
flocculantxubuntu yak images failed to build this morning, not sure why other than it's Friday 13th ...06:18
yofel^ Third time's the charm - nmqt now with a commit revert that breaks the ABI when built against nm ">= 1.2.0" (which is also in -proposed)09:05
xnoxmdeslaur, ^ synced over to unapproved queue for sru team review09:41
cjwatsonflocculant: did you check the logs?10:02
cjwatsonflocculant: looks like the same transient 503s from Launchpad that sil2100 was asking about in #ubuntu-devel re touch builds10:04
cjwatsonflocculant: so I think my answer is the same, 503s can happen for various reasons and cdimage should probably be taught to backoff and retry10:04
mdeslaurxnox: great, thanks10:55
flocculantI did quickly look - then forgot and got on with morning stuff - thanks though :)12:32
flocculantcjwatson: ^^12:32
rbasakpitti: see bug 1581535 please.14:52
ubot5bug 1581535 in libnl3 (Ubuntu) "libnl upgrade breaks Network Manager" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158153514:52
rbasakrharper: ^14:52
pittirbasak: meh, wasn't that supposed to be fixed in bug 1539634?14:57
ubot5bug 1539634 in network-manager (Ubuntu Trusty) "network-manager crashes when using libnl-3-200-3.21.1-1ubuntu1" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153963414:57
seb128could somebody review that accountsservice upload ^14:57
rbasakpitti: was a Breaks correctly added? If not I'm wondering if some users have only a partial update.14:57
seb128it's a regression fix for a SRU that went to xenial-updates yesterday :-/14:57
seb128there might be an issue with the patch14:58
rbasakpitti: I don't see one.14:59
seb128shrug, yes14:59
pittirbasak: I guess that calls for another update then15:01
pittisorry, I need to run in about 15 mins..15:01
pittiI asked on the bug whether the reporters have the current NM15:01
pittii. e. whether this is something different than 1539634 or just the missing breaks15:02
rbasakpitti: if it is the missing Breaks, then I'm not sure another update will necessarily help. It might, but why are users picking up one update but not the other?15:03
pittirbasak: not for the ones who already partially upgraded, but for new upgrades of course15:04
pittiwe could also pull 3.2.21-1ubuntu1 from trusty-updates in the meantime15:04
pittiand then upload -1ubuntu2 with the breaks:15:04
seb128^ right one this time15:07
rbasakpitti: that sounds reasonable. But I'm not confident I understand what's going on without a report that contains version numbers :-/15:07
rbasakEspecially as it seems odd that some users would get a libnl3 update but not a network-manager update.15:07
pittirbasak, rharper: I pulled the update from trusty-updates for now and followed up to both bugs15:10
seb128pitti, can you review accountsservice ^? sorry for the nag but it's a xenial-updates regression from a SRU copied yesterday :-/15:11
rbasakpitti: thank you for your help.15:11
pittiseb128: accepted, xenial task added; please upload to yakkety too, and nag some US archive admins (like bdmurray) to sru-release this in a few hours after build/test15:13
* pitti needs to run, sorry15:13
seb128pitti, already uploaded to yakkety15:14
seb128pitti, thanks!15:14
pittiah good, thanks15:14
pittiseb128: yakkety FTBFS15:14
seb128pitti, fixed already, that was my "ups/reject/reupload" dance15:15
pittimismatched tag at line 15, column 27, byte 562 at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.22/XML/Parser.pm line 187.15:15
seb128pitti, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/0.6.40-2ubuntu13.115:15
pittiMakefile:863: recipe for target 'org.freedesktop.accounts.policy' failed15:15
pittiseb128: ah, ok15:15
* pitti waves15:16
seb128pitti, have a good w.e!15:25
=== pete-woo_ is now known as pete-woods
seb128bdmurray, some other SRU team member, can you look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/accountsservice/0.6.40-2ubuntu11.1 ? see backlog16:11
seb128it's a xenial-updates regression16:11
bdmurrayseb128: looking16:13
seb128bdmurray, thanks16:13
bdmurrayseb128: and you want it released to -updates today? Is it urgent for some reason?16:16
seb128bdmurray, it's a regression from a previous update16:16
seb128if not can be block/delete the previous upload?16:17
