
redir_thumper: I am about eod and haven't been able to reproce the race in bug #1579051 . Looking through the test my best guess at this point is https://goo.gl/zmw7u800:04
mupBug #1579051: Race in juju/controller/destroy and TestDestroyCommandConfirmation <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <race-condition> <regression> <juju-core:In Progress by reedobrien> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1579051>00:04
thumperredir_: ta00:05
redir_thumper: I understand from wallyworld you would be looking at that today00:05
thumperredir_: will do00:05
thumperredir_: not sure it is that00:06
thumperpushing onto a channel doesn't need a lock00:06
thumperunless the channel was created after the last sync point00:06
thumperwhich isn't the case here00:06
redir_thumper: OK. best wrong guess.00:10
perrito666redir_: it seems to be related on the fact that the tests are writing on dummy.dummy.ops00:15
perrito666I am just guessing from a pass over the code00:15
perrito666that might explain the fact that its intermittent, the order in which tests are run00:16
perrito666redir_: but someone that knows a bit more about the underlying machinery in go should chime on that00:17
perrito666davecheney: ?00:17
thumperok, using davecheney's stress script with the race flag, I have the race condition regenerated00:20
* thumper looks deeper00:20
perrito666thumper: I put my coins in too many people suspiciously writing on that shared object plz share the result if you find it :p00:21
redir_perrito666: I figured it was the estate.name read in the anonymous func00:27
* redir_ wants davecheney's stress script00:27
thumperugh... reminded that there is global state00:28
thumperok, I got this00:33
* redir_ lurks00:37
thumperredir_: wanna see?00:39
redir_thumper: yes00:40
thumperpushing now00:40
redir_thumper: there's another that I was solving by pure WAG at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4813/00:40
thumperspotted a typo00:42
thumpermenn0: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4815/diff/#00:43
redir_Um, that looks a lot like https://goo.gl/zmw7u800:43
redir_thumper: ^ but with a fine comment00:43
redir_but whatevs00:44
redir_is there any docs or pointers to the stress script you used?00:44
redir_thumper: ^00:44
redir_and thanks for sharing.00:45
menn0thumper: I remember reviewing redir_'s change recently which is the same as yours00:45
thumperI am so tired00:46
redir_menn0 yesterdays was a different one, which didn't entirely fix it. There's an additional change for that at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4813/00:46
redir_a different race00:47
thumperyou ar right...00:47
thumperredir_'s fix is the same00:47
thumperI just added more of a comment :)00:47
thumperand I have confirmed it fixed it00:47
menn0ok cool00:47
menn0well the comment is good00:47
redir_sadly I don't know if I am fixing them, because I can't repro them00:48
menn0and redir_'s additional changes need to go in too00:48
* redir_ goes EoD00:48
redir_see you tomorrow #juju-dev00:49
natefinchmwhudson: ha, thanks for proposing that fix00:56
natefinchmwhudson: I don't know how they can live like that00:56
mwhudsonnatefinch: i'm pretty sure last time i looked at it, half the packages in git didn't compile00:57
mwhudsonthe problem in that issue makes the packaging fiddly, which is how i ran into it00:58
natefinchmwhudson: I can understand having a lot of junk shoved in closets, but when the window in the front door is broken... geez, just fix it.01:00
natefinchlol, 2 failed uniter tests overflowed the default 3000 line buffer in my windows command prompt01:11
natefinchand by lol, I mean, goodbye 15 minutes01:12
perrito666natefinch: oh, never run tests in windows without > blah.log01:21
natefinchperrito666: yeah, evidently01:21
perrito666then you can read that with notepad :p01:21
natefinchit would be funny if it weren't so sad01:22
natefinchperrito666: I'm just going to install vs code on this machine01:23
natefinchsinzui: what's with the windows apiserver/service bug getting marked fixed released?01:24
natefinchthis one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/158018401:25
mupBug #1580184: Timeout in github.com/juju/juju/apiserver/service on windows <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580184>01:25
perrito666I actually code on windows when fixing windows bug01:26
natefinchperrito666: exactly, which is why I am going to put vscode on that VM :)01:26
perrito666I did the same :)01:27
bradmI've got a juju subordinate charm stuck in allocating, I can't even see references to it in the juju logs - any ideas how I can get it moving again?  or destroy it so I can redeploy?01:27
natefinchbradm: juju destroy-service should work, I would think?01:30
davecheneyredir: http://dave.cheney.net/2013/06/19/stress-test-your-go-packages01:31
davecheneysorry for the delay, the internet was totally crapped out here01:31
