[06:20] iko> Jordan_U: Sigyn won't look at flood anymore in #ubuntu [07:54] Nice, I am unbanned from here now [07:55] Can I get back into #ubuntu? [08:01] * wyoung takes a seat [08:14] wyoung: No you can not be unbanned at this time. Please part this channel now. [08:31] IdleOne: oh [08:31] I will comply [08:31] have a nice night IdleOne! [08:31] Hope to see you in #ubuntu soon! [11:49] In #ubuntu, dars said: ubottu , I myself don't know what is the reason of hang [11:51] In ubottu, dars said: and i think IRC is filled with humans not bots === bazhang__ is now known as bazhang [16:08] zfs factoid suggestion probably incoming [16:09] i don't touch zfs with a 10-foot pole, so someone else should look into it when it gets here :P [16:14] In ubottu, ducasse said: !no, zfs is ZFS is supported in 16.04, but only on data pools - the installer does not support installing to zfs on / [16:14] !zfs [16:14] For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS [16:15] would make more sense to make a !rootzfs factoid for that instead of scratching the old one [16:46] I still believe we need a trusted wiki - maybe hosted on the ubottu url that we can give to trusted people to maintain docs [16:47] putting them on the ubuntu wiki just appears to be a waste of time [16:48] how do you figure, ikonia ? === mnepton is now known as mneptok [20:09] fundies> why is ubuntu such a shit? [20:10] fundies> ubuntus retarded and broke my system on upgrade [20:10] dealing with it. [21:58] In ubottu, RoyK said: BFS is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_Fuck_Scheduler [21:58] In ubottu, RoyK said: CFS is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Completely_Fair_Scheduler [21:59] * [a_s_s_f_u_c_k] (~user3207@107-205-135-122.lightspeed.nworla.sbcglobal.net): user3207 [21:59] seriously [21:59] today is a day. [22:00] also, those factoid suggestions do not seem contentful [22:00] black friday yolo [22:00] dax: Beat me to the "change your nick" by about a second there... [22:00] 5/13 [22:02] and autorejoin, very sigh [22:02] not the safe nick change we hoped for!