
* ahoneybun goes back to making a chroot 00:01
ahoneybunmariogrip what was that package?00:01
mariogripa browser, ill send it in soon00:02
slangasekogra_: sure did00:04
mariogripahoneybun: https://reep.io/d/r7wsl29pzc00:18
ahoneybundownloaded going to install in a min00:19
ahoneybunthe chroot is almost done00:19
mariogripahoneybun: thanks :D00:20
* ahoneybun wonders what that is 00:20
mariogripahoneybun: it's an html browser :)00:22
ahoneybunmm sounds simple00:22
ahoneybunthat's a pretty crazy idea00:23
mariogripyep :P but it works great00:23
mariogripbrowser inside a browser :P00:24
mariogripand that you can open a browser inside that00:24
ahoneybuntrhe heck00:24
ahoneybunI did not see a browser in a browser00:25
ahoneybunon that page anyway00:25
mariogripnot there,  but i debug it with chrome00:26
mariogripi start an nodejs server that serves this browser00:26
ahoneybunso it is hooking into yours?00:26
mariogripno, only when i debug. it's an standalone app00:27
ogra_you should really put that into a container that you put in a click that you run in a snap00:27
ogra_(always that half breeded stuff ... tsk )00:27
mariogripogra_: yeah, i'll (try to) snapcraft it00:29
ahoneybunthe heck00:30
ahoneybunmariogrip that worked00:30
ahoneybunwell Bing loaded lol00:30
mariogripgoogle seems to block iframe00:31
mariogripso, google does not work00:31
ahoneybunlaunchpad too?00:31
mariogripi dunno, haven't tested00:31
ahoneybunI'm saying LP did not load00:32
ahoneybunduckduckgo did00:32
mariogripoh, yeah it seems to be blocked that to00:33
mariogripi dunno why they block it00:33
ahoneybunwant screenshot?00:33
mariogripyeah sure :)00:33
ahoneybunmariogrip https://www.flickr.com/photos/44748317@N08/26705786890/in/dateposted-public/00:35
Acou_Bassnice one :D00:36
ahoneybunHangouts work in Convernge00:36
Acou_Bassdoes it work in mobile-mode?00:36
ahoneybunit did not loss the call when switching00:36
Acou_Bassi mean... im aware the hangouts.google.com site has the worlds worst mobile interface, but still00:36
ahoneybunwhich was amazing00:36
ahoneybunyea it does00:37
ahoneybunmariogrip https://www.flickr.com/photos/44748317@N08/26705786600/in/dateposted-public/00:37
ahoneybunhere is the real one lol00:37
mariogripahoneybun: awesome :D00:38
mariogripalso awesome picture of me :P00:38
mariogripoh? i didn't know you could change the background https://www.flickr.com/photos/44748317@N08/26825825372/in/dateposted-public/ ahoneybun00:39
ahoneybunit just changed it in the lock screen when mobile00:39
ahoneybunbut when it is docked it is the background00:39
mariogripoh, that's cool!00:40
* Acou_Bass REALLY needs to get his slimport fixed00:40
ahoneybunyea but that wallpaper was the size for the tablet00:40
Acou_Bassi wanna test convergencey stuff moe00:40
ahoneybunI need a new better one00:40
ahoneybunand a real bluetooth mouse00:40
Acou_Bassits my phonet hats duff not the cable... USB port is fiddly00:41
mariogriplol, do have a fake bluetooth mouse :P i didn't know they existed ahoneybun00:41
mariogripdo you ha...**00:41
ahoneybunmariogrip the one I got has BLE00:41
ahoneybunwhich does not work atm with Ubuntu00:42
ahoneybuneven desktop for some reason00:42
Acou_Bassthe cable on it is that invisible string you get on those fluffy worm toys so it looks wireless ;D00:42
mariogripahh, ok :P00:42
ahoneybunnot sure if a bluez issue in Kubuntu as well00:42
ahoneybunmariogrip tempted to use that hangout screenshot on my LoCo twitter account lol00:52
mariogripahoneybun: sure, go ahead :P00:54
ahoneybunmariogrip https://twitter.com/ubuntufl/status/73092475748329472000:57
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mariogripahoneybun: :P00:59
* ahoneybun wonders who is MissyUbuntuCat 01:00
mariogripit's an Norwegian hacker cat, that loves Ubuntu.01:00
ahoneybunI'm guessing you own the account01:01