seb128but it impacts some side feature16:17
seb128so no, not critical to get fixed today16:17
bdmurraythe current accountsservice SRU is at 50%, so we could manually set it to 016:17
seb128bdmurray, your call, I don't know what are the standard rules for regressions, pitti seemed to suggest earlier than the regression fix should be moved over16:25
seb128but as said it's not a critical bug16:25
seb128so probably fine to wait next week16:25
bdmurrayGiven that 0.6.40-2ubuntu11 introduced a regression, I'd prefer to be cautious and release 11.1 on Monday when people are around to fix any other issues.16:26
bdmurrayinfinity: Could you halt the phasing of accountsservice due to a regression? 'change-override -z 0 -s xenial-updates -S accountsservice' should do the job17:37
infinitybdmurray: Iz done.17:38
bdmurrayinfinity: the change-override setting might have conflicted with the phased-updater.  Could you run it again?19:23
infinitybdmurray: Did we delete all the arch:all binaries? :)19:23
infinityOh, or you just went from 50 to 60 instead of 50 to 0.19:24
bdmurrayright the phased-updater may have been running at the same time19:26
bdmurray2016-05-13 18:26:03,150 - INFO - Incremented p-u-p for xenial-updates accountsservice from 50% to 60%19:26
infinitybdmurray: Yeah, will fix.19:26
bdmurrayinfinity: Have you seen bug 1581535? I'm wondering if there is more we should / could do.21:09
ubot5bug 1581535 in libnl3 (Ubuntu Trusty) "libnl upgrade breaks Network Manager" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158153521:09
infinitybdmurray: I reverted, and phased the revert to 100.21:13
infinitybdmurray: There's very little else we can do except cry.21:13
bdmurrayinfinity: Okay, I'll see if I can figure out how to do that.21:14
infinitybdmurray: Note that -1ubuntu1.1 in updates now is the same as -1 (ie: a full revert), -1ubuntu3 in proposed is the same as -1ubuntu1, but with the versioned Breaks that should have been there, and fixed symbols.21:15
infinitybdmurray: Figure out how to do.. What?  Cry?21:15
bdmurrayinfinity: Yes, cry.21:15
infinitybdmurray: I'm mildly annoyed that the people who were aware of this bug in -proposed didn't think about the partial upgrade case.21:17
infinitybdmurray: But what's done is done. :(21:17
bdmurrayI guess I could comment on the bug regarding the new libnl uploads21:18
infinitybdmurray: I did, but feel free to be more verbose.21:18
infinitybdmurray: The other workaround here to be mildly helpful might be to phase n-m to 100%.21:20
infinitybdmurray: So people who did get half upgraded might have a hope of being fully upgraded before their network explodes.21:20
infinitybdmurray: Gah.  In fact, your scripts dropped it to 0%, which is exactly the opposite of helpful.21:21
bdmurrayinfinity: So fully phasing sounds like a good idea then.21:22
infinitybdmurray: Yeah, doing now.21:22
infinitybdmurray: AIUI, new n-m and old libnl are fine together, but the inverse explodes.21:23
infinitybdmurray: So we can fully phase n-m, hope that fixes some people by accident, then re-evaluate libnl on Monday.21:23
bdmurrayinfinity: I tested new n-m and old libnl in a VM and it seemed okay.  The applet displayed and I could get to web sites.21:24
infinitybdmurray: Right, that's what I'd expect.21:24
infinityVery unfortunate to break people's networks, though, when that's the only way they can get fixes. :/21:26
infinityI foresee a lot of people phoning their nerd friends this weekend.21:26
infinitybdmurray: Did you see the guy in one of the bug logs whose solution was "I bought a DVD player and reinstalled Ubuntu"?21:27
infinityA for effort, but ouch.21:27
bdmurraySurely, a DVD drive not player?21:27
infinityHe said player, I assume drive. :P21:28
infinityUnless he just means he was so frustrated that he went on a manic electronics purchasing spree.21:28
tgm4883could have been a software dvd player21:29
infinityAnyhow, here's hoping the intersection of people who half upgraded and people who rebooted already before I pushed fixes and people who have no idea how to fix the result is reasonably small. :/21:30
infinityCause we're out of ways to help them remotely.21:30

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