
magespawngood morning04:54
mazalMorning magespawn04:59
mazalHow goes ?04:59
pavlushkaGood Morning!05:06
mazalLo pavlushka05:06
pavlushkahowdy mazal !05:07
anton_maymornings all05:11
mazalMorning anton_may05:13
magespawngood and you mazal?05:20
mazalBusy but ok thanx magespawn05:22
magespawnhi pavlushka anton_may 05:31
pavlushkaHi magespawn , how are you?05:32
magespawnall good, nice sunny day, and you/05:32
pavlushkacan anybody help me with how to file a test case on this http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/361/builds/117794/testcases/1681/results ?05:34
pavlushkamagespawn: I good as well, !05:35
pavlushkamagespawn: thanks!05:35
magespawnpavlushka: have you completed your test?05:38
pavlushkamagespawn: on going but already revealed the issues05:39
magespawndo you have an account on launchpad?05:39
pavlushkamagespawn: if you just can confirm me which one to fill, critical bugs or just bugs for this case?05:40
pavlushkamagespawn: yes, I have account in LP.05:40
pavlushkaHello Cryterion ! Morning!05:40
magespawnthen you login, after login there is a place at the bottom to file the test results05:41
pavlushkamagespawn: what's wrong with the given link?05:42
paddatrapperMorning everyone05:43
magespawnnothing that i can see, that is just the results page, to be able to submit you have to login on the right hand side05:43
magespawnhi Cryterion paddatrapper 05:43
pavlushkamagespawn: I was already logged in while I asked, :)05:45
magespawnstrange, when i log in the page changes, with the test report form is at the bottom of the page05:46
pavlushkamagespawn: that's what I was asking about but figured already, thanks!05:51
magespawnahh right, sorted then?05:52
pavlushkaCryterion: how are you?05:55
pavlushkayour router issue solved?05:55
theblazehenmorning all06:03
theblazehenInternational internet _still_ down at office :(06:04
pavlushkahello theblazehen !06:06
theblazehenhey pavlushka06:06
pavlushkatheblazehen: Morning, How are you?06:06
theblazehenpavlushka: I'm alright and you?06:06
pavlushkatheblazehen: I am alright, thanks!06:07
thatgraemeguymorning peoples06:09
theblazehenhi thatgraemeguy06:11
theblazehenAnyone here have issues reaching international sites? for example theblazehen.com, mirrors.theblazehen.com, en.wikipedia.org, archlinux.org06:20
thatgraemeguynope, all working for me06:21
theblazehenhttp://pastebin.com/UANky9Sn <- traceroute06:22
thatgraemeguyhttp://pastebin.com/raw/nRgVfH1x <mine06:22
theblazehenStrange, I can also reach international from home06:22
theblazehenCurrently using a ssh socks proxy to home, but no one in the office here has access to international internet..06:23
theblazehenYeah, adsl I think06:24
theblazehenLet me see if I can do some kind of traceroute with tcp maybe..06:24
thatgraemeguyprobably isp issue06:24
thatgraemeguymy adsl dead, can't test with that :-/06:25
paddatrappertheblazehen: I had that issue last night. Imporved after a while though06:25
theblazehen"All Traffic will go over Wireless by Default.06:25
theblazehenHigh Priority Traffic will go over ADSL."  in our wiki. Not sure if icmp is classed as high priority06:25
theblazehenpavlushka: Hmm, okay06:25
thatgraemeguyare you not the network admin?06:25
theblazehenpaddatrapper:  Before this I was getting ~60% packet loss, which gradually increased to 10006:26
theblazehenthatgraemeguy: Nah not me myself. I mostly work on other things06:26
thatgraemeguyah, best you speak to the network admin then, sounds like they are doing weird stuff, nobody here is going to get close to being able to help06:27
thatgraemeguyused to work at a place that was forever trying to micromanage traffic over multiple ISPs, it was always a mess06:27
theblazehenthatgraemeguy: Yeah. Last hop in the traceroute is ~190 ms away, thought it's possible that it could be more than just our isp06:28
theblazehenthatgraemeguy: I'm thinking we might be doing VOIP and SSH over the ADSL, with http etc over wireless06:28
magespawntheblazehen: would the traffic be seperated by port? like 22 for ssh06:41
theblazehenmagespawn: I'm seeing now, it looks like everything goes over our new fiber line, so will call tem06:42
theblazehenhey Kilos06:42
magespawnahh right, so likely an isp problem06:42
