
PaulePanterHi. Where can I find documentation, what Unity does if I press the brightness keys for the laptop monitor? Does it use D-Bus?05:13
hikikoPaulePanter hi05:36
hikikoBrightness is not controlled by unity but05:37
hikikoEither from vendor specific hotkey that has no interface for the os05:38
hikikoOr acpi or graphic driver05:38
hikikoOr through hardware register through setpci i think05:39
hikikoThis might help05:40
seb128good morning desktopers!05:59
flocculantmorning seb12805:59
seb128hey flocculant06:08
PaulePanterhikiko: Thank you. It’s a Lenovo W541 laptop, and pressing the brightness keys `acpi_listen` shows events, and also there is a popup in Unity. Unfortunately, the brightness does not change though, so I wondered how Unity got the event.06:30
PaulePanterhikiko: But I see that’s it is probably another component. I’ll look into the graphics driver next.06:30
PaulePanterhikiko: Thank you very much!06:30
hikikoPaulePanter, the pop-up is just a notification, the brightness is not controlled by unity06:35
hikikoPaulePanter, you might want to look at this too: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=981217#p98121706:38
hikikoalthough it's quite old06:38
hikikojust to get an idea how pop-up notifications work06:39
hikikoand this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Brightness_and_backlight_changes06:40
PaulePanterhikiko: Awesome. Thank you. I’ll wait for my colleague to arrive with the device.06:42
hikikogood luck :)06:42
seb128hey Laney, happy friday!08:04
seb128how are you?08:04
happyaronhey guys08:05
happyaronfor yakkety, :) https://launchpad.net/~happyaron/+archive/ubuntu/network-manager/+sourcepub/6419268/+listing-archive-extra08:05
willcookemorning all08:06
Laneyseb128: good thanks, did some nice climbing last night ;-)08:07
Laneyand today we are going camping for one night!08:08
Laneyhow are you?08:08
seb128happyaron, thanks, going to look at that toay!08:08
willcookethanks happyaron08:08
Laneyhi willcooke & happyaron too08:08
Laneywhat is the happening08:08
seb128Laney, I'm good, didn't find anybody to play tennis yesterday evening though, which was frustrating because neither was nice and I had nothing else to do08:08
willcookeg'day.  Summer is over.08:08
seb128oh, well08:08
seb128hey willcooke08:08
seb128today is going to be "SRU drum day"08:09
willcookeseb128, but at least you got to teach me about deb diff :)08:09
willcookenot quite tennis though08:09
seb128and sponsored the libreoffice SRU from Sweet5hark08:09
seb128I'm going to try to motivate others to SRU a bit as well08:09
* seb128 looks at Laney attente Trevinho :p08:09
Sweet5harkseb128: are we getting cookies?08:09
happyaronah and we get zfs accepted in debian, so starting the merging work08:09
willcookehappyaron, Woo!  Nice08:10
seb128willcooke, I wonder if it would make sense to have a SRU trello board?08:12
* willcooke ponders08:12
seb128we could have a stack of updates we need to SRU, libreoffice/file-roller/gnome-calendar/n-m/gnome-software-/glib/gvfs/...08:12
seb128+ the oem bugs08:13
seb128it might give some visibility on those08:13
willcookesure thing.08:13
seb128not sure how to do better08:13
willcookeIt's easy to set up now08:13
seb128but I've a feeling we don't get much LTS work traction atm08:13
willcookeso we can at least try - there's no harm done08:13
seb128I don't know how to solve that and if the trello would help though08:13
willcookeseb128, what do you mean by not much traction?  Like we should be pushing more SRUs?08:14
Sweet5harkseb128: yeah, and it also helps seeing when a SRU starts rotting away in review ... (I,for one easily loose sight of that)08:14
seb128Sweet5hark, right08:14
seb128willcooke, yeah, we are not doing a good job at keeping the fixes/updates rolling for the LTS08:15
willcookeoh, I thought we were doing ok.  In which case, yes, lets track08:16
willcookeseb128, let's add the tag "desktop-trello-import" to the bugs08:17
seb128willcooke, how does your script know to which board to import?08:17
willcooke(I changed the tag to include desktop otherwise I was worried we'd clash with others)08:17
willcookeseb128, you have to tell it - I tried to be clever, but it just wasnt flexible enough08:17
seb128willcooke, can't edit that board08:20
willcookeseb128, you have to "join" it first I think08:20
willcookeclick "show menu" on the rhs08:21
willcookethen you should have "join board" at the top08:21