mariogripnah, it's my cats accout01:02
mariogriphere we go https://uappexplorer.com/app/browserhtml.mariogrip01:12
ahoneybunmariogrip you pushed it?01:27
mariogripahoneybun: yeah01:27
ahoneybunthat was fast01:27
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AwesomeslayergHi all I'm wondering what Android version the latest Ubuntu touch phablet is based on?07:41
NymsI'm on a fresh ubuntu LTS install (16.04)07:51
NymsAnd I would like to resume the dev' of my application07:52
NymsIt's used zbar for scanning barcode07:52
Nymssudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libzbar0 zbar-tools libzbar-dev libv4l-dev libqrencode-dev07:52
Nymsand I've this error : :-1: erreur : error: /usr/lib/libzbar.a: No such file or directory07:52
popeyNyms: odd, that works for me here07:58
popeyoh, you get the error when you run your app?07:58
popeyNyms: maybe the app needs rebuilding?07:59
popeyNyms: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzbar.a is where the file really is07:59
popey(on my 64-bit ubuntu install)07:59
NymsYou're right08:04
NymsThanks popey08:04
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
brunch875Am I the only one who wakes himself up by reading the mailing list in bed?08:42
SmurphyYes... I read the Mailinglist in front of my coffe at breakfast ... :D08:52
SmurphyTalking about mailing-list. anyone got a good RSS newsfeed reader for ubuntu-touch ? the ones that are there are not yet what I really think is best TBH...08:53
brunch875I'm getting my hopes up for thunderbird to get to utouch08:56
* mcphail chokes08:56
mcphailSurely thunderbird needs to be put out to pasture?08:57
Smurphythunderbird ??? for mail ?08:57
* brunch875 feels the peer pressure08:57
brunch875(: I suppose you're right08:58
brunch875better have multiple programs doing stuff right than one which does everything08:58
brunch875Man, pidgin is pretty sweet. I wonder if it'll reach utouch :)11:04
Acou_Bassbrunch875: thats the one thing im waiting for on utouch, a multi-protocol IM program11:38
Acou_BasssailfishOS has a super nice one, would love to see a similar thing11:38
brunch875let's STEAL it :Þ11:39
Acou_Basswil sailfish apps run on utouch (assuming they are re-packaged correctly)?11:39
Acou_Bassi suppose if not, the best bet would be just to run pidgin in libertine for the time being ;D11:40
mhall119Acou_Bass: multi-protocol IM is planned, the developers are working on the backend stuff now to allow 3rd party plugins11:41
Acou_Bassahhh sweet11:41
brunch875that's pretty fantastic news11:41
Acou_Bassis it going to be a seperate app? or will it be in the messaging app (or is it too eary to tell)11:41
Acou_Bassand is it using libpurple? telepathy?11:41
mhall119Acou_Bass: it's a bit more complicated because we want to ensure confinement, so your MSN plugin can't snoop on your GTalk conversations11:49
Acou_Bassahhh true11:50
JanCdoesn't the phone already use telepathy for some things?11:50
mhall119they will all be together in one app, but the framework will keep the actual code separate11:50
mhall119JanC: yes, the SMS app uses it11:50
Acou_Bassso visually, as far as me as joe average user can see, theyre all in one app, but under the hood, GTalk cant see MSN :D11:51
mhall119and I think the plan is for that app to become the multi-protocol app11:51
mhall119Acou_Bass: correct11:51
Acou_Bassthatd be great11:51
mhall119Acou_Bass: it all also hopefully be a simpler API than telepathy or libpurple, to make it easier to add services11:51
Acou_Bassthis is a spot where i found android annoyingly lacking... and something i miss from my n90011:51
JanCwill that also apply to the call app?11:51
Acou_Bassso would love to see it working on utouch ;D11:52
mhall119JanC: I'm not sure, I haven't heard of any plans for the phone app11:52
JanCwould be nice to switch seamlessly between mobile calls & various VoIP11:52
