
=== urbanslug is now known as Guest76174
=== hulk{-_-} is now known as urbanslug
Drohello ! :)11:11
Kiloshi Dro11:27
Kilosand hellooo africa11:27
Drohi Kilos how are you ? :)11:27
Kilosgood ty and you?11:27
Drowell, not bad...11:27
Drobut I still have the same problem of recent files...11:27
Droif you remember it :D11:28
Kilosoh my11:28
Kilosyes you think someone is getting into yor pc11:28
DroI think someone is having fun looking at my files :D11:28
Kilosacetakwas CraigZ Cryterion feel free to advise Dro11:28
Kilosi have no idea11:29
Cryterionvnc, teamviewer or anything like that installed?11:30
KilosDro read what Cryterion says11:31
DroCryterion, no :(11:32
Cryterionhmm, ssh?11:32
DroCryterion, but I see my recent files always updated.. some files appear as accessed recently and I have not touched them since long time ..11:32
Cryterionhmm, tried changing your password, (If anyone else knows it)11:33
DroCryterion, no I set my firewall to deny incoming traffic11:33
Cryterioncheck for any applications that don't look normal in your running processes11:34
DroCryterion, the files are updated while i'm using my computer.. and no one else use it except me11:34
Cryteriondo they update if you're not connected to a network?11:35
DroCryterion, i have not tested that since i'm always connected.. and they're not always updating while i'm connected11:36
Kiloshi theShirbiny11:36
theShirbinyhey Kilos11:37
Drohi Na3iL , how are you? :D11:38
Kilosohi Na3iL11:38
Na3iLHola :D :D11:38
Na3iLI am fine guys what about u Dro and Kilos11:38
Kilosi wondhow elacheche s wedding preparation is going11:38
Kilosgood ty Na3iL11:38
DroNa3iL, not really fine... :/ you see what i'm facing .. :/11:39
Kiloss/wondhow/wonder how11:39
DroNa3iL, they are spying me bro !!! :D11:39
Na3iLI think it will be good wedding I can't attend it cause I work now :/11:39
Na3iLReally Dro xD How!! :D11:39
Droand Kilos is always laughing at me ! :(11:39
Droshould i suicide ? :/11:40
Kilosclose all those things11:40
Na3iLI have left skype for the long time, failbook also I don't use it anymore11:40
Na3iLand google I will left it asap x)11:40
Na3iLI am a FREE man :D11:40
Kilosi use opera browser and duckduckgo search engine11:41
DroKilos, should i close #ubuntu-africa too ? :D11:41
Kilosnono Dro we arent spies11:41
Kilosthe whole google family is11:41
Na3iLhaha DDG is my 1st search engine, but I keep using gmail11:42
DroKilos, to be honest i'm sure u're not spy.. well you just look like a FBI agent :D11:42
Na3iLI am an NSA agent Dro11:42
Na3iLbe aware :D11:42
DroNa3iL, i'm sure of that11:42
Kilosnsa like to know what we are doing11:42
DroNa3iL, you are dangerous bro .. i knew that since a long time :D11:43
Kilosyes he is very clever11:43
DroKilos, i think i found how my PC was accessed..11:43
Droi forget about Na3iL ...11:43
Drohe sent me a strange file last time :D11:44
* Na3iL hides behid Kilos 11:44
Drocatch him !11:44
Kilosill send the mafia afrter him11:44
* Na3iL runs away 11:44
DroKilos, hahaha he's too dangerous bro.. be aware.. mafia can do nothing with him  :)11:45
Drowe need some special forces ! :)11:45
Kilosoh my11:45
Kilosi have a hit squad on standby11:45
CryterionDro, why don't try using something like iptraf, that'll show and log all ip connection and activities happening on your network port11:46
Kiloswell trined assasins11:46
* Na3iL calls his agent friends11:46
Kilosgood idea Na3iL11:46
DroCryterion, i'll try it  :)11:46
Kilosi mean cry11:46
Drodamn, where Na3iL is gone !!11:47
* Na3iL calls his agent friend Cryterion 11:48
Droelacheche must be too dangerous too...11:48
Na3iLhahah :D11:48
Kilosi have some other contacts that like to use long range missiles11:48
Drobe aware guys , i gave you all agents list in the channel :p11:48
Droso are you going to help me guys ? :(11:49
Kilostry  iftraf11:49
Na3iLDro, did you tried the solution that gave it Cryterion11:49
