
paddatrapperMorning everyone 04:42
magespawngood morning05:45
=== urbanslug is now known as Guest76174
paddatrappermorning mazal magespawn anton_may 05:54
=== hulk{-_-} is now known as urbanslug
kulelu88you okes are awake early06:04
pavlushka-Who, me?06:07
pavlushka-No, I am sleeping right now!06:08
kulelu88paddatrapper: what you studying? 06:09
paddatrapperkulelu88: BSc Computer Science and Computer Engineering 06:35
kulelu88ooohhh fancy. at UCT?06:35
inetprogood mornins06:36
paddatrapperkulelu88: yup. Would like to do Applied maths and Computer Engineering, but have to do Comp Sci with Comp Eng06:37
kulelu88I think gremble does Applied Math06:38
paddatrapperAs far as I remember, yeah 06:38
kulelu88did the fees fall yet? and rhodes? paddatrapper 06:39
paddatrapperLol. No more Rhodes statue and no fee increase this year, but still an interesting time to be here!06:39
superflypaddatrapper: what year are you?06:40
kulelu88ironically, fees didn't fall, unless the economics students explain how an inflation-increased fee didn't happen, so it did kind of fall06:40
paddatrappersuperfly: first. Took a gap year 06:41
anton_mayDam wouldn't mind getting this as a "home" PC - http://mybroadband.co.za/news/hardware/164520-the-insane-pc-which-costs-r700000.html06:42
paddatrapperkulelu88: which is exactly why there are still people complaining 06:42
superflypaddatrapper: you need to go to #breaktherules and come and intern with us06:42
kulelu88wow, you must be around 21 or less paddatrapper  . you're the youngest here06:42
chesedomorning paddatrapper anton_may magespawn kulelu88 superfly thatgraemeguy and others06:43
superflysup chesedo06:43
paddatrappersuperfly: I was pretty sad I couldn't make the winter one, definitely plan to do summer at the end of the year 06:43
paddatrapperMorning chesedo06:43
paddatrapperkulelu88: seems so, I'm 2006:44
chesedokulelu88: blazehen is under 20 afaik06:44
superflypaddatrapper: look out for Nomanini06:44
kulelu88paddatrapper: what language do they introduce you to programming in? 06:44
chesedonot much, just cold and self superfly?06:45
paddatrapperkulelu88: they start with python, then next semester move to Java. I'm fluent in both, so I do other things in lectures 06:46
superflychesedo: not too cold this side06:47
kulelu88python to java, sounds fun06:47
kulelu88who likes jquery? :D can someone fix my JSFiddle? https://jsfiddle.net/7x9x2cvd/ 06:47
chesedopaddatrapper: is java part of CS or CE?06:48
superflykulelu88: have you tried looking in your dev console?06:49
kulelu88superfly: the problem with the fiddle is that it does not render. the code itself works. I'm trying to get a working example 06:49
paddatrapperchesedo: CS, but required for CE06:50
* Cryterion looks, and goes back to his c/c++06:50
kulelu88makes you want to scratch your eyeballs? Cryterion ;)06:50
Cryterionthe java and python does ;)06:51
superflykulelu88: did you press the play button?06:52
superflywelcome backe unlaudable06:55
superflygah -e06:55
kulelu88repeatedly :D06:55
paddatrapperCryterion: I agree with you. Much prefer c/c++06:55
superflykulelu88: I fixed a bunch of things last night, got it mostly working06:56
kulelu88link? superfly 06:56
superflykulelu88: firstly, your external scripts were http, and jsfiddle is https, so Firefox refused to load them06:56
superflykulelu88: was yours06:56
superflybut it didn't seem to save06:57
kulelu88i think that's the main gripe. I need to https these scripts06:57
superflykulelu88: try this? https://jsfiddle.net/7x9x2cvd/2/06:59
superflykulelu88: the two issues I encounter are "$editable.inlineEdit is not a function" and "$.publish is not a function"07:00
