
pavlushka-Morning NaSb!05:07
NaSbMorning pavlushka05:07
NaSbJumma Mubarok :)05:07
NaSbগতকাল zaki এসেছিলো, আমার নেটে সমস্যা করায় কথা বলতে পারিনি -_-05:08
pavlushka-Jumma Mubarak05:09
pavlushka-Hmm, nice05:09
pavlushka-We had another guest yesterday, check the channel logs05:10
pavlushka-And i am now in Dhaka, on a phone,05:12
pavlushka-My intention is to attend today's ubuntu release party at Daffodil, around 4-6 pm, come on join us, :)05:14
pavlushka-NaSb, what do you say?05:18
NaSbMy Sad! I can't join this event -_-05:18
z4kihey pavlushka- 07:53
pavlushka-Hello every one!07:53
z4kiwhare are you now?07:53
pavlushka-Z4ki, is it registered?07:54
pavlushka-Morning Kilos!07:54
pavlushka-On phone.07:55
z4kiwhat about release party07:55
pavlushka-4-6 pm, still have some time07:56
z4kigood. :)07:56
z4kiare you in which area at dhaka.07:56
z4kihmm. 07:57
z4kidownloading a serial. :307:59
z4kimorning. :)08:02
Kilospavlushka- you missed the new guy here last night08:02
Kiloshows things there z4ki 08:03
Kiloshe said you sent him08:03
Kilosi told him if he needs help we are here08:03
Kilosjust im busy outside lots lately08:03
z4kieverything fine.08:03
z4kiweather is more attractive, after a lot of rain from morning. :D last day it was 34* celcias. and now it is 23* 08:05
pavlushka-Kilos, while he was here, he was also connected with me through sms, :), the new guy Rakib08:07
Kilosi prefer the 34°c08:07
Kilosah cool pavlushka- 08:07
z4kihad lnch? pavlushka- ?08:08
Kilosget him to hang out here as well wheen he is setup08:09
pavlushka-See ya, gotta save some battery, :p,  lunch is on the way,  :)08:09
z4kioky. :)08:09
Kilosty usb 3g dongle disonnecting every now and again for some strange reason09:00
z4kii have that problem with wireless network.09:02
Kilosim trying to remember how i cured it a year ago09:02
Kilosnot easy when i battle to remember 2 hours ago09:03
z4kihow is bandwidth in your country?09:04
Kilosi get good speed on 3g just it is costly09:04
Kilosget up to 8mb/s on good days09:05
Kilosother days luck to get 500kb/s09:05
z4kihmm. i said you yesterday, here is the main problem with bandwidth.09:05
z4kiit's so hard to use internet in remote areas.09:06
Kilosthe internet sucks all over09:06
z4kii faced that problem 2012 to 2015. 09:06
z4kinow i'm happy with it. 09:06
Kilosyes they sort vities but dont care about rural areas unless you are rich and can pay to have fibre put in09:07
z4kiright. 09:07
z4kii studied an institute, that held in an hill tract area. i fight for using internet everyday. even sometime climbed to ruff top for better signal. :D09:10
Kilosi have exen used external yagi antenna to improve signal09:18
z4kiha ha. :D09:18
Kilosnow i can see the mobile tower 1k away09:18
z4kiare you in a remote area?09:18
Kilosso signal always strong now unless hit by bad lightning storm09:19
Kilosyes on a small holding09:19
z4kinice. 09:19
Kilosyes much better than city life09:23
Kilosonly you always last on the list for anything being upgraded09:24
Kilosmany of our cities have fibre to the home and wifi all over etc09:24
z4kihmm. i left my hometown in 2010 for higher studies. 09:25
z4kiha ha. :D thats true.09:25
Kilosi wonder where Ekushey has got to09:25
Kiloshasnt said anything for months now09:25
z4kihere isp are installed ther fiber like spider web.09:26
z4kiEkushey is a name of organization.09:26
z4kiof an*09:26
Kilosno he is the owner of this channel09:27
Kilosheads ubuntu there in bangladesh09:27
z4kihmm. May be Russel John.09:28
Kilosyes thats him09:29
z4kiu know him since when?09:29
Kilossince pavel tried to get membership without support09:30
z4kioh. 09:31
z4kihe helped me with some ubuntu stuff back then.09:31
z4kihttps://russelljohn.net/ this is his blog.09:35
Kilosyes he was here for some months then went silent again10:05
Kiloshe has been silent maybe 2 months11:30
Kilospavel will remember11:30
Kilosmaybe he is ill or moved somewhere11:30
z4kimoved somewhere. 11:31
z4kibusy may be.11:31
Kilosill ask pavel to mail him when in a weeks time11:31
Kilosunless maybe he is busy on FB11:32
z4kiit's like he's working with a tv chanl.11:34
z4kihe's a good photographer too.11:34
z4kioky. time to go.11:36
Kilosgo well11:36
z4ki:) be good. 11:36
Kiloshi msa-rakib 18:14
Kilosyou only come online at night?18:31
Kilospavel and zaki were here today18:31
Kiloswhen they are here you can use banga18:31
msa-rakibthanks......for it18:32
Kilosits the banga channel18:32
msa-rakibok i will try to chat with pavel & zaki bro18:33
Kilosguys use english just so i can understand18:33
Kilosmake friends, thats what irc is all about18:33
msa-rakibok......but i am new user18:34
Kilosmake your self at home here, as you get used to it you can add more channels18:34
msa-rakibnow i want to install Blue sora theme in my ubuntu.......can you help me18:35
Kilosthen see what happens in the rest of the world as well18:35
msa-rakibi was download Blue sora.tar.gz file18:35
Kiloslets see if google can help, i use kubuntu18:35
Kilosoh my18:36
Kilosalways try get .deb files18:36
Kilosthey install easy18:36
Kilosbut try right click on the file and tick extract18:36
Kilossometimes inside is an install version18:37
msa-rakibthanks, i have a question about irc18:38
Kiloswhich version of ubuntu are you using18:38
msa-rakibhow do i open an account with password....... Ubuntu 16.0418:39
Kilosin irc18:39
Kilosyou register your nickname18:39
msa-rakibonly nickname18:40
Kilostype in /msg nickserv register nick password i think18:40
msa-rakibexample plz18:41
Kilostype the forward slash and what comes after18:42
Kilos  /msg nickserv register msa-rakib  1234527718:42
msa-rakibthanks, trying18:43
Kilosuse a good password with letters and numbers and some upper case chracters18:43
Kilosit will tell you what to do if that doesnt work18:43
msa-rakibwhat is nickserv18:44
Kilosits the server for nicknames18:44
Kilosalso have a look at what this guy says https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwigsdb92dfMAhVJET4KHQiEDdkQFggbMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omgubuntu.co.uk%2F2016%2F04%2F10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-16-04-lts&usg=AFQjCNFPiai7v052TrK-pKlj2L2QiN5F7A&sig2=wSo9B3gxZ303rg3slnz2zg18:46
KilosQA shorten https://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwigsdb92dfMAhVJET4KHQiEDdkQFggbMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.omgubuntu.co.uk%2F2016%2F04%2F10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-16-04-lts&usg=AFQjCNFPiai7v052TrK-pKlj2L2QiN5F7A&sig2=wSo9B3gxZ303rg3slnz2zg18:46
QAKilos: The tubes are clogged!18:46
Kiloshere is a better link https://is.gd/sOuI9m18:47
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