
xanguaSudo apt-get install compton00:42
xanguaI would share my config but I'm not on my desktop, you can find lots of online tho00:43
xubuntu56hello, anyone there? got a question about xubuntu core edition...which i have been unable to find an answer to via google fu00:44
xubuntu56The question is whether mobile broadband works out of the box in xubuntu core edition. To the best of my noob knowledge, usb_modeswitch, ppp and wvdial are necessary for my mobile dongle to function. And it's my only option of net connectivity00:47
Unit193wvdial is in the cd repo I believe, manifest lists the others as installed.00:48
xubuntu56oh, unit193 thank you very much for your prompt answer. I intend to download your 16.04 edition! Thank you so much for being a great xubuntu dev!00:50
Unit193Hah, thanks.  And yeah, wvdial is in the cd repo.00:51
xubuntu56Ok. The main problem is I'm pretty bandwidth constrained (hah!) hence the need for the xubuntu core edition. Once again, thanks for being an awesome dev on an awesome distro. :) Have a great day/night ahead. Leaving now to download! :) :00:52
Unit193http://docs.xubuntu.org/1604/user/C/appendix-packages.html keep that at hand, may be useful.00:53
xubuntu56Oh yes, that list will be useful. What do you think is the best way for me as a non-coder to contribute to Xubuntu, apart from using it and promoting it like hell to my friends!00:56
xubuntu56Edit: the bandwidth sun is shining and my download of the 555 mb Xubuntu Core 16.04 is speeding on.00:58
Unit193xubuntu56: Generally QA is a great way, but problem with that is that it may need a littlw b/w01:01
ubottuTo see how you can help out with Xubuntu, please see http://xubuntu.org/contribute/ - additionally, you can join the devleoper channel #xubuntu-devel and introduce yourself (we'll reply when we're around)01:01
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as SonikkuAmerica
xubuntu56Ah yes quality assurance will require a little b/w, mainly reliable b/w. Well, I'll be sure to drop by sometime. Thanks a lot guys. xubuntu56 out.01:05
WoodyPCJust curious, But why is this Distro so Huge? I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS right now. But I had a customer call me today and request Xubuntu to be put on their new desktop that I am building for them. What does this have that makes it so big?01:11
xanguaWoodyPC: languages01:15
xanguaOr was that ubuntu? Mmm01:15
Unit193dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\n' | sort -nr | less01:15
* squinty wonders "compared to what exactly?"01:16
xanguaThe ubuntu fits on a CD era finished long ago01:17
bazhangxangua, its going to 2gb01:18
* squinty muses " a 2gig CD...who woulda thunk it?"01:20
xanguaIntroducing Xubuntu core « Xubuntu (http://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/) you can also try xubuntu core, but as with any minimal distro approach a normal person would end installing everything or even more what xubuntu comes with (office, gimp, vlc, etc.)01:22
puffI have a 32gb thumb drive that I want to format ntfs.03:25
Xeno_Hi is anyone here? I have a technical question....04:37
Xeno_apparently not ....04:40
pavlushkapuff: use gparted04:47
lucianadrsaquele momento que vc larga o debian por causa de kernel panic e volta pro xubuntu04:48
chuckmcmman this is an annoying bug. So NUC5i7RHY, doesn't turn on the screen after something blanks it over time.05:15
chuckmcmVery weird because Ctl-Alt-Fx gets a tty screen but back to pty7 and boom, no screen. Kill -HUP the screen manager and it comes back but session clients are all dead05:16
chuckmcmby leaving a vim window open across the full screen in insert mode I can tell that as far as X is concerned the things should be visible05:17
chuckmcmbut they aren't. (I proved that to myself by typing at the black screen which had a file open on a NAS device) and saving it and looking at the contents appearing on another system.05:17
xubuntu20whow do I run package manager05:40
chuckmcmwhich one xubuntu20w05:43
chuckmcmman dpkg05:43
chuckmcmman apt05:43
ramananhello folks, I've  a problem with dropbox indicator in xfce panel installed in ubuntu 14.04.07:40
ramananDoes anyone have a solution?07:40
ramananI'm running this and getting it to work. dropbox stop && dbus-launch dropbox start07:41
ramananIs there a permanent fix?07:41
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang
knob2Hey guys... I am having a problem with 16.04 that's is becoming difficult to work around.  Sometimes, Chromium gets "stuck"... and it doesn't refresh the view/content.  I can open new tabs, and I see the "window title" changing.... yet nothing is shown in the space for Chromium12:26
knob2Is this a known bug?  Or anybody has seen it and has an idea how to fix it?12:26
knob2Important info I forgot: It happens when I re-log in after having the screen locked via lightDM12:27
knobHere... sorry for the log in/out12:29
knobAnybody has seen that problem with Chromium?12:29
akxwi-davesorry I haven't seen that12:34
knobakxwi-dave, thanks!  And out of curiosity: Your Xubuntu16.04 installation... was it an upgrade?  Or a fresh install?12:47
akxwi-davei have both.. upgrade on laptop from15.10 and desktop fresh...12:48