superflywhich usually means that those two scripts didn't load properly07:00
superflykulelu88: ah, I'm getting an "insecure response" when Chrome tries to load inlineedit and pubsub07:01
kulelu88yeah, I sourced those 2 from the guys blog07:01
kulelu88finding alternatives for them07:01
kulelu88inlineedit: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caphun/jquery.inlineedit/master/jquery.inlineedit.js07:03
kulelu88pubsub: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/loonies/3872697/raw/84b44d14429b219856b14050816e131b9cecc725/pubsub.js07:05
kulelu88superfly: full working example: https://jsfiddle.net/7x9x2cvd/3/07:09
superflynot working in chrome for me07:11
superflyjs is being returned as text/plain07:11
kulelu88superfly: try opening the link in firefox07:21
kulelu88superfly: flush your cache, that may be the issue07:28
chesedokulelu88: your last one combined with what superfly suggested last night - https://jsfiddle.net/1r5c3oeu/6/07:34
kulelu88that's some nice code chesedo :X07:35
chesedokulelu88: it's fly's07:36
kulelu88chesedo: my goal is to render each item to look like this: http://www.w3schools.com/jquerymobile/tryit.asp?filename=tryjqmob_lists_split07:37
kulelu88so the 'x' button goes to the right, split by the block, whilst the content stays on the left07:37
kulelu88and that is where I was stuck all this time 07:38
chesedokulelu88: i do not know jquery mobile - will check quickly... have you read this though - https://api.jquerymobile.com/listview/07:40
kulelu88chesedo: yeah, I've been using w3schools all this time to make it work. some guy in #jquery said I musn't abuse <a> like that07:41
Kilosevening everyone07:42
mazalMore oom07:42
Kilosdag seun07:42
chesedokulelu88: https://jsfiddle.net/1r5c3oeu/7/ - but the code that causes the 'remove' to hide interferce a bit08:00
chesedonaand oom Kilos, gaanit?08:01
Kiloslol hi chesedo ok dsnkie en self08:01
chesedopaddatrapper: hi, sorry for no reply... day was great ty08:01
chesedogoed dankie... het eergister n punte skok gekry met rekenaar wat ons vraestelle verkeerd gemerk het... toe het ek net 33%08:03
chesedo... met n jaar punt van 9% :P08:03
chesedoKilos: ^^08:04
Kiloshet jy dit reg gemaak08:04
chesedodit was UNISA se rekenaar wat die verkeerde antwoorde gevoer is (opsie een vir al 60 vrae)... studente het toe vinnig gevra wat aan gaan08:05
Kilossjoe dis n groot skok ne08:06
Kiloshoor nou net wereld banke gehack08:06
chesedoja een was reeds baie bly wat het net voor dit my beste punt ooit vir n besigheids module gekry08:07
chesedoklink of ons popcorn moet spring...08:08
kulelu88what was the subject? chesedo 08:08
chesedokulelu88: for the bad mark, C++ programming08:09
kulelu8810-35% should be average for C++ programming ;)08:09
chesedoall students would have got somewhere around 25% (choices was out of 4)08:10
kulelu88what should be your actual mark? chesedo 08:11
chesedoafter the remark it's 89%08:12
kulelu88hahahaha. you must have felt hollow inside seeing 9%08:12
chesedoyip, felt very 'blankish'... went to look what was wrong immediatly08:13
Kilosbad shocker that08:15
chesedokulelu88: for the hide behaviour you can remove lines 66-75 unless if you want to do something else08:15
chesedo... just fading the remove link alone causes white spacing08:16
kulelu88chesedo: i think there was some issue with your code, cause as soon as I scroll over an item, it deletes it08:20
chesedokulelu88: lol, yeah... a lot of your selector are very generic... give a bit of time...08:21
kulelu88chesedo: some guy in jqeury has helped me get to this: https://jsfiddle.net/7camhnjt/12/08:29
chesedokulelu88: https://jsfiddle.net/1r5c3oeu/8/ - removed the fade on hover, corrected the delete, and refactor the 'li' creation08:30