Kilosthen see where its coming from11:49
* Cryterion looks at the launch button11:50
DroCryterion, Na3iL , i think iptraf will give all active IPs, including google, facebook, freenode.. etc IPs.. So i'm afraid i can't differance them ! :/11:50
Cryterionyes will11:50
Kiloschange your password11:51
Kilossudo passwd11:51
Kilosthen reset you firewall11:51
Kiloshi josuebrunel11:51
Drook, i'll try11:52
CryterionDro, unfortunately you'll have to isolate each one as you work them out, narrowing down to the suspicious ones11:52
Kilosthen without knowing your password on master hackers can get in11:52
Na3iLCheck this link Dro  http://askubuntu.com/questions/608273/need-to-check-if-my-ubuntu-14-10-has-been-hacked11:53
Kilos maybe its your dog or cat or pet snake after warmth11:53
Cryteriongrrr, internal compiler segmentation fault on minute 49 :(11:53
Drodamn its not too easy.. 500 IPs in just one second lol :p11:53
Drolocal networks IPs...11:54
Dromost of them begin with 192.168.*11:54
Na3iLDro, you are hacked by 500 NSA agents :D11:55
Na3iLThey are all my friends hahaha11:55
DroCryterion, any solution to kill Na3iL & friends ?11:55
Na3iLAnother 500 will come later x)11:55
Drodamn... ! do you own a military Na3iL ?11:56
Kilosonly way to kill them is to remove the top  of africa11:56
Na3iLYep x) we are +oo agents :D11:56
Na3iLhahaha :D11:56
DroKilos, no, i must save my ass first11:56
DroKilos, i may think about removing south africa11:57
Kiloslook for a suspicious ip address11:57
Kilosnono i like it here11:57
Na3iLI GTG my coffee time11:57
Na3iLsee ya later guys11:57
Kilosonly too cold in winter11:58
Kiloscheers Na3iL11:58
Kilosgo safe11:58
Kilosoh yes Dro i remember12:04
Kilosyou were away from here for so long we had to check what you are doing12:05
Kilosoh my12:07
Kiloswb droben12:32
Kiloswb Dro12:33
Drothx Kilos12:33
Kiloshi sparda12:37
Kilosi remember now12:37
spardahi Kilos12:37
Kilosyou the bainiarc12:37
Kilos brainiarc12:37
spardaYor memories..12:37
Kilossometimes i remember12:37
spardaEver had a traumatic head injury?12:37
Kilosoh yes i split head from above left eye to back of skull to level with ear centre12:38
Kilosand from above ear to right ear almost12:39
spardaWhat happened? A motor accident?12:39
Kilos rotary windmill drive shaft uncoupled  about 2 feet above where the dieasel motors belts wer driving it12:40
Kilosthen it bent and whacked me three times on head12:41
Kilos bled to death on way to hospital and had to be rebooted in icu12:42
spardaSo it happened in a garage12:42
spardaMine was from my time in the army.12:43
spardaThe APC we were riding in ran over an IED12:44
spardaThen we were ambushed by armed men12:44
spardaI took 11 rounds12:44
spardaMost in the chest12:44
spardaAnd one from a high precision rifle.12:44
Kilosno i was coupling the drive belt to windmilll with diesel motor running because i couldnt get it to start when coupled12:45
spardaCardiac tamponade12:45
spardaCollapsed chest12:45
spardaFractured limbs12:45
spardaand ribs12:45
Kilosoh my12:45
spardaso they told me12:45
spardaI too, had to be rebooted12:46
spardaI woke up from a 5 - month coma12:46
spardaHad to learn to do basic things all over again12:46
spardaLike walking12:46
spardaWalking is hard stuff12:46
spardaImagine learning it all over again as an adult.12:47
spardaShit we take for granted..12:47
spardaIn all the times I died..I never saw what's on the other side..12:47
Kilosno we get sent back too quick12:51
Kilosfor more punishment12:51
spardaThere is a small detail i recall..12:52
spardaFailing senses12:52
spardaIn particular, the order in which they fail12:52
spardaEyesight is the first to go..12:53
spardaYou become incoherent...Your thoughts just run infront of you..12:53
spardaThen your vision fades...You lose the ability to focus..And then central vision goes dark.12:54
spardaFaces, objects in close proximity become unrecognizable12:54