mhall119Acou_Bass: tvoss might be able to tell you more about the current status and planned timeline for this11:52
Acou_Basssee, just as a non-dev i would love to see it using libpurple purely because the plugins are already there ready to be used, but i suppose as long as the biggies are implemented it doesnt matter toomuch11:53
JanCAcou_Bass: telepathy can already use libpurple to implement protocols11:54
Acou_Bassyeah but he said the new app isnt using either of them11:54
JanCwell, it's already using telepathy for SMS11:55
JanCthey just need to add some stuff to separate the processes that implement the protocols, I think?11:55
Acou_Bassno idea ;D either way, all sounds cool11:56
JanCwell, "just"... it probably requires some work & testing to get that completely right  :)11:56
Acou_Bassanyhoo, gotta go worky :P thanks for the info mhall11911:57
JanCI guess for text messages it would be possible to design a simpler API12:02
JanC(than telepathy/libpurple)12:03
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tvossJanC, telepathy is the underlying middleware tying things together, however, we are indeed going to offer an API that is (a.) aiming to ease backend development and (b.) allow us to alter/update/maintain telepathy without breaking existing backend implementations12:09
JanCah, that makes sense12:09
davmor2saavento: hello12:54
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* lotuspsychje is running telegram snap from ubuntu-desktop13:39
lotuspsychjegreat work guys!!!13:40
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skayhey, when I try to adb shell to my m10 should it pop up an authorization dialog? I'm not getting that17:37
ogra_skay, did you enable developer mode ?17:44
skayogra_: yes17:46
ogra_then it should work (at least from a xenial install)17:47
FunmungusIs there any message on the client ssh'ing from?17:47
ogra_ondra, do you know if the M10 adbd is backwards compatible to older adb clients ?17:48
* ogra_ always forgets 17:48
skayFunmungus: is there a verbose mode for adb for phablet-shell etc?17:53
skayogra_: using xenial17:54
ogra_Funmungus, ssh is just a normal ssh as used anywhere else in ubuntu17:54
ogra_(the sshd on the devices has key authentication hardcoded though and password login disabled ... for obvious security reasons ... you need to put your key on the device first)17:55
FunmungusThere is no verbose mode for adb, as I understand.  adb --help for list of commands17:58
FunmungusAs for message, I meant what happens when you type "ssh phablet@ip" from your pc?17:59
skayFunmungus: yep, I checked -h17:59
skayFunmungus: I'm not actually using ssh, I was trying adb shell17:59
Funmungussorry my misunderstanding.  try "adb kill-server" and then "sudo adb devices"18:01
Funmungusor "adb devices" and see if it says "connected" or "no permissions"18:01
ogra_Fumif you didnt enable ssh from the terminal or a formerly established adb connection it will simply refuse18:01
skayFunmungus: unauthorized18:02
skaygreat googlymoogly I got the prompt18:02
Funmungusk.  "adb kill-server" and restart as root18:02
ogra_(and if you didnt copy your key in place but ssh is running it will reject the auth attempt)18:02
FunmungusYay prompt. grats18:02
skayFunmungus: after killing hte server, and then sudo-ing adb devices I got the prompt on the tablet. thanks :)18:03
skayI recently got the tablet and haven't gotten around to playing with it much beyond browsing and reading email18:03
skayjust got a bt keyboard and mouse (connected the mouse yesterday, it's not discovering today)18:04
skayand it's not discovering the keyboard at all18:04
ogra_i think many BLE devices still have some issues ... it got a bit better with the first OTA but is surely far from perfect for that device class18:05
FunmungusI just ordered mine yesterday, so I do not know device-specific things yet18:05
