloneyhow goes?12:13
cmaloneymug meetin tonight12:13
cmaloneyI'm not sure if we're "Growing" or if there's some spam deluge brewing but it seems there's at least one or two people per day adding themselves to the Ubuntu MI team16:40
jcastroit's spam lately17:20
jcastroyou might want to consider locking it down for a bit17:21
jcastromy inbox is basically hell right now, heh17:21
cmaloneyjcastro: That's what I figured17:22
cmaloneyI've been approving them17:22
cmaloneybut wondering if I might just turn folks away for a bit.17:22
cmaloneySpeaking of spam, apparently Marilyn Manson wants to join my CC Metal Music community on G+17:23
cmaloneyso that's a thing. ;)17:23
greg-gjcastro: cmaloney hat collectors :)21:12
cmaloneyWell, just found out that Metal Injection isn't syndicating any more outside podcasts21:14
cmaloneyso there goes my listeners. ;)21:14
cmaloneyNow I get to see if folks will listen to it on their own. :)21:18
cmaloneyThat's kind of liberating21:18
cmaloneyAnd it's not like the shows aren't "re-syndicated" by shady sites. :)21:18

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