
busy_Just switched from Mint back to Ubuntu MATE. Any sugguestions about a good theme?00:15
* nomic has a zero black background00:17
busy_I'm looking for something a bit colourfull that my old eyes can easily see.00:19
busy_I love the Gnome 2 layout, just need to customize a bit, thanks in advance.00:20
pilnethere are some colorful options in the ones already installed IIRC00:34
HetroErectusgreen submarine00:53
HetroErectusthats the one i use00:53
pilnedoes mate make much use of the "vala" programming language?00:53
newbsCoderhello I am installing QT creator for the first time on Ubuntu Mate and I downloaded an *.Run file double clicked it and ubuntu is telling me thert is no program to run this type of file \00:56
pilneright click it, choose "open with other application" and find qtcreator00:58
pilneif that is what is supposed to open it.00:58
newbsCoderno its an online installer of qtcreator00:58
pilnethat doesn't sound like a linux based installer00:58
pilneqtcreator might already be in the repos for ubuntu00:59
pilnenot sure that is the way that link should be working that way01:01
newbsCoderok how can I download the latest version from the repository?01:02
pilnethis might help with .run files thought: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18747/how-do-i-install-run-files01:02
pilneor you can download from this link: https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/#section-201:03
pilnescroll down to qtcreator01:03
pilnehrm, those are all .run too... wtf01:04
pilnewhy not just package it like... normal lol01:04
pilnethe askubuntu link has some good info about .run files01:04
newbsCoderyeah thanks01:06
pilneand to answer my own question, vala should be fine to use since it compiles down to c and headers.01:07
pilneohhhhh we're on the MATE wikipedia page!01:08
newbsCoderyou need to set the permissions to run as an exe01:09
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pilneor you could just do it the "easy" way and use a slightly older version in the official repo01:14
pilneor use a PPA for a more up-to-date version: https://launchpad.net/~adrozdoff/+archive/ubuntu/qtcreator-git01:14
ubuntuNewbsWhats a PPA ?01:15
ubuntuNewbsPiracy Protection Act?01:15
pilnepersonal package archive01:16
pilnecommunity-maintained packages.01:16
pilnehonestly if you are very new to ubuntu/qtcreator01:17
pilnei would just do sudo apt update01:17
pilneand then sudo apt install qtcreator01:17
pilneand when/if you run into issues01:17
pilnelook into other ways01:17
pilnebecause that will be the easiest to remove if you end up not liking it.01:17
ubuntuNewbsYeah Removing Software is a hassel in linux. :D01:18
ubuntuNewbsI want to invent an easy uninstall software for Linux01:18
ubuntuNewbsquestion, Can I split my partition to install arch after Ive already installed Ubuntu mate?01:20
pilneyou can, but you have to boot from a live cd so that the partition isn't mounted01:20
pilneerr live usb01:21
pilneor cd.. or dvd, but yeah, you can't partition it while it is part of the active system01:21
pilneif you are new to linux... i wouldn't dick with arch just yet tbh01:21
ubuntuNewbsYeah Thats why Im here in ubuntu01:21
pilneand if you really want to get a taste of it, try something like manjaro01:21
ubuntuNewbsI used to mess around with Kali and Backtrack01:22
pilneit's the ubunto of arch01:22
pilneerr ubuntu01:22
ubuntuNewbsBut Got tired of windows Creeping On my keystrokes01:22
ubuntuNewbsMicrosoft the Creeper Of Keystrokes01:22
ubuntuNewbsI do Dev stuff for blender.01:23
pilneIMHO for most people moving to linux, ubuntu is going to be ideal, and ubuntu mate is so very slick and polished, i haven't even looked at distrowatch in like 2 weeks except to read the review of ubuntu mate lol01:23
ubuntuNewbsThats why I need a good dev environment01:23
pilnenice, my gf rocks the shit outta blender01:23
pilneshe's the director of marketing for a local craft brewery01:24
ubuntuNewbsI see01:25
ubuntuNewbsYeah Im the director of and Open Movie project too,01:26
ubuntuNewbsAn epic Sheeps tale. We just joined forces with a game company too.01:26
pilnevery cool :)01:27
pilnei'm just a lower-management bitch-boy at UPS LMAO01:28
ubuntuNewbspays the bills01:28
pilnethis is true, and it is a pretty "not going to dissapear anytime soon" type of job01:29
ubuntuNewbsyeah, thats presicely why I work as a Herb Farm Guy01:32
Steveaustin1971no questions (yet) just popped in to say great job on Mate. I am loving it.01:53
[7666]i wonder if anyone is around that has installed the powerpc variant01:55
Newbsanyone know if my downloads in Firefox will be good if I restart them after being disconcted?01:55
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kisbprobably not01:57
Newbscrap. :)01:58
kisbuse downthemall extension next tym01:59
NewbsWhats that02:00
luonghello! I want change my login screen, but I can find Login Windows, LightDM GTK+ can't run file .desktop. Please help me!02:48
pilnesystem/control center/lightDM GTK+ Greeter settings02:51
kfoxdoes anyone know how to install juniper network connect?03:25
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mate|36265good morning06:16
mate|36265or should I just say hit everyone06:16
mate|36265if there is anyone out there06:16
mate|36265I have problems with the proprietary nvidia driver06:17
mate|36265on my laptop, when I connect a monitor06:17
mate|36265I can't arrange the screens06:17
