
nacceverson: is it possible when run as root, it's using root's home directory to search for profiles (I assume gnome-terminal must save them somewhere in ~)00:02
nacceverson: also, why are you running gnome-terminal as root?00:02
squintydjango_, first is Windows using the whole hard drive?  If yes, you will need to shrink it first before installing.  re along side or something else, it depends on how you want to set it up.  Using "something else allows the user to set the partitions and their sizes etc according to their personal preferences.  If not worried about that, then use "install along side"00:02
django_errr afk00:03
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=== littlefunnybubu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
explodes"fsck" starts up in a black screen on boot, and stays there forever (2 days last time i was patient)00:09
explodesI need to do a fresh install anyway, it's been a few years00:10
at54tlGood evening00:12
thehippieexplodes: What version are you booting into?00:12
explodes15.04 i believe00:12
explodesmaybe 15.1000:12
at54tlI would like help setting up an Apache https server please.00:13
squinty15.04 is eol00:13
explodesI'm still going to do a fresh install, but last time I had problems with unetbootin and UEFI - I forget what I had to do in my BIOS to get it to start up correctly00:13
chris__wI wish you could go from 15.04 to 16.04. Two upgrades is just sooo time consuming00:13
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at54tlcan anyone help me please?00:14
squinty!lamp | at54tl00:14
ubottuat54tl: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.00:14
at54tlI have set up LAMP but for some reason I can't access https externally only internally00:16
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at54tlany advice?00:16
naccchris__w: well, the idea is if you chose to be on 15.04, you should have upgraded to 15.10 some time ago00:17
naccchris__w: that's the idea behind hte development releases, at least00:17
chris__wnacc: Yeah, I was lazy. I paid the price for it00:17
naccchris__w: :) (or maybe :/)00:17
at54tlmy website is https://www.lpsys.net00:19
at54tlPort 80 and 443 has been opened00:19
at54tlbut I can't access https00:20
at54tlI need help with my Ubuntu Lamp00:22
nacc!patience | at54tl00:22
ubottuat54tl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:22
naccat54tl: can you access it locally? (like on the server directly)00:23
at54tlyes I can access it locally00:24
at54tlbut not externally00:24
naccat54tl: is your webserver listening on the public IP on the appropriate port (`netstat -pan` as root will tell you)00:25
at54tlIt's port forswarded through my router.00:26
naccat54tl: do you see the https request at all?00:26
thehippieat54tl: Ports are open through the router and no firewall running right?00:27
at54tlyes no firewall port is opened through the router00:28
thehippieat54tl: Run "telnet localhost 443"00:31
thehippieat54tl: If telnet connects, then run "iptables -L -n"00:31
at54tliptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied00:33
naccprobably need sudo00:34
at54tlI pasted the output00:35
explodesnice - two drives have failed, that's why i'm having a hard time00:36
explodescould this be an indication of a mobo failure?00:36
at54tlany thoughts?00:36
squintyexplodes,   run Disks and see Smart data to make sure your disks are failing00:37
thehippieat54tl: It looks fine to me. What is the web server provider? They might have a secondary firewall built in.00:37
explodessquinty: one is failing by Smart00:37
at54tlI run it at home00:38
explodesthe other is no longer recognized as a disk00:38
at54tlso what can I do?00:39
OerHeksexplodes, could be mobo/controller, or powersupply or just the drives00:39
squintyexplodes:  usually just a case of hardware failure, afaik.  can't really recall any situations where motherboard would cause such failures but others milage might vary on that topic00:39
explodesFor my new boot disk, I should dd to /dev/sdb not /dev/sdb1, right?00:40
explodesWhy is unetbootin even recommended00:40
squintyexplodes:  works for me  :-)00:41
thehippieat54tl: I'm thinking, running out of ideas00:41
explodessquinty: do you have UEFI?00:41
at54tlok thanks00:41
squintyexplodes, no  :P00:42
thehippieat54tl: Honestly, if it isn't a firewall issue then probably something in your httpd-ssl.conf00:45
thehippieDo you have Listen 443 in there?00:46
thehippieDo you get an error at all?00:48
at54tlthere it is00:49
thehippieat54tl: Set your error log to "debug" level. And see if you get an error that can narrow this down.00:50
at54tlwhere to do I do that?00:50
thehippieat54tl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16331001/00:51
thehippieat54tl: Restart Apache once you set the error level00:53
at54tlI put those entries in ports.conf ?00:53
thehippieat54tl: sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf00:56
thehippieLook through that file, should have a LogLevel section00:57
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thehippieThe default is "warn" i believe00:58
at54tlok I have put in the debug statements01:02
thehippieErrors are good. Give us an idea where we need to look01:03
at54tl<IFModule mod_ssl.c>01:06
at54tl   ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ssl_engine.log01:06
at54tl   LogLevel debug01:06
amitabInstalled 16.04 on my NuC 5i5RYK and getting weird screen tearing every so often01:08
amitabIntel HD 6000 I believe is the integrated graphics01:08
azizLIGHTholy crap how do u turn off the screen reader?!01:08
azizLIGHThow do i turn off orca screen reader please01:09
azizLIGHTits reading everything and theres no dialog box for it to shut it off01:10
thehippiehaha top right of the desktop01:10
azizLIGHTthehippie: i dont see anything there related to orca?01:10
thehippieto remove forever, go to Start>Search "Orca Screen reader">Right-click> Uninstall01:10
squintyazizLIGHT,  Orca can be enabled and disabled using the Alt + Super + S keyboard shortcut. Orca can also be enabled and disabled using the same shortcut key at the login screen. The super key is also known as the Windows key.   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility01:11
azizLIGHTphew, i have default key binding on that one01:11
azizLIGHTomg no i dont01:11
azizLIGHThes still reading01:11
squintypanic time!! :P01:11
azizLIGHTahaha this is too funny01:11
azizLIGHTwow hes reading my unity panel stuff now01:12
azizLIGHT43 degrees CPU01:12
azizLIGHT"screen reader off" wow01:14
azizLIGHTi did it01:14
azizLIGHTthat was interesting haha01:14
administradorello. I am using ubuntu 14.04. Why all of a sudden I can't access my HDDs? I can see them on /media/myname/ but for some reason I need to be root01:16
wymillerlinuxSwitch root's password: sudo su -, passwd01:17
wymillerlinuxadministrador: I don't know why you see your hard disks tho...01:18
administradorwymillerlinux, Is that gonna make my HDDs visible?01:18
wymillerlinuxif your the root user, i think so01:19
Bashing-omadministrador: What file systems and who owns the mount points ?01:19
administradorwymillerlinux, but I dont want to open them as root, I have files that need to be accessed by other programs01:19
administradorBashing-om, one of them is ext4 and the other one is fat32 or NTFS01:21
administradorBashing-om, I don't know who own the mounting points01:21
wymillerlinuxadministrador: good point, you can always open programs as root with 'sudo myprogram' with myprogram being the program you need to be running01:21
wymillerlinuxbut you probs don't want to do that lol01:22
administradorNo, I don't know what happened, probably a program I installed, I dunno01:22
administradoryou think I could just chmod 777 to the HDD?01:23
Bashing-omadministrador: Are the hard drives .. internal ..or external ? what returuns ' ls -al /media/<username)/<device> ?01:23
wymillerlinuxadministrador: sure, or you could 755 your drives if only you want access to your drives01:24
Bashing-omadministrador: fat and NTFS are not POSUX complient .. chmod no workie .01:25
administradorBashing-om, drwx------  2 root root 4096 may  9 18:12 Arte01:25
administradorand I can't see the other one01:25
administradorI can't even open disks app01:26
Bashing-omadministrador: Internal drives ? such that the mount is established in the /etc/fstab file ?01:27
administradorBashing-om, They are internal, but I do not know anything about /etc/fstab thing...01:28
administradorthere is nothing in /etc/fstab.d file01:28
wymillerlinuxadministrador: personally, i'd check the power and the data (IDE/SATA) cables are plugged in and the bios to make sure your drives are there01:29
Bashing-omadministrador: ' cat /etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999 ' . Pass the link back here and we see how they are mounted .01:29
explodesadministrador: did you reboot already to see if something switched? if you're in terminal, are a different user?01:30
explodesoh, root:root, huh01:30
wymillerlinuxBashing-om: gnome disks should see the disks, right? said disks don't have to be mentioned in /etc/fstab do they??01:31
administradorexplodes, same user.01:31
explodesinb4 i just nuked all my backup drives01:32
wymillerlinuxthe drives, it's not even there. only your install drive and your swap...01:33
Bashing-omadministrador: There is no provision in fstab to mount the "internal" hard druves .. do they exist to the system ' sudo fdisk -lu ' . To know what we are working with .01:34
Bashing-omadministrador: Correct in that the file manager should be aware of them .01:35
explodeswhat is the name of 16.04?01:37
explodesi.e. trusty01:37
administradorI use Lubuntu 14.04 64bits01:37
AstaraOS-Supporthi all for astaraos support join /server irc.ponychat.net #ASTARAOS01:37
explodesXenial Xyrus???01:37
AstaraOS-Supporthi all for astaraos support join /server irc.ponychat.net #ASTARAOS01:37
AstaraOS-Supporthi all for astaraos support join /server irc.ponychat.net #ASTARAOS01:37
AstaraOS-Supporthi all for astaraos support join /server irc.ponychat.net #ASTARAOS01:37
AstaraOS-Supporthi all for astaraos support join /server irc.ponychat.net #ASTARAOS01:37
wymillerlinuxexplodes: something like that, i'd double check on that spelling lol01:38
explodesthat name is ridiculous01:39
explodesI like it..01:39
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wymillerlinuxexplodes: right?!01:44
administradorI ust had to reboot.01:50
administradorTalk about stability :/01:50
OerHeks 01:52
Bashing-omadministrador: Good deal . I guess the GVFS system got confused .01:52
OerHeksadministrador, if this happens again, do a memtest86 run01:52
explodesuhh wtf.01:53
explodesHow do I restore my the default ubuntu backup system??01:53
OerHeksexplodes, no need for that language01:53
phukboianybody else had issues with the google chrome .deb on 16.04?01:55
phukboii can't get it to install with either software center or dpkg01:55
HackerIIwhy would anyone answer to a nick like that01:55
explodesThe "Backup" program has no "restore" option, am I correct?01:57
eniacpxIs it possible to remove all the crazy DNS management and revert back to good old resolv.conf?01:57
phukboinvm the dependency is all fucked up01:58
OerHeksphukboi,  no need for that language here01:59
phukboiOerHeks: calm down01:59
phukboidon't get all excited01:59
wymillerlinuxphukboi: i use gdebi, way better than dpkg02:00
OerHeksphukboi, follow the channel rules, and you'll be fine, don't talk to me like that.02:00
wymillerlinuxphukboi: gdebi installs local packages and finds dependencies for said package02:01
lsblkWhy isn't my ssh server logging files anymore? My log file got too large, so I deleted it, recreated auth.log to start over... and yet it isn't logging and I don't know why.02:01
phukboithanks wymillerlinux02:02
phukboipeople are too excitable in here02:02
* _exploit0 sleepy02:02
_exploit0mode _exploit0 +x02:03
wymillerlinuxphukboi: anytime, behave yourself, alright?02:03
mccHello… I have an ubuntu box which is about a thousand years old and has been through multiple dist-upgrades02:04
mccI find if I say `sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv`it says `Package python-virtualenv is not available, but is referred to by another package.`02:05
mccIf I search google for what to do, they say to run `sudo add-apt-repository universe` … if i do this it says `add-apt-repository: command not found`02:06
OerHeksmcc uncomment it in sources.list, or in the updatetool> sources02:07
mccthere is not such a line in my /etc/apt/sources.list02:09
mccwhat's updatetool02:09
OerHeksnot sure what version you are using, but there should be a line like deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ <version> universe02:11
OerHeksor type sources in dash, and the update tool should show up02:11
Rhorsemcc: when's the last time you updated that box?02:15
mcci figured it out thanks02:15
mccrhorse: 14.0402:15
Rhorsemcc: frequent updates are the key, I've found02:17
Rhorseweekly updates02:17
mcci do apt-get upgrade regularly, i just mean i haven't dist-upgraded since 14.0402:18
SonikkuAmerica!dist-upgrade | mcc02:18
ubottumcc: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.02:18
SonikkuAmericait's also called [ apt full-upgrade ] now02:19
RhorseThe newest versions of swc are good at reminding when updates are available. Still, a nightly cron job is probably the safe choice.02:21
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
django_I'm installing Ubuntu and want dual boot with Windows02:37
django_So I click something else, then what02:37
rockSomething else?02:38
thehippie1then "sudo shutdown"02:38
OerHeksdjango_, the answer that has been given, first make space on windows, then install alongside02:38
rockOnce i had chosen to install on entire disk and i loosed the window disk..:(02:39
django_OerHeks: how do I make space for Windows?02:39
django_Err on Windows02:39
rockGo to disk management and allocate some free space for ubuntu02:39
OerHeksin windows, diskmanagment. select the disk, and you can shrink it.02:39
OerHeksit calculates the max too, very handy02:40
rockOerHeks provide him some link02:40
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:42
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OerHekstons of that stuff, easy to find02:42
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rockDjango_  which system you are using?02:45
django_Rock w802:45
rockSorry i meant company name?02:46
rockOk then go for dual boot02:48
rockIt will be easy02:48
wyoungNah don02:48
django_Rock thank the lord!!!02:48
wyoungDual boot is the worst, just install Linux and run windows in a VM if you need02:50
rockWyoung i am using since years02:50
wyoungyou are using what?02:51
rockDual boot02:51
wyoungnah it is the worst02:51
rockOk..but i found it useful02:51
django_how is that for the windos partition02:52
wyoungrock: using VMs is the best02:52
wymillerlinuxwyoung: depends on what you use each os for02:52
django_rock is tht correct?02:53
wyoungwymillerlinux: There are use cases where VMs is not appropriate?02:53
django_is unallocated correct??02:54
reisiowyoung: there's basically no case where a VM _is_ appropriate02:54
wyoungreisio: really?02:55
wymillerlinuxwyoung: yeah but it's controversial02:55
reisiowyoung: why would you seek out overhead02:55
django_ok i gues its right02:55
wyoungreisio: negligable when you weigh up the advantages02:56
wymillerlinuxwyoung: personally, i'd use a VM02:56
reisiowyoung: you may be confusing sticking your head in the sand and repeating "short term gratification is better than long term efficiency" with an advantage02:57
wymillerlinuxreisio: true02:57
=== alicef_off is now known as alicef
wyoungreisio: I call automatic failover of a VM to another physical machine an advantage02:58
reisioalso, that only works in magical scenarios where it _does_ work in the short term, and you don't invest time and effort debugging hardware virtualization02:58
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reisiowyoung: that is not unique to hardware virtualization02:58
reisioat all02:58
wyoungreisio: the ability to jungle VMs between machines is also great when you need to service physical hardware02:59
reisiowyoung: how's that matter if you have the failover you just spoke about?02:59
reisio(answer: it doesn't)02:59
wyoungreisio: that was the failover I was just talking about02:59
wyounganother example of its use02:59
reisiothat isn't failover, that's moving stuff after it's failed :p03:00
reisioyou can move metal installs just as simply03:00
RhorseHow much memory you need for smooth function in VM?03:00
reisioRhorse: depends on the host & guest, but not much, really03:00
reisioparticularly since, as previously alluded to, when using hardware virtualization, people expect it to have crappy performance03:00
wyoungRhorse: depends, you can do full blown virtualisation or paravirtualisation03:01
reisiobecause it will unavoidably be less performant03:01
RhorseI see03:01
wyoungRhorse: very little overhead though03:02
wyoungRhorse: but compared with the advantages it's nothing03:02
Rhorsewyoung: and you install Windows into VM how..?03:02
boohI update my 12.04.03 with dist-upgrade and grub-install give me error failed to get canonical path. Also, with df -hm I have /dev/disk/by-uid/e234324-ac3234324.. instead of /dev/md003:02
boohI didn't reboot.. I wait to be sure..03:03
wymillerlinuxRhorse: if you're thinking of running a terminal server, it REALLY doesn't take much, less than one gig of ram03:03
django_Ok I made a partition now how do I install Ubuntu03:03
boohUpdate-grub or grub-install give me this error.  Normaly I do grub-install /dev/sdc2 and /dev/sdd2 before rebooting.. never had problems.03:04
django_I made the usb and booter into Ubuntu03:04
reisioRhorse: it's pretty transparent most of the time, just tell your VM to boot the install media03:04
Rhorsewymillerlinux: thinking more of a place to run the occasional windows app...PokerStars...photoshop, etc..03:04
munch_28Can anyone help me with finding Wine directory so I can modify a file for wow?03:04
wyoungRhorse: boot off a boot disc within the VM03:05
wymillerlinuxRhorse: Gotcha. In that case, follow reisio instructions03:05
wyoungRhorse: or use an existing image03:05
RhorseI see03:05
dramamunch_28,  how did you install wine03:06
wyoungmunch_28: ~/.wine03:06
RhorseSo, the boot is virtual as well. Cool...03:06
wyoungRhorse: of course :)03:06
wymillerlinuxmunch_28: press ctrl + h to reveal the hidden files and folders and you should find a .wine folder in your home directory03:06
munch_28wymillerlinux: Thanks03:07
munch_28wyoung: Thank you as well03:07
munch_28drama: PPA for newest one03:07
munch_28Ubuntu Software Center for the older version03:08
munch_28But I think a duplicate WTF file exist which is causing an issue, and it isn't by default "running out of the box" like I was told it would because it's trying to use DX1103:08
dramamunch_28, ls -a    - do you have a .wine directory?03:08
munch_28drama: I see it via terminal that way, but not by ctrl+h in the GUI File "Explorer"03:09
wyoungmunch_28: Nautalus03:10
django_will someone help??03:11
=== Ahti_ is now known as Ahti
wyoungmunch_28: make sure you have keyboard focus on it too03:11
munch_28wyoung: right, well it 's still not showing, despite other things that were originally hidden being shown after hitting ctrl+h03:11
wymillerlinuxdjango_: i'll help you one sec03:12
dramamunch_28, look in that 'folder'03:12
munch_28ok, so what book should I read to know how to work this OS? I feel like I'm completely lost03:12
munch_28drama: look in what folder?03:12
wyoungmunch_28: any book about linux if you want to know how to use the command line interface.03:13
wyoungmunch_28: but you probably want to look into wine specifically as that is the application you want to know where it is storing its files03:14
wyoungmunch_28: that isn't related to the OS specificallu03:14
jmarioI dont like wine,   I prefer some alternatives softwares!03:14
reisioI prefer switching to superior open source software, so I don't ever have to switch again03:14
wyoungjmario: so do I, I prefer to use a Windows VM03:15
munch_28wyoung: I keep hearing that as an alternative....03:15
wyoungreisio: Sounds like make believe03:15
munch_28Is wine really that bad?03:15
reisiowyoung: it's more like what I did in 200503:15
wyoungmunch_28: depends what you want to do.  For gaming I use wine.  For office apps I use a VM03:16
reisiomunch_28: no, Wine is actually a much better implementation of win32 than Windows03:16
wymillerlinuxdjango_: sorry that took a while lol, that looks about right03:16
reisioit's merely less ideal than native, & open source03:16
django_wymillerlinux: do I just hit ok?03:16
munch_28And I asked if I need to read a book about the OS because issues like me not being able to get into the Program Files (x86) folder is kinda holding me up to do something that should be simple but I feel like I'm missing some little bit of info03:16
wymillerlinuxdjango_: yeah03:16
wyoungmunch_28: that has nothing to do with the OS though03:17
munch_28wyoung: No?03:17
wyoungmunch_28: It is an application you are running within it03:17
wymillerlinuxdjango_: if you have the free space selected03:17
django_wymillerlinux: no root file system is defined03:17
boohI dist-upgrade my 12.04 and I have: grub-install error: failed to get canonical path of with uid here instead of /dev/md0 or /dev/sdc2  don't know what to do... I affraid to reboot...03:17
wyoungmunch_28: well do a search for it then, find / -type d -iname '*program*files*'03:17
munch_28wyoung: Well, for instance, using another one (downloaded dolphin) still gave me issues because despite resolving switching the default, using applications will still bring up the default03:18
munch_28Natilus? you said?03:18
wyoungmunch_28: that is the name of the file manager03:18
wyoungmunch_28: type that in a terminal what I pasted above03:18
wyoungmunch_28: you can use nautalus to search if you want to03:18
wyoungmunch_28: I find it quicker to use the keyboard then constantly switching to the mouse03:19
reisios/files/the file manager/03:19
wymillerlinuxdjango_: there should be a dropdown for root filesystem, i can't remember exactly03:19
munch_28wyoung: that's what I'm talking about. It's like I need to know a program language to use this OS just to find a file03:20
munch_28because I don't know how to open the default file manager in administrative mode03:20
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wyoungmunch_28: that isn't a programming langauge, and you can search via GUI if you want to03:21
wyoungmunch_28: it will probably be in your home directoty03:21
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wyoungmunch_28: so you don't need to open it as root03:22
wymillerlinuxdjango_: i'm wrong, click the plus button then appears a dialouge where you can set the parameters of the new parition(s)03:22
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wymillerlinuxincluding the root filesystem which is /03:23
django_Got it03:23
wymillerlinuxdjango_: awesome, once you configured your parition(s), you can then hit ok03:24
wyoungmunch_28: I just told you the command line way of doing it because you can just copy and paste that without having you point and click, which you cant copy and paste03:24
wyoungmunch_28: unless you know a way to copy and paste point and click commands over IRC?03:25
=== Ahti_ is now known as Hellowa
munch_28Does opengl not support advanced graphic settings in games that DX9 or 11 does?03:25
wymillerlinuxmunch_28: it should...?03:26
wymillerlinuxmunch_28: i'm not a opengl programmer lol03:26
munch_28Got wow up, but a lot of graphic settings are just off03:26
wyoungmunch_28: The NVIDIA drivers allow you to do that03:26
wyoungmunch_28: unless you are stupid enough to buy an ATI / AMD03:26
=== Ahti_ is now known as Ahti
azizLIGHTis there a way to reset the mouse cursor03:26
azizLIGHTi cant see it anymore03:27
munch_28wyoung: .....I have the NVIDIA, and have been using proprietary drivers03:27
azizLIGHTits not there when i move the mouse03:27
wyoungmunch_28: Nice work!03:27
reisioazizLIGHT: you see output in a terminal if you cat /dev/input/mice and move the mouse?03:27
wyoungmunch_28: open the nvidia control panel then and take a look03:27
munch_28wyoung: heh, thanks. At least fixed that issue. My fault, wrong directory folder03:27
wyoungmunch_28: for directx settings open up the wine control panel03:27
munch_28wyoung: cool beans, thanks03:27
wyoungmunch_28: click on the ubuntu button then type in nvidia :)03:28
munch_28wyoung: eh....Dx9, not sure about that03:28
=== alicef is now known as alicef_off
azizLIGHTreisio: i dunno what happened, but i can see the mouse now03:36
reisioazizLIGHT: cool beanses03:36
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boohI upgrade 12.04 and now grub say: Failed to get canonical path03:53
boohdon't know what to do before rebooting to be sure it will work..03:53
reisioheh, canonical path, that's funny03:53
dosenHow can I use this repository? http://repo.opensourceiran.ir/repo/ubuntu/03:53
booh error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/disk/by-uuid/e39994d5-a3c6-4371-8b5b-822c6816ea36'03:53
dosenIs this ok? "deb http://repo.opensourceiran.ir/repo/ubuntu xenial universe"03:54
boohI would like to do a do-release-upgrade to 16.04 but... it says that there is no new release.03:55
booh(I'm on 14.04)03:56
YankDownUnderbooh, Have you added the proper PPA for doing the upgrade - and as well, have you checked in your package manager that you're setup and configured properly for an upgrade (distribution upgrade)?03:56
boohI'm on server.03:56
goddardis the intel-microcode worth installing?03:58
YankDownUnderbooh, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html => Have you read through this?03:59
Bashing-omgoddard:  See ' apt show intel-microcode ' and you decide .04:00
boohJust not sure I should repair the grub error before do-release-upgrade.... maybe the upgrade will fix the grub error...04:02
daxgoddard: yes.04:04
goddarddax: if you don't mind sharing, why do you say yes?/04:04
YankDownUnderbooh, When the machine is being upgraded, the system will update the boot.04:04
daxgoddard: because it patches bugs found in Intel CPU microcode, and bugs are bad.04:05
ygorlhow do i always run a script at startup in ubuntu server 14.04 ?04:05
boohYankDownUnder, I was on 14.04.03.  I've done dist-upgrade but now I'm stuck because of an error with grub...04:06
booh error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/disk/by-uuid/e39994d5-a3c6-4371-8b5b-822c6816ea36'04:06
boohnot sure I should upgrade the release to 16.04 or fix the grub error first...04:06
boohok seems that 14.04 to 16.04 is not ready...04:09
philuk86booh: reinstall grub.04:10
boohgrub-install ?  doesn't work04:11
philuk86are you logged in and have terminal?04:12
demon_sporkDoes anyone know where I can get a KVIRC package that was compiled without KDE dependency? It is a compile time option for KVIRC to not require KDE dependencies, but I would love it if someone maintains a repo with it already compiled like that04:15
boohI'm looged04:16
boohI'm logged in ssh04:17
boohmy / is on /dev/md004:17
boohbut df -hm give /dev/disk/by-uuid/..... for my / instead of /dev/md0.  For my /home, I have /dev/md1 with df -hm04:18
philuk86sudo mkdir /mnt04:19
philuk86sudo mount /dev/md0 /mnt04:19
philuk86sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev04:20
philuk86sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts04:20
philuk86sudo mount --bind /proc04:20
philuk86sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys04:21
philuk86sudo chroot /mnt04:21
philuk86grub-install /dev/md004:21
philuk86grub-install --recheck /dev/md004:22
philuk86try that^04:22
boohgrub-install: warning: File system `ext2' doesn't support embedding.04:24
boohgrub-install: warning: Embedding is not possible.  GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists.  However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and their use is discouraged..04:24
boohgrub-install: error: will not proceed with blocklists.04:24
boohmd0 should be in ext404:24
philuk86paste /etc/fstab04:26
philuk86which disks are in your / raid?04:29
boohmd0: sdc2, sdd2   md1: sda1, sdb104:29
boohmd0 = /04:29
boohmd1 = /home04:29
philuk86you need to install grub on each of the disks not on the raid itself04:30
boohI tried already04:30
philuk86ok so grub-install /dev/sdc04:30
boohgrub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/disk/by-uuid/e39994d5-a3c6-4371-8b5b-822c6816ea36'.04:31
boohsame for /dev/sdd04:31
philuk86try.. ls -l /dev/mapper04:32
boohtotal 004:34
boohcrw------- 1 root root 10, 236 May  9 22:41 control04:34
booh(I exited from the chroot by the way)04:34
mrr411hey there guys and galls got a problem I reset bios and need to do fresh install of Ubuntu but when i set boot order to usb and restart I keep getting no boot disk has been detected or the disk as failed but I have used this usb before and I know it works04:34
Heero151Why is 'get' not working in my terminal, but i can pull uo the manual04:40