bradmnatefinch: its a subordinate, and I want the rest of the others to stay01:31
natefinchbradm: so just one unit of it is stuck?01:32
bradmnatefinch: I tried juju destroy-unit and it told me to bugger off, its a subordinate01:32
bradmnatefinch: yeah01:32
bradmnatefinch: landscape-client, so there's basically subordinates everywhere01:32
natefinchbradm: ahh, yeah, I see a caveat in the bottom of the docs that says you can't do that.  Is it feasible to destroy the host unit?01:32
bradmnatefinch: no.01:32
bradmnatefinch: the host unit is the juju state server01:32
natefinchbradm: not the host machine, the unit that the subordinate is attached to.  I don't know that it'll help, but it's possible01:34
bradmnatefinch: oh, I see what you're saying. hmmm.01:35
natefinchthumper: any ideas? ^01:35
bradmnatefinch: we don't have juju ha due to bug 1575448 so I need to be super careful01:35
mupBug #1575448: trusty juju 1.25.5 HA availability issues <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:New for anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575448>01:35
natefinchanastasiamac: are you looking that that one? ^01:39
anastasiamacnatefinch: hang on, m reading backscroll01:39
bradmthe jujuds are as flakey as anything, constant errors in it01:40
anastasiamacnatefinch: it's with me but atm I need to reliably reproduce it. As part of this, m building vMAAS with 1.9... and m not there yet01:41
anastasiamacnatefinch: do u want the bug?01:41
natefinchanastasiamac: no no no no no01:41
anastasiamacnatefinch: and here i was holding my breath \o/01:41
natefinchanastasiamac: it's honestly probably nothing to do with maas, but I suppose you never know01:42
anastasiamacnatefinch: yes, u may be right - our CI passes with maas and ha... but it does not help bradm ;)01:43
anastasiamacnatefinch: and i still would like to have my own maas 1.9 :/01:44
anastasiamacnatefinch: consider it my bday wish :D01:44
natefinchanastasiamac: I tried that at a sprint one, with the maas guys in the same room, still never got it working.  But that was a while ago, maybe it's better now01:44
perrito666anastasiamac: tap your heels 3 times and think on an orange box01:44
natefinchwhat we need is vmaas that rides on top of lxd... lxd generally Just Works01:45
bradmI just don't get what we're doing different to cause this much instability01:45
anastasiamacperrito666: it only works with red shoes and every time i try to go shoe shopping, wallyworld says i need to work :-P01:45
natefinchbradm: I wish I knew.01:48
bradmso the only suggestion is to destroy the parent service?01:50
bradmthe only evidence I see of the subordinate is a directory /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-<service> with an agent.conf in it, but its not even fully filled out, when comparing it to others on the same node01:51
anastasiamacnatefinch: i had a maas controller runnign yesterday, could not add nodes to it. today my machine keeps dying, i can;t reach maas controller anymore, m back to rebuilding it01:52
perrito666aghhhhh I need to test something in 1.25 and my environments.yaml is no more01:52
anastasiamacperrito666: what do u need? i can email u mine01:53
perrito666found a backup01:53
perrito666anastasiamac: I dont think you have my lxd conf :p01:53
natefinchbradm: I honestly have not dealt with subordinates hardly at all. Others might have more information.  wallyworld?01:54
anastasiamacperrito666: u r on ur own \o/ hope u swim well and r not afraid of heights01:54
wallyworldi've not used them much, other than to be under the impression their lifecycle is bound to the primary unit01:54
anastasiamac(or dark)01:54
bradmmight spin up a test env and see what I can work out01:59
bradmI don't think destroying the service will help, since there appears to be no real trace of the subordinate on the problem node01:59
bradmas in, the subordinate service01:59
davecheneyahoy, anyone for a spot of team meeting ?02:02
natefinchdavecheney: coming02:02
menn0thumper: coming?02:02
natefinchbradm: destroy/recreate *should help* I'd think, since a new subordinate should be created for the new unit02:03
anastasiamacnatefinch: wallyworld:thumper: team meeting?02:03
anastasiamacaxw: ping02:03
rick_h_wallyworld: hangout?02:09
wallyworldrick_h_: sure, give me a couple of mins? i'll ping you in a sec02:09
wallyworldrick_h_: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/ian-rick02:14
rick_h_wallyworld: can you invite me please?02:15
cheryljthumper, wallyworld can one of you find someone to take bug 1580802?02:21
mupBug #1580802: NoContextWithLock fails on windows because of another process <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580802>02:21
cheryljanastasiamac, davecheney - are you guys okay with the week of june 13 for a sprint at that same hotel near brisbane?02:22
cheryljif so, I'll submit the sprint request02:22