mate|36265in the nvidia settings manager all I see is 1 giant screen with "no scanout" message06:18
sagaryou r from06:30
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alkisgsagar, this isn't a channel to make friends, it's specifically for ubuntu support06:30
amy_hello, sbdy there to help me ?08:02
mra_amy_: what's your problem?08:02
amy_hello is thezre sbdy to help me ?08:02
mra_don't thank me yet08:03
amy_:-))) i've just install mate. it's my 1st linux08:03
mra_okay, so what's the problem?08:03
amy_i'm french and i'm sure i have install keyboard and langgage in french but firefox or Tbirds are in english08:04
alkisgAre the menus in french?08:05
alkisgThe system menus, the panel08:05
alkisgNot the firefox/thunderbird menus08:05
amy_even all the store is writing in english (the description of the softwares not the headline of the store)08:05
amy_the system menu is in french but softwares are in english08:06
alkisgGo to the control panel and run language support, it will prompt you to install the language packs08:06
amy_even hexchat here is in french so i dont understand08:06
amy_ok where is control pannel ?08:07
alkisgI have Greek menus and you have French so I can't help much, it will be somewhere under system settings, preferences, language support or something08:07
alkisgOr, press alt+ctrl+t to open a terminal, and run: /usr/bin/gnome-language-selector08:08
amy_i hve someting in the left menu called system tools (in french) the pics is a wheel08:08
alkisgpress alt+ctrl+t to open a terminal. There, type this and press enter: gnome-language-selector08:09
alkisgFortunately this is the same in all languages :)08:09
ouroumovhi amy_08:10
amy_indeed it run something :p08:10
amy_ maybe i should restart Mate after ?08:10
alkisgDid it prompt you to install the language packs?08:10
ouroumovI'm French too and I can set the language fine on the login screen.08:10
alkisgouroumov, he already has french menus08:11
amy_can we talk french ouroumov it would be easier ?08:11
ouroumovamy_, when you're at the login screen, on the top right corner there's a language setting. If you switch to fr_FR and then login you should have Welcome in French08:11
amy_maybe it's my version. i run 1608:11
ouroumovI'm running 16.04 too08:11
alkisgLanguage packs for firefox, thunderbird etc are not installed by default08:11
alkisgThat's what you're missing and that's what I was trying to tell you how to install them08:12
amy_it's says that full take in charge is not fully installed (la prise en charge de la langue n'est pas completement installée)08:12
ouroumovamy_, do that step and you should have the language packs08:13
amy_ok so i clicked install"08:13
amy_cool ! it seems that fr language is installing for all softwares :-))08:14
amy_i think i will abandon windows :-)))08:15
amy_by the way if you know him, kiss the guy in the team who had the idea to put a button in the welcome menu (only in 16) to resize automatically08:16
amy_i couldn't get resize on 1508:16
ouroumovamy_, si t'as besoin de plus d'aide en Français il y a le chan  #ubuntu-fr que tu peux aussi utiliser08:19
amy_hello ?? in fact i just opened again TBirds and it's still in english08:20
ouroumovEt pareil, si t'as besoin d'aide pour un truc spécifique à Ubuntu MATE tu peux aussi parler ici en Français je pense, je n'ai pas vu de règle l'interdisant08:20
ouroumovamy_, the changes might not come into effect until after your logout/login08:20
amy_bon merci. en fait TBirds est tjs en anglais, du moins le parametrage du début08:20
amy_ok so i will restart and coming here again. excuse me for my exit. i'm coming back to tell you my position08:21
amy_ again. thank you all. it worked.08:26
alkisgYou're welcome08:27
amy_in fact, i never saw such a support. the more it's free, the more the quality is :-))), i thank you very very much08:28
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newbsAnyone familiar with installing cuda toolkit or latest video drivers for Gpu?09:02
CryterionAnyone know how to exec binary files on the raspberry version of Ubuntu-Mate? Having a bit of hassle doing it!09:12
mra_is it somehow different to execute binary files in rpi?09:13
Cryterionseems so, http://askubuntu.com/questions/770906/qt-unified-linux-x86-2-0-3-online-run-cannot-execute-binary-file-getting-exec-f09:14
Cryterionthat's someone else post, but same problem09:14
mra_maybe it's not an x86 platform09:14
mra_isn't it arm something?09:15
Cryterionhmm, you're right, arm709:15
mra_i posted an answer to the question you linked09:19
mra_but didn't find an arm binary for the program he was trying to run09:20
gordonjcpCryterion: it needs to be built for ARM09:33
gordonjcpCryterion: what are you trying to run?09:33
Cryterionyes, that's what I'm seeing now09:34
gordonjcpCryterion: the clue is right there in the filename09:34
mra_is it this qt-unified that you are also trying to run?09:35
CryterionWritting my own application, working on rebuilding QT on laptop to support Arm cross compiling09:35
CryterionI was using the offline version09:35
gordonjcpCryterion: why not use the packaged versions of Qt?09:38
CryterionThe packaged version doesn't seem to have the toolchains needed to cross compile for the arm11 type processor09:42
gordonjcpCryterion: that doesn't make a lot of sense09:53
gordonjcpCryterion: Qt wouldn't have compiler tools, gcc would09:53
gordonjcpcross-compiling for ARM on x86 does take some fairly specific setting up09:54