FunmungusMight try removing remembered devices and reconnecting though.  On my PC the BT keyboard had some difficulties with entering randomized passkey on the keyboard.18:08
ogra_if it is discovered it usually works fine ... prob is the desicovey18:09
skayI'll forget and remember, and play around a bit18:09
skaymy partner just told me that going to get coffee will also help. bbiab18:09
skayogra_: Funmungus thanks for the help18:09
skayI'm a little happier18:10
mimecargood evening18:20
ck_autHi! I have a question. Is ist possible to get read write permission on touch with tje termibal only, or do i need the android-tool-dba?18:39
ck_autSry...small keypad18:40
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pmcgowanah he's gone19:07
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mimecarhi sebsebseb20:24
Funmungus@ck_aut, yes. as root `mount -o rw,remount /`20:37
ogra_Funmungus, thats definitely the wrong answer ... (unless he is developing the system itself)20:38
ogra_(but he is gone anyway)20:38
FunmungusThanks ogra_, now I have looked up android-gadget-service and learned the correct way.21:02
ogra_making the system writable is in 99% of the cases not the right answer ... finding what the issue is the person wants to solve and helping him/her to solve it without making the device writable is the right way usually ;)21:04
nhainesogra_: you still around?  I have a libertine question.  :)21:22
ogra_i'm in your TZ, so indeed :)21:22
nhainesOh really?  Nice.  Where's the sprint?  :)21:23
ogra_warm and sunny :)21:23
nhainesOoh, nice.  I see it's a beautiful 20°!21:23
ogra_(or ... hot and snappy :) )21:24
nhainesIt's a lovely 25° here, hehe.21:24
nhainesOkay, so I'm doing an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS presentation tomorrow and wanted to show off Unity 8.  Since it's not working on my desktop (again), it's Nexus 7 time!21:24
nhainesThe recommended image doesn't appear to have Libertine installed.  The pd image has lots of fake desktop icons.21:24
nhainesWhat do you recommend is the best way to run desktop apps on a Nexus 7?21:25
ogra_libertine indeed21:25
ogra_i assume you have seen the gdoc ?21:25
nhaines(I did make the tablet r/w and install things and it ran really nicely, but now that we have OTA-11 RC things, it's reflash time.)21:25
ogra_(you might not need the first part, since that only exists when there is a container in the ro bit ... which ubuntu-pd doesnt have i think)21:26
nhainesYes, but I don't have libertine.21:26
ogra_in -pd ?21:26
ogra_you should21:26
nhainesIn stable/ubuntu21:26
ogra_well, you said you'd re-flash21:27
ogra_do that with -pd then21:27
nhainesHa, yes, I just did (with stable/ubuntu, which I was using earlier).21:27
nhainesOkay, so re-reflash.21:27
ogra_pd and then just follow the gdoc and install your apps21:27
ogra_(and perhaps wipe the .desktop files for the non-existing apps in -pd)21:28
nhainesCan I remove the false icons?  Like, if I want to install GIMP?21:28
ogra_you need a new .desktop file anywaŷ for the new container ...21:29
ogra_you can use that one as input indeed21:29
nhainesWhat exactly was OTA-11 supposed to do to make managing Libertine more user-friendly, btw?  I haven't noticed any changes since OTA-10.  :)21:29
SylvieLorxuIs OTA-11 out?21:30
nhainesSylvieLorxu: probably week of the 16th.21:31
SylvieLorxuOh cool21:31
ogra_nhaines, i think the libertine-scope will be pre-installed21:31
ogra_which willl give you a handfull of apps to install21:31
nhainesBut I'm running the first "release candidate" image of OTA-10.  :)21:31
nhainesogra_: Hmm, that'd be new, because it didn't a week ago.  :)21:32
ogra_(on -pd and the tablet images that is)21:32
ogra_but i am not sure21:32
SylvieLorxuogra_: Does it also move Firefox and so to "Legacy apps" so I know which apps need bluetooth keyboard? Because this way super confusing when I first got it :P21:32