anastasiamaccherylj: i am \o/02:23
anastasiamaccherylj: it was summer and nice to be by the oocean in December... m not sure it'd b just as great in June (winter here)02:24
cheryljoh ha, yeah, btw guys - -race is now run with the landing bot02:26
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest47582
natefinchcherylj: awesome about -race02:37
cheryljnot so much, looking at the last few runs02:38
davecheneycherylj: it has to be in sydney02:45
davecheneyi've been travelling to much02:45
davecheneyi'll be in the doghouse if I go away for another week02:46
cheryljanastasiamac: your thoughts on ^^?02:46
anastasiamaccherylj: sydney sounds good02:46
cheryljsydney it is, then02:47
thumpercoverage overhead on my machine, 18.5 minutes instead of 14.5 minutes02:48
natefinchthumper: that's not really all that bad02:48
anastasiamacthumper: and what is mean (or average) coverage that u r seeing?02:49
thumperI varies02:50
anastasiamaccould u pastebin the output?02:50
thumperI've just closed up to go to a meeting off site, I'll let you know later02:50
cheryljis there someone who can take bug 1580802?02:50
mupBug #1580802: NoContextWithLock fails on windows because of another process <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580802>02:50
natefinchcherylj: I just got my windows environment all set up, I could look at it in the morning02:51
cheryljis there someone who could take it now (in their daytime)?  I'm looking at you, Aussies and Kiwis :)02:52
anastasiamaccherylj: m not sure who in Aus and NZ has windows test environments...02:53
cheryljsinzui: are you still around to provide access to the windows machine?02:54
perrito666cherylj: if no one took it tomorrow AM I can also take it02:58
perrito666for the moment working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/157793902:58
mupBug #1577939: Backup-restore failed on xenial because service "juju-db": No such file or directory <backup-restore> <blocker> <ci> <xenial> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:In Progress by hduran-8> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1577939>02:58
cheryljthanks, perrito66602:59
perrito666k brain is failing, going to sleep, see you al tomorrow earlier than I would like03:01
thumperanastasiamac: coverage from master http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16372159/04:13
thumperwallyworld: any idea what is happening here: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-juju/7709/console ?04:14
wallyworldwhy did we have to turn on the race detector *now*04:15
wallyworldwhen we are trying to get a blessed build for beta704:15
wallyworldsurely it could have waited a couple of days04:15
wallyworldhaven't seen those errors before04:15
thumperme neither04:16
thumperbut it looks like they are trying to run with -race04:16
davecheney   wallyworld they should turn it off again04:25
wallyworld+1 from me04:26
davecheneyor at least update the package with the fixes that michael landed recently04:26
wallyworldwe weren't told it had happened till after the fact04:26
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest11700
axwwallyworld: would you please take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/538305:15
axwwallyworld: ignoring the first commit, which is already reviewed05:15
wallyworldjust give me 505:15
axwwallyworld: no worries, take your time05:15
wallyworldaxw: lgtm, thanks05:40
wallyworldgood luck landing it though05:40
axwwallyworld: thanks. why's that?05:41
wallyworldaxw: see backscroll abut race detector05:41
axwwallyworld: ah :/05:41
wallyworldit seems they need upstream fixes, plus our tests have races05:41
axwwallyworld: I've just had another look at your API doc, it looks good to me. I'm not sure if there is anything we need to change. probably just keeping the details like media types at the end as you've done is enough05:43
wallyworldaxw: ta, yeah i'm hoping that's the case too05:43
axwwallyworld: also I do like the option of fetching all service details at once (with _embedded), but I wonder if that should be toggled with a query option?05:44
bradmso I did a juju add-unit to the state server, and a juju destroy-unit to the one with the failing subordinate, and it won't die, its still waiting for the failed subordinate to come up I think05:44
wallyworldaxw: if you GET against the collection, you'll get a list of services matching any query params passed in. or am i misunderstanding05:44
wallyworldwhereas GET against the service url itself returns just the one05:45
axwwallyworld: what are the query params? I don't see mention in the doc05:45
axwwallyworld: ah, further down05:45
wallyworldthe top bit is just a summary05:46
wallyworldhides the gory details05:46
wallyworldbradm: not sure if --force is an option?05:46
axwwallyworld: so with the REST approach you'd just hit "/services", and traverse the _links right? but the response is also going to contain all the services in _embedded05:46