Cryterionlooks like this might work http://hertaville.com/2013/07/19/cross-compiling-gtk-applications-for-the-raspberry-pi/10:12
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Guest52029How to use Netflix?10:49
Guest52029How to use Netflix?10:59
ouroumovHi Guest5202910:59
ouroumovEasiest is to install google chrome from the software boutique11:00
Guest52029OK thanks11:00
curryhey guys, i tried using google to turn off mouse acceleration but i couldn't figure out how to do it, could somebody help me?11:26
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Guest18096Can't get Netflix to work with Ubuntu-Mate? Tried Chromium, Firefox, Opera/11:40
ouroumovGuest18096, try google chrome11:42
Guest18096Tried Chromium. Don't see Chrome on Ubuntu. Isn't that for Windows OS?11:44
mra_you can get chrome for linux too11:46
hid|ninjachromium is good11:46
ouroumovNo it's not11:46
ouroumovGuest18096, go to the software boutique11:46
ouroumovGuest18096, http://i.imgur.com/eIjqwIC.png11:46
mra_but don't know what helps with netflix though11:47
ouroumovhid|ninja, sorry that wasn't an answer for your statement11:47
hid|ninjaah :D11:47
mra_oh, well that ouroumov's screenshot answers it then11:47
curryHey I'm trying to disable mouse acceleration by editing my xorg.conf, but I can't find 50-mouse-acceleration.conf anywhere. Any suggestions?11:47
Guest18096OK I'll look for the Chrome browser download. Thanks11:47
ouroumovcurry, there's an acceleration setting in the mouse settings11:48
ouroumovcurry, system -> preferences -> hardware -> mouse11:48
curryI know, but I dragged it all the way down but there's still acceleration11:49
curryNever mind, I think I got it working11:53
Paddy_NITrying to ssh into the Ubuntu MATE live system and have been unable to figure the password out12:54
Paddy_NII think the user name is "ubuntu-mate"12:54
ouroumovhave you tried the empty password?12:55
Paddy_NIIt does not work12:55
Paddy_NII don't think ssh allows for an empty password12:56
Paddy_NII wonder if I have to create another user12:56
ouroumovWhy are you even trying to log into the live that way?12:56
Paddy_NIOr would it be just as easy to set a password for the default live session user?12:56
Paddy_NIouroumov: I need to copy some file of the hdd over the network12:57
ouroumovPaddy_NI, can't you do it the other way? scp -rv user@hdd:/path/ .12:57
Paddy_NIouroumov: Actually good point12:58
gordonjcpyou can actually set PermitEmptyPasswords in sshd_config12:59
gordonjcpor you could create an ssh key12:59
ouroumovDoes the livecd even ships with sshd active?13:00
Paddy_NIouroumov: No I installed it13:00
Paddy_NIAny way I have opted for mounting the destination computer within the live cd inorder to copy the files13:01
Paddy_NIHappy days13:01
Paddy_NIAre there faster ways of moving files over a network other than ssh?13:01
Paddy_NIThis clients "Ultrabook" has no ethernet port13:02
gordonjcpPaddy_NI: it's about as fast as it gets, really13:03
Paddy_NIGood to know13:03
gordonjcpthere's a *bit* of overhead but nothing drastic13:03
gordonjcpyou could set up nfs or samba13:03
Paddy_NII suppose when you are gaining encyption then I cannot complain13:03
gordonjcpget the remaining couple of percent overhead back13:03
ouroumovsamba is slow13:03
Paddy_NIYeah in my experience samba has always bee slow13:04
gordonjcpyou could set up iscsi, or ataoe13:04
gordonjcpor, you could just go "scp that:/this/stuff /over/here" and walk away13:04
Paddy_NIMoving 97.1 GB of data over wifi is not my idea of fun13:05
gordonjcpmake a cup of tea, go for a walk while it's nice out13:05
gordonjcpPaddy_NI: at that size, I'd be removing the disk13:05
ouroumovPaddy_NI, yeah take the sun for a while13:05
Paddy_NITotally true guys13:05
gordonjcpit's pretty cloudy here today, and only 8 degrees13:05
ouroumovPaddy_NI,  if the transfer breaks at some point, use rsync the next time13:05
gordonjcpit's been really warm all week13:05
Paddy_NITake the two Mini Schnauzers out13:06
Paddy_NIThey are looking at me quite depressed13:06
Paddy_NII do have a dock for 3.5 and 2.5 inch sata hdds13:06
Paddy_NIand ssds I am sure13:07
Paddy_NIThe Ultabook looks fairly seamless though and metal so my laziness is preventing me from dissembling it13:08
Paddy_NIThank you, catch you later :-)13:09
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festerBSo I just did a clean UM 16.04 install with full disk encryption14:26
festerBwhere is the key file? how do I back it up?14:26
festerBI understand the password is not the same as the key file14:27
TaZeRi think this might be of some help: https://www.lisenet.com/2013/luks-add-keys-backup-and-restore-volume-header/14:33
festerBTaZeR: thx, It's a lot of text, I'll try it out14:36
TaZeRbasically look at the part of adding a backup key14:37
sgBeautiful distribution.  Congrats to developers.  Keep it up !!!14:45
festerBTaZeR: If I'm getting this right, the key file is the LUKS Header?14:46
sgThough I could not succeed in getting notification for my headphone.  All the time, I need to manually right click on sound icon, select sound preferences, select connector from output tab as headphone.. Also I wished to see openssh-server installation  by default.14:48
sgAny suggestion / url for my headphone problem are most welcome.14:49
TaZeRthe header is like the container which holds all information and keys that decrypt the master key, you dont really backup the master key but the keys used to decrypt it14:50
TaZeRand can backup the entire header as well14:50