magespawngood morning Kilos 06:43
Kiloshi magespawn theblazehen inetpro anton_may thatgraemeguy paddatrapper and other lurkers06:47
mazalMore oom06:47
Kiloshi mazal 06:47
Kilosyou got fibre magespawn ?06:51
magespawnno not me, not yet anyway06:52
anton_maylo Kilos07:23
theblazehenhey anton_may, Squirm07:26
theblazehenSo udp works. Yay!07:26
theblazehenworst case just use my vpn07:26
anton_maylo theblazehen07:28
LangjanNothing broke Kilos, any fresh news? 08:07
Langjanand hi all08:07
theblazehenhi Langjan08:07
Langjanhi theblazehen 08:08
mazalMôre oom Jan08:09
mazalWat's stukkend ?08:09
Langjannou doen jy dit...lmga!08:09
Langjanhoe gaan dit mazal 08:09
mazalOkerig en daar ?08:10
Langjangoed dankie, koelerig08:10
LangjanChasing sheep Kilos ?08:22
theblazehenhey mazal08:30
theblazehenheh. 1.4 second lag to dedicated server hosting bouncer08:31
theblazehenRunning everything to a socks proxy through ssh at home08:31
theblazehen1 mbit - whatever speed the isp doesn't want to give me - whatever bandwidth ACKs take is my connection speed here08:32
theblazehencpu on router is at 8% busy doing the encryption :)08:32
mazalHi theblazehen08:33
Kiloshi Langjan 08:44
Kilosthat and checking on moving and repairin fences08:45
Kilosnow new yet otherwise, but so much work here08:45
Kiloscut fences are the  bane of my life08:47
Kilosand im happy you didnt break anything for a change08:47
Langjanyes a change is as good as a holiday...ḟor Kilos 08:48
Langjanyou doing ok Kilos ?08:49
Kilosyes ty08:49
Kilosjust head doesnt like physical stuff08:49
Kiloshows things your side08:49
Langjandid you knock it?08:50
Kilosstill with vaccu peeps08:50
Langjanfine thks just very dry08:50
Kilosno man inside not outside08:50
Langjanlmga, fine all sides, top and bottom also08:50
Langjanand with you?08:52
Kiloswith me what?08:53
Langjanall the sides08:53
Kilosjust my head hassles08:53
Langjandid you knock it or what?08:53
Kiloseverything else is piekfyn08:53
Kilosdont you even know08:54
Langjanknow what?08:54
Kilosyes head was split open in 98 and where bones grew back together it has pinched all nerve endings08:54
Langjanpermanent aches since then?08:55
Kilosso my headaches are 24/7 from sore to worse08:55
Langjaneish! must be terrible08:56
Kilosyes spent 5 years on workmans compensation synap forte 600mg 3 times a day and 20 grandpas08:56
Kilosthen they went broke and i have lived without pain killers since then08:57
Langjanwhew! Those things will wreak havoc elsewhere, just as well08:57
Kilosyes that too08:57
Kilosbut im ok if i can sit by pc all day08:57
Kilosphysical stuff aggravates it08:58
Langjandoes it also help to sort of forget the pain?08:58
Kilosone actually gets used to the pain08:58
mazalThat's interesting , I would think pc's screens would make headaches worse08:58
Kilosbecomes part of life08:59
Kilosno things move slowly here08:59
Langjanbut not pleasant at all...08:59
Kilosmusic videos make is worse08:59
mazalFortunately oom don't do youtube08:59
Kilosfast movements on tv suck08:59
Kilosyeah mazal 09:00
mazalYoutube videos tend to make me seasick09:00
mazalI can never watch too many reviews all at once09:00
Kilosall the flashing images are painful to watch09:00
Kilosotherwise im fine09:01
Kilosi can irc all day09:01
mazalMy eyes get too tired of all the reading09:01
LangjanKilos, I a fascinated, also perplexed by your comment that wipe and install on whole disk will not wipe windoze installation  09:01
mazalBy 1pm I can feel my eyes are sore09:01
Kilosit will man Langjan 09:01
Kilosi was joking09:01
Langjan1pm or 1 am?09:01
Kilosthen no more win hassles09:02
mazalOom Langjan , I work in it so am in the screens since 6:30am09:02
LangjanJy moenie sulke grappe maak nie, ek glo mos wat jy se man!09:02
Kilosskuus oom09:02
Kilosdidnt i say hehe at the end09:02
Langjanlmga, maar ja ek sou dit probeer09:03
Kilosoh Langjan here is something you can do09:03
Langjancant remember, maybe you did09:03
Kilosmazal tell him09:03
* mazal weier09:03
Kilostell him pretty please09:03
Langjanwat nou?09:04
KilosLangjan 09:04
Langjanja Kilos ?09:04
mazalLangjan, systemback is an app that makes a live bootable iso of your current system as it is. When you re-install with it all your apps and even configs and updates are already there and don't need to be redone09:04