Heero151Cant find the package 'get'04:41
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.04:42
boohI can try a reboot?04:49
philuk86hang on04:49
philuk86what does mdadm --detail /dev/md004:49
philuk86thats your ext4 280GB?04:52
boohmd0 is in EXT404:53
philuk86look at the uuids04:53
philuk86they are different, in your /etc/fstab your root is on e39994d5 but this device is 67d4867804:54
boohsdc1 = swap 16G, sdc2 = raid, sdc3 = small ? something... I think 100MB for grub maybe?  sdc4 = extra 680G ext4 no use at this moment.04:54
boohyes.  I don't know why.04:54
philuk86try mdadm --detail /dev/md104:55
philuk86this should be your home and uuid e0e4a55304:55
philuk86it cant install grub if you dont have a partition on your disk with the correct uuid04:56
philuk86paste the output for md1 lets check that one04:56
boohlook in madm.conf, the sub-uuid04:57
philuk86do they match?04:58
philuk86ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid04:58
philuk86do you see your root partition e39994d5-a3c6-4371-8b5b-822c6816ea36?04:59
boohno md partitions their.05:00
philuk86in here .. ls -l /dev/disk/by-partuuid/05:00
philuk86ok i think this is the problem then05:02
boohno md partitions there05:02
boohin fstab, there are sub-uuid also...05:03
boohand they are good05:03
philuk86they match ?05:03
boohyes... the sub ones05:04
boohsorry I am so tired...05:04
boohin fstab it's the md ones05:04
philuk86but when i compare your fstab and the ones in the mdadmin output they are not the same05:05
boohhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/16338315/   <--- their in blkid05:07
philuk86if the system doesnt boot how are you logged in?05:12
boohI didn't reboot05:13
boohI didn't reboot since I do the dist-upgrade05:13
booh7 packages didn't installed...05:13
boohI just do a dist-upgrade from 14.04 to 14.04...05:14
philuk86im not sure if the partition with the correct uuid exists or grub doesnt see it properly05:14
philuk86booh try reboot, you can always mount it with a livecd to try and reinstall grub within a chroot05:17
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boohuuid in mdadm and blkid uuid are the same.05:23
philuk86booh: did you see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1681190&page=305:23
boohuuid in fstab and blkid md uuid are the same.05:23
boohno didn't see it.05:24
philuk86btw grub will see ext4 as ext205:24
philuk86booh: that topic sounds similar to yours05:24
boohyes I saw an error with md/005:24
boohI didn't reboot yet ;-)05:25
wyoungext4 can be mounted as ext2 (just without the extra features that ext4 provides such as journalling and probably extended attributes and ACLs)05:25
wyoungnot sure about the latter though05:25
wyoungLipp! The thing that people don't like me to give them05:25
philuk86booh: ok well check the thread05:26
philuk86booh: your brave to use software raid05:28
boohFirst time I have problems05:29
boohthe problem is not the raid but the bad update of ubuntu05:29
philuk86you dont need to use dist-upgrade05:30
boohI read the thread but... don't know what to do exactly05:31
boohit's very old you know05:31
philuk86booh: in general i would recommend putting /boot on a seperate partition05:32
philuk86booh: there is a gui app called disk repair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair05:34
philuk86booh: you can install that and give it a try05:34
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c0nfusekisorry if this is in the wrong place, but i have just come back to my computer and see that i have been booted from channels for 'join flooding'. i have no idea what is going on.05:48
boohstrange... reboot works normaly.05:48
nchambersc0nfuseki, it just means your client was randomly disconnecting and reconnecting very quickly05:49
c0nfusekiyou man like rebooting the computer?05:49
c0nfusekithank you for replying. from some of the messages i recieved -- it's like as if i mortally offended someone05:50
nchambersits very annoying when you let your client do that05:50
glitchdhello all05:53
c0nfusekii am using xchat... so here would be some setting to prevent rejoining?05:53
glitchdhaving a weird problem tonight05:53
nchambersDon't use xchat05:53
nchambersuse hexchat05:53
glitchdplugged in hdmi then sound went nuts05:53
glitchdi lost sound from speakers, but it still works in headphones05:54
glitchdive already removed and reinstalled alsa and pulseaudio05:54
glitchdwhen i remove pulse, audio plays thru both regardless of if headphones are plugged in or not05:55
glitchdwhen i reinstall pulse, audio only plays through headphones05:55
glitchdno sound through speakers when headphones are removed05:55
glitchdanyone have any possible insight as to why this is happening or how to fix it?05:56
boohHow to remove a spare drive in mdadm?05:57
cpaelzerglitchd: whenever pulseaudio failed me I was usually able to reconf on the fly with pavucontrol - maybe it can help you as well05:58
TheSilentLinkSystem Info: Model: iPhone SE · iOS: 9.3.1 · RAM: 1.96 GB · Diskspace: 27.88 GB · GPU: PowerVR GT7600 · Screen Resolution (Portrait): 1136x640 · Battery: 100% · Uptime: 2 days · Client: Mutter 1.3.6 (Build 1612909)05:59
glitchdcpaelzer, pavucontrol is not helping..05:59
glitchdcpaelzer, my thoughs exactly06:00
cpaelzerglitchd: any success with the different profiles in the pavucontrol "Configuration" Tab ?06:01
EriC^^glitchd: did you try settings > sound?06:01
cpaelzerI've had a few cases where I just had the wrong profile there06:01
glitchdcpaelzer, nope=(06:02
cpaelzerClearly EriC^^ s advise to run through your desktops system sound config can be good as well, but I use KDE which rarley somebody else does so no experience to share there06:03
cpaelzerbooh: there is a --remove in mdadm, check its manpage for details on it06:03
glitchdEriC^^, i dont have that menu option..06:04
cpaelzerbooh: but its should just be "mdadm <array> --remove <spare>"06:04
EriC^^glitchd: which de are you using?06:04
glitchdEriC^^, xubuntu 15.1006:04
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EriC^^glitchd: try multimedia > volume control06:05
glitchdEriC^^, yes that is there, pulseaudio volume control and gnome alsa mixer06:08
glitchdpulseaudio volume control shows that something is playing with the notification bars, but there is no audio coming out of the speakers06:08
glitchd*volume level bars..?06:09
EriC^^try to press ctrl+alt+f1 and login06:09
EriC^^alt+f7 brings you back to the gui06:09
glitchdEriC^^, why would i log into an extra tty?06:11
mrr411any one here?06:22
c0nfusekii am06:22
mrr411I installed new ubuntu 16.4 then inserted new graphix card06:22
mrr411getting the system is running low graphix mode06:23
mrr411any idea how to install the right driver from the terminal06:23
mrr411I can get to that but not into ubuntu06:23
mrr411i tried reinstalling gdm like google searches sugested but that did not help06:23
hateballmrr411: What card are you using?06:24
mrr411its an AMD06:24
hateballmrr411: And previously?06:24
mrr411dont reamember the exact card right now06:24
mrr411wsa using motherboard graphix06:25
mrr411the card is compatable i was using it before with 14 and stuff just had to do fresh nstalle06:25
hateballmrr411: if you run "ubuntu-drivers devices" does that show the card?06:26
mrr411how do i run that06:26
hateballmrr411: also, "lspci |grep VGA" will give the exact card model06:26
glitchdwelp im back again..06:26
hateballmrr411: run in a terminal06:26
kiran_I love hexchats,gives me the old linux mint feel06:27
mrr411so just sudo ubuntu-drives devices06:27
glitchdEriC^^, maybe this will shed some light on the issue, this is the output from "aplay -l"06:27
glitchdglitchd@Xubuntu1510:~$ aplay -l06:27
glitchd**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****06:27
glitchdcard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: 92HD87B2/4 Analog [92HD87B2/4 Analog]06:27
glitchd  Subdevices: 0/106:27
glitchd  Subdevice #0: subdevice #006:27
glitchdcard 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]06:27
glitchd  Subdevices: 1/106:27
glitchd  Subdevice #0: subdevice #006:27
mrr411be right back going to see if i still have the box for the card06:31
uruk7how to save session and desktops in ubuntu 15.1006:33
mrr411it came up with a bunch of stuff but i dont understand any of it06:33
uruk7save programs opens06:35
mrr411hateball: sent you a IM06:35
mrr411how do you tag some on in a message on here ?06:35
hateball!who | mrr41106:35
ubottumrr411: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:35
hateball!pm | mrr41106:35
ubottumrr411: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.06:35
mrr411he second comand you sugested came up with a munch of things but non i understand and the first one just says intell mictocode06:36
hateballmrr411: I know pretty much nothing about AMD gpus, but I am guessing you either have a defunct /etc/x11/xorg.conf (can be removed)06:36
hateballmrr411: or perhaps the module needed for the card is blacklisted for some reason06:37
mrr411there is a xserver-xor-vidio-mouceau - distro free builtin06:37
mrr411hateball! oh i have a gforce gt 630 !!!!!06:38
mrr411i just saw it in the notes06:39
mrr411how do i find out what to download from terminal for that card?06:40
mrr411well im out probably be back tomorow im to tired for this now06:42
hateballOh well, patience is a virtue06:42
Bashing-omMrRobot7: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/101423/en-us for your card .06:42
glitchd1sry for the spam everyone...wont happen again, definatly pressed buttons before i thought about it06:43
daxapologies for the over-zealous killbot. one's not generally supported to get removed from the entire network for forgetting to pastebin06:44
glitchd1cpaelzer, u still around?06:46
max12345hey there, my software updater is bugging me about updates. The package to be updated is something I actually would rather uninstall, how can I do this? (sorry, didn't see my message appear, did it get through?)06:46
daxmax12345: (the message you just sent got through. any before then did not)06:47
glitchd1max12345, sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename06:47
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glitchd1max12345, np06:48
max12345(btw, the software updater could use a button for this) :)06:50
glitchd1can anyone help me sort out this sound problem im having? xubuntu 15.10..06:50
lyzemax12345, Well … it's a updater not a uninstaller :P06:50
kiran_How do you install wine for ubuntu?06:51
glitchd1kiran_, software center06:51
lyze!info wine | kiran_06:51
ubottukiran_: wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)06:51
max12345lyze: that's true but the "rejecting an update" could use more differentiation than "delay for now".06:51
glitchd1im only getting sound through my headphones and not my speakers, can someone help me fix this?06:51
kiran_is it configure wine?06:52
max12345glitchd1: do you use pavucontrol?06:52
max12345it's the default sound manager if iirc06:53
glitchd1kiran_, you can install wine with the software center06:53
kiran_all that shows up is configure wine, is that it?06:53
glitchd1max12345, not specifically, but it is installed06:53
glitchd1kiran_, are u sure wine isnt already installed?06:54
max12345do you use some kind of usb thing with your headphones or do you use the standard audio jacks? the sound manager has a default audio output, if your system has trouble recognizing the usb thingy that might be your problem.06:56
glitchd1max12345, no everything is normal, meaning standard audio jacks, headphones, mic.06:58
glitchd1max12345, right now its playing but it thinks its coming from the headphone but the headphones are unplugged. if i plug them in, they work, but then unplugging them does not restore sound. i have to go into volume control and switch input to headphones(unplugged) to get the speakers to work.07:00
cdiddkernel upgrade broke nvidia drivers https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-361/+bug/157483807:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574838 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-361 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-361 361.42-0ubuntu2: nvidia-361 kernel module failed to build [error: code model kernel does not support PIC mode]" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:00
cpaelzerglitchd1: I'm around again - but I was out of immediate ideas before07:00
glitchd1cpaelzer, right on, i got a short ban for spamming without thinking07:01
cdiddI don't understand how it's a thing. To not test such thing on a LTS distro.07:01
glitchd1cpaelzer, lol07:01
glitchd1cpaelzer, still trying to figure this out..07:01
glitchd1cpaelzer, right now i have sound playing thru the speakers, but it thinkis its coming from the headphone, which are unplugged, and if plug them in the remove them im stuck in the same situation again..07:02
=== glitchd1 is now known as glitchd
cpaelzerglitchd: just use pastebinit to avoid spam next time07:05
cdiddCould someone please explain to me why this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-361/+bug/1574838 is not literally thousands upon thousands of comments?07:05
cpaelzerglitchd: what got you to the working speakers now=07:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1574838 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-361 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-361 361.42-0ubuntu2: nvidia-361 kernel module failed to build [error: code model kernel does not support PIC mode]" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:05
cdiddIt's like latest kernel and current nvidia-361, it should be hundreds of thousands people affected.07:06
AndroidCommand to upgrade from 15.10 to 16.04 without running update-manager.07:06
glitchdcpaelzer, just fudging with settings really, trying things left and right07:06
cpaelzerAndroid: do-release-upgrade ?07:06
glitchdcpaelzer, then i went into volume control and plugged in my headphones and it switched to headphones as the output, so then i unplugged them and it switch the speakers so i switched it back to headphones(unplugged) and sound started coming out of the speakers07:07
glitchdcpaelzer, but i have to do that each time i plug in and remove the headphones07:08
cpaelzerglitchd: so SW is currently set to "Headphone unplugged" and sound comes out of your speakers now07:08
glitchd cpaelzer and really, thats a pain in the ass07:08
glitchdcpaelzer, yes.07:09
cpaelzerglitchd: long in the past with some weird headphones I had some success with changing sinks http://askubuntu.com/questions/71863/how-to-change-pulseaudio-sink-with-pacmd-set-default-sink-during-playback07:10
Androidif I script some commands in a file with .sh format and run that without typing commands repetitively for a task, would that work?07:10
cpaelzerglitchd: it is essentially a more raw interface to what pavucontrol gives you07:10
glitchdcpaelzer, http://i.imgur.com/eNS96Dy.png07:10
cdiddhow to tell dkms system to not remove/rebuild modules from old kernels?07:10
cpaelzerglitchd: but sometimes you might find something in there that helps to get it to use the right profile and sinks07:11
fxruprglitchd: i always had problems with sound on trusty whenever plugging/unplugging headphones, my solution was from this dude > yktoo.com/en/software/indicator-sound-switcher07:11
glitchdcpaelzer, fxrupr all this happened tonight when i was trying to get audio to go thru my hdmi so i could watch a movie on kodi thru my tv and i havent been abel to figure out what happened07:12
glitchdthis system has been running fine for a while now07:12
glitchdthis is the first real problem ive had07:12
fxruprglitchd: hmmm07:13
glitchdfxrupr, major hmmm...07:13
glitchdcpaelzer, did u check that link?07:13
Androidif I script some commands in a file with .sh format and run that without typing commands repetitively for a task, would that work?07:14
cpaelzerglitchd: well it seems another way to change pulse audio profiles, could be a nice shortcut for you if you can't solve the root cause to switch between outputs07:14
glitchdcpaelzer, im just so lost on what it could be since everything was fine a few hours ago07:16
glitchdcpaelzer, then i had to plug in that damn hdmi cord07:16
glitchdcpaelzer, fml07:16
AndroidJust yes or no????07:19
Unlockhi, welcome to  http://www.cosos.cn/community/forum.php?fromuser=Vie07:19
glitchdcpaelzer, screw it lol im wiping and reinstalling tomorrow.07:30
glitchdcpaelzer, not going to 16.04 tho, gonna stay on 15.1007:30
glitchdcpaelzer, have a good nite=)07:30
bqkashmirhi all07:34
Androidbqkashmir : you kashmiri?07:34
bqkashmirindeed, not very imaginative with the nick but I settled on it07:35
goskydivinggood morning all :-)07:37
Androidif I script some commands in a file with .sh format and run that without typing commands repetitively for a task, would that work?07:37
AndroidAnyone come on??07:37
Myrkurhi guys, I'm having quite a problem with my ubuntu installation...07:39
MyrkurI just installed it and after reboot all I can see is a flashing "_"07:39
goskydivingI need help dual-booting my computer. I cannot get it to boot to the ubuntu dvd. I have tried downloading another iso, and burning it on a different computer, and I still have the same problem. I also tried changing the boot order in my bios and it still ignores the dvd drive and just boots to windows07:39
sgronblohello. any idea how to enable bluetooth on the ubuntu desktop login screen?07:40
Androidgoskydiving : Does your computer detects the OS ?07:43
IonutVan_goskydiving, sometimes there 2 places in bios where you have to select the boot drive. Perhaps you can just activate "Boot Selection Menu" during the boot time and select from there?07:43
IonutVan_there are*07:43
sgronblothis time i had to first log in with my guest user and then add the bluetooth keyboard and then log out and then my bluetooth keyboard can be used during login, but its a bit annoying07:43
Androidif I script some commands in a file with .sh format and run that without typing commands repetitively for a task, would that work?07:43
goskydivingIonutVan_: I have been selecting the dvd drive from the boot selection menu and it still ignores the optical drive. Any other ideas? :-/07:45
IonutVan_goskydiving, try to see if you cd/dvd is bootable on a different machine or in a vmware/virtualbox perhaps?07:45
goskydivingAndroid: windows sees the files on the dvd when i view it, but my computer refuses to boot the dvd, and that's where my confusion is ... :-(07:46
MyrkurI only get a flashing _ at boot, isn't that a grub issue ?07:47
goskydivingIonutVan_: I'm going to try that. goodnight everyone07:47
AndroidMyrkur : Probably.07:54
AndroidMyrkur : If you have a live usb, try running from that.07:54
MyrkurAndroid: I just installed it with the live usb07:56
Myrkurcould I repare grub from the live?07:56
MyrkurCool, will you help me to do so?07:57
DonitzoCan you remind me, was it possible to pick a desktop environment when installing ubuntu?07:58
Donitzolike in the debian installer07:58
Androidre able to run live usb on that system.07:58
Android*Are you07:59
Myrkurok Android well, don't ask me why but since I plugged my live usb the grub loaded07:59
Donitzoah, nvm08:00
AndroidDonitzo : You have the option to reinstall the system. But that might erase your data on the disk for previous OS.08:01
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AndroidI did the same a few weeks back.08:01
DonitzoThe system isn't installed yet, but I'd prefer not to install Unity in the first place08:02
DonitzoThat's the current desktop environment right?08:02
Donitzomuch more prefer xfce08:02
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AndroidYou can simply do that after installing the OS for any environment.08:05
DonitzoYes, but that is a lot of extra bloat on the system08:05
Donitzoif I can't deselect it08:05
Myrkurok Android so grub only loads when I put my live usb...08:05
AndroidMyrkur : Could'nt get you completely. If you see the option for you OS on grub, just select that and try a reinstall.08:08
AndroidThat works in most of the cases unless it is some hardware requirement issue.08:08
Myrkuryes but i'm afraid it uses the live grub...08:09
ducasseDonitzo: install from the server image, there you can select what desktop to install.08:09
Myrkuryeah could be...08:09
Donitzothanks for the suggestion ducasse08:10
AndroidMyrkur : Just install the OS and state what happens.08:11
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ducasseDonitzo: no problem. you can also use the xubuntu image if xfce is what you want.08:11
cickodoes fix for screen tearing for intel hd graphics by making a 20-intel.conf still work on ubuntu 16.04?08:12
lotuspsychjecicko: is this a clean install or upgrade?08:16
cickoclean install lotuspsychje08:16
lotuspsychjecicko: your system up to date also?08:16
cickoit is08:17
lotuspsychjecicko: liveusb mode also does the screen tearing?08:17
cickolotuspsychje I've got this screen tearing on every ubuntu-based os, however this could be fixed by creating this file before08:17
TakumoSo, does Xenial only ship with PHP ≥ 7.0 ?08:18
lotuspsychjecicko: perhaps making a new bug would be interesting for this08:18
lotuspsychjeTakumo: yes, wich version do you need?08:18
Takumolotuspsychje: ~> 5.6.008:19
lotuspsychjeTakumo: well its recommended to use package versions, meant for your specific ubuntu version, so better not mix08:19
lotuspsychjeTakumo: so if you need lower php version, install a lower ubuntu version08:19
cickolotuspsychje I have found another way to fix this, by autostarting compton, but there seems to be a delay, how to start program without a delay?08:20
Takumolotuspsychje: I would if the whole job wasn't to "upgrade to latest verison of ubuntu"08:20
lotuspsychjecicko: im not familliar with compton, sorry08:20
lotuspsychjeTakumo: what do you mean by that?08:21
cickolotuspsychje I'm just wondering how to start any program immediately after booting08:21
lotuspsychjecicko: check systemd perhaps08:21
cickolotuspsychje running that says: Trying to run as user instance, but $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set.08:22
MyrkurAndroid: i ran boot-repair which reinstalled grub and now everything's ok08:23
Takumolotuspsychje: the job as agreed by the client was to replace their existing systems with new ones running xenial to be ready for next year when precise goes out of support08:25
lotuspsychjeTakumo: how about php version from 14.04?08:26
Takumoif I can get it installed on xenial, but can't really tell the client that we're now not upgrading to xenial after they've signed off the job to upgrade to xenial.08:26
lotuspsychjeTakumo: right, and whats the reason you cant work with php7 ?08:28
Takumolotuspsychje: the application we're running for the client doesn't function correctly under PHP 7 :/08:29
Takumoand its a vendored package08:29
lotuspsychjeTakumo: perhaps talk to the #ubuntu-server channel about it, they might know a workaround for this08:29
lotuspsychje!pinning | Takumo another way/use at own risk08:30
ubottuTakumo another way/use at own risk: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:30
knoppixhali halo08:30
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WoodyPCWhat is a better irc chat to use? I am using chatzilla plugin for Firefox.08:45
lotuspsychjeWoodyPC: irssi, hexchat,weechat08:46
WoodyPCWhat do yall use?08:46
NoobHow i can check how much more mkfs.ext4 takes time? Some kind of indicator08:46
WoodyPCgoing to check those now.08:47
insidiousAnyone know the reason why after adding the themes in usr/share/theme it doesn't show the themes in appearence?08:47
NoobNow it has done almost 1h 30min and 16gb usb stick08:47
de-factoWoodyPC id recomment #hexchat its really nice08:47
lotuspsychjeinsidious: you can use unity-tweak-tool to manage themes if you like08:48
lotuspsychje!themes | insidious08:48
ubottuinsidious: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:48
insidiousdo i have to install that?08:48
lotuspsychjeinsidious: yes08:48
AlanJenkinshey guys, I am trying to secure a server against the https drown attack, my understanding of Drown is that if older encryption methods are turned off the server should be secure yet despite only having TLS1.2 enabled the server I am trying to secure is still weak. Anyone have any experience with this?08:49
de-factoinsidious press Alt + F2 enter "r" hit enter, then fire up tweak tool08:49
lotuspsychjeAlanJenkins: perhaps the #ubuntu-server channel can advise you on it?08:49
insidiousok ill try it08:49
AlanJenkinslotuspsychje: ok mate will try there08:49
lotuspsychjeAlanJenkins: also make sure your server is always up to date08:50
lotuspsychje!usn | AlanJenkins and recent security flaws here08:50
ubottuAlanJenkins and recent security flaws here: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.08:50
de-factoinsidious well thats at least how it works under gnome, not sure how to reload unity though (you might need to relogin)08:50
AlanJenkinsserver is up to date as far as it can be for trusty08:52
AlanJenkinsso short of making my own packages there are no updates08:53
de-factoAlanJenkins you can fire https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ at your server to get more info if you like08:53
insidiousthat didn't work08:54
k1lAlanJenkins: do you have a a CVE number for that security issue?08:54
Lloyd___Hi! I recently upgraded to 16.04 and am having an unfixable (so far) problem with my audio not working. I've tried a whole bunch of things to no avail. Can someone help shed some light on this?08:55
de-factoinsidious which desktop environment do you use there?08:55
de-factoinsidious hmm i dont have much experience with that but maybe you can ask in #xubuntu about restarting XFCE (i guess it may be needed for the new themes to show up). also make sure their layout structure is like the others in that dir and the version is supported08:57
AndroidHey after "do-release-upgrade". Doesn't installation automatically starts?08:57
insidiousrestarting xfce?08:57
EriC^^Android: it downloads the sources.list and some stuff and asks if you want to continue08:57
AlanJenkinsk1l: CVE-2016-080008:58
de-factoLloyd___ have you tired fiddling with pavcontrol and alsamixer? looked for the drivers in dmesg and such?08:58
AndroidIt downloaded the OS files (1200 MB) approx.08:58
AlanJenkinsbut trusty is apparently not weak yet https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html says the server is08:58
EriC^^Android: that sounds about right08:58
AlanJenkinsit is running nginx, and is fully up to date08:58
ikoniaAlanJenkins: how is it weak ?08:58
EriC^^Android: it should unpack them and configure too08:58
ikoniaAlanJenkins: just being "up to date" is not enough, it has to be configured correctly too08:59
k1lAlanJenkins: ubuntu servers are not affected: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2016/CVE-2016-0800.html08:59
EriC^^Android: and probably ask you a bunch of config questions08:59
AlanJenkinsikonia: it has been configured too08:59
Lloyd___I've gone into the alsamixer and made sure everything is up, as well as gone into the sound settings to check if it picks up th sound card. Any suggestions?08:59
k1lAlanJenkins: see the comment from the security team: mdeslaur> openssl in Ubuntu is compiled with no-ssl208:59
k1lAlanJenkins: so you are not using a ubuntu server?08:59
ikoniaAlanJenkins: so what is it saying is weak then - how is it doing the test08:59
lotuspsychje!sound | Lloyd___09:00
ubottuLloyd___: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:00
de-factoAlanJenkins you also can try to develop a secure config with https://mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator/   but make a backup of your config dir before09:00
AndroidBut there were some errors watch this http://pastebin.com/iSsxN5Kq09:00
WoodyPChey yall, You know in Windows there is: accounts\username\apdata...etc...etc... right. Well in Ubuntu, What is the equivalent?09:00
AlanJenkinsde-facto: I did just that yet it is still showing as vulnerable using that test09:00
AlanJenkinsit is doing my head in =/09:00
ikoniaAlanJenkins: what is it flagging as open09:00
lotuspsychjeWoodyPC: /home/your-user09:01
EriC^^Android: press enter09:01
Androidit exits09:01
AlanJenkinsonly red on the page other than the bit saying that it is vulnerable against drown is this: Vulnerable (same key with SSL v2) <- does it want me to get a new SSL cert or?09:01
EriC^^Android: aha try sudo dpkg --configure -a09:01
EriC^^Android: and sudo apt-get -f install09:01
lotuspsychjeWoodyPC: ctrl+h to show hidden files in your /home folder09:01
ikoniaAlanJenkins: how did you make your certificate ?09:02
WoodyPClotuspsychje: That was next question.09:02
WoodyPClotuspsychje: How do I delete hidden files?09:02
AlanJenkinsikonia: I believe it was generated by Plesk when someone else setup the server09:03
lotuspsychjeWoodyPC: can you tell us first whats your end goal?09:03
de-factoAlanJenkins did you try the strict settings on that generator? legacy may include some insecure settings afaik09:03
k1lAlanJenkins: what ubuntu is on that machine?09:03
AlanJenkinsk1l: trusty09:03