spardaThe peripheral vision lingers on for a while longer..12:55
spardaUntil all is left is your eyes wide open and in pitch darkness..12:55
spardaThen taste follows..12:55
spardaWhen blood fills up your mouth, it's a hot (yes, hot) and rusty, salty fluid that also makes it impossible to inhale anything12:56
spardaFinally, all's left of it is a bland, tasteless and numb mouth12:57
spardaYou can't even whisper..12:57
spardaBlood's wet, but in that case, you get thirsty12:57
spardaAn almost unquenchable thirst..12:57
spardaThe throat feels dry and raspy..12:58
spardaAnd the ability to control swallowing goes, so you gargle on your fluids..12:58
spardaA strange feeling..12:58
spardaThen touch goes next..12:58
spardaProgressive numbness12:58
spardaBeginning from your arms.12:59
Kiloswow i remember nothing13:00
spardaYour peripherals go numb...13:00
spardaLike, really numb and cold..13:00
spardaCan't move...13:01
spardaWhat remains in that darkness and the sound of your fading heartbeat is your hearing..13:01
spardaIt remains intact to the very end..13:01
spardaWhat I vividly remember is the fear..13:01
spardaA grippling fear in that darkness13:02
spardaIt felt..lonely...13:02
spardaThen, a calm..13:02
spardaBy then, the pain subsides..13:03
spardaFrom there, nothing else..13:03
spardaWhat I remember next is waking up from the coma..13:03
Kilosim glad i dont remember anything but the pain13:03
spardaLong after my body had healed..13:04
spardaIt's like waking up to a new body13:04
spardaAt first, the mind is foggy13:04
spardaIn the first few days, my memories were only temporary13:04
spardaSo people who visited me on one day I couldn't recall on the next13:05
spardaOver time (say, a week), that effect fades off..13:05
spardaYour memories get clearer.13:05
Kilosai! modem playing up13:09
Kilosare you ok now though sparda13:10
spardaThat was years ago13:10
Kiloswhat a story13:11
spardaWhat I did lose were some memories13:11
Kilosyes me too13:11
Kilosand all short term memory13:11
spardaSome are triggered by very specific things, such as smell.13:11
spardaSome people and events I cannot recall13:11
spardaNo matter how hard I try13:12
Kilostaken since 98 to recover enough to remember most things short term13:12
spardaSome stories I have to rely on famil members and friends13:12
spardaThey feel like blanks.13:12
spardaChunks of time lost forever13:12
Kilosyes you can feel there should be something there but there is nothing13:13
Kiloslike walking into an empty room but expexting it to be full13:13
spardaAbsolutely nothing13:13
spardaLike a void...or something13:13
Kilosyeah weird hey13:14
spardaAnd then the nightmares13:14
spardaThere's one I remember vividly to this day..13:14
spardaI remember one where as kids, dad would take me and bro to ride bikes outside our porch13:14
spardaAnd mum would be sitting outside by the porch, often knitting and doing stuff13:15
spardaThen, I'd see that as an adult watching back in time.13:15
spardaLike, this adult me looking at all that, but I cannot interact with anyone there..13:16
spardaAnd then, slowly, I'd see the place fade away13:16
spardaRoll up like a sheet13:16
spardaBlack skies.13:16
spardaAnd it always ended with a storm13:17
spardaAnd me soaked wet13:17
spardaAs I could not get into the house no matter what I try13:17
spardaIt made me feel..bad13:17
spardaDad had passed on a few years ago by then13:17
spardaAnd I missed him terribly13:17
spardaIt made me cry every night..due to it's frequent recurrence13:18
spardaYet, it felt so real13:18
spardaAnd it was always the same.13:18
spardaNothing changed13:18
spardaI don't know what it meant..13:18
Kilosyou in zim?13:20
=== asghaier is now known as Neo31
spardaI'm in Kenya, Kilos13:53
Kilosoh yes sorry sparda14:30
superflyKilos: *prod*16:49
Kilosyes superfly16:49
superflyJust making sure you are behaving yourself16:49

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