
davidcallemorning dholbach, what's up? o/07:30
dholbachsalut mon ami07:30
dholbachstill working on the versioning bits07:30
dholbachand getting closer07:30
dholbachI figured out the logic to use and added the "this is version X" bit already07:31
dholbachnow I'll add the "here are links to other versions of the doc" bits07:31
dholbachthen add it to the template07:31
davidcalledholbach: I don't know if you remember but the first iteration had this in a box, top left of the content. I'm wondering if it shouldn't be moved directly as a small row above the content. Eg. a dropdown selector, with some js that takes you to the new location when the version is changed. *thinking out loud*07:35
dholbachI'm happy with whatever presentation works best :)07:36
dholbachdropdown could work well, yes07:36
dholbachas long as it's obvious and clear07:36
davidcalledholbach: pretty! -> https://developer.staging.ubuntu.com/admin/07:57
davidcalledholbach: thanks for finding how to enable this ^07:57
dholbachmuch better07:59
dholbachdavidcalle, I pushed the version extension bits to https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/importer-versioning/+merge/294202 now, what's still missing is: a test or two and making use of the data in the template - both shouldn't be too hard09:06
dholbachbut I'll be out now for lunch and an appointment09:06
dholbachjust wanted to keep you posted on the progress :)09:06
tsimonq2is it just me or does https://insights.ubuntu.com/2016/05/11/another-ubuntu-hackathon-with-a-blend-of-convergence/ have broken CSS on the "BQ M10 Ubuntu Edition" link?12:16
tsimonq2and the rest of the links in the article too12:16
tsimonq2(except for the "Tuner app" link)12:16
davidcalletsimonq2: like an orange arrow too big and hiding part of the word?12:17
tsimonq2davidcalle: yes12:18
tsimonq2like a wavy thing12:18
davidcalletsimonq2: if that's the case, I've seen it in the past, but not anymore12:18
davidcalletsimonq2: browser?12:18
tsimonq2Chromium 49.0.2623.10812:18
tsimonq2oh now it's fixed...?12:19
davidcalletsimonq2: well, I've seen it on other articles12:19
davidcalletsimonq2: so yeah, some css having a hard time loading, I'd guess12:19
tsimonq2davidcalle: I have to head off to school, thanks for your time :)12:19
davidcalletsimonq2: enjoy! ;)12:20
dholbachdavidcalle, can you help me find the gadget-snaps page in the pages list and help me move it back to snappy/start/gadget-snaps?12:43
dholbachI'm a bit confused12:43
davidcallewat o_O12:43
dholbachit's apparently at /en/start/gadget-snaps/ right now12:44
dholbachbut I can't find that path in the pages list12:44
davidcalledholbach: I do12:45
dholbachmaybe it's some unpublished changes?12:45
davidcallehttps://developer.ubuntu.com/admin/cms/page/ IoT > Get started > Gadget snaps12:46
dholbachclick on the view button12:46
dholbachand it'll take you to https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/gadget-snaps/?edit&language=en12:46
dholbach(I found it now too)12:46
davidcalleOh, fun12:47
* davidcalle tries something12:47
dholbachtrying "revert to live"12:47
dholbachcool, that fixed it12:47
dholbachthanks for helping out12:47
davidcalledholbach: lol, I published the changes at the same time12:49
davidcalledholbach: I'm trying to put it back at the end of the subpages list, but it's a pain12:50
* dholbach hugs davidcalle 13:03
dholbachwe should bring back the docs days and clean up the CMS a bit13:03
dholbachthere's a ton of useless articles or test entries13:03
davidcalledholbach: worth a look, yeah, I've done some of it when the tree bug was fixed, but only on the top level, I haven't looked deeper13:06
dholbachsome zen gardening for the entire team :-)13:06
davidcalledholbach: idea: we kill all redirects pages and instead, on the 404 page, we use the failing path on the serach engine to look for matching results. eg. "You are trying to access foo, this page does not exist anymore or has been moved, here are pages with similar names: ..."13:10
dholbachthat'd be wonderful13:12
dholbachdavidcalle, I'm getting a bit closer, the logic to add the version extension is working, but it looks like it loses the data when publishing the page15:39
dholbachI'm trying to figure out http://docs.django-cms.org/en/latest/how_to/extending_page_title.html#handling-relations right now15:39
davidcalledholbach: what do you mean "loses the data" ?15:39
davidcalleOh, I see, page extension data15:40
dholbachdavidcalle, so basically you have a page and decide you want to add the data, so you create a versionextension, set the values, add it to the page15:40
dholbachand during publishing (or somewhere else) it goes AWOL15:40
dholbachjust wanted to give you an update :)15:41
dholbachonce that's done, we can play around with: http://docs.django-cms.org/en/latest/how_to/extending_page_title.html#in-templates15:41
davidcalleThanks <315:41
davidcalledholbach: yeah, that could be a new template RawHTMLVersioned or something15:42
dholbachlet's figure that out tomorrow :)15:43
dholbachall right... I give up for today16:02
dholbachsee you all tomorrow :)16:02

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