sexytimeis there a list of bloatware out there that i could remove from an ubuntu server installation?09:03
AlanJenkinsaka 14.0409:03
AndroidErrors encountered with squid3. Should I run "sudo apt-get -f install" now.09:03
k1lAlanJenkins: the CVE you posted doesnt affect ubuntu since the packages for openssl are not compiled to support that attack09:03
EriC^^Android: yeah09:03
ikoniaAlanJenkins: plesk.....there is your answer there09:04
k1lAlanJenkins: make sure "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" got all packages intsalled09:04
lotuspsychjesexytime: what are you trying to uninstall exactly?09:04
AlanJenkinsikonia: yes I know but I am just securing it for someone else (removing that is not an option for them as they are not techy)09:04
sexytimelotuspsychje, well say i got a new box. and i installed ubuntu server on it. i would like to remove everything that i wont be using the server for. in this case. all im going to run in this box is a nodejs server09:04
ikoniaAlanJenkins: then you'll need to work around it09:05
sexytimekeeping this in mind. how would you recommend i go about removing the stuff i do not care for09:05
insidiousde-factso: thanks i had  check the layout and version got other ones to work with the same file structure.09:05
AlanJenkinsand they will not take the fact that the libs used by ubuntu are not vulnerable, they will keep moaning until https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html gives a decent rating09:05
WoodyPClotuspsychje: Sure. I am playing some games that save data under you username and if you want to start the game over, (as if you have never played), You have to delete the data file for that game.09:05
AndroidDoes "sudo apt-get -f install" installs the failed software updates??09:05
AlanJenkinsguessing I should try regen the SSL certs manually next09:05
de-factoinsidious glad to hear :)09:05
lotuspsychjesexytime: i think ubuntu server is already pretty vanilla to start with, buildup what you really need09:05
sexytimelotuspsychje, ah ok thanks i just needed that confirmation09:06
AlanJenkinsas as far as I can tell nginx and config + openssl should be fine09:06
AndroidOr failed software installations?09:06
NoobIs it normal that mkfs.ext4 is making lot of lines with y char? 1h 47min now doing that format on usb 16gb.09:06
lotuspsychjesexytime: see also the #ubuntu-server channel09:06
EriC^^Noob: no, that sounds like somehow the program "yes" is running09:06
de-factosexytime just do the install itself as minimal as you can, then add stuff as you need it (thats always a good strategy imho ;)09:06
AndroidBy the way, done. Now?09:06
EriC^^Noob: did you run mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX && yes ?09:07
akiksexytime: we are fortunate that bloatware which i think you refer to from windows-land does not exist in ubuntu09:07
sexytimede-facto, i havent installed ubuntu servers before. im assuming during the installing it will ask me about additional stuff i want and i can just untick them?09:07
EriC^^Noob: is this from a script?09:07
sexytimeakik haha right-o09:07
AndroidBy the way, done. Now?09:07
NoobIT asked me something and i wrote yes to it09:07
lotuspsychjeWoodyPC: sure, you can find saved games files in your /home hidden dirs09:08
EriC^^Noob: maybe it just asked you that it's done or something?09:08
de-factosexytime yeah just install sshd and add everything else later maybe? at least then you know what you install and where to look for configs. Also you might want to scan it with nmap and look with "sudo netstat -tulpn" so you are sure you know everything listening09:09
EriC^^Noob: try to press shift+home and then go down a bit and see what it asked and paste here if possible09:09
AndroidNow, how do I install it after squid3 has been installed.09:09
akikNoob: not sure what you did but there's a command 'yes' which outputs a string until you stop it. e.g. "yes y"09:09
R0binh00dTrying to figure out if I should go for Xubuntu or Mate Desktop. Any quick pointers? or personal view points?09:10
NoobNo. It was just starting. Asking something with hmm..shift home wont work09:10
akikNoob: mkfs should display its progress on screen as it goes09:10
EriC^^Noob: when it asked you did you have a shell prompt? like user@something:/$09:10
WoodyPClotuspsychje: They are in my Downloads/Games directory. Under each game folder09:10
sexytimede-facto, im assuming in the installer there is option to untick sshd ?09:10
sexytimein the installer of the ubuntu server i mean09:11
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: the users choice really09:11
NoobI will close it. I can do it again. Lets try again wait09:11
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: ask yourself what flavor you really need?09:11
EriC^^Noob: ok try ctrl+c09:11
de-factosexytime i guess so but you need some way to access it later (the most secure/common would be sshd)09:11
R0binh00dlotuspsychje, yeah you are right. Which one do you use by the way?09:11
sexytimede-facto, i think i will keep sshd09:11
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: 16.04 64bit with unity09:11
AndroidEriC^^ : Done. Now?09:12
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: xubuntu and mate are lighter in use09:12
AndroidHow to install?09:12
R0binh00dSo if you just booted your system, and nothing else is running, how much RAM would be in use?09:12
EriC^^Android: try dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | nc termbin.com 999909:12
NoobThere isnt any partition..maybe i have to add partition first09:12
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EriC^^Android: install what?09:12
EriC^^Noob: what did you run it on earlier?09:13
NoobIf 16 gb is taking too long09:13
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: unity eats more ram then xfce, how much ram do you have?09:13
EriC^^Noob: it shouldn't take too long, just like 30secs or so09:13
WoodyPClotuspsychje: So, How do delete these types of directories? They are hidden and read/only. Remember, these are games, They don't have anything to do with changing Ubuntu or anything serious.09:13
NoobI just took new usb 16 gb and wanted to format it09:14
de-factoNoob are you in gparted doing this?09:14
EriC^^Noob: do it from gparted ^09:14
NoobTerminal..not in gparted09:14
EriC^^Noob: create a fresh partition table, then make 1 16gb partition, and format it09:14
AndroidNow what's this?09:14
lotuspsychjeWoodyPC: in your /home folder cant harm, but make sure you dont delete config files instead of savedgames files09:14
EriC^^Noob: ok, use gdisk/fdisk cfdisk/cgdisk09:14
AndroidEriC^^ : Now what's this?09:14
lotuspsychjeWoodyPC: better lookup your specific game, how its stores its files exactly first09:15
EriC^^Android: those are packages that have been removed but the configuration files are still there, doesn't seem to be any unconfigured or half-installed ones though09:15
de-factoNoob it shouldnt take hours, more like seconds or minutes even if the usb is slow. be carefull though you choose the correct device, i guess you dont want to format your hdd accidently...09:15
EriC^^Android: the install seems ok09:16
AndroidNow, installed?09:16
EriC^^Android: yes type lsb_release -a09:16
django_whats the best irc client09:17
Ange7i have a problem to upgrade my ubuntu :09:17
Ange7dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/srvadmin-hapi_8.3.0-1_amd64.deb (--unpack):09:17
Ange7 subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 12709:17
NoobIwhat is good partition table type? Msdos?09:17
lotuspsychjedjango_: users choice really09:17
EriC^^django_: gui there's hexchat xchat, cli there's irssi weechat are most common09:17
de-factodjango_ "the best" depends on your needs i guess09:17
Ange7how can i fix it ?09:17
EriC^^Noob: msdos is ok09:17
Spookandjango_: I use Xchat and its ok. Try it out.09:18
Lloyd___de-facto: I have installed aoss, alsaplayer, mpg321 and still no sound.09:18
lotuspsychjeAnge7: did you add ppa's of any kind?09:18
R0binh00dlotuspsychje, I have a 8 gigs, another one with 16 gigs, and one with 4 gigs ... I want to keep just one DE on alll09:18
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: thats plenty! use any DE you want :p09:18
Ange7lotuspsychje: huh ? i don't know ?09:18
lotuspsychjeAnge7: tell us the full story please09:19
AndroidCool, doesn't seems to be a change in environment though. Requires restart?09:19
lotuspsychje!details | Ange709:19
ubottuAnge7: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.09:19
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Ange7i try to do upgrade of my server and i have one error during upgrade,09:19
de-factoLloyd___ hmm so are you sure you got drivers for your sound device working? enabled the correct channels in alsamixer (sometimes they are muted or so)? played with pavcontrol for pulse audio?09:19
Ange7so i can't upgrade my server09:19
Ange7i don't know why09:19
lotuspsychjeAnge7: wich server version to wich?09:19
Ange7ubuntu 14.04 server09:20
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | Ange709:20
ubottuAnge7: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.09:20
lotuspsychjeAnge7: not advised yet to upgrade09:20
NoobOk when this is ready i will use dd to copy/clone old usb stick to this new one. I have to umount it first09:20
Ange7i just make : apt update && apt upgrade09:20
Lloyd___de-facto I have enabled all the channels in alsamixer. What command should I use to check if the correct sound driver is installed09:20
Ange7now i have one error09:20
lotuspsychjeAnge7: oh, you have server 14.04 and want to update your packages?09:21
EriC^^Noob: if you're using dd you don't need to make a partition table or anything first, dd will copy everything09:21
lotuspsychjeAnge7: can you pastebin the full output of your update & upgrade command?09:21
de-factoLloyd___ you can look for messages about sound devices in "dmesg" but i guess if you see your channels in alsamixer you already have drivers for it then09:22
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NoobLol then i did this whole thing for nothing. Well i learn something new :)09:22
EriC^^Noob: true :)09:22
Ange7lotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/hQdPjFBQ09:23
WoodyPClotuspsychje: I opened my Downloads/Games/"gamename" and used ctrl h and I can see the protected "savegame" directory. In my game help file it says to delete this folder. I need to know the terminal command to delete a hidden/readonly file?09:23
Lloyd___de-facto, I have looked at dmesg and it picks up the sound devices.09:24
lotuspsychjeAnge7: think you have ppa's added in there...09:24
de-factoLloyd___ ok then its some kind of config issue i guess09:25
lotuspsychjeAnge7: check your sources.list and purge ppa's first before you update09:25
Ange7How can i do this ?09:25
lotuspsychje!sources | Ange709:25
ubottuAnge7: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.09:25
Ange7(i don't know what is ppa)09:25
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Ange709:25
tothbbalintHello! I would like to ask a question about apache, I am on Ubuntu 15.04. I would like to experiment with some php project I have just cloned from Github. and it would need to generate some .xls files, but it says it has a file write permission error. I am not too familiar with linux file permissions, could you please give me some help what are the important aspects in this situation?09:25
lotuspsychje!eol | tothbbalint09:26
ubottutothbbalint: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:26
lotuspsychjetothbbalint: install a supported ubuntu version from topic please09:26
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Lloyd___de-facto what do you suggest? The issue was from a clean install of Ubuntu 16.04. So I think another fresh install won't really fix anything.09:26
AndroidAnybody knows for how to expand partition without using live usb?09:27
Androidpartition for /home09:27
Ange7lotuspsychje: my /etc/apt/sources.list : http://pastebin.com/SFk8RpTq09:27
tothbbalintlotuspsychje thank you, I will do that, but regardless of that, could someone please help me solve this?09:28
EriC^^Android: pastebin your sudo parted -l output09:28
Ange7lotuspsychje: and in my source.list.d/ i have multiple file which contains totaly : http://pastebin.com/hDintbMa09:28
de-factoLloyd___ not really sure i cant use my internet browser from here right now, in your place id try to google about your sound chip and play with alsamixer and pavcontrol09:29
Lloyd___de-facto Ok cool I'll keep looking. Thanks09:29
Ange7lotuspsychje: http://pastebin.com/td1emeXG09:30
lotuspsychjeAnge7: you should know yourself wich ppa's youve added right, think mariadb and such?09:30
AndroidTake a look http://pastebin.com/R6sR6hFY .09:30
lotuspsychjeAnge7: this package seems not in official repos neither srvadmin-hapi09:31
AndroidBut it's on dual boot with wind1009:31
Ange7lotuspsychje: mariadb, rethinkdb, dell.linux,09:31
lotuspsychjeAnge7: remove all those ppa's first the sudo apt update09:32
Ange7linux.dell.com.sources.list       logentries.list.save       newrelic.list                ondrej-php5-5_6-trusty.list.save  puppetlabs-pc1.list       rethinkdb.list.save09:32
Ange7linux.dell.com.sources.list.save  mongodb-org-3.2.list       newrelic.list.save           phalcon-stable-trusty.list        puppetlabs-pc1.list.save09:32
Ange7logentries.list                   mongodb-org-3.2.list.save  ondrej-php5-5_6-trusty.list  phalcon-stable-trusty.list.save   rethinkdb.list09:32
EriC^^!pastebin | Ange709:32
Ange7lotuspsychje: i can't remove ppa ? :x09:32
ubottuAnge7: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:32
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | Ange709:32
ubottuAnge7: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html09:32
EriC^^Android: how big is your home currently?09:32
Android24.4 GB09:33
AndroidSorry, that's for contents09:33
Ange7can't install ppa-purge cause try to upgrade srvadmin-hapi09:34
EriC^^Android: what about size?09:34
EriC^^Android: try df -h /home09:34
Androidfree space 2.9 GB approx.09:34
Android29 GB09:35
EriC^^so it's about 28gb09:35
EriC^^Android: ok, i guess it's /dev/sda7 then09:35
EriC^^i think you're going to have to do it from a live usb, after backing up your stuff09:35
EriC^^Android: you need to shrink /dev/sda6 a little and move /home (sda7) back a little09:36
EriC^^wait a sec09:37
EriC^^Android: there's something very odd about your partitions09:37
EriC^^line number 14, 340-341 for swap1, then 492 to 500 for swap209:37
EriC^^there's like 150gb space that isn't allocated09:37
Ange7lotuspsychje: how can i get the ppa name ?09:37
EriC^^Android: if you delete swap1, you could extend /home and have the 150gb09:38
AndroidBut, /home is a subdirectory of /. Then, how is it possible.09:38
AndroidMeans separate partitions for them.09:38
WoodyPCI need to be able to delete a "hidden/read only directory in my downloads/games directory. I used ctrl h to see it, but it is protected. Using Terminal: How do I delete this 1 directory?09:38
EriC^^Android: home is on a separate partition, it's just mounted under the other filesystem "/"09:39
EriC^^Android: if you extend /home 's partition then it'll have that much more space09:39
Androidusing GParted09:40
AndroidBut there is a problem09:40
EriC^^Android: wait dont do it from a live system09:40
AndroidThen, use live usb?09:40
EriC^^Android: you should back up first just in case09:41
EriC^^you could do it from a live session (not using gparted though) but the backup part is essential here09:41
AndroidSorry, didn't got that. That's why I'm here.09:41
Tegumodifying partitions is somewhat risky (especially shrinkin but that's not the case here)09:41
EriC^^backup your stuff in /home to somewhere else and then do it09:41
EriC^^Android: can you back it up to one of the other partitions you have? or another hdd maybe?09:42
TikityTiki'm having issues of having firefox freezing up on ubuntu09:42
TikityTikwhere the window doesn't respond at all09:42
AndroidOk, I'm trying.09:42
EriC^^TikityTik: try running firefox from a terminal to get some feedback09:42
ozberkhi guys need help  about nvdia drivers I coudn't install it and to be honest  I have no damn idea about why09:43
EriC^^ozberk: what'd you try and what happened09:43
ozberkEriC^^, I tried to install it with standart driver installer in ubuntu yet when I click the Nvdia driver it rejected the option and throw it back to the X.Org driver option somehow09:44
TikityTikEriC^^, how? Do I have to use -g?09:45
EriC^^TikityTik: just type firefox in a terminal09:45
EriC^^TikityTik: ah nevermind, seems not to give output anymore09:45
ozberkafret that I tried to install it manually and it says too many technical details about the nouveaou driver then cancel the installation09:45
EriC^^TikityTik: try firefox -jsconsole09:46
EriC^^ozberk: try sudo ubuntu-drivers devices autoinstall09:47
TikityTikEriC^^, what should I look for?09:47
EriC^^TikityTik: any kind of errors, has it frozen yet?09:48
ozberkEriC^^, what should I do09:49
TikityTikyeah. 404 not found for some images09:49
TikityTikand some warnings09:49
EriC^^ozberk: let it install the recommended one09:51
ozberkEriC^^, I don't belive I can explain myself clear here. I tried to install recommended one but when I click the reccomended driver it's wait a while then back to the X.Org driver like nothing happened09:53
ozberkEriC^^, I can't even click the install button09:54
EriC^^ozberk: try from the terminal to see any errors09:54
EriC^^sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall09:54
ozberkEriC^^, I tried it downloaded a zip file from Nvdia and excract it but then the installation app told me thet it can't do the operation while the GDM is still running. I tried to run with ctrl+alt+F1 and then it worked untill it gave me another error about the nouveaou driver09:56
ozberkthere should be an error log yet I have no idea where it is09:57
EriC^^ozberk: try the ubuntu one in the repos first09:57
EriC^^try the command above it should say any errors09:57
ozberkEriC^^, what do you mean09:57
EriC^^ozberk: open a terminal and type sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall09:59
ozberkEriC^^, let me try10:00
daniel__Hello, I am on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, I am trying to upgrade to 16.04LTS, when I do update-manager -d I get the upgrade option to 16.04 but when the banner for the upgrade shows up it says it is 16.04 development release? Isn't the final release out yet?10:00
ozberkEriC^^, it gives me some errors but they are accutaly Turkish. I'll make a pastebin file then I will translate them for you ok ?10:01
daniel__I tried different official mirrors to no avail10:01
ozberkEriC^^, give me a minute10:01
EriC^^ozberk: type LANG=C sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall10:02
EriC^^it'll say them in english10:02
ozberkEriC^^, seriously there is a command like that exists oh God10:02
AndroidHey, done with backup. Now guide me for shrinkage.10:02
de-facto!ltsupgrade | daniel__10:02
ubottudaniel__: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.10:02
AndroidBut there is a problem with GParted10:02
daniel__de-facto, thank you very much, I didn't know about that10:02
EriC^^Android: ok, you need to unmount /home, so you're going to have to do this from the tty logged in as root (if you absolutely can't get a live usb session going)10:03
ozberkwhops sorry10:03
anonymouscan anyody help me?10:03
de-factodaniel__ but 16.04 is released10:03
=== anonymous is now known as Guest83844
daniel__de-facto, yes, looks like that in the web site, but I wanted an upgrade instead of new install :P10:03
AndroidThat asks for login.10:04
AndroidWhat's exactly that?10:04
ozberkEriC^^, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16344186/ here is the errors10:04
=== Guest83844 is now known as GoldCraft
AndroidWhat to enter in login for tty410:05
EriC^^Android: that's the login prompt, you're going to need to enable the root account temporarily to login to that, since root's home is just /root and you can have /home unmounted while using it10:06
EriC^^ozberk: ok10:06
GoldCraftso could i get some help please?10:07
EriC^^Android: open a terminal still in gui and type "sudo passwd"10:08
EriC^^ozberk: try LANG=C sudo apt-get install lib32gcc110:09
EriC^^ozberk: which ubuntu are you using?10:09
EriC^^Android: ok set the root password10:09
EriC^^Android: you're using another pc right?10:09
ozberkEriC^^, ubuntu 16.0410:09
ozberk64 bit10:10
Androidanother pc for what?10:10
EriC^^Android: one for chatting here one that you're doing this on?10:10
EriC^^or it's the same one?10:10
EriC^^ozberk: this seems like a fix http://askubuntu.com/questions/765448/ubuntu-16-04-nvidia-gpu-driver-can-not-use-proprietary-driver10:10
EriC^^give it a shot10:11
AndroidOh ! You mean for unmounting /home ??10:11
AndroidIs it>10:11
AndroidI can use another pc if you say ?10:12
EriC^^Android: well you need to exit the gui and use tty110:13
Androidexit ? shut down?10:13
EriC^^you can use tty2 with irssi if you want10:13
ozberkEriC^^, ok I'm trying now I will let you know about the results but I have to say you helped me really well about this thank you. You also rescued me about this language problem with LANG=C10:14
EriC^^Android: have you ever used irssi?10:14
dopstarim using irssi now :)10:15
EriC^^Android: it's the same as other irc clients10:15
vijaikumari like weechat :D10:15
EriC^^Android: press ctrl+alt+f2 then login as root, type apt-get install irssi then type irssi10:15
EriC^^when it loads type /server irc.freenode.net10:15
EspadaHi, how can i build qr code plz don't say search in google i don't wan't a payment service, and i want to be able to build customized qr codes. Thank you :)10:16
EriC^^then /join #ubuntu as usual, just use alt+1 alt+2 .. to switch between windows10:16
TvL2386as an update strategy, would one execute 'apt-get upgrade' or 'apt-get dist-upgrade'?10:16
Espadain the internet you have to pay for the numbers of scans for example or for how many time your code still avaible...10:17
EriC^^ozberk: ok, no problem10:17
dopstarTvL2386: dist-upgrade for your own box10:17
de-factoEspada google "github qr code library" this is not really ubuntu specific10:18
dopstarTvL2386: otherwise, still dist-upgrade (with caution), if you are nervous, rather do just update10:18
OerHeksEspada, gtqr or qreator10:18
OerHeks!inf qreator10:18
OerHeks!info qreator10:19
ubottuqreator (source: qreator): graphical utility for creating QR codes. In component universe, is optional. Version 13.05.3-2fakesync1 (xenial), package size 191 kB, installed size 1272 kB10:19
de-factoah there you go, didnt know such a thing existed :P10:19
TvL2386thx dopstar10:19
akikEspada: there's also qrencode10:20
Espadai have installed qrencode10:20
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.10:20
root___Hey done10:20
EriC^^root___: ok, type /nick <newnick>10:20
WoodyPCWould like to know the Terminal command for deleting a hidden/read only directory?10:21
EriC^^root___: press ctrl+alt+f1, then login as root and type service lightdm stop10:21
EriC^^root___: press alt+f2 to get back to irssi10:21
EriC^^WoodyPC: rm -r .hiddendir10:21
EspadaThank you all10:21
akikWoodyPC: a hidden directory is just a directory with a dot in front. a read only directory is just something you don't have write permissions on10:22
WoodyPCgot it. thanks10:22
freekorayhey guys10:22
alex___Hello, is there a way to find out, why my nfs4 mounts are mounted using 4.0 and not 4.1? (Xenial)10:22
freekorayi finally installed beats audio on ubuntu10:23
freekoraysound is perfect now10:23
akikfreekoray: what's beats audio on ubuntu?10:24
AndroidHey what that happened? After lightdm stop10:24
EriC^^Android: what do you mean?10:24
AndroidAn error occured and I'm unable to switch back to tty10:24
AndroidMouse pointer gone.10:25
freekorayakik: i meant i have installed beats audio driver on ubuntu10:25
EriC^^Android: hmm you still have gui?10:25
ozberkEriC^^, thank you now it works like a charm10:25
ozberkEriC^^, like a CHARM10:25
EriC^^ozberk: great10:25
akikfreakyy: what's the package name?10:26
TwirlHi, anyone knows if there is a way to get the php 7.0 from the official repos?10:26
Twirlbecause i don't want to add an unofficial ppa just for that10:26
OerHeksTwirl in what ubuntu version?10:26
EriC^^Android: is ctrl+alt+f1 and f2 still working?10:26
AndroidAfter lightdm stop command. It automatically switched to GUI and I'm unable to get back (ctlr + alt + F2) does nothing.10:26
TwirlOerHeks: 14.x10:27
EriC^^Android: that's odd10:28
OerHeksTwirl,  there is no official ppa, just the ondrej ppa which is widely accepted https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php10:28
AndroidAn error occured and even mouse pointer gone. What exactly lightdm stop does?10:29
TwirlOerHeks: alright then10:29
EriC^^Android: try to restart the pc, when it starts hold shift to get grub, then press e over ubuntu and add "text" after quiet splash10:29
TwirlOerHeks: ty10:29
EriC^^Android: it should stop the display manager that launches your gui session10:29
EriC^^Android: i guess we should have done service lightdm restart10:29
EriC^^Android: anyways restart and add "text" you should boot to a tty with no lightdm10:30
EriC^^then login as root and start irssi10:30
ozberkEriC^^, your article also solved a deadly problem about the steam which could not be installed for the dependecities issues like the nvdia drivers. I tried to runs sudo apt-get install steam again . now it is installing10:30
EriC^^ozberk: cool10:31
GoldCraftanyone know how to get amd driver i need to run this command each time to start steam ): LD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/libstdc++.so.6' DISPLAY=:0 steam10:32
GoldCrafti relly need the drivers so i dont need to do that10:32
Ben64have you tried the "Hardware Drivers" tool10:32
Ben64what version of ubuntu are you on10:33
Ben64open the software center, its in one of the drop down menus10:34
GoldCraftand another thing is evry time i put my mouse into the laptop i cant move any prgorams it like freezes and when i unplug it evry thing works fine10:34
Ben64software sources -> additional drivers maybe10:34
AndroidHey Eric^^ : I switched to another pc can you just repeat what to do after restart10:34
zzmbupgraded to 16.04 now audio stop working10:35
AndroidPlease quick10:35
EriC^^Android: ok, hold shift, when you get grub press e over10:35
EriC^^ubuntu, and go to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz .. quiet splash and add "text"10:35
EriC^^then press ctrl+x to boot10:35
GoldCraftcant find anything with that name10:35
BrAsS_mOnKeYwhy is root Orc bad or anything root when not need is is a bad idea?10:36
zzmbit was working before upgrade10:36
EriC^^BrAsS_mOnKeY: cause programs can have bugs/vulnerabilities and if you can get a program to do something you want with root privileges = gameover10:36
EriC^^BrAsS_mOnKeY: so when root isn't needed it's better not to use it10:36
Ben64GoldCraft: it's in there10:37
EriC^^less is more kind of thing10:37
Ben64k bye10:37
EriC^^Android: ok, did it boot to tty1?10:37
BrAsS_mOnKeYmeaning using sudo?10:37
EriC^^BrAsS_mOnKeY: same thing sudo is running a program as root usually10:38
sexytimeif i have a user say user1. and i want to restrict this user to his home directory, i use chroot. how can i restrict this user to home directory + another directory that i can specify?10:38
sexytimei have root access to this box10:38
EriC^^Android: it booted to the login screen?10:39
sexytimethat user will only be restricted to his own home space and another directory10:39
EriC^^gui one?10:39
EriC^^Android: ok, np don't login10:39
EriC^^Android: press ctrl+alt+f1 and login10:39
BrAsS_mOnKeYso ry to use package-common as much as possible.10:39
EriC^^Android: which ubuntu version are you using?10:40
EriC^^Android: ok, type systemctl stop lightdm10:41
BrAsS_mOnKeYso if I'm the main operator create a guest account, EriC^^ ?10:42
EriC^^BrAsS_mOnKeY: for what purposes?10:42
BrAsS_mOnKeYto not use root.10:42
EriC^^BrAsS_mOnKeY: no use your normal user account10:42
source47hi guys, i am having some problems running update-grub inside a lxc container (ubuntu 15.10). when i run it i get i get /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of `/dev/sda1'.10:42
AndroidWait man, pressing e lets you edit commands then its still GUI and ctrl+alt+f1  does nothing10:43
BrAsS_mOnKeYso can I use Ubuntu for free for commercial use?10:43
ducassesource47: you don't need grub in a container.10:43
EriC^^Android: after you added text did you press ctrl+x ?10:44
Androidadded text?10:44
de-factoAndroid did switching with Ctrl + Alt + F1 (all at once) ever worked on that box?10:45
EriC^^Android: yeah, "text" after quiet splash10:45
Androidquiet splash after e?10:46
EriC^^Android: are you in grub right now?10:46
EriC^^ok, after quiet splash type "text"10:46
Androidquiet splash ? I'm confused now.10:47
=== Amm0n| is now known as Amm0n
EriC^^Android: at the bottom there should be a line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz ...10:48