* SylvieLorxu read up a bit on Libertine21:32
ogra_(snappy kind of keeps me busy enough to not follow the phone/tablet development to 100% anymore)21:32
ogra_SylvieLorxu, i dont know whats fixed yet ... i know there is work going on to actually give you an OSK with these apps though ... but not sure thats OTA11 or 1221:33
nhainesOh, I know the feeling.  Always kind of sad.  :)21:33
nhainesIt must be OTA12.21:33
ogra_well, new duties ... it is how it is :)21:33
SylvieLorxuogra_: Okay, thanks ayway21:34
nhainesYup.  I've been having soooo much fun with lxd... trying to snappify software with snapcraft.  Haven't succeeded once so far, but at least I'm ruining container dev environments and not my shiny new 16.04 LTS install. ;)21:34
ogra_there will be new examples soon (the guys around me just work on them) ...21:35
nhainesIn the bzr branch I hope.21:35
ogra_and new interfaces to give you more abilities21:35
nhainesI'm really eager to get Snappy 16 onto my RPi2.  :)21:35
nhainesAlthough technically if I install Ubuntu MATE...21:35
ogra_that will still take a while ... we only just re-defined the gadget and kernel snaps ...21:36
ogra_i'm waiting for zyga to develop the new "ubuntu-image" tool that will be able to handle them21:36
ogra_expect first experimental images in ~4 weeks21:36
nhainesAww, I was expecting them in 1 or 2.21:36
ogra_well, re-doing stuff from scratch takes its time ... sadly21:37
nhainesIt took long enough for me to grok lxc... It doesn't make sense for me to attempt snaps if everything I'm going to learn changes again so soon.  :)21:37
ogra_but you can use snps on your desktop meanwhile :)21:37
nhainesYes, but dpm gave me the RPi2 from the Ubuntu booth at SCALE and I promised him I'd put it to good use.  ;)21:38
ogra_and there should be tons of them soon21:38
ogra_sergiusens, released a telegram snap for the desktop yesterday ... try it ;)21:38
nhainesStill, I'm much happier that you guys got snapd into Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and are being careful to do things *right* on full-snap systems.21:38
nhainesDonno, not sure I can trust him. ;)21:38
ogra_*I* do ... so can you ;)21:39
ogra_trust me21:39
nhainesWhat I *really* want is the SDK app, not the repackaged desktop app.  Although the desktop app does in a pinch.21:39
nhainesPlus!  Now I don't have to file that bug about ubuntu.com advertising Telegram as a main feature of Ubuntu on the desktop and it's not available on the desktop.  :P21:39
ogra_over time everything will become a snap (i hope)21:40
nhainesI can very vividly imagine running Ubuntu 16.04 for the next 2 years because all the software I *need* to be newer is a snap.21:40
nhainesI mean, I won't, but I can't imagine it. ;)21:41
nhainesBut if I were running a small business (as opposed to sole proprietorship) there just wouldn't be any alternative.  It'd be the perfect thing!21:42
nhainesWhich almost makes up for the Ubuntu Business Remix that was only around for 3 months in February 2012.  :P21:42
nhainesI want the phone/tablet welcome wizard on the desktop installer.  It's beautiful~~.21:43
ogra_it will be in the unity8 desktop images i supposed21:49
ogra_.... eventually21:50
bregmafor the record, the OSK in XApps may not show in in OTA-12 either, although it might21:50
bregmathe libertine scope will not be pre-installed in OTA-11 but it will be available from the store just like any click -- but the changes so it will work will be included automatically in OTA-1121:51
ogra_you mean it wont magically implement itself ?21:51
ogra_you really need to put more AI into your prototype code in the future, so it adds such features on its own ;)21:52
bregmaogra_, of course it will just implement itself, we just need to feed it better craft beer21:53