TaZeRso if you have a saved backup of a key you've added you have access to the header or encrypted disk14:51
festerBTaZeR: I just know that password does not equal key14:52
festerBand for a removeable backup drive I found that out the hard way14:52
TaZeRi think what you want to do is backup the header14:54
TaZeRthat way your safe for anything that can go wrong and can restore it anytime14:55
TaZeRis the problem you forget the password or what?14:57
TaZeRor just trying to be safe14:57
festerBI did have the passwd14:57
kallinGreetings! Has anyone experienced UI sluggishness w/ mate 16 on virtual box? Just did a fresh install, guest additions added, 3d acceleration enabled. Even dragging a window around is very laggy. Had no problems on vanilla ubuntu 16.14:58
festerBbut after installing UM it did not work14:58
kallinmy first time trying mate, so can't say if it's a 16 specific issue.14:58
TaZeRyou upgraded from 15.10?14:58
TaZeRand it stopped working?14:58
TaZeRoh i see now clean install14:59
TaZeRthats strange i have no idea why it wouldnt work unless you spelled it wrong in the installation twice, is that possible?14:59
festerBTaZeR: I went Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa Cinnamon, did a encryped backup there, then did a clean UM 16.04 and I have no backup...14:59
TaZeRnot sure im understanding still, you had Linux Mint 17.3 installed and you did a clean install with format over that with UM 16.04?15:01
TaZeRand you made a backup before of the mint installtion using what?15:01
festerBTaZeR: Yes, encryped backup done inLM 17.3, where it works fine, then system disk format, install UM 16.0415:03
TaZeRwhere did you store the backup of LM 17.3?15:03
TaZeRif it was on the same disk then it would get erased when installing UM 16.04 over it15:04
festerBTaZeR: backup on an external drive, usb connected15:04
gordonjcpencrypted disks, what a great way of losing all your data :-)15:04
TaZeRoh ok15:04
TaZeRand now ur trying to restore mint?15:05
festerBTaZeR: Nop, I've installed UM, I'm trying to access my backups15:05
TaZeRoh ok, can you tell me what you used to make the backup the specific command tools15:06
festerBTaZeR: In LM 17.3 I plugged the usb drive to my system, formatted using LUKS (i guess) with a password and a passphrase, copied files on backup drive for about one month, it was woring15:08
TaZeRand now when you try to decrypt the way thats worked before whats the output?15:09
festerBpassphrase not found, something like that15:10
festerBI have both the passphrase and password, used the drive for about a month, it was all fine15:10
TaZeRcan you dump the header?15:11
TaZeRlike cryptsetup luksDump15:11
festerBTaZeR: using the link you just posted? I'll try, brb15:12
TaZeRyea i think theres info on that there, although i thought u were trying to do something different when i posted that15:13
TaZeRbut yea the dump information should let us know if somethings wrong with it15:13
festerBTaZeR: No, you were right the fist time, I've made new backups and I'm making sure I'm walking eyes wide shut into the same problem again ;)15:14
TaZeRmake sure to target your external drive like /dev/sdb or whatever15:14
TaZeRoh ok15:15
festerBTaZeR: but the old drive is still around somewhere, I'll give it a try15:16
mate|12898Hey, guys! Can someone please help me with my poor sound quality? This is my first time trying linux and the sound is really bothering me!15:26
festerBTaZeR: I created the header backup file as sudo15:30
nomicmate|12898  there are also forums -- #ubuntu is more busy than ubuntu mate  ubuntuforums.org  sound may depend on the app .. on mate, the media player to use is "omxplayer"15:32
nomicmate forum https://ubuntu-mate.community/15:32
festerBTaZeR: ie. sudo cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/sdc1 --header-backup-file ~/sdc1-header-backup15:32
festerBTaZeR: hmm, also had to use sudo on cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdc115:41
festerBbut it works that way, perhaps all I need is a sudo where mounting?15:41
Gallomimiadefinitely keep having a problem with panels flipping to the opposite monitor after waking from screensaver. it's not consistent either. sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. is this a known issue?16:51
Gallomimiado i have to file a bug report?16:51
nomicgallomia  go to forums - mate forums ubuntu forums17:12
nomicask there17:12
jiexHi ! Is there a Numix variant in green ?17:39
jiexI've find one17:44
l_Is it normal to override a password login of a user when CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE is used on the login screen?18:09
alkisgl_: and that combination restarts xorg and kills everything?18:10
ShadowGallowHi guys - I just saw this story about Raspberry Pi 3 getting bluetooth support :18:11
alkisgor do you actually mean overriding as in bypassing the password protection?18:11
ShadowGallowIs there something in the repos about getting bluetooth on the Rasberry Pi 3 for Ubuntu Mate - a bug/feature maybe ?18:11
l_Yes it does restart xorg but then doing the key combination a few times on the login screen can log me back in without needing to input a password.18:12
l_I have the system set to automatically login on boot though.18:15
ShadowGallowI'm just starting out with Ubuntu Mate but cud someone please answer the above question (please) ?18:16
ShadowGallowflexiondotorg: ping.18:18