EriC^^is there?10:48
Nene1hello all10:49
Nene1i have a quick question10:49
Nene1Unattended Upgrades removes any packages currently installed??10:50
EriC^^you mean if it's like dist-upgrade?10:50
AndroidWait, I'm confused. After I entered grub, I pressed e. That takes me to a page that says set params.10:50
lovetruthI am looking for some good ERP software which: *is opensource; *uses sql; *can do document management/tracking -> preferably, using the already in use samba server as storage (already have a directory/file structure for the files...); *has some web interface; *if possible, with email notification of users that they have new document to review/approve10:51
=== TuPac^SHaKuR is now known as Clever1
lovetruthubuntu server 14.04 here10:51
EriC^^Android: did you press e over ubuntu?10:51
lotuspsychjelovetruth: perhaps the #ubuntu-server channel might know something?10:51
lovetruththx lotuspsychje  :)10:51
EriC^^Android: it should say insmod linux insmod ... then a bunch of stuff and linux and initrd at the bottom10:51
Androidya over ubuntu10:52
Androidya it's there10:52
Androidinsmod in between10:53
EriC^^Android: ok, go to the line that says linux /boot/vmlinuz and press ctrl+e it should take you to the end of the line10:53
Nene1Unattended Upgrades removes any packages currently installed??10:53
EriC^^Android: after quiet splash add "text" so it's quiet splash text somethingelse ..10:53
Nene1EriC^^: any idea??10:53
Clever1Hello Everyone, can anyone help me with this: http://imgur.com/GNMywQj , the shared folder is on windows and other ubuntu pc are ok when i open the shared folder.10:54
Androidafter "quiet splash", there is variable $something10:54
Androidafter that add "text"?10:55
lovetruthunfortunately, no one on ubuntu-server is answering... like they're not there?...10:55
EriC^^Android: add "text" before the $something10:55
Clever1Any help?10:55
EriC^^Android: press ctrl+x10:55
EriC^^Nene1: i dont know for sure10:56
Clever1Hello Everyone, can anyone help me with this: http://imgur.com/GNMywQj , the shared folder is on windows and other ubuntu pc are ok when i open the shared folder. ??10:56
AndroidGUI login screen10:56
lotuspsychje!patience | Clever110:56
ubottuClever1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:56
Androidoh got that10:56
EriC^^Nene1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates10:57
Clever1ubottu i dont know how can i search that problem mate10:57
ubottuClever1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:57
Androidnow in tty210:57
EriC^^Android: ok cool10:57
EriC^^Android: type systemctl stop lightdm10:57
EriC^^login as root only dont use your username10:57
EriC^^Android: ok, now unmount the /home partition10:59
EriC^^Android: umount /home10:59
EriC^^Android: make sure it's not there anymore10:59
EriC^^type df -h it shouldn't be in the list11:00
EriC^^or lsblk11:00
Nene1thanks EriC^^11:00
EriC^^Nene1: no problem11:00
EriC^^Android: all gone?11:00
EriC^^Android: did it say anything after umount /home ?11:01
Android"/dev/sda6" present11:01
EriC^^Android: where?11:01
EriC^^in df -h ?11:01
Androidbut that's the root "/" directory11:02
EriC^^sda7 is home11:02
hugogood morning.11:02
EriC^^so /home isn't in df -h?11:02
EriC^^Android: ok, type cfdisk /dev/sda11:03
EriC^^Android: first type parted /dev/sda unit B print | nc termbin.com 999911:03
EriC^^and paste the link here, it'll be good in case the proverbial hits the fan11:03
AndroidNo internet connectivity on that system now. I was connected with sonicwall that requires authentication.11:04
EriC^^Android: ok, np type "parted /dev/sda unit B print > /var/pt.backup"11:05
AndroidBtw, I typed cfdisk /dev/sda11:05
Androidentered into partition table.11:06
AndroidNow exit?11:06
EriC^^Android: yeah press q11:06
lovetruthone of the most important requirements for the erp software is to be able to do tracking (where the doc is)/review (view and change something if needed, with any software the user chooses - this is why the ERP should have cifs/samba support for file storage, with directory structure of documents chosen by me)/approval (view and eventually send/etc the document). I should be able to set some serial workflow for the document, user-ba11:06
hugoI'm trying to install open babel but I keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16344888/11:07
lotuspsychjehugo: why not installing the one from repos?11:08
OerHeks!info openbabel11:08
ubottuopenbabel (source: openbabel): Chemical toolbox utilities (cli). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.2+dfsg-2.2build1 (xenial), package size 95 kB, installed size 417 kB11:08
OerHekson their site: Open Babel (currently 2.3.1)11:08
OerHeksso get ours :-D11:08
lovetruthlike: document created on samba server, folder X/y/Z. User A notified, has to review. User A finnished, User B notified. User B now reviews... etc, User C, etc. Some admin users can view at least where the document is, where the workflow stoped, etc...11:08
hugooh, perhaps that's easier. dumb me xD11:08
lotuspsychjelovetruth: there is also a #samba channel if you like11:09
OerHekslovetruth, do you have an actual question?11:10
Android_Sorry, I got disconnected.11:10
EriC^^Android_: no problem11:10
EriC^^Android: type "parted /dev/sda unit B print > /var/pt.backup"11:11
EriC^^then type cat /var/pt.backup to see if the info is tehre11:11
EriC^^type cfdisk /dev/sda11:11
EriC^^then delete the home partition11:12
Android_opens partition table11:12
EriC^^as well as the first linux swap that's 1gb11:12
Android_sda7 i think?11:12
EriC^^also delete sda811:12
EriC^^your swap is 8gb right?11:13
EriC^^the one you're using right now?11:13
Android_done now?11:14
EriC^^Android_: ok recreate the /home partition11:14
EriC^^press enter for the starting sector11:15
EriC^^and keep pressing enter, hex code 83 press enter11:15
EriC^^then write and exit11:15
Android_wait to recreate partition enter on "free space (170G)"11:16
EriC^^press enter11:16
EriC^^write the table11:17
EriC^^press write11:17
Android_no option11:18
Android_shows Partition size 170G11:18
EriC^^ok at the bottom it should say write somewhere11:18
Android_did it but says partition table altered11:19
Android_after write and typed yes to confirm11:20
EriC^^Android_: ok, exit cfdisk11:20
=== rohit is now known as Guest61533
EriC^^Android_: type partprobe11:20
EriC^^what error11:21
Android_Partitions 8 on sda have been written but unable to inform kernel11:22
Android_as they may be in use11:22
Android_Suggests to reboot at the end line11:23
Android_before making further changes.11:23
Android_But I don't think that's required11:23
EriC^^type lsblk | grep SWAP11:24
akikAndroid_: i've never been able to re-read the partition table if / is mounted off that disk and make changes to the partitions11:24
Clever1EriC^^ do you have any idea how to solve this: http://imgur.com/GNMywQj11:24
EriC^^akik: i've always been able to, til now11:24
Android_shows sda 1,2,3,5,6,811:25
Android_What the hell is that>11:25
EriC^^Android_: type lsblk11:25
EriC^^what does it say next to [SWAP]11:25
EriC^^Clever1: i think you need the password?11:26
Android_next to swap?11:26
Android_there are two [swap] enteries under Mount Point11:27
EriC^^so sda8 was in use11:27
Android_What that causes?11:27
EriC^^ok, type swapoff -a11:27
EriC^^i'd think nothing11:28
EriC^^if it attempts to write to that region your /home filesystem isn't extended to there yet11:28
EriC^^ok, try partprobe again11:28
EriC^^Android_: ok, now run a fsck on home11:29
EriC^^what's the name of the partition now?11:29
paul98i was upgrading from 15.10 to 16.4, i done a yum update /upgrade then run sudo update-manager -d and run it through that, half way through i closed the terminal down and now the package manager has hung half way through upgrading packages11:29
Ben64paul98: yum?11:30
Android_type fsck?11:30
EriC^^Android_: e2fsck -f /dev/sdaX11:30
EriC^^type lsblk to get the name of it11:30
Ben64paul98: you're aware that Ubuntu doesn't use yum?11:31
Android_No such file11:31
paul98oh man11:31
paul98i meant apt-get11:31
OerHeksClever1, nice, you are on windows or mac, seeing xlite voip client :-D .. so the fix is, join ##windows op the apple channel11:31
paul98i need to change servers to ubunutu to make it easier! i run centos servers and ubuntu desktops! :(11:31
EriC^^Android_: type lsblk and get the name of the new home partition, it should be 170gb11:31
EriC^^sda6 sda7 etc11:31
EriC^^then use it in e2fsck -f /dev/sd..11:32
Android_nothing of size 170 GB11:32
Android_5 partitions11:32
Android_and one rom11:33
EriC^^hmm which is the home you'd think?11:33
paul98i was upgrading from 15.10 to 16.4, i done a apt-get  update /upgrade then run sudo update-manager -d and run it through that, half way through i closed the terminal down and now the package manager has hung half way through upgrading packages11:34
paul98thats better! :)11:34
Android_I'm bit confused but home was on sda 7, but deleted, now five partitions and none appear to be home11:34
EriC^^Android_: did you recreate it?11:34
EriC^^Android_: type cfdisk /dev/sda11:34
Android_sda 1,2,3,4,5,611:35
EriC^^ok any 170gb ones11:35
Android_free space (170 G),11:36
EriC^^which one?11:36
EriC^^oh free space11:36
EriC^^ok press new on that11:36
EriC^^and create a partition11:36
EriC^^press enter11:37
Android_what was the previous size?11:38
EriC^^20something gb11:38
Android_I created 40 Gb now11:38
Android_that says failed to parse size11:39
EriC^^type "40G"11:39
EriC^^you're going to use the rest of the space for another distro or something similar?11:39
Android_Did not decide yet11:40
EriC^^ok, cool you'll have 130gb to do something with later11:41
EriC^^after you're done press on type11:41
EriC^^and type 8311:41
EriC^^then write the changes and exit11:41
Android_I think its done?11:42
EriC^^yeah, type partprobe11:42
EriC^^then lsblk11:42
Android_shows that11:43
Android_reboot now?11:43
EriC^^btw i think it was 30gb before, not 20-ish in case it makes a difference with you11:43
EriC^^ok, type e2fsck -f /dev/sdaX11:44
EriC^^replace X with the name you got from lsblk11:44
Android_says mounted cant continue11:45
EriC^^which name did you use?11:45
Android_unmount that11:45
EriC^^no nothing is mounted i think11:46
Android_name was not just sda7 but somethingsda711:46
Android_does it requires full name11:47
EriC^^it's /dev/sda7 ?11:47
EriC^^if it's /dev/sda7 then e2fsck -f /dev/sda711:47
EriC^^it shouldn't be mounted in lsblk11:47
Android_says mounted11:47
EriC^^the stuff to the far right are any mountpoints11:47
Android_if you type lsblk, it shows Mountpoint "part /home"11:49
Android_for sda711:49
EriC^^ok type umount /home11:49
EriC^^try the command again11:49
Android_now done?11:50
EriC^^resize2fs /dev/sda711:50
Android_can't uder VT100 emulation11:51
ubuntuguyIs there a mate room ?11:51
ubuntuguyHad issues wit mate desktop11:51
Android_set window size11:51
Android_ please a little quick man11:51
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EriC^^Android_: i've no idea11:53
EriC^^i'm asking in ##linux cause google hasn't much results11:53
OerHeksubuntuguy, #ubuntu-mate11:53
bobby_hi iam new to chat box11:53
lotuspsychjebobby_: you joined the ubuntu support channel11:54
Android_It's basically for resizing thepartition right?11:54
sbineyou're welcome bobby_11:54
Android_What if I don't?11:55
bobby_so what do we do over hear11:55
Android_Or you have no idea?11:55
Android_Where have you gone man??11:55
lotuspsychjebobby_: this channel is for ubuntu questions11:55
OerHeksbobby_, tiPp: read the topic of the channel, this is ubuntu support11:55
EriC^^Android_: you dont what?11:56
sbineHere that's speak about ubuntu, like lotuspsychje tell you bobby_11:56
de-factoi dont understand why it woudl need something else than vt100... maybe you coudl trick it with something like export TERM=xterm into thinking it does not run under vt100?11:56
bobby_i got it11:56
EriC^^Android_: home will still be 30gb as it was11:56
EriC^^Android_: type blkid11:57
EriC^^Android_: you need to remove the line for the extra swap you had since it's deleted now11:57
EriC^^you need to remove it from /etc/fstab11:57
bobby_i have some tech problem while doing programming in arduino Uo11:57
BluesKajHowdy folks11:57
AndroidSorry got disconnect but saying that is it really required to resize e2fs11:58
bazhang##programming bobby_11:58
EriC^^Android: type "blkid"11:58
bobby_okey i got solution11:58
EriC^^Android: ok, there should be a line that says type=swap11:59
EriC^^Android: that uuid is for the swap, you need to type nano /etc/fstab11:59
EriC^^and put a "#" before the line pertaining to swap that ISN'T that uuid11:59
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EriC^^done what11:59
Guest81940i find that i cannot install matlab to xubuntu 16.0412:00
EriC^^de-facto: yeah, it's odd :/12:00
Guest81940any one can help me ?12:00
Androidafter last cmd it shows two swaps12:00
EriC^^de-facto: i can't find any errors like it on google either O.12:00
bazhang!info matlab12:01
Androidcmd : nano etc/something12:01
ubottuPackage matlab does not exist in xenial12:01
AndroidI shows two swaps12:01
EriC^^Android: it should show only 1..12:01
Guest81940but there are no problem in 14.0412:01
EriC^^Android: ok type lsblk , which one is 8gb?12:01
Androidexit how>12:02
Androidya thats one hete12:03
Androidif sda5 is the only one12:04
hellknightis the support for ZFS on Ubuntu 16.04 production ready?12:04
bobby_can i get matlab 32 bit any version plz12:04
ducassehellknight: yes12:04
hellknightI'm thinking of deploying to one of our backup servers.12:04
hellknightducasse: that's great.12:05
ducassehellknight: fully supported.12:05
Androidhey that says swap was on sd812:05
Androidnano cmd12:05
hellknightcurrently we have FreeBSD 10 installed on that server. Will move it to 16.04 as soon as our team agrees on it12:05
OerHeksbobby_, tutorial: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-download-and-install-MATLAB-on-Ubuntu-14-0412:06
Androidwhere have you gone man?12:06
akikducasse: can you put your root fs on zfs?12:06
OerHeksour wikipage is down https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB12:06
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hellknightakik: I think that we need to create a separate /boot for that. I may be wrong12:06
ducasseakik: not out of the box.12:06
de-factoAndroid what exactly was the error you got or your resize2fs command?12:06
akikducasse: ok so it's not as fully supported that i'd wish12:07
ducasseakik: it's not supported in the installer, no.12:07
EriC^^Android: ok, so sda5 is swap12:07
EriC^^Android: type blkid /dev/sda512:07
EriC^^get the uuid, and type nano /etc/fstab and put a "#" before the line that has swap in it and doesn't have that uuid12:08
Androidnone as such but ya it shows one swap on sda812:09
bobby_OerHeks thanks man12:09
AndroidSense ambiguous12:09
Androidput a #?12:10
bobby_OerHeks_i will check it out12:10
EriC^^Android: i just tried it on a usb i have, creating a smaller partition, making it bigger, and running resize2fs from tty1 logged in as root and it worked12:10
EriC^^so it's kind of odd12:10
EriC^^16.04 here as well12:10
bobby_OerHeks_, i will check it out12:10
OerHeksbobby_, i remember 32-bit is the only version available to students, but maybe it is available now12:11
AndroidI see sda8. Now that's odd12:11
EriC^^nothing on google that's remotely similar either12:11
AndroidDeleted sda8 then how possible?12:11
Myrkurcould someone give me a hand with my sftp configuration ?12:11
EriC^^Android: in /etc/fstab are there 2 swap entries?12:11
EriC^^Android: ok, the one that doesn't have the uuid you saw for sda512:12
EriC^^put a "#" before it12:12
EriC^^then press ctrl+o to save12:12
bobby_OerHeks_, what i got to know is 32 bit still bugs are running12:12
Androidboth swaps have a uuid12:12
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AndroidIs it odd?12:13
AndroidUUID is for what>12:13
Androidpurpose I mean.12:13
auronandaceAndroid: it is a unique identifying number to correspond to a partition12:14
AndroidOh then that's amibuous.12:14
ubuntu841Hii frineds !!12:15
AndroidWhere are you man?12:15
auronandaceAndroid: do you know what ambigous means?12:15
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Androidit's ambiguous12:15
ubuntu841some numbers are comming after booting the machine .. I had resqued grub but I am not able to start my machine12:16
ubuntu841there is no grub prompt .. instead some no. are displaying12:16
AndroidBtw, hey just resolve this issue and I think I am done12:16
AndroidPlease quick I've got a few minutes left.12:16
Androidaaja bhai12:17
auronandaceAndroid: telling people to be quick is less likely to get you any help, everyone here is a volunteer12:17
ubuntu841Android ,auronandace are u talking with me ?12:18
EriC^^Android: ok it's simple12:18
EriC^^the uuid is used to know which swap to use12:18
EriC^^the uuid that corresponds to /dev/sda5 's leave it12:19
EriC^^the other uuid, put a "#" before it so it's not used anymore12:19
Android# before uuid sure?12:19
cyclist_2Hi, there! I am having a hard time getting vnstat to change the day the month rotates; I already addressed the issue on the configuration file, but it is not working as intended [it continues to treat day 1 as the start of the month, when I want to set a different day]; Is anyone here with knowledge to share about this subject?12:20
lovetruthOerHeks: yes, I do have an actual question. :) i was gone, sorry for late answering... my question is just above that text... :)12:20
EriC^^not the uuid of /dev/sda5 which you got before, as i said12:20
lovetruthhere it is: I am looking for some good ERP software which: *is opensource; *uses sql; *can do document management/tracking -> preferably, using the already in use samba server as storage (already have a directory/file structure for the files...); *has some web interface; *if possible, with email notification of users that they have new document to review/approve12:20
EriC^^Android: ok, press ctrl+o to save, then ctrl+x to exit12:20
EriC^^and type mount -a to test if the swap is being used right and /home is being mounted12:21
EriC^^try mount -a , then swapon -a12:21
EriC^^then type lsblk you should see a [SWAP] and /home under mountpoints12:21
EriC^^can somebody be kind enough to send the first few letters of the /etc/shadow for root?12:22
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EriC^^Android: ok right now the /home has been extended as a partition but the filesystem is still just 30gb, so you need to use a live usb and run resize2fs /dev/sd.. on it to get full use of it12:23
blackwolfis that possible to set ubuntu background with feh?12:24
EriC^^Android: we'll disable the root account12:24
akikEriC^^: by default there is no password for root it's just !12:24
OerHekslovetruth, not sure which one, maybe this url is any help http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20091129070817552/ERP.html12:24
EriC^^akik: just root:!:...12:24
akikEriC^^: yes12:24
auronandaceblackwolf: yes, i use it with i312:24
EriC^^akik: ok, thanks12:25
EriC^^Android: type exit12:25
EriC^^then log in as your normal user12:25
Androidwhy can't I use 40gb12:25
EriC^^from tty112:25
EriC^^Android: cause there's a weird error about using resize2fs from tty112:25
blackwolfauronandace: what should someone do to background be permanent?12:25
lovetruthOerHeks: the site got me this error: ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT12:25
auronandaceblackwolf: i put mine in my .profile12:26
EriC^^Android: try it again from a live usb12:26
django_hey all12:26
django_id like a command that opens up a file.py in sublime text312:26
Androidoh god! means I wasted 3 hours12:26
Myrkurwhere could I find help about sftp12:26
MyrkurI mean sshd_config with sftp12:27
AndroidI dont' have a live usb that's why I was here. Now?12:27
MyrkurI'm sorry Android ?12:27
AndroidNot any other way?12:27
EriC^^Android: no, it's pretty much done, the partition is extended already and swap deleted etc. all you need to do is run resize2fs on it12:28
Myrkurok sorry12:28
EriC^^Android: did you exit yet12:28
EriC^^so still logged in as root?12:29
EriC^^try umount /home12:29
EriC^^then resize2fs /dev/sd.. for home12:29
EriC^^and type the error you get word for word12:29
GnomeKrisSo I have an ntfs hdd in my pc that I'd like to make ext4. I don't have enough room anywhere else for the data that's on the drive. How can I go about doing this?12:30
Androidresize: Can't set window size under VT100 emulation.12:30
auronandaceGnomeKris: any free space left on that drive itself?12:30
GnomeKrisI could triplicate all the data and still have space12:31
Androiddoes that makes the error clear12:31
auronandaceGnomeKris: then you can shrink the current partition on it and make a new partition then transfer the data from one to the other12:31
ohadbHello. I am having problem with using nested ssh session. what does it mean? I have a machine (A) that has ssh access to another machine (B) that has ssh access to another machine (C). I need machine A to perform an operation on C. I need to do it in a script. non interactively. can anyone advise?12:31
EriC^^Android: are you typing resize2fs or resize!?12:31
GnomeKrisThat makes sense. I'll give it a shot.12:32
Androidresize e2fs12:32
EriC^^Android: it's one word12:32
source47hi guys, i am getting timedatectl command not running on ubuntu 15.10 in lxc. its giving Failed to create bus connection: No such file or directory12:34
source47any ideas?12:35
source47i have systemctl working12:35
source47and there is a binary timedatectl12:35
ikoniathey are two very different commands for different purposes12:35
source47ikonia: i need timedatectl working basically12:36
ikoniasource47: you're using a container, the time will probably be set from the host12:37
ikoniawhat is it exactly you are trying to ?12:37
source47ikonia: i am running 'timedatectl'12:37
ikoniayes, I understand that12:37
source47it works fine on a ubuntu 16.04 container12:37
ikoniabut why - what is your end goal12:37
ikoniaahh 16.1012:38
ikoniasorry - I missed that12:38
source47my end goal is to have it run on 15.1012:38
source47like it does everywhere else12:38
ikoniaare you basically trying to set the system time/date ?12:38
antonio_wow mates good12:39
source47i just need to run it. its part of a base install for an application stack.12:39
source47so short answer, i need that running.12:39
ikoniasource47: you just run it then12:39
ikoniait will error - but what do you care, if you just need to run it12:39
source47then i get "Failed to create bus connection: No such file or directory"12:39
ikoniacorrect, but who cares, you just need to run it, that is a run and it will move on12:39
source47ok, i need to run it *normally*12:40
source47i care :-)12:40
ikoniais dbus running ?12:41
goofthe command "bash" returns "/home/user/newfolder: no such file or directory" - how can I remove this directory from the bash listing?12:42
ikonialook at your .bashrc and .bash_profile12:43
source47nope. i cant find it running: ps -ef | grep dbus | grep -v grep12:43
source47how can i run it?12:43
ikoniasource47: so there is your problem12:43
antonio_test again12:43
source47isnt it there on a default install of ubuntu 15.10 ?12:43
ikoniasource47: it's not just about 15.1012:43
ikoniathe host also matters12:43
source47how do u mean?12:44
mcphailantonio_: please don't use this room for tests. This is the Ubuntu supoort channel12:44
goofikonia: thanks .bashrc worked12:44
ikoniasource47: found a bug for you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/147713012:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1477130 in systemd (Ubuntu) "timedatectl fails inside container" [Undecided,Fix released]12:44
source47ikonia: thanks. i saw that alraedy12:45
source47ok nm. it works. had to apt-get install dbus for some reason12:48
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GnomeKrisI was unaware that it would take forever and a day to resize an ntfs partition...12:54
auronandaceGnomeKris: the bigger they are and the more data on it the longer it will take12:59
GnomeKrisauronandace, I guessed as much. It's a 360ish gb hdd with about 140gb data13:00
GnomeKrisall steam games13:00
GnomeKrisSo, with 14.04, can I cycle through workspaces from 1>2>3>1>2 or back like 3>2>1>3>2, using the ctrl+alt+arrow keys? Because so far, it stops at either end, and I'd rather just keep rolling through.13:03
goofI have an xsession error "/usr/sbin/lightdm-session: 29: .: Can't open /home/g/torch/install/bin/torch-activate" - how can I fix this without installing torch?13:03
OerHeksGnomeKris, hold the windows key for shortkeys13:03
ikoniagoof: make the file ?13:04
goofikonia: the directory exists13:04
ikoniagoof: it'a file13:04
ikoniait's trying to open the file13:04
GnomeKrisOerHeks, I'm not sure what you mean, but I've just tried a few different things with the windows key, none of which produced the results I am looking for.13:05
goofikonia: how can I make that?13:05
ikoniait's a file13:05
ikoniajust touch it13:05
ikoniaalthough why won't you use torch ?13:06
OerHeksGnomeKris, i read 'ctrl + alt + arrow keys' to move beween them13:06
OerHeksand keeps rolling, there is no such option13:06
GnomeKrisThere needs to be that option, for those of us who use static workspaces.13:07
GnomeKrisI only ever need three at max. So I turn it to static, and would like to be able to just cycle through in a continuous loop...13:07
curlyearsmronin, peeps13:08
curlyears*moan*  I have computer headaches again13:08
OerHeksGnomeKris, i think you need to write a script yourself with xdotool or wmctrl > http://askubuntu.com/questions/377901/auto-switch-workspaces13:09
OptiprismWhat does the .d stand for? For example in init.d13:09
curlyearsI was ytping a message into IRC yesterday morning, and my keyboard and mouse just died.  I finally figured out thaat the 5V fuse for my rear USB ports mush have blown, because now that I'm plugged into thefront USB ports, thiungs light up and work13:09
OerHeksOptiprism, deamon13:10
OptiprismOh I see13:10
GnomeKrisIf I could, I would. I have no idea where to even begin with that. Thanks though OerHeks.13:10
OerHeksGnomeKris, there are 2 examples, edit them to your situation?13:10
GnomeKrisI'm looking at them now. I may be able to do something with them, with enough time and research. haha13:11
curlyearsin any case, I tried to boot into 16.04 Live-DVD mode, and kept getting this weird error message:  mumMR not foudn  error reading hd0 and then it would dump me into a grub prompt.  After hitting reset 4 or 5 times, it successfully started a cli sesseion which allowed me to get into Liive-DVD, so here I am wondering what happened?13:12
curlyearsAre there known problems with the desktop 16.04 iso, or is this something unique to me?13:13
auronandacecurlyears: how old is this computer your trying to use? sounds like you got hardware issues13:13
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curlyearsauronandace: I built it fromo brand new parts purc hased at tigerdirect in august.  worked just fine until late December, when all this trouvble started13:14
curlyearsit's an 8 core FX8300 AMD64 processor chip, 24GB RAM, 3.4TB HDD, and a BluRay rewritable13:15
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curlyearssnd just for the information of it, no, the 16.04 iso is not written on a BlueRay disc, it's written on a normal DVD rewritable13:16
auronandacecurlyears: wow, that is a beefy system. sometimes using brand new hardware like that you'll need to wait till the support for drivers and such make it though to the kernel development13:17
curlyearsauronandace: yeah, but for example the Gigabyte tech informed me when I was seeking tech support for my MB that this MB is an older model,  no longer sold.13:18
curlyearsthe latest update for the BIOS flash firmware is dated mi-201313:19
auronandacecurlyears: an older model motherboard that supports 24gb of ram? that doesn't quite add up to me13:19
curlyears3013 isn't THAAT old13:19
auronandacei agree13:20
curlyearsin any case networking and video seem to be stable under 16.04 (so far) so that's good news13:20
curlyearsI have this much "beef" because I am going to be doing a .lot of 3D CAD in supporrt of my 3D printer13:21
tapacenbali, Is a NVMe SSD bottlenecked with a 16 PCI-E lanes CPU ?13:22
akikcurlyears: you mentioned that you thought usb connectors were non-working. maybe you should investigate that further?13:22
amundseni'm not being able to watch youtube videos in ubuntu 16.04. does anybody know why this could happen ?13:23
OerHekstapacenbal, that is more a question for #hardware13:23
tapacenbalcannot talk there13:24
OerHeksamundsen, did you install restricted extras for codecs and flash and such?13:24
curlyears\akik:  like I said, neither kb nor mouse light up or work when plugged into rear panel USB ports.  When I plug them into the front panel USB ports, the light up and work.   NOTE:  this failure, whatever it is, happened while I was running and typing13:24
OerHeks!register | tapacenbal13:24