knobOk.  Thanks.  Just... checking everything I can.  It's an odd behaviour.  Everything is perfect... yet if the screen locks, when I come back, Chromium doesn't refresh/redraw.12:53
knobWill keep on googling12:53
akxwi-davedoes chrome do the same thing?12:55
knobakxwi-dave, mm... lemme check13:15
knobdon't have it installed13:15
knobinstalling now Chrome... will report back shortly13:17
knobakxwi-dave, installed Chrome... up until now, I haven't had the lock-up.  I'll check it out during the day!  Thanks13:52
akxwi-davegood to hear... :-)  good luck13:52
knobWell... nope.  Google Chrome also got stuck.   =\14:09
knobI'm going to just scratch this laptop tonight.  Rather do that than chase this.14:09
roo79x hi all I have a problem with my dell latitude e5410 laptop. Every time I reboot or the screen goes blank (sleep) it gets lines across it and a high pitched squeal from the display? it only happens with ubuntu distros nothing else? can someone please advise me14:20
iSlayWyvernsI suppose xubuntu is pretty stable, right?15:28
iSlayWyverns(since it's LTS, silly question I know)15:29
GeekDudeiSlayWyverns: I'd say it depends on your hardware support15:38
iSlayWyvernsi3-2100, hd5750 juniper (jupiter?) if u mean that... should be supported15:38
GeekDudeAlso, there are some known issues listed here https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-16-04-release/15:39
iSlayWyvernsGeekDude, good to know. Seems good for my needs15:41
=== dreamon_ is now known as dreamon
NoneatmeHey all, I installed compton a while ago but it seems that my screen tearing on the second monitor re-appeared after I installed the libva radeon drivers from the xorg-edge repository18:03
Noneatmeupdate today*18:03
NoneatmeI get some errors when I start compton via terminal18:05
NoneatmeI fixed it by installing xcompmgr18:08
Noneatmeseems like I avoided my problem, well done18:08
puffIs there a command that shows you what processes are accessing the audio?18:23
puffI'm on xubuntu 14.04 LTS, I suspect it's some sort of alarm clock applet, every 5 seconds it beeps/pings 3 times.  I can't figure out how to turn it off.18:23
Mint001Hey guys. Flash is not working on chrome or firefox. I have installed, uninstalled & reinstalled pepperflash but at all times I am missing "/usr/lib/pepperflashplugin-nonfree/libpepflashplayer.so" Anyone any ideas what I can do ??18:38
krytarik!crosspost | Mint00118:39
ubottuMint001: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.18:39
Mint001sorry :/18:40
Mint001I'm just looking help :)18:41
GeekDudepuff: If you open the "PulseAudio Volume Control" program and go to the playback tab, it should list applications that are playing audio (as well as give you some volume controls for them)18:52
cajuntechieHello everyone. Just installed 16.04 and can't get GNOME Software to work no matter what I do. If I start it from scratch, it freezes and, like right now, I'm trying to install updates and it just keeps returning to the 'Install' option. Can anyone give me a clue what might be going on?19:16
squintycajuntechie,  do it from the terminal   sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade19:21
cajuntechiesquinty: That's what I'm going to do. But, apparently, I need to restart since apt is left hanging in the background when software exits. Questions: why full-upgrade instead of just upgrade?19:22
squintycajuntechie,  newer kernels etc since 16.04 was released19:24
squintycajuntechie, the software center in unity is buggy too19:25
puffGeekDude: Thanks.19:26
squintycajuntechie, btw, apt-get dist-upgrade or apt full-upgrade doesn't upgrade a system to a newer release ie 16.1019:26
xanguasquinty: the "upgrade" part of the command it's a little confusing but of course it doesn't19:27
xangua! Upgrade19:27
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:27
puffGeekDude: Is PulseAudio Volume Control  right-click-on-the-sound-icon and pick "Sound Settings"?19:28
squintyxangua,  why are you nit-picking?19:28
flocculantxangua: wrong - it does upgrade, it upgrades packages19:28
puffGeekDude: Also, I think I just guessed/remembered... that was the sound of my wireless headphones telling me they needed a recharge.  Sigh.19:28
xanguaflocculant: squinty it doesn't do a "release upgrade"19:29
GeekDudepuff:  That's quite amusing from my perspective. Glad you found your problem19:29
squintyxangua,  at one time using apt-get dist-upgrade with a change of the sources list to a new version was a recognized method of updating ubuntu19:29
xanguasquinty: it never was...19:29
squintyxangua, and that is *exactly* what i said19:30
squintyyes it was19:30
puffGeekDude: I remember going through the same process last time... what the f**k is making that beeping....19:30
xanguaMaybe in Debian but never ubuntu, you might be referring to upgrading from an eol release19:30
flocculantrather than argue that here - do it in -offtopic19:30
squintyxangua, take your comments elsewhere please19:30
flocculantcajuntechie wanted to know why full-upgrade was recommended19:30
puffI think I remember what squinty is talking about, and yeah, it was in ubuntu too.19:32
puffThat is, I remember that in debian, and I'm pretty certain it was in ubuntu too, in the early years (e.g. 2006 or so).19:33