willcookeoh, there is also a button I can click here...08:21
willcookeadd add team members08:21
willcookedone that too08:21
willcooke*add all08:22
willcookeseb128, added a "In review queue" list08:27
seb128good :-)08:28
willcookeseb128, just thinking about this...08:29
willcookeI was going to say we should add bugs to the board, but...08:30
willcookeis it the case that sometimes more than one bug combine to become an SRU?08:30
willcookelike, should we track each bug in the baord, or each "SRU Case"08:30
seb128if you fix 3 bugs in one upload it's fine to move the 3 cards08:31
willcookein which case, let's add "desktop-trello-import" tags and then I can import them08:31
seb128k, I'm doing that08:31
willcookeonce the import is run the tags are removed, so if we want to import it in to someones board we can just retag and run the script again08:32
Laneywhat am I supposed to do?08:34
willcookeLaney, couple of things potentially08:34
LaneyI got emailed by trello about some updates from this week that I would have done anyway08:34
willcookeLaney, tag bugs which need to be SRU'd "desktop-trello-import"08:34
willcookeLaney, or pick things from the backlog to work on them08:35
seb128willcooke, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=desktop-trello-import08:35
seb128looks good?08:35
seb128Laney, just put things you plan to do in the trello/take the cards if they are already there08:36
seb128Laney, it's useful so others also know you plan to do those08:36
willcookeseb128,  thanks!  Just going through my mental list to see if I can think of anything else08:36
seb128Laney, also it gives us a list of things people can "help on" and help us tracking/make sure we don't forget to work on e.G issues raised by the oem team08:37
Laneyseb128: OK it sounded like drum banging and not doing a good job and trying to motivate means that you think I'm not doing enough work already08:37
Laneywhen actually I have a very big list of things to work on08:38
seb128I know, I never implied that you were not working hard08:38
seb128but atm imho we have issues08:38
willcookeLaney, not the case.  We're just trying to get organsied.  Sorry if you got the impression we were moaning08:38
seb128- having a view of what people are working on/what is their todolist08:38
seb128- making sure things don't fall into the cracks/get forgotten08:38
willcookeTrevinho - is the missing menus ready for SRU yet?  Still some things to do there?08:39
seb128Laney, I think it's going to help to have a "pool" of "issues we need to work on", some people like robert_ancell said in the past that they would be happy to tackle on some of those but they just don't have good visibility on what got oem escalated/flagged as important08:41
seb128willcooke, maybe rename the board to include "desktop" in the name?08:47
seb128the current set looks good?08:47
seb128+1 from me08:48
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seb128hey andyrock! how are you?09:16
andyrockseb128: not bad not bad you?09:17
seb128andyrock, I'm good thanks ;-)09:17
seb128it's friday!09:17
seb128andyrock, is your gnome-menus fix submitted upstream? if we land it without the libunity fix does it make things more buggy or not?09:27
andyrockit's more buggy unity side09:28
seb128willcooke, can you reimport, I added bug #157157409:38
ubot5bug 1571574 in OEM Priority Project "3G icon missing in network-manager-applet" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157157409:38
willcookepython getopt examples09:39
willcookeI mean yes09:39
willcookeseb128, done09:39
seb128willcooke, thanks09:43
willcookejust trying to add cmd line args to my script09:43
seb128to specify the board?09:44
willcookegetopt is ace09:44
willcookeyeah, the board, the project etc09:44
willcookeI decided against just doing a global import of anything in "ubuntu" with the tag09:44
willcookebecause each run of the script is bugs -> one board09:44
seb128yeah, probably be better to be explicit09:44
willcooken bugs -> 1 board09:44
willcookeso if we do it on a per project level09:44
willcookewe can have a big tag fest09:45
willcookeand then work through them in a more granular fasion09:45
seb128k, I'm out for lunch with friends09:46
seb128back in ~1.5h09:46
willcookeseb128, have fun!09:46
Laneypitti: do you know if there's a general problem with dkms tests on yakkety/amd64?09:47
Laneysee glib2.009:47