bradmwallyworld: nope, its not05:46
bradmwallyworld: at least, according to the help its not05:47
wallyworldaxw: oh i see, we want a way to get *just* the links05:47
axwwallyworld: yeah I think so05:47
bradmwallyworld: yup, I get the "error: flag provided but not defined: --force" if I try05:47
wallyworldaxw: yeah ok, we can do that, i might leave that off for now as i expect/hope we won't get that far. if i get time i'll add something05:48
wallyworldbradm: so do you know what's wrong with the subordinate?05:48
bradmwallyworld: it just didn't start up05:49
bradmwallyworld: the only evidence of it on the node is a partially filled out agent.conf05:49
wallyworldoh the agent didn't come up05:50
bradm"Waiting for agent initialization to finish" is the message05:50
wallyworldi have no idea how to beat a subordinate unit into submission05:50
bradmtime for another bug then, I guess05:50
wallyworldi fear it may require a db hack and an agent restart05:50
bradmthis is about to go live too, its one of the things holding it up05:51
wallyworldbut that's just me, there may be a better answer05:51
wallyworldwilliam would be a good person to ask05:51
wallyworlda post to juju-dev mailing list would be good05:52
bradmjuju-dev@lists.u.c ?05:56
jamaxw: interesting. I would have thought each API request would be a separate span. rather than each connection (given agents stay connected for days)06:20
jamand then you'd just tag the spans with the username that is connected.06:20
axwjam: yeah, I think each request would be better (after looking at the results)06:20
jamand then you definitely want to start breaking down spans so that you can do things like how long the DB request took, etc.06:20
axwjam: it would be sometimes helpful to have a span per connection, e.g. for user connections06:20
axwi.e. user commands making multiple API requests06:21
jamaxw: it sounds like zipkin/whatever is going to be reasonably similar, probably much flashier with represntation and ability to dig into it.06:21
axwjam: yes, I think so06:21
bradmwallyworld: email away to juju-dev, hopefully someone knows how to fix it06:26
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest493
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest85705
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
voidspacedooferlad: standup?09:02
dooferladvoidspace: for some reason my mic and camera won't work today. Great.09:06
voidspacedooferlad: ok dude09:06
voidspacedooferlad: dimitern: frobware: firefox crash - will have to rejoin09:13
voidspacedooferlad: oops, not you09:13
dooferladvoidspace: :-)09:13
voidspacedooferlad: ah, you are there09:14
voidspacedooferlad: o/09:14
dooferladvoidspace: I rebooted09:14
voidspacethe classic fix...09:14
voidspacedimitern: I have the email suggesting "ID := <model-uuid>:<global-key>"09:29
voidspacee.g. "uuid:space#foo" (for a space provider ID)09:29
voidspacedimitern: so I'll do that09:29
voidspacedimitern: may ping you about it later09:29
dimiternvoidspace: just forwarded the last thing I sent on that thread09:31
dimiternvoidspace: sounds good, thanks!09:31
voidspacedimitern: kk09:31
mupBug #1580946 opened: Juju 2 help commands for constraints or  placement return ERROR unknown command <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580946>09:47
dooferladdimitern: FYI I am writing some stuff for thumper to give him some context about networks. If you could start on the state of Juju and what we can combine our efforts later.10:36
dooferlad...Juju and what we have tried... that is10:37
dimiterndooferlad: ok, I'll look into it later today10:37
mupBug #1580964 opened: LXD network container profiles need not be discrete entries <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580964>10:59
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest71281
dimiternaxw, menn0: hey, is anyone of you around by chance?11:08
* dimitern wish in addition to restricted, there were auto-inherited-from-controller model attributes11:36
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest50981
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
sinzuiwallyworld: thumper-afk: I removed the --race from the lander and your branches are requeued13:16
wallyworldyay, tyvm13:16
sinzui^ alexisb13:16
alexisbthank you sinzui!13:17
=== dimitern is now known as dimitern|away
mupBug #1581069 opened: controller leaking mongodb connections <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581069>14:33
dooferladjam: do we have a cloud feature / juju feature matrix that you know of? Is that something you could help put together?14:36
dooferladjam: thumper was asking for it as well as some networking background. I am handling the networking background at the moment...14:37
mupBug #1581069 changed: controller leaking mongodb connections <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581069>14:45