Kilosi have made a boorable iso with systemback i can plug in any pc and see exactly what i see here on this laptop09:04
Langjansounds great09:05
Kiloswonderful tool09:05
mazalAnd yeah that too , can be used as a live system for troubleshooting purposes09:05
Langjanis it in the repos?09:06
mazalI broke my install last week Wednesday , re-installed with that , 30minutes and everything back the way it was09:06
Kilosgo read09:06
Langjanoh ok09:06
mazalJust putting back actual data like docs , pics etc. that remains then09:06
LangjanSo why refuse to tell mazal ?09:06
mazalJust lus to hassle Kilos oom :)09:07
Langjanok so still need to backup pics and docs09:07
Kilos van der merwe blood09:07
mazalHassling Kilos is part of my contract09:07
Kilosi actually have pics as well09:07
mazalIs payback for the fighting me about my games lol09:07
Kiloseverything looks same09:07
Langjanwhat about vbox?09:08
mazalOom Kilos , barry also started fighting me09:08
Kiloslol mooi09:08
mazalI merely suggested a trip to PTA yesterday and he was on my case :(09:08
Kilosi dont use vbox09:08
KilosLangjan try it and see09:09
mazalHere comes trouble :P09:09
Kilosit has quite a few options i chose the live iso one09:09
Kiloslemme go work a while again09:10
LangjanWell I will have t decide if I must use backups as now or systemback or both?09:10
Langjango well Kilos 09:12
Kilosty you too09:13
Langjanbye for now mazal 09:16
KilosLangjan 09:16
Langjanlet me go break something09:16
Langjanhi Kilos 09:16
Kilossystemback can be used to install exactly what you have there on another pc09:17
Kilosshould fit on an 8g stick09:17
Kilosbut to have stuff backed up on another storage is always safe09:18
mazalStill here ?09:18
Langjanirrespective of size? Are you not limited to the sixe of the stick? Like my system is 80Gb 09:18
Langjanyes mazal 09:18
mazalNever replace your current backup , do that as well09:18
LangjanNo I will keep that, thks09:19
mazalIf one process fails you must have a fallback09:19
Langjanbut how do you load 80 Gb on a 8 GB stick?09:20
mazalYou can't09:20
Kilosmake the iso and see what size it is09:20
Langjanok will do thks09:20
Kilosmine was only 4.7g09:21
Kilosgood luck09:21
mazalI prefer not to let it transfer data as well09:21
KilosMaaz watch them09:21
MaazOK Kilos I'll keep an eye on them for you09:21
mazalMy data I backup with normal backup procedures09:21
mazalI use systemback only for the system itself09:21
Langjanthks, makes sense09:21
mazalThen upon breakdown I install the system and copy my data back manually09:22
mazalThat way it keeps the size of the iso low enough for in case you need to fit it on dvd. And data changes daily , if you do the trasfer data option then you must make a new iso every day09:23
magespawnmazal how often do you back up, daily?09:23
mazalmagespawn, yes09:23
mazalSometimes twice a day09:23
mazalDepends how much docs etc. changed09:23
magespawnhow much data is it?09:24
mazalIs mostly docs and savegames that I backup daily09:24
mazalMy /home folder and all in it09:24
magespawnin gigs approx how much?09:24
mazalLemme check for you09:25
mazal16gig here09:25
mazalMy home machine will be much more though09:25
magespawnwhat do you prefer to back up to, and how many do you keep09:26
Langjanwhere do you see the size? 09:26
mazalI backup to a 2nd internal drive. That drive gets backed up to an external as well once a week. I keep one seperate backup for every day of the week09:26
mazalI have a auto cron one that runs to same folder , and 7 manual ones that I run manual each to their own destination folder09:27
mazalAnd all that once a week to an external09:27
mazalI'm paranoid , I know :)09:28
mazalLangjan, in file browser go up 1 level from your home. You should see your username as a folder , right-click that and choose properties09:28
mazalAnd the system iso I only do once a week09:29
mazalJust to get all updates and added apps in09:29
Langjanmazal, in "recent"09:30
mazalLangjan, nope09:30
mazalOpen file broweser09:30
mazalYou will be standing in your home09:30
mazalGo up 1 level09:30
mazalIn the tree09:30
mazalThen you will see the user folders09:31