pittiLaney: yes, there is; all kernel module builds currently fail on amd64 due to the new -fPIE09:48
pittiLaney: kernel team is aware of/working on it09:49
pittiLaney: in the meantime, I keep force-skiptest'ing packages which get broken by this09:49
Laneythanks, I'll do so for glib then09:49
pittiannoying, I know09:49
Laneyis there a bug to spy on?09:49
pittiI'm not aware of one, /me searches09:50
Laneydoesn't matter09:50
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larsupitti: I guess this is a false positive? https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/324510:58
* larsu doesn't understand the error10:59
larsualso, hi pitti!10:59
pittihey larsu10:59
larsuand hi everyone else. happy sunny friday!10:59
pittilarsu: ITYM "false negative" :)10:59
pittilarsu: it was raning since yesterday :/10:59
pittibut en route to Dresden where it's sunny10:59
larsupitti: oh, yeah, of course false negative :)10:59
pittilarsu: yep, tests are PASS, just the cloud acting up11:00
larsupitti: ok cool. Should I mention that on the bug or what's the process?11:00
pittilarsu: I just dif11:00
pittilarsu: it's fine, we merge stuff with these kind of noise11:01
larsuthanks! :)11:01
larsupitti: we do too in cockpit, but I wanted to make sure11:01
pittilarsu: doing systemd now, as part of cockpit?11:01
larsupitti: not really. I just use busctl a lot to debug things :)11:02
larsumy other systemd patch is in the same function :)11:02
larsuwe have a summer of code student that's working on making time units work from cockpit11:02
larsuwhich will need some changes in systemd that we're just discussing11:03
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Sweet5harkschni ... scha ...11:35
* pitti runs away screaming11:36
pittihate that song!11:36
* Sweet5hark follows pitti with a giant plush crocodile11:37
pittidieu merci il est vendredi11:38
desrthello europeans!  i am no longer with you12:00
pittihey desrt! made it back home in one piece?12:02
desrtyes.  2 hours and 50 minutes late.12:02
desrtSO ANGRY12:03
desrti would have strongly preferred 3 hours late :)12:03
* desrt is out 600€ on account of 10 minutes12:03
* Laney suspects it was the other way12:03
desrtya.  indeed.12:04
desrti'm sure they made damn sure to come in under the 3 hour mark12:04
Laneywell welcome back anyway12:06
seb128hey desrt, wb!12:09
desrtthanks :)12:10
* desrt gets the first crackrock new API proposal of the day, decides that it's not quite crackrock enough, seeks to improve it12:10
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GunnarHjseb128: Hi Sebastien, do you have time to sponsor bug #1574745 (yakkety and xenial)? Would be good to get rid of that regression.13:20
ubot5bug 1574745 in libreoffice-dictionaries (Ubuntu Xenial) "Missing symlinks to match locales" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157474513:20
seb128GunnarHj, hey, sorry but I don't think I know enough about those/understand the problem to be confident the changes are correct without spending some time trying to understand what you did, and I don't think I'm going to be able to allocate that slot today ... maybe try to see with the day patch pilots?13:22
GunnarHjseb128: I see. No pilot on duty, as it seems. Not emergency, but me being impatient as usual. ;)13:25
seb128GunnarHj, I'm going to try to have a look on monday if nobody picked up by then13:25
GunnarHjseb128: Would appreciate that, thanks. Have a nice weekend!13:26
seb128thanks, you too!13:26
willcookedesrt, would you have time to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/+bug/1503758 today, or early next week?14:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1503758 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/unity-settings-daemon/unity-settings-daemon:5:XIQueryDevice:xdevice_get_dimensions:input_info_find_size_match:get_mappable_output_info:do_touchscreen_mapping" [High,Triaged]14:00
desrti looked at this briefly yesterday14:00
desrti don't really understand the problem (or the domain)14:01
* desrt reads the workaround patch to get a feel14:03
willcookethanks desrt14:05
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Trevinhoseb128: hey...15:05
Trevinhoseb128: how are you?15:05
Trevinhoseb128: I was looking at the keyboard backlight thing some time ago, and I think we'd need also http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16389938/15:06
