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mardy | t1mp: hi! I tested https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/refreshMargin/+merge/294436 and it looks brilliant :-) | 10:16 |
t1mp | mardy: Great, thanks for testing! | 10:17 |
t1mp | zsombi: ^I updated the imports | 10:17 |
mhall119 | bzoltan: hey, where can I get my hands on that Ubuntu SDK click package? | 11:57 |
mhall119 | I'd like to do a bit of development from within Unity 8 | 11:57 |
bzoltan | mhall119: http://people.canonical.com/~bzoltan/com.ubuntu.sdk_26_armhf.click it is not really good.. it is more like a tasting of what it will look like. We need the LXD builder in place .. next week | 11:59 |
mhall119 | thanks bzoltan | 12:00 |
mhall119 | wow, 370MB | 12:02 |
bzoltan | mhall119: small, right? | 12:04 |
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mhall119 | yeah....I think I may wait on that afterall :) | 12:07 |
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bzoltan | mhall119: the problem with this release is that the toolchain does not work from click package. It will be a big magic to get the LXD containers work too. | 13:12 |
dobey | how the heck does one do tabs with custom page headeers in uitk 1.3? | 14:33 |
dobey | ah, much hackiness | 14:41 |
tim241 | hi guys I created a script to run visual basic on linux how can I upload that script to the linux server that if I do sudo apt-get install visual-basic-2008 it will start and download my script | 16:53 |
BrAsS_mOnKeY | screen -list | 16:59 |
BrAsS_mOnKeY | sorry | 16:59 |
tim241 | I tried to build my first .deb program but I get an error while installing: http://pastebin.com/SvTH2USE | 17:14 |
tim241 | I tried to build my first .deb program but I get an error while installing: http://pastebin.com/SvTH2USE | 17:17 |
tim241 | appdevs I tried to build my first .deb program but I get an error while installing: http://pastebin.com/SvTH2USE | 17:19 |
dobey | !patience | tim241 | 17:26 |
ubot5 | tim241: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 17:26 |
tim241 | ok | 17:28 |
ahoneybun | popey: got ahayzen's info? | 22:57 |
ahoneybun | wanted to send a happy birthday | 22:58 |
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mhall119 | ahoneybun: he's in Austin with me, may not have IRC, try Telegram | 23:05 |
ahoneybun | oh snap | 23:05 |
ahoneybun | had no idea he was in the states | 23:05 |
* ahoneybun does not remember him telling me | 23:05 | |
ahoneybun | what telegram? | 23:05 |
ahoneybun | oh ops | 23:06 |
popey | ahoneybun: wassup? | 23:30 |
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