nhainesbregma: so here's the question!  *when* does it hit the store?  :)21:53
nhaines(i.e., right now so it's in time for my demo tomorrow?)21:53
bregmait hits the store when OTA-11 comes out, otherwise it just won't work21:55
ogra_sergiusens, https://bugs.launchpad.net/dekko21:55
nhainesAw.  I thought the store filtered that automatically.  :)21:56
bregmanhaines, it might, but either way....21:56
nhainesHmm, it looks like maybe the Google Doc won't work... the Exec= field says "/bin/true"22:15
nhainesWhich I find suspicious.  :)22:15
ogra_no, thats fine22:16
ogra_dont touch the file content apart from Icon=22:16
ogra_the actual info is in the file name22:16
nhainesOkay, I'll wait patiently for this installer to finish.22:17
nhainesDoes this mean if I install LibreOffice and GIMP and GEdit, they'll just work?22:17
Acou_Bassbregma: does this mean i wont have to use ubuntu-pd images anymore?22:24
bregmaAcou_Bass, only the -pd images have libertine-tools and XMir installed22:31
bregmafor now...22:31
nhainesI suppose the next question is: when does that change?  :)22:31
bregmaI can't say for sure, but if I had to guess (and I'm only guessing), maybe OTA-1222:32
nhainesI can see the OMGUbuntu article now.22:32
Acou_Bassyeah but i mean, if/when libertine scope hits the store (after OTA 11 stables?) will that OTA have the libertine tools?22:32
nhainesAcou_Bass: no, because that depends on the system image, and it's different for different devices.22:32
nhainesAcou_Bass: so if you have an MX10 you *already* have the libertine tools.22:33
Acou_Bassyah, i dont have an mx10, i have a nexus 4 hehe but i run -pd ;D22:33
nhainesThen likewise.22:33
bregmawe went with a separate base image for two reasons:  (1) we needed to demo the Pocket Desktop and didn;t want to break shipping phones to do that, and (b) we didn't want to ship X11 on the phones at all22:34
Acou_Basswell yeah that was my query though - right now im using -pd builds, but would the libertine tools one day make it into non-pd images?22:34
Acou_Bassahhh right ok22:34
bregmanow that we proved our point, we want to go back to one single Ubuntu that rules them all and in the dark will bind them22:34
bregmaeventuall, extend that to the desktops22:35
nhainesbregma: so will 95% of everyone with Ubuntu devices just be angry when OTA-11 hits and there's a libertine scope in the store that doesn't do anything because they don't have a tablet?22:35
bregmaall your base images are belong to us22:35
bregmanhaines, the scope requires a framework that is only on the -pd images, so it just shouldn't show up for other images22:36
Acou_Bassnhaines: but he said libertine will be in the store, not preinstalled22:36
bregmathat is how I understand it22:36
Acou_Bassif it were preinstalled i imagine people would be angry, but if not (and if the scope doesnt even show up instore for us) then i guess wed have no reason to be angry :P22:36
nhainesAcou_Bass: no, just a scope to interact with Libertine software.  Libertine itself won't be in the stores.22:37
Acou_Bassyeah sorry i meant scope =)22:37
nhainesbregma: hmm, I'll be peering at the scope's click metafiles then, probably.  :)22:37
bregmaour plan is to have the libertine scope on the image with OTA-12, and remove the build-in icons from the Dash so there is no duplication and they people don;t expect Xapps to run just like native Apps22:38
nhainesThe fact that this container is still sitting around trying to update is just another reminder (that I didn't need) how nice image-based installs and updates are.  :P22:38
bregmabut things may change, they usually do22:38
nhainesI think removing X apps from the launcher is a miscalculation.22:39
nhainesI'm also sort of curious what happens to user data when they upgrade and the puritine container is gone.22:39
bregmanhaines, eventually there will be an aggregating scope and they'll be back22:40