rick_h_jcastro: ping got a sec?14:48
jcastrorick_h_: shoot14:50
rick_h_jcastro: you played with the add-user in 2.0? and registering/etc?14:50
jcastroI have not yet, no14:50
rick_h_jcastro: so I'm setting it up for a demo and just tried it out and was awesome to email a command to myself, go to another machine, paste it, and then run juju-gui to have access to a subset of the controller14:51
rick_h_jcastro: I've got a school event in the AM tomorrow, but curious if you'd have time to incldue that in the office hours?14:51
jcastrooooh, we have office hours this week14:51
jcastroI'll work it in somehow14:51
rick_h_jcastro: or someone else there14:51
rick_h_I'll sent you notes/etc if you want before EOD, but this is cool/worth sharing imo14:51
* rick_h_ volunteered to make school popcorn day 14:52
* perrito666 has pavlovian conditioning that onlly allows him to eat popcorn while watching movies14:55
mupBug #1581069 opened: controller leaking mongodb connections <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581069>14:57
mupBug #1581074 opened: LXD container interface names don't align with parent interface names <lxd> <network> <juju-core:In Progress by frobware> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581074>15:03
katcoericsnow: standup time15:05
natefinchredir: http://dave.cheney.net/2013/06/19/stress-test-your-go-packages15:12
perrito666natefinch: dave gave him the link last night15:13
katcoperrito666: hey would you mind joining moonstone rq? https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/moonstone?authuser=115:16
perrito666katco: sure, gimme a sec15:16
voidspacedimitern|away: is it true legacyipaddressesC is used for "address allocation" on aws?15:35
natefinchalexisb, cherylj: bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1580802 was diagnosed by davecheney as yet another fslock bug. Fixing it should probably involve not using file locks on windows, given that there's a syscall specifically for application-wide locks like this (CreateMutex).  It's not a huge lift, but it's not a minor bugfix either.  Not sure what you want to do.15:40
mupBug #1580802: NoContextWithLock fails on windows because of another process <blocker> <ci> <intermittent-failure> <regression> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1580802>15:40
alexisbnatefinch, otp one sec15:40
cheryljkatco: ping?16:10
katcocherylj: otp, what's up?16:10
cheryljkatco: just coming up for air from my meetings, wanted to follow up on providing that binary16:11
katcocherylj: other channel?16:11
alexisbok natefinch sorry reading back16:17
alexisbnatefinch, we agree16:17
alexisbwe need to fix that but the fslock issue is more then what is doable in beta timeframe16:18
natefinchalexisb: ok, looking into what we can do in a limited time frame.16:42
perrito666anyone have time for a quick review? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4817/diff/#16:45
natefinchperrito666: tests?16:46
mupBug #1568895 changed: Cannot add MAAS-based LXD containers in 2.0beta4 on trusty <ci> <jujuqa> <lxd> <maas-provider> <cloud-images:Fix Released> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1568895>17:04
mupBug #1581138 opened: Juju20: websockets API unhelpful error message when not specifying support facade Version parameter <landscape> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581138>17:04
mgzcherylj, sinzui: updated the cloud-images and ran some tests, both centos with new tls and trusty with backports verified working17:04
mgzcherylj, sinzui: feel like I'm forgetting something else thouhg?17:04
natefinchyou know your lock object is buggy when it needs a BreakLock method :/17:05
sinzuimgz: I don't think you are. the windows jobs are a separate issue17:05
natefinchmgz: huzzah about centos :)17:06
sinzuimgz: and we are also testing centos in aws17:06
cory_fuI have a question in #juju regarding "chaining" subordinates that I think I might need a core dev to answer17:06
cory_fuIf someone has a moment17:06
sinzuimgz: cherylj I have hacked the registry of the windows host. I am replaying the win tests, I am not certain go the keys/items right.17:07
mgzsinzui: bogdanteleaga reckons the real problem is the tests actually building/using jujud17:07
natefinchcory_fu: we can try... but most of us aren't too familiar with subordinates. And chaining them sounds like dangerous waters.17:08
mgzcory_fu: I'm pretty sure the answer is just "that doesn't work"17:08
mgzbut you can have a subordinate that only operates if it has a sibling subordinate17:08
mgzseems like kind of a bad thing, but hey17:08
cory_fuI don't see why it shouldn't.  There's a princpal at some level, and the relationship I actually want to model is between the two subordinates17:09
cory_fuIn my case, the plugin wants to provide Hadoop, but it requires Java to do so.  And Java is provided by another subordinate, but it's providing that to the plugin, not the principal17:10