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ShadowGallowno response . err... This seems like a little silo'd to me (this community). Maybe I'd better move on.18:26
usrdrcWhat did you ask?18:28
ShadowGallowusrdrc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/16395172/18:29
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Guest54107heloo I am vanivan01118:33
Gallomimiaten character passwords. wow19:15
GallomimiaGuest54107 use /nick to change it19:16
Gallomimiais it just me or is the community page rather borked?19:24
Gallomimiakeep getting 400 errors19:24
Gallomimiawell. so much for asking on the forums. it's locked in read only for now19:31
si installed 16.0420:30
=== s is now known as Guest66901
Guest66901and i also tried to install Skype20:30
Guest66901but problamatic20:30
tioxForum is accessible, but incredibly broken.20:30
tioxGuest66901: You are better off using the web version of Skype if you rely on group chats because Microsoft hadn't updated Skype in ages.20:31
Guest66901yes, maybe the direction i will have to go in20:31
tioxThen, you just need to figure out how to make PulseAudio not act up on you. If you can do it, I'm all ears as t how you did it.20:32
Guest66901funny, it worked on 15.10 xubuntu20:32
Guest66901but i guess skype is running behind the curb20:32
tioxFor the desktop version, you should be able to install skype-bin:i386 and then do skype itself.20:32
Guest66901yes, i tried that20:33
tioxBut, Skype from Welcome installer should do that auto atically.20:33
Guest66901very strange. some messages come in....others do not20:33
Guest66901so, your having Pulse problems on UM 16.10?20:33
tioxDoes dpkg --print-foreign-architectures produce any useful input?20:34
Guest66901let me try20:34
tioxBecuase for any i386 package to install, dpkg must accept i386 packages.20:34
tioxIf i386 shows up as a foreign arch that dpkg accepts, you shouldn't have issues installing Skype.20:35
Guest66901yes, it is listed20:36
tioxskype-bin is unlisted. Hmm.20:36
Guest66901and skype is installed20:36
Guest66901just acts weird20:37
Guest66901i read some where that maybe a problem GTK320:37
Guest66901so i so, i put a GTK2 Library in there20:37
Guest66901looks good now but still weird :)20:38
Guest66901btw...i am not technical20:38
tioxOdd. I am installing Skype right now from the software boutique and it's going through fine,20:38
Guest66901just cut and paste stuff20:38
Guest66901if u dont mind...try and send a message to someone20:38
Guest66901i kept getting a caustion symbol20:39
tioxWorks for me.20:40
Guest66901hmmm...maybe i can try an uninstall and stat over20:40
tioxIf you are going to do that, then do --purge autoremove, not remove on its own.20:41
Guest66901other than that i think um 16.10 is great :)20:41
tioxSo sudo apt-get --purge autoremove skype20:41
Guest66901i will do that now20:41
tioxAnd then try to install from the software boutique' It's under Internet.20:42
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=== ColonelAmbiguity is now known as Magic8ball
Guest66901its being removed as we speak20:44
=== Magic8ball is now known as pilne
tioxGuest66901: Asking for the heck of it; Do you prefer the Compiz desktop compositor?20:45
Guest66901and skype is currently being installed via boutique20:48
tioxNo hitches so far?20:48
Guest66901i have switched to compiz dc20:48
Guest66901because i like the way it arranges windows side by side20:48
Guest66901found it somehow easier than marco20:49
tioxYou can customize that behaviour.20:49
tioxAnd even redefine shortcut keys so it works your way.20:49
Guest66901that would be cool20:50
Guest66901btw...the software boutique thing is downloading way more stuff than previuos install20:50
Guest66901so lets hope :)20:50
tioxIf you want to stick with Canonical's version of compiz (0.9), you can install compizconfig-settings-manager and use that (by running ccsm) to edit how Compiz functions.20:51
Guest66901ii will try that beciase alot of my work20:51
tioxAlternatively, a recent backported version of Compiz had been released which allows for more effects and plugins to be used.20:51
Guest66901is like a two browser job :)20:51
Guest66901i am going to try skype now20:52
tioxBut you'd need to completely remove compiz 0.9 from your system before you run a script from soreau's git repo to compile and make it all work.20:52
Guest66901looks better!20:53
tioxBut, soreau's compile script grabs all depends that compiz 0.8 needs before compiling and includes a version of CompizConfig Settings Manager. Also comes included with Emerald theme manager if you wanted to use that.20:53
Guest66901thank you so much Tiox20:53
tioxBuger, forum is STILL broken.20:54
Guest66901i will try those compiz things20:54
Guest66901i like the emerald theme manager20:54
tioxGuest66901: Emerald theme manager causes some issue that will always persist when you update apt-get for some reason.20:55
tioxI would still recommend backporting; I made a guide for doing it on Linux Mint too if you wanna try it; https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=22170020:56
tioxIt's the same guide, just made more special for Linux Mint. Most fo the commands are still the same.20:56
tioxAnd I would recommend changing back to marco if you already used mate-tweak to use compiz.20:56
Guest66901so, marco is mate specific?20:57
tioxNot sure. Probably.20:58
tioxYes, marco is MATE specific.20:58
Guest66901your manual looks great20:58
Guest66901los of cut and pastes for me lol20:58
