
=== ianorlin is now known as lynorian
=== penguin1_ is now known as penguin1263
sunstartrying to install 16.04 alternate to a 4 gb sd card. getting an installation step failed error06:10
sunstar64 bit.  step is select and install software06:11
sunstarverified hash on the iso06:11
sunstarusing ext206:11
* sunstar twidles thumbs06:18
hateballsunstar: quite idle here at this hour06:24
hateballand I do not know the answer to your question06:24
hateballhave you tried installing to ext4?06:25
sunstarhateball i think im going to install ubuntu server basic then sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop06:25
sunstarhmmm might not have enough space for that06:27
hateballsunstar: you can use the mini.iso06:29
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:29
sunstarill give it a shot06:37
IngvixI'm trying to patch a file but output only says that only garbage was found in the patch input06:53
Ingvixyet it seems to work on other persons pc without problem06:54
Ingvixnot sure what system he has but I was thinking if lubuntu had some kind of issue with this06:54
Ingvixokay no problem I had a wrong input after all...06:56
sunstar....looking at the docs and it seems u need at least a 5gb hdd. so this is the wrong distro for a 4gb sd card09:43
JohnDoe_71Rusminiiso + minimal-lubuntu = 3,6 Gb09:51
sunstarthats what im wirking on. it takrs a while10:04
sunstarworking* takes*10:05
* sunstar sits twidling thumbs10:06
sunstarwell. dont know what whent wrong with the alternate iso but the mini iso seems to be working.10:53
sunstargoing to bed. looks like i should have a running system when i awake10:56
sunstarnight all! ^_^10:57
=== e is now known as Augustus
drabI'm trying to automate installing lubuntu and ubiquity doesn't set the hostname from dhcp even tho casper.log shows it reading it correctly16:17
ddstmaixhello, i have installed Lubuntu on a packard bell  EasyNote and the only screen resolution than i can use on the screen parameter panel is 640X480, how can i change this ?19:46
jerry__Hi - why does PCManFM sort hidden folders before regular folders? (Lubuntu 16.04)20:27
jerry__I can't find an option to change this.20:28
lynorianjerry__, this happens by name when have shown hidden folders enabled because of where . comes in sorting by name20:44
lynorianif you sort by name descending they switch to the end20:44
lynorianjerry__, so same reason foo.bar would show up before foobar20:45
jerry__lynorian - yes, now the regular folders are before the dot folders, but they are sorted z to a, in reverse order alphabetically. Not what I wanted.20:58
lynorianjerry__ how do you want them to be sorted?21:01
lynorianso you want them to ignore hidden status21:01
lynorianjerry__, I don't know if there is a way to change that21:02
jerry__I am wanting the dot folders after the regular folders. There must be a config option for this somewhere. I'll have to do some deeper digging.21:04
pod_was here the other week...21:17
pod_checking back in. so glad i'm back on lubuntu21:17
pod_got it all working with my asus21:17
wxlwelcome back pod_. we missed you :)21:17
pod_really? lol21:17
wxlin fact yes. n-iCe had to cry himself to sleep last night it was so bad. ;)21:18
pod_oh boy...21:18
wxlok i'm being facetious. i'd be hard pressed to name 3 nicks of people visiting in the last week.21:18
pod_i have very little requirements when it comes to "desktop environments"21:19
pod_but one thing i'd like is a little larger area to click on to resize a window21:19
pod_iirc, back in the day, that was an easily configurable thing. when i used mwm, fvwm, etc on sparcs in the 90s21:19
pod_wxl: lol, it's that dead in here?21:20
wxlpod_: no too many people21:20
pod_i read that wrong21:20
pod_i figure most are drive-bys21:20
wxloften, yes21:20
pod_i am a bit of a drive-by myself, but i like to at least check back21:21
pod_i should have just stuck with lubuntu instead of trying mint21:21
wxlwell if you're like the rest of us and you stay permanently connected on irc, feel free to hang out21:21
pod_that was annoying21:21
pod_i often stay connected to my tdichat (turbo diesel vw)21:21
pod_but with baby here now and new computer, i usually just shut things down at night21:22
wxlyeah well i'm not always in front of it, but i'm always connected. that's often the case for everyone else21:22
pod_same thing on my tdi group21:22
wxlis that on freenode?21:23
pod_i used to be that way, but when i realized how much power my old shitt desktop was using a while ago...21:23
wxli assume not :)21:23
pod_and my crappy laptop21:23
pod_i started shutting down at night21:23
pod_but pretty sure my new desktop (first one i ever bought for myself!)21:23
wxlyeah i use a remote shell21:23
wxlothers use znc21:23
pod_shold be pretty efficient21:24
wxlyeah well it's not MY power being used :)21:24
lynorianyeah one of the few things lubuntu does not do for old hardware is make it more power efficient21:24
lynorianthe other thing is it can't magically make the hardware capable of displaying more pixels21:24
pod_it wasn't a lubuntu thing21:24