ubottutapacenbal: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:24
OerHekssome channels needs registering your name13:24
tapacenbalok thanks13:24
akikcurlyears: try inserting an usb stick into the rear ports and check kernel log (dmesg) if there's a problem13:25
beginner_hi, i'm trying ubuntu 16.04 on a machine with an rtl8192se (version B, i think) wireless card. connection with my AP is established, dns/gateway/etc. is set correctly, a correct ip is assigned (dhcp works), but i cannot ping the AP, nor anything but localhost ... i've been using 14.04 before (and other distros), all kernel 3.x - no problem at all with those.13:25
amundsenOerHeks, yes i did13:25
beginner_any idea what might be wrong?13:25
beginner_issues with linux 4.x maybe?13:26
GnomeKrisI just installed unity-tweak-tool and gnome-tweak-tool via sudo apt-get install, and neither one shows up in my dash? It did prompt me to switch display managers during the install, is that the problem? Because I'm still using GDM, should I have switched to LightDM?13:26
ikoniabeginner_: why do you think it's a kernel problem ?13:27
ikoniathere is nothing in what you've sasid that even suggests the kernel13:27
curlyearshmm... when I plug a USB stick in there, it shows up on my launch bar13:27
curlyearsstrange.  I am booted under 16.04 Live-Dvd, but a uname -a shows its  is runnung under 14.0413:28
ikoniacurlyears: explain13:28
curlyearsikonia: explain what, exactly?13:29
ikoniahow you think it's 14.04 from uname -a13:29
curlyearsikonia: output from uname -a:  Linux ubuntu 4.2.0-27-generic #32~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 22 15:32:26 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:32
beginner_ikonia: wildly guessing, since this is the first 4.x kernel i've run on the machine. as i said, all the older distros had no problems and they were all 3.x13:32
GnomeKrisDo I have to switch to LightDM in order to use unity tweak tool?13:33
ikoniacurlyears: that's 16.0513:33
ikoniabeginner_: so wild guessing isn't helpful - if you don't know, don't guess, just ask13:33
ikoniabeginner_: it's more likley icmp is being blocked at a firewall13:34
curlyearsthen why this string: 14.04.1-Ubuntu13:34
Picicurlyears: the 14.04 in that doesn't have anything to do with the release you're currently running. its just a version identifier for the kernel build itself. (also 14.04 didn't ship with a 4.2.x kernel)13:34
MrKeunerhi, how can I list packages that doesn't get security updates?13:34
ikoniacurlyears: build host13:34
curlyearssomewhat misleading, to say the least13:34
curlyearsOK, so I was mistaken on that.  My USB issue remains valid13:35
beginner_ikonia: shouldn't that affect others machines, too? no problems so far, multiple devices, multiple OSes, everything works fine. also, no router config changes at all. and no firewall set up whatsoever.13:35
curlyearsI mean, it's fairly obvious how I made the mistaken identity13:35
ikoniabeginner_: not if the fireall is local to the box you're running it on13:36
ikoniacurlyears: not missleading in the slightest13:36
ikoniacurlyears: if you don't know how to read the output of command - don't use the defailts of the output13:37
curlyearsikonia:  if ypu say so13:37
curlyearsnnow, about this USB problem:   #hardware?13:37
BrAsS_mOnKeYWhen installing Ubuntu, is it NOT recommended to install third-party software for graphis and wi-fi hardware, flash, mp3, and other media?13:37
ikoniacurlyears: well, you don't know how to read the output - and you made assumptions without checking, so dont' use data y ou don't understand13:37
tinyhippocan someone exlain how Snap packages work13:38
curlyearsikonia:   yes, as you say.13:38
beginner_ikonia: (a) just tried another distro, also with very recent kernel/drivers -> exactly the same issue. (b) running them all as live systems from an usb stick, no changes made by me. so shouldn't be a local fw (?)13:39
tinyhippoin my brain, it works like this: Application X needs library Y v3.5, Application Z also requires library Y, but v3.6, Application A needs library Y - therefore it installs Applications A X and Z, and both Library Y v3.5 and 3.6?13:39
Picitinyhippo: yes, but within a container.13:39
ikoniabeginner_: live sticks have firewalls13:39
Picitinyhippo: er. I mean each snap package installs all of its dependencies in a container.13:39
curlyearsoff to #hardware for a while13:40
beginner_ikonia: seems badly configured if i cannot access any network resources at all (like the internet)? also, never had problems with previous live versions ... strange. how to disable it (ubuntu 16.04)?13:40
ikoniabeginner_: ping is not "cannot access network resoruces"13:40
Hoang134what the problem with you ? beginner13:41
ikoniabeginner_: what network resources can you not access ?13:41
beginner_ikonia: well ping is one thing i've tried. basically every application trying to access the network fails. cannot pingn othe13:41
beginner_... sorry13:41
RealPanVHello! I am thinking of installing elementary. Where should I go?13:41
ikoniabeginner_: so thats very doubtful13:42
beginner_ikonia: cannot reach/ping other machines, network shares, etc. pp.13:42
RealPanVSince this chat only supports its official flavours.13:42
ikoniaRealPanV: elementrary website shows all the support details13:42
RealPanVOh thanks!13:42
ikoniabeginner_: so it's more likley you're not on the network13:42
Hoang134@Real: You should try13:42
RealPanVHow could I forget that13:42
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beginner_ikonia: BUT as i said gateway/dns/etc is correctly set to the router's ip. i've got a nice, valid dhcp-assigned ip as well.13:42
tinyhippoPici: so you end up with duplicates?13:43
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beginner_ikonia: also the network manager (and ifconfig/iwconfig) say i'm connected13:43
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Picitinyhippo: yes.13:43
ikoniabeginner_: so look at your connection details13:43
Picitinyhippo: as least insofar as I understand it. #snappy has more details.13:44
beginner_ikonia: at what specifically?13:44
RealPanVThis will be a noob-y question but I am trying to install Ubuntu on a specific partition, on an external hard drive. But whenever I try it, it says that this partition isn't root or a similar message that I cannot provide (official Ubuntu). Should I flag the partition as root first?13:45
ash_workz`apt-get update` is complaining about how Pinta doesn't have GPG... I think?13:46
GnomeKrisWhy can't I enable canonical partners in software&updates?13:47
ikoniabeginner_: your ip, your netmask, your gateway, yor dns13:47
phillyjcan someone  help me remove all my nvidia drivers?13:47
ducassebeginner_: also check that the default route is correctly set.13:47
RealPanVphillyj: You dont want any other drivers right?13:48
Hoang134Anybody use weechat?13:49
ubuntu-studiocan someone tell me what ubuntu version is most user friendly13:50
derbieHello! Can someone please help me out with fixing this issue, i can't google a solution for it http://pastebin.com/2DiVUrQ213:50
OerHeksphillyj, go into the driver tool, and select nouveau, then run sudo apt-get autoclean or autoremove in terminal13:50
gargamelgargamel, hey13:50
beginner_ikonia, ducasse: everything looks very fine, checked multiple times before asking here ... (checked again few seconds ago :D)13:50
gargamelpmatulis, morning13:50
ikoniabeginner_: what is your current machine ip13:50
BrAsS_mOnKeYtrying to ubuntu on vm and select download update while installing but it doesn't have internet for some reason.13:51
pmatulisgargamel, morning13:51
beginner_ikonia: (according to ifconfig, seemingly assigned via dhcp). router is, every other machine default route and dns is set to netmask
erwan_is there anyone here that is confident with cloud-init ?13:53
RealPanVBrAsS_mOnKeY: I believe you need to do something in the VM settings, I think you can't use the same network card at the same time with your normal OS and the VM if I am correct.13:53
ikoniabeginner_: and what is the exact command you are using13:53
RealPanVI have to use VMs for a long time so I cant provide anything more13:53
erwan_I'm facing a strange issue when it tries to setup ssh and complain the user doesn't exist while it is supposed to create it13:53
derbieHello! Can someone please help me out with fixing this issue, i can't google a solution for it http://pastebin.com/2DiVUrQ213:54
gargamelpmatulis, ha13:54
BrAsS_mOnKeYThank you RealPanV.13:54
OerHeksbeginner_, some strange connection issues can be solved by restarting the router, have you tried that?13:55
beginner_OerHeks: no way, connection is needed by other machines on the network. (and works 100% fine for them ...)13:56
ikoniabeginner_: and what is the exact command you are using13:56
RealPanVBrAsS_mOnKeY: Did I actually help? My pleasure.13:56
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beginner_ikonia: network manager gui "connection information" thingy. ifconfig, iwconfig, etc. all say the same13:58
ikoniabeginner_: the exact ping command13:59
Dumle29So if my laptop has been suspended, and then opened again, putting in the charger makes it dog slow14:00
Dumle29like, really really slow14:01
Dumle29a restart fixes it, but I14:01
Dumle29But I'd prefer a more permanent fix :/14:01
Dumle29any tips?14:01
beginner_ikonia: well ... "ping", "ping www.google.com", "ping" (other machine's IP, network storage etc., reachable from the network)14:01
beginner_ikonia: i can also just open firefox -> cannot reach *anything*. no matter which host name or ip, which port, protocol, etc.14:02
popeyDumle29: leave top running and see what's eating the cpu? (I suspect I know the answer - either the kswapd process or one of the idleinject ones)14:02
GnomeKrisCreated my new ext4 partition, now trying to copy/paste from the ntfs to ext4, I can't paste. The option is grayed out in gui14:03
ikoniabeginner_: so that suggests you're not on the network14:03
popeyGnomeKris: gparted doens't work like that. you can copy like-for-like partitions14:03
popeyGnomeKris: or you could use a tool like rsync or cp to do a file based copy14:04
popeyGnomeKris: but if you use parted, it will expect target to be the same as source.14:04
GnomeKrisI'm just using the files application gui14:04
Dumle29popey: A onedrive daemon14:04
beginner_ikonia: yes .... that is my problem. the connection is there, connection setup (dhcp, gateway, etc. etc.) seems to work fine, connection seems steady after that, but i cannot reach anything on the network ...14:04
GnomeKriscp would probably work best though huh?14:04
Dumle29popey: But only rarel14:04
beginner_ikonia: seems the same problem (same symptoms at least) have occurred some times before (found some posts from 2010 and 2013 - they all said to upgrade kernel/driver, haha ...).14:05
ikoniabeginner_: is this a wireless network ?14:05
Dumle29popey: Maybe some sort of weird powersaving state glitch?14:05
GnomeKrislike "cp -r source/directory/* /destination/directory"14:05
GnomeKrisor so?14:05
popeyGnomeKris: I'd use cp -a14:05
GnomeKris-a is archive though?14:05
beginner_ikonia: yeah.14:06
GnomeKrisI want recursive and to retain permissions14:06
ikoniabeginner_: so thats the first thing I'd be looking at is verifying if you are actually on that wireles network still14:06
ikoniaa simple test is to re-request a new ip from dhclient14:06
popeyGnomeKris: yes, read the man page14:06
GnomeKrisI'll be taking ownership and creating a permanent mount point for the new partition when I'm done.14:06
GnomeKrisI did, that's why I'm asking. I should rephrase...Why archive?14:07
pawshow can i install xml parser and mb string in ubuntu 16.04 ?14:07
popeyGnomeKris: look at the very next line14:07
popey       -a, --archive14:08
popey              same as -dR --preserve=all14:08
gargamelpmatulis, bro :)14:08
popey                ^ the next line14:08
GnomeKrisI missed that some how14:09
popeyyes, I know :)14:09
GnomeKrisI plan on wiping out the ntfs partition entirely. -a will accomplish what I'm after without loss of data?14:09
beginner_ikonia: you think i'm very stupid, don't you. well i cannot blame you but in fact, everything seems in place, even the wireless network i'm (allegedly) connected to. (network name, AP's mac address/bssid, ...)14:10
beginner_ikonia: just ran "dhclient -r wlp7s0" and "dhclient wlp7s0", got the same ip again.14:10
popeyGnomeKris: if you copy everything, sure14:10
GnomeKrisI plan to use a wildcard copy. like "cp -a /source/directory/* /dest/directory/"14:11
ikoniabeginner_: I never said you where stupid at all14:11
ikoniabeginner_: what are you talking about14:11
popeyGnomeKris: I'd just cp -a source/directory /dest/directory14:13
popeyGnomeKris: so you pick up hidden files in the source14:13
beginner_ikonia: i know. you just talk to me like most people talk to rather unknowledgable /unintelligent or plainly stupid people. as i said, cannot blame you, since what i'm telling seems dumb. but hey i cannot explain it either, hence why i came here :D14:13
GnomeKrisNo wildcard needed then?14:13
ikoniabeginner_: I'm not going to engage with your futher, I've been nothing but polite and given you debug / walk through advice to work out the problem14:13
GnomeKrisand it'll copy recursive directories?\14:13
popeyGnomeKris: depends what's in the folder. try it and see14:14
pawshow can i install xml parser and mb string in ubuntu 16.04 ? I did apt-get install php-xmlrpc but it still not working.. do i have to change anything in the php.ini ?14:14
popeypaws: php-xml-parser isn't it?14:14
GnomeKristrue, it's copy, not cut, so it's not like the source is going anywhere yet.14:14
GnomeKrisexcuse me, it's copy, not move.14:14
popeypaws: also php-mbstring14:15
pawsi did that popey14:16
pawsohhh php-xml-parser i see14:16
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beginner_ikonia: i tried to be polite, too. thanks anyways, have a nice day. :-)14:17
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pawswhat about php ZIP support? what do i need for that?14:18
popeypaws: php-zip14:18
popeypaws: apt-cache search php | grep zip14:18
akikbeginner_: can you list "ip addr list" and "ip route list" in a pastebin?14:18
akiki know it can be hard without network :)14:19
curlyearsOK, those guys in #hardware definitely knnow their stuff, but their suggestions re: my problem were pretty lame14:21
beginner_akik: sorry doing that "setting up an old laptop" on the side, no time for usb-stick-copy-paste-carrying-stuff" :-(14:22
beginner_maybe later or tomorrow, gotta get some work done14:22
MacroManIf I set the permission of files on a network drive, does Windows see those permissions?14:22
cannibalnone of my shortcut keys work14:28
cannibalusing ubuntu mate14:29
Frede___1How do i connect to a wireless accesspoint in ubuntu using the command line?14:29
nomichttps://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md  SETTING WIFI UP VIA THE COMMAND LINE14:30
nomicconnect to wifi from command line  ^14:30
curlyearsWindoes and linux use entirely different file permisssions protocols, but if the user the networkl shares through ghas permissions to files, then the Windows user can usse them.  If not, they're protected from the Windows user (IIRC)14:30
curlyearsnomic:  did you know there is a #raspberrypi channel?14:31
lotuspsychje!who | curlyears14:31
ubottucurlyears: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:31
phillyjI want to remove my old 14.4 installation on my SSD boot drive (file system) and install 16.04. I have USB live-install ready. Do I just run the live-USB so that I can start from scratch?14:32
EriC^^phillyj: do you need anything from your old installation?14:32
phillyji have my /home on another HDD, EriC^^14:33
curlyearsgood point, lotuspsychjelot:  are you aware of any "filter driver" sorts of things under ubuntu that would correctly use the USB ports on tyhe front panel, but not correctly use the USB ports on the rear panel?14:33
EriC^^phillyj: ok, you can get the list of installed programs if you want and auto reinstall them later14:33
nomiccan't join automatically curlyear14:33
phillyjEriC^^: so I can just run my live-USB and it will show me what to do, right?14:34
curlyearsnomic:   what do you mean?14:34
EriC^^phillyj: do you want to keep them?14:34
phillyjEriC^^: no14:35
nomici kno, curlyears14:35
nomicthat there is a raspberry pi channel14:35
EriC^^phillyj: ok, just run the live usb and choose to erase the disk and fresh install if just 1 hdd is in there, or manually partition14:35
curlyearsnomic:  n what do you mean by "can't join automatically?"14:35
EriC^^from the Something else menu14:35
cannibalmy ctrl and alt keys are mapped to shift for some reason14:36
cannibalhow can i fix this14:36
OerHekscannibal, what did you do to map them to shift?14:38
t1mpI just received my brand new Dell XPS13 with Ubuntu14:39
t1mpI like to upgrade it from 14.04 to 16.04.. according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes that should be almost automatic when I enable notifications for new LTS versions, but update manager tells me there are no updates14:40
t1mpI guess that notification will only come for 16.04.1?14:40
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | t1mp14:40
ubottut1mp: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.14:40
t1mpso if I want it now, I have to upgrade to 15.10 first?14:41
cannibalOerHeks,  nothing14:41
t1mpand then to 16.04?14:41
lotuspsychjet1mp: clean install14:41
cannibalOerHeks, if i try to change shutdown shortcut to ctrl alt del it sees the keys as shift + del14:41
t1mplotuspsychje: why? Is it likely to break if I upgrade to 15.10 (which the software updater offers), and then to 16.04?14:42
t1mpI finally have a laptop with ubuntu pre-installed and now I have to do a clean install14:42
lotuspsychjet1mp: not very recommended to go from lts to non-lts liek that14:42
akikt1mp: have you made a backup of it? it could have some custom dell installed software in it14:43
lotuspsychjet1mp: wait the LTS way on 16.04.1 perhaps14:43
kiran_Is there a package manager for ubuntu?14:43
t1mpakik: I didn't make a backup, but there are some dell packages and ppas installed14:43
akikt1mp: 14.04 is supported until 2019 btw14:43
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t1mpkiran_: apt, and there are graphical tools too14:44
polyxenaI've recently installed 16.04lts.  Installed xpad (note taking program) from repos.  "search your computer" does not find it.  Why?14:44
Olotilais there a command to find out location in network wise?14:44
t1mpakik: yeah, but I need 16.04, for ubuntu phone development and I like to play with lxd14:44
OlotilaI am in NAS14:44
GnomeKrisCan I claim ownership of a new partition with "sudo chown -R kristopher:kristopher /media/partion/"14:44
GnomeKrisor so?14:44
lotuspsychjepolyxena: dash doesnt show xpad?14:44
polyxenaif dash=search your computer, then no.14:45
lotuspsychjepolyxena: what happens when you start xpad from terminal?14:45
polyxenait starts fine14:46
Huliohi how to make ubuntu auto login?'14:46
Hulioi need it automatic login14:46
Huliois there a way to change it from terminal?14:46
lotuspsychjepolyxena: does the icon show on your launcher after launch?14:46
EriC^^Hulio: go to settings > accounts14:46
EriC^^and turn automatic login on14:47
lotuspsychjepolyxena: stick it to persisent on your launcher then?14:47
polyxenalotuspsychje:  will try it14:47
akikGnomeKris: yes that works fine14:48
Huliothanks dude14:48
lotuspsychjepolyxena: does xpad show in /usr/share/applications ?14:48
EriC^^Hulio: no problem14:48
akikGnomeKris: there's probably your username in between media and the partition14:48
polyxenalotuspsychje:  worked.  thanks.14:48
HulioEriC^^, you're genieus14:48
HulioEriC^^, you're very smart man14:48
lotuspsychje!cookie | EriC^^14:49
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:49
GnomeKrisakik, I didn't mean to exclude that part.14:49
GnomeKrismy bad14:49
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t1mpah, if I configure update manager to warn for LTS release only, update-manager -d gives me the option to go from 14.04 to 16.04 LTS14:53
t1mplet's try that.14:53
k1l!ltsupgrade | t1mp14:53
ubottut1mp: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.14:53
t1mpyes, I saw that. But I prefer not to wait until the automatic upgrade in july :)14:53
akikt1mp: that was the warning14:54
polyxenacan "search your computer" display programs as list and not icons?14:54
t1mpsomeone needs to test if it works ;)14:54
=== cigumo_ is now known as cigumo
tytanHello everyone. I just saw that Bethesda is working on bringing DOOM on vulkan. I huess this means it could potentially be played on linux based operating systems. How do I install Vulkan in Ubuntu 16.04? =)14:54
akikt1mp: backups are good in this case :)14:54
t1mpwell I got the laptop 1h ago, so not much data on it that I can lose14:55
akikt1mp: time is of value too, not having to figure out why your hw is not working after the default installation14:56
Switches@t1mp aslong as you have read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes and have backups of anything you should be good to go.14:56
OerHekspolyxena, install classicmenu-indicator to get a gnome2.x like menu on the top panel right side14:56
OerHeks!info classicmenu-indicator14:56
ubottuclassicmenu-indicator (source: classicmenu-indicator): indicator showing the main menu from Gnome Classic. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 27 kB, installed size 280 kB14:56
lotuspsychjetytan: seems like usefull here: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-x/+archive/ubuntu/vulkan14:56
tytanlotuspsychje: Oh, thank you very much! =]14:57
lotuspsychjetytan: there is also #gamingonlinux if you wanna be up to date on gaming news/linux14:57
tytannice to know14:57
akiktytan: i saw a news article that someone got doom 4 running under wine, smoothly14:58
Switches@tytan they aren't releasing for Linux and as Vulkan isn't platform specific (and still very early beta). I doubt it will run natively. But maybe Wine will have it14:58
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OerHekstytan, you have been watching Doom running on GTX 1080 with Vulkan API ?14:59
polyxenaOerHeks:  thanks.  I'll try that.14:59
tytanOerHeks: That's what I've seen on the internet, yes. I currently have a GTX 980 Ti which is fine too ^^14:59
OerHekstytan, it is awesome indeed, 200 fps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T_zaNqAqzY15:00
tytanOerHeks: I dualboot with Windows 7 at the moment and I played the open beta. If it runs on linux natively, it would be awesome15:01
phillyji'm install 16.04 and am setting the partitions. Why did the installation want to make changes to my LIVE-USB? It is putting the swap in it...15:01
someone235Can anyone please help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323825&p=13486642#post1348664215:02
lotuspsychjephillyj: are you only seeing your liveusb media instead of your internal harddisk?15:02
OerHekssomeone235, typo > nnameserver15:02
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someone235OerHeks, I don't think it's typo, I think it's new line15:03
phillyjlotuspsychje: no, all my HDDs are seen; I  have 1 SSD and 3 HDD on my PC15:03
someone235OerHeks, I've checked resolve.conf and it's written OK.15:04
lotuspsychjephillyj: try the auto partioning on your ssd?15:04
OerHekssomeone235, and resolve.conf should not be editted when using networkmanager, AFAIK15:04
phillyjlotuspsychje: after setting my SSD with mount point and clicking "Install Now", I am asked to allow putting SWAP on my live-usb. I didn't select such an option15:05
lotuspsychjephillyj: are you not manually partitioning?15:05
phillyjlotuspsychje: yes15:06
phillyjlotuspsychje: i selected to install by "something else"15:06
lotuspsychjephillyj: try going back and automatic partition your ssd15:06
someone235OerHeks, it doesn't work even after I'm stopping networkmanager and then starting again15:06
akiksomeone235: there's a place in network manager for your dns servers15:07
phillyjlotuspsychje: what is automaticpartition?15:07
lotuspsychjephillyj: do you want your ssd installed fully with ubuntu?15:07
firmanAnyone want to give me explanation about this error log? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16346705/15:07
phillyjlotuspsychje: yes15:07
someone235akik, OerHeks, Actually, I don't see how it's related to my issue. is Google dns server. How it can help me connect to wifi?15:07
OerHekssomeone235, this post handles dns and networkmanager, use networkmanager and leave resolv.conf, or set it static yourself and remove networkmanager..15:08
phillyjlotuspsychje: it should have the / mount point; my /home will be on another HDD15:08
OerHekssomeone235, akik is right, use the networkmanager gui to setup your wifi, auto dhcp and manual dns15:08
someone235OerHeks, yes, but how setting dns server should help me in the first place?15:09
akiksomeone235: you  should first check whether you get an ip address from your access point and can not ping it. not sure why it was given as a first choice at ubuntu forums15:10
lotuspsychje!partitioning | phillyj15:10
ubottuphillyj: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap15:10
OerHekssomeone235, YOU came here with a dns issue > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323825&p=13486642#post1348664215:11
lotuspsychjefirman: having wifi issues?15:11
OerHeksdon't turn it around ..15:11
n1md4hi.  does any one know of a hardware testing 'distro' i want something i can put on usb/cd boot a machine with, it run a bunch of tests, and prints pass or fail15:12
n1md4anything like that?15:12
someone235OerHeks, sorry, I didn't mean to use the #15:12
lotuspsychjen1md4: put ubuntu on an usb, if hardware fails, logs will show15:12
someone235OerHeks, I meant to ask about the problem in the top post15:12
jka_any server establishing tutorials15:13
lotuspsychje!server | jka_15:13
ubottujka_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server15:13
jka_links to them15:13
n1md4lotuspsychje: yeah, i'm thinking of a minimal ubuntu, with some choice tools15:13
jka_@ubottu thx15:13
jka_<ubottu> thx15:13
lotuspsychjen1md4: there are some good testing packages out there like bonnie++15:14
lotuspsychjen1md4: depending what hardware specific you like to test15:14
n1md4lotuspsychje: right, that's what i was thinking, i'd like to memtest, bonnie+, and cpu burn15:14
GnomeKrishttp://pastebin.com/20ymtVkL Is this all I need in fstab to make the mount point permanent?15:14
n1md4well, as much hardware as possible; excluding anything to do with video; not interested in that.15:15
erwan_n1md4, cpuburn doesn't perform any benchmark but a heating test15:15
lotuspsychjen1md4: you want it for 1 machine or several?15:15
MrKeunercan I see which packages are not under security-updates maintenance?15:15
n1md4erwan_: just a suggestion, I'd love to hear more.15:15
n1md4lotuspsychje: several, it can be quite generic15:16
someone235akik, I don't have an IP address15:16
firmanno but its found in kern.log after random freeze, and i downloading something with uget(with aria2), lotuspsychje15:16
someone235akik, I'm not connected to the access point15:16
phillyjlotuspsychje: hmm, never mind, i think. this USB has a linux-swap in it for some unknown reason15:16
lotuspsychje!details | firman15:16
ubottufirman: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:16
OerHeksMrKeuner, that will be none, i guess?15:16
jeskwhen trying to install Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS the installer says "Failed to retrieve the preconfiguration file.....file:///cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed".15:17
lotuspsychjejesk: perhaps the #ubuntu-server channel might know this?15:17
jeskwhen I skip this error I have to install manually but then it fails to detect my NICs15:17
OerHeksjesk, check the md5sum of the iso ?15:17
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:17
akiksomeone235: when you do "rfkill list" does it say that something is blocked?15:18
firmanwhole system is freeze, keyboard, mouse, screen all of them not responding, i did nothing and cant do anything except press and hold the power button, i am ran ubuntu 15.10 with asus x200ma, huawei mobile wifi used as wired device, lotuspsychje15:19
jeskthe md5 sum is ok15:20
lotuspsychjefirman: was this an upgrade or clean install?15:20
jeskis there anything what the server OS can do what the normal ubuntu distri cant?15:20
jeskno clue about the differences15:20
firmanclean install, lotuspsychje15:20
rick6860can someone help me navigate the install of Miro media player?15:20
someone235akik, nothing is blocked15:21
lotuspsychjefirman: have you tried a 16.04 liveusb yet?15:21
akiksomeone235: can you list the wireless networks with "sudo iwlist your_interface scan" ?15:22
akiksomeone235: maybe try restarting the access point?15:22
firmannot i dont yet, in this country, connection not fast and i waiting for some major bug fixed, its still in downloading process15:23