tioxI say use Marco for the time being when using that guide because things might break if you stick with compiz while you're following that guide.20:59
tioxI really, really wish it was easier. I want soreau to release a snap package some time so nobody has to do that crap.20:59
Guest66901yes, i was reading about snap21:00
Guest66901so then u could download it as a complete package without all the dependencies?21:01
tioxNo, snap would give you a package WITH the dependencies, isolated in its own folder.21:01
Guest66901ahh! got it21:02
Guest66901well...thanks again!21:02
tioxIt's like if you installed a program in WIndows and made it work outside of its normal install path by putting in Windows DLLs where the exe is.21:02
Guest66901and have good night :) tiox21:02
tioxPM me if you have any issues.21:02
Guest66901thank so much21:03
tioxThat, or refer to #compiz-reloaded21:03
tioxForum is still broken af, cannot edit anything.21:45
Gallomimiatiox i think that's not "broken" that "disabled"22:01
Gallomimiathere's a message that says it's read-only. something's up with the db. maybe they're doing some maintenace to it22:01
Gallomimiabut yeah. i'd really like to post about my 2 monitor setup borking panels and swapping them on me22:02
YankDownUnderGallomimia, This sounds like something I'm experiencing...22:02
Gallomimiaso it's a prevalent issue eh?22:02
Gallomimiait happens when i wake up from screensaver with lock22:02
YankDownUnderGallomimia, Well, for ME it's a prevalent issue :)22:03
Gallomimiait also only happens sometimes. and it appears to be paired up with totally borking the graphics on a game i play frequently these days. which the devs say is common from wake-ups22:03
YankDownUnderGallomimia, Yes - lock or switch monitors, etc etc etc - randomly moving about "locked" items and the likes...22:03
GallomimiaYankDownUnder: do you turn your monitors off at night? i've been avoiding it because of the way my graphics card plays with display port22:04
Gallomimiai let the system time them out.22:04
YankDownUnderGallomimia, I'm not going to avoid anything if it's within my "normal routine" - because I shouldn't have to do so...therefore, I've been trying to work out a different means by which to deal with it...22:05
Gallomimiawell yeah. i'd rather do that too...22:05
Gallomimiaoh no. monitor only supports DP1.222:05
Gallomimiawell, i guess it's not 4k so it won't matter22:05
YankDownUnderGallomimia, For the moment - I've resolved to NOT depend on the "mate-panel" - so I'll primarily use "plank" or "docky" or "cairo-dock" - as well, I've gotten to a point where I set the "mate-panel" to "not expand" so it floats in the middle of the screen (top, for me)22:07
YankDownUnderGallomimia, And when using compiz, it's worse...but I digress...22:07
Gallomimiaive got some forum posts open that deal with those things so i'll read them and try a few things22:07
Gallomimiacompiz eh? i think that's what i abandoned unity to get away from...22:08
YankDownUnderGallomimia, My issues with Unity go back to a time when it was merely a "beta" and not a primary "point" in Ubu...22:08
* YankDownUnder hates Unity22:08
erkan^I still am satisfied with Ubuntu MATE :-)22:09
Gallomimiai very much agree on both points22:09
Gallomimiahated unity. but didn't know there were alternatives for quite a long time22:09
tioxThe ont thing that could make Ubuntu MATE better is if they modified mate-appearance-properties to make editing the mouse easier.22:09
Gallomimiasoon as i installed MATE i was like "wow. this is so much better"22:10
tioxIt's still a PITA to change the mouse pointer.22:10
tioxWhile on the other hand, the kind folks at Linux Mint and their Cinnamon DE has this stuff down.22:10
erkan^Ubuntu MATE is same as Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Gallomimia (-:22:10
Gallomimiayes well i was still a mac fanboi back then22:10
erkan^or GNOME 2.x22:10
Gallomimiain fact that's what year i got my laptop22:11
tioxGallomimia: erkan^ is half-right. MATE is GTK 2.0 with 3.0 compatibility.22:11
erkan^Do you mean MacBook, Gallomimia ?22:11
Gallomimiano. i had an apple IIGS22:11
erkan^owo k, tiox22:11
Gallomimiabeen an apple fan for a good long while22:11
tioxWell, try installing GTK3 apps in Ubuntu 10.04. :P22:11
erkan^I use MacBook Pro too22:11
Gallomimiai've got a ubuntu install on mine. haven't switched to using it as my primary OS yet tho :/22:12
Gallomimiawhen i get my desktop setup properly and wired in, not on wifi22:12
YankDownUnderGallomimia, Careful with the "Mac Fanboi" stuff (joking) - my primary workstation is a Macbook Pro... :)22:12
Gallomimiai'll make a change22:12
tioxGallomimia: If you don't do that much with Windows, you may do better than most.22:12
Gallomimiai don't do anything with windows :P22:12
Gallomimiawell, i used to boot windows on the macbook to play Borderlands 122:13
* YankDownUnder still clings to the ancient Gnome2 days...and clung to Gnome 1.4.6 longer than was "normal"22:13
tioxUltimately it depends on how you used Windows or Mac. If you relied on system-specific tools, you'll have a harder time.22:13
Gallomimianah. i tinkered in command line some on the mac.22:13
Gallomimiaso i'm fairly familiar with it coming into the world of linux22:13
tioxOnly reason I mention that is gamers still have a hard time ditching windows completely. Know why?22:13
Gallomimiagames ><22:14
tioxNot games.22:14
erkan^flexiondotorg: http://webwereld.nl/open-source/93474-de-reden-achter-het-bestaan-van-ubuntu-mate (-:22:14