sinzuimgz yeah. I used the powershell script from windows_userdata_test.go as my guide.17:10
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
mgzcory_fu: what your operating is probably doing in practice is saying if there's a new service named the same as your existing subordinate, then deploy the sub-subordinate along with it17:11
mgzwhich isn't what you mean at all17:11
mgz-ing +ion17:11
katconatefinch: where is your fix for destroy environment landed?17:12
natefinchkatco: no where, because 1.25 us blocked, and this was not a blocking bug17:12
katconatefinch: k17:13
natefinchkatco:  here's the PR: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/536317:13
mupBug #1581138 changed: Juju20: websockets API unhelpful error message when not specifying support facade Version parameter <landscape> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581138>17:13
mupBug #1568895 opened: Cannot add MAAS-based LXD containers in 2.0beta4 on trusty <ci> <jujuqa> <lxd> <maas-provider> <cloud-images:Fix Released> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1568895>17:13
katconatefinch: ty17:13
mgzcory_fu: I'm unconviced by doing dependency management through subordiante charms. I'd probably just make the plugin include the existing logic for getting java installed, and have that as a module charms could pick up and use.17:13
cory_fumgz: I don't understand that at all, but it sounds like an implementation detail.  From my point of view, I'm trying to model the relationships between the components, and the relationship I care about is between the openjdk subordinate and the Hadoop plugin subordinate, and I don't see why I shouldn't be able to do that.17:13
natefinchcory_fu: why doesn't the hadoop subordinate include openjdk directly?17:14
perrito666sinzui: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1575469 only affects 1.25?17:15
mupBug #1575469: liveSuite.TestBootstrapMultiple invalid character \"\\\\\" in host name <blocker> <ci> <go1.6> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1575469>17:15
cory_fuYeah, I suppose that's an argument.  The value we saw in doing it this way is that we have several vendors that want to provide different Javas (IBM, Zulu8, etc) and we don't want to force every charm to build against every vendor's Java since it's more of a deploy-time concern which would work best (depends on hardware, etc)17:15
sinzuiperrito666: yes17:15
natefinchcory_fu: in 2.0 that would be a function for resources17:15
mgzcory_fu: was saying why I think it doesn't work. I think adding a subordinate assumes one principle and one subordinate17:16
mgzcory_fu: I think there's a worthwhile larger discussion about the best way of structuring this stuff17:16
perrito666k taken, thanks sinzui17:16
mgzbut I expect the current bug is more than juju doesn't tell you that doesn't work, rather than it not working.17:16
cory_fumgz: Fair enough.  :)17:16
mgzstill worth a bug though!17:17
natefinchcory_fu: I presume you're not using 2.0 :)17:17
sinzuiperrito666: I think master got a fix on april 26/27 because master started passing on 27 http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/issue/5720374a749a561a8c7390ac17:17
perrito666yup, I fixed those, I fear the fix is in utils, which is harder to update in older juju17:17
cory_funatefinch: The java interface / charms were started a while ago, before resources were started.  Resources do seem like a reasonable way to handle this, though it still means that vendors can only provide a blob and not necessarily charm logic around it (though I guess they could put an installer in the blob)17:18
mupBug #1568895 changed: Cannot add MAAS-based LXD containers in 2.0beta4 on trusty <ci> <jujuqa> <lxd> <maas-provider> <cloud-images:Fix Released> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1568895>17:25
mupBug #1581138 opened: Juju20: websockets API unhelpful error message when not specifying support facade Version parameter <landscape> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581138>17:25
natefinchcory_fu: I'm sure you could figure out a way to combine resources with some config to do what you needed... but yeah, I understand that resources aren't even in a release version of Juju yet17:30
katconatefinch: can you verify your destroy-environment fix by compiling/running this branch? https://github.com/juju/juju/tree/1.25.3-and-fixes17:35
katconatefinch: top priority17:35
cory_funatefinch: Yeah.  There's also the issue that using resources drastically reduces the discoverability for vendors wanting to promote their Java, as well as makes it really unclear how to handle ownership (unless my understanding of the association of resources with specific charms is terribly out of date)17:36
cory_fuIBM and Azul Zulu were both really happy that they could get their Java offerings to show up in the store with an easy way for any charm to choose (and change) which one they use17:38