lotuspsychjefirman: ok wanna pastebin your syslog with us?15:23
lotuspsychjefirman: since when did 15.10 start to freeze?15:24
firmanoke, on whats point its exactly? xorg, dpkg or auth lotuspsychje?15:24
lotuspsychjefirman: pastebin /var/log/syslog please15:25
firmanoke, <lotuspsychje>15:25
someone235akik, I don't have direct access to the router15:25
akiksomeone235: can you try connecting through your cell phone?15:26
someone235you mean to use it as hotspot?15:26
akiksomeone235: yes15:26
akiksomeone235: that way you can test where the problem could be15:27
rick6860how do I Add the PPA as a source.?15:28
ubottuA !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details15:28
BrAsS_mOnKeYPPA! O.O15:28
tjvcShould I avoid using the service command to control systemd services in Ubuntu 16.04?15:30
akiktjvc: yes15:31
MrKeunerOerHeks, not correct. there may be packages you installed from other repositories, packages that end their life of support, etc.15:31
akiktjvc: systemctl is the one15:31
tjvcakik: Thanks. Is there a reason why service still works though, for example for Apache?15:33
akiktjvc: can you see /etc/init.d/apache on your system?15:33
tjvcakik: Yes.15:34
akiktjvc: ok so service is reading that file15:34
phillyji finished installing 16.04 but I want to use my old /home that is on my other HDD. How do I move it?15:35
R0binh00dSome of the service scripts may still be present in the directory structure so that service will read them use them, but thn again with systemd, that should not be the default method of dealing with services15:35
R0binh00dso akik I agree with you ...15:35
akikthen there are some compatibility layers in systemd for init scripts15:36
lotuspsychje!movehome | phillyj15:36
ubottuphillyj: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving15:36
someone235akik, I don't find toothpick in order to put the micro sim in my smartphone. Do you have other idea?15:36
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akiksomeone235: hehe that was my best choice for checking whether the wireless in your laptop works15:37
R0binh00dyo lotuspsychje you still here? When do you sleep man? :-)15:37
lotuspsychje!life | R0binh00d15:37
ubottuR0binh00d: life is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic15:37
tjvcakik: Ah OK, just reading up on this. Looks like systemd is backwards compatible with SysV init scripts, which I guess explains why systemctl also works.15:38
phillyjlotuspsychje: i have my old files on my other HDD (/home). I just want to have my file system keep all those files and use that as the "new" /home15:39
someone235akik, I'll go to the grocery to buy a toothpick :)15:39
R0binh00d!love | lotuspsychje15:40
lotuspsychjeR0binh00d: sorry im already taken :p15:40
fubI want to install a minimal ubuntu on a working machine at home, so I choose to take the ubuntu server image. My cpu supports 64bit (intel core i5), but I can only find amd64 images, do they also work?15:42
lotuspsychjefub: amd64 is the 64bit image15:42
firmanlotuspsychje, pleas wait, "bad gateway"15:42
lotuspsychjefub: its just a general name for it15:43
somsip!minimal | fub (is the most minimal)15:43
ubottufub (is the most minimal): The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:43
fubsomsip: is there an advantage of this over the server image?15:43
lotuspsychjefirman: can you tell me when 15.10 started to freeze?15:43
somsipfub: depends how minimal you want it to be15:43
fubIt's not because of the size, I just dont want a GUI etc installed by default15:43
fubsomsip: I want to install only what I need15:43
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:44
somsipfub: that's what the minimal install offers15:45
fubsomsip: so what the difference to the server version?15:45
somsipfub: server installs some server packages AIUI15:45
firmanits random, but ussualy when i runing firefox too long15:45
ioriafub, for starter, it's a net install15:46
firmanwhen watching livestreaming, youtube, vlc, document viewer, lotuspsychje15:46
lotuspsychjefirman: did it always was like this? or did you have better times on 15.10?15:46
fuball right, then I hope it detects my wlan adapter, it's an Alfa AWUS30H so it can pull packages.15:47
fubis there any way to check this before?15:47
lotuspsychjefub: mini is pretty advanced, you might encouter unwanted stuff15:47
somsipfub: not sure - never used minimal with wifi. I'd suggest care should be taken15:47
fublotuspsychje: unwanted stuff? :D15:47
firmanits was happens from i install it. never change, but many issue such freeze when lid off can solved by google, lotuspsychje, i think its because my computer is not on verified list in ubuntu device15:48
lotuspsychjefub: like installing needed network packages etc15:48
firmansorry for english :)15:48
fublotuspsychje: as long as there is a module for my wlan adapter I'm fine with this15:49
lotuspsychjefirman: perhaps install a lighter ubuntu flavor, or buy a 16.04 usb stick from ubuntu's website (if you have slow internet)15:49
ioriafub, it gives you the choice to manual configure your adapter , if not happen automatically , as you said the problem could be the module15:49
firmanokay, thx, ill try your advice lotuspsychje15:50
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somsipfub: possiblilty is to install to a VM first to check15:50
lotuspsychjefub: a good idea could be putting some drivers on usb already for your specific chipset?15:50
firmanand thanks for your attention, its meaning a lot, lotuspsychje15:50
fubIt's based on the Realtek RTL8187 chipset, I think this is built in.15:51
fubI will try it15:51
lotuspsychjefirman: 15.10 is gonna end support on the near future, so best to choose another version15:51
firmanokay, i got it, lotuspsychje15:52
lotuspsychjefub: another way is installing a regular ubuntu flavor, and stripping it down to you needs as you wish (purge)15:52
soutce47hi guys, i am running ubuntu 15.10 in a lxc container and i am getting problems running localed: systemd-localed.service: Failed at step NETWORK spawning permission denied15:52
soutce47the above comes from journalctl15:53
soutce47generally localectl status just hangs then times out15:53
soutce47any ideas what i can do allow permission for network spawning?15:53
phillyjwhats the desktop environment on 16.4 known as?15:54
EriC^^phillyj: unity15:54
somsipphillyj: unity15:54
firmanone more question lotuspsychje, which better between upgrade and clean install?15:55
lotuspsychjefirman: well for your case, clean install as upgrade needs faster connection15:55
lotuspsychjefirman: let the 16.04 download finish and burn the iso on stick, then clean install15:56
firmanokay... :D lotuspsychje15:56
lotuspsychjefirman: how fast is your 'slow' connection exactly?15:57
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jak2000hi all15:58
lotuspsychjejak2000: welcome, how can we assist you?15:58
jak2000i need create a variable(environment) named: CONECTOR_HOME and point to: /home/jak/conector  how do it?15:59
firmanin midnight to 6:00 am 60 kbps, and then slower, lotuspsychje16:00
somsipjak2000: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables16:00
lotuspsychjefirman: ok thats slow..better choose the safest clean install way16:00
fublotuspsychje: so.. it looks like he does not even try to connect to the wireless lan, just trying to set up the dhcp stuff16:02
firmanyeah, its better, lotuspsychje16:02
fubI opened a shell in the installer and wrote the /etc/network/interfaces, but there is no ifconfig to activate the interface16:03
ioriafub, no, you have start the installation and follow it16:03
fubioria: I did, but there is no step for setting up a wireless connection16:04
fubioria: I'm trying the minimal install16:04
BrAsS_mOnKeYhow to I leave tty1?16:04
lotuspsychjefub: thats the unwanted stuff i meant :p16:05
BrAsS_mOnKeYtty2, i mean16:05
aliefchandratesting koneksi16:05
fubhehe okay16:05
fubthen I'm going to use the server install16:05
fubdoes this have the wireless stuff?16:05
lotuspsychjefub: server install should handle network better yes16:05
ioriafub, mmm, you need a cable connection, then16:05
lotuspsychjefub: but ask yourself first, do you really need ubuntu server?16:06
fublotuspsychje: I dont want to install all the GUI stuff. I want to install i3 later16:06
fubso I think the server install is cleaner, isnt it?16:07
lotuspsychjefub: why dont you strip down a xubuntu or so, purge all unwanted stuff and set i3 to autologin?16:07
braycep#join ubuntu-cn16:07
lotuspsychjefub: xubuntu or lubuntu are pretty light by default16:07
fublotuspsychje: mhh16:07
lotuspsychjefub: installing i3 on a server sounds a bit weird...16:07
fublotuspsychje: yeah this is not going to be a server :>16:08
lotuspsychjefub: thats what i mean..16:08
ducassefub: if you want a really minimal install and don't mind a little manual work, you can use debootstrap.16:08
jak2000somsip: how to know where is installed java? thanks16:08
somsipfub: the correct (but tricky) way would be to use minimal. The easier (but messier) way would be to strip down from a simple install. To use server install on a desktop is wrong each way16:08
braycep#join help16:08
fubSo when I take the desktop version and strip it down. How do I know what to strip down?16:09
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lotuspsychjefub: unwanted packages of your choice16:09
somsipjak2000: 'whereis java' will tell you where it is installed but might not be what you need16:09
fubI dont know all that additional stuff ubuntu adds for the desktop16:09
fublotuspsychje: so then I have to go through dpkg for every single package?16:09
kunifahello. installed gnome to ubuntu 16.04. there's no menu entry to switch users - how to enable that?16:09
squintybraycep,   /j #<channel name here>16:09
braycep#join ubuntu-cn16:09
lotuspsychjefub: sudo apt-get purge package1 package2 package316:09
lotuspsychjefub: pretty fast :p16:10
EriC^^fub: you could download the manifest for the server and manifest for the desktop and run a quick comparison16:10
squintybraycep,  /join #ubuntu-cn16:10
fublotuspsychje: I know, I know. But I first have to find out what to strip.16:10
braycepsquinty,thank you very much16:10
ducassefub: if you install from the desktop image, you can remove the desktop stuff and other tasks with tasksel.16:10
lotuspsychjefub: on a xubuntu or lubuntu its all minimal already16:10
squintybraycep, yw16:10
lotuspsychjefub: if you want more strip down, erase more...16:11
fuball right, going for lubuntu then. thanks.16:11
lotuspsychjefub: then purge all gui stuff you dont gonna use, abiword,..16:11
EriC^^i thought the server image and desktop image were pretty much the same just without the desktop?16:12
lotuspsychjefub: yeah i mean all the packages that comes by default on lubuntu16:12
fubokay, never heard this word before, sorry ;)16:12
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: hmm not really, server got more specific stuff server needs i think16:12
EriC^^ah right, openssh and the likes16:13
lotuspsychje!info abiword | fub16:13
ubottufub: abiword (source: abiword): efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-6 (xenial), package size 1332 kB, installed size 4627 kB16:13
somsipEriC^^: and...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu_Server16:13
EriC^^somsip: thanks reading16:13
phillyjim trying to edit my fstab file to point my system to see my "old" /home as my new /home directory. Do I use the mount point that gparted gives me for this partition?16:13
jak2000somsip: export CONECTOR_HOME=/home/jak/conector/bin   and typed: echo "${CONECTOR_HOME}"   and return me: /home/jak/conector/bin    how to do it permanently?  thanks16:14
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lotuspsychje!fstab | phillyj16:14
ubottuphillyj: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions16:14
fiterHi everyone16:14
fiterHave you tried ubuntu 16.04?16:14
somsipjak2000: I expect you'd need to spell connector correctly. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#Persistent_environment_variables16:14
phillyjlotuspsychje: my mount point has such a long name, like this: /media/PCname/21243c26....16:15
akikphillyj: use lsblk to see the uuids of your partitions16:15
akikphillyj: oops sorry blkid16:15
akikphillyj: then use that uuid in fstab16:16
lotuspsychje!blkid | phillyj suggested by akik16:16
ubottuphillyj suggested by akik: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:16
lotuspsychjefiter: you can download 16.04 from ubuntu.com and test yourself in a liveusb if you wish16:19
jak2000somsip: understand i need edit ~/.profile right? editad and is empty why?16:20
jak2000its correct?16:20
EriC^^jak2000: what's up?16:22
fiterlotuspsychje, I know. But liveusb is one and the persistent ubuntu and using it every day is another. That's why I asked about it.16:22
lotuspsychjefiter: the one you use is 14.04?16:23
jak2000EriC^^ its correct if i try edit ~/.profile  its empty? is correct?16:24
EriC^^jak2000: it shouldn't be empty16:26
fiterlotuspsychje, I was using Ubuntu 15.04, but when decided to look at Ubuntu Mate 16.04. Installed it, and it's completely terrible as for me.16:26
lotuspsychjefiter: can you define terrible?16:27
EriC^^jak2000: there's a sample .profile in /etc/skel/.profile16:27
fiterlotuspsychje, terrible means that it's unconvenient for me ( I mean Mate graphical environment)16:28
someone235akik, it works great from my hotspot16:28
fiterlotuspsychje, Unity looks much more better16:28
OerHeksfiter, try other flavors, some love mate, some don't.16:29
akiksomeone235: have you changed the wireless security protocol in network manager?16:29
someone235akik, no16:29
akiksomeone235: sorry, out of ideas16:30
lotuspsychjesomeone235: try to re-ask your issue in channel mate, other volunteers might know16:31
someone235lotuspsychje, I've asked here, in askubuntu, and ubuntuforums, where else should I ask?16:33
lotuspsychjesomeone235: its ok the re-ask in here once in a while16:33
lotuspsychjesomeone235: other timeszones, other users can be online to help16:34
someone235lotuspsychje, this is what I do :)16:34
arioBarzanwhat is the unity version of Xenial Xerus? unity 7?16:34
lotuspsychje!info unity | arioBarzan16:35
ubottuarioBarzan: unity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 7.4.0+16.04.20160415-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 1581 kB, installed size 6804 kB16:35
OerHekssomeone235, you came here with a dns issue > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323825&p=13486642#post13486642 but that is not how you should do it16:35
OerHekssetup wireless in networkmanager with these dns servers16:35
OerHekssomeone235, don't populate resolv.conf like that16:36
someone235OerHeks, I've accidentally linked to a specific post instead of the topic. The topic is about the wifi issue, not DNS.16:37
fublotuspsychje: got lubuntu running now. Let the strippin' begin :>16:37
lotuspsychje!yay | fub16:37
ubottufub: Glad you made it! :-)16:37
OerHekssomeone235, oke, then repeat your actual question please.16:37
someone235OerHeks, yes, I've seen that there are comments on the file saying I shouldn't so it :)16:37
lotuspsychjesomeone235: why does your kernel show .35? system not up to date?16:37
fublotuspsychje: install was painless, wireless stuff was nearly working instantly16:37
someone235lotuspsychje, I'm with 15.1016:38
lotuspsychjefub: now purge everything you dont need, but keep the basics right16:38
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic wily | someone23516:38
ubottusomeone235: linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (wily), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB16:38
lotuspsychjeJeanJacquesGoldm: can we help you?16:39
fublotuspsychje: yeah, I first need to find how this GUI is called. lxde/lxqt is not an installed package16:39
phillyji set my new /home by editing fstab but none of my /desktop directory didn't move (it's empty)16:39
someone235OerHeks, I can't connect to a specific access point with a specific laptop with Ubuntu. all other devices can connect to the access point. Even the same laptop when I'm connecting from Windows.16:40
fubJeanJacquesGoldm: Is that a fork bomb?16:40
fubI think it is ;)16:40
lotuspsychjefub: install i3 first perhaps, so you have a fallback :p16:40
akiksomeone235: and you tested wireless connectivity to your cell phone?16:40
JeanJacquesGoldmTrolling one friend of mine, and misclicking16:40
someone235akik, yes, it works with my cellphone.16:41
lotuspsychjesomeone235: update your system asap first16:42
akiksomeone235: let's make it still clearer, from your ubuntu to your cell phone?16:42
someone235akik, yes16:42
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lotuspsychjesomeone235: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:45
anomhello friends and foes16:57
anomIs ubuntu's default terminal (i think it's gnome?) capable of running 24bit color right off the bat?16:57
OerHeksanom,  see terminal > edit > profile pref > colours, it is set to system theme, and you can change that there16:59
OerHeksnot sure it is 24 bit colour..16:59
anom24bit is the same as 256 right?17:00
anomI'm just wanting to know, because I'm trying to get a vim color scheme to work correctly. (running vim through terminal)17:00
akik8 bit is 256 colours17:01
OerHeks24 bit = 256 shades of red, green, and blue, for a total of 16,777,216 color variations17:02
BrAsS_mOnKeYi go to ubuntu software and search for wireshark but it is not there17:03
BrAsS_mOnKeYshould i just manually install?17:03
OerHeks!info wireshark17:03
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - meta-package. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2+ga16e22e-1 (xenial), package size 5 kB, installed size 57 kB17:04
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  in a terminal: sudo apt install wireshark17:04
OerHeksit is in universe, enable it in sources17:04
BrAsS_mOnKeYnot sure how to enable, OerHeks.17:04
BrAsS_mOnKeYthanks MonkeyDust :)17:04
OerHekstype sources in dash, and updtes & sources tool shows up17:04
anomWhen I run tput colors in temrinal i get 25617:05
anomso I assume this should work17:06
nicolekidmanhi guys17:06
nicolekidmanis using su temporarily and then switching back to normal user, the same as using sudo? is it equivalent.?17:06
lotuspsychje!sudo | nicolekidman17:08
ubottunicolekidman: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:08
BrAsS_mOnKeYhow do i pull up dash?17:08
nicolekidmanlotuspsychje: i know all that17:08
nicolekidmanwhat i am sking is  ,is it as secure? temporary su and then exit.17:09
MonkeyDustnicolekidman  su means switch user, not super user17:09
akiknicolekidman: yes it's secure17:09
fublotuspsychje: cant get my head around of how I change to i3 in lubuntu..17:09
lotuspsychjefub: after installing i3 logout, and login to i317:09
fublotuspsychje: there is no way to select the window manager when logging in17:10
nicolekidmansu means root user. or substitute user as root.17:10
lotuspsychjefub: there is also an #i3 channel if you like17:10
fublotuspsychje: yeah but I dont think thats i3 related17:10
nicolekidmanis it equivalent?17:10
akiknicolekidman: you'll get a root shell from sudo su -17:10
nicolekidmani know17:11
lotuspsychjeBrAsS_mOnKeY: click on the start button (ubuntu logo)17:11
akiknicolekidman: if you run with sudo, you'll run that one command with root access and then come back to your normal account17:11
nicolekidmani am asking is it equivalent to use temp root, and exit= use of sudo. i.e. is using root temporarily=using user account with sudo??17:11
wymillerlinuxBrAsS_mOnKeY: you can pull up dash by going into the terminal and typing 'dash'. what you're using now is bash17:11
OerHeksnicolekidman, yes, exit gets you out of su, but we suggest sudo, not to use su17:12
MonkeyDustnicolekidman  better use sudo, not su17:12
akiknicolekidman: if you need to run successive commands as root, getting a root shell is easier17:12
wymillerlinuxBrAsS_mOnKeY: if dash needs to be permenent, use 'which dash' to find the locatin of dash and then use 'chsh -s /path/to/dash'17:14
fublotuspsychje: I think it's lightdm what is running there.17:14
fubBut it will not show me an option when logging in to select i317:14
lotuspsychjefub: ask the #i3 channel, theu used to this17:15
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squintynicolekidman, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Misconceptions17:16
BrAsS_mOnKeYthanks wymillerlinux17:16
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  struggling again? did you reinstall ubuntu as vm?17:16
wymillerlinuxno problem BrAsS_mOnKeY17:17
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, yes, reinstalled.17:17
BrAsS_mOnKeYbut i am still trying to find sources17:17
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  use a light DE, not unity, in virtualbox... use xfce or lxde17:18
jak2000EriC^^ i write at the end of .profile file:17:19
Tegufub: wild guess: press the small ubuntu logo in the login box17:19
fubTegu: I just found it. It was a button hiding in the edge of the screen17:19
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, OerHeks said that i had to enable sources to see app wireshark in ubuntu software.17:19
Tegufub: okay, good. I wonder why it's so hidden17:19
BrAsS_mOnKeYbut i went to bash (windows key) typed sources but there wasnt a source option.. it was ubuntu software and software and updates.17:20
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  ok, did you enable Universe' and reload?17:20
BrAsS_mOnKeYi don't see universe17:20
Teguor it actually depends on the lightdm theme in use17:20
someone235lotuspsychje, now it works17:20
someone235lotuspsychje, I'm not sure if it's related17:20
wymillerlinuxBrAsS_mOnKeY: you can use 'sudo apt-get install wireshark' after you 'sudo apt-get update' instead of using the software center17:21
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  is it installed, or a live version, in virtualbox?17:21
lotuspsychjesomeone235: did you update system?17:21
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, installed.17:21
someone235lotuspsychje, yes17:21
jak2000EriC^^ i write at the end of .profile file: export CONECTOR_HOME=/home/jak/conector  i am ok? thanks17:21
MonkeyDustok, then in WSources, find Universe, enable it17:21
BrAsS_mOnKeYwymillerlinux, yes but still trying to familiarize myself with gui17:21
lotuspsychjesomeone235: always keep your system up to date :p17:21
lotuspsychje!usn | someone235 see the security risks here17:22
ubottusomeone235 see the security risks here: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.17:22
someone235lotuspsychje, it should do it automatically, I don't know why it wasn't up to date17:22
lotuspsychjesomeone235: you can set security updates automaticly17:22
BrAsS_mOnKeYi dont see wsources17:23
someone235lotuspsychje, usually it prompt me a dialog to do it,17:23
LostSoulIs there chance to do sub search in nss_base_passwd ?17:25
LostSoulLike when I want to check if user is memberof=XXX or member of subgroups of that group?17:25
BrAsS_mOnKeYversion 16.0517:25
BrAsS_mOnKeY16.04 :P17:25
MonkeyDustLostSoul  start from the beginning, what are you doing and trying to achieve17:26
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, how would i find univeral?17:27
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  if you don't see it in the list, you're not in the correct window or doing something wrong17:28
BrAsS_mOnKeYi click the top left icon, then type sources and ubuntu software comes up with software and updates17:29
LostSoulSo I'm trying to setup libnss/ldap login to server based on AD membership17:29
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  ok, then click on the tab 'sources'17:30
LostSoulProblem is I can force it to allow login members that are member of X group or that are member of GROUPS that are member of thix X group17:30
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, no tab17:31
LostSoulI'm only allowed when user is member of X group, but not when he is member of group that is member of that group17:31
MonkeyDustLostSoul  is that a server? if yes, there's also #ubuntu-server17:31
LostSoulI tried but they are not as active as here17:31
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, there is filter resuls on the right17:33
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  make a screenshot of what you see and upload it here  http://imgur.com/17:33
BrAsS_mOnKeYand then there is a sources section to the bottom17:33
someone235akik, OerHeks so now I'm connected to the access point, but I don't have access to the internet17:33
someone235"ping google.com" fails17:33
BrAsS_mOnKeYi went to software update then enable source code and it downloaded something lol17:34
BrAsS_mOnKeYbut didnt help so i unmarked it17:34
BrAsS_mOnKeYserver default is for peru17:35
sarperI always use main server as default17:35
BrAsS_mOnKeYi will make a screen shot, MonkeyDust17:35
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Guest42538ciao a tutti17:37
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  i wonder why you have to struggle so hard, twice17:37
OerHekssource code of the univers repo ??17:38
BrAsS_mOnKeYi'm struggling with the screen shot now17:38
BrAsS_mOnKeYprint sc is not saving to the clipboard :D17:38
alias_neoHow do I get updated ath10k drivers on Xenial? It apepars there are no Xenial-backports at the moment>17:38
BrAsS_mOnKeYOerHeks, trouble finding the universe17:39
BrAsS_mOnKeYi typed source from top left corner and it didnt bring up anything saying source.17:40
Picialias_neo: why do you think they would be in backports?17:40
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, it is on the main page of softwaresources&updates...17:40
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  the software source, not the source code!17:40
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, i know now :)17:40
PiciOerHeks: maybe if you shared a screenshot of the page with it circled it would help.17:40
alias_neoPici: Because the ones I'm after are from the yakkety kernel (4.6?)17:40
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Picialias_neo: ah.  Okay, just making sure that you understood what backports actually are.  :)17:41
justmytwospenceI'm switching to ubuntu today, and the thing thats killing me most immediately is that on my mac, ive remapped caps lock to control when held, and escape when pressed (using Karabiner). How can i replicate this in ubuntu?17:41
alias_neoPici: np, thanks for asking.17:42
rick6860I get error messege when reloading in synaptic package manager.17:42
justmytwospenceits like i forgot how to use a keyboard completely :)17:42
rick6860here is the message:W: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg: Signature by key 4CCA1EAF950CEE4AB83976DCA040830F7FAC5991 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)17:42
rick6860W: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg: Signature by key 3B068FB4789ABE4AEFA3BB491397BC53640DB551 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)17:42
curlyearsOK, anyone know if the following SSD will work correctlyunder 14.04.4 and 216.04 Desktop?17:42
Picirick6860: its a warning. You can ignore it.17:43
curlyearsSamsung 750 EVO 250GB Internal17:43
rick6860Pici, not sure why it started.17:43
Picirick6860: Ubuntu changed some defaults and google hasn't updated their repositories.17:43
rick6860Pici, ok17:44
skroonI have this kios app that I need to have auto started when Ubuntu starts, but also, when this kios app get's upgrade by an apt-get update dist-upgrade (that is running in cron) it should also auto start the app when it's detect to no longer be running. What could I use for this?17:44
curlyearsTigerdirect.com is offering the 250GB SSD from Samsung for $79.95.  Not a bad price, it would certainly speed up certain operations on my system17:44
akiksomeone235: can you ping your access point? can you ping (google dns)17:45
Picicurlyears: nearly all ide/sata harddrives should work fine on linux.17:45
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, http://imgur.com/aUOAZNc17:45
curlyears\no comment son the SSD?  I know some work, some don't work well under ubuntu (probably under all linuxs)17:45
someone235akik, sec, I'm joining the room from another PC17:46
styler2gohi everyone. i just got a new isp and i am trying to do apt-get update but i get this error:Err http://de.archive.ubuntu.com trusty/main Translation-en_US17:46
styler2go  Unable to connect to de.archive.ubuntu.com:http: [IP: 80]17:46
styler2go. any idea?17:46
styler2gowoups, sorry for multi-line17:46
tewardstyler2go: I'll point -mirrors at it, maybe a mirror is down?17:47
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, there you go, the 1st icon software & updates17:47
BrAsS_mOnKeYok then?17:47
BrAsS_mOnKeYi didnt see universe there17:47
styler2goteward, it is for all package links17:47
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, then on the main page, universe, 2nd line17:47
alias_neoif there are no backports, what's the easiest way to get kernel 4.6 running on Xenial? Will the Yakkety kernel work?17:47