tioxThere's a deeper reason.22:14
tioxThat's fine. One more guess.22:14
Gallomimiai'm out of guesses actually22:14
Gallomimiaand i should know this one22:14
Gallomimiabut hey, i'm having a tea break from donig some physical work22:14
Gallomimiayes. but that's just a marketing gimmick22:15
Gallomimiait runs on exactly 2 platforms.22:15
tioxGames could be made in SDL, LUA, LOVE, Vulkan, any combination thereof which is compatible etc but nope.22:15
Gallomimiawindows desktop and windows console. i mean xbox22:15
tioxDirectX is what stops gamers from switching.22:15
tioxDevelopers stop gamers from switching because they don't optimize for OpenGL.22:15
Gallomimiathey add a bunch of gamma to the new version screenshot and say "look it's brighter!"22:15
Gallomimiatiox: and they dont do that because microsoft pays them not to22:16
Gallomimiabut, look what happened last year. valve did some tests on oGL vs dX and found GL is faster on windows22:16
tioxIn some cases.22:16
tioxAnd with certain hardware.22:16
Gallomimiaor was that all the way back in '14?22:16
tioxYou can't present that to a gamer and say "This is why".22:17
Gallomimiawell, in valve's case, with their games22:17
Gallomimiacard makers its the same.22:17
tioxIf OpenGL was universally faster, that would be definitive.22:17
Gallomimiathey bow and scrape to the dX and leave oGL alone? why? msft pays22:17
tioxBut there are some cases where OpenGL can be worse, and it's down to the dev.22:17
Gallomimiaits my understanding that much of the "new developments" in dX are ripped off from openGL anyway22:18
tioxUltimately, it's a double-whammy. Not only does Microsoft pay them to be DirectX-exclusive, but also Linux userbase is still not up to snuff.22:18
YankDownUnderMicrosoft - from the inception of DirectX and it's integration into "gaming" - has "socked in" developers - as they have with hardware manufacturers - so that they will have exclusive "ownership" of the "marketplace" - gamers eventually turn into business folks and workers - so, if you've been enslaved to a Microsoft platform from your early days, you're going to continue to run it in your later days...this has been22:18
YankDownUnderhappening since before Win98...(I've watched it all happen)22:18
Gallomimiaand they don't make it into support for cards under openGL... same reason22:18
Gallomimiaso have i YankDownUnder22:19
Gallomimiaremember the lineups for win95?22:19
tioxNow, Microsoft intends to have the BASH shell inside Windows 10. Of course, bring the open-source to the commercial system and charge people for it.22:20
tioxKnow who's helping them?22:20
erkan^No idea?22:20
tioxI'm serious.22:20
Gallomimiaoh well22:20
YankDownUnderGallomimia, Unfortunately, yes...and back "in the day" I was TRYING to push OS/2 Warp3 and Warp4, along with Desqview...and then BeOS...22:20
Gallomimiai'm not terribly excited about microsoft breaking into the OSS world22:21
Gallomimiait's telling of how upset their executives are22:21
Gallomimiaso, that makes me happy.22:21
Gallomimiabesides, if they teach people to use bash on their platform22:21
tioxSee this; https://linux.slashdot.org/story/16/03/30/1021224/confirmed-microsoft-and-canonical-partner-to-bring-ubuntu-to-windows-1022:21
Gallomimiathey'll be ready when windows craps out and they need to switch to linux22:21
Gallomimiano, i see that as a good thing22:22
Gallomimiathe writing's on the wall.22:22
YankDownUnderOne of the things that's "dawning" on Microsoft - especially since so much is moving "to the cloud" is that end-users are finally, FINALLY getting the "shirts" with the constantly broken OS platform...22:22
Gallomimiasoon as you let the herd of cattle out of then pen and they find out the grass really is greener on the other side, you'll never mend that fence22:23
Gallomimiaseems to me they're trying to plug a hole in the dam with a lifesaver22:23
tioxThe alternative outcome is, Microsoft is going to just make their own version of BASH and implement into Powershell, so developers end up still needing to port to (what I'll call) MS-BASH (Remember MS-DOS? DOS devs was robbed!)22:23
YankDownUnderGallomimia, I have a strange and sneaking feeling that eventually, the "Windows OS" is going to change from "pre-emptive multitasking kernel" to "real-time multitasking kernel" and the only way to do so is to align with a linux biggie, and start from the subsystem level first...and then work their way outwards...22:23
Gallomimiaapple did it.22:24
GallomimiaJobs was ceo of this other company that was trying to make this awesome GUI + API and had a pretty good thing going, he came back to apple, paired that with a BSD-esque kernel, and got a pretty solid system22:25
Gallomimiathey manufactured a "transition" style backend for the app maker community, called Carbon22:25
Gallomimiathat ran on both the old system and the new one22:25
Gallomimiaand smoothed out all the wrinkles on the way.22:25
Gallomimiawindows still hasn't done this. it's going to be a mess.22:26
YankDownUnderApple was smart enough to realise that the "NeXT" ideology was perfect in that they could "rebuild" on a unix based OS, tailor it to their needs, etc etc etc - and ditch OS 9 - which was machine dependent - and voila - here we now have OSX - which can very happily run on nearly anything "intel" based...22:26
Gallomimiaoh. OS9 was the transition OS22:26
Gallomimiathey started when it was still OS8.522:26
