[08:09] hi NaSb [08:09] Hello Kilos [08:09] Good morning :) [08:10] :) [08:10] im taking a break from outside labours [08:13] Are you eating something [08:13] I'm start my launch now ;) [08:36] no been picking up pecan nuts [08:36] i ate oats at 7am [08:37] will have stew in 2 1/2 hoursa for lunch [08:37] hey NaSb ! [08:37] Hello zaki [08:39] how are you? [09:09] Alhamdulillah fine :) [09:09] How was your day? zaki [09:11] same like everyday. [09:11] at office now. [09:12] what about you? [09:19] just finished my launch :) [09:19] good. whare are you from? [09:19] dhaka? [12:06] hey kilos? [12:06] hi zaki [12:06] are you there? [12:06] well [12:06] this isnt my ghost [12:07] last night knoked in ubuntu pakistan fb page. give them a massage. [12:07] ha ha. :D [12:07] good [12:07] try wake them up [12:07] now they replied to me this like this. what can i say to them now? [12:08] no one on fb can ever become an ubuntu member without using irc [12:08] reply: Hi Zaki, unfortunately we don't get enough volunteers to keep the motion. Most of the people do volunteer some time but sooner or later they have to look after they day jobs and due to lack of volunteers this community suffers from frequent halts. However, this is a community effort and isn't owned by anyone. If you are interested in volunteering then we can take you on board. [12:08] thats a good message from them [12:09] hmm. [12:09] now what to tell them? [12:09] get pavlushka involved as well then you two can get that loco going again [12:09] yes , tell them that you would be honoured to help them out [12:10] ok i will tell them. [12:11] but at first you help me [12:11] ok [12:12] what can i help you with [12:12] how can i convince him to organize a community meet up for ubuntu users. [12:13] or some campus guys [12:13] tell me some effective way. [12:14] oky i'm figuring it out. [12:16] first get use of the group [12:16] dont try run before you can walk [12:16] get on the board first [12:16] them make somre friends there [12:16] yap. [12:17] then orgsanise a get together [12:17] are you far from pavel? [12:17] yap.. like earth and pluto. :D [12:18] oh my [12:18] difficult [12:18] we in za have the same problem [12:18] but we both are in bangladesh. :) [12:18] from capetown to pretoria is over 1500 ks [12:18] same here man. :3 [12:18] thats why we all use irc. [12:19] (y) [12:19] keep in touch and then have get togethers in the different areas and feed back with photos etc on irc [12:20] thats for whom? we or those pakistani? [12:22] by the way, you know, i don't like em much. whatever i will try. [12:23] pakistan forms groups in their close by areas and you do the same in your area, but all feed back to common irc channels [12:24] hmm. [12:24] they can even use fb [12:25] but ultimately irc is the home of all ubuntu business [12:27] yap. thats why, i'm just invited that guy to irc. [12:27] good [12:28] i will help where i can and so will pavel [12:28] replied him that, if it is possible, use irc. #ubuntu-pk or #ubuntu-bd :D [12:28] pavel has found his way into many ubuntu groups so can be a big help [12:30] in our country our ubuntu community is in good form . many active volunteer. [12:30] hmm. [12:30] yes but they all sit on facebook [12:31] sadly thats right [12:31] but this irc channel has much activity back than. 2013. [12:32] i used to come here some time. [12:32] thats fine if they only want to be part of that group but useless to get involved in the whole ubuntu community [12:33] they need to understand that ubuntu isnt only bangladesh, its world wide [12:34] hmm.. :( [12:34] i have made friends from russia to australia [12:34] and most places in between [12:35] and the whole african continent [12:35] yoy are you. :D (y) [12:35] http://forum.linuxdesh.net/ [12:36] did you seen this? its our forum. it's a big community effort. [12:36] but sadly last post in there is from 2014. :3 [12:37] i see it yes [12:37] they need new blood to wake them up [12:39] may be. [12:39] also ubuntu is getting better all the time so not so much help needed [12:40] in 2008 many needed help to get going [12:53] QA tell zaki I'll be off for 4-5 days, but I'll try to peek in whenever possible, :), Its the Ubuntu-release-party. [12:53] pavlushka: Okay, I'll tell zaki on freenode [12:55] hey pavlushka ? [12:55] Hello zaki ! [12:56] are you going to release party? [12:56] zaki: planning to. [12:56] good. i will come too some day. :D [12:57] we will meet than. :D [12:58] Kilos, ? [12:58] zaki: sure, I'll be very happy that day, :) [12:58] yes [12:58] hmm. :) [12:59] pavlushka, did yoy talked with those pakistani? [12:59] zaki: tried a bit, ask Kilos ! [12:59] hmm said that. [13:00] i talked with one. [13:00] with whom? [13:01] https://www.facebook.com/ubuntupakistan/ [13:01] admin may be. [13:02] admin is Mr. Fouad [13:03] hmm. did you talked with him? [13:04] He is a bigshot IT expert, Big Data Expert, ex-Yahoo. [13:04] oh. [13:05] So, you can just say hi and expect a reply, :) [13:05] hmm.. [13:05] but you can try and might got lucky, cant guarantee [13:06] আমিতো পেজ এ মেসেজ দিছিলাম, কাল রাত এ। রিপ্লাই ওঃ দিছে। [13:06] congrats! [13:07] keep building up that way, thumbs up. [13:07] mr.fouad না কে সেটা তো সিওর না। :D [13:07] lol [13:08] ha. [13:10] so waht are you doing right now? [13:11] wrapping up to go, check your mail please, :) [13:12] good! [13:12] alone? [13:13] work on it, it might help you for #ubuntu-pk [13:13] With my mom, :) [13:15] hmm, reading. [13:16] bye, gotta go. see ya. [13:18] bye bye. === Kilos- is now known as Kilos === Rezwan is now known as Guest70468 [16:42] hi rakib! [16:46] Kilos, what are you doing man? [16:47] watching a serial on tv [16:47] hi msa-rakib [16:47] which one? [16:47] 7th avenue [16:47] i do like serial. :D [16:47] local za serial [16:48] in afrikaans [16:48] oh. [16:50] some time i watch some holywood serial game off throne, blindspot,the vampire diaries,the originals, :D [16:50] game of thrones was good [16:51] my sister watches vampire diaries [16:51] oh and blindspot is great [16:52] hi..... [16:52] i love vampire diaries. :D watching that show since 2012 [16:52] lol [16:52] blind spot is new. [16:53] hello rakib. :) [16:56] msa-rakib, are you from pavluskas area? [16:57] i'm from thakurgaon............ [16:57] oh. how is your day? [16:59] not bad.......i'm new in ubuntu & also in irc...... [16:59] wb kilos! [16:59] ty [16:59] some connection prob here today [16:59] oky. [16:59] pavluskas said me.......for this irc [16:59] how is your bandwidth? [17:00] msa-rakib feel at home and if you need help just say what the problem is [17:00] i have to go eat [17:01] go then. [17:01] thanks............bro [17:01] i eated too much. :( now can't walik. [17:01] lol [17:01] ha ha . :D [17:04] rakib i'm from chittagong. :) [17:04] hey Kilos to day will be the last episode off vampire diaries season 7. :( it make me sad. [17:08] time to go. [17:09] good night :) [17:09] zaki vai..........what is the best download manager for ubuntu [17:11] hey i'm just back, chenged my mind. :# [17:13] hello.......... [17:15] এখানে সবাই কি বাংলাদেশী [17:24] why dont you chat to the new guy [17:24] make him feel happy to be online