tewardstyler2go: yes, as I said, perhaps one of the mirrors in the rotation is down.17:47
BrAsS_mOnKeYoh ok I ee it has universe in parathnesis17:48
tewardstyler2go: that would affect *all* package links in *all* releases - "Unable to connect" indicates it may not be online - the only thing we can do is poke someone else on it17:48
BrAsS_mOnKeYit was already checked, though.17:48
ipatrolIs the Princeton mirror new?17:48
Welastevilhy guys!17:48
tewardstyler2go: the best thing I can suggest is point to a different mirror, say archive.ubuntu.com instead17:48
styler2goi think it has something to do with the new isp. i don't have an ipv4 anymore, maybe i need to tell that linux?17:48
tewardstyler2go: which is a different set of mirror IPs/locations17:48
Welastevilsomeone here using the terminal emulator "terminology"?17:48
tewardstyler2go: I can reach fine, so can the mirrors team, do you have any proxies on your network, or firewalls in place, or filtering?17:49
ipatrolstyler2go: then you need to pick a mirror that supports IPv617:49
styler2gono firewalls or anything, but i have no ipv417:49
someone235_akik, the ping to default gateway doesn't work too17:49
akikstyler2go: there's /etc/gai.conf in which you can set precedence of ipv4 and ipv617:49
someone235_neither do
tewardstyler2go: so you don't have IPv4?17:49
akikstyler2go: i wonder if you set the precedence to ipv6 could it start working17:49
styler2goonly some shared NAT IPv417:49
BrAsS_mOnKeYshould my server download default be peru or usa?17:50
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, hmm so your softwarecenter does not find wireshark .. i wonder if that is the same issue as not showing openjdk ..  try installing it from terminal: sudo apt-get install ..17:50
BrAsS_mOnKeYthanks OerHeks, ok. :)17:50
tewardstyler2go: NAT IPv4 (shared) or not it should be working - can you reach ubuntu-master.mirror.tudos.de at all?17:50
styler2goakik, what should i set in gai.conf?17:50
teward(which is the underlying mirror that you're looking at)17:50
BrAsS_mOnKeYi'll apt0-get update17:50
akikstyler2go: uncomment the 5 precedence lines17:50
BrAsS_mOnKeYthen install17:51
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  havent followed, have you enabled 'Universe'?17:51
akikstyler2go: but you say you still have ipv4 access so it shouldn't matter17:51
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY,  i start my installation by installing synaptic, a much more detailed softwarecenter17:51
OerHeks!info synaptic17:51
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (xenial), package size 1333 kB, installed size 6929 kB17:51
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, it was already enabled.17:51
akiksomeone235_: try "nc -v 53" that connect to google's dns17:52
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  ok, in a terminal, type    apt-cache show wireshark ... does it find something?17:52
styler2goakik, but only through some NAT stuff, it's called DS-Lite17:52
styler2gogot a timeout, sorry17:52
justmytwospenceanybody got any comprehensive xkb tutorials to point to?17:52
BrAsS_mOnKeYMonkeyDust, yes.17:52
BrAsS_mOnKeYsection univer/net17:53
ipatrolakik: he probably needs to refer to it by its IPv6 address17:53
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  ok, great, now type   sudo apt instalrl wireshark17:53
BrAsS_mOnKeYas well as other things17:53
BrAsS_mOnKeYone thing17:53
someone235_akik, "(tcp) failed. No route to host."17:53
ipatrolsomeone235_: did you try the address I just gave?17:53
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, no, do one thing at the time17:54
BrAsS_mOnKeYwhen i typed apt-get update (it updated) but under ubuntu software (gui) it had an update too.  not sure if they were the same but i updated it too.17:54
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OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, they are the same routines, don'tworry17:54
arbiHi! Is there a way to upgrade 14.04 to 16.04?17:55
ipatrolarbi: two, actually17:55
akikipatrol: styler2go i don't see an ipv6 address for de.archive.ubuntu.com ?17:55
skroonis there a version for monit or god, that can monitor if a GUI app is running?17:55
Seveasarbi: at the moment that is not yet supported. But you can force that upgrade through.17:55
ipatrolakik: probably means there isn't one17:55
styler2goakik, what can i add to get ipv6 support?17:55
someone235_ipatrol, yes, same result17:56
arbiSeveas: any risks? :-)17:56
BrAsS_mOnKeYinstalling wireshark :)17:56
akikstyler2go: maybe change the ubuntu mirror for now if your ipv4 is not working17:56
MonkeyDustBrAsS_mOnKeY  yihaa, glass of beer17:56
ipatrolsomeone235_: probably means one of the path links is v4 only, where in the world are you?17:56
Seveasarbi: so far it worked for me everywhere, but always make backups.17:56
BrAsS_mOnKeYhahah! LOL17:56
pingwindyktatorHow can i preserse user from looking out of /home/user ?17:56
ipatrolakik: sounds like his v6 isn17:56
ipatrol't working either17:56
BrAsS_mOnKeYsorry to make you crave beer :\17:56
BrAsS_mOnKeYhaha :D17:56
akikstyler2go: se.archive and fi.archive have an ipv6 address17:56
styler2goyep, ipv4 is dead... i can't even ping the domain. which mirror supports ipv6?17:56
* BrAsS_mOnKeY cheers to MonkeyDust :D17:56
arbiSeveas: Ok is this forcable method described somewhere?17:57
Seveasstyler2go: nl.archive17:57
someone235_ipatrol, Israel17:57
Seveasarbi: I usually use sudo do-release-upgrade -d, but that might now actually want to upgrade you to yakkety, so be careful with that and abort if it wants to do a yakkety upgrade.17:57
BrAsS_mOnKeYconfigure wireshark-coomon?17:58
BrAsS_mOnKeYyes or no.  I'm basically trying to capture wifi data17:58
PiciSeveas: yakkety isn't in the meta-release file yet, so it should be fine.17:58
SeveasPici: ok, thanks17:58
ipatrolsomeone235_: ah, shalom17:58
BrAsS_mOnKeYpurpse of having ubuntu vm17:58
ipatrolIP for .nl is 2001:7b8:3:37::21:317:58
arbiSeveas: what to do if it goes for yakkety?17:58
someone235_ipatrol, lol shalom :)17:58
Piciarbi: it shouldn't the config data doesn't exist for yakkety yet.17:59
Seveasarbi: that I don't actually know. Pici do you?17:59
Piciarbi: plus a comma or two ^^ ;) also it prompts you before doing anything17:59
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY, are you trying wireshark in a VM ?18:00
ipatrolsomeone235_: try `ping6 2001:7b8:3:37::21:3`18:00
BrAsS_mOnKeYOerHeks, yeah18:00
OerHeksBrAsS_mOnKeY,  leave you to it .. we told you for 2 DAYS, don't use wireshark in a VM, period. i ignore you from now on.18:00
arbiPici: I tried upgrading throught software update.. it suggests 15.10 but fails at the configuration check18:00
BrAsS_mOnKeYOerHeks, no.  I have learned how to18:00
BrAsS_mOnKeYno need to be like that.18:00
Piciarbi: right. That isn't offered automatically until 16.04.1 is released, in July18:01
BrAsS_mOnKeYi have a dongle and have been told how to18:01
ipatrolakik: someone told me yesterday that their ISP in Brazil filtered ICMPs to/from non-business accounts, I would hope something stupid like that isn't happening here18:01
arbiPici: Ok then I'll try with the -d option and see how it goes18:01
BrAsS_mOnKeYwith iwlwifi driver18:02
BrAsS_mOnKeYsomeone from wireshark has guided me.18:02
PiciBrAsS_mOnKeY: I still don't think it will work, but good luck anyway :)18:02
ipatrolOerHeks: I've used wireshark in a VM before, but you have to configure the VM correctly18:02
someone235_ipatrol, akik ping is now working with 87 percents of success18:02
ipatrolsomeone235_: mazel tov, finally18:03
akiksomeone235_: oh nice how did you fix it?18:03
someone235_ipatrol, akik I did nothing18:03
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akiksomeone235_: you can install mtr so you can see where the packet loss is coming from18:03
styler2gothere are so many pacakge sources i need to find :/18:04
ipatrolakik: maybe the Syrians cut one of the cables again :-P18:04
someone235_akik, ipatrol sorry, it says 85 packet loss :(18:04
BrAsS_mOnKeYPici, ty :D18:04
ipatrolsomeone235_: ok, so you're getting SOMETHING, just not much18:05
akiksomeone235_: try "mtr"18:05
someone235_ipatrol, akik dns doesn't work (I can't ping google.com)18:05
BrAsS_mOnKeYipatrol, did you just configure usb for wireshark?18:06
ipatrolakik: I don't think he's that far with the installer yet18:06
BrAsS_mOnKeYwith wifi dongle?18:06
ipatrolBrAsS_mOnKeY: no, I patched through the laptop's card to the VM by enabling the monitor mode setting in VBox18:06
akiksomeone235_: set your dns servers in network manager or where you've set them usually18:06
fubI'm using Lubuntu 16.04. I just changed my wlan interface name in the /etc/iftab. Now Lubuntu hangs after the graphical screen loaded ("Lubuntu 16.04" and the 4 dots). What can I do ?18:06
ipatrolakik: won't do him a fat load of good with 85% packet loss18:07
akikipatrol: ok but mtr doesn't need dns18:07
tevin #django18:07
Picitevin: /join #django18:07
akikipatrol: but installing it does :)18:07
styler2gohaving no ipv4 sucks :(18:07
tevin /join #django18:07
ipatrolakik: he should have traceroute though18:08
akikkubuntu had mtr installed by default18:08
someone235_akik, I tried, it doesn't seem to help18:08
akiksomeone235_: can you see some box having a bigger number in Loss% ?18:08
ipatrolakik: only MTR would give him a box-by-box loss18:09
akikthat's where your packet loss is coming from18:09
ipatrolwhat he has to do is `traceroute6 2001:7b8:3:37::21:3` and then manually ping each box on the list18:09
akikipatrol: i think mtr does that18:10
ipatrolakik: but he doesn't have mtr, I thought we established18:10
akik21:08 < someone235_> akik, I tried, it doesn't seem to help18:10
SingamHey how do i get recovery img file for phicomm e65318:11
fubI pressed F2 and I can see "A start job is running for Hold until it finished up..." when I scroll a bit top I can see "Failed to start Light Display Manager18:11
someone235ipatrol, akik http://i.imgur.com/lMdzwJf.png18:11
BrAsS_mOnKeYipatrol, were you able to capture wifi data?18:11
BrAsS_mOnKeYthat's what I'm trying to do18:12
ipatrolBrAsS_mOnKeY: yeah, with the help of another program to put the card in mon mode18:12
BrAsS_mOnKeYoh, what program? :)18:12
ipatrolAcrylic WiFi I think it was18:12
ipatrolfor some cards you need CommView WiFi18:12
BrAsS_mOnKeYif this dongle option doesnt work, i will look into that18:12
ipatrolrun it on the host box18:13
CedaraUbuntu 16.04: according to the package search in xenial keepassx is included in universe, however I can't find it via the software center. How can I find out if I can get it from the repos?18:13
ipatrolsomeone235: well your packet loss looks terrible from stage one18:14
BrAsS_mOnKeYipatrol, did you set yours to configure wireshark-common?18:14
ipatrolBrAsS_mOnKeY: I don't recall everything I did, I've moved to an on-metal setup since then, largely so I wouldn't have to deal with that crap anymore18:15
ipatrolsomeone235: what's up with your local router?18:15
someone235_ipatrol, idk. I think of buying a new one. But isn't it weird that only one device has problems with this router?18:17
ipatrolsomeone235_: not particularly. Usually that means is has some quirky behavior that some NICs tolerate and some don't18:18
SingamWhat is the channel name of android dev18:18
someone235_ipatrol, but it works pretty good with my Windows18:19
Singamipatrol hi18:19
someone235_(I have dual boot)18:19
Singamsomeone how do i install ubuntu in ubuntu18:19
akiksomeone235_: there's winmtr. could you install it and test?18:20
ipatrolReplace it with a recent model, one with good IPv6 support18:20
someone235_akik, yes18:20
ipatrolSingam: wat?18:20
fubLubuntu 16.04: I'm stuck at startup (A start job is running for Hold ...), how can I debug this and see all error messages? I cant scroll up in this screen because it always reset to the bottom because there is a counter running since when it is holding18:21
akikfub: can you stop the terminal output with ctrl+s ?18:21
fubakik: give me a second18:21
fubI will try this18:22
gislikarlQuestion: Looking to speed up my transfer speed. Which approach would you guys recommend more, bcache/dm-cache er EXT4 external journaling?18:22
Singamgislikarl i recomend ext418:22
fubakik: no18:22
Singamfub use ctrl z18:22
akikfub: you can go into another virtual console and read log messages with journalctl18:23
fubSingam: nothing happens18:23
Singamfub use ctrl c18:23
fubakik: no mather what I press, I'm in the stuck loading screen or on this console where I can see this error18:23
fubSingam: I'm not in a shell18:23
akikoh on startup. the virtual consoles might not be available yet18:23
Singamfub ur install corrupted18:23
fubSingam: I changed the wlan interface name in /etc/iftab, then rebooted. I dont know if this is causing the error, cant scroll up to see the first error ..18:24
fubakik: I can boot into recovery mode, but where can I look there for errors?18:24
SingamUse page up fub18:24
fubSingam: then I get back to the loading screen18:25
brianxfub, boot from a cd, mount your volumes, and undo your change.18:25
Singamfub use linux mint its way better than stupid ubuntu18:25
fubshift+page up scrolls up but instantly scrolls down because of this counter18:25
brianxthis isn't #mint.18:25
fubbrianx: I got into recovery and tried to undo this, but I dont think if I got the interface name as it was before.18:25
fubbecause it was a strange combination of numbers18:26
SingamIf i ask people to use linux mint in #mint channel that woyld be stupid18:26
brianxfub: comment out the interface and fix it once booted.18:26
fubrunning iwconfig showed me something like the old name, I changed it to this but I'm not sure if it was exactly this name18:26
someone235akik: http://pastie.org/private/jr1cmc1kts4i5006uo6qla18:26
fubbrianx: in the /etc/iftab18:26
SingamLinux mint is very stable18:26
Codfectionhow about ubuntu? Singam18:26
someone235akik: it looks better18:26
SingamUbubtu crashes and is stupid18:27
akiksomeone235: sorry to say but my packet loss to the same destination: 0% packet loss18:27
brianxfub: whereever you changed it.18:27
fubbrianx: only in the /etc/iftab18:27
brianxthere you go.18:27
akiksomeone235: i don't know why the packet loss is less severe in windows18:28
SingamI had the same problem like u ...soi installed linux mint....its waaaay better than gayubuntu18:28
fubbrianx: commented it out, no change. maybe this is not causing this error18:28
MonkeyDustSingam  stop18:28
SingamWhen u start using linux mint ...therr is no stopping u MonkeyDust18:29
OerHeksMonkeyDust, that troll is working on androidirc, lolz18:29
SingamLinux mint is sooo stable than gayubuntu and centos combined18:30
fubany other idea where I can have a look to see the actual error?18:30
fubis something from this saved so when I boot in recovery mode I can look at it?18:30
brianxfub: boot off a cd, mount your volumes and see if anything was logged.18:30
fubI will boot in recovery and not activate write mode18:31
brianxfub: i'd use a cd, but up to you.  i've never used a recovery mode.18:32
sysadmini love ubuntu mate 16.04 LTS :D18:32
SingamTry linux mint its even better18:32
SingamWith no frequent lag18:32
brianxSingam: get lost18:32
tgm4883lets keep chat to support thanks18:32
MonkeyDustbrianx  ignore here18:32
MonkeyDustbrianx  ignore her18:32
k1l!guidelines | Singam18:33
ubottuSingam: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:33
whomphow can i change my first and last name as they appear in whois?18:33
k1lwhomp: see your clients settings.18:34
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someone235_akik, thank you anyway for your help :)18:36
whompk1l, thx :)18:36
akiksomeone235_: try to restart it first, then check its cables18:36
k1lwhomp: found it? good :)18:36
fubakik, brianx: it was a wrong /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ..18:37
fubI changed this a few reboots ago, I wonder why this fails now18:37
someone235_akik, by "it" you mean the router?18:37
akiksomeone235_: yes18:37
brianxfub: odd.  glad you found it.18:38
someone235_akik, sometimes restart helps, but I don't posses the router, my landlord does. I'm thinking of buying my own.18:38
explodes./b 218:42
ozberkJOIN #ubuntu-outtopic18:42
ozberkJOIN #ubuntu-offtopic18:42
k1lozberk: /join #channelname18:43
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styler2gomy ipv4 is not working anymore, any idea what could be wrong?18:50
darshi styler2go18:50
darsI am new to IRC18:51
darshi Luke18:52
LtLdars: welcome to the darkside ;)18:53
akikstyler2go: you might comment those precedence lines in /etc/gai.conf if they didn't help you18:54
darscan u tell me what actually we do here on IRC18:54
MonkeyDustdars  this is the support channel18:54
akikdars: if you have a question about ubuntu, ask it here18:54
styler2goakik, there are no lines in that gai.conf18:55
darsI have upgraded to 16.0418:55
darsand from then ubuntu lags18:55
akikstyler2go: here's mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/16351411/18:55
LtLdars: run 'top' in a terminal and see what may be sucking up cpu18:56
akikstyler2go: i've used that file to give ipv4 precedence over ipv618:56
styler2goakik, everything is commented?18:56
akikstyler2go: yes18:56
styler2gothat's exactly how mine looks aswell18:57
akikstyler2go: you see those precedence lines? that's how you can prefer ipv4 over ipv6 "precedence ::ffff:0:0/96  10018:57
akikstyler2go: i have to say you're the first i've known not to have ipv4 :)18:57
styler2gobut even if i use ipv4 ping it doesn't work18:58
styler2goso there must be some network configuration for ipv4 missing?18:58
styler2goin windows, everything is working fine, even with ipv418:58
darseverything is OK18:59
akikstyler2go: so what is ds-lite?18:59
LtLdars: you need to open a terminal for that18:59
darsi know18:59
LtLdars: is your hard drive activity light going nuts?19:00
darsLtL: no19:00
LtLdars: it should settle down down, it's hard to tell what 'lag' means exactly here19:01
akikstyler2go: is it some service that you need to authenticate to to get ipv4 access?19:01
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darsLtL: The problem is when i open my lapi from suspended mode cursor works in complex manner like i click on 1 thing and it opens something else19:02
styler2goakik, no, it's a technique to share ipv4 with the neighbourhood, ipv4 packages will be put into ipv6 packages19:03
LtLdars: iassume lapi = laptop, i don't know.. resuming from suspended mode can cause buggy behavior, try a restart.19:04
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darsLtL: yes after restarting everything is fine but this happens only when i suspend19:05
darsLtL: but it does not occur in ubuntu 15.1019:05
LtLdars: fresh install or dist-upgrade?19:06
darsi  upgraded19:06
LtLdars: its a bug somewhere, i wish i could tell you. you could try 'ps aux' in a terminal and look for anything odd. any zombie process or what have you.19:08
LtLdars: i prefer fresh installs for this reason, some people get lucky with dist-upgrades19:09
TikityTikI'm having issues of firefox freezing when loading a page. It happens even after restarting and restarting with no addons enabled.19:09
darsLtL: what to look for in ps aux19:09
LtLdars: anything using excessive cpu or memory19:10
LtLdars: 3rd and 4th columns19:11
darsLtL: everything is OK here19:12
beleahello, i just got a 3x120 gb ssd server with soyoustart [ovh] ... installed ubuntu server 1619:14
beleaand i dont understand how df -kh results: http://pastebin.com/5duPiwzX19:14
beleaa total of 178 gb ... one of 91 gb the rest 16gb ... :-?19:15
ioriadars, amd/ati card ?19:15
darsioria: no19:16
ioriadars,  uname -r ?19:16
LtLdars: a fresh upgrade, give it a workout its likely to improve, you can always check logs, /var/log/syslog and friends19:16
darsioria: ?? i didn't get it19:16
ioriadars,  what's your kernel ? uname -r19:17
darsioria: 4.4.0-21-generic19:17
ioria!info linux-generic19:17
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB19:17
ioriadars,  should be
ioriadars,  apt update ; apt full-upgrade19:18
darsioria: already don19:18
ioriadars,  can you put   sudo apt full-upgrade in a patebinit ?19:19
uruk7in ubuntu 15.10 how to get differents wallpapers in differents workareas?19:20
necr0Eaee! tarde!19:21
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beleahttp://pastebin.com/5duPiwzX any ideas why this for 3x120 gb ?:-?19:23
necr0ALguma mulher neste canal? rs19:23
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:23
minothi guys, anyone from the wiki team here? I'd like to make a small change to a page but it seems I don't have the permission anymore19:24
darsioria: here it is19:25
darsioria: http://pastebin.com/AXjRpE9Q19:25
MonkeyDustminot  /j #wikipedia19:25
dannymichelIs there a heiarchy of fonts, like if there are duplicate fonts but i'd like to default to the fonts from a particular folder if there is?19:25
minotMonkeyDust, no I mean our wiki wiki.ubuntu.com lol19:25
Piciminot: #ubuntu-doc should be able to help... but its a small channel, so be patient.19:26
k1lminot: they got restricted due to spam abuse.maybe #ubuntu-website is the place19:26
ioriadars,  Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-22-generic    .. reboot and check again uname -r19:26
phillyjon every startup, I now see messages like "/dev/sda1 clean...". I think the HDD is being scanned, but I dont know why. I don't need that on every startup19:27
darsioria: what after?19:27
TikityTikI'm having issues of firefox freezing when loading a page. It happens even after restarting and restarting with no addons enabled.19:27
ioriadars,  you have the latest kernel ,,,19:27
darsioria: so what ?19:28
ioriadars,  so the latest should have fixed your issues ... (we hope)19:28
darsioria : ok i will do it19:29
darsioria : Thanks for your help19:29
darsioria:  :)19:29
ioriadars,  no problem .... you still have the vivid kernel in there19:29
beleaioria any idea about this partitioning http://pastebin.com/5duPiwzX for the 3x120gb disks? on server 16? by any chance19:29
ioriadars, linux-image-3.19.0-58-generic19:30
darsioria : no19:30
mattflyhello everybody19:30
ioriabelea no sorry19:30
mattflyis there any draftsight user here?19:30
ioriadars,   after reboot paste ls /boot19:31
mattflysomeone who could install it on 16.04?19:31
mattflyi'm getting a failed to l0ad modules error19:31
darsioria: i am not rebooting at this moment because i am doing work may be after some time 10-15 min19:32
mattflyi've tried the older versions19:32
mattfly32 bits versions19:32
mattflynothing works19:32
ioriadars,   ok,  you can paste   ls /boot ?19:32
darsioria: OK i will19:32
mattflycan someone at least tell me a better room ro talk about draftsight and cad software on ubuntu/kinux19:33
MonkeyDust!find draftsight19:33
ubottuFile draftsight found in ubuntukylin-theme19:33
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap19:34
mattflytheres noone in #draftsight19:35
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http19:35
skaymy superkey search results have vanished for apps. where should I start with troubleshooting this?19:35
akikmattfly: there's librecad for 2d and freecad for 3d19:36
Picimattfly: it seems to be a commercial tool.. I wouldn't expect a channel on freenode for it.19:36
mattflyyeah, but their commands are different, iguess19:36
mattflywhy cant i just install draftsight?19:37
phillyjmy HDD keeps getting scanned (for errors??) during boot. Why is it doing that and how to fix it?19:37
mattflyi saw so many ppl with the same issue since ubuntu 14.0419:37
k1lmattfly: do they ship a linux or even ubuntu version with that commercial program?19:37
Picimattfly: their documentation says they only support 14.04.19:38
mattflyoh god19:38
mattflyso i cant run it on 16.04?19:38
Picimattfly: You'd need to ask them if they support 16.04 or if they plan to support it.19:39
roothorickFirefox is straight-up crashing when trying to load many Google services. Just enter the URL and boom, bugreport dialog19:39
MonkeyDustroothorick  maybe google wants to force you to use chrome19:42
roothorickit's addon related :/19:42
roothorick...it's NoScript19:45
roothorickI'd rather go without a browser :(19:45
DArqueBishopmattfly: honestly, your best bet is to contact Dassault Systemes and see if they even support Ubuntu 16.04 on DraftSight.19:46
jgcampbell300does anyone know if there is a way to setup ubunut with usable voice commands19:51
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t1mpCool. So far Xenial seems to work quite well on the dell xps13 :)19:56
MonkeyDustjgcampbell300  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility#Voice_Recognition19:58
roothorickresetting NoScript's settings seems to have fixed it. Some kind of legacy cruft from old versions or something19:59
helpubuntui setup Ubuntu 16.04 on my computer. Did apt-get update. I want to install a virtual machine, so i started to follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen. i did sudo apt-get install xen-hypervisor-amd64 and rebooted the machine. Now it won't start and it's stuck on the ubuntu screen, when i press the down arrow i notice it says "Reading all phsysical volumes. This may take a while... WARNING: Failed to connect19:59
bekkshelpubuntu: Are you really sure you want a XEN vm?19:59
helpubuntul scanning... and /run/1vm.1vmetad.socket: connect failed: no such file or directory20:00
helpubuntui'm not sure bekks. the issue here is it's a fresh ubuntu install and this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen#Installing_Xen guide just bricked it20:00
helpubuntuon the first step20:00
helpubuntufyi i have encrypted hard drive on the setup options20:00
t1mphelpubuntu: I don't know anything about xen. But if you want to run only linux virtual machines, you could try lxd. It is awesome :)20:01
helpubuntuThanks t1mp, i want it to be secure20:01
helpubuntuwill take a look. So should i just reinstall ubuntu20:01
helpubuntuAnd i think https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen#Installing_Xen needs a massive warning on 16.04 systems20:02
roothorickI've noticed that running unencrypted swap confuses the grub scripts20:02
roothorickit seems to work anyway, just generates a warning. I'm using builtin hardware encryption on my SSD with ATA Security managed by the UEFI firmware, so it's just redundant20:02
t1mphelpubuntu: here is an introduction to lxd https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/04/28/getting-started-with-lxd-the-container-lightervisor there is more info on linuxcontainers.org20:03
t1mpit is quite new, but if you are running Ubuntu 16.04, it can easily be installed from the archive20:04
mattflyi did it20:04
mattflyremember, it is possible to run draftsight on 16.0420:04
roothorickworth noting: 16.04 isn't really considered LTS caliber just yet20:05
mattflyjust install libgstreamer20:05
roothorickthey outright say 14.04 users should wait until 16.04.120:05
mattflyoh really? its not lts yet?20:05
mattflywhem will it be released?20:05
roothorickit... is and isn't20:05
roothorickit's an LTS release, but not yet up to the LTS standard20:06
roothorickif it's a new install I'd probably opt for 16.04 anyway, saving headaches later is worth the risks (the upgrade process comes with its own set of potential complications; there was an issue where the GNOME variant would fail to upgrade correctly and clobber system services when you try)20:07
roothorickapparently the rule of thumb is the first "point release" should be up to LTS standards20:08
roothorickwhich is expected in July20:08
roothorickthat'll be a pretty fun day for me. I have a pretty mission critical machine on 14.04. If it hits a major problem it cripples the entire house20:10
Anti-Socialnesswhere can i download the canon scanner drivers for ubuntu 16.04?20:11
ikoniaAnti-Socialness: you'll find cannon has hit and miss support on linux in general20:11
ikoniaAnti-Socialness: look at the cups support for your device, and look at the hardware compatibility for linux on the cannon website of your device20:12
roothorickbusiness units tend to have pretty good support, if nothing else because they usually have a built-in postscript interpreter and some kind of standards-compliant internal server20:12
roothorickconsumer grade gear... Good. Luck.20:12
ozberkwhy there is no opn pdf editors  that can run a scan from the scanner and save it as pdf format like adobe pdf20:13
roothorickfor one thing, the generated "PDFs" are just bitmap images in a wrapper20:14
roothorickmight as well just send PNGs20:14
roothorickif it really absolutely needs to be a PDF you could import the images into e.g. Libreoffice and export a PDF from there20:15
MonkeyDustozberk  try modpdf, or pdfmod20:18
MonkeyDust!info pdfmod | ozberk20:19
ubottuozberk: pdfmod (source: pdfmod): simple tool for modifying PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-8 (xenial), package size 452 kB, installed size 1823 kB20:19
Welastevilhi guys!20:21