Langjanyouve lost me maz09:32
Langjanmazal, 09:32
magespawnmazal i also understand, i also like to keep mine on different media like dvd/bluray/flash drive, and in the cloud and physically offsite09:32
mazalPhysicall offsite is actually the real right way09:33
magespawnluckally i am not moving that much data that is critical09:34
mazalI once lost everything and since then I am a bit overkill when it comes to backups hehehehe09:36
=== daimonos is now known as urbanslug
mazalHi Squirm10:38
mazalkewl , I added a application menu entry for the first time ever :)10:46
mazalInstalled baobab and was nowhere to be found in the menus so created one10:46
mazalmaaz tell Kilos I did something new in K , but didn't break anything this time :)11:04
Maazmazal: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode11:04
Kiloswhat mazal 11:18
MaazKilos: By the way, mazal on freenode told me "tell Kilos I did something new in K , but didn't break anything this time :)" 13 minutes and 54 seconds ago11:18
mazalI added an application launcher entry for an app that wasn't listed there11:21
mazalFirst time I needed to do that11:21
mazalKilos, ^^11:21
mazalmaaz tell LangJan Too see a good breakup of folder sizes install the baobab app. To see just home type the command du -hs /home/username or other folder if needed11:23
Maazmazal: Got it, I'll tell Langjan on freenode11:23
Kiloshi GnikLlort 11:30
GnikLlortoh hi :)11:30
Kiloshi Squirm long time no see11:31
GnikLlortmy old laptop sorta died11:32
SquirmKilos: Yeah, in and out11:35
SquirmNot really on irc much anymore11:35
Kilosoh my GnikLlort thats not good11:35
GnikLlortKilos, got myself a new one tho :D11:36
magespawnGnikLlort: sort of died?11:39
GnikLlortcpu melted11:39
Kiloshow can that happen11:39
GnikLlortcpu fan died11:40
magespawnthat will do it11:40
GnikLlortthink a wire came loose then poof11:40
Kiloswhat broke12:15
chesedoGnikLlort: was it running linux when this happened?12:21
GnikLlortyes, think I didnt get all the drivers tbh12:22
chesedooh, cause from experience i've seen linux down stepping the cpu when it overheads (fan stops)12:23
theblazehenGnikLlort: The bios should have kept it running12:23
theblazehenUnless specifically told what to do (via fancontrol script etc) it should just run12:23
GnikLlortbut that laptop was old asf12:24
theblazehenGnikLlort: Still. I have a 16 year old desktop that manages fine..12:25
theblazehen17 actually12:25
GnikLlortthen a wire must have failed12:25
GnikLlortbroken or stuff12:26
GnikLlortwhen I took it to matrix thy said its cooked12:26
GnikLlortneed to replace everything12:26
* chesedo rolls eyes12:26
GnikLlortI then just got a new one12:26
nlsthzn*yawn* - hangover after night shift quick change ... sup all?12:34
theblazehenhey nlsthzn12:35
chesedonot much, just studies nlsthzn12:35
chesedoalthough chan has been busy today...12:36
nlsthznchesedo: cool... keep it up.  12:36
nlsthznhope all are well12:36
* chesedo has nothing to do with chan business :P12:36
nlsthznmeant keep up the studies :p12:37
magespawnnlsthzn: do you have to work the day shift after a night shift, or do they give some down time in between?12:38
nlsthznmagespawn: nope, as we have 12 hour shifts it wouldn't be possible... and as our normal schedule runs we have 4 days off after our last night \o/12:42
nlsthznstill a bugger to switch over even when sitting at home.. in your pj's :p12:42
GnikLlorthappy to know im not the only one with 12 hour shifts12:42
magespawnnlsthzn: yup it is, 12 hours is a bit on the long side12:43
nlsthzn4 on 4 off, so the trade off is ok I guess12:44
nlsthzn2 day 2 night12:44
nlsthznGnikLlort: 12 hour shifts seem to becoming the norm12:44
GnikLlortim Monday to Friday off on weekends and Public Holliday's 12:44
chesedoare you guys in security jobs or something?12:45
nlsthznthat is a lot of hours for your week GnikLlort12:46
GnikLlortyep :(12:46
* nlsthzn is in the petrochemical industry12:46
nlsthznprocess operator12:46
GnikLlortI´m in Security, Site Supervisor12:47
nlsthzn:) I also got promoted to sup a few months ago 12:52
GnikLlortI was told to expect a promotion soon12:55
nlsthznwell with oil price I can actually expect to loose my job before getting another promotion >.<13:03
