
* Laney discovers an ancient Rhonda backport in the queue09:31
RhondaWait what.12:03
* Rhonda eyes Laney12:03
Unit193Logan: FWIW, when the new apt-file is merged, as it stands it'll either support Ubuntu repos or external repos due to the weirdness of Ubuntu ones.17:55
Unit193barry: Pokepoke.  Know what I'm going to ask? :D19:38
barryUnit193: oh hai.  you know warsaw's second law right?19:48
Unit193barry: What if I say I've been using it since Apr 29th? :P19:51
* Unit193 will poke later.19:51
barryUnit193: awesome.  ping me monday19:51
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er

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