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Welasteviljust got my new alienware! it rules)))20:21
Welastevilbut somehow it is overheating ...even if Im not gaming20:22
Welastevilsomeone else here using an alienware?20:22
kwesidev1distupgrade from ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 ? will it break my system??20:28
ikoniayou don't distupgrade20:28
k1l!ltsupgrade | kwesidev120:28
ubottukwesidev1: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st.20:28
bst11hi Im using ubuntu 16.04 and whenever i try to install an os in virtual box it wakes with this error   "(modprobe vboxdrv failed. Please use 'dmesg' to find out why"20:29
bst11kindly help20:30
ikoniabst11: it can't load the virtual box kernel module20:30
ikoniabst11: this is normally because you've installed virtual box from an external site, rather than the virtual box package provided by ubuntu20:30
bst11well i did from the repo and received the same message after the update20:31
ikoniafro what repo20:31
bst11the ubuntu repo20:31
ikoniabst11: try to load the module manually and you'll get a more descriptive error20:32
bst11ikonia how do i load it manually20:32
bst11ikonia missing paremeters20:34
ikoniabst11: what was the exact command you used20:35
bst11just modprobe20:35
ikoniayou need to use the module name too20:35
ikoniathe error message shows you the command it's running20:35
bst11i used sudo modprobe vboxdrv': Required key not available20:37
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ikoniabst11: that really doesn't sound like it's come from the ubuntu repo20:37
bst11okay then let me just purge it and try again??20:38
ipatrolI can't find the MD5 hashes for the Lubuntu-mini ISO anywhere20:38
Piciipatrol: do you have the iso's url?20:39
Ben64afaik, there is no lubuntu mini, it's just "mini"20:39
ipatrolPici: that I do, but they don't go to a release directory or anything20:40
ikoniathat would defeat the object of "mini"20:40
Piciipatrol: can you share this url?20:40
ipatrolor wait20:40
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ipatrolfound them! http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-amd64/current/images/MD5SUMS20:41
bst11should i wait?20:41
ikoniabst11: wait for what ?20:41
Piciipatrol: those should be on the !minimal wiki page too20:41
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:41
bst11i mean should i purge and reinstall the package?20:41
ikoniabst11: if you like,20:41
ikoniabst11: worth double checking what repos you have too20:42
bst11ikonia thanks20:42
ipatrolPici: no, the links on that page go directly to the ISO. I had to copy the link, then trim off the last couple directories to find the MD5 list20:42
ipatroland no, it's not on the wiki page itself20:42
Ben64it is20:42
Piciipatrol: the links on that page also have all the md5 and sha1 sums20:42
Piciipatrol: hrm, thats silly.20:42
ipatrolPici: the link given is http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso20:43
ipatrolwhich, again, I had to manually trim to go up to the images directory20:43
Ben64hashes are all on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:43
ipatrolBen64: that's for Ubuntu, not Lubuntu20:44
Ben64theres no difference20:44
ikoniaipatrol: the whole point of it is - it minimal, it contains no desktop20:45
ikoniaipatrol: so there can't be a minimal for each distro20:45
ipatrolikonia: OHHHH20:45
ipatrolthen it should be linked on Lubuntu's page, because it's not20:45
ikoniawhy ?20:45
ikoniaa basic understanding of what the mini is before using it seems more than a basic requirement20:46
PiciIdeally Lubuntu's page should link directly to the Minimal page instead of duplicating information.20:46
ipatrolPici: precisely my thought20:47
ipatroland then say "Once you have done that, continue with the instructions below"20:47
ipatrolthen yada yada ...20:48
ipatrolikonia: the structure of Lubuntu's page didn't make it immediately obvious that the minimal installer is shared20:49
ikoniaipatrol: think about it - what does the minimal iso contain....20:50
Ben64nothing (pretty much)20:50
ipatrolikonia: an installer for a basic command-line environment20:50
PiciI updated some of the page... but it still needs a big cleanup.. lots of this info is confusing.20:50
ikoniaipatrol: right, so why would there need to be different versions ?20:50
reisioI dare say most people don't even realize the only difference between the various Ubuntu flavors is which packages (which are available for any Ubuntu) are installed beforehand20:50
ipatrolI thought maybe it had a different set of components20:50
ipatrolreisio: some flavors also have tweaks to their kernels20:51
Huliohi guys, anyone know how to insall LSB via terminal?20:51
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ikoniaipatrol: no they don't20:51
ikoniaHulio: installl lsb ?20:51
Hulioi try to install epson printer, it need lsb20:51
Piciipatrol: in the past they did, not so much anymore.20:51
reisioipatrol: I hear they have different colored wallpapers, too20:52
ipatrol!studio | Pici20:52
ubottuPici: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org20:52
ikoniaHulio: lsb is normally a meta package20:52
PiciHulio: Ubuntu is no longer LSB compliant, what are you trying to accomplish?20:52
k-abrahamtry to update20:52
nisbluetooth not detecting  device...anyone know a fix?20:52
ikoniaHulio: what package are you trying to actually install ?20:52
Hulioi am trying to install epson printer driver20:52
ikoniaHulio: from where ?20:52
Piciipatrol: I meant more regarding server/non-server.  studio is a special case :)20:52
ipatrolStudio uses a different kernel20:52
darsIn Ubuntu 16.04 menu options not shown20:53
Hulioikonia, not sure how to install epson printer driver20:53
Hulioi have ubuntu 16.04 LTS20:53
Hulioi have XP-85020:53
ipatrolPici: but given that Studio happens to be the flavor I'm using, that affects my viewpoint. I was unaware it was a special case.20:53
ikoniaHulio: this is the problem, providers such as epson are packaging "genric"20:53
thirax HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4030U CPU @ 1.90GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1,90GHz ** RAM: Physical: 7,7GiB, 61,8% free ** Disk: Total: 967,0GiB, 17,7% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel HDMI1: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit20:54
thiraxEthernet ** Uptime: 2h 57m 20s **20:54
Piciipatrol: know you know :)20:54
Picithirax: please don;t.20:54
ipatrol!pastebin | thirax20:54
ubottuthirax: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:54
darsIn Ubuntu 16.04 menu options not shown which used to appear on header of any s/w like file>edit  etc20:54
nisbluetooth help please20:54
ipatroldars: that's a desktop environment thing20:54
ipatrolif you don't like the arrangement, you should probably pick a different one20:55
thiraxccsm ?20:55
darsipatrol : from where do I change20:55
PiciHulio: it may help us if you can share the error or issue you're seeing.  I need to go afk myself though.20:55
ikoniait's a generic deb package, that depends on the lsb package, it's not going to work20:56
ipatroldars: generally you start by installing the desktop package for the new DE, then switch to it from the session manager, then remove the old DE20:56
ipatrolnote this will probably break more than a few packages at first20:56
ipatrol!desktop | dars20:57
ubottudars: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors20:57
ipatrolthe names in parenthesis are the packages for the respective DEs20:58
darsBut sometimes the menus appear automatically20:58
darsAnd sometime not20:58
ipatroldars: depends on which toolkit the GUI is using20:58
auronandacedars: mouse over the top bar20:59
ipatroldars: oh, is your issue with the windows to specific GUIs, or the desktop itself?20:59
ipatrolnew editions often change aspects of the UI. Personally, I think that distros should think of UIs the same way they think of system components, that is to say don't make sudden, drastic changes to them21:02
reisioipatrol: mmm, but distros don't usually control that21:02
trentsIRC is magic... hahaha21:02
reisioDE maintainers certainly should think that way, though21:03
ipatrolreisio: downstream is not obligated to push everything the DE devs cook up21:03
ipatroland given the way a certain set of DE devs behave, I'd say trying to get them to think differently about UI changes is like pleading with water to stop being wet21:04
ipatrolso it's left to the distro maintainers not to break interoperability with those squishy little computing devices sitting in front of the screen :-)21:06
reisioipatrol: they're even more not obliged to maintain things they haven't before, however21:06
reisiothat's untenable21:07
reisioCanonical, for example, doesn't have the developer to maintain GNOME 2, for example21:07
reisiothe developerS21:07
reisioor KDE21:07
ipatrolreisio: let's take this to -devel21:07
ikonialets not21:07
reisioor anything else of much weight21:07
ikoniathat's not what -devel is for21:07
ikoniamaybe #ubuntu-discuss21:07
ikoniaof #ubuntu-offtopic21:07
ipatrolikonia: discuss sounds good21:08
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ipatrolGuest10263: yes?21:13
niscan someone help fix some bluetooth issues?21:14
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ipatrolnis: depends, what is it?21:14
Huliothis is what i get:21:14
HulioThis package is uninstallable21:14
HulioDependency is not satisfiable: lsb (>= 3.2)21:14
ipatrolHulio: still on that?21:14
nisipatrol: i can connect my headphones to it21:15
ikoniaits not going to work21:15
Huliowhy is it so complicated to install epson printer in linux?21:15
ikoniaHulio: because epson don't maintain their packages21:15
Hulioi download their .deb file21:15
ikoniaHulio: what distro is that .deb for21:15
ipatrolHulio: because proprietary drivers are a ${female_dog} to work with21:15
ikoniaHulio: how do you know21:15
Hulioi dont know21:15
ikoniaHulio: where does it say that package is for ubuntu21:15
nisipatrol: i cant  connect headphones to it , plus i dont know if it is working properly21:16
Huliowell let me check21:16
ikoniaHulio: right - because it's not for ubuntu, it's for generic debian based distro21:16
Huliook just tell me how to install21:16
Hulioi dont know much21:16
ikoniaHulio: it's not going to install21:16
Hulioso how will i get my printer to work then21:16
Hulioso freaking complicated21:16
ipatrolHulio: find a different printer21:16
ikoniaHulio: contact Epson would be the first startpoing point21:16
ikoniaHulio: you can install with ignore dependencies options, but I'm not going to advise that21:17
ipatrolikonia: yeah, not gonna help. Epson is dense as lead bricks21:17
ikoniathat is the right process though, contact epson to support their packages21:17
Hulioi google ..can't seem to find any instruction to mke it work21:17
Hulioso darn sad21:17
ikoniaHulio: I've just explained why/how21:17
ipatrolikonia: and I'm going to advise him not to waste his time21:18
Huliois this ligit?  idont even see ubuntu software center21:19
ipatrolHulio: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers and find one that's actually supported21:19
ikoniaHulio: I don't trust that site21:19
Huliooh ok21:19
nisanyone know how to connect some bluetooth headphones?21:20
ipatrolnis: what kind?21:22
Ben64nis: you're likely to get better answers if you explain what you're doing, and what problems you're encountering. "Anyone.....?" questions pretty much are useless21:22
Hulioipatrol, i got it to work fully good:   sudo apt-get install printer-driver-escpr21:22
Hulioikonia, i can you don't know : sudo apt-get install printer-driver-escpr21:23
mohammed__salut tt le monde21:23
nisipatrol: its sony headphones, i cant find my device on bluetooth manager21:23
Hulioikonia, ipatrol http://askubuntu.com/questions/763157/ubuntu-16-04-installing-epson-driver-fails-on-lsb-3-221:23
Hulioipatrol, ikonia , you're welcome21:23
ipatrolHulio: no need to get condescending21:23
Huliothanks anyway21:24
ipatrolHulio: what model?21:24
nisBen64: i cant find by device in the list when i open bluetooth manager21:24
Ben64nis: you might need to put the device into the proper mode, check the manual21:25
ipatrolwait, I meant nis. nis: what model of headphones?21:25
nisipatrol: sony xb950bt21:25
nisBen64: i do have it in the pairing mode...but it doesnt show up on the list , am not sure if my bluetooth firmware is loaded21:26
nisipatrol: is there a way to check my bluetooth adapter is working right and the correct firmware is installed?21:28
Ben64try pairing a different device?21:28
bst11hi I21:29
=== arun_ is now known as Guest79216
nisBen64: i tried my phone but thats not showing up either21:29
ipatrolnis: and those devices have bluetooth enabled and in pairing mode on their ends?21:30
bst11I'm using ubuntu 16.04 i just reinstalled virtualbox from the repo and Im getting the error:   Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)21:30
bst11The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please install virtualbox-dkms package and load the kernel module by executing21:30
bst11'modprobe vboxdrv'21:30
bst11as root. If it is available in your distribution, you should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.21:30
bst11where: suplibOsInit what: 3 VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (-1908) - The support driver is not installed. On linux, open returned ENOENT.21:30
ipatrol!pastebin | bst1121:30
ubottubst11: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:30
nisipatrol: yes they are in pairing mode21:31
=== Guest79216 is now known as arunpyasi
tooryasnmanyone know good system resource widget for plasma 5?21:31
hamzai m new to raspberry pi21:31
ipatrolnis: and the bluetooth chip is enabled on your machine?21:31
nisipatrol: how do i check?21:32
ipatrolnis: set your computer as discoverable and see if your phone picks it up21:32
squintynis,  dmesg | grep -i bluetooth   look for errors displayed.   just out of curiosity I ran that here and just found out that it displayed a firmware error for my broadcom bluetooth adapter  lol21:33
nisipatrol: how do i do that?21:33
ipatrolsquinty: that can also help, but unless you know what to look for, you might get a lot of chaff in that21:33
ipatrolplus since bluetooth is often abbreviated as bt, you probably need a slightly broader regex21:34
nissquinty: http://pastebin.com/zS9stUTw21:34
nisipatrol: http://pastebin.com/zS9stUTw21:34
bst11okay Ipatrol this is the link21:34
squintyipatrol, as i clearly stated "look for error"21:34
squintynis,  yes you have broadcom too21:35
nissquinty: there is an error..is that the reason am not seeing my device?21:36
ipatrolsquinty: does broadcom have a bad history with linux?21:36
squintynis:  could very well be. a quick google of my error message shows there is a bug report for that.  checking it out21:37
nissquinty: google doesnt show much results with that error21:38
squintynis: might want to read this  http://askubuntu.com/questions/748387/ubuntu-15-10-usb-bluetooth-not-working   as a starting point21:40
squintynis,  ran across this one too but it applies to my broadcom model here.  you may want to google for your model number and the firmware name21:53
squintynis:  http://plugable.com/2014/06/23/plugable-usb-bluetooth-adapter-solving-hfphsp-profile-issues-on-linux21:53
bst11pls help i just reinstalled virtualbox on my ubuntu 16.04 and i get this error    http://paste.ubuntu.com/16352946/21:54
ikoniabst11: have you checked what the error message is telling you to21:54
nissquinty: well my headphone doesnt have a plugable adapter21:56
bst11ikonia it says modprobe: FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-22-generic21:56
ikoniabst11: have you installed the packages it told you to install if possible ?21:57
bst11which package pls21:57
ikoniathe one it says in the error message you posted21:58
bst11I installed virtualbox and it run into this error when i try to run it21:59
ikoniano, the package it explicitly calls out in the error message you posted21:59
bst11yes i installed them all22:00
ikoniawhich package am I asking you about ?22:00
OerHeksbst11, virtualbox-dkms too?22:00
OerHeksthat is what the error suggests22:00
ikoniathe one it's saying in error message22:00
bst11yeah i did22:00
ikoniabst11: please pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox"22:01
ikonia!info virtualbox-dmks22:01
ubottuPackage virtualbox-dmks does not exist in xenial22:01
ikonia!info virtualbox-dkms22:01
ubottuvirtualbox-dkms (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - kernel module sources for dkms. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.0.18-dfsg-2build1 (xenial), package size 602 kB, installed size 4845 kB22:01
nisanyone know a fix to this error  "firmware load for brcm/BCM.hcd failed with error -2"22:02
bst11ikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/16353108/22:03
ikoniabst11: ok - ao there should be a script that the dkms package should execute to build the module22:05
bst11yes there is and it is missing22:05
ikoniawhat is there ?22:05
ikoniawhere are you looking for the script ?22:05
bst11it is /dev/vboxdrv22:06
ikoniano it's not22:06
ikoniathat is a device file22:06
squintynis,  well even after following the instructions on that last web page I sent you, dmesg still shows it barfing when trying to load the firmware.  will work on this a little later when I also have bluetooth headphones and keyboard to work with.22:06
nisanyone know firmware load for brcm/BCM.hcd failed with error -222:06
nissquinty: thanx for your help22:07
bst11that is the only scrip that comes from the error22:07
nissquinty: can you resend that last link, coz i restarted22:07
squintynis: http://plugable.com/2014/06/23/plugable-usb-bluetooth-adapter-solving-hfphsp-profile-issues-on-linux     might want to have a poke around the site for your model number  ya never know you might get lucky :-)22:08
bst11ikonia VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED (-1908)22:08
nissquinty: this id for headphones with plugable adapter. i dont have a plugable adapter22:09
squintynis,  have you checked Additional Drivers for any offers.  nothing shows up here for mine but my unit is external usb dongle22:11
nissquinty: no i havent found any additional drivers either22:12
=== prince is now known as prince|Away
OerHeksikonia, do you mean this setup ? sudo /usr/lib/virtualbox/vboxdrv.sh setup >>> http://askubuntu.com/questions/724127/virtualbox-error-after-installing-new-linux-kernel-4-422:13
nissquinty: this looks intriguing http://askubuntu.com/questions/764273/bluetooth-headphones-on-ubuntu-16-0422:13
UnnamedUserHey, has anyone played with Ubuntu on the WIndows Surface Pro?22:14
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=== UnnamedUser is now known as RippyD1ppy
squintynis,  did you try installing or reinstalling bluez as per that first web link I sent?  Just wondering if that work for your onboard.....22:15
nissquinty: i reinstalled and now i can use the applet to search but still device doesnt show up22:16
RippyD1ppyAnyone try Ubuntu on a surface?22:16
OerHeksRippyD1ppy, there are 4 surface pro's ..22:17
squintyRippyD1ppy,  #ubuntu-touch  maybe more applicable22:17
nissquinty: even my phone doesnt get detected22:18
squintynis,  and you clicked on the bluetooth icon so that both bluetooth is On and Visable?22:19
reisioRippyD1ppy: probably someone22:19
nissquinty: i go to setting and click ON for bluetooth22:20
nissquinty: how do i know if it visible:22:20
squintynis,  should be a visable toggle in the uper right hand corner22:20
nissquinty: i think my laptop is not visible, but i cant find the toggle can send a screenshot22:21
Bashing-om!ubuwin | RippyD1ppy22:21
ubottuRippyD1ppy: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.22:21
ZoderUckhow do enable the intellisense in visual code for  an external require module ?22:21
ikoniaOerHeks: looks likely22:22
nissquinty: my phone is not detecting laptop either22:22
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squintynis, fwiw, i have gnome-bluetooth installed here (default) so maybe bluez has slightly different interfaces.  might want to try that to see if it makes a difference22:24
ZoderUckuh what22:25
psfalHey all22:30
squintynis, https://ibin.co/2gibH7ENhym8.png22:31
nissquinty: how did u launch gnome bluetooth , i just installed it22:32
squintynis, might have to log out and back in again or if that fails reboot22:32
psfalCan anyone help with some pointers on flagging a script back to a config file?22:33
bekkspsfal: ?22:33
peterrooneypsfal: what do you mean?22:33
psfalI wrote some desktop config settings into an adduser.local file, which is supposed to run when a user is added. But I have to manually run it from terminal in the user's account22:34
psfalYou'll pardon me, I haven't used IRC since the '90s and have long since forgotten what commands to use22:36
nissquinty: do u have the error which says brcm/BCM.hcd not found22:40
deadcan you explain what libjpeg-turbo8 is??22:40
reisiodead: library providing JPEG support22:40
deadyes i know, but the latest version of libjpeg-turbo is 1.4.222:40
deadwhat is the 8??22:40
psfalAm I still here?22:40
deadI have a binary from ubuntu package that is looking for libjpeg.so.8 which is libjpeg-turbo822:41
deadwhich literally seems to be libjpeg-turbo with the version number changed to 8 for some reason?22:41
squintynis,  no mine is different  hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e8.hcd failed with error -2  [    7.264915] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Patch brcm/BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e8.hcd not found22:41
Bashing-omdead: ' apt show libjpeg-turbo8 ' gives some good hints .22:41
GnomeKrisI can't get over half my games to work on steam here. I had it where EVERY game I owned worked before, but don't remember what I did to make them work. I know I was using the proprietary, updated drivers from amd, but no matter what I try now, the games just won't load22:42
squintynis,  no luck with gnome-bluetooth?22:42
deadBashing-om: i don't have ubuntu, thats why I'm asking what this package is22:43
nissquinty: yeah thats also there for me....but in the begining  of the output do u see this msg? brcm/BCM.hcd not found  thats the file it needs to22:43
GnomeKrisI'm on 14.04 btw. Had them running on 14.04 before, but had to fresh install, and can't seem to get it working this time.22:43
deadit doesn't seem to exist on debian either.. :/22:43
ZoderUckwho uses visual studio code editor for node.js ?22:44
reisioZoderUck: people who hate themselves22:44
squintynis, no just what I posted22:44
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ZoderUckreisio, and people that hate you22:44
reisiodoesn't have much to do with me22:45
deadi linked my libjpeg-turbo 1.4.2 to libjpeg-turbo.so.8 and now the program says 'LIBJPEG_TURBO8 not set"22:45
deadso you've hacked libjpeg-turbo.so.8 just to includ esome magic version 8 in there22:45
reisiodead: you said your .so is .so.8?22:47
reisiodead: do you need more explanation?22:47
Bashing-omdead: " This package contains the shared library which is a drop in replacement for libjpeg8, which has better performance than standard libjpeg by use of SIMD and other optimizations.22:48
nissquinty: http://pastebin.com/drhZbSCQ you can see that bcm.hcd not found22:48
deadthere is no libjpeg8 dude22:48
deadwhat is libjpeg822:48
deadthe current version of libjpeg-turbo is 1.4.222:49
deadwhere does the 8 come from?22:49
reisiodead: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version22:49
reisioit's for the convenience of the package manager/package maintainers22:49
phillyji think my ubuntu is running fsck on every boot. Why is this and how to fix? Please help22:49
k1ldead: what ubuntu do you use?22:50
k1ldead: and what package is making that error?22:50
psfalI wrote some desktop config settings into an adduser.local file, which is supposed to run when a user is added. But I have to manually run it from terminal in the user's account, how do I get it to run automatically?22:50
squintynis,  yes   it's saying pretty much the same thing as my error message... that is a firmware file is missing and so can not be loaded.22:50
deadreisio: yeah, that sucks, ok thank you.22:51
nissquinty: any way to manually install it like what is said in this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=227433522:51
squintynis:  i searched for your file name at http://packages.ubuntu.com/  (and mine for that matter) but nothing turned up22:52
squintynis:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/688987/bluetooth-problem   same error message as yours22:54
iBurleyHey guys, quick question. On the command line, is it possible to pipe the result of a command to specific spot in a text file? I need to make a bash file that runs on boot to find the public IP and put it into a text file on like, say 28, after 'IP Address= '. Is that possible?22:57
nissquinty: do u know how to launch gnome bluetooth from terminal?22:57
iBurleynis, you could run 'gnome-control-center' from terminal and click on Bluetooth, if that's possible.22:59
nissquinty: how do i launch gnome control center?23:00
nisiBurley thanx23:00
Guy1524so I have a laptop and I would like to launch a gnome-shell and have it launch steam so I can do steam in home streaming23:01
Guy1524I cant connect a monitor and input to it23:01
Guy1524any ideas?23:01
Guy1524the most preferable way would be to have all video out be streamed to my computer so I can log in and launch steam23:01
dibsI'm restoring my gourps at the moment after an accident. Could anyone who has a LAMP stack on ubuntu send me their groups list please?23:08
drong0is anyone plagued with the caps lock lag? i've been googling and it seems to be around and i still encounter it in 16.1023:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1376903 in xserver-xorg-input-keyboard (Ubuntu) "Caps lock delay" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:10
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squintynis,  try  nm-applet23:13
nissquinty: is it preinstalled?23:13
squintynis,  that is what starts gnome-bluetooth23:13
nissquinty: i see a network in gnome control center, is that it?23:16
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dna113pHello. I am having an issue where setting keybindings in ccsm doesn't work. The bindings show they are set in ccsm but dont' work at all outside of it. What might cause this?23:18
squintynis, not to be honest.  where are you seeing gnome control center.   if you just type in a terminal   nm-applet   that should produce a working bluetooth icon on the top panel23:18
nissquinty: i made some changes and now i get a different msgs for dmesg     http://pastebin.com/spz8uZN323:26
nissquinty: this might help you, but it didnt help me, notice that you have to change step 2 for ubuntu versions after 15.04   http://askubuntu.com/questions/617513/bluetooth-not-connecting-to-devices-even-though-it-recognizes-them23:27
iBurleySo you can use the 'sed' command to send a specific line or range of one file to another file, but can the export send to a specific line as well? Could I say like "send the contents of this text file to line 23 of this text file"?23:29
=== magically is now known as JackMc
nissquinty: i typed nm-applet it didn't do anything, prolly coz am running gnome environment than unity23:33
squintynis,  thanks.  that was a similar method I tried at first but still got the firmware error.   You might want to check out the following:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/632336/bluetooth-broadcom-43142-isnt-working-on-ubuntu23:34
squintynis, ahhhh  ok  thanks for the heads up23:35
hoopoo685Does anyone know how to switch from developmental version of Ubuntu 16.04 to the stable version?23:35
squintynis, btw, which broadcom model do you have?23:36
nissquinty: how to finnd out?23:36
squintyhoopoo685, if you have been doing full-upgrades you should be current23:36
k1l!final | hoopoo68523:37
ubottuhoopoo685: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Xenial and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 16.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.23:37
squintynis,  look for it by using  lsusb or lspci23:37
Bashing-omhoopoo685: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' . To make sure you are current .23:37
nissquinty: is this wat youb are looking for 07:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)23:38
squintynis,  sounds like it23:40
squintynis,  seems quite a few hits when googling for that model.  here is another page which also says that a user's problem was solved by grabbing the windows related file (also outlined in a previous link I sent you)    http://askubuntu.com/questions/533043/bluetooth-not-working-on-ubuntu-14-04-with-dell-inspiron-15-352123:45
gumbolol i tried to set up pptpd but its not connecting23:49
gumboits ona ubuntu 14.04 server lts23:50
squintynis,  off to prepare supper etc here...  hope you make some headway on your problem. ttyl23:52
nissquinty: ttyl23:52

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