kulelu88you're my hero chesedo :x08:31
kulelu88remind me to buy you food/drink some day08:32
chesedolol yw kulelu8808:33
kulelu88I never knew javascript could be this complicated08:33
kulelu88and this is just the first step hahaha08:33
* chesedo goes to snacking and back to studies08:34
chesedokulelu88: one learns out of complications... will write in a break why i did some stuff for you to learn from08:35
kulelu88chesedo: what jquery reference are you using? apparently the w3schools reference is shit, so if I could find something more reliable, I will use that08:52
CryterionAnyone know much anout Ubuntu-MATE?08:59
theblazehenkulelu88: I dunno if they have jquery stuff, but check out mozilla developer network. I hear it's better08:59
kulelu88theblazehen: I hear you still a laaitie :P09:00
theblazehenkulelu88: well, 19 now so..09:00
theblazehentime flies09:00
kulelu88that's the youngest and oldest is 78 09:01
theblazehenOh really? heh09:01
Kiloshi Cryterion 09:01
theblazehenhi kulelu8809:01
theblazehenKilos: *09:01
Cryterionheya Kilos09:01
theblazehenhi Cryterion09:01
Kiloslol @kulelu8809:01
kulelu88what you study? theblazehen 09:01
theblazehenkulelu88: Doing an internship now, but also have a proper job as a linux admin09:01
kulelu88oom Kilos is busy writing a compiler in his spare time09:02
kulelu88regular admin or devopsy? theblazehen 09:02
theblazehenkulelu88: Devopsy at internship, more regular at other job, but I'm slowly getting us into using proper config management, wanting to run more stuff in containers etc09:02
theblazehenI don't like docker though :(09:03
theblazehenPrefer lxc09:03
theblazehenOs vs process containers09:03
kulelu88same pathway/experience I had theblazehen . ended up with LXC09:03
kulelu88oh wait a second, you work with andrewLSD right?09:03
theblazehenkulelu88: Nice :) Wish I still had my virtualization box at home.. lxc + saltstack ftw09:04
theblazehenYeah :)09:04
theblazehenWhat I learnt: Don't buy seagate drives (Well, I already knew that, but they were *really* cheap), and don't buy hard drives all from the same batch09:04
Kilosim trying to remember who uses mate09:05
kulelu88how do you orchestrate with Salt? I hear Ansible is a better option for using LXC on a single machine09:06
theblazehenkulelu88: Haven't actually got a chance to use it, but salt-ssh is agentless,  which should work. 09:07
CryterionKilos normal ubuntu help might work, hows the problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/770906/qt-unified-linux-x86-2-0-3-online-run-cannot-execute-binary-file-getting-exec-f09:07
CryterionExactly the problem I have, same file even09:07
kulelu88Cryterion: you tried to chmod the executable?09:08
Cryterionyes, chmod 77709:08
Kiloscheck if the u buntu mate guys are on irc09:09
kulelu88remember to answer that question when you find the answer Cryterion 09:09
Cryterionwill, and there is a channel09:10
mazal*sigh* Why must Fridays always be Mondays in this place09:10
mazalHi Cryterion09:10
mazalShees oom09:11
mazalIt's months now that everything goes wrong on Fridays09:11
mazalWithout me causing it I have to add09:12
kulelu88mazal: build failure? 09:12
mazalkulelu88, Something of everything. Corrupt OS's , virusses , id1ot's , broken cables09:12
* Cryterion hands mazal a 4pound hammer09:13
kulelu88mazal: 1 question, is there windows (especially XP) somewhere in the stack? 09:14
mazalThat sound like a good plan Cryterion09:14
mazalkulelu88, yeah , our whole network is Winbloze 709:14
Kilossomewhere i saw mate dev guys09:14
kulelu88I can't feel you any sympathy then mazal .09:17
kulelu88try complaining in #windows :P (joke :D )09:17