lynorianpod_, yes I know it is not21:24
pod_it was just the fact it was an old computer(s)21:24
wxlwell you can improve the power efficiency through the kernel21:24
lynorianyeah it does not say give the cpu more c states21:24
lynorianor cpu flags21:25
pod_aka don't run firefox21:25
pod_firefox.. it amazes me21:25
pod_250% cpu21:25
pod_as soon as you go to a stupid place like cnn.com, firefox blows up21:25
wxlblame the web21:25
pod_i do21:25
pod_i blame all of it21:26
pod_i hate flash and all that crap... :(21:26
wxlthis is thinkpad specific but interesting reading if you want to reduce power http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_reduce_power_consumption21:26
pod_i don't think i need that21:27
wxlno one NEEDS it :)21:27
lynorianpod_ you can even use powertop on the desktop21:27
lynorianI think I install it in case I run into usb powermanagment problems quite useful for debugging as well21:27
pod_not sure what that is21:28
pod_but by getting a new desktop, pretty sure i cut some power losses21:28
pod_i just get frustrated by how good hardware gets... and i feel like that just makes for more program bloat to be acceptable21:29
wxlwell that sort of goes without saying21:30
wxlpeople want software to do more and more things21:30
pod_of course21:30
wxlthem and their darn GUIs XD21:30
pod_that isn't my issue. i just feel like there's too much redundancy and overhead to do things that just really aren't that important21:31
pod_doing more is good :)21:31
wxlthat's true21:31
pod_but doing it efficiently is another matter21:31
wxlhey btw let's move this convo over to #lubuntu-offtopic. just in case someone actually has a support question and needs some advice21:31
pod_yeah sure21:31
tewardwxl: got a working yakkety daily?21:31
tewardewps, wrong chan21:31
pod_i do have a question that is for this channel tho21:32
wxlgo for it!21:32
wxland don't be sorry21:32
pod_can i make the window borders a bit larger so it's easier to grab and resize?21:32
wxlfirst of all, yes you can. second of all, i'm on the work computer (kubuntu) so to give you the answer i'd have to give you information from memory21:33
wxland let me tell you, i've got seriously random access memory21:33
wxlall seriousness aside, in one of the openbox settings there's a way to change that stuff21:33
pod_i think i just found it on google21:34
wxlat one point i had mine basically non existent. they were like a pixel. it kind of sucked for resizing21:34
wxlbut now i use a tiling window manager, so i don't resize much :)21:34
pod_i like tiling21:34
pod_like i was saying, back in the day i used mwm, fvwm, etc and even bought the whole set of Motif books21:35
pod_i'm guessing it should be a config file similar to that21:35
wxlback in the day, i used a tty21:35
wxlso i'm moving up in the world XD21:35
pod_yeah, me too :)21:35
pod_maybe not as old as you.. not sure21:35
pod_i'm 41 :)21:36
wxl39, so we're in a similar boat21:36
pod_believe it or not, i went to brown and graduated with a comp sci degree21:36
pod_but now i'm unemployed, and basically a home-carpenter/builder/car-guy21:36
drabcarpenting/building ftw, cs is overrated :)21:37
pod_added openbox to my todo list21:37
wxlfluxbox ix nice too21:37
pod_i should probably go to #offtopic21:38
drabwatch "office space" 'nuff said :)21:38
pod_drab: my life was office space21:38
pod_i worked on wall st back in 200021:38
pod_i actually worked for hotjobs.com back then21:38
pod_oh the stories....21:38
drabgot a swingline stapler to prove it? :P21:38
pod_i've got a hotjobs watch, a jacket, and some other items21:39
drabthe high of my career was to be asked to download the internet on a dvd21:39
drabafter all21:39
pod_the whole thing?21:39
drabthey were much bigger than CDs, it ought to fit (true story)21:39
pod_drab: i remember my dads computer had the bernoulli box21:39
drablo, nice one21:40
pod_so much memory!21:40
pod_it was hyuuuuge21:40
pod_well, i just popped into offtopic21:40
pod_i don't think i have any more linux issues to sort out21:40
pod_gotta have respect21:41
pod_so glad for dosbox tho. can play all my old computer games i loved in the 80s21:44
pod_kings quest etc21:44
nastiaWhy I cant create new wifi network with WPA2 secutiry22:05
nastiamaybe I should install some packages22:05
nastiaI can create only wep22:07
BUSYhey friends!  i'm having trouble with audio.  any volume which originates from chrome is substantially quieter than the rest of the system.  however i can't find any sort of application mixer. any ideas?23:19
wxlalsamixer, BUSY23:20
wxlrun it in terminal23:20
wxlalso chrome has its own thing23:20
wxlif you want something a little neater, try pavucontrol23:21
lynorianalthough someitmes youtube videos have like drastically different volume lvels by application23:21
lynorianand sometimes even in the same browser23:22
lynorianactually I had a problem many tech conference talks were way too quiet23:23
BUSYgreat! pavucontrol set the record straight23:27
BUSYdoes this keep settings between sessions?23:28

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