theblazehenffs, I *really* hope that my server's connection issue is the same one making us not reach internationally13:04
theblazehennlsthzn: Ouch :(13:04
theblazehenSomeone mind doing a tracepath mirrors.theblazehen.com for me?13:04
nlsthznon it13:06
nlsthznworking theblazehen13:06
nlsthznwant the output/13:06
theblazehennlsthzn: Yeah, my connection is working. I want the final hops 13:10
theblazehenYes please13:10
magespawntheblazehen ^^13:10
theblazehen_webnlsthzn: Ty. Yes, I would like the output please13:11
nlsthznsent but it seems you timed out :p13:11
theblazehen_webWant to see if any of the hops to it are on the same as our international route13:11
nlsthznI send again13:11
magespawntheblazehen ^^13:11
theblazehen_webWorks fine, then boom13:11
nlsthznin case the pm isn't working :p13:12
theblazehen_webgot it ty13:12
theblazehen_webThat looks fine13:12
theblazehen_webLet me ssh in maybe..13:12
theblazehen_webif ssh works13:12
theblazehen_webI got ssh running over udp earlier today :)13:13
theblazehen_webI could do basic shell stuff, open vim etc. Scp and so on fails though, even with a lowered mtu13:13
theblazehen_webssh login is really slow..13:14
magespawnthe first one was traceroute13:15
theblazehen_webThanks magespawn13:15
magespawnnp did not actually know about tracepath13:16
theblazehen_webtcp is amazing..13:16
theblazehen_webAlmost managed to log in with ssh with 87-90% packet loss13:16
theblazehen_webwhoops, 9613:17
magespawnwow something is not right13:17
theblazehen_webIt's on the last hop for me13:17
theblazehen_web2nd last hop dropping only 1.2%13:17
theblazehen_webHosting provider seems to have lost my account too..13:17
theblazehen_webWill see if billing dept also lost account in a weeks time :)13:18
theblazehen_web`639 packets transmitted, 26 received, 95% packet loss, time 8683ms`13:18
magespawnmtr shows lose on the last point13:18
theblazehen_webyeah. Ty. Any ideas why it's so intermittent?13:19
* theblazehen_web should set up smokeping again13:19
* theblazehen_web is going to see if another server with a gigabit connection can fight against 96% packet loss13:19
magespawnthese are my stats for ping13:21
magespawn55 packets transmitted, 2 received, 96% packet loss, time 53999ms13:21
magespawnrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 243.210/248.658/254.106/5.448 ms13:21
theblazehen_webty, also 95% here13:21
theblazehen_webssh is getting there :)13:21
theblazehen_webdebug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2.413:21
theblazehen_webdebug1: match: OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2.4 pat OpenSSH_6.6.1* compat 0x0400000013:21
theblazehen_webdebug2: fd 3 setting O_NONBLOCK13:21
theblazehen_webdebug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent13:21
magespawnshared hosting?13:22
theblazehen_webNope, dedicated13:22
theblazehen_web500mbit dedicated bandwidth, burst to 1 gbit13:22
theblazehen_web2x2 TB storage, 8 GB RAM, not too bad cpu..13:22
theblazehen_web$80 / month13:22
magespawnmaybe their network is under dos or something13:22
theblazehen_webUnmetered bandwidth13:22
theblazehen_webhttp://www.us.unmetered.com/ this was them13:23
theblazehen_webI wonder if I have an IPv6 address. Might take an alternative route13:25
* theblazehen_web just needs ssh to check..13:25
* theblazehen_web thinks ssh is going through! :)13:26
theblazehen_webDown to 93%13:26
theblazehen_webOh. Missed my chance to connect there :(13:37
theblazehen_webhey Na3iL13:37
Na3iLHey theblazehen_web :)13:37
theblazehen_webwhile:; ssh root@mirrors.theblazehen.com; done13:37
theblazehen_webheh :(13:37
theblazehen_webI bet my idlerpg stats are going way down :(13:55
theblazehen_webDamn, I jinxed it14:06
theblazehen_webFroze when I said "Wow, perfect now. Looks like it alternates between 0 and >90% packet loss14:06
theblazehen_webNow a "more reasonable" 90%14:08
theblazehen_webI wish services would just *try harder* when there is packet loss :( I'm sure if freenode send 1 ping / second, I would probably respond to at least 3 or four of them14:16
urbanslugtheblazehen_web: You ssh into root?14:42
urbanslugYou crazy!14:42
urbanslugLife on the edge!14:42
theblazehen_web@urbanslug it doesn't run anything important14:43