thatgraemeguyCryterion: what's the first line of the .run file look like?09:18
Squirmsuperfly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVjQoAf47BI09:18
kulelu88whoa even Squirm is running behind a proxy. you guys are dangerous :O09:19
Squirmkulelu88: ZNC09:19
SquirmShows me what I missed :)09:19
Cryterionthatgraemeguy, it's seems to be a processor thing, The RaspberryPi is ARM11 and not x8609:19
kulelu88your own pvt 1? Can I piggyback on it? Squirm 09:19
kulelu88that makes a lot of sense Cryterion . architectural issue09:20
Kiloshi Squirm 09:20
thatgraemeguyCryterion: I ask because .run files are typically self-extracting shell scripts of some form09:20
SquirmHeya Kilos09:20
Squirmand thatgraemeguy09:20
Squirmkulelu88: I'll see what I can do, no promises though :D09:20
thatgraemeguyso perhaps its shebang is referencing a non-existent executable, that would give you the same error message09:20
kulelu88joke joke Squirm :) aren't you overpaying for Linode though? 09:21
Kiloshi thatgraemeguy as well09:21
SquirmProbably. But I host my mail, about 5 email addresses. Not sure what else I could do for the same price09:22
Squirm+ I have the benefit of having a server09:22
Squirmfor when I need something09:22
SquirmIf it werent for the mail, I'd have an EC2 instance09:23
Cryterionthatgraemeguy, it's binary ".ELF......." the .'s have various Hex values09:23
thatgraemeguyah ok09:24
thatgraemeguyin that case "file filename.run" should tell you what arch it's built for09:24
Cryterionx86, but the raspberry is arm11, so looking to build that arch now09:26
kulelu88you paying $10 or $20? Squirm 09:27
magespawnKilos: is wolfeyes around?09:28
KilosCryterion check if there is a pi channel too09:28
Kiloshi magespawn he said he very busy since early but i can leave him a message for you09:29
magespawni have a finger print reader i need some more info on, message here or in the real world?09:29
Kiloson pidgin09:30
Kiloslemme see if he answers09:31
magespawnit is a sagem ma 10009:31
superflySquirm: nice!09:32
Squirmkulelu88: $1009:34
Squirmsuperfly: Yeah - Was there last night09:34
FusionSparcHey guys, question : I'm in the process of setting up a file server using Ubuntu  16.04 desktop... What is the difference between sambsa shares and publics folders? 09:56
paddatrapperFusionSparc: samba shares you can manage more granually and optionally provide access for Windows machines10:00
kulelu88hey chesedo . I will be back later to chat. thanks so much again.10:01
Kilosill shout when he answers magespawn 10:04
Kiloshi there superfly 10:04
Kilosmorning paddatrapper 10:05
paddatrapperHey Kilos10:05
Kiloswhen he gets a break magespawn ill get him here10:06
FusionSparcNoob questions  but thought I'd ask... Thought as much, samba seems more secure as well. 10:07
paddatrapperYeah. Pretty much if you are debating it, go Samba if you want permanent shares that can be accessed from a variety of OS's 10:09
magespawnty Kilos 10:17
magespawnKilos: not to much of a stress just looking for the software for the computer side10:18
magespawna friend is looking to host thier pastel database online to allow remote work, any suggestions for a hosting company that could do this?10:21
theblazehenmagespawn: So basically a windows remote desktop?11:29
anton_maymagespawn: I would rather go to Sage One Accounting. It's an online accounting portal instead putting the pastel db online.11:53
magespawnanton_may: that is what i thought would be best, but maybe the cost is too much 12:42
Kiloshi bushtech 12:43
magespawntheblazehen: preferably something that would allow the pastel on the computer to remotely connect to the pastel database12:43
Kilosmagespawn ian on his way i think12:44
