
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
=== gkadam is now known as Guest25456
mapreriso, we have this person with sikon@ubuntu.com email address, but 1/ that adddress doesn't exist anymore 2/ there is public user in lp with username ~sikon.15:49
mapreriHow do I know if it was just renamed or it's totally gone?15:49
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/~sikon doesn't exist ...15:50
cjwatsondid you mean "there is no public user ..."?15:50
maprerithat's the same page for non-public page, so I don't know if it's just non-existent or hidden to me.15:50
cjwatsonso, that address is attached to a different LP user, but I'm reluctant to say who because they have their settings configured to hide email addresses.15:51
maprericjwatson: does he have gpg key C98D9133762ACACB50A0E8B13A8336743AF72612 ?15:52
cjwatsonoh, actually, you can find out yourself by searching on https://launchpad.net/people, apparently.  I guess we only restrict finding out email addresses from a user, not finding a user when you already know their address.15:52
maprerioh, well..15:53
maprerithat's easy15:53
cjwatsonand yes, that's their key15:53
mapreriand there is no real recent activity, ok...15:53
* mapreri is doing MIA team's work (if you were wondering).15:54
maprericjwatson: thanks, that helped :)15:54
naccis there a 'preferred' way to compare ubuntu series for which is later in launchpadlib? or should i just use the date_created filed?16:55
cjwatsonnacc: You can compare the versions using debian.debian_support.Version (from python-debian), or rely on distribution.series giving you the series in reverse-sorted order.17:07
cjwatsondate_created will technically work but is wrong, so don't.17:08
nacccjwatson: ack, hence why i asked :)17:08
eliaspsAny Launchpad administrator here to have a look at this when convenient? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/293510 Thanks.18:40

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