theblazehen_webMost important is probably my irc bouncer14:43
theblazehen_webIt's actually a pity. Pay for 500mbit symetrical, but max usage with my tor node is only 70 - 130 mbit / s14:47
Kiloskeep chatting i need to go soak inna hot bath15:09
grembleHave fun with that Kilos 15:10
paddatrapperThat sounds nice...15:11
Kilosthat was so lekker16:05
Kilossoaked like a sponge16:05
magespawn_outhey Kilos 16:08
Kiloshi magespawn_out 16:08
magespawn_outi left the laptop on an logged in so no magespawn tonight16:08
Kilosai! ty for letting us know16:11
magespawn_outjust forgot to log out of chat, that all16:14
mazalOi now I am lekka conflicted16:20
magespawn_outwhats wrong now mazal?16:23
mazalmagespawn_out, I have a good problem to have. I finally added minetest to this install , now I kinda want to start a new world in that , but at same time want to finish my subway project in minecraft world :P16:24
magespawn_outdo both16:25
mazalToo many choices too little time16:25
mazalI agree , do both :)16:25
Kiloscrazy gamers16:28
paddatrapperOne keyboard for each! Who needs a mouse??16:44
Kilosmouse works lekker in minetest16:44
mazalThey seriously need to add the ability of making charcoal from wood16:50
magespawn_outai? now what?16:51
Kilossupper time here wbb17:00
Kilosohi superfly 17:29
superflyhi Kilos17:29
paddatrapperGah why do people have to use Windows... Trying to package software for it is a nightmare!!17:50
Kilosthats not even worth an ai!17:50
paddatrapperAnd to make it worse python is not friendly to distributing anyway17:54
superflypaddatrapper: are you using PyInstaller?18:24
paddatrappersuperfly: No...?18:24
superflypaddatrapper: You want to.18:25
paddatrapperLooking it up now18:25
paddatrapperThank you!!!!!!18:25
Kilosoh my paddatrapper dont you know the fly is the python pro here18:26
superflypyinstaller --onefile --windowed --icon <path to ico file> --name <MyAppName> <my-app-script.py>18:26
paddatrapperI was trying using a very convoluted way with a standalone python install and installing the libraries...18:27
Kiloswe have 2 python experts but one blows around the world like a tumbleweed 18:27
superflypaddatrapper: I even build Windows binaries in WINE with PyInstaller :-)18:28
paddatrapperKilos: Haha18:28
paddatrapperNice. even better if I can do it under linux18:28
superflytest it out, but you should be able to18:29
paddatrapperThanks. Will do18:30
superflydon't forget to install pywin3218:30
superflypaddatrapper: and you'll want this: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/18:30
paddatrapperIs there some documentation about what do do after downloading it on Windows? And installing it on Linux18:36
superflypaddatrapper: PyInstaller?18:37
superflypaddatrapper: oh, and pip install it... the version on their website is not the latest version18:37
paddatrapperThe Github wiki is rather sparse18:37
paddatrapperThanks. Sorry for the stupid questions, but seeing as I don't really want to try fight with wine tonight, would I install it using pip on windows and run it from the CLI?18:39
paddatrapperAlso how does it deal with multiple files (3 scripts and 1 resource)?18:40
superflyHow do you mean?18:41
paddatrapperMy application consists of 3 scripts - (run, ui, lib) and a config file. How would I combine so that it becomes a exe and a config file18:42
paddatrapperFor reference: https://github.com/paddatrapper/top3018:43
superflyAs I mentioned earlier. Run PyInstaller, it'll package everything into an exe, add your config file and go 18:43
paddatrapperOk. Will give it a spin and shout if I get stuck18:44
superflypaddatrapper: we're packaging OpenLP with it, and that's a bigger app than your script ;-) 18:45
paddatrapperGood to know! Lol18:46
Kilosgood luck paddatrapper 18:57
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:57
mazalNight everyone , sleep well19:21
paddatrappernight mazal19:21
theblazehenWell, haven't had any packet loss since earlier.22:08
theblazehenI know it's impossible, but it almost seems like the bad office internet gets transfered through my proxy to home and affecting my dedicated server on the end.. After all, issues only happen when I'm at the office22:09

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