magespawnthanks Kilos 12:44
bushtechHi Kilos, others12:45
magespawnpastel uses the pervasive database engine with postgresql i think12:45
Kilosjust helping him setup konverstion12:46
Kiloshe is working on a newly installed kubuntu magespawn 12:52
Kilosso im not sure what all needs doing12:52
magespawni am not sure either12:54
Kilosno man12:54
Kiloshe needs to install konversation etc etc12:55
Kiloshas done update/upgrade etc12:55
Kilosand it all happened over about a week, bit here and bit there13:00
anton_maymagespawn: well you need to compare the costs of Sage vs. devils box being hacked13:00
magespawnanton_may: that was my advice too, be carefulof security13:01
superflymagespawn: our company uses Xero13:01
anton_mayyip, I would rather then look at a VPN solution then13:01
superflymagespawn: Pastel doesn't use PostgreSQL13:02
superflythey do have some server solution thing, but that's probably way more than the elcheapo local version13:02
grembleGood afternoon13:06
paddatrapper60% packet loss at every point between me and Google.... 13:10
anton_mayouch isp?13:11
inetpropaddatrapper: move your desk :-)13:12
paddatrapperThough I'm getting 68% loss to my router (wifi).... Need to upgrade it 13:12
theblazehenpaddatrapper: Got a traceroute?13:13
paddatrappertheblazehen: running mtr 13:13
theblazehenAlso, up your laptops tx power13:13
theblazehen1 sec13:13
anton_maywell if you get a +60% drop to your router it does say something13:13
paddatrappertheblazehen: how would I do that? 13:14
theblazehenpaddatrapper: man iwconfig13:14
paddatrapperAlso suspect it has something to do with my wifi driver. Had the same issue under arch, but was fixed in an update that I suspect isn't in 14.0413:15
theblazehenGo back to arch ;)13:15
paddatrapperHaha. Can't set TX power, not supported 13:17
theblazehenpaddatrapper: What router?13:18
Kiloshey theblazehen i just got him onto kde13:18
theblazehenA netgear I hope?13:18
theblazehenKilos: nice13:18
paddatrappertheblazehen: D-Link (because I hate life lol)13:19
theblazehenpaddatrapper: Oh :( You can get root on netgears13:19
paddatrapperWired connection is much better, but still a bit shaky13:20
theblazehenUse a netgear as my wifi access point13:20
theblazehenBut a proper pc for the router13:20
paddatrapperI want to run DD-WRT/Open-WRT (can't remember which is the more active one off hand) and whatever I upgrade to13:21
Kilosmagespawn lost ian now again after modem died, maybe he gone working again13:22
theblazehenOpenWRT doesn't support adsl13:22
paddatrappertheblazehen: Current priority is a working home server. Then I'll work on internet facing side. I've got the wifi and network nice now (ignoring this issue), so one step at a time as I get the money13:22
theblazehenDon't think ddwrt either13:22
theblazehenand ddwrt isn't open source13:22
theblazehenpaddatrapper: Plans for the server? :)13:22
paddatrapperMainly media server and NAS. DNS as well 13:23
* theblazehen had one with 20TB storage and 32 GB ram13:23
* paddatrapper is very jealous13:23
* theblazehen needs to reinstall it after the raid died13:23
theblazehenBought 4x 5TB seagate drives in a raid 513:24
theblazehen2 disks failed in the first week13:24
paddatrapperThe entirety of my current "NAS" is a 2TB USB segate shared from one of the PCs and no backup set up... Got no money for anything else13:25
chesedoMaaz tell kulelu88 Here is the (long) summary of what changed and why (and some general tips) - https://hackmd.io/s/r1_L_G7z13:25
Maazchesedo: Got it, I'll tell kulelu88 on freenode13:25
anton_mayok peeps have a good w/e i'm out of here13:54
grembleCHeers anton_may 13:55
