
TribaalHi all! I'm trying to giv unity8 a run (following mhall 's blog post), but I am running into unforseeen problems05:58
Tribaalspceifically, I'm trying to run "citrain host-upgrade 031", but that fails with "usr/bin/citrain: 45: .: Can't open /usr/share/phabletutils/shell-adb-common.sh"06:00
Tribaal(I installed citrain with the phablet-tools-citrain package)06:00
TribaalSorry, I'm referring to http://mhall119.com/2016/05/dogfooding-unity-8/06:04
tsdgeosMirv: is https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/correct_web_dep/+merge/294328 right or am i doing it the wrong way?07:26
Mirvtsdgeos: correct07:57
ShR3KHi there ! For a personnal project I need to disable edge swipe gesture in my BQ M10 tablet in unity. I looking in source code how to do it but not successfuly07:58
zzarrhello! I found a very interesting post from Michael Hall http://mhall119.com/2016/05/dogfooding-unity-8/07:59
tsdgeosShR3K: disabling the edge swipe makes the thing basically unusable, no?08:00
ShR3Ktsdgeos: Yes but it's for a kiosk application.08:01
ShR3Ktsdgeos: I want to force user to stay in browser application08:01
tsdgeosShR3K: i see. it should be relatively easy to remove the edge gestures, but if you're going to use this in a production environment probably it's better to get in contact with someone from our commercial side and you'll probably get a more tailored down mir-display-server than unity8 that should work08:06
davidcalleAny idea how to change the resolution of unity8 on the desktop, I know where to find the conf file on the phone, but no such thing here.08:07
ShR3Ktsdgeo: For test, have you an idea where I can easly disable edge gesture in unity8 ?08:09
ShR3Ktsdgeos: And where can I find commercial contact for this kind of request ?08:11
tsdgeosShR3K: http://www.canonical.com/partners/contact-us is the way to contact the commercial side of the business as far as i know08:18
ShR3Ktsdgeos: and any idea to quickly disable edge gesture in source code ?08:19
tsdgeosShR3K: look for DirectionalDragArea and disable them08:20
ShR3Ktsdgeos: Thanks a lot !08:21
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tsdgeosSaviq: Mirv: more renaming https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/correct_web_dep/+merge/29432810:03
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks :)10:09
tsdgeosthe toolkit one is a bit weird10:12
tsdgeossince it's not a 1 to 1 mapping10:12
tsdgeosbut i chekced and we don't import the ohter ones10:12
tsdgeosso i think the replacement is enough10:12
tsdgeoscimi: did you see my comment https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/preview-rating-input-tweaks/+merge/287065 ?11:17
tsdgeosltinkl: did you see my comment https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/mmbCycleWindows/+merge/292441 ?11:18
ltinkltsdgeos, yeah I did, sry, didn't get to it yet11:18
tsdgeosok, no worries11:18
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cimitsdgeos, yes I was looking at which one to use though11:54
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cimitsdgeos, because sometimes we dont have the text area, so maybe I need to use it with an if11:56
mhall119ShR3K: as tsdgeos has mentioned, there's no point in having Unity8 without edge gestures. For a kiosk product, you should try something more like this: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/guides/mir-snaps/11:57
ShR3Kmhall119: I was on your blog this morning trying to adapt your how to to unity811:58
ShR3Kmhall119: About snappy, I was looking it but actualy I've a BQ M10 HD Ubuntu Edition and I'm still searching how to install snappy on it12:00
cimitsdgeos, also I see another problem, because I was asked to add an animation and that doesn't play well with makeSureVisible - I might have to delay that after the animation :/12:02
mhall119ShR3K: ah, ok12:03
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Tribaalmhall119: I'm following your blog post about dogfooding u8 - but running citrain yields "/usr/bin/citrain: 45: .: Can't open /usr/share/phabletutils/shell-adb-common.sh"12:14
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Tribaalmhall119: ah, you need to add "phablet-tools" to the apt line for it to work: "sudo apt-get install phablet-tools phablet-tools-citrain"12:19
SaviqTribaal, sorry about that - bug #138811412:21
ubot5bug 1388114 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "phablet-tools-citrain needs to depend on phablet-tools" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138811412:21
TribaalSaviq: no worries - I was just indirectly suggesting that mhall119 update his blog post in the mean time :)12:22
mhall119Tribaal: thanks, I've updated it12:23
TribaalSaviq: any idea why this would happen when installing click packages? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16359446/12:23
TribaalI suspect anothe rmissing package to install12:23
Tribaal(I'm running this from unity7)12:24
SaviqTribaal, you're missing the .click file12:24
Saviqmhall119, you might wanna explain how you got the .clicks, too ↑12:25
TribaalWith a terminal and a webbrowser + lxd I *might* be able to use unity8 for a full day of work12:27
mhall119Saviq: I don't, because nobody else can do it that way12:37
mhall119Saviq: without the store scope, I had to use the reviewer admin interface in myapps to download them12:37
Saviqmhall119, well, the store scope is there, you just need to install unity-scope-click (but then you still need to find the clicks in ubuntu-download-manager's .local/share dir and install them manually for now)12:38
mhall119Saviq: ok, I've uploaded the two .clicks to http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/dogfooding-unity8/ and added a link to that in the post12:49
mhall119Tribaal: ^^12:49
Tribaalmhall119: thanks. That means people can actually try now then I guess :)12:50
mhall119Tribaal: yeah, but we really need to get the store working12:51
Tribaallooking forward to trying for real now :)12:51
TribaalI guess getting the browser and a terminal in the default install (if there is such a thing) might be a good idea. With these two early adopters can help themselves without having to switch sessions all the time12:52