bregmahopefully they will work better by then22:40
bregmanhaines, your data is stored in bind-mounted directories under $HOME, they should be OK22:41
bregma*that* part has been tested22:41
nhainesbregma: that's good to hear!  :)22:41
bregmayes, my Steam games.....22:41
nhainesI wish the N7 -pd image had the puritine container baked in.22:41
bregmanhaines, there were partition size issues that prevented flashing from working22:42
ogra_no, you dont ... (fine for demos but really annoying when you want to remove bits)22:42
nhainesbregma: oh, doubtless.22:42
sebsebsebthe google docs guide22:42
sebsebsebif doing it for  inkscape or whatever22:43
sebsebsebwoudn't really effect anything else?22:43
nhainesogra_: yes, but it's demos I want.  ;)  Or at least a downloadable container.22:43
sebsebsebif I then factory re set tablet it's wel defaults again?22:43
* bregma has to take off for the weekend22:43
* ogra_ has scribus, inkscape, vlc, smplayer and a ton of stuff i forgot installed22:43
nhainesbregma: have a grat weekend.  :D22:43
ogra_bregma, enjoy22:43
sebsebsebogra_: yeah I haven't tied yet22:43
sebsebsebogra_: still a bit hmm to it as well, like will it effect my OS install some how kind of  thing22:44
sebsebsebogra_: I was thinking I could try a bit on tablet, I want to do a factory re set a bit later on anyway22:44
ogra_sebsebseb, no, it wont ... all stuff goes into your homedir22:44
sebsebseboh ok22:44
sebsebsebalso the guide is a bit confussing22:44
ogra_you can just blow away the container with libertine-container-manager and start over if you want22:44
sebsebsebhow do you change the name of the program you want to install22:44
sebsebseband  edit the icons?22:44
sebsebseband I assume I got to do the guide using the terminal app as well22:45
ogra_well, the .desktop file stuff is still a bit fiddly22:45
ogra_but that also lives in your homedir22:45
nhainesOh good, errors were encountered processing: "x11-common libxtst6:armhf libfakekey0:armhf isc-dhcp-client: matchbox-keyboard matchbox"22:45
nhainesI'm sure I don't need x11-common.22:45
sebsebsebyeah exactly how to change the icon when on that step22:45
sebsebsebit's not so clear from the guide22:45
ogra_you edit the .desktop file22:46
ogra_and point to an icon you provide22:46
sebsebseband how does it actully apt-get in fact, it never actusally says apt-get  in any of the commands22:46
sebsebsebhow do you edit the desktop file?22:46
ogra_(you can fish it out of the container or just use one you download from somewhere)22:46
ogra_editor ;)22:46
nhainessebsebseb: apt is container magic!22:46
sebsebseban editor that has to work in the termianl though for the guide/22:46
ogra_any editor that can access the files ... nano, vi whatever22:47
nhainesSpeaking of which, I wonder if I can chroot into this container and fix things, because it looks like it froze at 97%.22:47
* sebsebseb wasted the evening doing uh well not much, nearly mid night now. might try the tabet thing soon hmm22:47
ogra_check libertine-container-manager --help22:47
ogra_there is a command to exec commands inside the container22:47
sebsebsebogra_: converged gedit could access the file?22:47
sebsebsebyeah I was thinking such22:48
sebsebsebthat no not that22:48
sebsebsebneed something in terminal22:48
nhainessebsebseb: nano!  :)22:48
ogra_but nano is installed22:48
ogra_and vi22:48
sebsebsebI haven't really usded nano or hwawtever much22:48
sebsebsebthat's it's own experience tryiing to uh22:48
ogra_so you even have choice ;)22:48
nhainesThere's nothing here about execing commands inside the container.22:48
nhainessebsebseb: nano is easy.  :)22:48
* ogra_ doesnt have the tablet handy atm, else i could tell you 22:49
* sebsebseb tends to use Gedit or something else thats graphical maybe in normal Desktop LInux22:49
sebsebsebwell mine is in the case in front of me...22:49