anton_mayAnonymous just tweeted - Dear #SouthAfrica we have still not forgotten #MarikanaMiners #ExpectUs #SAP was only the start #Anonymous - https://twitter.com/DomainerAnon/status/73112089747463372813:59
magespawnhome time chat later14:05
Kiloshi Wolfeyes 14:47
Wolfeyeshey Kilos14:53
Wolfeyesgood day everyone14:53
SquirmHome time15:01
SquirmHi Wolfeyes15:01
SquirmBye Wolfeyes15:01
Kiloscheersa Squirm 15:01
Squirmand Kilos15:01
Kilosfel free to visit again15:01
SquirmYeah - I should pop by more often15:01
SquirmJust lack of time15:01
Squirmand distration15:01
kulelu88that's an amazing write up chesedo . I can see you're already a solid software engineer with code and documentation :D15:06
Wolfeyeslol @ Squirm15:06
Wolfeyeswhere where where kulelu88, may I see too lol15:07
kulelu88Wolfeyes: https://hackmd.io/s/r1_L_G7z15:07
kulelu88superfly: say I have a complete alpha release of a piece of code I am happy with and I don't want to change it but keep improving the code, do I now "git" this code? 15:13
chesedolol ty kulelu8815:28
paddatrapperWell after about a week, I can say without a doubt that tlp has given me 30 minutes to an hour more battery life 16:07
theblazehenkulelu88: yeag16:25
gremblekulelu88, You gitted your code yet? 16:25
superflykulelu88: yes, put it into version control. I would start when I start writing code, not later. The sooner the better. 16:27
superflyIf you want to go with git, I recommend GitLab over Github. 16:29
superflyIt is free as in freedom as well as free as in beer. 16:29
superflyYou can also look at Bitbucket for both git and Mercurial 16:30
superfly(they've been around longer than Github and I trust them more) 16:31
kulelu88superfly: this code is open source, so it can stay on facebook for coders aka Github :P16:36
kulelu88I really wanted to try that other VCS you mentioned superfly . the simpler one 16:36
superflykulelu88: I'm taking about open source code 16:36
kulelu88yo gremble , you no longer the 'laaitie' here. lots of young ones lurking here :D16:37
superflykulelu88: bazaar? 16:37
kulelu88yeah, bazaar, thats it16:37
superflyLaunchpad.net is the only bzr hosting I know of 16:38
superflyGit can be simple if there's only one committer16:38
superflyAnd because Linus likes to email for patches around, apparently everyone must use git16:39
kulelu88the linus element is strong in why git got chosen over the others16:39
kulelu88probably why Go and Rust will win over Crystal and Nim16:40
superflyI got started with bzr long before git and hg were popular. In fact, at the time, bzr was probably the most popular 16:41
superflykulelu88: actually, BitKeeper was recently open sourced 16:41
kulelu88you making it sound like you were there when C version 0.01 was launched superfly :D16:42
superflykulelu88: almost :-P16:42
kulelu88Gogs is really interesting. apparently it can be run on a rPI16:42
superflykulelu88: I've used Subversion and CVS. tell any older dev that and they'll probably shudder 16:43
kulelu88time flies though. I've been using git for like 3/4 years on/off16:44
KilosLP gives you karma if you work there16:45
Kilosif you are a member of a loco that is16:45
theblazehen+1 for gogs in comparison to gitlab16:54
Kilosi go eat16:59
superflyAh yes, now I remember, the Github clone hosted on Github. How ironic. 17:16
superflyEven GitLab is hosted on GitLab 17:18
superflyMaaz: ur17:24
Maazsuperfly: Ur is the ancient Sumerian city that dominated Mesopotamia from 6000 BC to 600 BC.  If you mean "you are" or "your", just say so.17:24
magespawngood evening17:42
Kiloshi magespawn 17:46
Kiloslol ur17:46
Kilosinetpro find it please17:47
Kilosi forgot the switch for youtube-dl to get sound only17:47
Kilosanyone else is welcome to jump in as well17:48