SaviqTribaal, mhall119, if you install unity-scope-click (assuming you don't have it already), you'll be able to browse the store as usual - installation will fail, but you will have the appropriate .click file in ~/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager and you can "click install" from there12:59
mhall119Saviq: I can browse the store, but I can't get to the downloading part because I can't get through authentication13:02
Saviqmhall119, oh right you have that issue, have you talked to mardy about that? I don't think that's known13:04
mhall119not yet, I tried to find where in the code it might be from but was unsuccessful13:04
mhall119mardy: when I try to download clicks from the store on Unity 8 on my laptop, after the Ubuntu One login steps I get a dialog that says something like "Web Authentication for" and asks for a username and password13:05
* mardy thinks13:06
mardymhall119: try this: echo "LoggingLevel=2" > ~/.config/signond.conf13:06
mardymhall119: then try again, and send me the syslog13:06
mhall119mardy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16360727/13:11
mardymhall119: ah, that's terrible13:12
mardymhall119: there's a signond backend (which we use on unity7) which uses the gnome-keyring to store the password13:12
mardymhall119: it seems that in unity8 the gnome-keyring does not get unlocked, that's why we have this problem13:13
mhall119ah, so maybe it needs my local credentials?13:13
mardymhall119: do you run unity7 in the same machine?13:14
mhall119it's my normal laptop13:14
mardymhall119: so, a solution could be removing the signon-keyring-expension, but that would mess your unity7 env13:15
mardymhall119: the long term solution is to have the gnome-keyring unlocked when you login into the unity8 session13:15
mardymhall119: care to file a bug?13:15
mhall119mardy: sure, against unity8 or unity8-desktop-session?13:16
mardymhall119: not sure, but I'd file it on unity8-desktop-session13:17
mardymhall119: and do you use the same user on unity7 and unity8, or do you have two different ones?13:17
mhall119mardy: same13:18
mhall119mardy: mardy https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8-desktop-session/+bug/158060213:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1580602 in unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu) "gnome-keyring not unlocked at start of desktop session" [Undecided,New]13:19
mardymhall119: subscribed, thanks13:20
mardymhall119: I'm not an expert on the gnome-keyring, but I believe that there must be some way to unlock it from the command line13:21
mhall119mardy: I tried gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock but that didn't seem to fix it13:40
mardymhall119: there might be something else, can you send me the new logs?13:53
mhall119bregma: "If you saw what went in to closed-source sausage you would probably become vegan." lol13:59
mhall119that's so true13:59
bregmado not google 'hog bung dropper'14:00
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dandraderltinkl, any reason why you didn't top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/removeHotspot/+merge/293629 as well14:43
ltinkldandrader, yeah, oversight from me, done :)14:43
ltinkldandrader, I'll review and test  fixPlatformCursorRegistration later today14:44
dandraderltinkl, great, thanks!14:45
cimitsdgeos, I tried makeSureVisible... it foes nothing unless we focus the textArea... shall we automatically focus it?14:53
tsdgeoscimi: really?14:53
tsdgeosthat sounds odd14:53
cimitsdgeos, look at the code in qml/Components/oskScroller somethingh14:54
tsdgeosit's actually in the code :D14:54
tsdgeoscimi: i guess we should focus it yeah, after all it's the next thing you have to do14:54
tsdgeosso may has well have the focus, no?14:54
cimitsdgeos, yeah kind of14:54
cimitsdgeos, basically focus when we have a rating set but we expect a review14:55
cimilet me see if I can14:55
mzanettimterry, you just stole my review! :D15:04
mterrymzanetti, hah!15:04
mterrysorry  :)15:04
mterryyou'll have to get your karma another way15:04
cimitsdgeos, always or just when the text is empty?15:05
tsdgeoscimi: don't understand?15:05
tsdgeoscimi: the text can only be empty, no?15:06
cimitsdgeos, if you edit the rating after you entered the review, again15:06
cimitsdgeos, shall we refocus?15:06
tsdgeoscimi: don't know, no strong opinion, i'd say "no" since maybe what you want to change are the stars and you don't necessarily need to write something since you already wrote something15:07
cimitsdgeos, yeah valid point15:07
tsdgeosbut i can be confinced otherwise15:07
cimitsdgeos, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/preview-rating-input-tweaks/revision/221615:21
cimitsdgeos, when we rate, the visible turns true, then we focus15:22
tsdgeoscimi: can you add a { } or move the && condition up?15:24
tsdgeosmakes hard to read what you have now15:24
cimitsdgeos, I did it to add the comment :)15:25
tsdgeosadd the comment in the line above?15:25
cimitsdgeos, but then it wouldn't refer only to widgetData["visible"]15:25
cimianyway ok15:25
tsdgeosnot if you also move the && to a single line D:15:26
tsdgeosor move the && to the line below15:26
tsdgeosthing is as it stands now, with "visible", "widgetData" and "focus" all vertically aligned15:26
tsdgeosit makes my brain go weird15:27
cimitsdgeos, *uck it! I'll remove the comment :DDD15:27
tsdgeoscimi: "we can put these two inside anchors"15:45
tsdgeosyou mean you awnt15:45
tsdgeosanchors {15:45
tsdgeosah the anchors {} already aws there15:48
cimitsdgeos, yup15:54
cimitsdgeos, testing I noticed weird things15:54
cimitsdgeos, like when I am fullscreen, the back button is dark and not white15:55
tsdgeosi guess i broke it with all the changes you asked about the colors15:55
tsdgeosthat's what reviews are for :D15:55
tsdgeoscimi: can you comment on it?15:55
cimitsdgeos, also the video seems to be inside a ubuntushape15:56
cimitsdgeos, with black corners of the video player15:57
tsdgeosdon't remember that either15:58
cimistill looking for all issues before commenting, you'll see them tomorrow now is your eod :)15:58
tsdgeosagain comment on the MR15:58
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