squintypuff:  yes quite a few years now but not recommended any more.19:34
flocculantcajuntechie: you can install the old software center, package name is software-center - or use synaptic or apt/apt-get19:34
puffflocculant: Use aptitude.19:35
flocculantno thanks19:35
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
lovexubuntu16.04 here I come.   thanks for everything you guys do.20:04
cmcmanisWith some additional work on my NUC problem it seems like the system doesn't know it needs to tell the video output to turn itself on. DisplayPort status stays inactive21:23
knomecmcmanis, does 'xrandr -q' show the display you want to use?21:27
cmcmanisknome: yup. It even has the correct reso selected 2560 x 1440 x 59.5hz21:28
cmcmaniswell 59.95hz21:29
knometry xrandr --output OUTPUT-NAME-HERE --auto21:29
cmcmanisholy crap, that woke it up!21:31
cmcmanisyou are my new hero.21:31
knomedid you look at the xfce display dialog?21:33
cmcmanishmmm? Hang on let me switch to the actual display21:33
knometechnically, it should get you the same results since you really didn't have problems recognising the display21:33
chuckmcmwell there is no way, from the display, to do anything. I ran xrandr by ssh'ing into the system and setting $DISPLAY to :021:35
chuckmcmI proved to myself that the underlying system was still awake by leaving a full screen vim session in insert mode writing to a file on an NFS server21:35
knomewell anyway, there you go21:35
chuckmcmthat let me show that I could type text and save it out and it appeared on the server even though the monitor was blank21:36
chuckmcmI suppose I could add a cron job that called this every hour on the hour or something21:36
chuckmcmkind of a grody hack but it helps point to the problem which, ideally, someone at Intel can address21:36
chuckmcmnow if I can get audio to work again the conversion to 16.04 will be complete.21:38
knomewhat's not working in audio then21:38
chuckmcmsystem is a NUC5i7RYH, has a speaker plugged into the headphone jack. Works on 15.10 to play audio, doesn't work on 16.04.21:39
knomehave you checked if the desired output is correct under 'pavucontrol' ?21:39
knome(fwiw, i've been thinking of getting a NUC, probably that model, but i think i'll wait for a bit longer for newer ones)21:40
chuckmcmIts a really compact and easy to carry around system. Decent graphics, 16GB Ram, no complaints other than slow Linux support from Intel21:42
chuckmcmok, so the cubeutils found the internal audio analog stereo which is odd21:43
knomewell, i don't need to carry it around, but i want to get rid of too much stuff in the office21:44
chuckmcmOn my setup I've got it plugged into a unifying receiver so keyboard/mouse are wireless, the NUC sits on my workbench connected to the monitor and a 7 port USB 3 hub for development work21:54
ScoDalmy thinkpad t43 ignores power settings. if i'm not touching the keyboard or mouse for X amount of time, the screen blanks out and I can't get it back on without a forced restart21:54
chuckmcmcan pack the whole thing up to go in a tupperware box, so easy to get out into the field with it.21:54
chuckmcmScoDal: something on this system doesn't realize the screen is actually off. So you can force it back on with a lightdm restart (or now with the xrandr command)21:55
ScoDalhow would i perform that, chuckmcm, without being able to see the screen?21:55
chuckmcmit is like the display port PHY is brought the connection down. Powering the monitor off and on, or plugging the connection does not wake it up21:55
knomeScoDal, use the presentation mode21:56
ScoDaloh had not thought of that knome, i will try that21:56
chuckmcmin my case ScoDal I ssh'd into the machine and did that21:56
ScoDalah chuckmcm, that makes sense i will enable more remote features as well21:57
ScoDalwow thank you those were really good suggestions (chuckmcmc knome)21:57
ScoDali'm going to restart back into xubuntu and let this happen so ican test this theory21:58
ScoDalok i'm back in xubuntu mode, 14.04, i wonder if i should go 16.04?22:03
ScoDalso that did not work, at least not the part where i use the function key to bring my thinkpad t43 back to life when it timed out to black screen23:28
ScoDalit looked like it was trying after a few attempts, but it was mostly just odd flickering and i was feeling unsure what was happening.. and that brings me back to windows to talk about it23:28
ScoDalis that what you meant knome  by presentation mode? using the functions key to trigger screens?23:29
knomeno, the panel plugin for the power manager has a power manager button, though not on 14.04 yet23:29
ScoDaloh man how i would have loved to know that ahead of time lol i'm using 14.04 MININUM!23:30
ScoDali want to upgrade!23:30
ScoDalalthough surely t43 is a dying laptop in all respects, but i still love mine23:30
ScoDalit's not imperative to fix my situation, just a project of mine23:31
ScoDalit's a safe and when it works really adequate place for me to play with linux/xubuntu in particular23:31
ScoDalconsidering everybody is trying to kill of xp as fast as they can lol which this thing runs fantastically23:32

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