Kilosdont let me waste data trying to find it17:49
Kilosmaybe -c17:49
magespawnnot to sure what you are looking for Kilos 17:49
Kilosyou download only the song magespawn not the vido17:50
Kilosi told pro17:50
paddatrapper-X I think17:50
Kilosand he is good at finding things17:50
magespawnusing what though? wget?17:50
inetproKilos: man youtube-dl17:51
Kilosso difficult using a laptop with only one drive17:51
magespawnnever heard of it17:51
paddatrapperyoutubedl -X 'URL'17:51
Kiloslol inetpro you know i battle with man17:52
Kilosbut ill look17:52
paddatrapperwill do it, but it is post-processing so will download both and then extract the audio17:52
Kiloswas a -c or -a17:52
KilosX doesnt look right17:52
paddatrapperKilos: -c means continue/resume17:53
Kiloson youtube -dl as well?17:53
Kilosi use -c on wget17:53
paddatrapper-a provides a input file of URLS17:54
paddatrapperI'm looking at youtube-dl docs17:54
Kilossomething with 140 as well17:54
paddatrapperhttps://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl has the docs I'm looking at17:54
inetpro-F, --list-formats17:54
inetpro              List all available formats of requested videos17:54
Kilosyoutube-dl -? 140 link17:54
inetpropaddatrapper: man youtube-dl17:55
paddatrapperNot on a Linux box at the moment. Internet is the best I can do17:56
Kilosmight be -x paddatrapper 17:58
Kilosso much reading17:58
paddatrapper-x, --extract-audio              Convert video files to audio-only files17:58
Kilosthats why i told pro, he members or finds thing easy17:58
Kilosthat must be it17:59
Kilosyour memory is good17:59
Kilospros big prob is he likes promoting man pages17:59
paddatrapperI just can google quickly :)17:59
theblazehenKilos: Man pages are great :)18:00
paddatrapperHaha. They are useful, but not when I don't have access to them18:00
theblazehenpaddatrapper: I hate it when the man command isn't available :(18:00
inetproKilos: -F, --list-formats18:00
Kilosonly useful thing i ever found and understood in man pages was -c for wget18:00
magespawnpaddatrapper: it is cross platform so you could install it there if youwanted18:00
inetproonce you know the formats you select the format to download with -f 18:01
magespawnthen it might have some version of hel[18:01
* Kilos hates trying to figure anythong out on man pages18:01
paddatrappermagespawn: I'm not usually on Windows, trying to figure out Linux commands18:01
* magespawn thinks that is Kilos' problem18:02
Kiloswhat magespawn 18:02
Kilosthats why when i find something that works i tell you guys18:02
Kilosso you can remember it for me18:03
Kilosnot tell me to sukkel in man bla bla18:03
inetproKilos: youtube-dl -F https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCYEDj69IRg18:05
inetprothen, select the format of your choice, e.g., youtube-dl -f 140 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCYEDj69IRg18:06
inetprosimple stuff man18:06
inetproit's all in the man pages18:06
Kilosyay ty inetpro so it was -f 14018:06
Kilosmight try 16018:07
Kilostrying to understand the diffs18:07
inetproKilos: it's not necessarily always 14018:07
inetproyou need to look at the output of -F18:07
Kilosi am atm18:07
Kilosbut so much there18:07
inetpropick and choose18:08
Kilosthats like telling someone to take your pick in a room full of shovels18:08
Kilosi remember te 140 always worked ok18:09
Kilosnot sure if 160 or others are better quality or what18:09
inetproremember, some of it is video only, if I understand that correctly, that means no sound18:10
magespawnso could end up with a sound file with nothing in it the length of the video18:11
Kilos140 has always worked ok so far , my ears arent that picky anymore18:11