* sebsebseb should probably try the guide really and stop being such a scardy cat?22:49
ogra_nhaines, you are looking for "exec" in the --help22:50
nhainessebsebseb: nano is pretty simple.  Just Ctrl-o to save.22:50
sebsebsebDr Pepper  what's the worst thing that could happen, when using the guide.  oh and sadly  the shops I was at earlier on today no Dr Pepper I wnted some of that22:50
nhainesogra_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16399813/22:51
sebsebsebogra_: still going to need a keyboad and mouse for certian programs I guess once on?22:51
nhainessebsebseb: all programs.  :)22:51
sebsebsebogra_: I wonder if I could play mealstrom for example :), old Astoridies like game22:52
ogra_nhaines, oh, that seems to be a different version22:52
* ogra_ just grabbed hiw M10 ... 22:52
sebsebsebnhaines: have you done it? the guide?22:52
ogra_libertine-container-manager exec -i container -c bash22:53
ogra_that works here and gives me a shell22:53
nhainessebsebseb: no, and it's not looking so hopeful at the moment, either.22:53
sebsebsebogra_: nhaines sounds like next week won't really need that guide anymore,  but  the fun would be using the guide I guess first :d right?22:53
sebsebsebnhaines: not looking hopeful why?22:53
nhainesHmm, not sure if it worked or not.  Maybe.22:53
nhainessebsebseb: because it won't get as far as building a new container.22:54
sebsebsebnhaines: oh I see your trying to do the guide now22:54
nhainesYes, earlier this week I took the standard image and made it rw and installed libertine manually.22:54
sebsebsebogra_: guide shouold work on the default verison of touch or the update? I haven't done the ota update that I know there is yet, I could do though22:55
sebsebsebnhaines: yeah I saw that earlier, that's the old thing, not needed anymre, since the guide22:55
sebsebsebnhaines: that could be your issue to, that  you made everything rewriteable and now tryiin g that guide and yeah22:55
sebsebsebthe guide is for when everything isn't read write, I think22:56
sebsebsebogra_: whats the link again?22:56
sebsebsebogra_: I think I am going to try now yep22:57
nhainessebsebseb: yes, but libertine won't create a working container, so the guide is useless until then.22:57
sebsebsebnhaines: but ogra did the guide I Think and had stuff working?22:57
nhainessebsebseb: if there's a libertine container, it probably all just works.22:57
sebsebsebnhaines: yes you got to change purtine on the tablet that was my understanding22:58
sebsebsebpurtine is the demo liberatin continer with FIrefox and what not22:58
nhainesI don't have puritine, so it doesn't apply.22:58
sebsebsebnhaines: you do if got the tablet22:59
sebsebsebor by default you did :d22:59
ogra_sebsebseb, always do the update !22:59
sebsebsebogra_: normally I would I just hadn't with that yet22:59
ogra_sebsebseb, it isnt my guide :)22:59
nhainessebsebseb: no, it's not available on the Nexus 7.22:59
ogra_i think it was done by mzanetti22:59
sebsebsebnhaines: yep no purtine then yep22:59
ogra_i just spread the link22:59
sebsebsebpurtine is for tablet23:00
sebsebsebogra_: yeah what's the  llink again I Will try :)23:00
Acou_Bassquick query... is there any way to fix overscan with utouch plugged into hdmi?23:01
nhainesAcou_Bass: don't I wish.23:01
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
nhainesOoh, now I need to find out where this telegram snap is saving all of my data.23:07
sebsebsebogra_: nhaines Hmm well that's a good start (sarcasm), terminal app is just white23:45
sebsebsebcan't put in commands23:46
sebsebsebI remember using that on a phone before and having to put in my pass code, can't do anything23:46
sebsebsebmaybe there 7th May update doesn' work so well with the deafult tablet version of the OS hmm23:46

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