
daxubottu: tell Poke95 about away04:37
mcphailHi. Can someone kick _600360_ from #ubuntu please?09:47
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu (_600360_)09:50
ubottuIn ubottu, brunch875 said: ubottu, what is it that you can do?11:42
ubottuIn #ubuntu, dillon said: ubottu it is a home made dvd12:29
MyrttiVisconte Picio of Turin12:44
ubottuhpvs17e called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:29
=== e is now known as Augustus
=== mquin is now known as evilmquin
ubottuIn ubottu, tim241 said: why is LOL not accepted?16:10
tim241hi guys16:11
ikoniahello tim24116:19
tim241finally someone is nice enough to react to a simple hi16:19
tim241thanks ikonia16:20
ikoniano problem, whats up ?16:20
tim241how are you doing?16:20
ikoniaI'm fine16:20
ikoniawhat's up ?16:20
ikoniahow can #ubuntu-ops help you today16:21
tim241not actually I was just curious of someone was chattin in this chat xD16:22
ikoniaso this channel is really for issues/questions that need the operators help16:22
ikoniaeg: someone got banned from the channel16:22
tim241ok thx16:22
ikoniait's not actually a chat channel16:22
ikoniaand not one we let people idle in16:22
tim241I have one question why do you huys allow normal users to use commands?16:23
ikoniacommands ?16:23
tim241like !paste16:23
tim241in the #ubuntu16:23
ikoniait's just a bot16:23
ikoniait allows people to give other people proven information16:23
tim241ow ok thanks ikonia16:24
ikoniano problem16:24
ikoniaif you don't need anything else from the team, we ask that you please /part the channel, but if you have an issue/question about #ubuntu in future, you're welcome back here to ask16:25
tim241what does /part #ubuntu-ops do?16:26
ikoniait makes your client leave this channel16:26
tim241I can just type /quit or /leave16:26
ikoniathat works too16:26
ikoniawelcome back16:27
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (Spinach repeating)18:53
geniiDidn't seem like something to warrant an !ops call19:22
Picigenii: they've been asking the same thing all day19:22
=== evilmquin is now known as mquin
daxand have been a problem in the past, i note21:26
bazhang@random debain ubuntu HURD23:20
chuOuch :(23:50

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