erkan^Do you mean that Canonical helps Microsoft for Windows 10 Insider - testgroup, tiox ?22:26
YankDownUnderI actually rather like OS9...22:26
erkan^95 or 98, YankDownUnder ?22:27
Gallomimiai didn't :/22:27
Gallomimiai had a G4 that came with both os9 and 10.0 installed22:27
tioxerkan^: No, I mean, Microsoft reverse-engineers Bash, makes a version that's Microsoft-exclusive and keeps users locked into the Linux ecosystem. It's still Bash, but with special extras that "Aid Windows integration" or other BS like that.22:27
Gallomimiait didn't take me long to ditch 9 and stick with 1022:27
Gallomimiamostly because i was taking computer science on solaris, and we could SSH to the campus and run our code from home22:27
YankDownUnderIt has been postulated for years that eventually, Microsoft will migrate their UI to a "unix based" underlying OS, re-write all of their "cash cow" software packages for such - and in the interim, move stuff to "the cloud" - and then quietly rebuild everything...22:28
Gallomimiatiox: i bet they introduce key stealing measures :P22:28
YankDownUnderSOLARIS...mmm...fun days on SPARC stations...22:29
Gallomimiayeah. sparc 4's and sparc 5's22:29
YankDownUnderGallomimia, CDE is what kept me using XFCE for years...(I digress yet again)22:29
Gallomimiai think we had kde222:29
erkan^I want to get of Ubuntu MATE: @ubuntu-mate.org :-P22:29
Gallomimiai honestly don't get most of what you're talking about :)22:29
Gallomimianever used any of those22:29
tioxTrust me, I want that future where Windows becomes a Linux OS, they ditch NTFS altogether and they put as much effort into WoL (Windows on Linux, hypothetical name) as they did in WoW (Windows on Windows) but I don't see it happening.22:29
tioxDirectX as an upstream project would tear down the final barrier between the two userbases and let all the gamers use Linux but it won't be seamless.22:30
Gallomimiatiox: i want them to just die, and stop hoarding all the talented programmers into doing things that put the brakes on the computing industry22:30
YankDownUndertiox, As all of this transpires, I shall perform my business functions on OSX (it's stable and solid) - and do testing and utility work on linux (graphics, vbox, forensics)22:31
Gallomimiai actually see a problem with integrating given projects in together.22:31
Gallomimialike lets say they release directX as open source. and some smart folks merge it with the openGL project. get the best of both worlds22:31
Gallomimianow we have only one choice when it comes to a graphics library, package.... thing22:32
Gallomimiahaving only one choice is bad.22:32
YankDownUnder...sometimes having too many choices for a given objective can be bad, too...22:32
Gallomimiawhat happens when we find a backdoor in it, or a nasty bug that's not fixable22:32
Gallomimiai agree YankDownUnder. i feel the magic number is 322:32
Gallomimiamore than that and you're spreading developer effort way too thin.22:33
Gallomimiait's already thin enough with just one.22:33
Gallomimiabut with 3 you can have "the one you just hate" "the one you like but just found a security hole in" and "the alternative"22:33
YankDownUnderWho is to say that there isn't a backdoor already built into the linux kernel - or subsequent drivers?22:34
Gallomimiathere'll be options to switch to in the interim between when an exploit gets published and the OSS community fixes it22:34
YankDownUnderLet alone all the hardware that is produced?22:34
GallomimiaYankDownUnder: they've found one. and they've published that the NSA offered them $10M to put one in22:34
Gallomimiacode that was in the kernel repo that no dev checked in.22:35
Gallomimiaso i feel that if there's any backdoors in the kernel, it wasn't put there by linus and his team22:35
Gallomimiaanyway... i gotta go finish hooking up this light. back soon. good talk22:36
erkan^Why isn't "xcalib" in Software Bouqitue?22:40
tioxExcalibur? (Sorry, ignore me, I am just noise.)22:45
tioxAbout the "Find a hole that cannot be fixed" thing, therein lies the problem with multiple projects; Different idea cannot be implemented easily together. ESPECIALLY VIDEO AND PHYSICS LIBRARIES22:46
YankDownUndertiox, Ah. Right. Fair enough. Time to get back to cleaning things that shouldn't need cleaning... :)22:49
tioxHaving one that is just "The standard" is what allows for moving forward in a group to improve the one thing, rather than reinventing the wheel.22:49
tioxThink if different systems used non-interchangeable versions of the Linux kernel? That would be catastrophic.22:50
tioxI mean, it can be that way depending on how the kernel is configured, to work on a specific system but if you couldn't replace it with your own that has more of the features you want? That would be bollocks, and an affront against open-source.22:51
tioxBut it's still the same thing at the core.22:52
tioxAha, fixed my issues with the website... I think.23:14
tioxI cleared my cookies fro ubuntu-mate.community and the site loads now.23:14
Gallomimiaah. light works :)23:14
Gallomimiamoved it over, rewired.23:15
Gallomimiawhewt! psensor finally shows me all my system's sensors. thank you ubuntu mate!23:54
Gallomimiaor maybe it's just the updated kernel23:54
Gallomimiaa lot of them are freakin' NAMED too23:54
Gallomimiatemperatures on all 6 drives, named. 3 on the mobo, one on the cpu, not named but details given for location. and the gpu usage, fan speed, and temp. hot diggity damn!23:58

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