magespawnwould be interesting if that happened18:11
Kilosbut my brat has a music ear so dont want the worst quality18:12
Kilosthank you for the help guys18:14
Kiloslook at this youtube-dl -f 160 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCYEDj69IRg18:17
Kilosdunno where that came from was in the download18:17
Kilosput wrong link18:18
inetproKilos: tie a knot in your handkerchief18:20
Kilos160mbrings vid and no audio18:20
inetproput a rubber band on your wrist to remember that 18:22
Kilos140 is the one to use18:22
magespawnhas anyone seen this https://is.gd/WNbf1418:23
Kilosno man its all the switch things all over the place that mix me up18:23
inetpromagespawn: never seen it18:25
Kilospaddatrapper its -f 14018:28
Kilosremeber that18:28
Kilospretty please18:29
paddatrapperKilos: I'll try18:29
magespawninetpro: just thought it might be interesting to those who use nginx18:38
Kilosbushtech_ hoekom so still18:56
Kilosek slaap amper18:56
bushtech_weet niks van die goed waaroor julle praat nie18:57
Kilosek ook nie18:57
bushtech_stil bek is 'n heel bek18:57
Kilosjy moet darem groet18:58
Kilosanders dink ek jy is miskien siek en kannie vra vir hulp nie18:58
bushtech_sit en wonder oor die forecast op my weerstasie18:58
Kilosai! 20 more hier18:59
bushtech_die deng seg ons gaan more 30mm reen kry18:59
Kilossjoe dis goed18:59
Kilosek hoop ons kry ook reen18:59
Kilosmaar dan gaan dit eers koud word18:59
bushtech_jy is nie baie ver van my af nie18:59
bushtech_wel sover lyk die winter meer na lente19:00
Kilosis dit net so drooog by julle19:00
Kilostot die vissies in die spruit spoeg stof uit hier19:01
bushtech_yep maar die laat reen het gehelp19:01
theblazehenI wish there was more time..19:02
bushtech_maar Vaalkopdam is 60% en somer reen nog ver19:02
Kilostell everyone how you feel about time in 40 years from now19:03
bushtech_heh heh yes19:03
Kilosja dinge lyk maar sleg19:03
theblazehenThis week flew past..19:03
Kilosevery years they go faster19:04
theblazehenFeels like just yesterday was sunday19:04
* theblazehen has 20+ hours of work to do over the weekend..19:04
* theblazehen is gonna get started19:04
bushtech_as long as you get paid for it19:04
theblazehenbushtech_: Very well :)19:04
Kilosthen make the most of your time19:05
bushtech_ok then the o/t never worried me19:05
theblazehenYeah. Would be nice if I had *some* free time though.. Although I did get dinner with friends during the week19:05
Kiloslook after your health as well19:06
* theblazehen isn't happy with how little work I've been doing past few weeks though :( Only been getting around 14 hours done / weekend for past 2 months19:06
bushtech_stuff the free time if you can retire early19:06
Kilosnot enough sleep aint good19:06
theblazehenYeah, I love sleep.. :(19:06
theblazehenhttp://www.wikihow.com/Adopt-a-Polyphasic-Sleep-Schedule want to try this19:07
theblazehenCan't though19:08
theblazehenWill just stick with normal little sleep19:08
paddatrapperThe problem is finding the time in the middle of the day19:12
theblazehenCould work if you worked from home19:13
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:14
Kilossee you tomorrow19:14
magespawntheblazehen: i seem to find the time for that every now and then19:39
theblazehenmagespawn: Normal sleep or the mid day slee[?19:39
theblazehenIt's so annoying..19:40
theblazehenMaybe I should have a bar one19:40
magespawnthe miday, so biphasic according to tthat article19:41
magespawnthe only problem with some of those more exterem patterns is having to maintain a normal work pattern/hours19:43
magespawnhaving said that i am off to bed, good night all19:46
chesedohi deegee21:01

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