
ShR3KHi there ! Is there a possibility to adapt this tuto https://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity8/ on ubuntu 16.04 ?10:31
ShR3KI have problem with cmake while building10:31
cimiShR3K you have overlay ppa?11:57
cimiShR3K https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay11:57
* cimi lunch soon11:58
cimiShR3K solved?13:06
ShR3Kcimi : Yes! Thanks a lot. I thought it was only for 15.04 version13:46
ShR3KWhen I run run.sh I have the window displaying but how can I do to have left and right swipe gesture ?14:23
SaviqShR3K, by default just grabbing with your mouse close to the edges should work14:26
ShR3KI don't manage to have left swipe14:31
cimiShR3K, you have the indicators or that's just the dash?14:33
ShR3Kcimi, I have indicators. I can swipe from top and switch app with right swiper14:34
cimimzanetti, ^^14:38
cimilauncher hiding14:38
=== pete-woo_ is now known as pete-woods
fabrizio_Hi, I tried to test unity8 as describe in Michael Hall's post "dogfooding unity8", works fine up to the point where I tried to install file manager and terminal using click, I'm getting errors like: "** (process:3874): CRITICAL **: manifest_version: assertion '*manifest != NULL' failed". Has anyone seen this?17:12
bregmafabrizio_, are you installing the clicks from the command line?17:15
fabrizio_in unity717:15
bschaeferSaviq, hey if youre still around19:46
bschaeferplaying around with ... unity8 + an xmir surface19:46
bschaeferunity8 tells it when it loses focus and everything?19:46
bschaefer(the osk maliit doesnt seem to pick up that it lost focus on the xmir surfaces only)19:46
bschaeferso im just assuming its xmir fault, but wanted to double if you knew but some random change :)19:46
Saviqbschaefer, it should, yes - we don't care if it's a XMir surface or other19:49
Saviqbschaefer, and with Qt apps the OSK does go away when they lose focus, so...19:49
bschaeferSaviq, yup so all fingers pointer at xmir not handling w/e unity8 tells it19:50
bschaefersurface wise...19:50
* bschaefer has to dig around there19:50
bschaeferSaviq, the xmir surface should still be wrapped in a qt window IIRC?19:50
Saviqbschaefer, why?19:50
bschaeferthat doesnt really make a difference19:51
bschaeferi see the window go down the stack19:51
Saviqnope, and doesn't even make sense ;D19:51
* bschaefer is good at that19:51
bschaeferthanks! Thats pretty much all i needed to know :)19:51
Saviqbschaefer, you have your SDL magic thingies, you can check that they lose focus ;)19:51
Saviqand they're not wrapped in qt window19:52
bschaefero true19:52
bschaeferbut maliit doesnt work for x11 apps :)19:52
bschaeferby default19:52
bschaeferdoes a qt input context get generated for an sdl2 window... i would think not (its not x11 soo cant use the xim project)19:53
Saviqmaliit doesn't work for non-Qt apps, because Qt apps ask for it directly over DBus19:53
* bschaefer has to test19:53
bschaeferSaviq, it'll work for gtk/qt apps19:53
bschaeferthe client creates a plugin input context19:53
bschaeferthat talks over dbus19:53
Saviqbschaefer, sure, because both qt and gtk have maliit support19:53
bschaeferannnd since mir doesnt have an API it wont work :)19:53
bschaeferan InputContext API19:54
bschaeferSaviq, starting to consider writing something where we can turn maliit keys into just evdev events somehow19:54
bschaeferif no backend is found... (super backup since that'll break on a few levels)19:54
Saviqbschaefer, yeah a short thing would have to mean that XMir somehow knows how to talk to maliit and forwards keys as normal input into X1119:55
* bschaefer goes back to figuring out the focus issue :)19:55
bschaeferSaviq, well actually theres an XIM maliit19:55
bschaeferwhich i can run on the lxc container19:55
bschaeferfor non qt/gtk apps19:55
bschaeferbut outside of lxc19:55
bschaeferxapps are screwed :)19:56
bschaefersuch as sdl2/sdl1.2/glfw319:56
bschaeferwhich are all really19:56
bschaeferpretty much anyone who talks to mir directly and skips the platform19:56
Saviqyups, until we have MIM19:56
* bschaefer ducks out of the way19:57
zzarrhello! I can't install containers in libertine21:51
zzarropps, wrong button21:51
bregmazzarr, you mean you can't install apps in a libertine container?21:52
zzarrno, the container it self21:52
bregmaah, you're having problems creating a container21:53
zzarrI have version 1.0.221:54
bregmaunfortunately the expert on that isn't around21:54
zzarris there a newer?21:54
bregmawhat are you using to create the container?  What device?21:54
zzarroh, a laptop computer21:55
bregmaah, so Unity 8 on Ubuntu 16.0421:55
bregmaor, Unity 7 I suppose21:56
zzarrexactly right21:56
bregmaand the command line?21:56
zzarrI don't understand the question21:56
bregmazzarr, you're using the libertine command-line tools to create the container?21:57
zzarrohh, no the gui21:58
zzarrwhat is the command line to create a container?21:58
bregmathe GUI currenty has a work in progress to add better error reporting...22:00
zzarrI see22:00
bregmathe CLI is this: libertine-container-manager create --id mycontainer --name "My Container"22:01
bregmathere is a --help option as well22:01
bregmayou get to see more error messages that way22:01
zzarrthanks, I will try that22:01
zzarrI tried to run lxc-attach, but get the response "You lack access to /home/zzarr/.local/share/lxc"22:07
bregmazzarr, lsc-attach will not work without other magic arguments, try libertine-container-manager --exec --id mycontainer --command /bin/sh22:29
bregmabut then again, you're better off just installing a terminal app and using that, if you ask me22:30
bregmaoh bother, it's " libertine-container-manager exec --id mycontainer --command /bin/sh"22:30
bregmano -- on the exec22:30
zzarrI solved the problem by installing a ppa22:38
zzarrI was able to create a container now22:39
zzarrthanks bregma for your help/time22:39
bregma(the steam client installs and runs under Unity 8, but has window-management related issues that are being worked on)22:40
zzarrdo you mean that it installes and runs in a container or directly on mir?22:41
bregmain a container22:41
bregmathe Steam client uses a lot of X11 features22:42
bregmaso do a lot of games22:42
zzarrI have xorg/Unity7 as well, is it possible to link the already installed applications to the container?22:43
bregmazzarr, unfortunately, not really22:45
bregmait's designed to isolate apps from the system22:45
zzarris there a way to list packages so that I can install them in the container?22:46
zzarr(just names, not anything else)22:47
zzarrbregma do you know if the performance is good in a container? (3D acceleration)22:49
zzarrI have to reboot23:02
zzarrbregma, now I have the problem that applications don't start23:05
zzarrbregma, if you answered I couldn't see it, I tested the app Ubuntu Keyboard and the display turned black23:10
zzarrI have to sleep now, it's late here23:20

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