ericsnowredir: FYI, PR #5385 has a 0-length diff17:39
mgzsounds like a very efficient change17:39
natefinchka sure17:39
natefinchkatco: sure17:39
katconatefinch: ta17:40
redir_ericsnow: tx :|17:42
redir_git ate my homework17:42
natefinchcory_fu: yeah, promoting and ownership of resources was not really one of the use cases we were aware of.  Maybe in v2 of resources, if we do such a thing, that could be worked in.  The subordinate of a subordinate thing is kind of adding an edge case on top of an edge case, though.17:45
cory_fuAgreed.  It's not something we'd encountered or even considered before, either.17:45
mupBug #1576313 opened: windows: uniter tests fail because logs get dumped to stderr <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <windows> <juju-ci-tools:Triaged> <juju-core:Triaged by hduran-8> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576313>17:55
natefinchtests that read logs and/or stderr (without very controlled context) should be shot in the head17:57
perrito666natefinch: actually that one is entirely our fault17:59
perrito666at some point we run jujud17:59
perrito666and windows does not redirect that  stderr very nicely17:59
perrito666yes, you read that right, we run jujud :p17:59
natefinchlist of things your unit tests should never do: run a copy of the executable built from the code under test17:59
natefinchperrito666: oh I know18:00
perrito666there is a nice comment from fwereade on what he thinks about that :p18:00
perrito666just above the relevant code18:00
natefinchkatco: the code checks out18:02
natefinchkatco: at least, the manual test that was very reliably reproducing the problem passes18:03
katconatefinch: yay :) ty18:03
perrito666gtg for a while, bbl18:07
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: hi, the builds aren't looking pretty, I can't debug that now18:18
tvansteenburghahasenack: looking18:19
tvansteenburghahasenack: bah, i forgot about the test deps, will file another MP18:20
ahasenacktvansteenburgh: thx, I suspected it tried to use pip to install what was missing18:20
tvansteenburghahasenack: yeah it does, but they have to be already installed by build-depends right?18:22
ahasenacksecpolicy doesn't allow that18:22
tvansteenburghahasenack: ok18:22
mupBug #1581157 opened: github.com/juju/juju/cmd/jujud test timeout on widnows <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581157>18:25
redir_natefinch: got a minute to look at something?18:36
natefinchredir_: sure18:36
redir_natefinch: ^18:36
bdxhey whats up everyone?19:11
bdxwhere is the templating for network inetrfaces for the maas provider?19:11
bdxwe need 'auto <iface>' add to the network interface templates19:12
bdxcurrently my interfaces get created, but I have to manually 'sudo ifup <iface>' post deploy on maas nodes19:12
bdxdeployed with juju19:13
katconatefinch: apologies, can you test your manual fix again? i missed up the merge on ian's fix and had to recreate19:23
katconatefinch: manual test rather19:24
natefinchkatco: sure. no problem19:27
natefinchkatco: looks fine19:34
katconatefinch: ta19:34
mupBug #1581190 opened: juju 2.0: debug-log --include machine-X includes more data than just machine-x <landscape> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581190>19:43
mupBug #1581190 changed: juju 2.0: debug-log --include machine-X includes more data than just machine-x <landscape> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581190>19:52
mupBug #1581190 opened: juju 2.0: debug-log --include machine-X includes more data than just machine-x <landscape> <usability> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581190>19:55
alexisbbdx, the guys that have the best insight on that q are currently sleeping20:24
alexisbbdx, but I can get eyes on the issue when they are back online tomorrow, if someone currently on doesnt have a chance to dig20:25
=== admcleod1 is now known as admcleod
perrito666man I could learn to knit while waiting tests in windows to pass21:07
katcoperrito666: could leave out the word windows there21:07
perrito666katco: well, I presume it is because its because its a vm, but they are slower than when running native21:08
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest53153
mupBug #1581211 opened: [Juju/MAAS 2.0] Juju doesn't show correct error when MAAS doesn't have required images. <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581211>21:29
* perrito666 headbuts the keyboard waiting for the second run21:43
perrito666wallyworld: coming?22:00
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest13869
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
bradmanyone have any ideas on my broken subordinate problem?  emailed juju-dev list about it last night23:04
axwredir: what did you want me to look at?23:38

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