seb128Trevinho, feel free to put a mp up for it?15:06
seb128Trevinho, mario verified that the <= 0 to <0 change fix the boot case15:06
seb128what does your patch do?15:07
seb128also why didn't you propose the change back then?15:07
Trevinhohowever... I can't really test this here... Since in my TPs there are no ubus events fired, so, i didn't test it directly. A friend of mine with an asus laptop BTW, and fixes things15:07
Trevinhoseb128: well I did this some days ago, but I wanted to test it better wih him, and since I don't have a machine under my fingers with full upower support I can't do that15:07
seb128ah, ok15:08
seb128well I upload the upstream patch for now15:08
Trevinhoseb128: however.. The change basically listens for upower changes of the kbd backlight, fired when you press the keys, and then it remembers that value when you suspend15:08
seb128but we can replace by a better version15:08
Trevinhoin this way, when you get back to your session or after idle, it goes back to the proper value15:08
seb128can you add the patch to the bug?15:08
Trevinhoseb128: well, that's fine... i also was thinking that that = here was wrong :)15:09
seb128maybe superm1 can test it15:09
Trevinhoseb128: ok15:09
seb128oh, and I'm good otherwise15:09
seb128a bit too warm here though!15:09
seb128but I'm not going to complain, tomorrow is like 12°C15:09
Trevinhoseb128: the only thing that maybe I should include, is that I should ignore the changes while suspended... Otherwise we'll save the brightness change to 0... Although this kind of change shouldn't be emitted by upower, since there's no manual intervention15:09
Trevinhoseb128: yeah.. Here as well we've some winter-reloaded15:10
willcookeheh, same here15:11
Trevinhoit's still almost 20 though15:11
willcooke14 here15:11
Trevinhobut cloudy, windy and rainy... :-/15:11
Trevinhowillcooke: ah, is there a tag to get sru bugs being added to the SRU board?15:12
LaneyTrevinho: doesn't u-s-d already set that when it calls SetBrightness?15:13
TrevinhoLaney: the problem is when you change the kbd backlight using your ACPI keys15:14
TrevinhoLaney: in that case there's no SetBrightness call15:14
willcookeTrevinho, not, just add the desktop-trello-import tag, and I will import it for you15:14
TrevinhoLaney: but there are events fired from ubus15:14
Trevinhowillcooke: will it go in the SRU board or then I shouldd copy it there?15:14
willcookeTrevinho, it will go direct to that board (I'll tell the script to do that)15:15
Trevinhowillcooke: ok15:15
Trevinhowillcooke: thanks15:15
willcookeTrevinho, np, if you want, just paste the bug link here and I'll do it15:16
Trevinhoseb128, Laney: here what happens when you change the kbd backlight in fully upower aware laptops (not mine): http://i.imgur.com/stBtIUk.png15:16
TrevinhoI also was thinking how I could manage my case... Thinkpads doesn't notify for kbd backlight changes, since it's something at system level. So We'd need to make upower to check the actual status when doing GetBrightness (instead of using a cached value as it's doing right now).. But.. well not sure upower upstream would be happy about that. But neither the15:19
Trevinhokernel module devs want to emit any key event for thinkpad_acpi (being something that will change despite userspace deamon settings, it's reasonable)15:19
willcookenews just in, Design have +1d the terminal tabs styling.  So I will SRUify that bug16:22
willcookenext week16:22
willcookeby which I mean, explict +1 on the bug16:22
willcookeLaney, going to meet Adam Hart-Davis on Sunday :)16:27
flocculantwillcooke: tell him he's awesome :)16:30
willcookeflocculant, will do :)16:33
davmor2willcooke: he's the really interesting history type bloke right glasses beard and stuff?16:34
flocculantdavmor2: yea16:34
willcookedavmor2, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ODCBYVdxiM16:34
willcookeright, swimming lessons duty.  bbl16:36
seb128willcooke, enjoy!16:38
seb128calling it a week here16:38
seb128have a nice w.e everyone16:38
seb128with monday off here (and in some other countries as well I think?)16:39
willcookenight all19:00
willcookehappy weekend19:00
a1fahello, i've hit on the title bar bug again :019:52
a1fasame thing, window was open for long time (maximized), i unmaximed it, and i was no longer able to to anything with the window ;)19:53
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